Freighter’s Reward

Story by Oridian on SoFurry

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#3 of Racer's Reward (Standalone stories)

A young freighter dragon takes a break from his cargo-hauling responsibilities when he is enlisted by one of the ranch hands to help her test out a strange new piece of equipment--a breeding mount, designed to milk every last drop of semen from a drake.

This story is self-contained and can be read alone. (6,073 words) Rating: Explicit, M/solo, Multiple-Orgasms, Milking, Machine

Written June 2018. Here's some quick smut with hardly any plot or characters to get in the way of the sex. Enjoy.

"Maxwell! Hey, over here!"

Maxwell's ears pricked up at the sound of someone shouting his name. The dragon turned and saw that it was one of the ranchers--a human by the name of Jennifer, who had just stepped out of a nearby barn.

Jennifer was more than just some random farmhand--she was the daughter of the head rancher and she mostly worked planning out the complex logistics required for the dragon ranch's flight operations. However, Jennifer also helped out all around the farm, and she liked to interact with the freighter dragons. She was, as agreed by most of the dragons, a nice human.

"Yes?" Maxwell asked, trotting over obediently.

Jennifer patted him on the head. "You just finished your first transatlantic, right? Congratulations!"

Maxwell nodded. "Thank you. It was fun to see Europe."

The dragon ranch bred and housed numerous dragons to operate flights all across the state, the country, and beyond; delivering packages, mail, and cargo to wherever they needed to go. Just like almost every dragon on the ranch, Maxwell was a grey-backed nettled glider--a domesticated species of dragon which specialized in carrying cargo or passengers. The life of a freighter dragon was a hectic one--most of their time was spent either flying, or sleeping to rest before their next flight. Efficiency and the heavy competitiveness in the industry dictated that they usually had little time to relax; freighters worked six days out of a week, and even that was considered generous.

Maxwell was a young dragon who had only recently reached adult size, which for a grey-backed nettled glider was slightly larger than a very big horse, although his proportions were significantly different from an equine. He had four legs, two huge wings, and a long slender tail--this all came standard on most every dragon, freighter or otherwise. The average grey-backed nettled glider could carry the weight of up to six humans in flight--this would involve them dangling off the dragon's side in special harnesses--but the dragon ranch usually worked with only cargo, not passengers.

Since he had reached adult size, Maxwell was officially allowed to fly long-distance routes which demanded more endurance. Just an hour ago he had finished a route that was more than interstate or international--it had been inter_continental_. Departing from the American east coast where his home ranch was located, he had flown across the Atlantic Ocean on a two-way cargo delivery to London and back. Maxwell hadn't done this alone, of course--all transatlantic flights were done in convoys with at least three (but sometimes up to two dozen) dragons flying together in a formation. Nevertheless this had been Maxwell's first time flying on such a long (and profitable) route, and he was quite proud of achieving this milestone.

Jennifer's mouth moved in an upward twist, which Maxwell understood humans did to indicate happiness. "So when's your next flight? It's day after tomorrow, right?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm flying the noon-day mail route on Thursday, down to Florida," Maxwell confirmed. Usually he would only have been allowed to rest until the next day, or even just for a few hours before he flew off again on another cargo flight, but today he had been granted a full day and a half of rest as a special celebratory treat since he'd just flown his first transatlantic flight.

"Good, good. So you're free for the afternoon, right? I need your help testing out some equipment." Jennifer pulled open the barn door and beckoned him in.

"Alright. Testing how? Do you need something delivered somewhere?" Maxwell entered the barn and glanced around. The barn was a simple building without any rooms or partitions, and right in the middle of the space was a strange piece of equipment--it looked like a large rounded cylinder placed horizontally and attached to four metal legs, with several pipes and tubes running all over the thing. Maxwell wasn't sure what the machine was for, but it was roughly about the size of a dragon. Even more curiously, the top and sides were covered by padding decorated with greyish scale patterns, as if to imitate a dragon's hide. "What's that?"

"You don't know? Some of the other drakes get hard just at the sight of something like this." Jennifer walked over to the machine and tapped a few buttons on a control panel. " a breeding mount. Specifically, it's a new automated design which does all sorts of fancy things like, uh, self-cleaning, immediate sample splitting, and integrated cryogenic storage. Now if you ask me, it's a bit silly that we've made all this fancy technology for something which could have been done with no technology at all, but that's just efficiency for you. Supposedly it's really fast with a high yield, so that's what you're going to help me test."

