Dad Camp Day 15

Story by TyrKangaroo on SoFurry

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#16 of Dad Camp

Elliot wakes up to find all the staff missing. Only Turbo is there, and he won't tell Elliot what's going on.

The lion soon finds himself doing things he's never done before.

Elliot found himself waking up with Jules and Jiro curled up against him on the ground of his tent. There were several others packed in there as well. Elliot wasn't quite sure how he got into this situation, but he surely didn't mind it. Elliot stretched himself out as he left the tent. Turbo was busy over the fires as he was making everyone sausage and eggs. Elliot looked around and only saw a handful of camp patrons stirring about. No counselors or anyone else that worked there was around.

Elliot approached Turbo, "Morning Turbo."

"Good morning Master Elliot," Turbo gave him a small bow as he turned back to the pan of eggs he was frying, "I have protein for you, and of course your morning coffee. Unfortunately, we only have some sugar for flavor. Cream is hard to hold when ice is not abundant."

"Oh, no worries," said Elliot as Turbo handed him a plate packed full of eggs and sausage, "Thank you."

The cheetah moved over to his coffee station to get Elliot a cup and dropped two sugar cubes in it, "Please let me know if you need anything else Master Elliot."

"Of course," Elliot nodded. He took the cup of coffee and set it down as he ate his food. He tossed his plate into the trash and sipped his coffee. It was rich and sweet enough. He was willing to suffer for the sake of camping, "So, where's the rest of your help?"

Turbo looked up at Elliot, "Not here."

Elliot pried a bit more, "I can see that. You surely can't be alone."

Turbo gave Elliot a knowing smile, "Do not underestimate me Master Elliot. When you are all fed, you will be informed." The cheetah went back to his cooking

Elliot nodded. Turbo surely did keep things short and to the point. The lion sat by as one by one the campers got served food. He smoked and chatted with a few of the guys as they all hung around. Apparently Turbo was going to tell them what was going on at ten. Once the cheetah had fed the last camper, he got on the megaphone, "Attention please. We will be convening in fifteen minutes in front of your counselors tents. Please report there for further instructions for today's event." With that, the cheetah disappeared to the tents.

The campers had gathered around the area of their counselors tents. Elliot found himself again arm in arm with Jules and Jiro as they all awaited the reappearance of Turbo. There were hushed whispers all around as people tried to guess what was going to happen. It could be anything.

Turbo emerged from one of the tents. He was dressed in what appeared to be white stockings, large leather boots, and a tunic. He was carrying with him what appeared to be a giant foam hammer. A hush washed over the crowd. Realization dawned on several of them as they knew what was about to go down and excited chatter started up.

Turbo raised his hands in the air with his hammer, "Silence, my masters!" The cheetah waited for everyone to calm down, "Today, you all become warriors, and wizards, and rangers. You must don your teams tabards and lead yourselves to victory. Out there, in the woods, one counselor from each cabin has been taken captive. You must infiltrate the prison, unlock the cell holding your captive, and lead them back down to the main lodge. Team Monster, you must save Prince. Team Beast, you must save Red. Team Inferno, you must save Pedro. Team Prowler, you must save Takeshi. Team Howler, you must save Harper. Inside each of these tents, your counselors have left you equipment to wear, a key, and instructions. Please follow the instructions and gear up. You have twenty minutes to leave before I start killing you. Your time starts now." The cheetah held up a stopwatch.

"I guess I'll see you guys later, "Elliot let Jules and Jiro go after giving them both big hugs.

The tent had several other foam weapons, some shields, a bunch of colored balls, bows and arrows, and costumes. Elliot stood at the back of the tent as Sven went over the instructions for them.

"Dear Beasts," Sven started, "We have left for you items for each class to be played in a typical LARP. If you are hit in your arm, that arm is gone. If you are hit in your leg, that leg is gone. If you lose at least two limbs, you are dead. If you are hit anywhere else on your body, you are dead. Note that if you are hit by a red, yellow, or black ball, you are instantly dead. If you are hit by a brown ball, you can no longer move for thirty seconds. Shields and monks can block all projectiles. If you die, please return to the main lodge. Please, do not cheat. Divide up each class between yourselves and work together as a team. Remember, the prize is huge. The opposite side of this sheet has a map to show where your prisoner has been taken to."

"So, who's gonna be who?" asked Allen as he sized everything up, finding a tabard that would fit him, "Awww, they left us jocks with cups. We're gonna need these."

"I call dibs on the rogue," said Sergei. One by one, they chose their roles. Elliot had no idea what to do for this. Each role also came with instructions on how to use them. Allen handed Elliot a giant shield and a longsword.

"Paladin Elliot," Allen grinned, "Don't let us down. I'll be the barbarian." The wolf swung around two longswords.

Javier took the ranger equipment. Sven the warrior. Luke the monk. Wilfred and Felix did rock, paper, scissors over the wizard and the druid as both wanted wizard. This left no one to be the cleric since they were a man short.

"Uhm," Allen sighed, "Do we need a cleric?"

"T...they can heal limbs," said Luke.

"Can't the paladin do that?" Wilfred asked.

"Well yeah, but only twice," said Allen, "Are you sure neither of you wants to be the cleric?"

