The Swim Team

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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A smut story written for fun featuring input from the very talented Linkin MonroeTravis Hayes couldn't wait to join the swim team, but this required going through an unusual (and sticky) hazing ritual; getting wet...

For those of you following my series Special Assignments, I'll be uploading the new chapter soon!

Travis Hayes hurried across campus with his sports bag slung across his back.

His heart was beating excitedly in his chest as he glanced around. Whitefield University had a large, but leafy campus and Travis was eager to explore all of it. He rounded the corner and saw the building that housed the college sports centre. The complex was large and housed the gym, pool, climbing wall and basketball courts.

Travis grinned as he remembered all the sports teams who set up their tables on campus during the first week. After browsing what was on offer, he had settled on swimming. Water was his natural home and he couldn't wait to join a team which fitted what he felt was his best talent.

The swimming table had been manned by a Dingo and an Akita. Both were lean looking jocks in varsity shirts displaying the Whitefield sports logo. Travis was an athletic but shy Otter; lean torso, brown fur, blue eyes. He had cautiously sidled up and examined the leaflets on display.

"Um, hey can I sign up here?" he asked nervously.

"For sure man," the Akita replied. "You swam before?"

"Oh yeah, lots," Travis replied confidently. "I've been swimming a lot since I was small."

"Having an Otter on the team would certainly be useful," the Akita mused. "We're mostly canines and felines, a water based guy can give us an advantage."

"Oh, more than that," the Dingo added in an Australian accent. "Max would certainly approve of this one," the canine added with a grin.

"Max is our team captain," the Akita explained. "My name is Trey and this is Corey," he said, gesturing to the Dingo who fixed Travis a grin.

"We're doing some time trials for the team on Wednesday," Corey explained. "Max is gonna judge who he'll take on as a new member, so you're gonna want speed, stamina and flexibility," he said, emphasising the last word. "So you can write down here what time is best."

Travis smiled as he wrote down his name and a time on the clipboard Corey was pointing at.

"Awesome, see you guys Wednesday," he said. As Travis turned and walked away, he thought he saw the two canines exchange a grin out of the corner of his eye. He wondered what they were feeling pleased about, but he noticed a group of a female Hyenas playing silly music and giving a Zumba lesson on a nearby field. The sight made Travis chuckle to himself.

They must have been laughing at that.

Travis knew the competition to get on the swim team would be strong, but he convinced himself that he would be able to do it, and when Wednesday came he strolled to the sports complex still trying to maintain the feeling of confidence inside.

Time to show them what I'm made of.

The feeling of will power faded as Travis glanced at each of the buildings and cursed to himself as he realised he didn't know which one contained the pool. He glanced around and saw a lean and athletic looking Jaguar strolling over with an identical sports bag slung over one shoulder.

"Hey, excuse me, do you know the way to the pool?" Travis asked nervously.

"Yup, I'm heading there myself in fact. Wanna follow me?" the Jaguar replied with a chuckle. "You going for the swim try out?"

"Um, I am actually" Travis replied, wondering if the Jaguar was doing the same. He tried sizing the Jaguar up to examine his competition. The Jaguar looked a couple of years older and was slightly taller. The feline chuckled as he seemed to read Travis' thoughts.

"I'm already part of the team," he grinned. "The name is Austin."

"Oh, uh, pleased to meet you," Travis replied, feeling slightly abashed. He extended his paw and Austin shook it in a firm grip.

"You must be Travis Hayes?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Travis replied, feeling surprised that Austin knew his name.

"I saw on Max's list that we were expecting you today," Austin said. "He said we were expecting a cute, I mean an Otter. Max is captain of the team and he's a Doberman. You'll meet him today."

"Oh, I see," Travis replied. "Well, lead the way I guess." Austin nodded and led Travis up towards one of the buildings. Travis glanced through the tinted glass and could make out the faint outline of the pool's water rippling inside.

Meanwhile, by the pool itself Corey and Trey were sitting on plastic chairs and waiting. The two jocks had changed out of their clothes and wore nothing but close-fitting speedos. Trey glanced around, noting that the pool had been closed off from everyone else for the trials. The idea of getting frisky in the locker room entered his mind and he felt his speedos grow a little tighter as his cock started to emerge from its sheath. Corey glanced down and noticed the growing bulge in the Dingo's swimsuit.

"Heh, I can tell what's on your mind mate," the Dingo teased. "Here, lemme give you a paw?" he reached over and gripped the contour of the Akita's dick.

"Not right now," Trey gasped, trying not to get too excited. "What if someone catches us?"

"There's no one else here," Corey teased, reaching down to paw the bulge in his own swimsuit. He then slid the front of his speedo down to reveal the pink tip of his cock. "We could do a quick one before the others show up?"

"Keep it in your speedo until the new guy is here, Corey!" a voice boomed from across the pool. Both canines jumped out of their seats and snapped to attention. Corey quickly stuffed his hard cock into his speedo and turned to see the captain of their team walking towards them.

"Hey Max," both canines said in unison as the captain approached and stood before them.

Max Brandt was an athletic and chiselled looking black and tan Doberman. He stood a head taller than the rest of the team, and his cropped ears and sleek muzzle gave him a streamlined and domineering look. He was also dressed in a pair of gym shorts and a tight grey tank top.

Corey gulped as he realised that the appearance of their team captain wasn't doing any favours in getting rid of his erection. Something close to a grin spread across Max's muzzle as he glanced down at the bulge in Corey's speedo, but his expression remained hard.

"Why don't you two get in the pool and do a couple of warm up laps?" he said in a deep voice, but the tone indicated it was more of a command than a suggestion.

