Coils of Power : Chapter 2

Story by TheWinterStar on SoFurry

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#4 of Coils of Power

Glad to see a little interest in my side story ^w^

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Kalira grasped at her sheets and pillow as she tossed, her chest reeling high as she let out a breathless cry.

Reto, the royal messenger, was a fit rat. He was small enough to ride his trusty camel with ease across the desert sands, strong, and bold. Many times he risked life and limb to insure the messages he was handed would make it to the destination. He wield a scimitar at his hip, gifted to him by Ramitie himself for his undying loyalty to the Vat'Quita family.

He stood in the throne room, before the large ramp and below the pair of thrones. Ramitie sat in his throne, coils bunched around him as he leaned into a hand. "Reto, what news do you have of the far lands?"

His form was shrouded in a dark inky mist that billowed and twirled around him like snake coils in the air. "Queen Isis, and her kingdom are safe and healthy. They have heard word of a new ally from a distant land and are eager to make peace with them."

"This is wonderful news," Ramitie said. Then turned to Kalira herself, "As for you... This marks the last time I will be bothered by your nightmares. Understood?"

"B-but father, I.. Last night I-"

"Khand," Ramite hissed, "Deal with your betrothed as you see fit."

Khand grasped an arm around her hips, "Of course m'lord, I will see that she is punished for her... disruptive behavior."

Kalira thrashed and squirmed, "No! No, get off me!" She hissed and turned on him, but he grasped her from behind and held her to his chest. Her body coiled and twisted as she cried and screamed, "No!"

Meanwhile, Reto smiled and bowed, turning on a heel as he started away. The dark bellowed chuckle in the room no one seemed to hear as they stood like statues. It rose into joyus, demented, and delighted laughter.

Kalira popped up and took a deep breath, her head turned about as she searched for anyone. She slipped off her bed and sunk to the floor as her body became weak. The shadows seemed to move and shift in tendrils around her. She slid into a corner, pulling a length of her coils up against her chest as she hid her face in her arms. No... Reto... Is one of them now. A creature of that corrupted leader. How could this happen? Why are the gods so cruel! If these dreams continue I can only see further loss and our eventual death. Quita will fall...

She was not sure what time it was when she rose her head to a heavy knock. As she rubbed her eyes she looked out her balcony at the orange sky. She rose, sluggish and weak to the door and opened it carefully.

Koska stood before her, "Reto has returned. Father is awaiting you in the throne room."

She gulped a lump in her throat and slid out, pressing herself into his chest, "K-koska..."

His upper hands touched her shoulders, petting her hood as his lower hands grasped her hips, "What is it dear sister?"

"I had another dream..."

"Already? Normally you only have one every few days, especially after a bigger one," he said with a curious tone.

"It was not an invasion... It was here... Reto..." She looked up at him, ears streaked down her face. "Reto is not himself... He will say Isis and her kingdom is fine. But... I saw it, he was covered in smoke like the soldiers from my dreams. He is one of them now!"

"Kalira... Listen to yourself, Reto has been our finest messenger for as long as either of us can remember. His father served our father, and our grandfather before him. You accuse Reto of betraying us?"

"No... He is not Reto anymore. He is under control of the shadow leader from my dreams!"

Koska shook his head, "This is getting ridiculous Kalira... Now you really sound like a fool, and will make a fool of me before father." He turned away from her and rubbed his face, "Should have known better..."

"W-what," she stammered, a hand by her lips as tears dripped down her cheeks. Now he regrets believing me? Sands... This is not going as it should. I know I am right, I have to be! There is an invasion coming and now no one believes me!

Kalira turned and slammed her door, hands on her face as she cried. The heavy weight in her chest made her body ache as trembles of fear tore through her, accompanied with sobs. Crumpled up on the floor she heard Koska knock again.

"Kalira? You need to get ready, father is waiting for you."

"Why bother, Reko will only say I was wrong and then Khand will abuse me as punishment for embarrassing the family!"

"You do not know that," Koska said gently, the door pressing against her back. He pushed the door open and grabbed her hand to pull her up. "Come on, take it with a brave face at least."

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and arm, sniveling as she was set in the seat before her vanity. "K-koska... I know I am right..."

"You have not even heard Reto yet, what if this... dream you had is false? What if it was nothing more than a nightmare of what you fear would happen."

