Breaking Zen: Part 3 - The love we share

Story by Zephere on SoFurry

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#3 of Breaking Zen

Alright guys... this may be a little longer than the previous ones. My hand just danced over the keyboard that I don't even notice the time =3

Warning: this story is filled with explicit content. If you are underaged or you find the story insulting or not of your type, please kindly navigate back to the page you were before or click the little "X" button you have at the top right corner of your browser.

For the others... please enjoy.... in every sense of the word >3

Part 3: The love we share

Zen slept on soundly on the comfortable bed as the sun shined through the windows. He felt the warm caress of the sun on his fur as he murred and tossed lightly in his sleep, pulling the covers over himself and turning his head away from the light. He had been sleeping like this for three days now. It was as if he had slipped into hibernation mode when he was released from the machines.

Wondering about that, the wolf shot his eyes open, jolting up from his bed to see where he was. His body felt rested, but he still felt a little sore on his arms and legs, mainly at the wrists and ankles where the thick shackles held him in place. He looked at his arms and rubbed at the light lacerations on his wrist where he was bound before, noticing a sticky white cream spreading all around it. Looking at his ankles, he found the same substance over it as well. He could only wonder who saved him and tried to cure him.

He placed that thought away from his mind as he looked around the room. He was in a decent clean room where the walls were white. The window that displayed a large garden outside was open to allow a gentle breeze to stroke across the wolf's fur as the transparent curtains danced along with the wind. Beside his bed was a table with a half a glass of water sitting by. Looking to the far wall was the door, looking expensive and with beautiful carvings along the solid wood. To his left was a series of wardrobes and another door that led to a bathroom.

Dismissing his thoughts, Zen fell back down on the bed as he tried to rest a little more, looking at the ceiling where a ceiling fan revolved lazily around. Just as the image got boring enough for him drift off into sleep, he was startled awake again as the door on the other side opened to reveal a white tiger carrying a trey of food with a cup of milk. The wolf felt a tinge of anger well up in him as he saw his tormentor. He got off the bed immediately and pounced on the tiger, making him drop the trey of food he'd brought for him on the floor. The tiger did not resist, fully allowing what the wolf wanted to do with him as he stared back apologetically into the wolf's eyes.

Zen - having his legs straddling the tiger's abs, teeth bared and his throat snarling at his captor - raised his fist as he stared into the tiger's blue eyes, a hidden meaning buried deep in them.

"Why... why don't you fight back?" he asked, teeth bared with his fist suspended in the air, trying desperately to hit the tiger's face

"Do what you want with me... hit me, punch me, shred me to pieces with your claws... I won't hold it against you... and I won't fight back. I owe you as much," he said as he lay below the wolf, staring deep into the lupine's ember pools as he stayed dead still.

The wolf gritted his teeth as he wound his fist back as far as his muscles would go, his teeth gnashing as he tried to drive his fist down in the face he loved ever since he could walk. The tiger closed his eyes as he allowed himself to be punished by the wolf, accepting anything the wolf could possibly throw at him. Zen commanded his hands to fall, but the love for the tiger in his heart acted like a lock for his fist as it trembled from the emotions in him. He hated him for what he had done... He wanted to kill him... but why can't he do it? 'Am I really that deeply in love with him?' he thought as he tried again to hate the tiger, but no matter how much he tried, he just can't find it in him to fully hate him. He cried, feeling the tears streaming down his fur to drop onto the tiger's handsome white face.

With a loud roar, he drove his fist down, landing it to the side of the tiger's head as he had his other hand supporting him on the other side. He leaned in to face Zeke, crying over the tiger as the emotions overwhelmed him, the drops of tears flowing freely from his eyes to drip down into the tiger's face as he starred at the tiger.

"Why can't I do it... why do I have to love you so much? I should have told you earlier... before any of this happened... why did it have to be you... why!!" he said as he fell fully into the tiger's chest, allowing the deep love for the tiger to finally pour out of his chest. The tiger stood there silently as he raised his hands to embrace the wolf, rubbing gently across his back as Zen laid his head beside the tiger's, whimpering softly.

