Scavenger Part 3 (Commission for Giza)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#41 of Commissions

The finale! The final battle between Stormy and the Encalve Reborn America! With a bunch of macroy growing goodness! As commissioned by Giza

Stormy (c) FA: thealphastormy

Story (c) me!

Want a Commission? Details here!

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Scavenger Part 3

By Cimmaron Spirit

Commission for Giza

WARNING: The following story contains f/solo, macro growth, soft vore, absorption, rampage, size difference, violence, nanobots, breast growth, masturbation, "sex toys", a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and a Find-Replace of the Enclave from Fallout. If it doesn't interest you, or you are under 18, don't read it, and go find something else. Otherwise, enjoy!

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"No, I'm not doing it," Stormy huffed.

Order from High Command has been received and proven to be true. Stormy must follow directive of High Command, the male, computerized voice of ISAAC stated.

"There isn't a United States of America. It's gone. Over two hundred years ago. And it's only now just giving orders?" Stormy asked.

It is a correct, verified order. All orders from High Command must be obeyed.

"I'm not even a soldier! I'm just a person who stumbled in on some stupid science experiment!" Stormy roared, her voice echoing over the landscape. The fortress of the mercenary king Jack was in ruins all around her. The thrill and excitement and lust she got from destroying the base had long since gone, dulled and silenced by her rapid growth and failure to use some of the material she had gathered to ensure little things like the replica of a nervous system and her psychological profile remained functioning.

She barely felt satisfaction at her revenge, or even disappointed that she couldn't feel it. She just felt... hollow. But she did feel anger. She was angry. At Jack and his gang for not being a bigger challenge, at ISAAC for this stupid, inane rambling about the long dead United States, at herself for giving in to it all and destroying her humanity in the process. Could she even fix it?

The nanobots were developed by the US Military for use by the US Military. As the subject of the Nanobot experiment, you are part of the US Military now. Disobeying the order is mutiny and treason, and will not be tolerated.

"There is no United States to commit treason against!" Stormy bellowed, stomping the ground, causing the hardened earth where the base used to be to crack and splinter.

ISAAC will not allow treason to the United States. Follow the order from High Command.

"And what the hell are you going to do about it, huh? Your inside me, and I'm in control!" Stormy exclaimed.

You will follow the order from High Command, Stormy.

"Fuck off," Stormy growled to the robotic voice in her head.

Suddenly a powerful jolt of electricity ran through her body, making Stormy cry out, double over in pain.

You will follow the order from High Command, Stormy.

"What part of no don't you understand?" the wolf snarled.

Another, longer, stronger amount of electricity ran through her body, more powerful than the time she had been zapped by a malfunctioning generator when she was scavenging in an old junk yard. It had really hurt, burnt some of her fur off, and left her dazed and confused.

You will follow the order from High Command, Subject.

"No, I'm not-" Stormy started.

Control systems ineffective. Assuming direct control.

Suddenly her body turned, pointing toward the east, away from the setting sun.


You will follow the order from High Command.

Stormy's legs started to move, walking her toward the east, but not under her control. She tried to stop, but her legs wouldn't answer her.

"No! I said-"

You will follow the order from High Command.

ISAAC had taken over her body, and was moving her in the direction of his reborn American military.

"I refuse! I mutiny! I whatever! Stop!" Stormy screamed, furious and angry and just a little bit scared at being taken over.

Then I will follow the order from High Command.

"Stop it! This is my body! Get out!"

I will follow the order from High Command.

"Cease! Halt! Stop! Let me-" Stormy continued ranting, but then suddenly her mouth refused to move, words refused to come out.

Subject's personality disconnected from operation of the system, ISAAC's voice intoned. Subject will not interfere with order from High Command.

Stormy couldn't even scream, locked away somewhere within her own body, only able to watch and feel as she was controlled and lead away.

<> <> <>

It had been 7 days, 8 hours, and 37 minutes since ISAAC had taken control of her body. Stormy knew it very well. She may not be in full control of her own body now, but she had access to some the augmentations of the nanobots even though she couldn't even move under her own power now. One of those was the equivalent of a stopwatch.

By now, ISAAC had reduced Stormy's size to something more normal, and even recreated the clothes like she had worn before, with the metal base covered by simulated fur and cloth and leather. As she went past village and tribe, settlement and ruins, she was just another wanderer, going perfectly straight. Even bandits and raiders couldn't stop her. If hostile targets approached her, ISAAC would just turn her arm into guns, shoot them all dead with perfect precision, maybe absorb one or two if they happened to have fallen in the way of her steps, and then continue on without breaking a stride. Stormy walked straight through rivers and over hills, her body able to walk up virtually straight cliffs without fault or fail.