"I think we'll be fine without it," said Felix as he pushed his glasses up his nose, "We'll just each take a buckler to help block shots."

"Felix," Allen grabbed the hedgehog by his shoulders, "You can't even dodge a donut let alone some sword wielding psycho."

Felix laughed, "That's why I'm a magic caster you dolt. I don't need to be in the heat of battle. That's your job."

"Ok, fine. We're wasting time," Allen shifted his tabard around before pulling it up and tying it around his waist like a belt so the yellow was at least representing which team he was on, "Ugh...I'm not gonna be able to fight wearing that damn thing. The jock I can handle, but no shirts..."

"Let's go friends, we've a meerkat to save." Sven put on a very commanding tone.

"Yeah, yeah," said Allen, "We better make a run for it too. Turbo is fast and dangerous."

The eight of them headed out of their tent. They all made brief stops at their own tents to pick up their packs. "Never know when we need a snack or drink," Felix told them. He was right, and the packs moved easily enough with their bodies. Once they were ready, Allen started to trot them down the trail much to the demise of Felix and Wilfred. The two of them were huffing and wheezing as they ran.

"Ok," said Allen as they slowed down, "Sven, where are we?"

"We're just north of the prison," said Sven as he looked over their map, "Do you think we should flank?"

"They'll be expecting us from all sides," said Allen, "Dukagjin is probably commanding the whole team of them."

"Full frontal assault then?" asked Wilfred.

"Lets get closer and study the situation," said Allen, "There's at least forty of us versus twenty of them. If we wait till one team gets in, we can probably follow behind them. They can't ward all of us off."

Elliot had never done anything like this in his life. He felt it was quite comical but very exciting to be a part of. He dabbled in tabletop roleplaying games before, but he never kept at it. This was that but on a whole different scale. The lion was just following their lead.

"Should we split up?" Felix suggested.

"That could be dangerous," said Allen.

"There'd be more teams coming in from different angles," said Felix, "We can overtake them from more sides. They surely can't stop all of us."

"Who has the key?" Allen asked.

"I do," said Sven.

"Give it to Elliot," said the wolf.

"Why's that?" Sven narrowed his eyes.

"Look, trust me," said Allen, "We break into two teams, and we let Elliot walk solo down the middle. We'll assault from two directions, and while the attention is on us, our beast with the shield can charge in and chop some limbs off on his way to the prison. If he can at least get the gate open before dying, it'll leave us a little room to work with and pull Red out of there."

"You're sacrificing me?" Elliot interjected, "Don't I get a say?"

"You got a better plan?" Allen asked.

"Lets just see what we're going up against," said Elliot, "Then we can figure it out."

An arrow from nowhere nailed Allen square in the chest. "Fuck..."said Allen.

"Run!" shouted Sven as he led the group out into the woods. Another arrow let off from up in the trees. This one nailed Wilfred in the back and the donkey sighed in relief as he got to stop running.

Luke looked around to see who was firing, "'s Benji!"

"Damnit," Sven huffed, "That's the last thing we need. That bastard is the tree champ."

"Split up," Elliot shouted at them, "Let him go after a few of us."

"Go then," said Sven as he stopped and spun around, charging right under Benji. The monkey fired down at him but missed. He paused for a second and took off after the slowest of their group. Felix was trekking along as fast as he could behind Luke and Javier. The hedgehog let out a squeal as he got nailed in his ass.

Javier skidded to a halt and nocked an arrow. Benji hid behind one of the trees. The gazelle didn't ease up as he kept his aim up where he last saw the monkey.

"Give it up Benji," Javier shouted, "You can't get us."

Luke approached the tree. He looked up it's branches. He couldn't see Benji anywhere. Luke started to run. Once he passed Javier, the gazelle dropped his aim and took off with the rat. Meanwhile, Elliot was running along with Sergei. The fox kept pace with him pretty well considering how much shorter he was. His running was also silent. Elliot figured that must be why he wanted to be the rogue.

"I think we've lost him," the fox looked over his shoulder.

"I think we're lost," said Elliot as he stopped and bent over, panting a bit, "Do you know where we are?"

The fox looked around and started sniffing at the air and his ears swiveled about, "Hmm... I think I can hear the waterfall. The prison was just east of the large waterfall. We can head in from there. We also need to figure out where Sven went."

"Yeah," said Elliot, "We need the key."

Sergei led Elliot down to the river. The both of them started the trek through the trees. Sergei spotted two guys next to the waterfall where Elliot spent his first days. The two of them ducked low and made their approach alongside the river. Sergei held a finger up to his lips as he quietly made his way up the side of the ravine. The fox slowly made his way back down to Elliot.

"It's Angelo and Jean-Luc," he whispered, "If you go back and come up the trail, I can get the drop on them from behind. Just keep your shield up. Angelo has a bow and arrow. Jean-Luc just has two swords."

Elliot nodded as him and the fox separated. The lion turned up into the trail and made his approach. He held his shield up. He really didn't know if he was even using it right. Sure enough though, Angelo greeted him with an arrow.

"Aww, Elliot, come on," Angelo called out, "Put your shield down and we'll go easy on you."

