Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 38: The Colony (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VII)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#38 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Russell and Rhinox continued looking for Lady Barq east of the lost city. The two encountered remains of the many luckless souls who did not survive the aftermath of the cataclysm. They encountered the entity who along with its vessel was also looking for survivors. The four of them competed for a despondent soul. Rhinox and Russell lost the competition- the miniature horse suffering the far worse of the two....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 38: The Colony (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VII)

Day 65 (Evening, the chasm somewhere in the plains)

"Another obelisk all the way in there?!" I said staring at the image on the professor's monitor."

"Alex we have to investigate, this could be it, the sister site to the lost city!" Dawn exclaimed excitedly.


*The weather conditions are too severe to attempt to travel home and the prototype is not equipped for driving through deep snow Mr. Winter.*

"So we are stuck here waiting out the storm." I said to the automated assistant.

"And if we are stuck here waiting out the storm Alex...."

"You would rather be looking for the second lost city am I right?" I said to the smiling blond.


That smile widened ten fold. Corbin's adoptive mother looked more like a Cheshire cat.

"Overwatch what is Lady Ursa's status?"

*She is still incapacitated. I am slowly raising the temperature level in the trunk of the prototype to nominal.*

And so left with few options, Dawn and I took the prototype into the chasm to ride out the storm, let my warrior bear recover from semi-hibernation and to look for the obelisk she saw.

As the blue coupe touched the bottom we observed steep piles of snow here and there, but the dispersal pattern was not consistent, most likely because of the chasm.

"Ready to go fellow explorer?!" Dawn asked exhibiting the same energy as her adopted son.

"Actually not professor, given what happened to my mistress after the crash, I need to stay with her and monitor her condition; I think she has a dislocated shoulder. Besides I don't think you will be traveling too far."


"The injury to you thigh?" I interjected.

"But this is the perfect opportunity!" The archeologist said turning rabid. "You know I love making discoveries, this could be another big one!"

"But Dawn you can't ambulate that well and there is minimal light."

"I am way ahead of you." She said typing on the copilot keyboard.

*Surveillance probe deployed.*

"That will be my crutch and source of illumination. Any other concerns?" She asked. "You can monitor and record my progress from here."

"Very well. But be careful." I warned.

"Yes, yes- it is a post apocalyptic world, everything has changed and we don't know what is out there." The ambitious female said stepping out of the passenger seat. She then reached for the probe with her left hand and put her weight on it. "Alex would you please- that direction, half speed."

"Right." I said jumping over into the copilot seat to pilot the probe in much the same way Corbin did when Shakara and I were exploring castle Sogreth in World Four and we encountered that oily black monster that wanted a sacrifice.


"What?" She said turning to me.

"Extremely, extremely, extremely careful!" I warned.

With that she 'walked' away from the prototype deeper inside the chasm.

"The snow piles are quite an obstacle to maneuver around. Driving the blue coupe down through here would be quite treacherous. Alex, I think I found the second obelisk __five hundred feet ahead."

She was right, in the middle of the dark pathway was what she had seen earlier during our rescue mission. The structure was similar to the one she had found earlier. It was sticking up out of the ground like a toddler's first tooth.

"Moving in for analysis. Nice detail and incredible workmanship." She said admiring.


"Alex, Make sure that you are recording this!"

"Yup, yup recording this." I said typing furiously on the copilot keyboard.

*It is a shame that we can't be with her to see what she is seeing first hand.*

"So says the automated assistant. I would be yawning to death Overwatch."

*You mean like now Mr. Winter?*

"I could never be an archeologist, I just don't have the patience."

*How so?*

"You can liken the research, exploration, study and even more research to the assembly of a giant jigsaw puzzle- I couldn't be bothered- just let me know how it turns out."

"There is some markings on this Alex. It says sanctuary this way if I translated it correctly. I think I did- let's head in that direction."

The professor walked for yet what seemed to be a mile or so. She was approaching the limits of the probe's operational range. I tried to warn her so but I could only receive audio not transmit it.

"Just a little more Alex, I know there is something up ahead..."

I guided the hobbling archeologist a little further.

"Wow. Alex are you seeing this?!"

(Yay, more obelisks.)

"I have found more of them! Eight in all in a weird circular formation! I have to know if there is any more! What does the scanner say?"

"Um, nothing." I shouted.

(Not like she could hear me.)

"Yes where is my head? With the probe deployed the scanning function is inoperable." The professor said limping to the closest of the eight structures.

(Such a ditz.)

"And it looks like she will be there for awhile." I sighed.

*Mr. Winter I would recommend checking in at this point. It looks like we will be spending the night here.*

"Good idea. Overwatch contact Shakara we do need to let our family know what we are up too."