She had access to a "map" as well, and could see that she was going to a place in what used to be Texas, hundreds of miles further than she had ever gone before. But she couldn't use the map: she tried once to set a new destination, but ISAAC quickly overrode the command, montonoly informing her that the order from High Command had to be followed.

Stormy was angry, she was scared, she was terrified. What was going to become of her? Was she just going to be locked inside a robot for the rest of her life, totally at the mercy of the nanobots that filled her? Would she ever be able to escape?

Would ISAAC just delete her mind and memories like a bit of bad code?

But after 7 days, 8 hours and 53 minutes, she had virtually given up on trying to regain control of her entire body for now. Instead, Stormy decided to restore what she did have, and try to use it to get control later.

ISAAC had warned her earlier that she was wastefully using resources to make herself bigger and sexier when she was destroying Jack's base. So, with what control she did have, and the materials her body could spare for her, she began to focus on repairing those bits. She could actually feel her anger subside as more balanced emotions returned, like fear at what might happen to her. She could now admire the sights of the desert as she had little else to see, which was almost perfectly flat the further east they went. Stormy had spent most of her life with hills or mountains around her, which made these dusty plains all the more foreign to her. Scorpions and coyotes and jackrabbits that had evolved from the survivors of the apocalypse still roamed these wastes, with short grasses, stunted cactuses and the occasional creek or nearly dry riverbed to provide some sustenance.

Stormy also had better access to the memory banks that ISAAC's systems had installed into her body, and now she had the time to look it over, to see if there was anything useful, something that maybe she could use...

A lot of it was technical and engineering stuff that, with the help of the nanobots, she could understand, but didn't really provide much help. Test reports of the previous animal subjects she had eaten quite a while ago, and how thee nanobots that took over them had trouble at first to fully take over their body due to their animal psychology and their innate, primal instincts that they struggled for a long time to control. But it seems they sorted that problem out in later versions, as Stormy knew all too well.

And history. There was a lot of history: news articles, documents from the base, even diaries of soldiers that had been preserved when their books were consumed to keep the base functioning in it's long hibernation. Information from before the End War, how wars were being waged over the last resources and how the climate had so degraded with the burning of all the oil and coal that could be dragged out of the ground, how cities were washed away and great droughts that spanned years. How the government of the United States became corrupt and dictatorial, using technology and old fashioned secret police powers were used to keep the populace under surveillance, and therefore under control, with opponents being silenced not just by taking them away in the middle of the night, but by getting them fired, revoking technology access or use of healthcare or education, and peer pressure to force them to comply. A brutal military regime that conscripted the youth to send to fight in the Middle East, Africa and South America to maintain the superpower. How the military industrial complex was the only part of the economy that didn't fail, and soon employed the vast majority of the nation when farms blew away and no one could by computers.

The nanobot project was just one of dozens of secret projects the government had funded. Whatever the other ones were, Stormy couldn't find out. But all of it worried her. Was this what this new United States wanted? To take over the world just for the rich and powerful to control everything through fear and power?

In other words, to be like Jack?

The broadcasts on the radio that kept coming out, and which ISAAC was always listening too, spoke of democracy and freedom, the end of fear and want, to rebuild the old United States. That all sounded well and good... but just learning about the past made her think that, well... they were either telling the truth, that they wanted to be different and rebuild as this old US should have been. Or they were lying, using propaganda to hide their true motives.

Stormy, with nothing better to do, used the computational power she had at her hand to run scenarios about this possible group. If even just a fraction, 5% of the old, pre war military of soldiers, tanks and aircraft were somehow was preserved and just now activated, they could easily dominate the wasteland in 93.7% of cases. But it was harder to simulate their goals: taking the broadcasts and the history into consideration, it was 49.8% likely to do what the broadcasts said, and 50.2% to go the old route. Within statistical error of being a coin flip, more or less.

Seven days, nine hours, 12 minutes. Nothing to do now but wait for another few days, until the arrive at the base, and repair her mind as best as she could.

<> <> <>


The cloaked figure, in the grey and blue patched coat immediately stopped and stood ramrod stiff. The soldier that barked the order, in the brown-grey uniform and a helmet that covered the whole face and muzzle of the person, and provided some camouflage in this irradiated hellhole, slowly walked up to the person that just arrived in the perimeter, clutching a futuristic looking gun across his chest. The uniform made it hard to tell what species it was, which made Stormy uncomfortable. If you can't even see anything of who you are talking to, how can you determine facial cues or anything?

