A Pleasant Surprise (Long Version)

Story by Esmae the Espeon on SoFurry

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This is a NSFW Pokémon fanfiction which includes sexual themes including squirting, knotting, watersports, facesitting, and the cowgirl position. Please only read this fanfiction if you are legally allowed to do so. Thank you.

With this fanfiction, the individual who commissioned me suggested I create a shorter version and a longer version. This is the longer version and contains watersports. The shorter version does not contain watersports. If you are not into watersports, but would still like to read the fic, the link to the shorter version is as follows: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1358795

This is a commission for Ember, associated with https://www.furaffinity.net/user/elitetheespeon

Ember the vulpix marched across the street, fur bristled up confidently. He licked his lips as he padded his way to the other side, daydreaming about a cute, female Pokémon and the licentious acts he might perform with her. What was she in the mood for today? Did she want to be eaten out? Was she going to suck his dick? Would she ask to be fucked doggy style like the first time they met?

The quadruped approached the door and quickly reared onto his hind legs to ring the doorbell with one of his forepaws. As he awaited an answer, he thought of the message Cinnamon had sent him on telegram: "I'm feeling frisky, so come to my house later today. Make sure to bring some extra cash, I have a pleasant surprise for you~"

The door opened and Cinnamon playfully peeked her beautiful brown-red face through the gap. She looked up and down at her client as if sizing him up and licked her lips. "My my, Ember," she teased, "Isn't it a bit early to be getting excited?"

The male blushed, unaware of his arousal until now, "Did you say you had a surprise for me?" he asked, member already wriggling its way out of his sheathe.

"Yes, my dashing young fox and," her eyes narrowed into sultry half-circles, "it seems you already like it. Come in Ember, your dick isn't going to take care of itself, after all."

Cinnamon slowly pushed the door open and gestured for Ember to enter. She smirked at him and licked her lips again as he stepped inside, watching him closely for any reactions. The small, male vulpix sniffed the air instinctually a sexy, familiar scent filling his nostrils, the smell of Cinnamon... then another scent... his cock twitched in anticipation. Ember's ears twitched as he heard Cinnamon giggle behind him. The door shut, clicking into place and Ember's balls churned in their sac.

Ember sniffed the air again, two distinct strong, lusty, feminine scents, and looked back to see Cinnamon still smiling. Now that he could see her full, beautiful form, he could see that she had stockings on her two hind legs that nearly reached to her rump.

"I bet you're wondering where that second scent is coming from," Cinnamon hummed, "That raw, unique, primal scent of a vulpix in heat... smells so familiar, yet so unfamiliar doesn't it?"

Ember gulped and blushed, his face aglow with red.

"Yes," Cinnamon continued, "My surprise... In fact," she cut herself off, ears perking up, suddenly, "She's just about ready to meet you~"

Ember turned his head toward the direction Cinnamon was facing just in time to see a door from across the room gently swing open. The first thing he saw was the foreleg of a quadruped, the bottom half of it was a white-ish blue, while the top half was a pure, brilliant white. Then, the rest of the creature emerged, a majestic coat of white covering her entire body. Her bright, sapphire eyes scanned the room until she found Ember and Cinnamon. She blushed hard and slunk backward.

"Come on, Névé, don't be shy. You wouldn't want me to have this stud all to myself, now, would you?" Cinnamon taunted before stopping suddenly and deviously placing one of her forepaws below her chin.

"Actually Névé," she began, flaunting her body as she approached the door "you can stay right there,"

"I, uh..." the small, feminine voice squeaked, her head peaking from just outside the door, confused.

Cinnamon swayed her rump from side to side, signaling for Ember to follow, "I told you about our special houseguest today, right Névé? The one who can take care of your... needs~"

"Cinnamon!" the Alolan vulpix half-shouted, her blush intensifying causing her normally white-furred face to burn a hot red.

"Névé~" Cinnamon teased, strolling ever and ever closer "You're going to turn into a regular vulpix if you keep blushing so hard. Besides, this is what you asked for."