"I don't think there's a lifeguard on duty," Corey replied.

"I'm qualified as a lifeguard, now get in," Max interrupted. The domineering half-grin was still on his muzzle.

"You're the boss," Trey replied.

"Hmm, I might pretend to drown on purpose just so he can do mouth to mouth on me," Corey chuckled.

"I heard that Corey," Max said with a growl. "Save your horniness for now, I'll tell you two why later. Now, in you get."

Both canines dove into separate lanes and began to swim while Max watched. Their speedo-clad asses bobbed up and down in the water as they swam. Max's behind waggled as the grin on his muzzle became wider. Usually if he saw a nice bulge or a butt in a pair of speedos he would expect them to come off very quickly after practice, but the new guy would be arriving soon and Max knew he had to go and meet him. The team had to behave...

...for now.

Meanwhile, Austin had led Travis into the aquatics building, where they had started getting undressed in the locker room. Travis sniffed the air as he pulled his shirt off. The locker room had the heavy scent of wet fur, aftershave and chlorine hanging in it. While he had undressed in front of other guys before, now he couldn't help feeling a little nervous doing it in a new place. Austin seemed to have no such concerns as the Jaguar stood naked before him shamelessly. Travis tried to avert his gaze but just as he reached down to unbuckle his jeans. He heard the sound of the locker room door open and close before the unmistakable scent of Fox hit his nostrils. Travis turned to see an athletic orange and white Fox setting his bag down on the bench behind him. Although Foxes had naturally bushy fur, Travis could see that this Fox had trimmed his fur down, including his tail. No doubt this was to make his body more streamlined.

"Hey dude," the Fox called to Austin. "Is this the new guy?" he asked, gesturing at Travis.

"Yup, come to do his try-out," Austin replied, pulling on his swimsuit.

"Sup' man, my name is Brody," the Fox said, extending a paw to Travis.

"Hey, nice to meet you," Travis replied, taking the paw but feeling away that his unbuckled jeans were starting to slide down his legs.

"Heh, well I hope you don't mind getting a little wet," Brody chuckled.

"Oh, no I don't. I'm an Otter," Travis replied with a laugh. Brody responded with a grin and Travis wondered if there was more to the Fox's comment than met the eye, but he shrugged and turned back to get dressed. He unzipped his sports bag and pulled out his towel. His blue speedo was sitting at the bottom and he pulled it out before sliding his jeans down. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Brody easing a pair of black briefs down his hind-paws.

Don't get hard.

Instead, Travis kept his eyes lowered as he quickly slipped his own briefs down, then reached for his speedo.

"Team!" a voice boomed.

The bark was so startling Travis nearly jumped out of his fur and almost tripped over the briefs which were laying around his ankles. As Brody and Austin seemed to snap to attention he turned around nervously and saw a tall, athletic Doberman standing behind them. The Doberman looked like he was a few years older than Travis, most likely in his mid-twenties. He had a lean, athletic body, emphasised by the wife beater he was wearing. The Doberman's muzzle broke into a grin.

"You must be Travis," he said in a deep tone. "Welcome to the swim team."

"Thanks," Travis replied, reaching out to shake the Doberman's paw. "You must be Max?" he added nervously. The Doberman smiled and nodded.

"That's me! How about you get changed and then you can meet the rest of your teammates," Max said. His voice was kind yet commanding, and Travis cocked an ear as he said meet the rest of your teammates.

"Um, does this mean I'm on the team already?" Travis asked cautiously.

"Oh, for sure man, you're an Otter so you're gonna be the best candidate we've had so far," Max grinned.

"Okay, if you're sure," Travis replied, feeling slightly pressured. He glanced down and realised his underwear were still around his feet while his dick and balls were on full display. Feeling his ears burning, he turned around and tugged his speedo up his legs.

"Austin, Brody, go and join Trey and Corey. They've just finished some laps. I'm gonna chat with Travis here," Max said.

Austin finished changing into his swimsuit and followed Brody out to the pool. Max turned to Travis and fixed him another grin.

"So, how long have you been swimming for?" The Doberman asked.

"Since I was little," Travis explained as he pulled his shirt off. "It's been my hobby for a long time."

"Good, good," Max replied as he tugged his wifebeater off. Travis tried not to gaze at the Doberman, but the canine's lean yet toned chest was hard to ignore. Max then slowly shed his shorts to reveal a pair of tight, white briefs. The Doberman's underwear was made from a translucent looking fabric and Travis could see the dark texture of Max's fur underneath and make out the rounded outline of his sheath. Max then slid his briefs down and Travis caught sight of two of the biggest balls he had ever seen hanging between the Doberman's legs. The balls dropped free as Max eased his briefs down and Travis couldn't help but wonder how big of a load they would contain. He tore his gaze away as Max finished undressing before easing himself into his own speedo; a black and red pair that almost matched the pattern on his fur. The speedo was stretched tight over his lean body and Travis could still make out the Doberman's sheath under the material.

Don't get hard. Please don't get hard.

"Let's get to the pool," Max said, gesturing for Travis to follow him. Travis grabbed his towel and followed the Doberman to the pool. The scent of chlorine grew stronger as they reached the pre-pool showers. Max elbowed the button to turn the shower on and stood beneath the cascade of water. Travis set his towel down and did the same.

"So, uh, how long have you been the captain for?" he asked.

"A year now, and I know a good swimmer when I see one," Max replied as he stepped out the shower. "You look like a strong swimmer."

