Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#32 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Lady Ursa, Dawn Stern and Alex Winter enacted a brilliant plan to restore limited communications while they were away from the lost city. It worked! Commander Rhinox also had the trio repurpose a former outpost of the empire as a auxiliary site while away from their home. Could he be planning some missions?

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I

Day 62 (Auxiliary site in the Great Forest)

"Hmm...." Feleen said as she watched Dawn Stern work at the terminal that housed her program.

"Wow, this circuitry is quite sophisticated." The archeologist said as the sentinel watched her like a hawk looking for its next meal. "Oh, hello there."

"Grr...." The fennec grumbled.

"Feleen is it? For the twentieth time, I am not your enemy dear. I am a friend."

"One which I can't verify." The she fox said.

"Sweetie, I do not mean you any harm. I am with Alex, and Lady Ursa." The blond said smiling.

"Perhaps you speak the truth, but you are awfully close to my program." The sentinel responded. "Perhaps, I should take you out just on principle."

"Um, that won't be necessary, but if you don't mind could you please cover up? What you are wearing is um, quite inappropriate." Dawn said trying not to look and the female beastial's naked form especially her exposed breasts. But how could she not? The earrings and necklace she was 'wearing' accentuated her beautiful petite chest with the gold colored nipples. Besides they were right there in front of her!

"No." Feleen replied.

"Careful professor she is about to whammy you." I warned as Lady Ursa carried some more supplies in from outside. "That is how she eliminates those she considers threats to this facility."

"I was not Alex." The sentinel program protested.

"Last fall she whammied the team I was assisting when we found this place- killing our leader." I said as Dawn gasped.

"A regrettable decision, but it was the directive I was given by those who created me and Nathan." The fennec said. "Until it was changed."

"Now what is your directive?" The professor asked.

"To grumble and snarl at those I deem are intruders and if they indeed prove hostile, to make them dance until they can't dance any more."

"Um, how long have you and Nathan been guards of this relay station?" Corbin's adoptive mother asked.

"A number of years." Feleen responded cryptically.

"Interesting and over those years how many have you maimed, captured or killed to meet your objective?" The blond archeologist asked curiously.

"Enough." Feleen said.

"Professor! How is it coming?" Lady Ursa said interrupting the conversation.

"I think the final adjustments have been made. Feleen could you hand me that spanner over there?" Dawn asked pointing.

"Ms. Stern I would like to comply but I am only a projection, a hologram I do not have a physical form." The nude fennec replied.

"But if you did, it would be outstanding." I said staring her down as my perfect person lifted an eyebrow.

"Shakara and I aren't enough for you pet?" My mistress teased.

"I mean here." I said handing Dawn the spanner.

The co-leader of the lost city disappeared underneath the console she was working on for a few minutes more before re-emerging.

"It is done." The professor said.

"Ok let's try this." I said helping Dawn to her feet.

Lady Ursa turned on her communicator. "Commander we are set back here."

"I think I understood what you *zzztt* said." The rhino warrior said. "Russell! Light it up."

The three females and I watched as a projection display appeared above the console.

"Wow, two months and the water level has not budged at all." Dawn said.

"What? Is this World Five?!" Feleen asked.

"It is." My perfect person said to the hologram. "From a distance."

"The commander and Russell set this up using an old surveillance device that was not damaged during the fall." I responded.

"We are going to use this and another to monitor Others in this city and World One. Well you are Feleen, and report back to Lady Ursa or myself." Dawn said.

"This will provide you with additional responsibilities." Lady Ursa said.

"I see and why should I report to you Ms. Stern?"

"Because she is the co-leader of our community Feleen." I said stepping in.

"And who is the other?"

"Right beside you." My warrior bear said to the hologram, you can trust her as you would Alex or myself.

"Ursa how is *zzzt* the *zzzt* reception?" The rhino warrior asked.

"Acceptable commander." The bear said to the rhino.

