Dragons Lair pt 5

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#5 of Dragons Lair

Notes: Trying to work on a scene a little further in the book for this so no promises that part 6 will be out by the end of the week. I am also now accepting comissions. Anyways, enjoy part 5.


An hour later, Michael had finished and run the script and it would take 160 hours to complete. He had also taught Myra to use his tablet and Saiu how to use the computer.

"Saiu, if it stops, just click on the try again button. One more thing, nobody but Saiu and Myra touch my technology. I am going to Myra's quarters for some rest."

"Wait. You said you would show me an unfinished picture." Myra said

Michael smiled and sat down. He brought up a powerful painting program and opened the picture. It was still black and white and the Dragon had no legs. Michael looked for a moment before drawing one leg on the Dragon. He handed it back to Myra.

"That is stunning. How did you learn to do this?"

"Couple of night classes and practice. I can draw Dragons really well now. I'm quite proud of that." Michael said as he stood up. Myra got up and put the tablet next to the computer. She followed Michael out.

"Thank you." She said, "Now I want you to do something for me."

"What Myra?"

She took his hand and put it on of her moist cunt discreetly. She purred, "Please. For me?"

Michael kissed her and walked into her quarters, Myra following, hungry for Michael. Michael closed the door and removed his trousers. Myra laid on the bed and spread her legs apart, Michael started licking her clit to the satisfaction of Myra. He eased a finger in, then two, then three. Soon he had his whole hand in her scaly interior. Myra was moaning and growling. Michael was fully erect but still focused on giving Myra her orgasm. She hissed and arched her back then came all over Michael and herself. Michael stood up and laid on top of Myra, then kissed her with everything he had. Myra's cum was acting as a lubricant between their bodies, making it easy for Michael to move over her scaly skin. Myra was surprised at how much passion Michael had but let him explore her mouth. She wanted him to feel as safe as possible when he was with her. They finally released and Myra licked Michael's cheek.

"Let's get cleaned up then." Myra said as she pushed Michael off of her and stood up. She stretched her wings and helped Michael up by pulling his arm.

"Where are we going?" Michael asked as Myra ran across the corridor to another room. Michael followed her and they walked into a room filled with showers. They both started to clean themselves.

They walked into the briefing room with all the Dragons except 2 looking at what Saiu was doing. They were browsing through Michaels pictures of Dragons which he drew.

"Thank you." A female Dragon said while walking up to Michael and kissing him on the cheek, Myra getting angry that Michael was enjoying it.

"For what?" He asked

"For drawing me." She said while gesturing at Saiu to go back to her picture. Saiu went back and Michael realised this Dragon he had drawn from his dreams.

"Did you look over me while I was sleeping in that room?"

"I believe I did."

"Well that's who I drew. I'm sure you'll find the scientists there as well."

"We already have," Saiu started, "But Myra was in that room with you on numerous occasions and we can't find a picture of her."

"It's because you're looking in the wrong place." Michael said

"Where is it then?" he asked. Michael took control and soon found it, in a gold mine of Dragon porn which he drew. Saiu's jaw droppedand Myra gasped at the way Michael had drawn her, he got her correct in some detail except the fact that she was playing with herself and her legs were wrong.

"Saiu, you're not gonna like the next one. I guarantee it." Michael said as he scrolled to the next picture. Now it was Saiu's turn to gasp. Michael had drawn him having sex with another male Dragon.

"Why did you draw these..these...abominations?" Saiu asked as Michael closed out of his porn drive.

"I don't know. I wanted to feel safe with Dragons."


"I must have drawn these when I was horny."


"It's slang for -" Michael started but was cut off by Myra finishing his sentence, "Sexually aroused."

"Thanks Myra."

"It's ok Michael, but did you have any pictures of me that aren't revealing?"

"The unfinished one. It's meant to be you and it was drawn with some expensive software so it should be my best yet."

"So that unfinished picture was meant to be me?"

"Yes. I was hoping I would catch another glimpse of you so I could continue my drawings."

Myra put her arm around Michael shoulder and looked at him. "Could you finish it?"

"Yes. I have something better than a glimpse, I don't have to improvise your legs either."

"Improvise my legs?"

"I never saw any ones legs so I had to make them up."

"That sounds reasonable."

Michael picked up his tablet and hooked it into the monitor to the large screen could take the signal. He started drawing Myra's legs, rough at first but soon made it neater and went into detail. Soon he moved onto colour, the programme had a large palette so he could get the perfect colour for Myra's eyes and scales. He finished with the background of one of the ships corridors.

