Kinktober 2018, Day Three - Just This Once

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of Kinktober 2018

Adam and Peter have worked for years to keep their relationship private, an absolute secret from the world that would judge them for it. But today, just this once, they want to be seen in all their glory.

This story was written for Bluetippedwolf as Day #3 of Kinktober 2018. Today's kink was "Exhibitionism" and the story contains M/Solo and M/M sex between consenting adults, also incestuous fun!

Just This Once

Every moment of Adam and Peter's relationship had been built upon one singular premise. That no-one could ever know about it. That no-one could ever know they were a couple, no-one could ever know they even had feelings for one another, and absolutely no-one could ever know that they had sex. Hot, frequent, wildly blissful sex.

Sure, they lived together, but to everyone else's knowledge in separate rooms and only for convenience in this modern era of high rental prices for even the most basic city-based accommodation. Sure they were close, but that was only natural, after all, they were brothers. Twin brothers. So, of course they were going to be close and friendly with one another. But that didn't mean anything, and anyone who made assumptions based on that alone was obviously twisted in the head, sick for even suggesting such a perverse and taboo possibility.

That was the line they followed every time they stepped over the threshold of their apartment and out into the world. That was the truth, the reality of their relationship to everyone except one another, and it had to be that way. It had to be, because if it wasn't... if they slipped up, if they made even one mistake? It might well have been the end, and neither Adam nor Peter could bear the idea of that, because a life without their brother and lover being one and the same person was no life at all for the two wolves.

And yet...

"J-just this once."

Peter couldn't believe what he was doing. He couldn't believe what they were doing as he slid down his shorts and carefully stepped out of them so as to get minimal sand upon their interior fabric. Cool morning air and bright early sunlight shone over them, the bay open at its eastern end and the dazzling rays of the morning sun shining over the ocean onto the golden sand beneath their feet. It was so unfamiliar. So strange and against everything that they knew, but it felt good. It felt good as Peter found himself naked and exposed beneath the sun, anywhere but behind the locked door of their apartment, and swiftly found an equally naked Adam wrapping his arms around him. His brother, his twin nodded, and nuzzled gently at the tip of Peter's nose before pecking him on the lips.

"Just this once. I... I just want someone to know. Someone else to see how much I love you."

Taking a holiday together had in itself been a risk. Sure they'd gotten a twin room with two single beds, and sure they'd made sure that the hotel was one with a chain upon its doors as well as a keycard entry which could be overridden by staff. And even after all that, they'd kept their intimate activities to an absolute minimum, just enjoying spending time together in the tropical climate even if they weren't allowed to make everything they did so overtly a date as they ideally would have liked. But even here, even at the resort, they were booked in as siblings. They had passports and other ID identifying them as family members, and thus they knew they ran the risk of even a single kiss being caught on some camera or seen by some member of the housekeeping staff. A rumour being whispered to the wrong person who might look into it, and turn that rumour into some sort of investigation, or worse, a public accusation where fingers could be pointed and conversations recorded on phones, ready to spread their secret around the world and back to their home, to their normal life.

Only here on this beach a full three miles walk along an unmarked coastal path from the resort had they found any degree of true privacy, and even then it had only extended as far as them holding hands as they walked along the sand while dawn broke around them. That had been the second day of their holiday, but on the third their morning walk had been... interrupted slightly, when rather than being caught in the act themselves, they had caught someone else. A man. A single, solitary jaguar who could have been another holiday maker or just as easily a local who didn't realise that any touristy types knew about this beach. They had caught him leaning against a large rock looking out at the ocean, his clothes resting upon the rock and his hand wrapped around his erect cock, masturbating eagerly in the morning sunlight.

They had seen him, and he had seen them... and he hadn't stopped. He'd paused, waited as he gauged their reaction from some thirty metres distance, then kept going, and going, and going even as the two brothers walked rather bashfully past him, simultaneously trying not to look and trying to see as much as possible without making it look like they were looking all the while.

The next morning, he'd been there again, and the two wolves had walked past a little closer.