"Good this will be a very valuable asset for all of us. With that, Russell and I am going to resume the searching for Barq."

"Good luck commander." I said.

"Wait wait!!" The miniature horse said as we were about to end the communication.

"Something more Russell?" Lady Ursa asked the equine defender.

"Did you three find the present I left you?"

"Present?" Dawn asked looking at Feleen, Ursa and myself.

"It is that red package on top of the supplies." The pony said pointing.

My fierce ursine warrior walked back over to the pile of supplies she had brought in picking up the package.

"What is it?" The professor asked.

"Dinner. I made you three a little something in case you are tired of rations - stew."

"Why thank you Russell dear. That was quite thoughtful of you." The professor said to the little horse.

"I also had the commander try a sample earlier." Russell beamed proudly. "He says that my cooking has improved."

"Really?" I spouted out stupidly.

"Really!" The horse said.

The three females and myself looked at the strategic operations commander standing behind the cowardly horse who was shaking his head no. But then turned that into a yes when Russell turned to look at him.

"Stay in touch." Dawn warned. "We are going to bed down here for the night then head west in the morning to search for the sister site."

"Good luck to the three of you as well." The miniature horse said as Lady Ursa ended the communication.

That night as we settled down to rest, two of us succeeded, the third didn't.

"I love you mistress always and forever." I said as I looked into my perfect person's eyes.

"And I you pet." She said reclining as she pulled me on top of her. We then kissed- human lips to bear snout.


Our make out session was momentarily interrupted by a certain archeologist.

"Something wrong?" My she beast asked the blond female.

"I can't sleep." The professor admitted.

"I know the sleeping accommodations aren't ideal." Lady Ursa began.

"That is because the rebels that built this facility, intended it to be automated and not house anyone- except for trespassers." I commented.

"No it is not that."

"Sharing our sleeping bundle?" Lady Ursa asked.

"No it is not that either- but why are you two near naked?!"

"Old habits." My bear knight responded blushing underneath her fur.

"Then what professor?" I asked.

"Corbin." She replied.

"Huh?" I said from my perfect person's embrace.

"This is the second time we have been apart since I started taking care of him. I hope that he is ok. I mean I hope everyone back home is ok."

"Ms. Stern." Lady Ursa pulling Dawn next to her. "Corbin and the rest of our family will be fine."

"That is right. Corey and Rumble are watching the city and Shakara is looking after Corbin." I said as the brown bear initiated her super snuggle attack.

Dawn attempted to close her eyes before they sprung back open in a state of panic.

"Shakara is watching him! Feleen!" The archeologist said springing up from the bear's sleeping bundle and running away.

"Speaking of Shakara, will she be ok without her daily dosages of warm happy pet?"

"I left her enough of a supply to get her through the next few days." I said snuggling my brown bear back.

"So that is why you have been walking funny." The warrior concluded.


"So she WILL be ok?"

"Absolutely mistress."

"Absolutely- absolutely?" My she beast asked me.

"I better go check on her! Feleen!" I said jumping up from the sleeping bundle.

I ran down the hall and found the professor speaking to her adoptive son via projection on the console.

"Are you sure you are ok Corbin?"

"Yes professor, Shakara is taking good care of me. Corey and Rumble are too." The little mongoose said as a huge brown paw clasped the boy's head.

Dawn gasped until she realized who it belonged to.

"Now Rumble make sure he gets his rest."

The werewolf nodded.

"And eats his meals."

"Will do Corey said walking into frame."

"And goes to bed on time."


"And eats the right things!"

"I think they get the point professor." I said walking up to her. "By the way is Shakara around?"

"How is it going little cutie?" My dark tan lioness said walking into frame as Corey, Corbin and Rumble left the room.

"Pretty good, the auxiliary site is up and running. Dawn misses her son- but I think we can help her cope."

"I miss you too." My lioness said. "But I think I can keep busy until you and my bear return."

(Your bear?)

