
Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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Addison glanced around the room. There was an overstuffed chair, a chaise longue not too far in front of it, a small coffee table behind it, and a bookshelf full of thick books on the mind, the conditions of the mind, and other equally academic subjects that he was sure no one had ever actually read. The room was an office, a psychologist's office, and yet it was missing the thing that mattered most. He frowned, wondering why the secretary had told him to go on in when the doctor wasn't even there. His attention was drawn to something that sat on the coffee table, a fishbowl that itself was furnished with rocks and a mini castle that the fancy fish darting around inside his aquatic confines seemed to enjoy. He stared at the fish, and for a moment the thought came into his mind that perhaps the office wasn't missing its psychologist at all, that the little flitting fish was the Dr. Trumble, and he was the crazy one standing around when the help was already here. Addison laughed and tossed the thought aside, just as he heard the door open behind him. He spun around and there stood a shorter, overweight older man who could only be Dr. Trumble. The psychologist stared at him behind his vintage horn-rimmed glasses, his jowls set in a scowl.

"Does my office entertain you, Mr. Addison?" the psychologist asked. "Or are you in the wrong place?"

"Oh, no," Addison said, gulping. He motioned towards the fishbowl. "It's your fish, I--"

"Ah, Dr. Bubbles," Dr. Trumble said. "A fine associate. I hope you don't mind him." He smiled. "The children always seem to appreciate him."

"Oh, not at all," Addison said. "I--"

"It's ok, son," Dr. Trumble said, motioning towards the chaise longue. "Take a seat. I'm sorry I wasn't in here when you entered. Had to get my hands wet. It's awfully dry this time of year." He sneered. "April showers, my ass! Excuse my French."

"Uh, sure," Addison said, moving over to the chaise longue, standing by while the psychologist maneuvered his considerable bulk into his chair, grunting and hurrahmphing as he made himself comfortable. When Dr. Trumble was, he tilted his head and frowned.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" He pointed to the chaise longue. "Sit or lay back or something, I don't care, but don't just stand there! You're making me feel old. Not all of us are young bucks."

Addison froze and felt a twinge of fear mixed with an unpleasant itching on his chest. "What?"

"Hmm?" Dr. Trumble's craggy face bunched up. "It's an expression and also a compliment. Maybe you've heard it as spring buck? No?"

"No, I..." Addison cleared his throat and realized that Dr. Trumble was staring at him expectantly. He sat and smiled. "I mean, yes, I know what you mean, it's just that--"

"What?" Dr. Trumble said. "Is that what you're here for?"

"How did you know?" Addison blurted out, and then looked about as if she could be here. He looked back to the psychologist pleadingly. "Can you help me?"

"With what?" Dr. Trumble asked. "I'm a mind worker, not a mind reader. You're going to have to tell me the trouble."

"But you seemed like you knew--"

"Knew what?" Dr. Trumble chuckled and shook his head, before leaning forward and tapping the fishbowl. "Dr. Bubbles and I have been in this business for quite some time. Well, me and Bubbles' ancestors. It brings an intuition, see?" He tapped the side of his head. "But intuition isn't knowing. So, let me know."

"Ok." Addison took a deep breath and let it out. As he did so, he felt his chest itch again. He didn't look down, but he still reached a hand to scratch at the area, and he felt some relief between his shirt. He looked at Dr. Trumble and he saw no threat in his eyes, only a grumpy sort of curiosity. ", um, I--"

"Come on, son," Dr. Trumble growled. "Out with it. You know you're paying me by the half-hour, right? I'm no amateur."

"I know, I know, it's why I came to you, but..." Addison gulped and he scratched his chest as he panted hotly afterwards. "It's strange. It's insane, I don't--"

"Strange? Insane?" Dr. Trumble snorted. "That's right up my alley, and I only roll strikes. So let Dr. Bubbles and I hear it."

"It's my girlfriend," Addison said.

"Your girlfriend? Son, I'm a psychologist, not a relationship advisor."

"I know, I know, but--" Addison licked his lips. "I think something is wrong with my mind because...well, I don't remember having a girlfriend."

"Hmm," Dr. Trumble said, reaching into his pockets to take out a pad and short pencil. He scribbled something down. "So some memory loss?"

"No, it can't be because..." Addison sighed. "That's not something I would just forget, especially because..." He panted again and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Well..." His voice lowered. "She's a dog."