The next morning he was there once more, and their eyes had met clearly as they walked past just a few metres away, close enough to see his face contort and his cock begin to twitch and cum as they saw him, as they caught him and undeniably enjoyed the show.

And today... today, the last full day of their holiday before they had to return home again, Adam and Peter had rushed out to the bay even earlier than normal. Earlier than they hoped their unabashed new friend, so that rather than catching him in the act... he could catch them.

Just this once, they didn't want to have to hide. Just this once they didn't want to have to hold back and act like there was nothing between them for the sake of goodness and decency. Just this once the two brothers wanted to not just show the world that they loved one another as far more than just siblings, but they wanted to physically show someone that love. To know that somewhere in the world, for decades to come, there would be a person who had witnessed them fucking, and who had seen all the love, all the passion, all the pleasure they shared together not just in those moments, but in every moment they had, did and would share for hopefully the rest of their long, blissful lives.

"I... I hope he comes."

Peter growled softly as he rubbed his cock up against his brother's own, pressing them together shaft to shaft, tip to tip with one hand wrapped around the base of each erection to guide and hold them against one another. They rocked back and forth, rising up on their tip-toes and sinking back down. They pressed their upper bodies together, and Adam wrapped his arms around Peter's chest as they moaned, as they kissed, and as they glanced over one another's shoulders in search of anyone approaching across either side of the beach, be it their expected exhibitionist or someone else from whom they could either hide... or for whom they could perform.

"I hope he cums."

Adam moaned back to his twin, grinning as Peter shuddered and a trickle of pre-cum dribbled out from the other wolf's cock onto Adam's own glistening red erection. They kissed again, longer, deeper, and as their lips parted and Adam's eyes fluttered open once more, he tensed suddenly. A flare of panic surged through his body as he stopped kissing his brother and almost immediately afterwards saw another body, another figure within line of sight of their entwined, kissing, naked selves, but then he forced himself to remember where they were and why they were here. He moaned breathlessly, and nodded over Peter's shoulder.

"T-there. Is that him? Oh god. O-oh, Pete. Is that him?"

Turning to face the same direction as his twin, Peter took Adam's hand and squeezed it tightly as they stood and peered across the beach while their free paws continued to caress their own cocks. The figure was small and still distant, but the morning sun made his form more clear and crisp than it might otherwise have been. It definitely looked like it could have been the jaguar, and as he grew closer and closer, close enough that surely he could see them too, they were sure of it as the two wolves watched the figure unbuttoning a brightly patterned yellow and green shirt. The same shirt they had seen resting atop the rock on which their clothes were now piled for the past few mornings.

"H-he sees us. He's... oh god. He's taking off his clothes. Adam. Oh, f-fuck, Adam. Touch me. Touch me so... s-so he can see."

A moment later Adam was on his knees, and an echoing howl of lust rang out across the bay as Peter's toes curled down into the warm, soft sand as his brother began to suck him off in full view of a near complete stranger. The jaguar was close enough now that he could see everything, and both wolves watched as he stopped for a moment, pulled down his own loose fitting beige shorts, and gathered them up under his arm with his shirt while his free hand immediately moved down to his already rock hard erection. Both wolves snarled in lustful delight as they watched the jaguar step closer as he masturbated himself, and Peter whined giddily to his brother.

"He's doing it. A-ahh... Adam. He's fucking doing it. He's jerking off. T-to us. To me and you. He thinks we're hot. Oh fuck. Ohh fuck, A-Adam... stop. Stop or I'm gonna cum. Please."

Tempted as he was to keep going, Adam respected his brother's wishes, not to mention he had other plans for his brother's cum that morning. He pulled his muzzle off Peter's thick erection, the other wolf's knot already beginning to swell as he approached his peak, and allowed his tongue to loll out in a way that left a glistening trail of saliva visible between himself and that gorgeous glistening cock for the jaguar to feast his eyes upon. Rising shakily back to his feet soon after, Adam grasped his own twitching, dribbling cock and jerked it a few times, bucking his hips and growling as he playfully showed off to the other man. He cried out louder, louder perhaps than he'd expected to as all of a sudden he felt a warm hand cupping his balls, and a moment later Peter's other paw was pushing his aside and taking over the job of masturbating his brother's aching erection.

