Kinktober 2018, Day Two - The Next Garden Over

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of Kinktober 2018

A tigress comes across her new next door neighbour enjoying some rather personal time out in his garden, and once she's started looking, she can't seem to stop.

This story was written for Liquid as Day #2 of Kinktober 2018. Today's kink was "Voyeurism" and the story contains F/Solo, M/Solo and M/F sex between consenting adults, as well as some hyper related fun. ^^

The Next Garden Over

It was barely eight AM when Karen drew back the drapes from her bedroom window, and glanced out not just into the rear garden of her own home, but into the visible space of next door's yard too. Her eyes widened, and a strangled gasp of shock and pure lust escaped her lips. She glanced over her shoulder to the bedroom door, resting ajar but open just enough for her to be able to hear the sound of her husband in the shower. By the time the tigress looked back to the window though, her hand was already inside her panties. Chilling out in the bright morning sunlight, resting upon the rich green grass of the house next door just a short distance away from the poolside tiling, was their new neighbour. Karen had seen the work crew fixing up the house for weeks, converting it for quadruped habitation in terms of its various appliances and furnishings. But until now, she hadn't realised that their new neighbour had actually moved in, and beyond assuming that they were or at least had one member of their household who was a quadruped, she hadn't really given much thought to them beyond perhaps the notion of being neighbourly and saying hello the first time she saw them.

Only now, she made no effort to say hello.

She made no effort to make her presence known, or to make the new neighbour feel welcome. Though, he was welcome. Lying there on the grass flat on his back, a huge cock almost the length of his entire torso sprouting from his crotch over two colossal balls as his forepaws stroked it while his tongue reached out and licked at its drooling tip, the studly cheetah was absolutely welcome.


Karen mewled as she watched him squirm, watched his hips buck and his huge cock throb, spurting pre-cum high over his head in an arc that splashed a veritable puddle of it down onto the grass behind him. Her ears twitched, listening for the continued rushing of the shower water. It was still going. She bit her lip, she whimpered, she slid her panties down and spread her legs, leaning forward against the window ledge and burying three fingers inside herself as her thumb attacked her clit roughly. The tigress had never seen a man like that before. She'd never dared to dream of a man like that. Her husband was good and kind and he tried so hard to please her in bed. But... five years with him had never once made her feel like she did now, so overwhelmed, so consumed by her own lust that not only could she not resist the urge to spy on this man and masturbate as he did so in the relative privacy of his own garden, but also as she did so the tigress couldn't help but imagine how easy it would be, and how little guilt she would feel if right then she'd slipped away from the window, down the stairs, out of the back door, over the garden fence and...

Her eyes bulged as the cheetah's back legs kicked out into the air, toes curling and his tail whipping sharply from side to side. She barely slapped a hand over her muzzle in time to stifle a frantic scream of lust as he began to cum, and a fountain of cum more abundant and bountifully gorgeous than anything she had ever believed possible from a man, at least a man by her prior definition of one, launched forth with such force that it soaked the face of the cheetah licking himself, it painted a thick white trail down the length of the garden, and splattered a vast, glistening, sticky wet patch on the rear fence of the garden... all with just the first of many, many more spurts to come.

Karen's legs gave out with the unbearable force of her own orgasmic release, and she collapsed between the window and her bed, shuddering, snarling, squirting harder and more intensely than her body had ever permitted or ever known it was possible to achieve. She stuffed her own discarded panties into her muzzle to muffle her screams just so she could work her pussy with both hands as she lay there in a heap on the floor, soaking the bedroom carpet as she imagined herself in the garden with that Stud. Being filled by him. Flooded. Her belly bulging not just with his cum, but in a premonition of the life that would burst forth after such potent, virile cum was set loose within her.

Her toes curled, and she kept on cumming, kept on savagely driving at her pussy with her fingers while her other hand solely focused on her throbbing clitoris, even as she heard the house's pipes creak as the shower shut off. Soon her husband would dry off and come through here to get his clothes for work. Soon she'd have to be in the shower getting ready for work herself. She knew these facts as clear as day, and yet somehow they didn't matter any more. All that mattered right now was the pleasure crashing through her, the juices soaking her thighs and staining the carpet dark with their richly scented and abundantly euphoric fluids, and of course the memory, the awareness of Him.

She had to see him again. Had to watch him again. She had to know him, to understand him. And then maybe, maybe one day very soon, she would know enough to approach him, and to not just see everything that he had to offer, but to feel it for herself.


Every morning, he was there.

Every. Fucking. Morning.

Karen was running out of towels, barely able to do laundry enough to keep up with her need to cover the floor beneath the window so she didn't soak the carpet again. She tried to air out the bedroom as best she could in the immediate aftermath of her morning voyeurism, but she swore her husband had started to notice, started to recognise that every time he went into the shower in the morning the bedroom's air was heavy with sex when he returned. He'd even cut his showers short once or twice, deliberately the tigress suspected, hoping to catch her in the act. Not because he wanted to stop her from masturbating or anything horrific and restrictive like that, but because he wanted to see what she was doing to drive herself so crazy, or perhaps to join in with whatever passion his beloved wife had unlocked. On the occasions when he had tried to catch her in the act though, all he had found was the bedroom dark and quiet, with his wife lying beneath the covers peering up at him from her phone, and the drapes still drawn across the window to keep out the morning sunlight. Nothing more than the scent of sex in the air to suggest anything was amiss, and nothing at all that he could mention without worrying about making his wife feel unbearably self conscious of whatever, sexual or otherwise, was causing that smell he found so appealing.

Eventually though, Karen got caught.