Maxwell had no idea what Jennifer was talking about. She was saying lots of complex words very quickly, and although Maxwell liked to think of himself as cleverer than average for a freighter dragon, he didn't quite grasp what she was saying. "I don't understand. What do you need me to do?" he asked, sitting down on his haunches.

Jennifer smiled again, and she scratched Maxwell under his chin in a way which felt quite nice. "It's ok; I'll walk you through the whole process. This is your first time, right? You've never even used one of the older manual mounts."

Maxwell could recall having heard some of the older freighters chatting about enjoying a mount, but he had never asked them what exactly they were talking about. "I don't think so. that something I should have done?"

"No, that's fine. You're still young, but since you've flown transatlantic than means you're definitely old enough to have a decent sperm yield." Jennifer pressed another button on the machine, and suddenly it began to produce a faint hissing sound. "You do actually know what breeding is and how it works, right?"

Maxwell shook his head, then he changed his mind and nodded his head, then he changed his mind again and shook his head. "Breeding is...when you make new dragons?" he supposed.

"Yep. The traditional way is to get two dragons (male and female, of course) together and just let em have a go at each other, and hope that a few months down the line we get an egg. That's called live cover. It's the exact same process as nature intended, but it's a logistical nightmare. The biggest problem is that we have to pull two freighters out from flight operations--we used to prefer breeding the older freighters because they flew less often and had more free time, but that sort of thing increases the chance of complications during the lay, or damaged eggs, or other issues. Not to mention the possibility that they just don't like each other. It's much easier to use artificial insemination from younger, healthier dragons in their prime, such as you." Jennifer used her finger and gently tapped Maxwell's nose.

Maxwell felt uneasy about this idea--it seemed like he had only just barely matured out of being a fledgling, but now he was apparently old enough to make an egg? "So you're going to have me make an egg?"

"Not yet. Eventually yes we'll probably try to inseminate some female with your stock, but first we would need to do a medical screening and genetic testing. For today we're just going to do some equipment testing on this new mount. I'll give you some chocolate when you're done--would you like that?"

Most dragons found chocolate to be a sticky and overly sweet type of food, but Maxwell had a weakness for the treat and Jennifer knew it. "I would like that..." he admitted.

"Great. Any questions before we begin?"

Maxwell had many questions, but he wasn't sure how to prioritize them. "Uh..."

"Ok good." Jennifer patted the drake's neck. "Relax! I guarantee you'll enjoy yourself. Some of the other males get so horny they'd been humping away at this thing all day if we let them. Because if there's one thing y'all like more than eating, it's mating." She walked over to the side of the breeding mount and took out a spray bottle filled with clear liquid, which she then began to spray onto a cloth. "The machine's already good to go, so let's get you ready for action."

"What's that?" Maxwell asked.

In response, Jennifer turned the spray bottle towards him and sprayed his nose. "Find out."

Maxwell jerked his head back in surprise, but not before getting a whiff of the misted liquid. He had occasionally smelled this same musky odour inside the stables where the freighters all lived, but he had never known what it was. Now that the scent was thick in his nostrils, the drake found it vaguely familiar and strangely enticing--Maxwell found himself instinctively leaning forwards and breathing deeply to try to get more of that smell.

Jennifer laughed at his reaction. "Haha. I see you like it. Don't worry, there's more where that came from." The cloth she had been spraying was now thoroughly saturated with the nice smelling liquid, and she wrapped it right around Maxwell's snout.

That incredible scent instantly flooded his nostrils and made his whole body feel tingly. Maxwell felt his heart began to pound in his chest, and his wings fluttered on his back out of an inexplicable desire to move. When he took another deep breath, he felt slightly dizzy as the scent overwhelmed his mind and called out instincts and desires he had never felt before. Jennifer used a strap to keep the cloth wrapped around his snout, but Maxwell didn't object at all. All he wanted was more of that scent--he wanted to breathe it in, to lick it, and to grab it and...and... "Mmf. What was in that bottle?" he asked, his voice slightly muffled behind the cloth.

"Pheromones." Jennifer showed him to side of the bottle, where there was a label with a list of several chemicals with long names. Maxwell could read (very, very slowly), but he didn't understand any of the words. "Oestrus Aromatic Indicator, Female Grey-backed Nettled Glider. 2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenethyl-something, something," Jennifer said, reading off the bottle. "In simple words, that's what it smells like when you've got a dragoness in heat. You like it, don't you?"