"Forgive me Zen... forgive me for how I acted and for what I did to you, I was so wrong..." he said as he hugs the wolf tightly against his chest feeling the sobs from the wolf.

"Stop Zeke... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for not having the guts to tell you how I felt... I'm sorry for making you wait so long for me..." Zen's tears streamed down his fur, allowing his emotions to release from his body as he looked into the eyes of his love as the tiger smiled, raising his hand to wipe the handsome face of the wolf from the tears staining his face.

"Come here," he said gently as he sat up and embraced the him tightly in his grasp. Zen felt a twenty year old weight leave his body as he returned the embrace passionately. For minutes they hugged each other, neither saying anything but drinking in the love they felt for one another in the sweet silence. They cuddled lovingly in each other's arms until the tiger heard a growl from the wolf's stomach.

They broke the embrace as the tiger chuckled a little from the silly wolf. He looked at the trey of food he brought up for him, frowning a little. "Well I guess I'd have to cook something for you again," he said standing up and pulling the larger wolf up with him. The wolf wiped his tears away and smiled. "I'll help you," he said as the tiger returned the smile. They left the room as naked as they were in the lab into the kitchen.

After they had their breakfast - simple bacon and eggs -, the wolf brought the tiger up to the room he was before as he pushed him onto the bed, pouncing on him after that. The tiger giggled a little as he felt the weight of the larger wolf on top of him. He brought up his tongue and lapped at the wolf's muzzle. "Well, you seem a little excited," he smiled as he looked into the ember pools. The wolf just smiled as he moved in and kissed his awesome tiger, pushing his tongue into him as the feline returned the gesture, wrestling his tongue passionately with that of the wolf. The wolf started to feel up the tiger's body, tracing the muscles in his arms and murring at the feel. He moved his hands further in and murred into the kiss as he raked his claws delicately over the fur in the tiger's chest.

The tiger moaned as he twirled his tongue with the wolfs, his shaft already peaking from his sheath, growing steadily every time the wolf rubbed across his nipple. "Mmm... Zen," he moaned as the wolf separated from the kiss and began licking lower at the tiger's neck. His busy hand continued down lower to massage the white tiger's sexy abs, the other grazing towards his chest to tease his nipple. The wolf murred as he started his playful revenge, moving down lower to lap at the other nipple that was aching for some attention.

The tiger gasped as he felt the wolf teasing him endlessly as his hands moved to stroke at the wolf's thick sides, feeling the grooves those powerful muscles made and growling in his throat with approval. He massaged the wolf's back, kneading the bunch of muscle there as he sought to please the wolf more. As if to reply his actions, the wolf murred as he felt his member leaving it's home for some much needed exercise.

The wolf continued to lap at those salty nipples as he felt the tiger's tool pressing against his gut and staining his fur with pre. He smiled as he brought his hand down to give the member a teasing pump. The small little action made the tiger grunt, causing his muscles to tense a moment from it. "Ergh... Zen..." he moaned as the wolf snickered a little as he held the white member, slowly and teasingly stroking the member from hilt to tip, thoroughly teasing the tip before he took his time to torturously stroke it down to the base. The tiger just moaned loudly as he submitted to that torture as the wolf enjoyed the flexing and tensing his lover made when he did that. "Zen... Ergh... I..." he said before the wolf stroked his member to the tip again, causing the tiger to moan loudly into the room. "Yes?" he smirked as he looked at the tiger's pleasure filled expression. "Please... Owh... I... Ergh... haven't had any relief... Ouh.... since I... mmm," he said, finding it too hard to focus on what he had to say as he closed his eyes from the pleasure the wolf was gladly giving to him, albeit torturously.

"Since what?" the wolf asked innocently as he pumped the tiger meat like a slow piston, playing with the spines every time he stroked the member to the tip. The tiger just moaned, giving up completely from what he wanted to say. "Well if you're not gonna tell me, then I would rather you don't tell me forever," he said as he brought his muzzle down to lap at the tiger teasingly. The tiger tried to hold back his load from that little lick as the wolf was determined to make him blow it in an amazing climax. He took his time to tease the tiger meat, lapping from the base, slowly to the head. The tiger couldn't do anything but moan at the delicious attention, placing a paw behind the wolf's head as he moaned his name.