Dr. Trumble frowned. "Now that is deviant..."

"No!" Addison raised his hands. "Not a dog dog. She..." His gaze lowered to the fishbowl where Dr. Bubbles floated around aimlessly inside. Addison felt his ears twitch nervously while he considered what to say next. He blinked and reached back, but his ears were as they always were. "She's a walking, talking person like you or I, but she's also a dog." He glanced back to the psychologist. "She's a person dog. A dog person. A doberman. She even has..." His voice lowered again. "She even has breasts."

Addison felt sweat run down his face as he saw Dr. Trumble's frown deepen and the man narrow his eyes.

"I know it sounds crazy," Addison said, fully aware how panicked he sounded. "But I swear it's true!"

"Of course it's true," Dr. Trumble said while maintaining his frown.

Addison blinked and felt his ears twitch again. He was so relieved, he hardly noticed.

"Really?" he said.

"Yes," Dr. Trumble said, harrumphing as he sat back, not even bothering to take notes. "I believe the breasts. Even lizards have them. Are hers abnormally large or something? Is that why you're so distressed? Or is it that she has multiple? Now, I don't normally give advice on these matters, but--"

"No! No, it's not that, it's..." Addison frowned. "Doctor, please tell me something. Have there always been walking, talking animals?"

"Animals?" Dr. Trumble tilted his head and shook it. "No."

"See!" Addison said, leaning forward. "You noticed it too. I'm not insane!"

Dr. Trumble gave him an odd glance. "They're not animals, they're people like you or I. For being in a relationship with one, I thought you would be more sensitive about what you call them."

Addison's face fell. Worse, the itching had increased in intensity and area affected, the back of his neck felt the worst of it. He reached back to scratch at it and immediately pulled it away when he felt something that wasn't his normal hair and skin, but something softer, fuzzier...fur. He shook his head, willing himself to ignore it because it couldn't be true. None of this could be.

"Animals makes them seems primitive and unintelligent," Dr. Trumble continued. "How would you like to be called a monkey? Or..." The psychologist chuckled. "Is that the problem? You call her an animal and she calls you a monkey. Is this all this is about?"

"No!" Addison said, feeling anger suddenly flare before it dissipated just as quickly. He was here for help, and anger at the one who was meant to aid him certainly wouldn't help. He took a quick breath through his nose and sighed. "She calls me a doe."

"A doe?" Dr. Trumble murmured. "A deer? A female deer?"

"Yes." Addison nodded, wincing as the itching spread up his face. He yearned to reach up and touch it, but a part of him also wanted to deny the feeling at all, just as he wished to deny his girlfriend's sentiments. " girlfriend, well, she insists I'm a..." He gulped. "That I'm a doe. Always saying she's the big butch dobie and I'm her dear deer. A cute couple but..." Addison closed his eyes, shivering and feeling the fabric of his clothes flap loosely against him as he pictured the doberman gal with her close cropped hair and mannish clothes. She looked nice enough in his mind, tall and muscular for a woman...a dog woman, but she was a little forceful for him, insisting he was wearing the wrong clothes, that he should have his ears pierced, that he was a deer, and not...well, what he was. He wrung his hands before realizing that they felt smaller, slender, but that couldn't be right.

"Mr. Addison?" Dr. Trumble asked, his tone tinged with annoyance.

"Yes?" Addison said, opening his eyes and catching a quick glance of his hands. His hands were wreathed with brown dusting of fur, his digits more slender, and his nails were dark, blacker, but he had more important matters to attend to, like not annoying his help.

"You stopped," Dr. Trumble said. "While this doesn't really fall into my purview, what were you going to say?"

"I, um..." Addison thought back to what he had just said, but all he could think about was that doberman, the busty bitch that insisted she was his girlfriend and that he was-- "Doe! I'm not a doe! I'm a man. A human." He frowned. "And how doesn't this fall under your purview? I'm obviously not a doe!"

He motioned over himself and he looked down...and paused. His shirt looked a few sizes too large on his small frame, and his jeans barely clung to his hips. What was worse were his shoes, but he didn't want to think about that, not how his toes felt tight and confined even as those same toes felt like less than many and more as a solid mass, hard and hardening without the dexterity that they had possessed before, or how his ankles ached and his heels seemed to insist on going up...up...up...

"This is insanity," he whispered.