Maxwell did. The scent made his body feel warm, tingly, and sensitive all over. It made him feel excited and ready for action, as if he was about to takeoff on a flight. But it wasn't just his scales that were feeling flushed--slowly that delightful warmth spread down his chest and into his underbelly, and Maxwell glanced down and realized that another part of his anatomy was responding. Between his hindlegs was a vertical cleft--his genital slit--and now his penis was engorging with blood and pushing outwards from where it was normally stowed. In gentle but rapid throbs that synched up with the steady beating of his heart, his penis lengthened and thickened until it was protruding all the way out of his genital slit, pointing forwards like a spear. Several fleshy ridges ran across the underside of his reproductive organ, and right at the base there was a slight spherical bulge. Maxwell was aware that his penis was supposed to be used for mating, but he had never imagined it would feel like this.

There was no way Jennifer could miss the obvious signs of his arousal. "Yeah, you definitely like that." She tapped a few buttons on the control panel, and a small display screen suddenly lit up with text. "Ready to Collect, Subject: MAXWELL," read the display. "Alright, it's calibrated to you. Used to be we'd have drakes wash themselves clean before we let them use the breeding mount, but this new machine does it all. Here, stick it in."

Maxwell tilted his head. "What? What do I do?"

"Your penis. Or if you want to use slang: your dick, cock, hardon, boner, knob, whatever. It needs to go into this hole here." Jennifer pointed towards the back of the breeding mount where, sure enough, there was a hole just below draconic waist level. "Climb over the machine and stick yourself in."

"Right..." Maxwell jumped to his feet and trotted over to examine the breeding mount. His penis bumped against his belly as he walked, but the drake couldn't feel even the slightest bit of shame, what with all the pheromones clouding his thoughts. Rearing up on his hindlegs, he let his chest rest against the top of the machine. Was this how dragons normally mated? Except now he was mating with a machine, not a real dragon. As he grasped the breeding mount with his forepaws, the top and sides of the machine really did feel almost like he was touching another dragon, albeit lacking any of the warmth of a real creature. The grey-coloured fake scales felt like plastic, but it was close enough that he could try to imagine he was touching another dragon.

Climbing onto the breeding mount lined his penis exactly with the hole. Without waiting for any further prompting from Jennifer, Maxwell instinctively pushed his hips forward and buried his erect length into the machine. He grunted in surprised pleasure at the sudden sensation. "Oh..." Whereas the outside of the breeding mount had lacked any warmth, Maxwell felt delightful heat surround his sensitive flesh as he thrust in. The hole was lined with soft material that felt almost like flesh, and inside were ridges or smooth bumps which seemed to wrap around his erection to caress it in all directions. Slick lubrication made it easy for him to move, but without entirely eliminating that wonderful rubbing that sent tingles running up his spine.

Maxwell shoved himself forwards until he was fully penetrating, with his genital slit touching against the machine's rear side. This felt...incredible. Instinctively he began to thrust forwards and backwards, and pleasure began to course through his body. The breeding mount was bolted to the floor, but he clutched it with his forepaws to give himself more leverage as he quickly humped at the machine.

"Right, you've got the hang of it. This new mount is pretty cool--it's got built in memory and all sorts of automated functionality." Jennifer picked up a manual from a folding table placed at the side of the room, but Maxwell was hardly paying any attention to the human--all he cared about right now was the intense feelings running through his body. It was easy for him to imagine that he was mounting a dragoness--he was going to fill her with his seed and put an egg inside her, and suddenly that was all he wanted to do. His tail swished from side to side as he tried to find the female's tail and entwine his tail with hers, but all he found was air.

"The temperature is adjustable, as is the circumference of the artificial vagina. Different strokes for different drakes. Technology is just amazing nowadays." Jennifer was flipping through the manual with calm coolness, even as Maxwell furiously jackhammered himself into the breeding mount right beside her. "How does that feel? You want any changes? Warmer or cooler, tighter or looser?"

"It's...fine. This feels very...nice..." the drake managed to reply. His penis felt like it was becoming more and more sensitive as he worked himself against the machine, and the pleasure was escalating to higher and higher levels. He only realized he had closed his eyes when Jennifer tapped the side of his head with a pen.

