Mirror Peer Remastered

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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#11 of Mirror Peer

The dangers of overconfidence and overworking!

Thanks to yoshielder and xerox2 for editing assistance.

"Valedictorian of Whispervale Academy, the most prestigious magical academy a human can hope to get into, record holder for the highest marks yet achieved in their dreadfully difficult final exam, and a graduation with a mastery of mysticism and aura enhancement." The elf's eyebrows raised as his gaze moved further down the parchment. "Also a creator of a new variety of eclectic illusions."

The elf put the parchment down on his desk and looked at the young man that sat across from him, leaned back with hands folded over his chest. The elf's gaze flitted between the paper and the person, before coming to rest on the man's sure smile.

"There is more," the elf noted. "Much more, but what I have read is already impressive enough." He tapped the desk with his long, lithe fingers, then shrugged. "I have hired worse."

"Worse?" the human scowled, sitting forward. "How can you--"

The human paused, then smiled as realization washed over him. He looked to the elf and saw he wore the same thin smile.

"So then," the human said. "That's it."

"Yes," the elf said, standing up and extending a hand. "And no. Welcome to the team--" He blinked. "My sincere apologies, a memorable name was not amongst your achievements."

"Evers," the man said, standing to shake the outstretched hand eagerly. "But what do you mean by no?"

"Just that. It is never it around here. There is always more to it. It is not so simple, it is, well..." The elf's smile widened, but held no more mirth. "It is it. We are working with magic here. Do you understand?"

Evers nodded, if a little bit hesitantly.

"Good. I am pleased that education was for something. Now, follow me. I will show you where you will work now."

The elf slipped by Evers and opened the exit to his office. He motioned to the hall beyond.

"After you," he said.

Evers tilted his head. "So that's it?"

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I thought there would be some training or maybe an orientation."

"Ah. Your education was not enough?"

Evers frowned, adjusted his robes, and made his way towards the exit anyhow. He left the office, the elf closing the door before following behind.

"Straight ahead," the elf said. "Left at the end, then right two doors down."

Evers did as directed, walking forward with the elf trailing behind. He looked at the doors he passed, examining the runes placed upon them and straining his ears to hear what was behind them. He read mostly wards upon the doors, but what he heard was more varied: eerie mutterings of words that seemed to twist and turn in their sound, the tick and clatter of clockwork machinations, the harsh screeches of what could have either been a bound basilisk or hungry whelp, and the sizzle and hissing of liquids mixing together in what he imagined to be spectacular concoctions.

They reached the end of the hall and turned left The doors were much less interesting here. Most of them looked worn, and there were certainly no magic scripts inscribed upon them or strange sounds seeping from their interior, all except one, the second door down on the right. He stopped at this door and looked over it. It was no more impressive than the rest, made up of scratched oak, but there was a single rune upon it that Evers immediately understood: curse.

"And here we are," the elf said, stepping forward past Evers. He tapped the rune and it softly glowed silver, before its light quickly faded as the door swung open, revealing a relatively small room packed with objects of all sizes and shapes with no sort of organization behind their placement. In the middle of it all was a desk not unlike the elf's own, polished and pristine, its condition kept clean by a smattering of runes over its surface.

"Welcome," the elf said, motioning inside. "To the decursing room."

"It's, um..." Evers said. "It's full."

"Ah. Well, it has been a few days since your predecessor was here last."

"Predecessor?" Evers frowned.

"But of course. I would not have hired you if there was not a need."

"But where did he go?"

"Ah. He is alive. Retired. He made a...mistake, shall we say, which caused him a slight debilitation, so he could no longer work here. He was compensated generously, of course."

Evers snorted. "But of course."

"He is obviously very much missed." The elf looked up at Evers. "Fortunately, you are here now and I fully trust you will carry on his legacy."

"A crippled one?"

The elf frowned. "He is not crippled, he's..." He shook his head. "Never you mind, it does not matter where he is now. All that matters is you are here now and you are here to work, correct? Not ask questions. That is what university is for, yes?"

Evers nodded and the elf smiled slightly once more.

"Very good. You should set to work and I should get back to mine. I have no doubts on your competency, but there may be some curses beyond your capacity. In that case..." The elf wore a real smile now. "Do not disturb me. Seek help from the others around here. I have twenty of you to manage. Two of you together should be able to solve any problem I do not have time for. Understood?"