"Um, how goes your research?"

"Rumble is growing tired of being poked, pricked and prodded. But he understands it is because we really don't understand him all that well."

"Any theories?" The archeologist asked.

"He can regenerate after dying." My devious person said.

"We knew that. What about the how and why?" I asked.

"Still working on that. As far as I can figure after sustaining injuries incompatible with life, his body shuts down and devotes all its effort to repair itself. It is as if he were created for some higher purpose."

"That is amazing." Dawn replied.

"So basically like a character in a video game he came keep coming back, again and again and again." I said.

(So he can't remain dead? Interesting.)

"I will let you two go, you have a big day ahead of you." My lioness said ending the connection.

As the communication ended Feleen reappeared.

"She is right you know. You two need your rest or should we work on some late night calisthenics?"

"We better go professor- this fennec's exercise routines can be quite brutal."

Dawn and I returned to Lady Ursa's sleeping bundle. Once inside, the bear pulled both of us to her. I slept peacefully on her chest and torso. The professor slept on her left shoulder and bicep.

During the night the three of us shifted. By the next morning my mistress' left paw had found its way down Dawn's pants to caress her backside.

Day 63

"That was an incredibly restful!" Dawn said springing to life.

"UGN, Morning?!" I said stirring.

"Alex, do you always sleep on her like that?" My sister's doppelgänger asked.

"Why yes, her breasts are quite lovely and make good pillows." I whispered. "I also like listening to her draw breath and when she is really tired she draws a lot of it! But you really want to know the best part?"

"What is that?"

"When she is in a deep, deep sleep I like to take hold of her shoulders and arms and examine her body. I like looking at her bulk, strength and ferocity especially those paws with the claws on them. She is built like a tank!"

"Um Alex what is a tank?" The blond female asked.


"Morning already?!" My she beast said waking up.

"It appears so." Dawn said blushing.

We got up and prepared to dress.

"Well that is new." I said staring at the bathrooms.

"What is that pet?"

"They share a common sink."

"It is better than that!" Dawn said pulling me inside. "The showers have actual running water!"

We took our time bathing that morning. Dawn and I scrubbing Lady Ursa and she scrubbing us.

"How did you sleep last night professor?" I asked lathering her up.

"You know quite well once I quit worrying about Corbin. That and I think there was a paw groping my bottom."

"Um, there was?!" My she beast said blushing underneath her fur.

"There was." The blond naked female said starring down the beastial female. "It felt kind of nice though."

"I think you were a stand in for Shakara. Her bottom is quite squeezable." I quipped.

(So my mistress does miss her!)

"Ahem, we should be ready to move out after breakfast." My warrior bear said turning on the water.

And so after breakfast, we bid Feleen farewell and made our way back to the prototype.

"Dawn, any idea where this lost city's sister location might be?" My warrior bear asked her.

"From the texts and scrolls that I have been able to translate it is west of World One." The blond said. "How far west, I don't know."

"That is the same area we saw the arrow pointing after visiting The Madam's hideout." I observed.

"Could it be that survivors headed that direction and are possibly hiding in that city?" Lady Ursa observed.

"That would be an incredible stroke of dumb luck wouldn't it?" I added.

"I have a general idea of where to start." Ms. Stern said. "Hopefully the surveillance equipment on the prototype would also be of assistance."

And so we pilled into the blue coupe and proceeded west. Lady Ursa piloted. I decided to climb into the trunk as to not crowd the professor who was sitting in the passenger seat working.

"Wow, it snowed- a lot." That meant we would be flying- a lot.

**Halo projector engaged.* *

"What did you disguise us as professor?" Our driver said as we preceded west.

"A storm cloud."

"Keeping with the weather theme huh?" I asked.

"Pretty much yeah."

We traveled west for another thirty minutes or so.

"This isn't working I can only see forest from up here." Ms. Stern complained. "Does the prototype have anything to scan what is beneath us?"