"Hey, Maxwell. Look at this."

Opening his eyes, Maxwell bent his neck around to see what Jennifer wanted him to see--she had removed the side padding from the rear of the machine, allowing them both to see what it really looked like. There was a metal skeleton structure which made up the whole thing and supported his weight, but the breeding mount itself was made from a hollow cylinder of clear material which was surrounded by all sorts of strange contraptions and mechanical things. Even as he thrust, Maxwell could see his dark-reddish penis rapidly sliding in and out of this cylinder, stretching the clear material.

"Ain't that weird? Anyway let's test out how the mount works." Jennifer had been copying things from the manual into her notebook, but now she put down both books and twisted a knob on the machine's control panel. "According to the manual, this setting should give a quick sample collection without a tie. You can just cum whenever you're ready. Let's see how this works."

At this point, Maxwell wasn't listening to Jennifer anymore. Every time he inhaled, his nose was flooded by pheromones telling him he was burying himself deep inside a fertile dragoness, and the pleasure building up in his underbelly has seized control of his body. He couldn't stop or even control his thrusting anymore--he _needed_to keep feeling that pleasure, and he _needed_to breed the dragoness under him. It felt so good!

But even with his conscious thoughts so deeply clouded by lust and arousal, Maxwell suddenly opened his eyes when he felt something change. His penis felt almost painfully intense of a sudden--he was so sensitive that he couldn't stand to thrust anymore. Instinctively he stopped thrusting so he could push himself deep into the breeding mount and hold still. Even without moving at all, his pleasure continued to build with muscles tightening up in his underbelly. The mount felt warm and snug all around his penis, except for right at the base where it felt curiously loose and cold, but Maxwell couldn't think about that right now. The pressure swelled until he was sure he was about to explode from how good it felt, and then he did.

Tingly, warm pleasure exploded out of his groin, and his muscles all twitched and jerked repeatedly. The pulses of pleasure kept coming nonstop, one after another like waves crashing over a beach. "Gnnnarhh..." Maxwell made a sound that was half growl and half groan, muffled behind the cloth covering his snout. For those few brief seconds it felt like every muscle in his body locked up from that paralyzing, potent pleasure that surged out from his underbelly. Maxwell kept his head lowered and he could see a cloudy white liquid pouring out of the tip of his penis and into the breeding mount. All his seed was collected by the machine and used to fill a small bottle connected to it, as he repeatedly fired out spurts of his semen.

The strong pulses of pleasure soon came to an end, but Maxwell felt a different sort of warmth running through him. It felt like he was urinating into the mount, except that his bladder didn't feel like it was emptying, and the liquid trickling out of his penis looked vicious and thick. Again he couldn't stop or control what his body was doing--he had no choice but to let it happen.

"That's the mating plug," Jennifer said, tapping her pen against the mount. Maxwell could see that the machine had changed something up, and now his bodily fluid was being collected in a different bottle. "With the old mounts we'd try to make sure we don't get the plug mixed in with the actual semen, but this machine does it automatically. Very useful."

Maxwell was breathing heavily, but he managed to get out a question. "Why? you do that?"

Jennifer seemed happy to explain. She twirled her pen around her fingers. "The mating plug is like this...glue...which takes a few days to stop being sticky. It's not usually a useful thing for us to collect when we're doing a semen collection, but sometimes we can use it to check for certain diseases. Prostate cancer, infection, and stuff like that; but you're way too young to worry about those sorts of things. The mating plug doesn't actually contain any sperm cells. It's sort of like a, uh, an evolutionary thing. Once you've shot your semen into a dragoness, your body pumps out this thick sticky liquid which blocks any other drakes who try to mate with that dragoness, which I guess makes it more likely that _you_are the one who impregnates her." Jennifer now looked slightly amused. "Maxwell, I guess you've just had your first ejaculation. Congratulations!"

"Thanks...?" Maxwell used his forepaw to scratch at his nose, where the cloth was itching. "Are you done with the testing?"

"Oh, not at all! We've got a few other things I need to test, just to check all this equipment is working." Jennifer twisted a knob and pressed another button on the breeding mount, and suddenly Maxwell felt the whole thing start to vibrate around his penis.

The fresh stimulation made him inhale sharply, taking in another deep breath of the sex pheromones. His penis hadn't had any opportunity to grow soft, and now he once more started to thrust against the machine as his pleasure slowly started to build up from zero. "That feels good! I this again?"