"Oh, thanks," Travis replied as he stepped out and followed Max. The Doberman responded with a grin and a nod before gesturing for Travis to follow again. Travis couldn't help but watch as Max's speedo clad butt flexed and jiggled slightly as he walked. The sight was both amusing yet hot. When Max glanced over his shoulder as if he could sense Travis watching, Travis averted his gaze and looked down.

The pair reached the pool and found the other jocks waiting for them.

"We are gonna go to the end of the pool and time Travis here as he does a practice lap," Max explained in his deep and commanding tone. The team all nodded and began walking to the far end of the pool. Travis once again became transfixed by Max's muscular ass as it flexed and wiggled in his speedo. He wondered if he should avert his gaze again, but Max's reaction suggested that he wasn't the only member of the team fixated on the Doberman's rump.

"Why are you staring at my ass?" Max growled at Brody, his hackles rising. Travis guessed it must be a touchy subject for the Doberman.

"Well, it was kind of amusing to watch it waddle when you were walking," Brody replied with a shrug.

"I DO NOT WADDLE!" Max snapped.

"Uh, dude you kinda do. We all say it behind your back. It's kind of cute," Trey added.

Max realized he shouted and took a moment to calm down. "I don't waddle," Max retorted in a flustered tone.

Travis had to bite the insides of his mouth to stop himself grinning or laughing. Max seemed to notice.

"Something funny?" he glowered, even though that domineering grin of his spread across his muzzle.

"Oh, uh," Travis replied, feeling flustered himself. "I just thought it looked, um, cute the way your butt flexed, and the way the team interacts..." he trailed off. Max didn't seem truly at all angry, indeed the amused grin remained on his muzzle.

"You'd better get ready for your swim, soon you'll be getting nice and wet," he said, in a half-dominant, half-playful tone. Travis wasn't sure what Max was getting at, so he put on a nervous smile in response.

"Does anyone have the stopwatch?" Trey asked.

"Yup, I do," Corey replied. "So, Max may have explained, we want you to jump in, do a practice lap, once up and down, and we'll time it, although we're confident you're good enough already."

"No pressure then," Travis replied with a chuckle as he lined himself up in front of the shimmering water.

"Three... two... one... go!"

Travis dived gracefully into the water and immediately broke into a powerful front crawl. He reached the other end of the pool and flip turned to do a return lap. In what seemed like no time at all, he had swum back to the team. As he surfaced, Travis could see them all cheering or nodding approvingly.

"How did I do?" he panted as Max leant a paw to help him out of the water.

"You easily beat all the other guys who came to the try-outs," Corey explained.

"I'd like you on the team," Max said. "So, do you want to join?"

"For sure dude," Travis grinned. "I'd love to."

"Awesome," Brody said, wagging his tail.

"Now, if wanna go get changed Travis, we will be in contact later regarding our next practice," Max said. Travis grinned as he grabbed his towel.

"Thanks guys, I'm really excited about this," Travis said. He shook himself dry and began walking back to the locker room feeling pleased. Even though he knew he was a strong swimmer, it still felt good to make the team. The rest of the team were still standing by the edge of the pool talking amongst themselves, Travis thought he saw Brody glance in his direction and grin before turning back to the others.

Huh, weird.

As Travis walked back to the shower a thought suddenly came to his mind.

Why did they mention me getting wet?

Travis knew hazing rituals in college sports teams often happened. Perhaps this could be some silly game they had planned. Travis shrugged the thought off as he turned the shower on and stood under the water. If they were going to do some silly ritual he would just play along with it. The rest of the team were all incredibly hot and Travis couldn't shake the image of Max's butt in swimwear from his mind. Travis felt his speedo grow tighter as his dick stiffened. The way the rest of the team had also commented on the Doberman's ass suggested they were also interested in guys too, or at least curious.

A swim team full of hot jocks? That's my ideal fantasy.

Travis glanced around, hoping no one would see the obvious bulge in his speedo, but the shower area was empty. Grinning to himself, he stepped out from under the water and walked to the locker room.

Back at the pool, Max was watching until Travis was out of sight.

"So, what's this plan of ours?" Austin asked. Max glanced around before answering.

"I'll tell you all why this is while we get showered and changed," he said, before gesturing for the team to follow him. They walked as a group to the locker room but Max became aware of the rest of his team falling slight behind. He rolled his eyes and let out a low growl.

"It's super obvious you are all staring at my butt."

"But we can't help it dude, it's too amusing and sexy," Brody sighed. Max responded with exasperated sigh and rubbed his temples in hopeless defeat. The group made their way into the locker room to find Travis had already left. Max grinned to himself.

That was good.

The team were already starting to wriggle out of their tight swimwear. Brody and Corey had already made their way to the shower and as Max watched, he saw the Dingo slide the Fox's speedo down and take out his cock. Corey got to his knees and was about to slide it into his muzzle when Max let out a cough to get everyone's attention.

"Jesus Corey, put that dick away and gather around!" he ordered.

Corey splayed his ears and let Brody's tip flop free from his mouth. Brody crammed his erect dick back into his speedo before they joined the others in standing to attention in front of Max.

"For the next two days, there will be no touching yourself!" Max announced.

"Aww Max, what the fuck?" the team replied in unison.

"You mean I can't bone my boyfriend?" Corey sighed.

"Yes, and here is why..." Max began before beckoning the team to gather around closer. They whispered before grinning and wagging their tails.

"Okay, that makes sense. I guess I can try to hold off in that case," Corey grinned. "But can my boyfriend join?"

"This is a team exercise only!" Max replied.

"Fine," the Dingo huffed. "I can't wait to tell him all about this though."