"Mmm... sweet tiger... I'm gonna take my revenge on you all day... and you can bet it will be a sweet one," he smirked and rumbled lustily, opening his mouth to engulf the tiger meat into his warm maw. The tiger gasped loudly as he felt the sweet, wet heat engulf him, moaning sharply after that as he felt that tongue lashing at his sensitive underside and tip slowly... torturously. The tiger was so close... but he couldn't release as the wolf expertly controlled the pleasure going into his body, making the tiger growl in frustration.

"Nnnng... damn it Zen!" he cursed lustily as the wolf gave the sensitive member languid licks, stopping every time the tiger was about to blow his load and allowing the pleasure to die off in him before he restarted his licking in short bursts. Every time he restarted, he would increase the tiger's pleasure by tweaking and teasing his nipples or fondling his balls, making the tiger gasp and moan every time as he smiled and witnessed the tiger tense from the pleasure.

"You are... *moan*... going to pay for this Zen," he growled threateningly, only to have his member lapped and teased again in another burst of licks, totally flipping his growl into lustful moans as his claws gripped into the sheets, but this time, he didn't let up as he licked and teased at his crown of spines feverishly, fondling his balls and kneaded his hole.

The wolf smiled around the tiger meat as the tiger convulsed and thrashed on the bed. Zen had to hold the his legs down as he attacked the tiger's sweet spots, driving the poor tiger over the edge as he cummed hard into the wolf's waiting muzzle, clawing the sheets to shreds as he roared. It was a large load as the wolf fought to swallow all that tasty cum in time, squeezing the base languidly and rolling his hefty sack to free all that delicious cream. After about a minute of constant rapture, Zeke's sighed as he enjoyed the afterglow, feeling the wolf licking his member clean from all that tasty seed. He moved up towards the tiger as he kissed him passionately, sharing his own cum with him. His grey furred hand went down lower, massaging the tiger's abs as those stripped hands caressed his sides in return.

"You're evil you know that?" Zeke said as the wolf grinned, leaning close to the tiger's body and brought his muzzle in to kiss him again. The feline murred as he felt the wolf's wet appendage rubbing along the fur on his abs as he chuckled and grabbed it, stroking the member slowly and squeezed his thick knot. The wolf moaned in response, arching his back as the tiger stroked behind his knot.

"Looks like someone needs some attention as well..." he grinned lustily as he watched the wolf's face folded in pleasure. "Ngg... Zeke," the wolf moaned loudly from the tiger teasing his shaft as he closed his eyes tighter in the pleasure. In a swift motion that only a tiger could execute, he grabbed the larger wolf and flipped him on his back. He grinned evilly down at his prey before moving down towards the wolf's hard and dripping member. He gave it a few licks, sending jolts of pleasure into the wolf's brain as he lapped at the tasty treat. "Mmm... I want this cock of yours," he murred as he licked lustily from his knot all the way to his sensitive tip. The wolf gasped, tensing as he gripped the already torn sheets that were the tiger's handiwork before. "How... *gasp* do you want it?" he asked teasingly as the tiger lapped at him continually.

The tiger stayed silent, smiling up at the wolf who was watching him thoroughly lap his member before sliding it all into his muzzle, covering him in wet heat. That rough tiger tongue was heaven on his over sensitive tip and knot as the wolf howled loudly into the room from the tiger's ministrations, thrashing about in the tiger's grasp.

Before the heat got into the wolf's head, he released that wonderful treat as he stood up. He got up onto the bed as he sat over the wolf's sexy abs, the latter panting from the sight of the tiger's member and balls dripping over his fur and matting it. The wolf massaged the tiger's legs lovingly as the tiger moved his paws over his chest, scritching the thick fur before running his claws to tease the wolf's nipples, making him moan. He smirked, leaning down as he gave the wolf another passionate kiss. As he did, his hand sneaked behind him and grabbed the slick wolf member. He gave it a few strokes, making the wolf moan into the kiss as more pre escaped to coat his prick. The tiger then guides the member to his aching hole as the wolf helped out by pushing his length into it. The tiger grunted as the thick wolf hood penetrated him, causing him a little pain as he broke the kiss and groaned. Slightly frantic, the wolf stopped to allow the tiger some time to adjust, afraid that he might hurt the feline.