"Could you say that again, Mr. Addison?" Dr. Trumble said. Addison looked back up to the psychologist and found himself puzzled by what he found. Dr. Trumble's face had...refined for lack of a better word. His features were mostly sharper, more pointed, save for his nose that seemed smaller, unobtrusive, really only little more than a couple of slits. His eyes too seemed darker, beadier and his hair, once the perfect example of a receding hairline seemed reinvigorated, fluffy and...feathery? But no, none of this could be true, at least the refinement or alterations. Things simply didn't just change, things simply just didn't come into being like a big butch doberman girlfriend or the soft, brown fur that moved even now to subsume skin and human hair. No, it was all impossibilities, all--

"Insanity," Addison said. "None of this is real, right?"

"Now that is a broad question," Dr. Trumble said, tilting his head, his lips pursed in such a way that was almost...beakish. "And not something I think I can help you with, Mr. Addison."

"B-but..." Addison stuttered, ears twitching and flopping as they formed into longer, concave shapes. "You have to!"

"How?" Dr. Trumble asked. "You haven't made a lick of sense since you got here, son. Complaining about your girlfriend, questioning what's real, insisting other sapient creatures are're all over the place, Mr. Addison. I'm not sure what you need, a relationship advisor or someone to bring you into the modern age, but it's a nice spring, and I don't intend on wasting it for either of us with nothing either of us can help."

"But..." Addison started, then sighed and took a deep breath. As he tried and failed to think out how to go about this, he leaned forward and began to untie his shoes, feeling a little relief even if his footwear wasn't off just yet. His hooves ached in their confines, and he couldn't stand them being there one more moment. Maybe that's why he couldn't think straight, why he wasn't making any sense to the psychologist. He needed to be a little more comfortable, and his ill-fitting clothes weren't helping either. Even if they were loose on him, he still felt hot as if the cloth was too thick for his fur.

His fur...

The thought of fur seemed to bother him, and he wasn't sure why. He thought over this as he took off his first shoe to reveal a foot mostly made up of two elongated toes that were hard and horny, the third and fourth likewise hard and horny smaller toes behind the hooves. For some reason, his hoofed foot looked wrong, as if the numbers didn't add up. He kept thinking of five oddly shaped toes, but those couldn't be his, right? Just like the thought of pink, slightly hairy skin couldn't be his either. What was so wrong with fur anyhow? It was much better than scales or the feathers that Dr. Trumble seemed to bear.

Addison frowned at this thought, but went back to taking off his other shoe, at least until he heard someone clearing their throat. He blinked and meant to look up at Dr. Trumble, but instead his gaze fell upon the fishbowl. Dr. Bubbles was still there, but he wasn't just swimming around with no goal in mind now. He floated in his bowl and seemed to be stare at Addison, his wide, open eyes not quite so empty. Addison shivered, tossing away his other shoe as his other hoof came free of its confines. What had he been thinking wearing such tight shoes? Why was he even wearing shoes in the first place? Blair always insisted he didn't need heels to reach her height, because they were at the perfect height already. What was so wrong getting a face full of her bust in a hug, even if it did make his snout sneeze from time to time?

Just as Addison was thinking that something was terribly wrong with this thought, Dr. Trumble spoke up again.

"Mr. Addison, just what are you doing?"

Addison turned his gaze away from Dr. Bubbles to the actual doctor and found an avian visage staring back, the white feathered face of a stork with long, stout bill and all, though the horn rimmed glasses remained, now pinched onto the bridge of the psychologist's beak. The stork looked positively grumpy, and Addison couldn't completely blame him.

"Uh..." Addison smiled apologetically, wincing a little as his nose and mouth began to draw together. "Taking off my shoes?"

"Why?" Dr. Trumble said. "Your hooves look clean, but I'm not here to see your hooves. I'm no pediatrician, I'm a psychologist, and you seem to be wasting my time."

"But I'm paying you!" Addison protested, wincing more as his face began to press out. "And I have problems, actual problems!"

"No doubt you do," Dr. Trumble grumbled. "But problems for a psychologist? I don't think so. It sounds like you just need to talk to your girlfriend."

"But..she'!" Addison huffed out each word as his brown furred face formed into a cervine muzzle, his black nose a little less prominent in his vision than his previous one. His ears lowered as the thoughts of the doberwoman came into mind. "Really, she's not!"

