Sleep (extended)

Story by jetdwolf on SoFurry

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If you read the old version, then just skip down to the next section

He was drifting, in a weightless void. He opened his eyes; he had been here before. This place was nothing new to him, but his mind is complex. He never knew what was going to happen. All the doors stood there closed, all in different designs. Even though all the rooms were different, he always knew which room was his favorite.

But this time it was different, he wasn't here for fun, he had a job to do. He grabbed onto a door with his tail and opened it, finding only a mirror inside. He looked at himself and admired how his gray hair that faded to a white at the tips shown brightly against his green scales. Being half dragon, half wolf, he never fit in with one group, but now he was the center of attention. He broke away from his reflection, exited and closed the door behind him, back into the weightless void of his mind.

He, after all, had a mission to do. He drifted over to a black door that he had been through a thousand times, but the events in the door always frightened him, so he paused a second, before opening the door. A shot rang out.

He sat up quickly, saying only, one word, "gunshot". Someone said to him, "Where?"

He looked up at the man's face, "it's your house."

The things taken for granted are often times the most helpful. That is something I found out long time ago, when I witnessed a murder about to happen. I had always been able foresee horrible things about to happen, but I always thought they were nightmares. That is, until one was about to happen, exactly thirteen minutes after I woke from the "sleep". That was the magic number, thirteen; every time I woke from a "sleep" something bad would happen, and most times, I would know about it.

The good thing was that I can also see the good, but when the police found out what I could do, I wasn't allowed to look at the good. But now that everyone rushed to a crime scene, I was left to myself. I knew I only had about a half hour before they came back and would force me to "sleep" more.

I hated sleeping for them; I would rather enjoy the other rooms in my mind. There was no way I was going to have a quiet life anymore. I might as well enjoy myself while they were gone. I took off my pants and underwear, and sat on the edge of the bed they had put in here. I fell asleep and went into the dream state. I was in the void again. This time I floated towards a red door and opened it and floated in. Standing there was a face I knew from a long time ago: My father's. He smiled and walked over to me.

"Son, you look cold, let me warm you up" he said as he hugged me.

I relished in the warmed of his skin, knowing it was fake though, but it did not make it any less desirable. Pretty soon though I felt something against me and I knew without a doubt what it was. My dad backed away, "I'm sorry, I just got a little excited."

I looked down at his fully erect member.

"Don't worry dad, let me just relieve you of your 'problem.'"

I got down on my knees in front of him, and licked his dick.

I was just about to take it into my mouth when I was snapped out of my sleep by a sound. I looked around but I saw no one.

As laid back down, the door to my room opened. I questioned who it might be, because my door was always locked and no one could get in or out without a key.

Once the door opened, I was shocked to see my dad standing there. "Come on, you don't have long." I scrambled and rushed to the door without any questions. I proceeded to follow him out of the station, which was surprisingly deserted. As we ran to his car and drove out onto the streets, I looked at my father, his fur had become almost completely white since I saw him last, about 8 years ago. He drove calmly as we made our escape to a destination unknown. After a while, he broke the silence, "I see you don't know how to not get caught," he sighed and then continued on, "Letting people know you can see bad things happen, is not wise."

He made a turn into a driveway and then parked and got out the car, leaving me there. I sat there for a second and then followed my father into a regular looking house. He threw his keys on a table, and then proceeded to walk down a hallway. A second later, he called me down there as well. I walked down the hallway and into the room. My dad was getting undressed and at the moment was taking off his underwear.

Underneath his clothes, my dad was really good looking, he was a werewolf, and even though he left me and my mother when I was eight, he never left my mind. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I learned that I had feelings for my dad, and during my "sleep" sessions was when I really knew for sure.

My dad then sat on the edge of the bed, nude, and looked at me. "Take off your clothes, son."

I was taken aback by that comment, but I did as he said and started to undress. While I was taking off my clothes, I couldn't help but feel my dad's eyes watching me, looking at me. After I had taken them off, he went up and grabbed both of our clothes and went to a fireplace, threw them in along with some firewood and a lighted match. He then turned and said to me, "Ok, now its time for a shower, son."

"Wait, what for?" I objected back.

"They might have put a bug on you, if that is true then we don't have a lot of time before they find you again. And to make sure you're clean, I'm showering with you."