*Affirmative. No good Mr. Winter.*

"Is the prototype's communicator functional?"

*It is Mr. Winter, but I believe we are just too far out."

"Try again."

*Trying. No change I am afraid.*

(Wow, I guess we are far, far from home.)

"How about the auxiliary site? Can we contact that?"

*Yes, barely.*

"Hmm... then get me Feleen."

"Alex how goes the expedition?" A nude fennec said appearing on the upper left monitor of the center stack.

"Difficult." I replied. "Feleen why are you naked?!"

"When I am all alone, I like to let my hair down and just be. Do you like?"

"Your tits look amazing, I mean you look amazing, I mean...."

"For a sentient holo projection?" The female fennec replied.

"Um, yes."

"So you are in a difficult situation?" She asked me.

"We got caught in a snowstorm and were forced to ride it out at the bottom of a chasm. We won't be able to return home until it is over." I said to the sentinel.

"I see. Are you three alright?" The fennec asked.

"We took some lumps after the prototype fell from the sky. We also encountered a weird family. They tried to dispose of Ursa."

"Goodness! Is she alright?!"

"Recovering right now thanks for asking. Feleen can you contact the lost city and relay all that, we are unable to do so where we are."

"Standby." The fennec said. "Done."

"Thanks." I replied.

"They said to hurry back when possible there has been some goings on while you three were away. A lot of goings on."

"Anything specific?" I asked the holo projection.

"Corey and Rumble made new enemies and Rhinox and Russell encountered an old one."

"What happened?" I started to asked the sentinel program.

"Alex you need to see this all eight obelisks are glowing it is a greenish white light! I love the way it illuminates the cavern! Uh oh, I don't think I am alone down here!"

*Mr. Winter!*

"One second Feleen." I said turning my attention to the copilot monitor.

The professor was backing away from the obelisk to the interior of the strange circle that the eight of them had formed for some reason.

I swung the probe around in time to see dark humanoid looking creatures, black bodies, weird looking heads, hour glass like torsos, long limbs and red eyes- backing the professor into the center of the eight obelisks!

"Alex if you are seeing this- I can't tell what they are! Monsters? Guardians?"

"They are hostile." There appeared to be eight of them matching the same amount of obelisks! It was like they were corralling her.

Just then there was a big blinding flash. Dawn screamed and contact with her and the probe was lost.



"Something happen Alex?" Feleen asked.

*It would appear that we just lost contact with professor Stern.*

"Feleen we have an emergency situation here. I have to go. I will check back in when I can." I said ending the communication.

I then jumped back into the driver seat.

"Assume control of the probe Overwatch. Ram those things if you have to, we must protect Dawn."

*Affirmative. Oh dear. There is nothing to control Mr. Winter.*


*The probe it's gone.*


"We are going in." I said powering on the prototype.

*Flame thrower engaged.*

I retracted the tractor hooks, enabled the flamethrowers in an effort to make my way toward professor Stern's last known location. Because of the haphazard dispersion of the piles of snow, I had literally carve a path for the blue coupe.

It took considerable time to reach the professor's last known location.

"Will you look at that! It is even more impressive in person."

I looked at the copilot monitor which was displaying nothing but snow.

"Still no contact Overwatch?"

*Negative Mr. Winter.*

Without the probe, we lost a tactical advantage.

"Maximum illumination Overwatch." I ordered exiting the prototype.

The eight obelisks Dawn was examining were indeed in a circular formation in the center was a bizarre oval pattern drawn on the floor of the chasm.

I couldn't make heads or tails of the pattern or what it even meant. I was not the archeologist of our troupe, it had a very intricate design. But what was all this? It looked like the chasm ended right here- there was no further tunnels, pathways or chambers.

*Alert! Mr. Winter you are not alone!*

"What?" I said looking around. It was then I noticed at the far end of the platform(?) there was one of those creatures that attacked professor Stern. "Overwatch code black. Wait for my order."

*Affirmative weapons at the ready.*

"You there come into the light!" I shouted at the interloper. "The woman that was here what did you do to her?"

The creature remained in the shadows. Its silence was deafening.

"Where is she?"

It just stared at me occasionally blinking while I continued the interrogation.

"Who or what are you?"

"Why are you here?!"

"What is this place?"

"Damn it answer me!" I shouted.

For all my efforts It just stood there eerily watching me.


*With respect Mr. Winter it has not made a hostile move.*

It was at that moment I was reminded that I was weapon-less and did not have a means to defend myself if personally attacked. But I wasn't sensing any danger.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the creature let out a screech as it darted for the platform as it reached the center the eight obelisks glowed a hazy blue before the being disappeared in a long vertical stream of light.