*No Ms. Stern not at this height.*

"Then we need to get closer to the ground madam knight. The probe's scanners are ineffective at this height."

"Perhaps a little closer." My fierce ursine warrior said.

The prototype dropped to about a thousand feet above ground. The professor took to the scanner looking for anything that would resemble structures hidden beneath the trees or underneath the ground.

"So have either of you given any thought to the commander's suggestion?" My brown bear asked.

"I don't know how I feel about that madam knight." The blond said.

"Dawn these are dangerous times and there will come a time when you or Alex may need to defend yourselves and Rhinox, Rumble, Corey, Russell or myself may not be near or able to help you." My warrior bear warned.

"So in light of what happened the last two months Rhinox and you want all of us non-warrior types to select a weapon to master and keep on our person at all times." I said.

"Right pet."

"I haven't decided yet. Neither have Corbin or Shakara either." The professor said as the scenery changed beneath us.

"Looks like we are close to the great plains." I said. "Overwatch any signs of tornadic activity?"

*No storms in the immediate area Mr. Winter.*

"Don't let your guard down pet."

"Acknowledged last time we were in the plains was three years ago trying to convince the Legend family to return to the empire." I said.

"That was the morning their home was destroyed by two tornadoes." My bear knight interjected.

"Don't remind me- that was one of the most scary moments of my life."

(And our first mission together.)

"Nothing like that today but there is a weird structure right there." The archeologist said pointing.

"Overwatch magnify." My perfect person ordered.

"It looks like a general store from colonial times." I said looking at the upper left monitor in the center stack.

"Alex explain." My she beast said.

"It is something right out of the Cody's Gift movie; a building from Friendship Settlement." Dawn quipped.

"It needs to be investigated." Lady Ursa said landing the prototype.

The structure was a wooden building about 30 feet in length and 20 feet in width. It had a small roof supported by pillars, one large window on the right side of the entrance but the most surprising thing was the painted sign above the door.

"Juke's Trading post?" I said reading it.

"I think we should go in." The professor said.

"Indeed." The brown bear said.

"Mid-morning to the two of you- welcome to my trading post. Anything I can help you with?" A man with short cut white hair and a scar on his right cheek asked.

His eyes were squinty and his face was worn like he had seen much hardship in the months after the fall. He was standing behind a counter at a wall opposite the entrance.

"Um what is this place?" I asked walking up to the counter.

"It is exactly as the sign says- a trading post where one can procure what one needs for survival in these harshest of times. For a price. Traveling west are you?"

"What type of price?" My warrior bear asked entering the store.

"Oh it is one of you furred, tailed folk." The man said his voice dropping. "And a knight too."

"Hoping that we met our end during the fall?" My she beast said studying the shop keeper.

"A little bit madam knight." He said eyeing her.

"Um, we were just browsing." Dawn said grabbing Lady Ursa's paw.

We must have spent a good twenty minutes walking around the store looking at what he was selling. There were tons of tools, weapons, clothing and even food.

(Where did he get all of this? Did he have suppliers?)

"What did you say your name was?" Lady Ursa asked the shop keeper as she eyed a intricate looking sword.

"I didn't." The shop keeper shot back.

"This looks nice." Dawn said eyeing a jeweled dagger. "How much?"

"What do you have to trade?" The man asked.

"There isn't a price?" The professor asked.

"Currency ended with the empire." He responded.

"Well not much." My sister's doppelgänger said while my mistress looked at some other items with peculiar interest- a communicator, shield and knight uniform.

"Shop keeper where did you get your products?" Lady Ursa turned sternly toward him crossing her arms.

"Oh here and there." The man said.

"What you mean to say is from the bodies of the fallen. The items over there were from warriors of the knight core."

"Hey, I procured them fair and square- it is not like their owners will have need for them ever again- bear."

"Mistress?" I asked walking over to her.