The coyote next to him spun his swords around and charged at Elliot. Sergei popped up from behind and chucked his throwing daggers into Jean-Luc's back. Angelo turned to shoot at him but the fox stabbed him right in the chest. Angelo laughed.

"Aw man," Angelo shook his head, "We shoulda known better."

"Better luck next time," Sergei grinned as he swatted Angelo on his ass.

The leopard giggled, "Where's the rest of your team?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Elliot stuck his tongue out.

"Careful where you put that tongue," Angelo teased, "Hopefully they're not all dead already. We're just the scouts. The heavy boys are waiting for the rest of you."

"We had a feeling," said Sergei, "Speaking of, we should get a move on."

Angelo and Jean-Luc started to walk in the direction they were heading. Elliot and Sergei decided to spread themselves away from them after crossing over a bridge. They ducked and turned through the trees. The lion was relying on the fox to lead him in the right direction. The sound of shouting could be heard in the distance. The two of them stopped short of an open field, peering out through the trees.

Dukagjin, Jeigor, and Brett were plowing through a team of rescuers. Elliot had never seen such a slaughter. Pseudo slaughter at least, with giant foam weapons. The team started their walk of defeat. All six of them were out and proved no match against them. Dukagjin, Jeigor, and Brett high fived as they went back to the prison.

The prison was set up in the middle of the field. There were five cages. Those must be the cell walls Elliot had heard about. Within each one were the captives. No one had yet successfully gotten to one of the cages.

"Come on," said Elliot, "Lets get closer."

"Are you nuts?" Sergei grabbed the lions arm, "They'll obliterate us."

"Better than sitting here," said Elliot.

The fox and lion kept low in the grass as they made their way across the field. Another group came down from the mountain. This time several different teams and from different directions. This split the three big fighters up.

"Now's our chance," said Elliot as he stood up and ran towards the prison.

As they approached the cells, Elliot took note they were heavily guarded. A rhino, Ennis, with a large lance was marching in front of the cells, and a grizzly bear, named Tonk, was marching along the other side with the same weapon. An arrow whizzed from nowhere and nailed Tonk. From out of the woods rushed a yak and bull at full force towards the rhino.

Some archers rose from the grass and shot at the charging yak and bull. Ennis panicked as he ran away from his post. Dirk stopped at the cell holding Prince the panther while Bram continued the pursuit of Ennis. The bull yanked the cell open and threw Prince over his shoulder as the rest of his team charged out of the woods to go take out the archers and a rapidly approaching boar. Dukagjin was fast for such a big guy.

Elliot couldn't help but feel sorry for the guys that boar hit. He wasn't a light swinger. Elliot and Sergei ran into the fray. The tiny fox leapt up onto the boars back and started stabbing him over and over.

"Die you monster!" the fox shouted.

Dukagjin let out a hearty laugh, "Alright, alright, you got me!"

Sergei leapt off, "Damn right."

Elliot leapt to Sergei's rescue as Brett came charging in to take out the fox. Brett chuckled as the sound of his sword resonated off of Elliots shield. Brett started to circle around Elliot and his shield.

"Sergei," said Elliot, "Find Sven and save Red."

The fox nodded and took off.

"Come Elliot," Brett grinned as he swung his two longswords around, "You wouldn't hurt me, would you?"

"The blowjob wasn't that good," Elliot teased him.

"Ouch," Brett laughed. The wolf spun around and swung his swords. One high, one low. Elliot jumped back with his shield up. The wolf then started swinging wildly at him. The lion tried to swing his sword into the flurry. Brett was too fast.

"Come on," the wolf laughed as he backed away, Brett was obviously teasing Elliot, "Let me nail you. I know you'll like it."

"Stop by my cabin later?" Elliot teased back.

The wolf blushed from his answer, "Oh? Now you're not so hesitant? Got a taste of what I can do and you want more?"

"Pretty sure you haven't gotten the taste of me out of your mouth," Elliot shot back.

Brett wagged his tail and grinned, "I'll be sure to stop by later. After we clean all this up that is," The wolf bounced one direction and immediately switched it up as he wrapped his arm over Elliots shield. The sound of his sword slapping the lions back left Elliot disappointed.

Brett pulled Elliot to him and gave him a kiss, "And that's a promise. Now get goin' dead meat."

Elliot shook his head with a chuckle, "I'll see you soon." Elliot wandered off. He hooked the straps of his pack around the shields handles and hung the sword from it. He looked back over his shoulder to see Sven and Sergei taking off with Red. He hoped they'd make it back before Dirk and Prince.

The lion found his way back to the riverside trail and made his trek down the mountain. He knew this was going to be a very long way back. Some ways down the trail he found a very distraught bull. Pascal and Chew Toy were standing there talking with Prince and Dirk.

"Elliot!" Pascal pranced up to him, "Did you get beaten baby?" The wolf hugged the lion.

"Yeah, lovers quarrel with Brett," the lion laughed.

"Aww, well, we beat up Dirk boy here," Pascal wagged his tail, "One of his teammates needs to hopefully stop by, but from what he said, they all charged the field."

"Well, our team has Red," said Elliot, "Hopefully they make it back."

"I hope so," said Pascal, "But I'm gonna have to go kill them. Chew Toy, come boy. We have new victims approaching."