"You alright hun?" he asked worriedly as he looked at the tiger's handsome face folded up in agony.

"Ergh... yeah... just... go slow," he said. The wolf nodded as he pulled the tiger into a hug, keeping him comfortable.

As promised, the wolf pushed in to that warm hole slowly as inch after inch the wolf hood disappeared into the tiger. Every time the pain got too much, the tiger would grip and claw a little into Zen's thick pelt and the wolf would stop and lick the tiger muzzle lovingly to calm him down before they repeated the process again. After a few moments, an audible sigh escaped the tiger's muzzle as he felt the wolf's knot bump against his ring. The wolf smiled as he kissed his former tormentor passionately as the tiger drank in the fulfilling sensation in his behind. As the wolf's hands roamed the tigers muscular back, he went down lower and gripped at the tigers firm ass, making his moans echo through every wall in the house. The wolf smirked as he spread those cheeks and made a quick pump... as if to test if the tiger was ready. With the result being a loud moan, the wolf snickered as he began to thrust into the tiger ass. He started with slow measured movements, pushing in until he reaches his knot before pulling out until the head remained in that gripping heat before doing it again and again. The tiger purred as he was taken, bucking up and down on the wolf's hot body, his member hard and leaking as it was teased by the fur on the wolf's gorgeous abs.

Moaning as he kept up his speed, the wolf felt a sudden urge to mount his mate as he groaned, sitting up and pulling the tiger with him, he flipped the tiger around his cock and pinned him onto the bed, not even stopping his thrusts as he did so. The tiger was impressed, but he was too occupied by the pleasure to comment on the act.

The delicious pumping hastened as the wolf's feral side started to take over. He growled wildly as the pleasure was building steadily in his loins and the tiger's moans didn't help keep his instincts at bay one bit. Zen leaned over and pinned the sexy tiger to the bed as he fully mounted him, moaning loudly as the tiger could do nothing but gasp and moan, totally submitting to the hot wolf pounding and mincing his hole... and loving every moment of it.

"Mmm... sweet kitty... it must be heaven to have my thick, juicy cock pounding into you..." as he said that, his thrusts hastened as he torturously hit the tiger's sensitive prostate at every thrust, making the poor feline moan and cry in insurmountable pleasure.

"Ergh... Zen... Ah... mmff..." he can't seem to reply the wolf as the tiger closed his eyes in the pleasure, flashing stars blinking in his vision.

"Hmm... it's okay my dear..." he rumbled. "Just enjoy it... like how you made me enjoy that last round of sex we had in the lab," he grunted as he sneaked his hands down to the tiger meat, stroking the over sensitive member and playing with the spines on the tiger's crowned head, making the tiger gasp and jump at every pump of the grey furry hand.

"Ergh... mmm... Ah... mmff... Fffuck..." Zeke couldn't help it. Every time he bucked forwards, the wolf's arm would stroke his member, drawing the air out of him, and when he recoiled, the wolf's member would drive up his ass, and hit his prostate, making him gasp and moan as he drowned in all the delicious pleasure the wolf was giving him. And Just when he thought he was going to explode with pleasure, the wolf brought his arms up to his chest and tweaked his nipple, increasing the pleasure in his body. Feeling the tiger's climax fast approaching, the wolf slowed down and allowed him to catch his breath before he resumed the pounding in his hole and the wonderful stroking in his cock in quick bursts, keeping him on the edge, but not quite pushing him over. The wolf snickered as he felt the tiger grip and tense at every burst of pleasure he gave him, but the tiger could only reply with sharp moans.

"MMmm... I have you now my prey... you will cum only when I allow you to," he said as he played with the spines on the tiger's meat and licking the tiger's sensitive ear, making him moan as he resumed or stopped his teasing whenever he saw fit, making the feline groan in frustration.