The Alolan vulpix opened the door a bit wider as the two normal vulpixes walked through. Ember could see immediately that this was a bathroom, and a spacious one at that. In the front of the room, on both the left and right sides were granite countertops each with two unblemished white marble sinks. A mirror was framed above the countertops and drawers and cubbies were contained below. On the back left side was a toilet and on the back right side was a bathtub. The floors and walls were a shiny, clean, white marble. In the middle of the bathroom was a massive shower with three of the sides being opaque granite and the last side consisting of a completely transparent sliding glass door.

Ember looked around the room, dazed, "Cinnamon, when did your bathroom get such a massive upgrade?"

"Oh, we have two. My trainer doesn't usually let me use this bathroom, but I figure that if we're going to be naughty, we may as well do it here.

"You have something in mind?" Ember asked, snickering slightly

"Definitely! Hey Névé, are you still tingly down there... still moist?" Here Cinnamon turned to the Alolan vulpix and winked.

The Alolan vulpix blushed even harder than before, hiding her face behind her six beautiful white tails.

Cinnamon laughed, "Don't be so modest. Ember doesn't bite (unless you want him to). Come to think of it, you haven't even introduced yourself yet!"

"Oh right!" Névé responded, lowering her tails, "Hello,"

"Hi," Ember responded.

"My name is Névé,"

"Wow, what a fancy name! I'm Ember. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!" Névé beamed

"So Névé," Cinnamon asked, a taste of mischief flavoring her words, "You haven't taken a leak recently, have you?"

"Well, I was going to, but-"

"Excellent! Looks like we have the perfect opportunity to rile up our little guest!" Cinnamon exclaimed, grinning.

"Are you suggesting I... pee right in front of him?"

"Don't be so conceited dear. You aren't the only one with a full bladder," Cinnamon purred as she opened the sliding glass door, striding into the shower with poise.


The feistier female had gone over to the farther side of the glass pane by now and had pressed her rump firmly onto it. She shook her rump in circular motions, the glass flattening yet emphasizing her large rump. In the center of that rump, directly in Ember and Névé's lines of sight was Cinnamon's quivering cookie. It flexed and convulsed directly on the glass, leaving a small trail of clear nectar slowly dripping down it. She spread her legs out a bit more in this position and briefly removed herself from the window, only to squish her rump harder against it. Another trail of nectar rolled down and she smiled devilishly back at the other two. This was all the convincing Névé needed.

The Alolan vulpix grinned as she stepped into the shower beside Cinnamon. Once inside, she slid the glass door back. Ember stared at the snowy white creature as she turned around and pushed her ass against the clean, clear glass and oogled as she rubbed herself. More delicious juices flowed from her snatch, staining the glass as she wiped herself. Névé moaned softly as her outer lips slid across the surface and her tongue lolled out as she eyed Ember.

"Very good, Névé!" Cinnamon encouraged as she continued pleasuring herself on the door, "Feels nice doesn't it? Now imagine how great it would feel to let it all out... to relieve yourself right here in the shower in front of your new friend,"

Névé blushed, but moaned lightly, still gyrating her rear end.

"It's been so long since you've taken a piss, impressive considering all the water you've been drinking. I bet you're just about ready to burst."

Névé looked into Ember's deep, emerald eyes and found within them a deep interest, an eager anticipation, dilated pupils not uncommon for a horny canine packing heat. How could she refuse the wishes of such a beast?

The Alolan took a deep breath, spreading her legs and bending down onto the glass, almost in a squatting position, and relaxed her urethral sphincters. She placed much of her weight onto the glass as yellow liquid rushed out of her and onto the glass pane. She shut her eyes and sighed as urine cascaded down, taking multiple different pathways from the source and spattering down near her hind legs onto the ground below. Ember watched as the flowing yellows tainted the glass, distorting and coloring the image he saw of a seemingly innocent Alolan vulpix doing something very naughty.