He walked over to me and picked me up with ease and carried me into the bathroom. The feeling of being lifted up by my dad was slightly erotic and I could feel myself getting an erection. I put my hands over it, in order to hide it from him. He set me down as he reached in and turned on the water, letting it warm up for a second before ushering me into the shower. I stepped in, followed by my dad a second later.

He reached out and grabbed some soap and squeezed some onto his hands and rubbed it on me, on my scales and fur. His touch was gentle, carefully rubbing up on my back, then moving his hands around me and started cleaning up the front of me. When he got down, to my waist, he brushed up against my hard on, and I could feel him stop for a second.

He then spoke to me in a soft voice. "Well, it seems that my son has certain feelings for his father."

He then wrapped his hands around my dick and began to move his hand up and down it, a slight moan escaping my mouth. I had only seen this in my dreams and never thought I would see my dad again, or even have a sexual moment with him. Yet, here I was in the shower with my father, being jacked off by him. "" was all I could say as I got closer to cumming. He then took one hand off and took one his hands and slowly inserted into my tail hole. I let out a gasp, as he invaded my ass with his fingers; it was not long after that I came in the shower and on his hand.

He then took his hand off of my dick and reached over and rinsed off his hand. He continued to clean me after without a sound. After we were done, he turned off the water and got out of the shower. He grabbed a towel and tossed one to me also. "Hurry and dry yourself off. We don't have much time, once you are done; I will need you to 'sleep'." He then left the bathroom with his towel.

I quickly dried myself off and followed after my father, this time he was laying down on the bed, facing away from me. "Lie down on the bed, we don't have a lot of time, I need you to go to sleep. Once you are there, I will tell you what to do next."

I went to the bed and lied down next to him, but I didn't know how to force myself to sleep, usually it happened randomly when I would go to sleep. But most people didn't understand that, especially not the police. While lying there, I told my dad just that and he just stared at me, into my eyes, deep into thought. Then he said in soft, comforting voice, "don't worry, son, I know, but this time I know you will sleep." I was about to ask him how did he know, but I couldn't help but stare into his blue eyes, and pretty soon they was all that I could see before realizing I was not on the bed, but instead I was in the void.

I looked around and then looked back at him. The only words that I could say were "how did you?"

"Easily, you and I have similar powers, but while you can only see, I can cause events to happen." He started to float around looking at the different doors. "I caused you to sleep and I caused the fake vision you saw at the police station." He stopped at one door and examined it. "Hey, have you ever opened this door?"

"No," I replied, still taking in what he had said. "I still haven't been able to check most of the doors."

"Well, I'm going to open it."

"Wait--"I said trying to stop him before he opened it. Who knew what was behind that door. I closed my eyes as a bright light surrounded us and it wasn't long until I discovered that it was not just light but white void. I was standing in some sort of room.

"Ah, a nice room, it would be better with some chairs, a table, and a slideshow projector of all the things I need to say to my son." All of a sudden, it was as if someone jerked all of the things he said right in front of him. My dad then took a seat and patted the space next to him, signaling me to sit beside him.

I walked over to the couch and took a seat. My dad then put his arm around me and pointed a remote, turning on the projector.

"Ok, son, we don't have much time, so I brought you here to shorten the time I requires for me to explain it."

He then went on to explain that the place that they are at is his mind and not mine. He said that by using simple commands he can control basically anything but it takes away from his life. He went on to explain that he needed his son in order to help with a mission he had in mind. He didn't explain any further and left it at that. "So, now that I have explained it to you, I need to know if you will be willing to go with your dad on a mission."

This has all been going so fast, I could barely get my thoughts on this and here my dad was asking for a father and son mission. But what could I do, I can't control who dies, but for some reason his eyes quelled any objection I had and I agreed to accompany him.

I opened my eyes, my real eyes as I was once again staring into dad's deep blue eyes.

"Wait a second, I don't know who died."

My dad looked at me confused, "You don't know yet?"

"Know what?"

"That you can control and prevent deaths from happening"

"No, I didn't."

"Well, we have some teaching to do; we don't have much time to do it either," he said with a serious face.