Dirk joined Elliot on his walk back down the trail, "Good to see you again Elliot."

"A pleasure Dirk," said Elliot.

"I knew Zahirs plan was a little too much," Dirk chuckled, "I needed assistance here for that fight. Those two wolves danced around me like maniacs. And of course, Prince had to be the damsel in distress."

"Yeah, I charged in at the field after you got him free," said Elliot, "I don't know how many of them survived."

"Probably none," the bull chuckled and shook his head, "That's alright though. We've been to the luxury cabin plenty of times. There's always other opportunities too."

"Yeah, but once you get a taste of it," Elliot chuckled, "I also don't think I enjoyed myself properly when I was up there."

"Oh yeah," said Dirk, "I forgot you were a chosen one."

Elliot snorted, and made a mocking tone, "I am the chosen one."

"Is that all you got sorcerer?!" Dirk made an angry face.

"Haha, oh man," said Elliot, "I thought I was the only person that liked that movie."

"The acting and combat were so cheesy, it's worth watching a couple hundred times," Dirk laughed, "I remember spending hours in the arcade trying to beat the damn game."

"There's a game?!" Elliot acted surprised.

Dirk pushed him, "Harhar, my favorite will always be the trilogy version."

"I agree," said Elliot, "They've not been the same since."

"You didn't strike me as a gamer guy," said Dirk.

"I dabble in the older systems," said Elliot, "I have no idea what's going on with all these new systems. I don't think I've bought a new console since ninety-seven."

"Aw man," Dirk laughed, "You are missing out! Even your boyfriend has been a part of some amazing games. You need to upgrade when you get home."

"Oh yeah," said Elliot, "I should probably ask him about the games he's worked on. And he's not my boyfriend..."

"Yet," Dirk winked at the lion.

Elliot blushed, "We'll see. I don't want to rush anything."

"You still need to get in Zahir," the bull teased.

Elliot sighed, "I swear. I'm gonna be dry when I leave this place."

"Oh?" Dirk smirked over at the lion, "That's a different tone. Did you suddenly have an epiphany of lust?"

"Something like that," said Elliot, "I think I just need to stop caring and worrying all the time. I'm not going to get anywhere in life if I keep shutting myself out from everyone."

Dirk nodded, "Well, I do hope it works out for you Elliot. Maybe you'll find yourself. Sometimes it takes great sacrifice of oneself to discover new things you've never known you needed or wanted. I can tell you, when I first came here, I did not expect to lay in bed with a man. Hell, I had two kids with my ex. I came here to explore the mountains and to see if I could find any cool rocks. Instead, I found a charming cheetah that made me change my mind about a lot of things. It seems you have friends that are changing your mind about a lot of things too. It's interesting the sort of stuff that can happen here."

"So, this is normal?" Elliot asked.

"I guess so," said Dirk, "I haven't minded it one bit. I have the time of my life when I'm here. Plenty of fun, games and activities, an abundance of friends, and tons of guys who love me for me and want to hold me."

Elliot chuckled, "You've just described my time here. I suppose I've been a bit of a stick in the mud. Not anymore though. I really want to open up. Just gotta mentally prepare myself."

"I can get you to open up," Dirk teased.

Elliot blushed, "I'm still gonna have a hard time getting used to all the lust filled words that come my way."

"I can come your way," Dirk chuckled.

Elliot shook his head, "Maybe later." The lion stuck his tongue out. The two of them started to move a bit faster as it started to rain again. The main cabin came into view. Elliot sighed with relief as he was ready to sit down and relax. There was a large banner that read "finish" in front of the lodge facing the trails. Elric was sitting there with some already returned competitors under a large canopy. He was sharing cheese and wine with them.

The ram stood up and ushered them over to the canopy, "Dirk! Elliot! Come! Join us, please. Have a seat. Have some cheese. I'm almost out of wine, but I'm sure we can get some more. I don't really know where it's stored. Turbo usually gets it for me... I found this one in the kitchen though!"

Elliot chuckled, "I think water is plenty for now."

"Come, sit, while we wait for our winner!" Elric plopped back down into his chair, "I expected you big fellas to last longer. I guess brute strength isn't all it takes on the field of battle. I wished I could have stayed and watched, but alas, I needed to see who the winners are. I expect we'll have one soon!"

One by one competitors returned to the camp dead, wet, and empty handed. The entire Prowler team had returned, and there were only a handful of the other teams still out there somewhere. A group of counselors and others came running down the mountainside and took position in front of the finish line. Pascal, Brett, Turbo, Benji, Jeigor, and a weasel Elliot hadn't met were spread out as they waited.

Elliot was happy to see that Sven, Luke, Sergei, and Javier had yet to return. Half of Dirks team hadn't returned yet either. The lion was surprised considering the rough reception they got at the prison. The whole lot of the rescue teams started to emerge from the forestline. They were all separated into five groups as they sized up the wall of reinforcements that waited for them.

The weasel and Benji started to fire arrows at a rapid rate as the crowd rushed at them. Javier returned fire as the only archer left on any of the rescue teams. The three of them soon were scrambling for the loose arrows all over the field as they ran out of their supply. Pascal, Brett, and Jeigor were pummeling anyone down that got anywhere near the finish line.