"Well team, I'll see you all the day after tomorrow," Max announced. "Remember, no pawing off. We need to have a lot stored up to put our plan into action."

The team all nodded and grinned before stripping out of their speedos and making for the shower. Max smiled to himself and waggled his behind. He had planned a different game for each of his team members for when they had first joined the team and had wanted to put his latest plan into action as soon as he had heard about Travis. The Otter was indeed very cute and handsome, as well as being an excellent swimmer.

A prime candidate for his plan.

The next day Travis was walking across campus still feeling happy that he had made the team. The ease at which he had got into the team still surprised him and he still wondered what kind of hazing they had planned for him - if that's what they intended to do.

Travis was wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice the tall distracted Doberman walking in his direction.

"Arf!" they both exclaimed as they bumped into each other.

"Aw man, I'm really sorry," Travis gasped, remembering how commanding and stern Max had been at the pool.

Max looked surprised but not angry. The Doberman was dressed in jeans and a varsity hoodie with the Whitefield logo on the front, but the outline of his athletic body was still visible. A slow grin spread across his muzzle.

"Have you been stretching out for our next practice?" he asked.

"Oh for sure dude," Travis replied. "I'm feeling pretty pumped for tomorrow."

"Good, it helps to stretch in all the right places," Max replied. "So, have you got class now?"

"I just finished," Travis explained. "I'm heading back to my dorm now."

"Wanna grab a drink?" Max asked.

"Oh, sure," Travis said with a grin. Max gestured for him to follow and Travis walked obediently behind the Doberman. They walked across the campus green and over to the Student Union building. Travis couldn't help but sneak a glance at the Doberman's butt which, despite being clad in jeans, still obviously flexed and wiggled about. He felt his cock stiffen slightly but looked away to distract himself and thought about his class from that morning.

There was a Starbucks inside and they sat down at an empty table.

"What do you want?" Max asked.

"I'll have a cappuccino," Travis replied, before wincing at how effete that sounded in front of the athletic Doberman. Max merely nodded and walked up to the Jackal barista to get their drinks.

The Doberman returned a minute later with a black coffee for himself and a cappuccino which he set down on the table. Travis took the cup in his paws and nursed it as Max sat opposite him.

"What do you major in?" Travis asked. "I mean, I figured you are probably in your last year."

"Yup, I'm majoring in English literature," Max explained. Travis felt surprised. The athletic Doberman jock didn't look like the sort of guy who would study that sort of subject.

"Heh, you look shocked dude," Max grinned.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that," Travis said. "I thought you would do something like sports science."

"I swim in my spare time," Max explained. "I'd like to go professional someday."

"Same," Travis admitted. "I wanted to go to college and get a degree, but swimming is my true passion."

"It's the same for me man, and the rest of the team too," Max said. "Wanna grab a drink from, I mean with us after practice tomorrow?"

"Okay, is this when you do the hazing?" Travis asked.


"Like, make me get really drunk, tie me up or spank me?" Travis said nervously. Max laughed in response.

"Why, do you wanna be spanked?" he asked with a grin.

I wouldn't say no, Travis thought to himself but he responded with a chuckle.

"Nah, spanking got old after a while," Max replied. Travis wondered whether the Doberman was joking. Another domineering grin spread across Max's face.

"I've got something planned. I ain't gonna spoil it but I think you'll like it," the jock chuckled.

"O... okay," Travis replied. "I guess I'll find out tomorrow," he added.

Max didn't answer but instead responded with his trademark grin. The Doberman then drained the rest of his coffee and set his cup down.

"Wanna go for a swim now?" Max suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan," Travis grinned. "Only, I left my swimsuit in my dorm."

"Heh, no problem dude. You go get it and I'll see you at the pool in twenty minutes," Max said. The commanding tone had returned to his voice, but the Doberman smiled before walking off. Travis finished his coffee and gathered his bag. A smile spread across his face before he drained his cappuccino and gathered his belongings.

Travis' dorm was located nearby on campus. He raced indoors, ignoring his Bear roommate who fixed him a confused glance, and grabbed his speedo which had dried off and was now in his closet.

"Gotta run," he said to the Bear as he crammed his swimsuit and a towel into his sports bag. He then raced back outside as his mind was whirring.

Woah, Max wants to go swimming with me. This is cool.

But the other half began wondering if Max had something planned for him with the rest of the team. By the way he had spoken over their coffee, it seemed like the team had been discussing something.

The thought was still occupying his mind as he walked up to the aquatics building. Max was waiting in the lobby by himself.

"C'mon, let's go get wet," the Doberman said and Travis followed him into the locker room.

The place was mostly empty and there was one other canine, a black Alsatian, getting changed but no sight of the rest of the team.

Perhaps they have it planned for tomorrow?

Max was already stripping out of his jeans and underwear. Once again, his large and low-hanging balls became visible. Travis found himself captivated for a moment. They almost seemed about the size of tennis balls and he wondered how Max could cram them into his speedo.

The amount of cum that must be stored up in there.

Travis was aware that the Alsatian was still in the locker room so he tore his gaze away, not wanting to seem like an obvious pervert. The Doberman's balls were hidden as Max tugged his tight speedo up his hind-paws and over his rump. Travis quickly stripped out of his clothes and pulled on his blue swimsuit.

"Ready?" Max asked.

"Yup," Travis replied as he grabbed his towel.

The pair walked out to the pool which was also quiet. Travis counted a couple of swimmers in the water, but the middle lane where he had done his timed trial was empty.