Evers nodded again.

"Very, very good." The elf turned to leave, then paused and looked over his shoulder. "And please leave your 'eclectic' illusions out of this place. I already see too many strange things, you do not need to add to them."

"I understand."

"I hope you truly do. Oh, one more thing--the portable hole is under the desk for disposal after decursing. Not before or during, and there certainly should not be anything else tossed inside. I'll be checking upon that and you in a couple of hours. That means two. Please pace yourself and enjoy! May fortune favor you!"

Evers nodded with false enthusiasm and gave the elf a smile just as false. The elf paid him no walking away and disappearing around the corner.

Now alone, Evers ventured into the decursing room, closing the door behind him. He surveyed the items and laughed. This was a few days' worth of accumulated curses? How much time did he have before the elf's return? Two hours?

"All too easy," he said, and set to work.

The first cursed item was a slime-covered lexicon containing ancient words that

could summon an unfathomable alien entity obsessed with spreading madness throughout the

world. With practiced ease, Evers altered the words and their magic, rendering the foul smelling

book powerless and more pleasantly scented while forever closing one entrance for the entity to enter into the world. The next item was a silver locket with a small painting of a cruelly grinning woman inside, a warning of the vengeful spirit within would possess anyone who wore it. Evers drew out the spirit and reduced it to quivering globs of ectoplasm. The locket had been pretty, but wiping away the creepy woman within made it all the more beautiful. The third item he came across was a small black box. He turned it over in his hands curiously, but detected nothing hostile, malicious, or magical at all about it. The only interesting thing about it were the letters written in one corner that spelled out what could only be a child's misspelling of the word "caustic." He shrugged and disposed of the book, necklace, and mundane black box before moving onto the fourth item, a gleaming bauble. If he had mishandled it, he would have been hypnotized by a series of shining lights prior to being drawn into a fey demesne. However, Evers simply drew out the lights and was treated to a harmless display. Afterwards, he threw the depleted orb into the portable hole.

And so it went, Evers decursing item after item, so by the first hour the room was more than half cleared. Confident and wanting to see if he could finish the rest and have a half hour break before the elf returned, and almost ended up contracting warts from an idol shaped like a spotted toad. After this incident, he worked more carefully, taking his time to admire the intricacies of some of the curses before he undid them. Still, it was such child's play to do so that by the time he had finished unsealing a curse of binding on a hideous spiked ring that hardly anyone would consider wearing anyways, he was bored and only a little fatigued. He tossed the still ugly ring into the hole and turned towards the last item in the room, a large, rectangular object slightly smaller than the door covered with a dusty brown cloth. Concentrating, he leaned against his desk and looked out with his third eye, and found nothing amiss about the object at all. He frowned and folded his arms. Was this just another black box?

Annoyed, he waved his hand and the cloth fell away, revealing a shining silver mirror. Not moving from his desk, he glanced over the mirror and saw that it reflected the space in front of it as mirrors were meant to do. He chuckled and stepped forward into its view so that it might at least reflect something worth seeing.

Evers's eyes widened. Instead of finding his handsome frame in the mirror, there was something that simply wasn't him and certainly hadn't been there before: a nude female, green scaled, lithe lizard humanoid with a firm set of breasts on her chest. Evers stared at her and she stared back with eyes that were completely black yet held something within. Entranced, Evers leaned forward and the lizard leaned forward as well, her proud, pert breasts wobbling slightly from the sudden movement. Evers' gaze shifted down to ogle at those breasts, so firm and smoothly scaled that he felt a rise in his robes. His curiosity drove his gaze further down, sweeping past her puffy dark green nipples, smooth stomach, and wide hips, to her toned thighs and what laid between them, a puffy, scaled slit that caused the rise to become something more solid. He shifted uncomfortably and the lizard lady moved slightly too, causing him to catch notice of her tail swaying behind her. His gaze latched onto it and followed as it swung from left to right before wrapping itself around one of her long legs.

Evers blinked and stepped back, and so did she with a sway of her hips and tail. He meant to look away, but found he couldn't. The lizard was so alien in appearance, but also attractive and somehow familiar, maddeningly so. His penis pressing against his underwear did little to help either; his arousal, mixed with curiosity, kept him looking at her, and what a sight she was! He was nearly hypnotized by her exotic shape, a combination of perfect female features mixed with that of a lizard.