Her pink and gold tempest eyes narrowed on him, "Since when have I ever had a basic nightmare. If anything I would rather be wrong! But Reto is not himself!"

Koska sighed, head drooped on his slender neck, "Kalira... Just... Get ready. Father is expecting you." He rose and started toward her door, "If you want to be wrong, then just accept it as it is..." He shut her door.

She faced her mirror and stared at herself, her tear streaked face, puffy eyes, and ringed hood. My whole life... My countless nightmares, each one the same story with a different city and different people. What can I do? I am the only one who can see it, but how can I stop it? She shook her head and wet a rag to wash her face. Then began to prepare herself for presentation.

Kalira made her way down the hall that echoed the sound of her scales on the sandstone floor. Her long body swayed along the floor, toward the throne room near the main door of the palace. She was careful to hold back her tears as she approached it through a curtained doorway that lead directly to the upper stand that had two thrones.

In the larger center one was King Ramitie, coils pulled up and bunched at the foot of his throne. Beside him was Zechesi, her mother and the queen. On Ramities right stood Koska, swords on his belt as if he were a guard but he stood proud and his head held high. Next to him stood Khand.

Her sisters were lined up eldest to youngest to the left of the queen. She however slithered over to Khand and stood beside him. Taking care to keep her head held high as she clasped her upper hands in front of her, and lower hands behind her. Gods... Please... If I am right, let it be proven here today.

Ramitie wove a hand, "Reto."

As expected the black colored rat trotted forward, dressed in thick padded clothing with loose cloth. "Of course my lord," he stated as he took a knee and bowed a few paces from the bottom of the ramp. "King Onouris and Queen Isis, and the Kingdom of Amlure are safe and well. They send their deepest apologies for not keeping in better contact. King Onouris also stated that they heard of a king from a far off land to the south who seeks to open peaceful trade routes across the landbridge."

Kalira could feel eyes on her, her face hot with blush as she lowered her head. I have failed... Everything has failed. The dream was true, he would prove me wrong, but I know I am right. I have to be!

"Excellent news," Ramitie commented, a snarked undertone as he turned.

Kalira did not look up from the floor, teeth on her inner lip to refrain her sobs. I have to be right! No one believes me but I do! These dreams mean something, they have to! In my dreams he was shrouded in mist and smoke...

She began to slither down the ramp, hands balled at her sides as she ignored her mother who called her name. She rose her eyes to Reto, and he only seemed a little confused. As she drew closer her body heated, everyone was looking at her, the gaze of judgement on her backside. No... I am not wrong. I can not be!

Reto stood but kept his head low, "M'lady Kalira. Are you... Not satisfied with my presentation...?"

Her tongue flicked in the air as she hissed, "I am not wrong... You are no longer loyal! You obey the figure of shadow!"

The room fell eerily quiet, Retos face lifting as he met her eyes, the beady black eyes locked on hers. Deep into the light of his eyes swirled a inky smoke that feathered into tendrils and swirls. His face held less of an expression of a confusion, and more of astonishment. "M-my lady... I..."

Her arm was grabbed and she was violently turned with a hiss, "Enough of this! You were proven wrong and now you dare accuse our most loyal messenger of treason!?" Ramites hood was wide as he seethed and hissed. "Khand! Take your betrothed and punish her as you see fit."

Khand slithered down and took one of her hands.

She screamed and pushed at him, "No! I will not go with you! I will not let you abuse me and I will never marry you!"

Khand growled and yanked on her, "Quiet, before you spew more nonsense and frighten the people of your kingdom."

"They should be scared! He is coming and he will destroy all we hold dear!" She clawed at his hands as best she could, nails digging into the scales of his hand.

He yanked his hand away as she tore a few scales free, grasping at his hand as blood dripped to the floor. "You bitch! How dare you injure your soon to be husband!" His good hand rose and he backhanded her, smearing blood on her cheek as she hit the floor.

Dazed she began to pick herself up, eyes lifting to Reto who met her gaze.

Though his face was bland, his eyes were alight with almost childlike curiosity and amazement.

She felt arms around her waist and she was dragged across the sandstone into the hall. She felt as if the palace flew by and she was thrown to her bed. The softness of her sheets bringing her to and she rolled over with a gasp.

Khand snarled and pinned her, "You were perfect as a silent beauty. If I had known you'd have been such a foolish child all along I would have never agreed to marry you. Since your father and mother failed to teach you obedience I will!" His scales ran along hers, bodies coiling together.