"If we don't have official practice it's best to come here at this time," Max explained. Travis nodded but found his eyes were lingering on the Doberman's butt again. It looked both cute and hot as it jiggled and flexed about as Max walked.

"Yeah, yeah I see it is less busy," Travis replied in an absent minded tone.

"Dammit, what is it with you guys and my ass?" Max growled.

"Um, it is cute the way it perks out when you walk," Travis said nervously. Max responded with another growl.

"We'll see about that tomorrow," he huffed, before stopping himself from saying more. "Anyway, we're gonna do some warm ups in the water, then you're gonna do another timed lap for me. Sounds okay?"

"Yup," Travis replied.

He stretched his arms and legs before easing himself into the water. The water felt warm and he began swimming a breaststroke to wake his body up after a day of sitting in class. Max eased into the water behind him and began swimming.

"Even in a warm up session you're quick," the Doberman panted. Travis slowed down and allowed Max to catch up.

"Sorry man," Travis replied.

"Heh, don't apologise, we need fast swimmers," Max said. "I said I could spot a good swimmer as soon as I met them."

"Thanks," Travis panted as they reached the far end of the pool.

"Grr, I left the stopwatch behind, but anyway, swim as fast as you can to the other end," Max said.

Travis pushed off and launched into a powerful front crawl. He cut gracefully through the water as he propelled himself forwards. Water was his natural home and he felt a sense of happiness to be swimming after class.

I should do this more often.

He reached the other end of the pool and turned to see the sleek Doberman swimming up behind him.

"You did great," Max said as he swam up beside Travis.

"Thanks," Travis replied as he trod water. "That was a good workout."

"Let's swim some more," Max suggested and they launched into another lap.

Travis glided through the water as Max swam behind. The pair completed a couple of laps before Max gestured for Travis to join him at the side.

"I gotta run. I'm meeting my supervisor in a bit," he said. "But I've decided our next practice would be tomorrow at two pm."

"That works for me, and I had fun today," Travis replied. "I can't wait to do that again. The water is my natural home."

"Heh, yeah being wet suits you," Max chuckled.

"Yeah, it does," Travis replied as they climbed out.

He grabbed his towel and followed Max to the locker room. The place was deserted and as Travis sat on the bench to slide his speedo off, he couldn't help but glance at Max's define bulge in his swimsuit. The scent of the Doberman's wet fur filled his nostrils and Travis's felt his dick start to grow hard.

No, not now.

Max turned around, showing off his butt as he began to ease his speedo down, exposing his muscular black and tan rump. Travis felt his mouth open involuntarily. He glanced down and saw the bulge in his speedo had grown more visible.

Oh no.

He frantically reached for his towel to cover it up, but Max turned around. Travis saw the Doberman's eyes widen slightly, but an amused grin spread across his muzzle.

"Oh, it seems we did enjoy today quite a lot, huh?" the Doberman growled playfully.

Travis felt a jolt of shock and pleasure course through him as Max reached down and gripped the outline of his dick through the spandex of his speedo.

"Oh, uh," was Travis' only response, the words to whatever he was trying to say had become lodged in his throat.

Max fixed him another grin followed by a growl as he rubbed Travis' dick. He leaned forwards so their mouths were almost touching. Travis closed his eyes as Max continued to fondle his bulge. The Doberman gripped his shaft through the material and began jerking it.

Should I say something?

The feeling of Max touching him was too pleasurable to warrant any protest. The Doberman's paw continued to stroke his cock and he could feel Max's warm breath against him.

Travis wondered whether he should kiss the Doberman, but Max suddenly stood back up.

Wait, was that all?

Travis was about to open his mouth when he heard the sound of paw-steps coming towards the locker room. Max picked up Travis' towel and through it over the Otter's lap, as if putting him to bed. His obvious erection was now hidden.

He remained sat on the bench as the Alsatian returned and began shaking himself dry. Max pulled on his hoodie followed by his briefs and jeans.

"See ya tomorrow at two, ready to get wet?" he grinned.

"Yeah, I sure am," Travis replied, unaware of what he had just agreed to.

"I'll see you here at five pm tomorrow," Max said. The commanding edge had returned to his voice, but the domineering attitude made Travis feel even more aroused.

With that, Max gathered his sports bag and left Travis in the locker room with a rock hard erection trapped in his speedo.

Eventually, Travis felt his dick grow softer. The Alsatian had almost finished getting dressed, so Travis finished drying himself off and slid his swimwear down his legs. Making sure they were wrapped up in his towel, he stuffed them into his sports back and tugged his clothes back on.

There was no sign of Max as Travis left the aquatics building. He wondered if the Doberman had been embarrassed by their brief encounter in the locker room, but Max had seemed domineering and happy enough to touch his dick. Travis shrugged. Max was probably just late to his meeting.

He began walking in the direction of his dorm. The sun was starting to set and Travis began planning what he would make for dinner.

"Yo, Travis!"

Travis almost jumped out of his fur. He turned around and saw Brody walking towards him. There was a smile on his muzzle and his tail was wagging.

"Hey Brody," Travis replied.

"Dude, you look really startled, like you've seen a ghost," the Fox chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah sorry man I was wrapped up in my own thoughts," Travis said. In reality, he was still feeling in shock but aroused by the feeling of Max's paw on his dick.

Brody walked over and sniffed at him with an expression of curiosity.

"Have you been swimming?" he asked.

"I have, why?" Travis replied.

"Just wondered if you'd seen Max there?" Brody said.

"I did," Travis replied. "We did a few laps together."

"I thought so," Brody grinned.