Without thinking, Evers stepped forwards and so did the lizard, a slight smattering of green scales subsuming skin in spots spreading over his body. He was more concerned with the lizard lady in front of him, especially now that she was closer. His member rose, hard and throbbing, as he stared at the lizard lady laid bare. There hadn't been many times in his academic and magical career where he had been given the chance to observe the female form unclothed. While it was certainly different than the few human and elven women he'd had the pleasure to bed, the female features of the lizard were no less enticing than theirs had been, maybe more because of the mystery behind it all.

Still staring, he took another step forward and his toes twinged. He hardly noticed, curling them together in his sandals as scales swiftly overtook skin and did away with the hair on his feet. While he pondered whether that perfect pair of breasts was more like the elven maiden's set or that one bitch of a witch who, despite appearances, was actually more than a century old, five toes on his four became four as they grew out, sharp and shaped like the lizard's own talons. Their sudden growth shredded his sandals and he wobbled slightly on his feet as the scales surged up his feet. With a slight pop and grimace, he now stood heels up in air in digitigrade fashion, legs thinning out to shapes longer and more slender as scales smoothed over them. The lizard in the mirror didn't so much as stumble as coyly step around, wiggling her hips enticingly as she stood to match his stance. Unconsciously, he wiggled his own hips as they tugged wide apart while scales crawled around them onto his firmer rear.

"Who are you?" he asked the lizard, his voice sounding hazy and uncertain in the

otherwise empty room. He half expected her to speak, but all she did was simply open her mouth and flick a long tongue lustily at him. He shivered, leaving his ruined footwear behind as he took another step forward, the lizard mirroring his motion with her usual sensual sway. His throbbing member rubbed uncomfortably against the inside of his robe and he felt even more uncomfortable down below, as the scales that slid over his thighs thickened them too, so there was less space between his legs for his erection. Still, Evers hardly cared, instead laughing and opening his mouth to stick his tongue out back at the lizard. To his surprise, she did the same and so he quickly retracted his tongue even as it thinned and lengthened, forking slightly at the end while within his mouth, his teeth shrank sharper yet thinner.

Evers folded his arms across his chest. Why was the lizard somehow so familiar? He watched her as she folded her arms across her chest as well, covering her breasts. He frowned, sorry to see them go until the lizard abruptly reached up with both clawed hands and squeezed her breasts. Evers shivered, his hands squeezing into fists as he imagined what it would be like to caress those full breasts. His fingers lengthened and dug into his palms as they became claws, smooth scales on their surface divesting him of skin and hair alike.

Evers paused. Hadn't he already done that? Why else would they be so familiar? He tried to search his memories, but all he could think of was the lizard so close at hand.

He shook his head and moved closer still, hips swaying as they widened further, his scaly rear rounding out plumper and firmer as a tail sprouted from above it, his spine tingling as his new appendage slithered out in spurts of short growth. Slowly but surely, his digitigrade stance became surer and more familiar, not so unlike the lizard standing so close to him.

"Do I know you?" he asked with a slight rasp to his voice, stretching out his arms towards the mirror while the scales spread up and over his wrists, ensuring sleek, slim, smoothly scaled arms were what remained behind. The lizard flicked out her tongue and offered her arms out too, her bare breasts fully on display. He licked his lips at the sight, squirming slightly as his manhood throbbed, the scales swiftly spreading up his torso and chest, smoothing out the slight pudge of his stomach, cinching his waist inward so he had some curves, and leaving his nipples dark green in coloration and surprisingly sensitive as they brushed against his robes. He opened his mouth to speak and coughed out a hiss as the scales covered his neck and shoulders, his Adam's Apple nowhere to be found in the glossy hide that was now there, his shoulders so much slimmer.

"Do you know me?" he asked, his tone higher in pitch and with a slight hiss to it.