The days seemed to fly by almost as if I were in a dream. Everyday, I would wake up in bed with my father and depending on the mood; we would take a few minutes to get rid of each other's morning wood. He would cuddle behind me and reach down to my waist, grab my dick and start to jack me off. At first that was all he would do, but it was not long before he would turn me over and take my dick into his mouth, licking and moving his mouth on my dick. He didn't let me return the favor until I got him drunk and pushed him gently on the bed. I then licked and toyed with him, sucking him off until he came in my mouth with his tasty seed. It was one of the best moments, to hear my dad moan and to feel him thrust his dick deeper into my mouth until he came.

But it was not all fun and games, everyday I would be forced to kill someone. It made me depressed every time I did, but he knew exactly how to cheer me up, and when I would feel even more down then usual, he would offer his ass to me or take me on the floor, bed, stove, or whatever happened to be nearby.

About two months later, I was asleep beside my dad as usual, but for some reason I found myself in the void. I looked around at what had now become familiar to me. I wondered why I had been brought back into the void and I wanted to avoid the bad room, but there was a weird presence from the door. I floated toward it, as I got closer it got colder and now I could really tell that it was bad. I slowly reached out a hand to the door. I grabbed the doorknob. I turned it but before I could open it, I woke up.

This had never happened to me before. I never woke up before opening a door. I turned over and woke up my dad. He woke up in a slight daze, "what is it? Don't tell me you woke me up for sex. You know, you are too horny for your own good."

"No, dad, I went--wait, I'm the horny one? You're the one who started to jack me off after I hadn't seen you in like forever."

He shrugged, "I was horny and being in the shower didn't help any."

"Wait, enough about this, I went into the void." This got his attention and he sat up and looked at me seriously.

"What did you see?"

"Nothing, I woke before I could even open a door."

"This is have to go back and figure out why you was summoned into the void."

I nodded and lied down, and in a few seconds I was in the void.

I was drifting in a weightless void. I opened my eyes; I had been here before. This place was nothing new to me, but my mind is complex. I never knew what was going to happen. All the doors stood there closed, all in different designs. Even though all the rooms were different, I could always tell which room was my favorite.

But this time it was different, I wasn't here for fun, I had a job to do. I had to figure out why I was summoned here in the first place. I had a mission to do. I drifted over to a black door that I had been through a thousand times, but the events in the door always frightened me, so I paused a second, before opening the door. A shot rang out.

I sat up quickly, saying only, one word, "gunshot". My dad asked me, "Where?"

I looked up at his face, "it's your house."

He had a scared look on his face, saying to me, "Wait, it can't be, that was supposed to be a fake vision...." He suddenly looked up and spoke, "its time to go, our time just ran out." Suddenly, there were sounds of police cars in the distance, and I knew he was telling the truth. He grabbed my arm and basically dragged me outside to the car. He didn't bother to grab anything in the house and even left the front door wide open. I just went along with what he wanted me to do. I got into the car as he was starting it; he then pulled out of the driveway just as the police were in view. We sped away, with the police chasing behind us.

"Dang, I can't get a good look at their faces. We will have to try to lose them."

During my teaching, I found out that I could not target anyone if I had no information on them. If I had no information on the person, then it would be a random person. All I had on the policemen that was chasing us was that they were chasing us. My dad then spoke out to me, "Son, take the wheel, I'm going to go under."

"No, dad," I was too late and he was already under. I made a quick grab for the wheel. I managed to somehow regain control, but we were going downhill now and picking up speed. I never drove before and trying to navigate through cars while still seated in the passenger's seat made it even harder.

In front of the car, a light turned red and traffic started to move in the other direction. There was no way I was going to make it through without getting hit. I tried my best to slow the car down, but I knew it would be no good.

I looked at my dad, then I looked back at the road and I closed my eyes as we began to enter the intersection.

...A moment went by...

A hand touched mine and turned slightly before returning to the regular position and I opened my eyes to see my dad back up and taking the wheel. He seemed calm as usual, which was weird, given the situation. What was even weirder was that I no longer heard the police car. I sat up and looked behind at the car crash involving two police cars and a moving van. I then looked back at my dad and saw his hair grow even whiter. He saved us, but at a high cost.

"Dad, let me take the wheel, you was just under"

"No, I got it." I knew he was lying.

"Just let me take the wheel."

"No!" He scared me, never had I heard my dad yell, even when he argued with mom, when I was little. He was always the level headed one, but he just yelled at me now; I knew that it must have been serious.