Cinnamon giggled to herself and assumed the same position as her friend, legs spread, tails raised, hinds bent, and hunched down with ass pressed hard against the glass. Then she let loose a golden fountain of her own, soiling the once virgin window. The prostitute's bodily fluids flowed alongside the Alolan's, flat yet rippling along the surface. Their piss poured down to the ground, eventually mixing together before slithering toward the drain.

The sounds of two near constant streams filled the air as the two female vulpixes side by side unleashed a torrent of gold. The scents of their piss, interlaced with hot, potent pheromones lingered dominantly in the air. The pair moaned nearly in unison as they rubbed and bounced their behinds, spreading their fluids across the transparent canvas.

Before long, large swaths of the door were tinged with the yellows of the two hormonal pixes, the stains exacerbated by all the wiping and grinding. Soon, however, the leaks slowed and then eventually came to a halt. Névé removed herself from the door to properly squat and let the last few drips fall to the floor. Cinnamon, by contrast, used one of her paws to stretch her vaginal opening out in front of Ember, exposing him to her gaping pussy and what remained of her pee. She hiked her rump up and winked at him before finding a clean part of the pane to wipe her snatch against.

After the two girls had finished cleaning, Ember opened the door for them, smirking mischievously.

"My, my," Cinnamon cooed, "Poor Ember can barely contain himself,"

"Wow, no kidding. Look at it twitch, he's so big!"

Ember stood proudly and lifted one of his hind legs to give the two of them a better view.

"You must be really horny," Névé observed, "I wonder if you'd be willing to..." she cut herself off, suddenly feeling a renewed wetness in her tunnel, then whispered "if you'd be willing to eat me out."

"I'd love to," Ember whispered back, making the white, regal vulpix blush again.

"W-well in that case you can follow me," Névé responded, stammering at first, but becoming more confident as she spoke. She walked toward the door and past Ember, curling her six tails up toward his nose as she did so, fanning some of her pheromones in his direction. Ember's cock spasmed briefly underneath him as he inhaled her scent, pre spurting onto the floor. Névé's cheeks remained red as she got closer to the door, aware of the mark the houseguest had made on the exquisite white marble.

Cinnamon and Ember trailed behind Névé after she opened the door and walked through it. As they made their way to the bed in the middle of the room, Ember couldn't help but stare at the Alolan vulpix's butt as it swayed left to right in front of him almost like a pendulum. He found it hypnotizing, mesmerizing. He gawked at her, admiring the six curled tails, the large, round shape of her rump, and the fortune cookie that jutted out prominently from it, begging to be licked.

In no time at all, the trio had made their way to the bed. Névé promptly leaped onto it then Cinnamon sprung herself off of the floor. After the pair had gracefully landed on the soft surface, they looked at one another and nodded knowingly before turning around and showing off their backsides to Ember. He responded with a mad dash up the bedside, claws moving wildly and tearing up the covers as he scrambled energetically to claim his prizes.

With all four of his paws on the bed, he growled quietly as he gazed upon the two beauties in front of him, wanting so strongly to just pounce onto one of them and pound them into oblivion. Before he could do that, however, he was tackled by the two females. Because he had been blindsided, it was easy for the two of them to set him on his back and pin him down, Cinnamon sitting on his lower belly just above his crotch and Névé sitting on his upper chest, just below his face.

"Oh, Ember," Cinnamon purred as she sat atop him, "What a delectable little treat you are~"

"Mmmm," Névé hummed, "I've waited so long for this." Ember felt some wetness seep onto his chest, right where the Alolan sat.

"I'm sure you're already well acquainted with my body, Ember. This is the bed you hammered me on, after all." Cinnamon pressed her forepaws on his midsection slightly harder than before, "and our Alolan friend here is plenty experienced herself. I've seen her ride males so hard that they start losing their breath from moaning so much. Even after she milks them dry, she keeps on riding them."

More of Névé's pussy juices seeped onto Ember's fur as she rubbed herself on his chest, "Yes, that is true, but today I want to try something a little different. I've always been curious as to what's tastier, marshmallow cream or me... After I'm finished with you Ember, perhaps you could tell me."