"Yeah. You can keep going until you pass out, really, but today we're just going to keep going until we've emptied your balls."

Maxwell didn't understand the term. "My balls?"

Jennifer chuckled and gestured towards the drake's underbelly. "Yeah, your balls. Bollocks, nuts, gonads, etc. All the same word for testicles--the reproductive organs which make sperm. They're called balls because in human males they look like two balls dangle outside the body, in this, uh, this wrinkly skin sack thing. The ball_sack_. However for dragons, you keep your things internal; it probably more aerodynamic that way, but unfortunately it means you'll never get to experience the wonderful sensation of being kicked in the balls."

"What does that feel like?"

Jennifer looked thoughtful. "I'm not completely sure--can't say I've ever experienced it for myself--but I've been told it's excruciatingly painful. It's therefore very fun to hold a guy's nuts in your hand." She clenched her fist and shook it. "I suppose it's just a feeling of power from knowing you can crush their sensitive sexy bits? Anyway Max, don't you worry about human weirdness--you just keep enjoying yourself. Dragons are really weird in their own ways."

Maxwell had reached a steady rhythm, thrusting himself into the machine again. He could feel that same pleasure from before building up, encouraged by the vibrations which were stimulating him all over. "Weird? How are we weird?" he asked.

"For one, drakes have two types of ejaculations, which is what we are currently testing out." Jennifer grabbed his tail and tugged it backwards. "Hey, stop for a moment and pull out. Let me explain."

At this point in his arousal, Maxwell could still stop himself. He pulled his penis out of the mount. "What?"

Jennifer used her pen to point right at the base of Maxwell's erection, though she carefully avoided touching his sensitive flesh. "You see this bit here? It's called the knot. I don't know if you noticed, but earlier when you were shooting your first load it started to expand and get all big."

"I didn't notice," Maxwell told her. He had been quite distracted in that brief instant of ecstasy.

"Well it did. That's just more evolutionary biology for you--when you're about to ejaculate, your knot swells up and if you thrust deep you'll get it stuck inside whatever lucky dragoness you're mounting," Jennifer explained. "Which is why you've got two types of ejaculations, and your knot is how you choose between the two. If your knot stays outside, your ejaculation is quick and you'll put out a breeding plug after you're done. But if your knot gets stimulation, then you'll be tied with that dragoness for a while; you'll have a slower ejaculation and you won't put a breeding plug after you're done."

Maxwell resumed thrusting into the breeding mount. "Ok. But why?"

"Like I said--evolution based on how wild dragons would once have mated with each other. The fast untied orgasm is supposed to be for when you mate with females who you probably won't see again--the dragon equivalent of a one-night-stand. You get it over quick before she gets impatient, and you block out her reproductive tract so other drakes don't get a chance to put their own sperm into her. In comparison, the slow tied orgasm is for if you manage to persuade a dragoness to be your mate--since you'll be mating with her repeatedly and there isn't a chance she's mating with other drakes, your mating plug would only block yourself in any future attempts."

Jennifer paused and let out a deep sigh. "Huuuh... Wow, I know an awful lot about dragon husbandry and reproduction. This would be super weird and creepy if I wasn't a rancher and if you weren't a dragon."

Maxwell nodded in agreement. "So now what are you trying to test the machine for?"

"This breeding mount is advanced enough that there's a setting for both types of orgasm. Just now I had it set to give you an untied orgasm, which is why you put out a mating plug because it loosened up the entrance part of the mount so that your knot wouldn't get stimulation. Now we're going to try out that other setting--does it feel any different?"

"A bit. It feels a little more snug than before," Maxwell replied. As he continued to hump, he realized that his full length was now getting stimulated, especially when he thrust deeply.

"Want to know something else weird about drakes?" Jennifer asked. Maxwell nodded, so she continued. "You'll always cum the same amount. Ok, technically that's not true. I mean--you'll always cum in the same way...sort of. Every drake has a unique orgasmic pattern which they always follow. Like...a standardized waveform, but not a standardized frequency or displacement."

"I don't know what that means."

Jennifer pointed to the breeding mount's screen, where a small number was displayed next to Maxwell's name. "Your first ejaculation let the machine create a profile for you. Your number is eight. That means that whenever you cum, your muscles will clench up eight times and you'll shoot eight spurts of semen. It's the same whether you're doing it tied or untied, but untied will be fast while tied is slow. Different frequency, but same total count. So now you know."