"Fine," Dr. Trumble sighed, writing something down in his notes with one clawed hand while the other tapped impatiently at the side of his chair. "Who is she, then?"

"She's Blair, but..." Addison shifted uncomfortably in his seat as his hips seemed to pull apart with a grinding sensation that wasn't in the least pleasant. "I don't have a girlfriend. Didn't have a girlfriend. I..." He looked around sheepishly. "Is it ok if I start at the beginning?"

Dr. Trumble flicked his feathered wrist up and glanced at his watch. He sighed.

"Sure," he grumbled. "Since you are paying me, but I do have a date with Mr. Bubbles not too long from now."

"G-great, thanks," Addison bleated, scratching at one of his ears nervously. He let out another surprised bleat as his hips wrenched and ached. He wanted to look down, but he also didn't want to waste any more time. "So, I was just going to my usual spot to get coffee and there she was, a walking, talking doberman that..." He frowned. "Well, that wasn't the weird part because there was plenty of other walking talking dobermen or doberwomen or animal people around but..." He groaned, one hoofed foot tapping against the ground. "I don't know, but that still seems so strange. Maybe it's just because what happened next?"

"What happened next?" Dr. Trumble asked in the most disinterested, bored tone that Addison had ever heard.

"Well, she...she came up to me and gave me a hug and I didn't mind because, well, boobs..." Addison shivered at the word, his nipples twinging. "But then she acted as if she knew me and followed me to her usual spot as if that was...well, usual."

"And it's not usual for you and your girlfriend to do that?"

"She's not my girlfriend!" He said, and might have been angrier if he hadn't felt something pulling at his spine. He leaned forward and reached back, feeling something sprout, but that was silly because his hoof-tipped fingers only came across his tail, a short, white fluffy little thing that Blair liked to call his "flag." He supposed it was one way they were both alike, them and their short tails. Except...

"She's not my girlfriend," he repeated with less conviction. "So anyways, Blair and I talked and it was a usual conversation about our lives except...except she wasn't my girlfriend."

"But she was after?" Dr. Trumble guessed.

"Well, yes, but that was more because of her insistence and also because she followed me home."

"In her car?"

"No," Addison said with a blush. "In mine. We came home and...there was space set aside for her and all sorts of posters on the wall that hadn't been there before. They were sort of..." Addison shivered. "Lewd, but Blair sort of is. Always has been. I mean...." Addison frowned. "As long as I've known her which she insists has been all our lives and apparently I've always let her drive because..." His ears lowered. "Because that's where the problem started. It wasn't so bad, the first few days. Having a girlfriend that is, even if she is a little pushy but then I just couldn't take it. It was all wrong us being together in the first place, so I confronted her about and it and she acted like the problem was me! She insisted I was her demure doe and she was in charge and that's wrong, right, because..." Addison paused. "Because I'm a buck, right?"

"I suppose so," Dr. Trumble said, eyeing over him.

"W-what?" Addison stuttered, rubbing his legs nervously together, noticing his thighs seemed...thicker, if not closer together, and his member--

He gasped as he felt his genitals tighten against his crotch even as the flesh beneath his nipples began to expand. He squirmed, but kept his gaze squarely focused on the psychologist.

"Well, if we're being candid here, it seems like you kids can be whatever you want nowadays, and really..." Dr. Trumble chuckled. "That's great. Easier for you that way. Me and Mr. Bubbles always had our troubles, but now a bull can be a cow, a man can be a woman, and, well, a buck can be a doe."

"W-what?" Addison bleated, suddenly standing and stumbling as he found his digitigrade stance surprisingly familiar. He had to hike his jeans up with one hand too, squirming again as his crotch continued to tighten. Was it just him, or was there less room in the rear portion of his jeans as well? He panted, and he felt his burgeoning bust bounce.

"Ah, I think I see the issue," Dr. Trumble continued with a sage nod. "You want to be a buck, is that right? And your controlling girlfriend is insisting you stay the doe that you were born as? I understand now the problem, but I'm not sure why you came to me for it. Like I've said a few times, I'm a psychologist, not a relationship advisor. Dr. Bubbles maybe could help when he gets here?"

"Dr. Bubbles?" Addison echoed and looked to the fishbowl, but there was no fishbowl. "No, no, you've got it all wrong! I'm a man, a..." Addison's words trailed off. A what? He had been about to say something, but it didn't make any sense. He wasn't some sort of hairless monkey. He was a deer, but what sort of deer?