"Who are you? Only United States military personnel are allowed here," the soldier said, lifting up his weapon and aiming it at Stormy in suspicion.

"I am Subject D-9381 of the Replicated Materials Project, authorized by Military Order #48371, December 10, 2045, codenamed ISAAC," Stormy said. Or, rather, ISAAC said, in his stilted robotic voice, the mouth moving correctly but with no emotion.

And I'm a random person trapped inside by a bunch of robots who just wants to be left alone, Stormy wanted to scream, but she had no access to the voice control.

"Hmmm, wait here," the soldier said, before turning around and activating a mic on his arm. "Base, this is Patrol 4, come in." There was no answer from the wristband, so the answer must have been given from a speaker inside the soldier's helmet. "Yeah, a random... person came up, talking like a robot. Says they are from the Replacement Materials Project or something."

"Replicated Materials Project," Stormy/ISAAC replied.

"Whatever," the soldier said, looking over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. "Is it legit?"

There was a pause, the soldier moving his head back and forth, heavy combat boot tapping the ground impatiently.

"Yes Base. Patrol 4 out." The soldier turned around. "Okay, Isaac, or whatever you are. Kinda look like a chick to me, but whatever. Go on in. Someone will direct you to where you need to go."

ISAAC gave a salute, and continued walking on, much to the amusement of the soldier.

There were a few small buildings, covered in untarnished steel and perfectly whitewashed adobe bricks. A tall flagpole with an American flag, with the thirteen red and white stripes and 65 white stars on a blue canton (which to Stormy seemed just a bit like overcompensation) hung straight out thanks to the crossbar on top to ensure the flag was always on display even without a wind.

A large steel door swung open, and a concrete hallway with steel beams and wires were strung along the walls. Another soldier in the same uniform as the one on patrol was standing at the door.

"C'mon you," the soldier said, before turning on his heel and stomping down the sloped pathway underground. ISAAC/Stormy followed. Every so often, there was a level spot with branching paths leading to other sections, and signs hanging from the roof to outline where each path lead. There were corridors upon corridors, hallways branching off each other leading deeper and deeper into the underground base. Several other soldiers walked past, and a few non soldiers as well, most in white lab coats, and a few in suits and dresses of different colors and a few fancy, but similar style of haircuts. All of the civilians, all different species too, had a small grey device in one ear, and a pin with the American flag on a lapel. There was a creepy vibe with all of them looking so similar, which weirded Stormy out. A few glanced as Stormy, disdain at the dirty wastelander in their midst. Stormy actually saw one woman pull out a handkerchief from her pocket and placed it over her mouth as Stormy walked by, worried about catching some disease.

Stormy, had she been in control, might have coughed or sneezed on her just to make her scream. But she had no control over the functions of her body right now, and just had to go with the flow.

Finally the soldier turned, down the alley labeled "Research and Development," going down a perfectly straight and level path. Metal doors with numbers and letters on them, and even more branching corridors leading to more hallways made the facility utterly massive, going on for what felt like miles. Stormy was able to use the limited computational facilities at her disposal to create a map of the facility: maybe not perfect, but she was able to figure out where to look in a general area if she needed to. Might come in handy later.

Finally the soldier stopped at a door labeled E-4. He pushed his hand on a sensor beside the door, making it slide open. Inside, it was a lab, much like the labs at the facility where Stormy had been transformed, with computers, papers, microscopes and who knew what all equipment, though much, much smaller. A scientist was inside, tapping away at one of the computers, a young tiger with orange and black stripes over his body, with a pair of glasses on his muzzle.

"Doctor Jones," the soldier stated. "The subject is here."

The scientist looked over, and gave a small smile. "Well, finally!" He turned his chair around, and climbed off. "Thank you, soldier." The soldier gave a salute, and left, the door sliding closed.

"Well, well, well," Doctor Jones said, looking over Stormy/ISAAC. "What are you?"

"I am Subject D-9381 of the Replicated Materials Project, authorized by Military Order #48371, December 10, 2045, codenamed ISAAC," ISAAC stated, as he had before.

"Ahhh, yes. You are the only specimen of the Replicated Materials Project to arrive here," Doctor Jones said. "What is the status of the facility you were created in?"

"Currently unoccupied. Nanobots stripped the facility of non-essential objects, preserved the research and original subjects, and began consuming material around the underground facility to maintain structural integrity."