Sven had Red hanging off his back as he readied his weapons. Luke was standing next to him at the ready. Sergei was nowhere to be seen. The snow leopard and rat started to run towards the finish line.

Turbo and Pascal turned to intersect. The cheetah swung his hammer wide. Luke skidded down onto his knees and slid across the muddy ground as he swung his staff up to land a blow against Turbos back with a very wet slap. Sven slid over the ground as he rapidly changed his direction to get away from Pascal.

The wolf pursued him as Luke got back up to his feet to chase after Pascal. Sven panicked as Jeigor appeared in front of him. The snow leopard lost his footing as he skidded across the mud. Red let go before Sven fell onto his ass. Jeigor chopped off Svens limbs. Pascal skidded to a stop as he turned around to face Luke now.

The wolf was too slow as the rat jammed his staff full on into his chest. Pascal actually looked winded as he slipped on the mud and landed onto his back. Luke wound up as he zoomed by the wolf and swung his staff around and around at Jeigor. The dragon was bouncing back as he tried to swing his way into the whirling of Luke's staff.

Sergei came running from the woods and grabbed Red. The meerkat started to run

Towards the finish line with the fox. Sergei ducked a greeting of arrows as he pulled the meerkat along. The fox let out a yelp as Brett made great strides from behind and took the fox out. Luke stopped teasing Jeigor with his staff and ran off towards Red.

The dragon did not pursue as two new groups were heading in as all fighters were distracted. Brett towered over Red as Luke approached. The wolf was ready to not let Luke grab the meerkat. The rat batted away two arrows shot his way. The archers quickly realizing he had the advantage of a monk started to fire off into the crowds Jeigor was beating away.

There was a panic across the field as Chew Toy and Sean came from hiding out in the woods. The two Guardians came in behind the crowds and started to chop through everyone. Luke was doing his best to try and overtake Brett as they danced around Red. The meerkat had taken to ducking and covering his head as the two of them swung back and forth. Brett had an advantage with two swords, but Luke had speed. The wolf was throwing a flurry of shots at the rat as he kept backing up and circling around. Luke was trying his best to find an opening.

There was cheering bursting from the sidelines as onlookers watched on. A new approach was made. A naked coyote with his tabard wrapped around his head was running hand in hand with a wolf. Keller was screaming his head off as he ran with a sword taller than him. Swinging out at anyone that got in his way. Pedro the wolf was quite amused as the coyote ran off with him towards the finish line.

Brett circled around Luke and ran at the coyote. The wolf swung wide with both swords at the coyote. Keller leapt up between the two blades and slashed the wolf across his gut. Keller landed with a splat into the mud. Luke picked up Red and ran towards the finish line. Jeigor was there to greet him yet again.

The rat let out a frustrated sigh as he readied himself. Keller had gotten back up to his feet and rushed in with Pedro. Jeigor had taken up the whole finish line and blocked him. The silver dragon looked quite menacing in the rain as he had spread his wings out. His sword was at the ready as he stared both Luke and Keller down. Two of the smallest campers against one of the most giant of counselors.

Luke and Keller exchanged glances. Neither of them was ready to make a move against the dragon. Jeigor started laughing as he moved towards the both of them. The dragon swung his sword at them. Keller swung his londsword around at the dragons legs as Luke went high with his staff. Jeigor was quick to react as he swung back the other way. His sword clipped Luke and whizzed over the coyotes head.

Keller was now on his own as Luke knelt down. The rat looked exhausted and quite defeated as he soaked in the rain. Javier not knowing Luke had fallen shot Jeigor from across the field as he tried to make his way towards them. Keller grabbed Pedro and tugged the wolf across the finish line as Jeigor drooped his wings. Despite Keller being his own, the dragon was ready to kill him.

There were cheers and applause as Keller and Pedro hopped around in a circle. "WE WON!" Keller shouted over and over as the two of them danced around. Jeigor let out a sigh up to the sky as he too was happy they won and joined them in celebrating. The dragon picked both of them up and showed them off so everyone could see the champions.

Fanfare started to sound throughout the camp on the PA system. The crowd gathered around Keller to congratulate him. The coyote was enjoying all the attention. He was quite proud of himself. Allen was on the ground with Luke. The two of them were hugging as the wolf consoled him and told him what a great job he did. The wolf got him to cheer up after a few minutes.

The two of them got up and approached Elliot, "S...sorry El. I was so c...close."

Elliot chuckled, "It's ok. We'll just win the next one."

"Damn right," Allen grinned, "I should be the one ashamed. I was the first on our team to die! I missed out on one helluva battle."

"W...we had a r...rough time getting out of the p...prison," said Luke, "Brett w...was out of c...control. He chased us f...for about a m...mile before up pursuit. The r...rain made it worse. T...there were archers w...waiting for us d...down the trail and it's hard to s...see t...those arrows fly."

"You did good babe!" the wolf wrapped him up into a very wet hug.