Frowning, he tilted his head and the lizard did likewise, her black eyes playful and knowing. Unconsciously, he flicked out his tongue just as the scales swarmed up and over his cranium. He watched the lizard lady respond in kind, and though he felt there was something wrong with what he had just did, he couldn't help but look at the maddeningly familiar face. As he continued to stare at that face, so lizardy and lustful, his hair fell off his head, trailing off into dust even as his ears and nose sank away into mere slits still capable of performing their sensory functions. He flicked his tongue out again, and it didn't feel so wrong this time, especially as his skull reshaped, his scales stretching out and over his visage as it pushed out into a reptilian snout. He blinked, and then was blinded as his gaze wavered and went to black. He felt real fear as he brought his clawed hands to his snout, hissing in distress as he lost sight of her.

Then his vision returned, and he could see her down past his snout, staring back still, a lustful smile spread across her reptilian muzzle. He hissed with relief, glad to see the familiar face again. Still, her momentary absence made him all the more drawn to her. He took several steps forward and she came closer too, his tail finishing its growth as it swayed, constrained within his robes. Now that he was mere inches away from the lizard, his pulse quickened and his arousal was only enhanced, for she was so pretty and so perfect. How could he not know her?

He placed his hands upon the mirror, his claws clacking against its cool surface. He hissed when her claws came to touch him, but all he felt was the mirror. How?

The question echoed through his mind and was quickly twisted. How was she so familiar? He whined and rubbed his claws against the mirror but still did not feel her. Still he stared lustfully at her body and his arousal was now overwhelming. Yet even as the tip of his member pulsed and pressed against his robe, it began to pull back with long, shuddering throbs. He shivered, hips bucking, as he pressed his entire body against the mirror, the lusty lizard in the mirror doing so as well. He stared longingly at her breasts pressed up against the glass and suddenly felt sensitivity on his chest. Surprised, he stepped back, his gaze never leaving the lizard, as her breasts wobbled from her sudden movement. He reached out to grope them, but his claws snatched only air in front of the mirror, though his chest felt no less sensitive.

In fact, as his member continued to shrink below, flesh gathered beneath his areolae that puffed out sensitive and thicker, his dark green erect nipples rubbing against the soft fabric with sensations that left him hissing. His clawed hands shot back to his chest and now they grasped flesh, soft, sensitive teardrop shaped swellings that expanded out into a pair of proud, pert breasts that he could scarcely cup in his clawed hands. He squeezed and shook from the sensation as electric arousal sent straight down his spine just as what little remained below sank into a freshly formed slit. The new female shivered, her scaled sex quivering, before it opened up further into a properly puffy pair of feminine lips, already slightly slick and with a greenish sensitive clit nestled near its top. She squirmed more as her slick inner walls burrowed their way into existence, though her gaze was solely kept on the familiar lusty lizard lady groping at her breasts with nothing between her claws and her sensitive flesh. Intrigued, the new lizard lady squeezed her own breasts, and while there was pleasure, there was something in the way of it, something restrictive and hot that the familiar lizard did not have to deal with.

Growling in annoyance, Evers tore at her robes, her breasts bouncing free as her garb fell into tatters around her. She shook herself, ripping away what remained, exposing her sex to the cool air, and finally allowing her tail to sway as it should. Freed of her clothes, she stood before the mirror naked and proud of it. With her hands on her hips, she stared at the lizard in the mirror in front of her, eyeing her every movement, going over her curves and breasts and tail that were all so familiar! The other lizard was so familiar! Was this déjà vu, a remembrance, or--

The lizard hissed her laughter and the other hissed silently back. Now she knew why this other lizard was so familiar. It was her, her reflection, her mirror peer!

Now that the question of familiarity was gone, the lust underlying it came up in full force. The lizard shivered and whined, rubbing her thighs together as she neared the mirror, keeping her eyes on herself. Of course it had been her all along, who else could it have been? The lizard in the mirror, the lizard that was her, was so perfect, so slender and curvy and...horny, she realized.

She approached the mirror and gave it a long, loving lick with her forked tongue, and for some reason it felt warm where it had been cold before. She hardly cared, welcoming the heat and sliding her tongue down the mirror as she slowly transitioned to a crouch. She smiled at her mirror peer in appreciation and reached down to her scaled sex with one clawed hand while the other lifted to grope at her breasts. She squeezed at her clit while caressing a tit, only to stop and look down at herself. There was something off, something not right about the whole situation. Her lust addled mind stumbled through her thoughts but all she could think about was the lizardess she had became--no, the lusty lizard lady she was. She was squeezing a breast, her breast, and exploring her feminine slit and that seemed strange somehow. There was something missing...