The jaguar was only a few metres away from them now, and he'd thrown his clothes in a bundle onto the grass beside him so that he could show off to them just as they were to him. He seemed content to remain there, close enough to see everything but far enough to maintain a boundary that let both him and the two wolves know that this was about watching, not joining in together. He was grinning, red faced beneath his spotted fur, and purring loudly between ragged, breathless bouts of panting.

"I... I want to fuck him."

Peter moaned to the feline all of a sudden, blushing as he saw the other man's eyes widen in excitement and recognition, confirming that he definitely understood at least some of anything they had to say.

"I want to fuck my... m-my partner. The man I love. Do you, d-do... do you wanna watch? Do you want to see me make him cum?"

Shuddering and digging his own toes down into the sand, the jaguar nodded and in an accented but clear voice, murmured a single word of pleading desire.


Within moments, Adam was resting with his hands against the smooth, tall rock where they had first encountered the jaguar. He reached out and plucked something from one of the pockets of his brother's shorts, and handed it back to Peter with a lustful moan. It was a bottle. A small plastic travel size bottle, containing lube. Mere seconds later the empty bottle was back in his hand, and as he slipped it back into that same pocket from whence it had come he yelped loudly when at the same moment he felt Peter's now slick, lubricated cock pressing against his pucker. They wasted no time on foreplay, no time on seduction or showing off their bodies to the jaguar any more. The foreplay was long passed, the need to allure the jaguar any more was done. What they were doing now, right now, was for them. Not for him. And they needed it. They needed it so badly, and they needed it now.

"Ohhh yes. Yessssss, fuck me."

Adam's eyes bulged as he felt his brother's cock slip into him beneath the warm morning sun, with the gentle breeze swirling around them, the sand underfoot, the sound of the ocean close by, and eyes... the eyes of the jaguar fixed upon their identical twin bodies, seeing everything as Peter's cock sank into Adam with ease and expertise that betrayed for just how long and just how many times they had done this together before.

"I love you, Adam. I... I love you so fucking much."

Peter's lips nipped and kissed at Adam's shoulder and the side of his neck, and in that same instant as Adam opened his muzzle to respond Peter began to thrust, and the wolf wrapped a hand around his brother's waist to encircle his own exposed, needy cock. A strangled cry of pure ecstasy was all that Adam could say in response, and he beat the base of one trembling fist against the rock before him in pure joy as he felt his brother starting to fuck him in immediate earnest, not showing off and not holding back, just giving the man he loved exactly the kind of pounding he always craved. One without shame, without restraint, and without any doubt that he wouldn't stop until they were both completely satisfied.

The brothers knew they weren't going to last long, not only because of how worked up they had already gotten one another prior to that moment, but because of the sheer awareness and excitement that they were being observed. That they were being seen, recognised, known as not just a couple, but as lovers. As mates. As people who fucked one another. Peter's eyes rolled back when as obvious as it might have sounded, it crossed his mind that the jaguar was watching him press his cock into his own twin brother's asshole. The jaguar was seeing him reaching around and jerking off his twin brother's cock, and though the feline male close by didn't know that they were brothers, there was nothing stopping him from seeing just how identical they looked and putting two and two together.


Adam gurgled in ecstasy as his cock throbbed and painted the rock before him with streaks of pre-cum. He looked around, not at his brother's panting, huffing, beautiful face, but at the jaguar feverishly jerking off as his eyes roamed hungrily across their two entwined and sunbathed bodies. Their eyes met, and Adam cried out louder, more desperately still as he watched the feline male's hand quicken its pace even more in urgent, lustful glee.

"Pete! Aaaahhhfuck, faster! More! P-please, ohh fuck please, cum in me!"

