Hot for the Cook

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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I think we can appropriately call these aphrodisiacs from hell.

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Hot for the Cook

For DrakeHavok

By Draconicon

Havok was glad that Maria had finally gotten a restaurant of her own. It had been a rather long time since he'd seen the hippo cooking something, and after a lot of the crap that he'd been dealing with in his day to day life, he wanted to see her regularly at a place that wasn't floating along and fleeing from trouble half the time.

Unfortunately, the white dragon had found himself in the same situation that he always did when meeting up with the hippo cook. He was the test subject. Again.

"So, you're telling me that you've been coming up with sex foods?"

"Kind of," the hippo said. "I've been experimenting with some of the aphrodisiacs out there, and I've been curious just how strong they are."

"...And I have to try them again, why?"

"Contracts, hun, contracts."

"When did I sign these?"

"Oh, the last time that you visited, probably while you were under the influence of at least one of the dishes," she said, whisking away the papers almost before he could get a look at them. "Anyway, you're good with it, I'm sure."


At least it's in the main room this time, and there's nobody watching, he thought, looking around the dining room. The front doors were locked, and he had a table all to himself. And he was naked, of course; that seemed to be about normal. Maria insisted it was just to make sure that she could catch all the details, but he imagined that the hippo cook was more fond of making him uncomfortable.

He cleared his throat.

"So, uh, shall we get started?"


The hippo left the room, and Havok shifted from side to side on the comfy chair. At least the decor was nice. A soft brown for the walls and a high-quality red on the ground, with a red velvet that ran up the tables and chairs and broke up the golden frames. It was a nice, warm place, and leagues better than the industrial cafeteria that he was used to eating in.

Maria returned with three trays, laying them out one by one in front of him. She didn't hesitate to offer him a fork and knife, passing the first one over. It looked like meatloaf, but smelled spicier than that. The dragon arched an eyebrow, jabbed it with a fork, and took a bite.

He'd barely put the food in his mouth before Maria was darting forward, a flash of metal in her hand.

"Oh, almost forgot."


Havok almost spat out the food, barely stopping himself out of politeness as the hippo shoved her hands down between his legs. Something smooth and heavy wrapped around the base of his cock and balls, and something smooth and longer pressed against the head of his shaft. He fumbled, trying to get himself free of the table, but there was chance in hell that he was going to do that with the thick-set hippo over him.

She finally pulled back after doing something that made a loud click, and he looked down to see her handiwork.

Wrapped around his cock was a metal tube, one that glimmered like the arms of the chair, but with silver rather than gold. The tip of it was open, showing the head of his cock already pressed flush against a dome of metal bars, his urethra barely more exposed than the rest of it. His balls were pushed forward by a cockring, and he could feel the pressure it put on his dick, too, almost pushing him to get a little hard already.

Swallowing his food, finally, he turned back to the cook.

"What the hell is this about?"

"I want to make sure that you don't cum before you finish your meal."

"You're giving me aphrodisiacs, not...mmph..."

He bit his lips, suddenly panting hard as he felt the first hit of the food. He had underestimated her, and by quite a bit.

His cock throbbed in the metal cage, unable to swell and push upwards, but that didn't stop it from trying to push down into the cage. Havok gasped as the head of his cock hit the cool metal at the tip, the shock of it almost making him soften again. Almost.

As his cock throbbed, squelched and squished inside of a metal tube almost too small for it, he turned his head. He was shaking from head to toe, his entire body on fire. From one bite. From just one bite.

"What...the fuck...did you give me?"

"Oh, a bit of this, a bit of that."

She chuckled.

"You shouldn't have a problem with it. Just keep going, and you'll be done before you know it."

"Nnngh...says the woman without a boner from hell..."

Havok knew better than to think that she'd be nice to him and let him out early. Oh, no, that wasn't in the manner of the hippo. She would make sure that he ate every damn thing that she'd put out in front of him, and if he took too long, she'd bring out even more to make him really suffer.

Just keep can't get...that much hornier.

Grabbing his fork and trying to ignore the throb-throb of his heartbeat through his twitching dick, Havok shoveled the meatloaf-like food into his mouth. It tasted spicy, alright, like a hefty dose of cayenne mixed with a bit of cumin, and then filtered through a crispy breading, all covered over with tomato and beef. His tongue was soon almost as hot as the rest of him.

Even as he pushed the tray away, though, he could feel the effects building. His balls felt stupidly heavy, and every time he took a breath, he could smell his own need building up, his cock throbbing, dripping through the tip of the chastity tube, and his body was sweating from head to toe from the build-up.

Gasping with need, he pulled the other tray forward, trying not to hump against the bottom of the table. His balls felt like they were actually growing, feeling so sensitive, forcing him to sit with his legs apart.

Maria leaned in, whispering.

"How does it feel?"

"Like I've been shoved off to Drakina's place and made to suck her dick for a month...without any relief..."

"Oh, that bad?"


"Well, this next dish is supposed to be even stronger, so -"


Havok had to stop after the first bite of the creamy dish. It was like a soup, filled with strong garlic flavors and a lot of veggies, but it was the hot heat that went into his ass after the first bite that was driving him mad.

He flopped back in the chair, arching his back as he felt his hole twitch, his tail trying to raise up but getting caught in the chair. He humped the air, actually feeling his balls swinging forward and back from their sheer weight, the cage clicking against the cock ring, and his hole -


"You'll get all the fucks you need when you're done, honey."

"Oh gods...oh gods..."

He was gasping for breath, barely able to keep his thoughts in line. His heart was pounding in his chest, beads of sweat running down his face. He felt like he'd been pinned to the bed and ridden like a dildo, edged and fucked, teased and taunted for months, now. His ass felt empty, his cock felt swollen beyond belief, straining against the tube and against the denial that this food was putting him through.

It took every bit of his willpower to sit down normally again, and even then, he was grinding his ass against the chair, having to hold his hands together to keep from groping his chastity cage. He whimpered, panting as he couldn't even bring himself to grab the spoon for the soup.

The white dragon settled for leaning in, slurping it up with his tongue like a dog. He blushed as Maria chuckled at him, and he moaned into the liquid as the heat under his tail only went up.

The damn aphrodisiac had his snout all pink from blushing by the time that he'd finished the soup, and his entire body was shaking as she pulled the tray away. Only one left, but how the hell was he supposed to finish anything else without losing his mind.

"Please...please, Maria..."

"You know the deal, Havok. One more."

"Please, I can't...I can't take -"

"Awww, is the little dragon so needy?"

He nodded, only to gasp as she grabbed him by the balls. Oh, it was so not his imagination. They were bigger, alright. Much, much, much bigger than they had been, filling up her palm and then some. She rolled them side to side, sending his libido through the roof. He arched his back, a wordless, soundless scream trying to slip free, but it wouldn't come as he tried to finish from that alone.

"Don't worry. It's just one more tray. Then you can cum."

"Please...I can't..."

"One more."

She shoved his head forward, right into the ice cream. He opened his mouth, tasted it.


He humped the chair, slamming his hips forward, bashing the chastity device into it. His tail bent around, desperately trying to find his hole to self-fuck himself...

But he didn't stop eating.

"Oh, so good. I might have to get just one more..."

The End

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