"How come?" Travis asked. "Do I smell like the pool?"

"Nah, the bulge in your pants," the Fox chuckled.

Travis looked down at his crotch and cursed to himself.

"Heh, don't worry, it isn't too obvious," Brody laughed. "I have a habit of noticing such things."

Travis shifted his sports bag so it was covering the front of his jeans.

"Does that hide it?" he asked, feeling embarrassed.

"It does, not that I was complaining in the first place," Brody said, fixing Travis a grin. "I was gonna grab something to eat. Wanna join me?"

"Sure," Travis replied, still feeling embarrassed, although the fact Brody seemed more amused and pleased than freaked out at the fact he had a bulge in his jeans.

Travis suppressed a grin as Brody led him back towards the Student Union building. It seemed that he was going to get to know the whole team over drinks there. Rather than head to the Starbucks, Brody led Travis over to the pizza place.

"This place is pretty good," Brody explained. "Have you been before?"

"First time," Travis replied. "I'm still exploring everywhere on campus."

"Well, at least you found the pool," Brody laughed. "I'll just have a cheese pizza," he added to the Horse behind the counter. "Actually, wanna split it? They're pretty big."

"That sounds cool," Travis replied as the Horse handed a box of pizza to Brody.

Brody insisted on paying for it and they sat at a table towards the back.

"So, was all you and Max did was swim some laps, huh?" Brody asked as he took a slice.

Travis was unsure whether he should mention what happened in the locker room.

"Uh, yeah that's all we did," he replied sheepishly, taking a slice for himself.

"C'mon, I know there's more," Brody said teasingly as they ate.

"Well, uh, we almost did something in the locker room."

"Did something?" Brody repeated as he took a second slice.

"Yeah," Travis replied carefully. "We, uh, touched," he said, wincing at how silly the words sounded.

"Did either of you cum?" Brody asked nonchalantly.

"What?" Travis replied, almost spitting his food out and feeling shocked at the blunt nature of the question. "No, neither of us did. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, that's good," Brody said, breathing a sigh of relief before taking another bite.

Travis wondered if Brody was jealous of the fact Max had made a move on him. The Fox seemed to read his thoughts.

"Heh, you two doing stuff ain't a problem," he laughed. "I was just hoping he was obeying the rule he'd set us."


"Yeah, no pawing or cumming for the next two days," Brody explained, leaning in to whisper.

"That's a strange rule," Travis laughed. "What's that for? Making sure you're not all horny and distracted before a big race?"

"Something like that," Brody grinned as he finished his slice off. "You take the other two dude, I'm feeling full."

"Oh, if you're sure," Travis said, taking another slice.

"Yeah, go for it man," the Fox chuckled.

Travis ate the rest in silence.

"You're right, that was good," he grinned.

"I'm glad you liked it," Brody replied. "As good as it is thought, you don't wanna eat this all the time. You gotta stay in shape for swimming."

"Indeed," Travis said as he finished off the last of the pizza.

"Feeling filled up?" Brody asked.

"For sure man," Travis chuckled, patting his stomach.

"Perhaps we could repeat this tomorrow, if Max lets us," Brody grinned. "Anyway, I gotta do some reading for class tomorrow. See ya at the pool?"

"Absolutely," Travis replied as they got to their feet. "I'm already looking forward to getting in the water again."

"Heh, ready to get wet?" Brody added with a wink.

"Yup," Travis replied, although in his mind he felt confused.

Max said something very similar.

He shrugged to himself. It was probably a coincidence. He followed Brody out of the student union building.

"My car is parked over there," the Fox explained. "See ya tomorrow bro," he said, giving Travis a fist-bump.

"See ya!" Travis replied.

He turned and began walking back to his dorm. As he walked, Travis played back some of the conversations he had had with each member of the team. Some had mentioned getting wet to him and he had a gut feeling this was part of a game Max had planned.

What kind of game could this be? Being thrown in the pool?

That seemed a rather silly way to haze someone, especially since Travis enjoyed being in the water. He also knew that wet could be an innuendo.

But that's something I've mostly heard used about straight girls, and I like guys and from what I've seen, so do some of the guys in the swim team.

Travis shook his head in confusion. He sighed and resigned himself to the fact he would find out what was going to happen tomorrow.

He made his way back to his dorm to find his roommate out. Even though it wasn't late he decided that an early night was best to save his strength. Travis undressed to his underwear, climbed into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning Travis walked to class but he could barely concentrate on what the Badger professor was saying. It was an Algebra One class and the one Travis disliked the most.

He allowed his mind to drift away and think about what was happening after swim practice. As Travis began doodling on his sheet of paper, he remembered a movie he'd seen about a group of college jocks on a football team who'd thrown a new guy into a vat of beer.

Is that what they've planned?

The movie itself had been pretty dumb, so Travis shook the thought from his head. His sports bag was resting by his feet with his towel and speedo inside. Travis grinned to himself as he kept idly doodling. Even if the hazing turned out to be silly, at least he would enjoy the swim first.

After what seemed like an age, class eventually finished. Travis glanced at his watch and decided it was best to head straight to the pool. He slung his sports bag over his shoulders and followed everyone out of the lecture theatre.

The aquatics building was a ten minute walk away and Travis arrived precisely at two. Max and Corey were both standing outside holding their sports bags. They both fixed Travis a smile as he walked up.

"Hey guys," Travis said nervously.

"Hey man, you okay?" Corey asked.

"Yeah, yeah, just feeling a little stressed after class," Travis claimed, knowing inside he hadn't played any attention to it.

"Aww, well hopefully swimming will take your mind off it," Corey said.