When that day came however, it wasn't her husband who caught her. It was a weekend, and to her absolute delight her husband was away on a business trip for the next three mornings. At seven o'clock she woke up, and from that moment onward she camped out by the window until at around seven thirty just as the morning sun was beginning to spread across the grass of her and next door's gardens, the cheetah emerged from him home. Karen pulled from her bedside cabinet the large, thick black dildo she had purchased online just days after her first experience with the cheetah, modelled after a big cat of some kind with rubbery nubs of barbs across its length for extra stimulation, and even as he flopped down and rolled over on the grass with his morning wood already twitching and throbbing over his belly, the tigress snarled in bliss as she suction cupped the huge toy to a stood she'd dragged upstairs from the kitchen's breakfast bar, settled herself down upon it, and began to ride the toy violently as she watched the cheetah begin his morning routine.

"Yes! Yes! Yessssssss!"

The cheetah liked to make it last. His masturbation rarely lasted anything less than half an hour, sometimes having gone on so long that Karen had been forced to wait until her husband was out of the shower, dressed and heading downstairs for breakfast before she raced back to the window and feverishly drove herself back to the brink of climax just as the Stud was finishing up his morning glory. But on a day like today when there was no-one else in the house to catch her, and no work, no other plans whatsoever, the tigress had no such worries. She had no need or desire to make her pleasure last not only because it felt too incredible to hold back, but also because after the first orgasm, she could just work herself to a second, and a third, and a fourth, and...

"Aaaahhgodfuck! Breed me! Breed me! P-please!"

With her claws digging deep trails into the window ledge, Karen already having had to fill in and repaint scratch marks in the woodwork several times over the past few weeks, the tigress screamed again as her hot juices flooded down over the toy and the stool beneath her for the fifth time in barely twenty minutes. The towels laid out around and beneath the stool were long since saturated, the room was so hot that she kept on having to wipe at the window with a trembling paw to keep it from steaming over, and the scent of her own sexuality was so abundant and rich in the air that every breath Karen took in seemed to make her pussy clench and ache with wild desire. Even she could smell it on herself, a scent as old as sex itself. The need, the craving, the instinctive and pheromone driven desire to be claimed, and bred, and impregnated with a bountiful litter of kittens not just by any male, but by the most worthy, the most powerful and strong, the most Studly male of all.

"Breed me!! Ohhhgodyessssss, yessssssssssssss! B-breed... o-oh... n-nhh... no..."

As Karen came down from that latest peak, she slumped forward and raised a trembling, dripping wet hand to the window to wipe away the condensation once more. Her eyes widened in horror as she peered out though, because to her utter dismay, the next garden over was empty. She craned her neck to see if maybe he'd moved elsewhere in the garden. To see if he'd moved into the shade or taken a small break for some reason to go swim in his pool. But no. No, he wasn't elsewhere. To the tigress' aghast frustration, the Stud was simply gone from view, and wherever he was now... she wasn't going to be able to see him cum.

Her ears twitched, and her eyes bulged as if just to make this moment as awful as physically possible, she heard the front door of her home open. Had her husband's trip been cancelled? Had he forgotten something so important he had to turn back and get it right away? Either way, she panicked. She looked at the soaking towels below, the stood so out of place in the bedroom and the toy dripping wet, quivering as she dragged herself up off its foot long rubber length with a shuddering snarl of unfulfilled desire.

"I... I'm changing, don't come in!"

She cried out, frowning at how immature that sounded, like a teen about to be caught in a compromising situation by a parent rather than a grown woman addressing a husband who had seen her naked a thousand times.

"I mean, n-not changing. I'm..."

She tried to think of something, anything that would keep the man who loved her out of her bedroom. Anything that would keep him from seeing her like this and knowing for certain that there was something she was keeping from him. Something he would have to try and work on, and which might further cut into her future attempts to admire her neighbour from afar.

It was too late though. The bedroom door swung open, and as Karen tried to figure out some way to explain why she was naked and soaked between her legs, why the room reeked of her orgasmic excitement yet why she still looked so out of her mind with unquenched desire, her mind suddenly went blank. Everything went blank, and she very nearly passed out at what she saw standing in the bedroom doorway.

With a mischievous smile upon his muzzle, Jasiri licked his lips.

"I'm glad you've liked my shows. I always enjoy an appreciative audience, and from the looks on your face over the last few weeks... you've been very, very appreciative."

He purred as he stalked into the room and leapt shamelessly up onto Karen and her husband's bed, rolling over onto his side on her husband's side of the bed and stretching out, his still erect, vast and throbbing cock pulsing against the length of his torso while he used his back legs to massage and caress his own huge, swollen balls.

"But, I've gotta say, I'm glad you finally asked. I thought I might have to start really putting the moves on you, to get you to actually do more than just watch. But then I heard you. Finally, I heard you say what I've been waiting for since the day I moved in."

His eyes sparkled as Karen just stood and stared, shivering slightly, open mouthed and quivering, gasping as fresh juices began to pour down the insides of her legs in a spontaneous orgasm of the purest, most savagely intense excitement that the woman had ever known even considering all her past sessions watching the studly cheetah.

"I did hear right, didn't I?"

Jasiri teased playfully.

"You did just scream for me to breed you?"

Karen mewled, and stumbled forward, collapsing and dragging herself up onto the bed as her pussy continued to convulse in constant climax, so horny, so worked up just seeing him there, just hearing him talk to her that she couldn't stop herself. She did nod though. Feverishly, eagerly, she nodded and whimpered to the Stud of her dreams, now lying beside her in bed with a toothy grin.

He growled happily as he watched her nod, and pulled himself up onto all fours once again, cock twitching and slapping up against his stomach in wild desire.


Jasiri murmured, looking the gorgeous, needy tigress up and down one last time before nodding back at her.

"Good. Then lie down for me, show me that needy pussy of yours, and I will."

By Jeeves

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