She looked away from the mirror and caught sight of her tail. She hissed in delight! Of course! That was it! She had two breasts and a needy slit and only two cleverly clawed hands to touch them all. If she just added her tail into the equation, everything could be satisfied equally.

Growling lustfully, she grabbed her tail and guided its tip to her pulsing slit while tweaking at an erect nipple. For a moment, the tip of her tail teased at and kneaded apart the outer edges of her labia, and she whined in frustration, wanted it oh so much to dig into her ready and wanting folds. In the next, it slipped in, parting her feminine folds and reaching the willing and waiting passage within. She hissed in pleasure, especially as it rubbed against her pulsing clit. Still rubbing at her stiff, sensitive nipple, she guided in her tail a little more so that it was in just enough that all she had to do was flex her tail muscles to create a thrusting motion in and out, in and out. She squirmed and moaned as she effectively penetrated herself, both hands on her breasts, some claws digging into the sensitive scaled flesh while others tweaked and pulled at her stiff areola. Her slit slickened and her tail dug deeper still, inner walls hopelessly clamping down on something that could not be contained. Her sly tail slipped in and out, grinding against her tender clit in the process.

As arousal built and built towards the ultimate burst of pleasure, the lizard stared at herself in the mirror, her deep black eyes holding lust and lust only, nothing more. What she had been doing before, what she had been before, and what little remained of both now was being completely subsumed by her love for that lizard in the mirror, the lizard in the mirror that was her peer, the lizard in the mirror that was her. She hissed and panted, whimpering slightly as her tail dug even further in somehow, pushing her nearly to the brink as thoughts of magic and expertise and education turned towards a desire for lust that she was now only just starting to sate. She hardly cared what an Evers was or what it had been a valedictorian of, whatever that was and whatever that meant. All that mattered was that she was inches deep into herself, firm breasts pinched and pleasured, nearly there, nearly to that peak of full pleasure that the lovely lizard lady in the mirror so rightly deserved.

Finally it happened, the newly minted lusty lizard lady reaching climax with a shudder and a shriek. With another shriek that sank into silence, she fell onto her back, shuddering and softly hissing as her tail withdrew inch by inch from her sore pleasured pussy. When it pulled out with a soft squelch and gentle caress against her still tense clit, she softly bucked her hips into the air as her arms fell away from her breasts and stretched out on either side of her. Both her claws and talons dug into the wood floor as she basked in the afterglow, her tail softly lashing against the floor.

As the pleasure slowly but surely faded away, the lizard sat up. Her thoughts came back together, but they were not much different than they had been before her bout of self pleasuring. She still yearned for more.

Crawling past scraps of shredded cloth and torn sandals she hardly recognized as her own, she came before the mirror. She stared lustfully at what she saw in the mirror, giving its surface another lick and shivering at its welcoming warmth. Already her tail twitched and sex throbbed, nearly ready for another round, yet she wasn't sure she would be so satisfied. Some more experience would be nice, and the ensuing pleasure nicer, but somehow she knew the lizard she saw in the mirror couldn't be the only one there was.

The lizard was drawn from her lust filled thoughts as the nearby door creaked and opened. She turned her head and stared down her snout at an elf. He looked down at her with only a slight scowl on his smooth face.

"Evers?" he asked, his eyes flitting over the rest of the room.

The lizard hissed, her black eyes glittering with lust. She started to crawl over to him, then stopped as she saw something in the mirror. Where the elf stood in reality the mirror reflected a slender, busty blue scaled lizard woman. She looked from the mirror to the elf, to the elf to the mirror, and then back again, finishing with a sultry smile across her lizardlike snout.

"Evers, is that you?" the elf said. "Oh my."

The lizard answered with a hiss, crawling towards him with her tail waving and rounded rear raised. The elf paled as she approached, but stood stock still, only pulling away when she began to paw at his crotch for the cock she knew he had.

"Back!" the elf said, pushing the lusty lizard away. He stepped back, staring at her as she hissed in annoyance and groped at a breast at least until he caught sight of a silvery shine. He froze as he saw what was within the mirror.

"Oh my," he murmured. "My, my, my..."