"C'mon, we're gonna start practice now," Max said. The sleek Doberman turned on his hind-paws and walked through the door with Travis and Corey in tow.

"We've got the pool and the locker room to ourselves today," Max continued as they walked. "I arranged to have it all private so we can hold our practice session."

Travis cautiously followed the two canines into the locker room and the familiar scent of wet fur hit his nostrils. Austin, Brody and Trey were already inside. Austin and Brody had changed into their speedos while Trey was sliding his briefs down his hind-paws, exposing his balls and a large, fuzzy looking sheath. Travis couldn't help but wonder how big the Akita's cock must be. The other jocks began talking amongst themselves as Travis retrieved his towel and swimsuit. His speedo was still a little damp from the previous day, but he slipped it on anyway.

"Here's what we're gonna do today," Max announced as he pulled his shirt off. "Trey and Travis will swim first, followed by Brody and Corey. I want you all to work on stretching out first."

"Yes Max," the team chorused.

Max climbed into his black and red speedo before gesturing to everyone to follow him. The team walked out to the pool with Travis at the back. As Max had promised, the pool area was empty apart from them.

"Is there a lifeguard on duty?" Travis asked.

"Max is a trained lifeguard," Austin explained.

"Okay team, I want you all to stretch out before you get in the water," Max announced.

The Doberman threw his towel onto a nearby chair and began stretching his arms out. The team copied his moves and Travis joined in too. Max then bent down and Travis got a good view of his perky ass in his speedo. He felt his cock begin to grow hard.

"Heh, it seems Travis is stretching out, as are his speedos," Corey chuckled, gesturing at the growing bulge in Travis' swimsuit.

Travis felt his ears burn, but he also noticed a defined bulge in the Dingo's speedo too.

"Pfft, that's the worst joke ever," Trey said, snapping his towel at Corey's butt.


"Max, you got me hard too," Brody sighed, gazing down at a bulge forming in his own swimsuit. "Do you have to show your ass off like that?"

"I'm not showing it off intentionally! Dammit you guys, save it for after we... I mean cut that out, you guys are acting like you're in third grade or something!" Max growled.

The laughing and grumbling amongst the team stopped.

"Okay, let's start on swimming. Travis and Trey, you're up first, one lap up and down," the Doberman announced.

Travis felt relieved that nothing had happened so far as he lined up at the side of the pool with Trey next to him.

"Ready? Three... two... one... go!"

Travis dove into the pool with Trey by his side. He began swimming and once again cut gracefully through the water. The other side of the pool was approaching. He reached it and kicked back to swim towards Max and the others. The sound of the team cheering and clapping their paws was audible above the sound of the water and they let out a whooping noise as Travis reached the side. He glanced back and saw Trey was half a lap behind him.

"Wow, you made a good call by recruiting him," Austin said as Travis climbed out.

"Yeah, in more ways than one," Brody chuckled. "Did you enjoy being wet?"

"I enjoyed swimming in the water," Travis replied, trying to deflect the question.

"Well, you might enjoy swimming in our..."

"You and Corey are next, get to the side!" Max cut in.

Brody shot Travis a wink before he and Corey lined up to dive in. Travis watched as the rest of the team took it in turns at swimming for the next twenty minutes. Max also instructed him to dive back into the pool and he happily swam another lap alongside Max.

"Okay, time to get out," Max called as they reached the far side.

Travis climbed out with Max in tow and shook himself dry.

"Team, we gotta stretch out again before we get dressed, let's do it in the locker room," Max said.

Travis had never stretched in the locker room before, but he grabbed his towel and followed the rest of the team. He glanced over and noticed that Brody once again had a bulge in his speedo, as did Austin and Trey.

Hmm, these guys are definitely all gay. A swim team of gay jocks, I wouldn't say no to that!

Travis began to feel excited himself as they pushed through the door into the locker room.

"Should we shower first?" he asked, wondering if he would get a chance to see their dicks.

"Nah, we've got something else in mind first," Brody chuckled.

Travis opened his mouth to reply, but Max stood right in front of him. There was an obvious bulge in the Doberman's speedo and Travis could tell Max's thick cock was causing the material to stretch tight.

"Whenever someone new joins our team we always make them do something for us," Max said with a domineering growl. "It's why I pick team members based on skill, but also if they have a taste in guys."

Here we go...

"Now, we've all been asking you the same question a lot, do you wanna get wet? Say yes, and you're in our team for sure," Max continued.

"Um, yeah I guess so," Travis replied, feeling an explosion of adrenaline course through his body.

"Very well, we can continue what I wanted to start yesterday in the locker room, but now the whole team can join in," Max grinned. "Now, sit on the floor."

Travis sat down, feeling the wet backside of his speedo stick to the floor.

"Why don't we all induct Travis into our team properly?" Max said. "Now get your dicks out."

Each team member slid their speedos down slightly, causing their fully erect cocks to flop out.

"Start jerking!" Max ordered.

Travis watched as the team gathered around him and began stimulating their dicks. Max stood in front of Travis so the bulge in his speedo was right in front of Travis' face.

"Slide 'em down!" Max commanded.

Travis reached forwards and gently eased the front of the Doberman's speedo down. Max's thick, meaty dick flopped right on front of his face. A drop of pre was already glistening on the tip. It dripped off and hit Travis on his chest.

"My stamina is better than the others, why don't you help me get a little more worked up," Max growled.