"Alex, Dawn. The shop keeper is Jeremiah Juke- a con artist, opportunist and smuggler wanted across the five cities." My bear knight said.

"Former." Mr. Juke said. "The high mucky muck's enforcers were looking for me right up to the fall."

"I should take you in right now." The brown bear grumbled.

"You could try but, um there is no law and order right now. No place to imprison anyone. No one to judge and render punishment now is there?"

"So let me get this straight- you have been traveling to the cities and procuring your items from the dead?" Dawn asked.

"Repurposing." Mr. Juke said smugly.

"That is macabre!" I said.

"Times are different now, unlike before- humans don't have any restrictions placed on them or their movement. The playing field for the first time is wide open!"

"So you decided to go straight and become a legitimate businessman?" I said as the man continued to stare down Lady Ursa.

"Exactly. Now browsing time has ended and that beastial is stinking up the place."

"I do not smell!" My mistress growled.

"All you animals do. Now make a purchase or leave."

"We will leave." Lady Ursa said turning toward the door. I followed close behind.

"Actually, that dagger will do and that boomerang over there as well." Dawn said.

"What do you have to barter with?" Mr. Juke asked.

"I have some pads that I can no longer use."

"Were they damaged during the fall?"

"Yes by the EMP. It is not much, but it is what I have."

"Well that was interesting." My perfect person said as she and I walked back to the prototype.

"What? You mean reverse prejudice?"

"Yes pet." She said sitting down behind the steering wheel. "Second class citizens received much of that during the empire's reign and now that it is gone..."

"It is retaliation time." I said solemnly.

"Overwatch has the probe detected anything?"

**All scans report negative Lady Ursa nothing in the immediate vicinity.* *

"I wonder how many customers he has had since he opened?" Dawn said emerging from the structure with her purchase.

"You actually bought something from that criminal?" My lady bear asked the blond archeologist.

"Well you did say us frail no-tails needed a means to defend ourselves."

"I don't remember saying it in those terms Dawn."

"Regardless, I chose my weapon- a portable fang if you will." Dawn said presenting the dagger. "Mr Juke said that he removed it from someone who joined the entity."

"Wait, he has been in contact with Others?" I said.


"I looked at my mistress and she at me."

"It would be best to stay away from him Dawn." Lady Ursa warned.

"He also gave me a lead on where the sister site of the lost city might be."

"You know that could be at trap right?!" I asked.

"Regardless, we need to check it out." The co-leader of our community said. "He also gave me a weapon to give to Corbin as well."

So we took to the sky and headed west flying about 500 feet above ground.

"Nothing but snow covered prairie" My lady bear admitted.

"Should we keep going?" I asked. "If so how far?"

"I think the probe is detecting something!" Dawn said.

"Where professor?" Lady Ursa asked looking at the copilot monitor.

"That blip there the scanner bounced off of something!"

"Going down." My bear knight said.

We landed at a snow covered something.

"That definitely isn't part of the landscape." I said.

"Let's find out." Lady Ursa said.

*Side-pods engaged.*

*Laser-system engaged*

The prototype started scorching the ground in front of it. Afterwards Dawn and I started digging with our hands after about half a meter we encountered what she had seen on the scanner.

"No city but the very tip of a structure- a monument."

"We are going to need more tools to excavate this." I observed. "The shovel you brought won't be enough."

"Were going back to the trading post aren't we?" My she beast face palmed.

"Looks like it." I observed. "It is a shame we can't juts blow it out of the ground."

"Absolutely not, it would damage whatever it is down there." The archeologist said objecting.

It was mid afternoon when we made our way back to Juke's Trading Post.

"Uh oh, that doesn't look good!" I shouted.

"Overwatch magnify." Lady Ursa ordered the automated assistant.

As we approached the trading post we saw two beings confronting its proprietor. Both appeared to be humanoid. The first being was a male six and a half feet tall, grey skin, stern looking face, yellow eyes, black hair, bare chested and wore brown shorts with a leather belt. Oh yeah, and he had four arms.