She pushed at him, screaming as she pressed her face into the sheets, "Khand stop!"

He rose his bloodied hand, and made it a fist.

Her body twisted with a wail as it connected with her face, right over her cheekbone and eye. Her hands on his chest as she pushed. Her body shook as terror coursed through her body, but there was little she could do. Her body twisted around his and she brought up her hands and arms to cover her face.

Khand put his hands on her chest and used a lower hand to rip her sash free, "You will remain silent and obedient." He pressed their cloacas together, her body trembling beneath him. "Silent... Obedient, and you will never speak of these damn dreams again!"

She coughed and could only lay still. Her body was weak, arms unable to move from her face.

"Say it!"

She sniffled and coughed, slurring over her lips that were swollen, "I will be... silent... and... Obedient..."

He pulled away and grabbed her pillow, throwing it over her face with force. "Now you stay here and think about how much you've embarrassed not only yourself, but me and your family... I'm going to relieve myself with Vaja... You are not to leave this room until I come for you."

Her scales trembled, refusing to move so much as a muscle.

He smacked her cloaca, claws on the tender flesh to make her scream, "Answer when spoken to!"

"I unders-stand..."

He huffed and turned, tail still rattling as he slammed her door.

Silence fell through her room and she lay her face in the sheets, covered with the pillow. I failed... No one believes me, and now I'm cursed to marry Khand who will never love me. What did I do in my past life to deserve this one... These dreams... It's all because of these damnedable dreams... I never wanted them. I never asked for them. They have been nothing but a bane of my existence...

She slowly sat up and went over to the vanity. Blood on her face, both his and her own. Her right eye was bloodshot and barely open. The swollen bulge ached and pulsed.

Slowly she sat and began tentative work to wash her face. After an hour she wet the stained cloth and laid on the bed with it over her tender eye. As she lay there she stared at the ceiling, the grains of sand reminding her of the dunes in the far off horizon to the south. The palace sounded quiet, peaceful even in her absence.

I just wish I could start over... Why do I have to be so hated. So... Unwanted. These dreams have ruined me. I am worth nothing because of them, just a pretty face to be boggled and watched but worth nothing more. Why must I be the one with this curse. Why can I not be normal like my sisters?

She rose a hand and wiped a tear from her face as she closed her good eye. She was just about to drift off when a knock fell on her door. "What is it," she said, gaze turned back up to the ceiling.

The door cracked, "M'lady Kalira. Your father has beconed you to lunch."

She sighed and sat up, letting the cloth fall to her lap, "I cannot... Please leave me be. I want to be left alone."

The female mouse bowed her head, "I will relay your message to the king." The door shut quietly and the room returned to silence.

As she sat in her bed the aches and pains of her body worsened. Memories of Khand beating her, his fists on her face as she weeped, helpless against him. A heavy weight on her shoulders that made her want to keel and cower in fear should he return just as angry as before. Slowly she lay back down in the bed, eyes out over her balcony at the distant shores of the west.

Her tail pulled up around her, bunched and coiled like blankets before she rested her head on her hands and closed her eyes again.

Kalira paused and looked around, a hand in the small mouse servants. "W-where are we going?" She was in the palace, a sense of fear in her gut as she was pulled on.

"Come my lady, we must get you to safety," she said. The tuniced servant lead the way through the palace, through into the lower servants quarters. Then into the kitchen and to a door.

Outside they stood among a handful of pillars in what looked to be a garden with benches and a poorly cared for pond. "Where are we?"

"The servants yard, you will be safe," the servant said with a nod. She pulled Kalira down and held her cheeks, "You will be safe..."

Kalira looked into her beady eyes, confused and scared. Flashes of guards attacking scarved bandits and blue puffs of smoke with inks of black before the guards turned on each other and others. "What is going on? Where is Koska? Where is my father?"

The mouse stood on her toes and kissed her brow, "You will be safe."

Pain shot through the back of her head and she fell to the ground, looking over at the servant who backed away and leisurely trotted back toward the door. Mist cloaked figures grasping at Kaliras body. There was no laughter, just a deep sigh, a breath released as if it had been held.

She threw herself up and breathed great gulps of breath, claws wound in the sheets beneath her. Her sore body tense from aches and pains, trembles rushing through her. She crawled out of bed and over to the door, throwing it open and gasping.