Maxwell still wasn't sure what Jennifer was talking about. "Uh, ok."

Jennifer let out another sigh. "Gosh, I really do know too much about dragon anatomy. I remember back in college--the other students were all dreaming about starting their own businesses, or going to work in banks, or becoming artists, or lawyers, or researchers, or whatever. But me? I was the crazy dragon girl who decided to do a double major in business and veterinary science. Good thing we had a boom in the industry, what with Caedry Aerospace Group lobbying congress to create the Free Skies Act back in..."

Maxwell had stopped listening. He could feel all his muscles beginning to tighten up as he approached that peak of pleasure again. As he kept thrusting, he started feeling a tugging resistance every time he tried to pull out of the machine's orifice as his slowly inflating knot created more and more friction. Then suddenly he found himself stuck, with his penis locked inside the mount. He couldn't pull out anymore, but he could keep making small, deep, thrusts to earn more and more of that delightful pleasure until finally he felt himself slip over an orgasmic peak.

"Oh, yep. You see that? Or you feel that? You just knotted the thing," Jennifer noted. Maxwell hardly even realized the rancher was talking.

His orgasm felt just as good as it had before, but this time the pressure around his knot made things happen differently. His first orgasm had been quick, blindingly intense, and over in just a few brief seconds, but now Maxwell felt his pleasure build up slowly and spread out from his underbelly in a glorious pulse of glowing warmth. It felt just as good as before--perhaps even better, in fact, as he felt a huge spurt of semen pour out of his penis and into the mount. The wave of pleasure wound down slowly, only for another wave to beginning building up inside his underbelly before he had a chance to fully come down from his high.

Maxwell found himself completely lost in the pleasure as he eagerly anticipated more...but then suddenly everything came to a crashing halt when Jennifer punched her fist against a large red button on the breeding mount. The machine hissed and flashed a red light. Abruptly everything went completely loose, and that delightful warmth and pressure around Maxwell's phallus completely disappeared. The drake groaned aloud as he thrust his hips, desperately trying to restore the rewarding sensation, but it was all gone. "Mff!" In one instant, all his pleasure had vanished and inverted into discomfort that was so intense it bordered on pain. There was no satisfaction, no relief, no release--only an uncomfortable feeling which completely overwhelmed any pleasure he'd been experiencing.

"Sorry about that. Just had to test out the emergency stop. You've also just gotten to experience why drakes in the wild don't try knotting with any random female they manage to mount--premature ejaculatory termination is evolutionary disadvantageous, and therefore must be selected against." Jennifer patted Maxwell's head in a consoling manner, and the drake gave her a miserable look. "Don't look at me like that! Was it really that bad?"

"It was! It feels like inch inside my underbelly which I can't scratch," Maxwell grumbled.

"Well at least now we know that the emergency stop is working." Jennifer pressed a button on the breeding mount twice, and the machine reset itself. Warm, wet pressure squeezed down on Maxwell's phallus again, and the mount started to vibrate around him. "Does that feel better now?"

Maxwell growled at the rancher, but not with any real malice. "Grr... A bit, but just now was so bad!"

"Relax--I won't do it again. That's almost everything I need to test for this mount. The last thing is for it to do a full collection--it'll just keep stimulating you until you're dry." Jennifer peered slightly closer at the machine's display. "It estimates you've got...maybe about five or six ejaculations to go. I'll be back in half an hour--got some other chores to run. Have fun!"

And then just like that she was gone, leaving Maxwell all alone in the barn. He didn't mind, because once again it felt oh-so-good to thrust into the breeding mount, feeling his pleasure build up. The cloth tied over his muzzle was still feeding pheromones directly into his nostrils, tricking his brain and keeping him fully aroused. He craved that climax that he hadn't gotten to fully enjoy, but this time--this time he knew that nothing would stop his pleasure.

When he finally felt his knot swell up wide, making his penis catch inside the mount, Maxwell dropped his head and moaned aloud. The pleasure--nothing mattered but that pleasure. Waves of it washed over him, again and again, relentless but slow. The breeding mount made faint hissing noises as it collected his output, but Maxwell only cared about how it felt to him as his muscles rhythmically squeezed and relaxed to pump out his seed, injecting it deep into the mount as his penis did its job.