Travis reached forwards and took the Doberman's dick in his mouth. He worked his way up and down the shaft, stretching his mouth out to fit it all in. Pre was hitting Travis's tongue, but he kept sucking. He was aware of all the grunts and horny sounding moans from the males around him, but Travis concentrated on trying to slide the length of Max's dick down his throat.

"Mmph, you're a good boy," Max growled as he put a paw behind Travis' head. "We're gonna finish what we started yesterday."

Travis responded with a stifled moan as he kept taking Max's cock in his mouth.

"Feeling stretched out?" Brody panted.

Max put a paw behind Travis' head and rammed his dick further into Travis's mouth. The Doberman's balls were almost slapping against his chin.

"Damn, you're face fucking him pretty hard," Corey grunted. "I feel like I'm gonna shoot soon."

"No one can cum until I get off," Max replied with a growl, shoving his dick further down Travis' throat. "Rrruff, you are good at taking this."

Travis closed his eyes as Max pulled away. Some of the Doberman's sweet tasting pre had collected on his tongue and he swallowed it.

"Now, lick my balls," the Doberman ordered.

Travis took Max's hefty and large balls in his paw. He gently rolled his tongue over them and Max let out a deep masculine groan in response. Travis kept kneading and licking, running his rough tongue over the surface.

"Fuck Max, I'm gettin' close too," Trey moaned.

"Keep your seed in you for now, lemme enjoy the cute Otter here licking my balls," Max said. "Now, suck 'em."

Travis began sucking on Max's balls as the other jocks continued jerking off. He took one in his mouth and sucked hard.

"Yeah, keep doing that," Max growled. "There's a nice warm load in there, waiting just for you."

Travis continued to suck on the Doberman's balls. They felt heavy in his mouth and he could tell that there was indeed a lot stored up inside them. He continued coating them in saliva and sniffed at them, savouring the musky, sweaty scent mixed with pool water.

"Huh, hah, I can't last much longer," Austin groaned.

"Fiineeee, you can shoot," Max said.

The Doberman pulled away and Travis just had time to see the Jaguar close his eyes and tilt his head back as he shot his load. The spurt of cum hit Travis in the chest while the rest missed and hit the wall opposite. Brody was the next to go; his load, a little thicker and warmer than Austin's hit Travis squarely in the chest. It ran down his stomach and some dripped onto the bulge in his speedo.

"F... fuck," Corey gasped as lifted back his head and let out a low howl. Travis just had time to close his eyes as the Dingo's load shot right into his face. He felt the warm stickiness coat his mouth and he licked his lips, tasting some of the salty load.

"Go on Trey, shoot yours next, I wanna have my go," Max ordered.

As if on cue, the Akita's dick erupted with cum and the load over Travis' back. Travis felt the cum trail down the fur of his back and over his butt. His speedo now felt sticky with cum, partly from the others but also from the pre that was now leaking from his own dick. He reached down and eased them off slightly down his legs so his cock flopped free.

Max stepped forwards and loomed over Travis.

"My turn," he growled.

Travis wondered what the Doberman was going to do. His question was answered a second later as Max grabbed Travis in his strong arms. Travis felt himself being rolled over so he was now laying on his stomach. He opened his mouth to ask what Max was going to do, but then he felt a warm, heavy load being shot all over his ass.

"Fuck yes!" Max panted. "That feels good, but I feel I can go a second time."

Travis felt himself being picked up and dragged to his knees.

"Open wide," Max growled.

Travis obliged and Max once again inserted his dick into Travis' mouth. The Doberman slid his dick in as far as he could and Travis felt a second load shoot down his throat. He closed his eyes as he took Max's seed, draining the content of the Doberman's balls while Max held his head in place. Max kept grunting and growling as he continued to shoot copious amounts of cum down Travis' throat.

Eventually, Max pulled away and wiped his cock on the fur between Travis' ears.

"Woo, I feel drained," he panted.

Travis lay back and coughed while the rest of the males all panted and moaned in their own afterglows. The locker room now had the heavy scent of cum and sweat hanging in the air.

"Weeheey, it looks like we got our latest member pretty wet," Corey laughed.

"We got him pretty good boys," Max grinned. "And now you are officially a member of our team."

"I... I feel like a shower," Travis panted.

"You'd better put these in the wash too before next practice," Brody chuckled, helping Travis out of his speedos.

"So, this is what you guys meant by getting wet then?" Travis panted as some of the cum slid off his face and hit the floor.

"Yup," Brody replied wagging his tail.

"What a mess!" Corey laughed.

"Dude, you'd better hit the shower," Austin added with a grin. "He's even messier than I was."

"There was only three of us when you had your ceremony to get in the team," Brody said.

Travis staggered to his feet and placed his speedo on a nearby bench. An absurd grin then spread across his face.

"Guys, that was awesome," he grinned.

The others responded by whooping and howling. Travis chuckled to himself.

It felt good, if a little sticky, to be part of the team.

Special Assignments - Chapter Eight

I couldn't stop fidgeting during the drive to campus. The traffic through town was quite thick, but I jiggled my butt slightly in my seat to _One Love_ which was now playing out of the car stereo. I normally disliked playing a song repeatedly, but in...

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Special Assignments - Chapter Seven

I threw myself down on the bed and read over Adam's message. A grin spread across my muzzle and my tail thumped against the bed as I typed out a message back; **_Hey, I'm doing good thanks :) I'm glad you remember me_** I sent the message and...

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Special Assignments - Chapter Six

The events of that night passed by in a blur. I had vivid but out of context flashbacks of walking back up the stairs to the bar, hanging around with Adam and Hudson, getting in a taxi back to campus and falling asleep on Hudson's bed. I knew the...

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