Khand stood before her, tongue flicking out with a hiss, "And where do you think you're going?"

"N-no where, I was just..." She scooted back ward away from him.

"Just what? Where going to go gallivanting about without my permission," he slid through the door with another hiss, the mouse servant behind him.

"No I just..."

"M'lord Khand," she said gently.

He turned with a hiss, tail rattling wildly, "Silence. I need to deal with my betrothed. Leave us."

The mouse stood fast, her beady black eyes unwavering, "King Ramitie requested Kalira be ready for supper. I suggest you leave so I may assist her getting ready."

He rose a hand as if to slap the servant, "You dare speak to me like that."

She rose a brow, unflinching, "You dare punish a servant for obeying her lord and master in his house, of which you are a guest of?"

Khand growled and hissed, throwing open the door, tail rattling as he left and slammed it behind him.

Kalira trembled a bit and looked over at the young mouse servant who approached her, "Y-you stood up to him..."

"He is just a bully, come, I know a remedy for that goose egg." She turned and approached her vanity. Allowing Kalira to sit before she produced a small clay jar from her apron and opened it, "These herbs will help with the swelling." She put a little on her fingers and dabbed it around her puffy eye and lip, "There, it should look much better after supper. Try not to rub them."

"Th-thank you..." She said gently. As she gazed down at the mouse she found her beady eyes just like the mouse from her dream. "W-what is your name?"

The mouse smiled as she put the jar on the vanity, "Jasmine m'lady, but do not worry about it. I just noticed you have been under a great deal of stress lately, and with lord Khand being an ungrateful bastard, I thought you could use someone to sooth your worries... I believe tomorrow you will wake up far happier with this day behind you."

She sighed, "I hope so... Maybe repair my name within the family... I should likely apologize to Reto... I was just awful to him."

Jasmine placed a hand on her hands that lay in her lap, "Do not worry about him, it will spoil your appetite. Come to supper and eat your fill, it will help you feel better."

Kalira looked slightly down at the mouse servant, then turned to the vanity to prepare herself. "I hope you are right... I could use a pick me up."

Once ready Jasmine walked not far behind her as she slithered down the hall toward the dining area. As she entered the room she felt heat on her face.

Her family glared at her, the softest sound of hisses and a tail rattle. They had already begun dinner, plates full, platters picked.

She slithered to her place beside Khand and sat neatly, hands clasped in her lap. Her heart thundered in her chest behind her ribs. She flinched as he leaned toward her, head lowering as she half expected to be struck again. She barely heard Koska get up and round them, jerking as a hand brushed her cheek to turn her head.

He held her face, thumb touching along her puffed lip, "Sands... Khand what did you do to her!?" He turned with a hiss, hood flared out as his coils bunched around him.

He backed away and hissed in return, "I punished her as I saw fit. She is lucky all she has is a few bruises and bumps compared to my injured hand and your families damaged pride!"

Ramitie stood, "Koska... Sit down. She is not bleeding and it is not fatal. She will learn from this experience."

Koska turned, anger passed and replaced with confusion as he stammered for a reply, "B-but father..."

"Sit," he ordered.

Kalira shivered and turned back to the table. Sands, even father is okay with Khands treatment of me... I would be better of wondering the desert until death found me. She slowly picked away meat to put on her plate. I just want to curl up in bed... I want to sleep with Koska tonight, I am so scared... Khand does not sleep with me anyway, so I could slip out and hide with Koska.

After dinner she followed Khand toward the bedrooms, noting how her mother and father had gone to bed earlier than them. He stopped at Vajas door and turned to her, leaning over a little as he hissed, "I am going to bed with Vaja, now you go on and go to sleep in your own room like a good girl. After your little incssident with my hand I'm more likely to choke you in your sleep..." He swatted her back end with his good hand, "Get."

She slithered on and looked back as Vaja grabbed his hands and drug him in with a giggle.

"At least she did not damage your package," Vaja jibed with a sultry hiss.

Kalira paused at Koskas door and rose her hand to knock, but a small hand grasped one of her lower wrists. She turned to Jasmine who had followed her like a lost puppy.

"My lady, please, Khand may check on you," she stated.

She pouted, and turned, continuing on down the hall to her own room where she flopped on the bed in a heap. "This day has been a disaster..."