Névé lifted up her rear from Ember's chest and maneuvered it so that it was hovering directly above his snout. Cinnamon pushed down even harder on Ember's midsection, though the male below did not protest. Ember lay on his back in anticipation, his member spurting even more pre as he saw Névé's rump inch closer and closer to his mouth. Névé didn't hold back as she sat comfortably on Ember's face, her cookie directly below his nose, in front of his mouth. Ember barely had room to breathe, much less eat out the fem on top of him, but that didn't stop him from slithering his tongue inside, snaking it craftily right into her tunnel.

"Ooohhh~" Névé moaned out loudly, "Yeeees! Ember, keep going," she pleaded as she moved herself up and slammed herself down again and again, quickly working herself into a rhythm.

Ember did as he was told, sliding his tongue through her canal as she humped his face, gliding along all of the Alolan pix's rifts and folds, making sure to brush along the circumference of her wet, fleshy tunnel and lap up every bead of nectar he could. He moaned quietly to himself as Névé squeezed his wet, slimy appendage and murred whenever she lifted herself up, her warm cookie not wanting to give up his tongue so easily.

Cinnamon, not wanting to be left out of the action moved her ass up and aimed it above Ember's pulsating member. She grinded against it, partly to tease the excited male and partly to get a feel of where she'd need to slam her butt down to impale herself on his cock. Once she was ready, she spread her legs and speared herself on Ember's rod, moaning as she did so.

Ember gasped as the walls of Cinnamon's tight, wet pussy enveloped his member and clamped down hard on it. Cinnamon lowered herself until Ember's dick hit her cervix then promptly raised herself back up, the black stockings on both of her hind legs highlighting her form as she moved. Ember thrust his hips up into her wet cunt as she moved up, finding the warmth of her tunnel hard to resist. He twitched as she came down hard on him again, spurting some pre-ejaculate inside her. He felt his member scrape wantonly against her walls, sending shivers down his spine and making him moan in delight.

While he moaned, he sent vibrations through Névé's channel, making her squirm impatiently above him and hump harder. She huffed as every bump and ridge of hers was scraped over with Ember's expert tongue and secreted more and more fluids for the male to lap up. This only made the houseguest lick more fervently, now slithering his tongue deep inside her, no longer content with simply exploring near her entrance. This allowed him to drink the Alolan's pussy juices straight from the source.

Névé panted, Ember's zealous oral caresses bringing her ever closer to her peak. As she panted and huffed and mewled, she locked eyes with Cinnamon, who was milking Ember for all he was worth. They stared at one another, gazing admiringly, then tilted their heads in unison and leaned in. The two of them then opened their mouths and went for a kiss, lips locking perfectly together. Cinnamon's tongue invaded Névé's maw as they kissed, slithering around the Alolan's inner cheeks, brushing over her teeth, gliding on the roof of her mouth, and curling around her tongue. She placed one of her forepaws on Névé's shoulder as they exchanged their kiss and the Alolan responded by closing her eyes and wrapping one of her forepaws around Cinnamon's upper back.

Cinnamon and Névé both increased the pace of their humping as they kissed, slamming themselves onto Ember's dick and tongue respectively. Up and down their rumps bounced as they continued to pleasure the horny green-eyed vulpix who was licking and fucking the pair in tandem. Ember bobbed his head up and down inside Névé in sync with the thrusting of his hips, pleasuring the two simultaneously.

Pressure built up in his loins as he attended to the needs of the sluts riding him and his balls churned in his sac. He felt the vaginal hugs from both of his riders become harder and more frequent, felt their insides become wetter, slicker, tighter even. Névé and Cinnamon breathed hard, panting as they continued to grind. Their panting only made Ember want them more, his cock spasming almost nonstop in Cinnamon's cunt, lacing her insides with a coat of pre-cum.