Yet even when the waves of pleasure ended, the machine kept going. It kept vibrating and stimulating him, and soon enough Maxwell resumed his eager thrusting. He wasn't done with breeding the dragoness he was mounting--he was far from done. Even thrust caressed his penis, stimulating his delicate flesh and sending tingles up his spine. It took no longer than before for him to push his body into another release, and Maxwell groaned again as he felt those same muscles tensing up with delightful intensity.

This time he remembered what Jennifer had said, and he counted. Eight spurts--that was his pattern, supposedly.

The first spurt was an incredibly slow burst of sensation in his underbelly, as warmth shot up through his phallus and into the breeding mount. It felt so good that he groaned aloud.

The second spurt came faster and felt even better, with his muscles clenching harder to deliver more of his seed. Maxwell groaned again and shuddered.

The third spurt was just as fast, but less intense. Still there was pleasure, and it overwhelmed his mind.

The fourth spurt felt no different from the third--raw, rhythmic intensity as his body repeatedly ran through a reflex arc.

By the fifth spurt, his orgasm was slowing down. Maxwell still dipped his head as the pleasure rushed through his body, but now there was less blinding intensity and more warm satisfaction.

The sixth spurt was a smaller burst of pleasure, enough to be felt and savoured but noticeably diminished compared to what had come before.

The seventh spurt suddenly reversed this trend of reducing returns. It hit harder and made Maxwell gasp as his organs clenched up, as if they were suddenly realizing his ejaculation wasn't quite done.

The final spurt was prolonged and drawn out, with just a faint throb of pleasure but much more satisfaction and relief.

But it didn't end there. The machine kept vibrating, and the mount never stopped feeling warm, slippery wet, and just tight enough to be enticing. Maxwell lost all track of time as he gave in to his lusts, obeying basal instincts as he repeatedly emptied himself into the mount. The display panel was showing numbers, indicating volumes, viscosities, and percentage changes, but all the drake cared about was the sensations he was getting. He closed his eyes and just let pleasure rule his mind, driven by that wonderful smell in his nostrils and that wonderful feeling around his phallus.

Each ejaculation gave just a fractional volume of the previous, and the pleasure grew more muted until finally he was done. Maxwell had no idea how much time had passed, or how many blissful releases he'd put himself through, but the machine beeped and the vibrations stopped. He snapped his eyes open as he felt something touch his snout, but it was only Jennifer--the rancher had returned, and now she took the pheromone-soaked cloth off his muzzle and gently wiped his nose with a clean, wet, cloth.

Maxwell took a breath of fresh air, and it was like a fog finally lifted from his mind. He slumped down, resting all his weight on the mount even as he felt his penis finally grow soft and start to retract back into his genital slit. His whole body felt lethargic, but in a satisfying way, almost as if he had just completely a long arduous flight.

A fresh scent suddenly invaded his nose--Jennifer was holding a large, unwrapped bar of chocolate in front of him. Maxwell flicked his tongue out to taste the candy, and then he started nibbling squares of the treat. Jennifer let him hold the chocolate bar, then she bent down and pulled a couple of glass bottles out of the machine. One bottle was filled with clear liquid with swirls of white, while the other had a yellowish-white substance which was thick enough to look like a gel.

"And there we have it! It would have taken hours for our older mounts to collect this much. Very good test. Nice work, Max." Jennifer let him look at the glass bottles. "Isn't it weird to think that all this stuff was inside you, waiting to come out? Like you had all these organs inside you filled with semen, and now they're empty. Oh gosh, what the hell am I saying?"

"Good question." Maxwell sniffed at the human. "Do you have any more chocolate?"

Jennifer put the glass bottles inside an icebox, then she reached into her pocket and took out another chocolate bar. After unwrapping the foil covering, she took one bite before letting Maxwell take the rest. "Here you go, Max. You deserve it."


Racer's Reward: Consolation Prize

_This story is a direct sequel, but it can be read independently without reading the first story. It's mostly sex, but it starts off with a healthy dose of world and character building before things get heated. (14,936 words) Rating: Explicit, M/F,...

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Racer's Reward

_Synopsis:_ _A young drake born to compete in aerial races wins his first championship and discovers that his reward is more than just a medal. His competitors eat his dust, and then the retiring champion eats something else of his. Prepare to see a...

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