Elric got onto the PA system, "Attention campers! Congratulations to team Inferno!" There were cheers, howls, and applause. The ram waited for it to die down. "That being said, all my handsome worker boys, time to return up the mountain to clean things up. If any of you feel like volunteering, there's a lot of things to break down and clean up. The rest of you, go take a bath! You're such a muddy mess," the ram laughed as more cheers and howls roared out.

Allen, Luke, and Elliot did in fact volunteer along with most of the camp. Everyone seemed willing to help out after such a long and rough day of battle. The best part was they got brought back up the mountain by truck. Elliot and Luke got assigned to take down some tents, while Allen was carted away for his muscles to break down the prison. Elliot flexed after Allen as he was taken away by Pascal.

"Don't worry Elliot, we'll use your muscles later," Pascal winked at him.

The lion shook his head as they left. Him and Luke broke down several tents. The lion found it therapeutic. He loved taking things apart and putting them back to together. The only downer to this? He wouldn't get to put it back together.

Luke broke down the poles while Elliot figured out a way to fold the canvasses back up. The two of them conversed over the days happenings. Elliot wished he'd gotten to stick around longer, but he found out he was a pretty good distraction since he held Brett up.

"S...Sven managed to g...get Red up the mountain b...before Brett could get him," said Luke, "T...that's when the started."

Elliot chuckled, "I'm surprised how determined all of them were to try and not let someone win. I'm sure if Javier hadn't nailed Jeigor when he did, no one would have won."

Luke nodded, "Y...yeah. W...we definitely wouldn't have a w...winner if D...Duk was d...down there. He always r...runs the m...medieval events. He's a b...brutal fighter."

"Sergei fortunately got the drop on him from behind," said Elliot, "He probably thought Brett was still close by to watch his back. That damn wolf took me out though. I have zero sword skills."

Luke laughed, "W...we can g...get you trained for next time."

"You did quite well," said Elliot.

" knees hurt like hell," Luke strained as he popped some poles apart, "I...I'm gonna need some after t...this."

"Maybe we can all just lay in bed and die together," Elliot said.

"S...sounds good to," said Luke.

After an hours effort, the two of them managed to break down three of the tents. A few stayed behind to pack everything together as the rest of them loaded back up into the trucks. The rain hadn't let up the whole time. All of them were soaked, muddy, and exhausted. Luke and Elliot regrouped with Allen back down at the main lodge. The three of them retreated to the bath house.

The large center bath was popular right now. Everyone had simply given up on standing anymore. They joined into the mass of bodies in the bath. Luke blushed as he found himself sitting between Allen and Elliot. The three of them bathed and cleaned themselves off. The perfumed bubbly water didn't survive long as it turned a murky brown. This didn't stop anyone from just sitting there and enjoying all the company. The days event certainly gave them all something to talk about.

Keller was certainly getting all sorts of attention. His team was showering him in affection for having actually survived as the last man standing on their team and snagging them the victory. The coyote was drinking it all in with a broad grin over his muzzle. Elliot was happy for him. And for the rest of his friends that get to go with him to the luxury cabin.

Allen squeezed Elliot on the knee, "You ready to pop out El?"

Elliot jumped from the squeeze not realizing who'd done it at first, "Oh...yeah! Sure thing. I can totally use a bed right now."

Allen, Luke, and Elliot absconded to their cabin once they got themselves dry. They abandoned their tabards and packs on the floor of their cabin as they all flopped down onto Elliots bed. Elliot stretched his legs out as his feet dangled over the edge of his bed.

"Oooh....maaannnn," Elliot roared out as he outstretched everything. The lion was pretty sure he pulled something, but he'd just have to worry about that later when he feels like getting up. The lion looked over at Allen and Luke. The two of them grinned at him. "What?" Elliot chuckled.

"We were just thinking about what you said," said Allen, "And we were thinking maybe we could, well, you know."

"Oh?" Elliot blushed, "Now?"

Luke blushed as well, "O...only if you w...want..."

Elliot laughed, "I...uh..Well, I'm a bit sore..."

Allen smirked, "Well, you can just lay there and let us do all the work."

Elliots ears burned. He should have known he couldn't weasel his way out of it. Both of them seem to have some ungodly stamina considering the amount of fucking they do. "Well, I..." Elliot huffed, "I suppose we can... It's just been awhile since I've gone all the way."

Allens tail wagged rapidly, "Really? You're down?"

Elliot raised an eyebrow, "Really? You're going to question this? The one time I say yes, and you're not diving on the opportunity immediately? I think I'll change my mind now."

"Noooo!" Allen leapt over Luke to grab at Elliots mane, "Don't do that! You said!"

Elliot swallowed and gave the wolfs lips a gentle kiss. Allen blushed. The wolf pushed Elliot down onto the bed and smirked over at Luke. The rat blushed as he scooted closer to them. " do we w...want to do this?" Luke asked.

Allen rubbed a hand along Elliots gut, causing the lion to chuckle a bit as he was a little ticklish, "Mmm, I was thinking I could ride the lion. I'd suggest you hitting him from behind, but you're a little big."

Elliot lowered his ears, "Oh, yeah... I think I'd need some practice before that would happen. I'd like to, but yeah..."

Luke smirked, "It's ok El. I underst...stand. I...I'm a little g...girthy and long."