"Oh, Ember," Névé huffed, the sexual tension inside of her nearly reaching a boiling point, "I'm about to cum! Oh Arceus, I can feel it coming now. Oh, oh,"

She cut herself off, her body shaking hard above him. Her entire frame spasmed wildly and she pounded against Ember's face with desperation. Her back arched, her legs splayed out to the sides, and her rump flew down stuffing itself deep into his face. She squeezed and convulsed and contracted around Ember's tongue, howling in ecstasy as fresh, clear liquid squirted hard from her pussy. The male below devoured her honey, grabbing tightly onto her to ensure that not a single drop escaped.

Cinnamon was sent over the edge not long after, her whole body seizing up, tensing hard. She shook and vibrated as she released all of her pent up sexual energy. Her tunnel squeezed hard around Ember's cock, clamping down on him from all sides. She was in heaven, moaning and squealing face scrunched up with pleasure. Yet... there was something she was missing...

The knot that had been housed in Ember's sheathe had quickly revealed itself, bumping up against Cinnamon's entrance a few times, demanding admission. Ember growled as it bumped and pounded, blocked every single time. He was getting more and more tense, more and more on edge. He could feel himself about to explode, feel himself about to erupt, but he couldn't until he was able to force his knot into her.

Ember thrust his hips deep into the prostitute on top of him, burying himself inside, knot lodging its way past Cinnamon's outer folds. He came hard as he finally hilted his entire length inside of her, cum gushing out in spurts from the tip. As he washed her walls in white, Cinnamon squirted hard. Clear liquids sprayed out of her and onto the male below, dampening his fur. The female's sex canal gripped Ember as rope and rope of delicious semen shot out of him, sucking it further up inside of her. She had created an airtight stranglehold on the hot, red rod, officially tying the two together and marking the end of the trio's licentious acts.

Cinnamon and Névé huffed and panted as they came down from their highs, their muscles relaxing after such an intense bout of spasms and contractions. The last of their liquids squirted onto Ember's face and fur as the male released the last of his load. The three vulpixes stayed in that position for a few moments, basking in post-orgasmic bliss and cuddling up against one another.

Névé slowly removed herself from Ember's face and stood up on all fours again, leaving some wet spots on the bed sheets as the last of her fluids leaked out, dribbling between her legs. She walked to a different part of the bed and sat staring at Ember and Cinnamon who were still connected by the hips.

"You're going to be stuck like that for a while now, huh?" Névé teased.

"Don't feign innocence, Névé," Cinnamon responded, "You're just as much of a slut as I am,"

She shrugged, "A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do,"

Cinnamon smiled, moving her hips from side to side and making the semen inside slosh around, "and sometimes a girl just has to get a nice batch of cum in her and... maybe some cash on the side," she looked at Ember and winked.

He snickered, "You and Névé are worth every Pokédollar. Hey, Névé, check my tail, there should be some money in there,"

Névé approached the pair again, reached one of her forepaws between Ember's legs, and dug inside each of his tails. It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for.

"This is for Cinnamon..." she said, pawing through the Pokédollars and counting them up, "and this is for me... Wait a second, is this correct? There's a lot left over,"

Ember smirked devilishly, "I may be tied, but I'm always up for another round. I can't be happy with just one go when I have two vulpixes in heat to indulge in. After all Névé, isn't the knot what you really want?"

A Pleasant Surprise (Short Version)

Ember the vulpix marched across the street, fur bristled up confidently. He licked his lips as he padded his way to the other side, daydreaming about a cute, female Pokémon and the licentious acts he might perform with her. What was she in the mood...

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A Full Figure

Valerie opened her eyes slowly, cuddling the glaceon beside her. She sighed happily, enjoying the body heat and soft, velvety fur of this handsome ice-type. She giggled to herself as she listened to him snore lightly and smiled as she saw the rays of...

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Hamia's Gift

Rain pelted down from the heavens above in a heavy torrent. The wind was fierce and the booms above even fiercer. The sky was a dark grey, only illuminated by an occasional ferocious, angry yellow and the ground below was wet and muddy. Vague features...

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