Hard Fight

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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The afternoon was ending at the digital world. A apparently calm and desert forest was a perfect place to rest a bit, even more at a side of a friend. That's what was happening around there. A female Gabumon, very young by her look, without any detail that would draw any attention, was near a lake, which water was so clean that was possible to see the movement of the swimming creatures under it. One shadow called more attention: it was a fox shadow getting out of the clean water and sitting besides the lake. The figure that sat near the Gabumon was a female Renamon a bit taller than average. Her deep blue eyes and delicate traces hiding all the power within her, as many of the looks she received would came direct to her bust: a pair of really gorgeous breasts swinging wildly thanks to her movements. All the gracious curves of her body were now allowing the water flows slowly back to the water after a great time swimming.

"What a life... When you live in a world like this, all the time you got to yourself is a great luck..." said the Renamon.

"For sure it is... And now? What are you about to do?" Asked the Gabumon.

"To tell the truth, I don't know..." Renamon answered. "I think I will stay there a bit longer..."

"What? There? Are you crazy? This place is dangerous at night!" Gabumon almost jumped out off her body.

"Tell me a single place in this world that isn't." Renamon retaliated. "If you wanna go home, you're free to go. I'm going to stay there a bit longer. I see you tomorrow..."

"Okay, then... Please, take care, Rena..."

"You too. Bye!"

Renamon stood there, relaxing in the crystalline water of the lake for a long time, now completely alone. At least, by what she guessed. Somewhere in those woods, a large dinosaur digimon was looking her silently, only dreaming with her body. A big red body with a white belly between the trees weren't very useful to hide, but even becoming very big, he was silently enough to not call the Renamon's attention. One of his powerful arms was leaning on a tree, as the other was moving quickly forward and backward, with a immense dinocock on the strong grip of his hand. The breath getting each time more intense as his hand pressed more his maleness. Not much time after, he could feel his climax and his seeds hitting the forest's ground. The huge digimon licked his lips, looking fixed to the little Renamon at the lake's edge. A grin appeared on his face.

When she decided to get home, Renamon got up and started to walk, a immense fire ball hit a tree, making it fall just in front of her. In a quick reaction, the Renamon jumped back to not get hit by the branches and looked behind to see who was attacking her.

"HEY! What's up big one?" Renamon yelled to the Growlmon that appeared in front of her. "Why don't you go take someone as big as you?"

"'Cause I want you. That's all..." Answered the huge red digimon. "I never found any other digimon as hot as you..."

"What? Hot? Forget about it, big one! I will not make anything like this!" She shouted back.

"So, it will be the hard way..." Growlmon didn't waited she get ready.

He just shot another huge fire ball in the yellow fox, that ready jumped in a back-flip, followed by many ice shards flying in her enemy's direction. Even hitting him, the little shards seemed to have no effect at all.

"What? That cannot be!" Renamon was surprised. She returned to the ground and get ready to receive his next attack.

"That's all you've got?" He laughed louder. "It will be easier than I thought..."

"Do not get so sure of victory... I will find a way of destroy you!"

"Let's see what you can do, so." He jumped over Renamon and she rolled to be at his back, but wasn't a good idea. His huge and strong tail threw her into a tree very strong, so she could pass through it. The tree fell in front of her eyes.

'Damn... He's stronger than I thought...' She was thinking. 'But he is too big to be that agile. If I could manage to get him tired first I would won easy...' And she got up again. With a jump, she climbed on a tree and from there, jumped higher as she could. "DIAMOND STORM!" Another load of her ice shards were fired against Growlmon, who only needed to protect his eyes from the little sharp blades. Renamon used that time to disappear from his sights, but not all went as she thought and again his tail was in the way, this time throwing her up high, completely out of balance.

"Now you're mine!" He grabbed her with his powerful hands.

"I've told you... Forget it!" Renamon bit his hand very strong at the same time she carved her claws, so he left her free again.

"Okay, little bit... The friendship Growlmon is out now! DRAGON SLASH!" At that time, the blades on Growlmon's arms got energized and he attacked Renamon again.

'Oh my... Now I've asked for it...' She thought as she started to avoid his attacks. It wasn't like she thought... He was almost as agile as herself, but was even more resistant and strong. Two attacks and the fox digimon could feel his strength reducing considerable. Each second more that the fight stands, she was a step closer to be raped by that huge digimon. 'But if I simple give up... I will be raped same way... Well... At least, let's make his life a bit hard...'

Still avoiding his attacks, Renamon managed to try something and regain some strength, but it was difficult. He didn't stopped his offensive for a single second to she recover. Then she spotted the lake. It was perfect! In the water, she was quicker than him for sure and if he don't enter, the water would protect her from the fire-breathing attack of his! She waited another attack of his arms and jumped over it, getting some impulse to jump over his head, and there, again, get impulse to stay as near the lake as possible as to avoid his tail again. One more hit and she would probably be knocked out. She touched the ground and ran to the lake, without waste time.