Michael finished the picture and Myra was stunned at his ability to draw her so accurately.

"Michael. That is beautiful. I love it." She kissed him on the lips, flicking her warm tongue across them. She separated and smiled, he knew she wanted a copy for herself.

"Do you have a printer aboard?" Michael asked.


"A device for getting a digital copy of something, into a physical copy. Like computer data onto paper."

"We have a few."

"Who wants to have a picture of themselves?"

The female Dragon, Saiu, Myra and 3 other council members all wanted their own respective copy. Michael went up to the female Dragon, "What's your name? and why'd you kiss me?"

The Dragon looked at him with her orange eyes, brought out by her light blue scales, "You may call me Klaedr, and I did what I did because I have always wanted to try to kiss you."

Michael thought about what she said for a minute, "Thank you Klaedr, I'm quite touched."

Klaedr nodded and walked to Saiu, Michael went to Myra.

"Where is the printer?"

"It's been sent, I asked it to take the pictures."

"How'd you do that?"

"A combination of skill and luck."

"I thought so." Michael smiled. He looked at the only Dragon not talking to someone, the one that insulted him. The Dragon was gold and had blue eyes, and was more vibrant than the others. Michael sat down next to him,

"Why do you hate Humans so much?"

"I think you are underdeveloped, egotistical and warmongering."

"I agree with the warmongering, but we are still a young species. We are only about 3 million years old and you are about 25 times older than us."

"You have a point, but my mind is set."

"You can't say I didn't try." Michael said as he got up and walked back to Myra.

"Does every Dragon have a name that I need to rip my tongue out to pronounce, except you?"

Myra laughed, "Probably. To me they are usual names but your name is alien to me. I can't say for sure, I am not human."

"That's pretty obvious Myra. You walk down a street and you would get some funny looks."

"It doesn't matter anymore, we are no longer on Earth. When we formally introduce ourselves to the Human race, I will be part of the team, Saiu will be on the team and the council will be on the team. I put in a request to get you on it, so you can be our translator."

"Your English is good, won't you do that already?"

"My English is sub-standard. You will learn Draconian and then you won't need the armband."

"Good, because I think it's on too tight."

"I'll fix that." Myra said as she bent down and loosened it. The armband accidently slipped out of her claws and fell to the ground. She picked it up to put it back onto Michael but he stopped her. The growls and clicks that made up the Draconian language actually made sense to him. The armband only projected the language as a mirror of his own, the words corresponding with their language, Michael must have learnt it while he had it on. He could understand , read and write it but he couldn't speak it. So he spoke in English,

"Myra, would you teach me how to speak Draconian?"

She replied in English as well.

"I would be glad to, but only if you help me with my English."

"OK." Michael held her hand and smiled. Myra blushed, turning her black scales a dark red. She let go of his hand and put the armband back on his arm, then started talking to him in Draconian.

"Can you hear me?"

"Yes. What do we do now?"

"Usually I have food now."

"Excellent. I'm starved."

"You do not have a large stomach?"

"No. I eat twice a day."

"I don't think I could be a Human. It sounds too horrible."

"Hey! I would like to be a Dragon though, I love you guys."

Saiu overheard Michael say he loved Dragons and walked over to him, "You love Dragons?"

"Yes. You saw my hard drive."

"I need to talk to you about that."

"What exactly?"

"What do you want to do next, I am not risking you going back."

"I want to go back for a few days, to finish my exams in electronics and physics."

Myra and Saiu looked at Michael, "What? I didn't find anything I liked."

"It's just" Myra started, "We never thought you were that advanced."

"Oh. Well, Saiu, should we have a talk now?"

"Yes. We will have it in my quarters. I find that my office is too formal for this."

They started to go to his quarters. "You have an office?"

"Yes. Myra did not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"This is my ship, I am the commander."

"That's why you gave me and Myra orders to go down and get it."

"Yes. Left here."

They turned into another corridor, furnished with a hard carpet to stop it being ripped up.

"I knew there was an air of authority around you."


"I knew you had some authority."

"Thank you. I have come to love Humans. You are an inquisitive race and are really kind on an individual basis."

"Thank you, but you said you were on Myra's team. What's that all about?"

"I was the commander of this ship, observing Myra. She asked me if I wanted to join and I accepted. She has complete control over me with anything related to Human research. I have control over her about anything else."


"This door Michael." Saiu said as he went to a door and unlocked it.