"Ergh... Damn it Zen... Please... Let me Owh... Fuck Zen... Please... Oh please!!" he begged as the wolf teased him mercilessly, keeping him on the edge and controlling the pleasure he gave him like a puppet master.

"Hmm... since you put it that way..." he said as he gave in to the tiger. The wolf placed a hand over the tiger's hip as he flipped them over until they were spooning as the tiger brought a hand up and around his love, bracing as the wolf pounded his ass, closing his eyes as he allowed the pleasure to take him. The thrusts at his ass became shallow and hard, each thrust sending a spike of pleasure into his brain as the wolf stroked the tiger meat and played with his nipples. All the tiger could do was gasp and moan, squirming in the wolf's grasp as he fully dominated him. The wolf was in heaven as well as with every thrust he made, the desire to tie with his tiger grew. Feeling the knot slowly asking for access into his hole, the tiger could tell his lover was close as well.

"Zen... Ergh... tie with me..." the little encouragement from Zeke was all it took as Zen allowed his wild side out of its cage, biting the tiger's shoulder in a mating hold as he manically thrusts into the hot ass, making sure to rub the felines prostate with every thrust.

With each thrust, his knot would hammer into the tiger's ass, and the tiger could only grip in a world of pleasure and pain as the knot sought entry. Then... with a final push, the wolf and tiger howled and roared in unison as the knot entered the feline completely. The tightness in the tiger's ass around the sensitive spot behind the wolf's knot was just too much as the wolf gave a few more shallow thrusts into that ass to push him over the edge, spraying and coating the tiger's insides with his seed. The tiger moaned as he felt the wolf cum churning in him before he whimpered as the grey hand started to furiously pump his oversensitive member. The tiger could only gasp and arc his back, thrashing about in the wolf's grasp as he roared, cumming hard and thrusting into that delicious hand as it milked him of all the seed in his balls. It was a large load indeed, the feline wasn't kidding when he said he hadn't been relieved since the wolf's capture as his thick seed kept shooting into the air to land on the tiger's pecs, a few strands landing on the wolf's muzzle as he licked it and savoured the salty taste.

The tiger and the wolf panted hard as they bathed in the afterglow. The tiger turned his head to meet the wolf's handsome face as he kissed him, cuddling into that big muscular and sexy body of his love.

Zen closed his eyes as he savoured the tiger's tongue over his own as he felt the pleasure leaving him, finally receiving the love he desired for as long as he can remember. After a few minutes locked in that kiss, the tiger broke it as he smiled to the wolf.

"I love you Zen..." he said as he cuddled into the wolf's neck as best as he can while being tied.

"I love you too Zeke," he said, feeling the felines fur against his face. They cuddled like that, feeling each other's warmth until the wolf's stomach growled again.

The tiger chuckled as he licked the wolf's muzzle. "Well... seem like someone's hungry again..." he said trying to get off the wolf, but a grey furred hand wrapped around him, pulling him back down on the bed.

"I am hungry... but for some tiger meat... not bacon and eggs," he said as he rumbled his throat seductively and thrusts into the tiger, making him moan and gasp as he allowed the lusty and horny beast of a lover to shower him in pleasure again, crying out loud as the pleasure mounted and pushed him towards the cliff of pleasure. "I am going to fuck you all day my sweet prey, you are in my den now, don't even think of escaping," the wolf said dominantly as the tiger moaned, feeling another climax approaching fast.

"We'll see about that... You Sexy Bitch!!"

The End?

Breaking Zen: part 2 - Understanding

Hey guys... here is the second part of breaking zen. Warning: this story is filled with explicit content. If you are underaged or you find the story insulting or not of your type, please kindly navigate back to the page you were before or click...

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Breaking Zen: part 1 - Rapture

This is my first attempt at writing stories of yiffy nature... Pleas tell me what you think =) Warning: this story is filled with explicit content. If you are underaged or you find the story insulting or not of your type, please kindly navigate...

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Brothers of Vash: Chapter 3 - Power Of Vash

Alright... dudes... here is another story for you guys... Enjoy the read!! Note: When Emuel and Dawn are in wolf form, I name them by their use names Wolff and Thrall. So when you read Wolff and Thrall, they are in wolf forms and vice versa...

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