Near the lake, she jumped to dive directly when she felt the Growlmon's strong hands pulling her again. He managed to realize one of the things he wanted: grab those giant and wildly breasts that during the whole battle kept going up and down, making he got crazy. The little fox digimon was hold near his enemy's sheath and his shaft didn't took much time to get out.

"This tits of yours are very good..." Growlmon said, pressing them slowly. Renamon still tried to fight, but now he had got her in a situation that didn't helped and she got herself feeling some pleasure with that brute's touches.

"Oh, fuck! TAKE YOUR HANDS OF THEM!" She tried to break his grip, and when she seemed to make it, the Growlmon took her a bit up to insert his dinocock inside her little tight pussy. She yelled both from pleasure and pain thanks to that monstrous maleness getting inside her in a single pushing. Growlmon's cock could be felt trying to enter Renamon's womb and getting stronger each thrust. As louder the Renamon screamed for help and fury, as hard the red dino digimon get aroused and thrust her.

"Oh yes... That's it... Your tight pussy is just perfect for me..." He kept pressing the vixen's huge breasts and piercing his shaft inside her wildly. Renamon's strength wasn't enough to break the grip, but she kept fighting, biting, punching, kicking... Anyway she could try anything shi did, but the wildly dinosaur's thrusts seemed to make her run completely out of strength and was only a matter of time to she get her womb violated too. Renamon get a new wave of pain crossing her body at each single thrust, as the male was groaning in pleasure with that, shooting his first load of seeds inside her.

"Hey... You've already... Filled me... Get out now..." She managed to scream, but all she could do was say a bit louder than normal.

"What are you talking about? That was only the first round..." He grinned, enjoying the vixen without any strength to defend herself, pressing her breasts strongly, feeling her fur on his belly as his shafts was finishing delivery his seeds. "I want to take all that I can from you. This includes all your body, you see..."

"You're a... Fucking perv... Let me go..."

"Talking like this seems to me that you've didn't enjoyed this... And do not lie... I felt you cumming." He grinned. "You just a bitch that loves to get raped... I only needed to open your eyes..." He left the little yellow vixen that quick got up and kept her plan, jumping inside the lake. "HEY! BITCH!" He yelled "I DIDN'T FINISHED WITH YOU YET!"

Renamon looked him from inside the clean water. She now get low rate of air, but this little time must need to be enough for her manage her escape from him. If she don't, probably she will pass a harder time on his claws. She caressed her softy breasts, where she felt a little pain by him pressing them, and them her womb. That was hurting till now and intense... 'Why the hell does he needed do this?' She was talking to herself in her mind. 'Ain't I already tight enough? He must be a treat for the others Renamon... I must defeat him before he start raping others!'

By that time, her air was finishing and she needed to got up. She tried to exit by the other end of the lake, but the digimon outside moved quicker than her and at the time she got out, he tried to grab her again. This time, she managed to escape his hand using her tail as a rowing. When she jumped out of water, she could feel some of her strength returning and grinned to him.

"And there we go again, big one. No I don't will be beaten that easy..."

"So you still think on fighting? Poor little Renamon... I will try make you see... You cannot defeat me." He stood looking her for a long time. Growlmon licked his lips, looking to the Renamon's jumping boobs, before getting the second round started.

She initiated this time, jumping against his chest and taking out a bit of his balance. A hard attack that wasn't Renamon's style showed more results than many other of her efforts. She didn't seemed to have liked the idea of a body-to-body battle with a massive digimon like Growlmon, but if this was the only way, she needed to do it. Growlmon took a few seconds to recover from the surprise attack, but soon as he could, he attacked her again. A powerful slap threw the light vixen again to a tree, but she managed to recover before hit it and hold a branch to not receive more damage than the needed.

"Even regaining some strength you can't win... I have a lot of it to waste! Why don't you give up? If you do, I promise to be gentle!" He offered.

"There's my answer! DIAMOND STORM!" The ice shards, this time, were direct to hit Growlmon's sheath and balls, but he quickly positioned his tail to protect and launched a powerful fire ball against her. Renamon gave a back-flip to step on the tree back at her in order to not fall again. 'Damn!... Even with that energy waste he got tired! At least, my attacks are delivering more damage at least...' Renamon noticed. she tried to give him another powerful tackle, but the huge digimon was ready, and was able to avoid just turning his body and, thanks to intent of Renamon, he managed to grab her by her waist and pull her against him, sitting on the ground just after.

"There... I got you again..." He grinned.

"FUCK! LET ME GO!" She tried to fight.

"Forget it, hot vixen... You're all mine now... And the action must not stop..."

He grabbed her strong and positioned her again, this time his huge shaft pointing direct to her little tailhole. Slowly, Growlmon's cock was inserted inside the tight Renamon's ass and he kept moving the vixen up and down, making her scream from the pain. She was got, again, by behind, so there weren't so much she could do, but to scream and get fucked again. Even knowing no body will hear, she screamed for help and tried to fight against Growlmon's grip once again. The male digimon didn't wasted time and returned to grab Renamon's breasts which were jumping almost at her face with each stroke of that huge dinocock.