Jasmine stepped up the ramp and fluffed the pillow, "Tomorrow will be better M'lady..."

"Sands I hope so," she sniffled, crawling further onto the bed and cuddling the fluffed pillow. She sighed a bit, then jerked her head up, "Jasmine?"

"Hmm," the mouse mused.

She bit her lip and lowered her nose, "It's just... I'm worried..."

"About what my lady? Tomorrow?"

She sat up a little, leaning on her hands, "I do not know... I have no idea when it was. I just..." She looked over to the door, "Nevermind, just a dream..." If Father even hears about my dreams from servants he will have a fit... I would rather not test Khand again.

"A dream? Like the others?"

"So you know about that..."

"Everyone in the palace knows about them. Some tease you about them but... I was always told dreams mean something. There is always a reason for them. What was this dream about?"

"The palace was under attack... Guards turned on guards and... You lead me away to somewhere safe... But it was not safe. I was knocked out." Kalira looked over at her, eyes narrowed as she glared at the peaceful mouse.

Jasmine smiled and turned toward the door, "I have other tasks to attend to before I can retire for the night. Please excuse me."

Kalira put her hands on the edge of the bed, "Jasmine?!"

The mouse paused at the door, "Everything will be fine... Tomorrow will come faster than you expect..." She stepped out and shut the door.

Kaliras mouth opened as she stammered for something to say. She didn't even react to it... She didn't seem bothered at all that I said she lead me to an unsafe place during an attack! And she's so sure tomorrow will be better and I'm not even sure about tonight!

She got out of bed and went to her balcony. She looked down over the city to the west, studying the lights that bobbed and bounced from guards on patrol. All seemed well but her scales crawled, body involentarly pulling her coils close to herself. "Something is wrong... I want Koska..." She turned and slithered through her room, right over her bed into the hall where she pushed open Koskas door.

He popped up, knife in hand as he gasped. His hood recede back into his neck as he looked over at her, "Kalira? What is it?"

She slid into his bed and put her arms around him, "I am scared. I am so scared and I do not know what to do..."

He yawned and laid down with her, slipping the knife back under his pillow, "Do not worry about it sister. There are far worse things than Khands anger. When you and him marry you will..." He yawned again and sighed, "Be fine..." He rubbed his face against her hood and gave a happy hiss, "Sleep sister..."

She grasped at his shoulders and curled against him, then she pressed her head against his chest and felt his heartbeat against her cheek. With his arms around her she felt like she had a shield around her. A castle of flesh to protect her.

Either way, she could not rest easily. Her eyes refused to close for very long. Every time she was about to tip off to sleep she jerked awake. Her coils pressed against his, listening to his breath come and go from his parted lips.

Koskas balcony over looked the northern skies, and the landbridge in the distance with the twin ports. His room was littered with weapons and trinkets from his few adventures to new lands for diplomatic studies. His vanity was covered in his sashes of varying green or blue hues.

She closed her eyes and her body felt heavy, ready to tip into slumber. The steady heart beat of Koska and his breathing soothed her like a lullaby. Sleep... Maybe Jasmine is right and tomorrow will be far better and I worry over nothing... She breathed, hands lightening their grip.

There was a horn blown.

Kalira popped up and gasped, "What was that?" Hands on Koska as he sat up with her.

Again the heavy horn blew, loud and long.

He crawled out of bed and grabbed his sash and swords, slithering to the door and throwing it open, "Father!"

Kalira hurried after to grab his arm, "Koska! What is it?!"

He turned and pushed her back into the room, "Stay here. It is the guard horn. Something is wrong in the palace. Do not leave this room, and do not open this door." He shoved her and slammed the door shut behind him.

Kalira put her hands on the door, heart racing in her chest as she waited. She could not hear anything, not even her sisters that had to be awake. At last she turned and went to his balcony, looking out over the northern side. Down below she could make out the movement of torches as they bobbed and swayed, or were cast aside. The odd flash of a sword or scythe blade reflected off the fires and in the moonlight.

An attack on the castle... So it was for tonight... Normally the warnings are farther in advance! She heard the rattle of armor down the hall with stomping feet. She whirled as the door was thrown open, a fox guard who held his side and a blooded weapon.

"M'lady, come quickly, the palace is being attacked. You and your sisters must get to safety!" He turned as Liezu and Eszazi were being escored away.