"I was wrong?" Dr. Trumble squawked. "It was the other way around? You're under a delusion, then! Aha!" He snapped a talon/ "A doelusion?"

Addison groaned, though it wasn't because of the psychologist's punnery, but because his situation below was increasingly uncomfortable. It felt like his masculinity was simultaneously shrinking and squeezing into some sort of slit that wasn't fully formed yet even as his breasts threatened to burst from their confines. He glanced down at them and saw his nipples clearly poking out against the cloth and felt a rush of heat go to his face. This was all so embarrassing, a clothing malfunction in front of a professional! If only Blair was here...

"I...I..." Addison squeaked. "I have to go to the bathroom real quick!"

"Which one?" Dr. Trumble asked.

But Addison wasn't paying attention to him anymore. He rushed out of the office, still blushing since his breasts bounced and his pants had slipped down on the way out, which meant the psychologist had certainly caught an eyeful of her...his jiggling deer rear. He couldn't stop to fix his clothes, because they couldn't be fixed. They were too large, too mannish, and he needed something else if he was going to appeal to Blair. But was that right?

Addison wasn't sure as he ran through the hallway, passing the secretary, a mouse who seemed to be more concerned with playing solitaire than the distressed doe before her. Deer! Deer, not doe! He was a deer! But wasn't a doe just a type of deer? He shook his head and glanced around the waiting room, glad it was empty save for the secretary. He spotted the restrooms to the side, and there were two single restrooms, one for men, and one for women as denoted by the signs. He ran towards the male restroom and tried the door handle, but it was locked.

"Give me a minute," someone said on the other side, the tone meandering and...bubbly, as if said through water.

Addison bleated and headed to the adjacent women's restroom instead. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him, carefully locking it before turning to the mirror. Now that there was no one there to see him, he dropped his jeans and underwear and looked down. He bleated again as he saw that between his wide, womanly hips was an equally feminine cleft and clit and nothing else. Of course, there was warm brown fur and his slightly thick thighs and the shapely, long legs that terminated in hooves, but there was nothing at all male of what lay between his legs. He...she was a doe, a female deer.

Addison blinked and looked back to the mirror. What stared back at him was a cervine visage, though one that was undoubtedly feminine, the snout shorter, the horns lacking, and those big brown eyes slightly shaded with long lashes. The doe's ears were lowered as if she was upset, but distraught by what? Addison couldn't quite place her hoof hands on it. She stared at her prominent chest, her seemingly swollen breasts stretching her shirt, but they didn't feel wrong, just strained. She lifted her shirt and took a peek at them. Yep, there they were, round and perky, graced with warm brown fur and equally perky pink nipples that poked through the fur. She dropped her shirt and scratched her head. If anything, it was the shirt that was the problem. That and her lack of a bra. She wasn't like Blair, she usually took good care of her girls. She didn't want back problems when--

Back problems? Girls? What was she thinking about? This didn't make any sense, none of this made any sense, she had to escape this insanity! But how? She searched her mind, but her mind was racing now, overloaded and overhyped in its confusion. She felt blood rush to her brain and then suddenly Addison's knees suddenly felt weak, and she fell forward, catching herself on the sink, her ears suddenly up and alert just like her flag above her shapely rear. Her snout bounced against the mirror and she rocked back slightly, dazed in both body and mind. She stared in the mirror and thought maybe for a moment that cervine visage should be something else, but what? When she tried to think, all that came to mind was Blair, that braggy, butch doberman with her easy, snarly smile and those eyes that could be as caring as they could be fierce. For some reason, she tried to move her mind away from her girlfriend...from the doberman, but it was easier thought than done. It was almost as if Blair was in the room with her right now, or at least close by, ready to embrace her demure doe, and Addison wouldn't mind because this place was a least a little private, and what was wrong with some lesbians getting some loving on wherever they wanted?

Addison let out a quick breath, fogging up the mirror, and that seemed to help ease her thoughts, the cervine visage obscured. Blair wasn't gone, just in the back of her mind and instead the psychologist, the stork Dr. Trumble at the forefront with his most recent words.

"Delusion..." she mumbled, recalling them. "Doelusion..."