Renamon was feeling his hands pressing her breasts stronger than before, as his cock was reaching places she never thought a cock ever could. She could feel exactly the form of Growlmon's shaft inside her as long she was too tight for him. But he didn't gave attention to her painful screams, just thrusting stronger and stronger inside her ass as long as he could. He was groaning almost as higher as her screams ready to shoot his second load inside her. 'How fuck... He's huge! How the hell he could fill inside me without tearing me apart?' She was feeling the pain. But that was everything she managed to do, now that he had won again. Then, in her mind, an idea crossed quickly. 'How I've never seen it? If I manage to get him tired this way, maybe I could defeat him! Now... let's hope for this to work...' She stopped fighting at the same time his climax reached and he started filling her again. She stood there, receiving his charges, and now, caressing his hands. When he got his shaft out of her, she wrapped her tail around it and looked to his face.

"Okay, big one... If it's pleasure what you want, I will give it to you..." Renamon walked to be in front of him, took her own breasts, and pressed them against the huge cock of Growlmon.

"Wow... What changed your mind?" He grinned, feeling those huge breasts now pressed against his cock.

"Let me say that I just saw what's inevitable..." She grinned back, as she kept moving her breasts on the dinocock. After a few seconds, she start suckling him too, what make Growlmon start groaning again. She kept moving her breasts up and down, pressing them stronger as she could, suckling that cock wildly. As long as she kept that, Growlmon's pleasure grew at point of a new load begin shot at Renamon's face. Then she saw how productive he was. All her face and great party of her whole body was covered by his thick cream.

"Oh... Good... You're very good at this..." He said.

"Shut up, big one... I didn't finished yet..." She said, swallowing the huge cock most as she could. Her throat was invaded without thinking twice and she kept sucking him for long as she didn't needed to breath. But with all the teasing of Renamon's body to Growlmon's and the previous two sessions in a row, it was time enough to she felt another load, not as massive as before, but a big wave of dinosperm same way. She licked her lips, feeling again Growlmon's taste. By the way of his shaft started losing hardness, she was almost there. Renamon got up. She caressed his partner body and took his cock on her hand. "Do you want one more time?"

"Like I've said... You're a hot bitch... Come on... What you will do next?"

She grinned with the ask and turned her back to him. "I will need your help..." After those words, she slid Growlmon's cock one more time inside her pussy, and started to get up and down.

"If you wanna help..." Growlmon was feeling tired, but was still very strong. He grabbed her breasts one more time and started to make she stomp over his maleness again. Even not hard as before, she felt that huge shaft pierce her womb again, but this would be the last time it should occur. This time, her body was shocking against Growlmon's groin and she left a great smile of victory appear on her face. All of this has tired her too, but for sure the dinosaur was even more tired by now. Four loads and a new one to come, there's no way to he not get tired.

The male digimon kept thrusting stronger and stronger, feeling her wet tight pussy pressing his member and some freedom just after it pierce her womb. His hands strongly pressed her breasts, as he could feel his pleasure building up. Renamon's eyes closed at the moment he pulled her stronger, making his shaft go deep inside her and one more time delivery all his last load. She managed to came a bit later too, so she opened a great smile. The huge red digimon let the yellow vixen free and grinned at her.

"What do you say, my hot lovely bitch? Tomorrow there again?" Growlmon's muzzle wasn't closing, as he tried to recover his breath from the feral session.

"Yeah, I'm going... But you... I don't believe..." She grinned. Renamon got up and stood over his chest, aiming directly inside his muzzle, a vulnerable point of his body. "Sleep forever, idiot... DIAMOND STORM!"

His eyes opened wide as does his muzzle by the surprise, and when the ice shards shot by Renamon hit his defenseless spot, she could hear a painful scream like she gave many a few moments ago. With the last shard, the huge digimon stood there, motionless, and a few seconds were enough to him start turning into data.

"That's how you kill a male digimon... By the cock..." She grinned. "I never thought about using sex as a weapon... It was kinda funny too..." Slowly, she could feel the power of the Growlmon now strengthening her as her own strength returned. She, then, walked back to home. For sure, Gabumon would never believe in her adventure.

A few months later, however, Renamon discovered that her battle with Growlmon has give her more than just a new battle strategy and a great amount of powerful data. Her breasts, which were already gorgeous, grew even more, getting ready to lactate, as does her belly, growing to comfort the twins she was waiting. All the nights she looked high into the sky and remembered that day.

"Look now what I'm carrying, son of a bitch..." She grinned, looking at the skies. "Twins... Twins that will never hear about you. I found a more suitable father for them, you see... Oh! And I almost forgot..." She downed at the place where Growlmon's body stood last and started peeing. "I forget watering your seeds like I've done all these long months..." Renamon laughed and walked way caressing her round belly. Even pregnant, her body didn't lost hotness that caught her rapist's eyes.


A co-creation from me and Mystery-guy. Thank you for the idea for this story.

03 - A New Life's Begin

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