She grabbed the dagger from Koskas bed and slid over and out the door to her sisters. Her heart thundering in her ribs as she followed along the hall among the guards.

A few broke off to charge down a hall, but a dark armored rat broke the line and grabbed Sizsos who screamed.

Kalira backed away, every scale on her body screamed to turn tail and go far away. Her coils bunched up around her, hilt of the dagger clutched in her upper left hand. I have to hide... It's me they want! Without a word she turned and darted around one of the guards. Though they called her name she slithered faster. In a quieter portion of the palace she threw open a door and slammed it behind her, putting her back to it as she leaned and slumped to the floor.

She took gulps of breath as she sat in the darkness of what she assumed was a linien storage room. With a heavy sigh she put her hands on the floor, I just have to stay here until it is all over. If I do not go with Jasmine I will be okay... She put her head to the door to listen for any footsteps, with a nod she got up and pushed one of the tables up against it, legs out on the floor to keep the hardwood against the door itself. Then she set about nestling into a darkened corner of the room, coils pulled up close to try and comfort herself.

It was hard to tell how long she had been hiding, only the thumps of her heart and wisps of her breath were available to tell time as it passed. I wish Koska was here... Or Father... Sands I will even take Khand at this point. Someone who can protect me. It felt like forever before there were footsteps in the hall.

"Princess? The castle is safe, you can come out," a males voice echoed down the hall.

She got up, a rush of releif fell over her and she pushed the table away, throwing open the door into the hall, "Where is Kos..." Her breath caught.

Just about a dozen paces from her stood Reto, his armor was bloodied, sword at his hip. "Princess Kalira, there you are," he stated, arms out, "Come, lets get you out of here."

Her body froze, unsure if she should flee back into the room or dart back down the hall.

Behind him were two dark armored canines, a wolf and a hyena. Who both smiled, their teeth and muzzles red with blood.

She turned to escape down the hall but stopped in her tracks, a large dark armored ox with a weasel, hedgehog, and a fox close behind. Oh no... She whirled back to Reto as she heard him take a step, a hiss tearing from her lips as her tongue flicked out, "Ssstay away from me!"

"You're out of options Kalira," he stated, the two behind him rounded him and began to advance.

Her fists balled, then she realized the dagger in her hand still. Her eyes turned down toward it, the blade that gleamed in the poor light of the smoldering torches and moonlight of the windows. I can not fight them... But I can do away with their prize. I will not let myself be killed by them or captured! She rose the knife, but her hand shook as she did, "L-leave me alone... Or... I'll..."

On all sides they stopped, the ox even took a hesitant step back. "Now now Kalira, let us not get too hasty and make rash decisions."

"Why should I listen to you," she snapped, "You! Who betrayed your king!"

Reto sneered, "Ramitie is not my king. Now put the dagger down."

"Turn around and walk away," Kalira demanded. "And then I will... Leave me to find my family!"

"I can not do that Kalira," he replied. "I can not risk it... Come. You will be well cared for," he stated, arms raising again and open for her.

She heard footsteps behind her and she turned, lowering the dagger with a gasp. Koska... Please find me! She turned, dropping the dagger as she darted into the room and slammed the door, almost on her own tail. Her coils shoved the table against the door as well but it opened rather easily.

She grabbed a sheet and threw it over the oxens head as he stepped in, turning to climb at the window. But she screamed as they grabbed at her scaled body and heaved her back into the room. Her body bunched and twisted in their hands as they pinned her, arms flailing to claw and scratch at them. "No! No, let me go! Koska!! Help!"

The ox rose a fist, "Forgive me Princess, but it will all be better in the morning..."

She gasped, but the last thing she saw was his bloodied knuckles.

Coils of Power : Chapter 1

Kalira rolled in her bed, the silken sheets wrinkled with her movements. Her bed was up on a short platform with a pillar at each corner with potted plants around them. Shelves of scrolls and books against the walls, a vanity with a polished glass...

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Lovers to the End

The large ebony wolf stepped from his truck, behind him the lifted dually--a type of truck with two pairs of rear wheels--gleamed in the moonlight. Faint colors from the bar lights reflected off the black fender. He had a trio of clawed scars over his...

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Coils of Power (Prologue?)

The sun blazed down atop the pale sandstone of the capital city. The city Quita, named after the royal family. Flags wove in the dust filled wind, dust from the surrounding dunes. A haze in the air had settled over the main portion of the city between...

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