Growling loudly, Peter turned his own head towards the jaguar as he did precisely as his brother begged of him. The slapping of thighs against buttocks, of balls against balls, of wet slick cock into welcoming asshole grew louder with each thrust until Adam's blissful howling outmatched it all as Peter's cock began to hammer against his prostate. But that didn't stop Peter himself from calling out over all that passion, not just calling out to his brother while looking at the jaguar, but addressing the jaguar for whom they were performing directly.

"W-watch. Please watch. P-please... never forget this. Never forget how he begs me. How he howls while I fuck him, a-and... and how much I love to make him do it, just like he does to me. I love him so much. Oh god. Ohhh god, I... Adam. I love you so fucking much!"

His hand was a blur on Adam's erection, but only as Peter thrust forward once more and made his brother howl to the heavens as his thick knot popped wetly into the other wolf's backside did he allow his paw to slide down and wrap itself around Adam's own knot. His brother's echoing cry matched his own as they filled the bay with the sounds of their pure, focused lust and adoration for one another, and though they were snarling and wailing and howling to one another as they surrendered all control, it was the jaguar at whom they were staring, and it was his orgasm that set them off on their own shared rapture.

"Yes! Yes!"

Peter barked as the jaguar snarled and his cock began to lash the sand between the feline's feet and their own trembling bodies with rope after rope of thick, glistening cum. He humped feverishly at his brother, buried his knotted cock deep in Adam's hot, well lubricated and loosened ass, and all but collapsed as he felt his balls tighten, his cock twitch, and cum starting to flood out of him in waves that streaked and filled his twin's delectable, irresistible rear end. A split-second later he felt the knot around which his hand was wrapped throb uncontrollably just as his own was with Adam's backside squeezing all around it, and with his fingers still squeezing and massaging that potent cluster of nerves he whined and whimpered in joy as he began to drain Adam of every drop.

"Cumming, I... aa-aaahhh, yes. Yesss, I'm... I'm cumming!"

Adam's cum lashed out over and over again against the rock and the sand below as Peter milked him from inside and out, and he didn't stop howling, didn't stop shuddering and moaning and bucking back against his brother's thrusts until he heard the high pitched whine that told him Peter was too sensitive to bear any more rapid movement while they remained locked together. A few last dribbles of cum trickled from his own cock as even after being spent himself Peter squeezed Adam's knot a couple more times for good measure, but then they were done. Spent. Panting, whimpering, giggling bashfully as they nuzzled at one another before realising that even now, even after they and the jaguar were done, they still had an audience.

The jaguar lingered where he had lost control of himself, blushing and grinning at the other two men as his own erection slowly softened, but he made no move to gather up his clothes and leave without a word as he had after letting loose the past couple of days. Instead he looked around at the empty, beautiful bay around them, smiled back at the weary, nuzzling, knot-locked wolves, and spoke to them softly, tenderly as he did so.

"No matter what anyone says... n-no matter who disapproves? Never be ashamed. You are beautiful together, and your love? Your passion? The whole world would be a better place if such things were not only tolerated, but celebrated."

The wolves eyes widened. They knew they hadn't said anything to give it away, and while they were more than happy to imagine that he might be able to guess... how could he speak so confidently, like he really did know they were brothers? Their cheeks flushed, and they whimpered happily. Never in their lives had either one of them heard something that was so perfectly and precisely what they needed to hear... at least, not from anyone other than each other.

"I will never forget this. Never forget you. T-thank you, my friends."

He spoke again, and while they bashfully, somewhat awe-struck thanked him in return, the two wolves could only rest against the rock with Peter cuddling up against his brother from behind as the jaguar slipped on his clothes, nodded to them once again, and departed. Taking the knowledge of what he had seen with him, and leaving behind in both wolves a feeling of having been seen both literally and more spiritually. A feeling of acknowledgement, and of weight to their relationship beyond what it meant to them.

They smiled, whimpered, and over Adam's shoulder they kissed as Peter's knotted cock twitched inside his brother while their cum dripped and dribbled down onto the beach below. The jaguar with whom they had shared this incredible experience had said he would never forget this day, and for sure, for the rest of their lives together no matter what else happened in the months, the years and the decades to come, neither would they.

By Jeeves

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