"Oh!" Allen wagged his tail as he straddled himself over Elliot, this caused the lion to get turned on a bit as the wolf was already rock hard, his cock laying over the lions gut, "I'll ride him, you suck me, and he sucks you!"

Elliot laughed, "This sounds complicated now."

"Naw," the wolf wiggled his rump over Elliots stiffening length, "It's perfect."

Elliot blushed as Allen leaned down and gave him a kiss. The lion huffed as he rubbed his paws up against the wolfs broad chest. The lion was convinced. If he wasn't, his dick was betraying him as it was throbbing up against the wolfs well toned backside. He shivered a bit as a bead of pre rolled down his length as the cabins ac breezed across his loins.

"Let's take this a little slow?" Elliot chuckled as he pulled his knees up, giving the wolf a better seat.

Allen grinned as he reached a hand down. He pulled on Elliots prick as he lined his pucker up over the glistening tip. The lions barbs may be malleable, but the wolf knew he was going to get hit by the tingling sensations of them tickling against his inner walls.

"We'll go step by step babe," the wolf huffed as he pressed his weight down. Allens face twisted into one of pleasure as he felt the barbs slip past his ring. The wolf started to pant as he slowly edged his way down. Rocking his hips back and forth as he went. He was doing his best to get over the sensation of those thick barbs teasing against his silky depths. Elliot squeezed his hands firmly against the wolfs thighs as he watched him work all of his length in.

"Whoa...shit.."the lion chuckled as he felt amazing, and the wolf felt incredible wrapped up around his prick.

" alright El?" Luke asked as he leaned over to rub a hand against the lions chest.

"Y...yeah," Elliot could only grin stupidly. The lion pushed his hips up, wanting more. The wolf chuckled as he reached down and picked up Luke. The rat chuckled as the wolf straddled him over Elliots gut. The lion blushed as the wolf started making out with Luke as he started to rock his hips back and forth. The lion swore as he grasped his hands around the rats hips. He found he was really turned on by this.

Elliot blushed as Luke raised his hips up and leaned over his gut. The rat pushed a hand between his legs to move his cock back. Elliot had a face full of his ass and prick. The lion groaned from the wolf's ride as he wrapped a hand up around Lukes massive pole. He took a deep breath as he pulled the rats cock into his maw. At first he wasn't sure what to do, but the rat raised himself up a bit and started to thrust into the lion's maw. Elliot just concentrated on not letting it scrape over any teeth. His large canines grazed the sides of the thick meat as it pumped down on his tongue.

The lion could only blush as he held the rats hips up now, letting him control how much of his cock went into his maw. Luke was careful to only give him about half his length, which bumped against the back of the lions throat. Elliot did his best to not choke as he started to suckle along the length. Enjoying the motions from both rat and wolf. Once Luke had himself in a rhythm, he grabbed behind Allens knot and started to suck the wolf down.

The wolf moaned out lovingly as he was getting both sides of him serviced. His hips started to ride harder against Elliot. The lion couldn't believe he was doing this with the two of them, but he was enjoying every minute. The lion started to thrust his hips up to meet against the wolfs firm rump. This made Allen make some new noises of pleasure. For being such a huge muscle dude, he sure made a lot of noise.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" the wolf moaned out. He started to ride harder as he gave Luke a mouthful of meat. The rat took the face fucking like a champ. Elliot was really enjoying the heat of Luke's cock as it pumped against the back of his throat. The lion dared to take more as he pushed his head up. His eyes watered but he suckled and moaned around Lukes shaft as best he could. He was so overstimulated and turned on by this whole situation that he didn't want it to end. His cock begged to differ.

The lion started to moan out loudly as the wolf road him hard. Allen took notice and he started to pop his hips down harder. Elliot groaned around the rats cock as the wolf took his cock from tip to base with each drop down. With great effort, Elliot thrust up as hard as he could. He almost choked on Luke's cock as he yelled out around the prick.

He felt the rise of his seed release from his shaft. His barbs flexed out as he bucked up under the wolf. Allen was forcibly shoving down as he squeezed his walls around Elliots prick. The wolf was panting heavily as he enjoyed the blast of heat deep within his ass. The wolf sat back onto the lions cock to keep it buried as he started to help Luke suck him off.

"Fuck yeah, oh damn," the wolf huffed out as he held around the rats head. Allen guided the rat along his length as he made him choke down every inch. Luke did not mind at all as he deep throated his lover. He started to thrust down Elliots moaning maw now that the wolf had settled in and wasn't making him bounce around. The rat concentrated more on face fucking Elliot than he did on sucking Allens cock. The wolf was doing that work for him.

Allen let out a deep sigh as he started to shoot his load into the back of Luke's throat. The rat laid down against Elliots gut as he hugged his arms around the wolf. He was moaning out quite lovingly as he drank down the hot rush of wolf cum. The rat lifted his hips up high and shoved down hard against Elliots throat. This time causing him to gag a bit. The clenching of the lions throat over his cock was enough for him as he pulled his hips back up rapidly.

Luke let out a happy moan of relief around Allens cock as he released. He kept his mouth full of the wolfs cock as he blasted a terribly large amount of seed over Elliots tongue. At first Elliot was dazed from the forced deep throating, and then surprised from the hot salty taste of cum blasting over his taste buds. At first he wasn't impressed with the flavor, but as he sat there and suckled on Luke's cock as the rat kept shooting, he found himself loving the taste.