We drove in silence for a while before driving into a gas station. My dad got out and went down the street and a minute later he drove back around with a different car. I took that as a sign to get out and get in that car. After getting into the passenger seat, he started driving again.

I looked at my dad and his green eyes. Were his eyes that color before? I thought to myself, but no matter how much I tried to remember about my dad, I couldn't remember his eye color. Finally after a while I remembered, his eyes were green. I remembered from the time that he looked into my eyes and forced me to sleep the first day I saw him.

But now something else was bothering me.

"Dad, you never told me what it was that you needed help with." He was silent.

Finally, we arrived at another house and he ran inside. I got out and went inside as well. He was looking at T.V. monitor and flipping through channels as if looking for something. "What are you looking for?" I asked him.

"The murder," he responded. Pretty soon, as if the screen heard us, they started to report about a murder at the house we had just left from. Then they proceed to describe how two people had shot the person and fled before the police could catch them. This was bad.

My Dad spoke sharply in a strict tone, "I don't want you to leave this house; they reported you now, so you're only going to be in the way of the mission if you leave."

I quickly replied back, "And what exactly is this mission?"

My dad sighed and then he looked at me, "I want you to kill the president."

I looked at him shocked, but that was not all of it, he continued on saying, "Also, I need you to kill a whole country of people."

"Why?!?" I responded in rage.

"If you do it, you can save everyone's life. In two months, the president will make a speech, declaring war against our neighboring country. This will cause an uprising against the other countries. Finally, one country will use a highly experimental weapon as a weapon, which will cause the apocalypse but if we can kill the president, and the city that started the apocalypse, then we can eliminate the threat."

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"It was the last sleep session she had before she went under for a longer time in order to prolong the apocalypse. And in two months she will wake and when she does, we have thirty minutes to kill the president and that whole country."

"Is there any other way to prevent?"

"Yeah, but there is no way that I'm doing it"

"Well, it has to be better than killing a whole country, what is it?"

He took a deep breathe, "You would have to kill our family, me, your mom and yourself...and there is no way I'm letting that happen."

"How can that be possible, before the police captured me, I was living with her and you were gone."

"After the police caught you, she contacted me..."

"She knew where you were?"

"No, she was able to reach me through her sleep session. She contacted me so that if she ever sees you in one of her sleep sessions, I could prevent it from happening before it killed you. So, just like I did with you, I linked our sessions together so that when she slept, I would go under as well, and if she sees you in a vision, I could prevent it immediately. It was going well, and I prevented your death, but one day, she was in a sleep session and her world only has two doors, one connecting mine and one which made her see deaths."

He took a small break and then he continued, "This time, like some of the other times she is forced into a sleep session, she was forced to open the death door. If she went into a sleep session by choice, she didn't have to open a door. So she opened the door and saw the end of the world. She prevented herself from waking up immediately after by forcing herself to stay in the room and look at the apocalypse over and over again. I was with her when she saw the apocalypse. She told me to stop it some how. She also said that she can only stay in a sleep session for about six months, which will hold off the apocalypse. By time I made it down here, she was admitted to the hospital, and declared to be in a coma state."

He stopped and went over to a cabinet and grabbed a glass, "I will let that sink in, but I'm going to let it be known that you can't just kill the ones making the bomb, they already have a prototype ready. Using some inside sources, I was able to tell that it is too late to just kill off the city; I would have to prevent the war also. I wasted two months trying to get enough information about the situation. It is also too big for me to do; I can't do things that are more than equal to my own life: It would just cancel out and this is way bigger than me. If you kill us, you will stop any and all visions from happening."

Too much was circling through my mind when he stated that. So in order to save the world, I have to kill my family or murder a whole country.

What am I to do?

Stranger In the Rain Pt. 2

On here the story is on part 2, but on FA it is part 3, errors, lol Anyway, this is a version that was salvaged when my computer failed on me. It isnt the version i wanted but it is close enough. Enjoy!! ^.=.^ Stranger in the Rain By Jet D....

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_This is still a continuing story, i just hate to not post anything for a while, so im posting only the beginning to this story._ He was drifting, in a weightless void. He opened his eyes; he had been here before. This place was nothing new to him,...

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Vine Training

_This is a story i did for someone named nicobay on FA as a kind of commission._ "I'm excited about today's class" said a young, excited bulbasaur named Kay, to his sister Lea, a Leafeon. "I wonder what we are going to learn...

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