But what sort of delusion? She wasn't too sure, but it seemed to have something to do with monkeys and non-existence, or was it bucks and boyfriends? She stuck out her tongue at this. She would never be interested in any of those, least of all boyfriends. She was quite happy with Blair, and Blair was happy with her. What then? Why had she gone to the psychologist in the first place? Maybe the insanity had been thinking there had been a problem in the first place. Admittedly, her relationship with Blair was almost too perfect, but was there a problem with that?

"Addie?" A voice called from beyond the door, deep but distinctly feminine. "Addie, are you in there?"

Addison's ears lifted and she turned her head. Could that be...?

"Hey, girl," the voice barked. "Don't make me scared."

"B-blair?" she stuttered.

"Addie?" Blair said. "Yeah, it's me. What are you doing in there?"

"Oh." Addison paused. It was a good question, and she didn't have a good answer. Why had she run out of the psychologist's in the first place? She hadn't even had to use the restroom, and there was no reason she was naked either. She let out an "eep" and covered up her jiggling breasts. She was naked! Oh God, she was naked in public! Well, near enough. Why was she naked? Only Blair was meant to see her like this, and yet here she was, nude with only a wooden door between her and the world. She shivered and hugged her arms tighter to herself and felt her face go hot. She could look at her furred form almost anytime; why had she chosen to now? She wasn't attracted to herself and she certainly wasn't an exhibitionist. Blair, on the other hand...

"I..." She gulped, shivering again at what Blair would say if she saw her now. The teasing would never end! "I'm coming out," she said. "J-just...give me a minute."

"Huh?" she heard Blair bark. "You're coming out, but give you a minute? Make up your mind, Addie!"

Addison smiled despite herself, getting dressed as best she could and feeling slightly more confident as she did so. She would have to pick up some proper clothes later, even if Blair hated that sort of shopping. Oh well. If the doberwoman could make the doe suffer for hours over which studded collar was best to buy, she could handle helping her buy a spring sundress.

A minute later, Addison exited the restroom no longer under any sort of delusion, doeful or otherwise. She smiled when she found Blair waiting outside, the doberwoman looking as butch as always. Addison didn't mind, because it meant she could be the demure doe.

"Addie!" Blair said, holding out her arms. "There you are!"

" I am!" Addison said, smiling shyly as she glanced away. "Your demure doe."

"Yeah, uh..." Blair looked around the waiting room. "Why are you here anyways? Didn't think a shrink was your style. Or those clothes, for that matter..."

"Oh." Addison's ears lowered. "O-oh, it was..." Addison said, ignoring the comment about her clothes as she blinked when she saw Dr. Trumble emerge from the hallway, along with a tall fishman whose head was contained within some sort of watery helmet. "I don't know, something silly. A, uh, delusion."

"A delusion?" Blair said, canine face confused as Addison brushed past her, the doe stepping in front of the stork and the fish.

"Dr. Trumble," Addison said, bowing her head a bit and stepping to the side. "I'm so sorry about running out on you like that but...I think I'm all better now. I think the problem was there wasn't a problem."

"Oh. Hmph," Dr. Trumble grunted. "Happy to have helped. By the way..." he smiled and extended a wing towards the fish. "This is my boyfriend and associate, Dr. Bubbles. If you do have any relationship troubles, then he would be happy to help. Not me. I'm a psychologist." Dr. Trumble folded his winged arms over his chest. "It means I help with the mind. I leave those feelings for him."

"Oh Tony," Dr. Bubbles burbled. "Don't be so hard on the girl. These are changing times. Remember how we felt in our relationship back at the beginning? It seemed so much simpler then..."

"You always say that, but I don't know what you mean," Dr. Trumble grumbled. "It's not like all I had to do was feed you."


Addison turned towards Blair and smiled. "Dr. Trumble, Dr. Bubbles," she said as she reached up and patted one of Blair's bare shoulders. "This is Blair. She's my..." She smiled and shrank away , pressing into Blair's bigger bulk. "She's my girlfriend."

"No, you're my girlfriend," Blair said. "You dopey doe! And..." The doberman smirked. "I don't know what she told you, but we do have a problem. My doefriend does have a delusion."

Addison gasped and looked up at Blair.

"It's those clothes, girl! Who said you could dress like me?"

Addison giggled and hugged Blair, nuzzling her snout into her breasts, her flag happily wiggling behind her. She then let out a bleat as the doberman squeezed her rear.

"And she does that too! Ok, let's go, girl, you've embarrassed me enough."

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