The second being was slightly shorter with blue skin with light blue horizontal stripes on its limbs. A female maybe? Her 'hands' and 'feet' were jet black. She also had a tail, black hair, yellow eyes and face that was devoid of features. It looked more like a mask.

"Customers of his?" Dawn said out-loud.

"Disgruntled customers." My perfect person said.


"I suppose we should offer assistance." Lady Ursa said.

"We should my lady, the tall grey one is holding Juke by his neck." Dawn observed as the prototype dropped to about 25 feet off the ground.

Lady Ursa landed the blue coupe just short of the building and got out.

"I don't know what this shop keeper may have done to you, then again I can only imagine." Lady Ursa said approaching the two beings.


"Yes, regardless no one should be lifted off of the ground by their throat." The fierce ursine warrior said drawing her sword.


The two creatures looked at each other. The blue one ran inside the store and then back outside with some items. It then looked at the grey one and snarled.

*Side-pods engaged.*

"If you think you can win, by all means please resist." The bear warrior grumbled.

The creatures looked at the fierce ursine warrior then the two humans in the blue coupe with the weapons launchers trained on them. The grey humanoid with the four arms threw Juke at windshield of the prototype, then turned and hurled a fire ball from his mouth at one of the pillars supporting the roof.

"OOF!" Jeramiah said as he bounced off of the prototype and hit the ground. "MY STORE!!!"

"Overwatch, I don't suppose that the prototype has anything to snuff out fires?" Dawn said.

*I am afraid not Ms. Stern.*

"Friends of yours?" I asked stepping out of the prototype.

"No. They were upset about some items I procured from their friends." Mr. Juke said. "Please! My store!! It is all that I have!"

"Alex! Assist me." My fierce ursine warrior said as she started digging dirt and snow from the ground to throw at the fire. Meanwhile Dawn jumped into the driver's seat and tried to speed away in the prototype but ended up making circles in the snow instead.

"It is spreading." I shouted.

"Alex, Ursa stand clear!" We heard the professor say on the PA system.

The blue coupe sped up towards us. It was covered in snow. At the last second it turned sideways dumping its payload onto the burning pillar of the building.

Steam billowed up from where the fire had been seconds before it was snuffed out.

"Quick thinking Ms. Stern." Lady Ursa said.

"You three saved me... especially you beastial?!" Mr. Juke said.

"Yes, I decided that I needed to stink up your establishment with my presence again." The bear said to the human.

"Lie still." I ordered him.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Juke asked.

"Alex here is our medic." My bear knight said to the shop keeper.

"Perhaps this experience will serve as a reminder about the proper way to treat you customers- human and nonhuman." Dawn said chiding the man.


"Nothing is broken, only some bruises mistress. That is all. He should make a full recovery."

"Thank you- um." Mr. Juke reluctantly said.

"Alex Winter- medic, That is Dawn Stern our archeologist and this is Lady Ursa formerly from the Knights of Wundagore."

"Your protector?"

"Our protector." I said.

"So you three have banded together."

"We are stronger together then not." The professor said.

"Interesting options on that hover vehicle you have there too."

"They come in handy during critical situations." Lady Ursa said to the man.

"That reminds me, I encountered something interesting some weeks back."

"You did?" My perfect person said.

And so....

"Do you think it is a good idea to be so close to the ground madam knight?" Dawn asked.

"If Juke was telling us the truth it will be worth it." My brown bear said.

"We are coming up on the location." I announced.

*It appears that the shop keeper was correct.*

In front of us was our target a huge mound of snow:

Peeking out from that mound was the nose silver prototype. It had been heavily damaged and left abandoned.

Alex Winter March 5, YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)** Day 63 (The wilderness west of World One) "Outrageous!" I shouted jumping out of the cockpit. Dawn soon joined me. Together we...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 31: The Further Adventures...

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