"What the hell was that?!" I gasped.

*Impressive. It appears to be some type of transport device.*

I ran to the center of the platform trying to activate it. But nothing happened.

"But to where and what was that thing that left using it?"

I stayed the rest of the evening studying the platform trying to figure out what it was and how do I get it to work. It was late in the evening when my patient came around.

"How are you feeling mistress?"

"Banged up from our accident. But I will survive Alex."

"Shakara will need to take a look at you to make sure there isn't any internal damage."

"How long was I out pet?"

"The rest of the day and evening- your body temperature lowered it was like you went into hibernation mistress."

"Where is professor Stern?"

"Um about that...."

Day 66 (The Walker's lodge)


"Just a minute!" Constance Walker said.

"Yes?" The rotund woman asked opening the door to the lodge.

"Nice to see you again Mrs. Walker and in your false form too." I said standing on their walkway.

"Mr. Winter, I am glad to see that you thrive." She said to me.

"I do but someone you discarded after rescuing myself and Dawn almost didn't."

"So you saved the bear woman now did you?" The false human asked.

"I did."

"So then what brings you back to our doorstep? Are you here to blackmail us?" The rotund woman looking at six prototypes that had surrounded the entrance of her home.

"No he is not." Buddy said joining her. "Trance said that that hover vehicle of theirs was an interesting toy and apparently it is."

"Where is that ditzy blond in the brown pants, yellow shirt and orange ascot?" Mrs. Walker asked.

"Dawn Stern, Constance." Buddy said correcting his mate.

"Missing, taken by your brethren you attempted to throw my companion to." I said crossing my arms looking at the couple.

"Watch your tone boy." Mr. Walker said.

"Or what you are going to thump me?"

"If I so desire." The false human said.

"After you took all that time to look after Dawn and myself?"

"We were observing you boy so we could improve our disguises." Mr. Walker said to me.

"If you want to be better humans- you could start by helping those in need human beastial or otherwise." I chided.

"No false pretenses then boy." Buddy said exiting the lodge and discarding his disguise. His mate did the same- she became a lava rock creature golem thingie similar in size in stature to Mr. Walker.

"Not too close Constance, you will destroy our home!" Her mate warned her.

"Wow you two are formidable." I said to the couple.

"Then don't make us your enemy dearie." Mrs. Walker added.

"We showed you our cards, now you show us yours." Mr. Walker said.


*Holo-projector deactivated.*

The five other prototypes disappeared leaving just the blue coupe with Lady Ursa in the driver's seat.

"There you are- but the weapon's launchers trained on you are quite real." I warned. "I need information- NOW!!!"

"The things in the abyss are not like us Alex." Trance said stepping in between her guardians.

"In what way?"

"They weren't created in a lab." The Walker's daughter said.

"We escaped our handlers and fled here because we wished to be free." Buddy said. "To live our lives as we see fit.

"We don't think the red eyed shadows in the abyss are monsters at all dearie." Constance said to me.

(Funny, they looked like monsters to me.)

"You could call them beings." Trance said to me.

"As in not of this world?!" I gasped.

"We don't know." The family said in unison.


"They don't bother us and we don't bother them." Came the calculated response from the lava golem.

"Well, whatever they are- they have taken someone from my family and I intend to find them and her." I said.

"All I know is that they have inhabited the abyss out here for some time- coming and going as they please. I am sorry but it is very possible your friend is gone young'in." Mr. Walker said.

"Gone as in gone or gone as in dead?! That can't be!"

"We are sorry for your loss. But come back and visit us again soon dearie." The lava golem said turning toward the lodge. The rock golem and Trance soon followed.

(That is all they knew?!)

With that I returned to the prototype sitting down in the passenger seat.

"What did they say pet?" The groggy bear asked.

"All the wrong things." I said looking at her. "How are you feeling mistress?"


"You probably have a slight concussion you did take a fall. Overwatch?"

*The storm has abated and moved on Mr. Winter that is as much as I can tell.*

"As much as you can tell automated assistant?" My warrior bear asked.

*The probe was lost with the professor.*

"With that we no longer have surveillance Alex."

"I know mistress, that will complicate our efforts of defending our home. Overwatch mark this location, then assume control of the prototype and get us out of here- Lady Ursa needs treatment and I have to tell the bad news to my little brother."

As we departed, I realized our community had suffered a severe loss, one of our co-leaders was missing possibly dead. Also missing was some technology we relied on to protect our home. We would feel these repercussions from this loss for some time to come.

Alex Winter March 8, YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 39: A Dawn-less dawn (Conclusion)

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