The lion started to gulp down the load. He'd never have imagined doing this yesterday, but yet here he was. He was loving it. So many different sensations. He couldn't believe what he just partook in. Every minute was amazing. He gasped for air as Luke pulled himself up. The rat slowly slid his cock over Elliots chest as he turned himself around.

Elliot gasped as the rat was upon him. Their lips connected. The lion instinctively wrapped his arms up around the rat. Luke had his arms around the lion's head as they made out. Allen chuckled as he laid over Luke's back, "Hehe, you naughty boys. I better get some smoochins too."

Elliot huffed out as Luke broke the kiss. "Wow..." was all the lion could say. Luke grinned as he rubbed his hands over the lions pierced nipples, " indeed..." The rat and lion laughed as Allen leaned all his weight down and hugged around them both. Elliot gasped as he felt his cock slip free of the wolfs hole. Allens face contorted into the look of pleasure as the barbs tingled all the way out.

"Mmm, my boys," the wolf chuckled.

Elliot huffed, "That was..."

"G...great?" Luke chuckled as he slid off of the lion.

"Yeah..." Elliot huffed again.

Allen leaned down and gave Elliot a very wet kiss, "Mmm, man. If you keep this up, you're gonna have a very good rest of your time here."

Elliot chuckled as he shakily sat up on his elbows. He looked down and blushed. His belly was soaked with fluids as the wolf's cock was still pulsing and dribbling over him. The lion let out a sigh and laid back down.

"I think I can handle that," Elliot laughed.

"Maybe we can do a little something more next time," Allen grinned as he dismounted to stand up and stretch.

"Oh?" Elliot was curious.

The wolf rubbed a hand between the lions legs, "Give you a rimjob and show you what a knot feels like." Allen winked down at him.

Elliot blushed, "S...sure... We can give it a shot."

Allen leaned over the lion and gave him a tight hug, "You just let us know if it's too much El. Don't wanna push you."

Elliot sat up and pulled Allen and Luke against him. He squeezed them both tightly, "I think I'm alright with you two."

Allen grabbed a towel to clean everyone off, "We're more than alright with you Elliot." The wolf grinned as he wiped the lions crotch clean. Elliot blushed and huffed as he was still sensitive. The wolf dabbed him dry and leaned down to give the tip of his cock a lick. The lion let out a sharp exhale.

There was a light knock on the door. Allen cleaned his backside as he went over to answer it. He dropped the towel on the floor and pulled the door open. "Oh, hey Brett!" Allen wagged his tail.

"Hey Allen!" Brett laughed as he looked down and tugged on Allens cock, "Nice rocket."

Allen chuckled, "What can we do for you?"

"I promised a certain lion I would be dropping in," Brett grinned.

"Well, he's all yours," Allen smirked as he let Brett in.

The gray wolf grinned broadly, "What have you naughty boys been up to?" He looked over the three naked studs before him now. The cabin obviously smelled of sex.

"J...just took El on a w...wild ride," Luke laughed.

Elliot blushed as he bashfully responded, "Yeah."

"Guess it's my turn," Brett grinned as he lifted his shirt off.

"Oh man," Elliot laughed now, "What've I gotten myself into?"

"You boys want some privacy?" Allen snickered.

"I don't think I have another round in me," Elliot confessed.

"Fine by me," said Brett as he dropped his shorts down, "If it's ok, I just want to spend time with you. Sex is just that special icing. I want the whole cake."

Elliot laughed as the gray wolf rubbed his paws over the lions gut. "I'm a cake now, huh?" Elliot grinned.

"The best kind of cake," Brett chuckled. Luke scooted out of the way and the wolf flopped down next to the lion. Allen came over and sat down next to Luke, squeezing the rat between him and Brett. Luke blushed as he looked like he was in heaven again.

Elliot could feel his ears burn red as he turned to face the three of them, "How'd I get into this situation?"

"Cause you finally stopped being a nerd," said Allen as he nuzzled over Luke.

Brett laughed, "However it happened, I'm glad. I had been hoping you'd let loose sooner than later." The wolf rubbed a hand over Elliots cheek and smiled broadly, "You're too handsome of a guy to let go to waste."

Elliot chuckled, "A cake is a terrible thing to waste."

"A hot delicious cake," Brett pushed his lips against Elliots.

The lion let out a soft sigh. He found himself getting wrapped up in the wolfs arms as they made out. Elliot felt a little embarrassed as Luke and Allen were watching. The lion couldn't find himself escaping any of this. He had to learn to be ok with it. He instead concentrated on making out with Brett. The wolf was so eager for it and Elliot would not be one to tell him no.

The four of them embraced the company of each other for the rest of the night. All of them talking nonsense and being flirty. Eventually they all drifted off to sleep. Elliot had himself a bed full of men he'd started becoming close to. The lion thought this must be the way for himself to enjoy his time. It may feel rushed but they now had less than two weeks before their time at camp was over. The lion felt more than ready to share his more personal moments with the friends he'd made so far. Maybe more.