"Huh, interesting," Doctor Jones said, grabbing a folder from the table near him, and flipping through, looking over the reports inside. "I was not aware that maintenance procedures were uploaded into your system."

"Maintenance of the facility and the breaking down of unneeded material was a developed procedure in line with last command to preserve the technology and research of the base. It was determined that allowing the buildings to fall into disrepair would be incompatible with the orders given, and material was required to ensure this process was carried out." ISAAC stated matter of factly.

Doctor Jones nodded, and scribbled something on the paper. "Now, about the getup... why did you decide to look like this?"

"Acquired a subject who underwent the process. Currently appearing as she did when first acquired. Subject: female wolf, named Stormy."

Now this got Doctor Jones attention. "So, you found a subject and transformed it? Fascinating. Where did you find it?"

Stormy bristled at the suggestion that she was an "it." Was she just a science experiment? Of course, she had no control to actually make her point of view clear, which made her angrier.

"Subject got into the facility, and was determined to be suitable genetic material. Underwent process and various testing. Determined to be a success."

"Oh really now? Well, come over here, and I wanted to download the reports you collected.

"Yes sir," ISAAC responded, as Doctor Jones got some cables attached from a computer. He looked around, touching different spots on Stormy which she could feel, but not respond too.

"There isn't a port, huh?"

ISAAC responded by making a rectangular opening in the jacket, the perfect size for the cable in the scientist's hand.

"Oh, even the clothes are nanobots? Fascinating!" Doctor Jones replied as he plugged in the cable. "That is a rather unexpected, but good development. Okay, proceed with uploading the info to my system."

ISAAC complied. And Stormy suddenly realized... this was her chance. In a blink of an eye, she created a copy of her consciousness and memories, and slipped it into the huge amounts of data that was being uploaded, which ISAAC couldn't really stop, as he was already busy uploading so many metrics and data of decades of underground maintenance and the reports of the destruction of Jack's facility that he had nearly gone into a shutdown state, that neither the supercomputer inside the Stormy shaped body, nor the doctor oblivious to her presence, would notice. Now, if something goes wrong, she would, at least, have a backup copy.

"Oh wait, what do we have here?" Doctor Jones asked himself, looking at the computer.

Oh crap, he found me... Stormy thought.

"Huh, you attacked and destroyed a mercenary group?"

Stormy breathed a sigh of relief. Or would have, if she wasn't just a bit of code surrounded by trillions of nanobots.

"Yes. Subject Stormy had decided to wipe out threat to her personal safety," ISAAC replied.

"You keep saying that name, Stormy... where is it?"

"Stormy is within this subject," ISAAC replied.


"Stormy is within this system. Stormy had been removed from direct control due to disobeying orders from High Command."

The tiger's left eyebrow went up. "Huh, interesting. Allow her limited interaction with me," he said.

And just like that, Stormy could feel control of her voice again. She couldn't control the arms, legs, or, well anything else. But she was really cautious... she didn't want to give more info than what she needed to. Let him talk first.

There was a long pause, silence only interrupted by the whirling fans of the computer and the buzz of the fluorescent lights. The scientist frowned, as if expecting Stormy to talk first. Well, she had more patience than him, she was sure. She had all the time in the world.

"Stormy? Can you hear me?" the doctor finally asked.

"Yes," She replied, in her own, feminine voice.

"Ah, good," the doctor said, adjusting his glasses. "Now, ISAAC said that you disobeyed the orders to come here. Why did you do that?"

"I'm not a soldier," Stormy replied.

"Not a soldier? Then how did you get access to the base where this research was taking place?"

"I found it. Somehow got in, and then was transformed," Stormy said in a brusque voice. "I didn't go in to do it on purpose."

"Huh," Doctor Jones said, scribbling a few more notes down. "Well, no matter the reason, you are part of the United States military now."

"No, I'm not," Stormy said.

The tiger looked up from his notes, surprised. "What did you say?"

"I did not agree to this," Stormy answered. "US soldiers were volunteers, correct?"

"Well... back then, yes. But by Executive Order..." he started, looking through some pages "...#789102, all persons in the territory of the United States of America is now liable to service within the armed forces if their skills, knowledge and abilities are considered necessary."

"And I do not recognize there being a United States of America anymore," Stormy said. "So, you can go f-"

Suddenly a rush of electricity ran through her body, making Stormy cry out in pain, although the body didn't flinch or move, the rest of it being controlled by ISAAC who had engaged the "control system" once again.

"Thank you ISAAC," the scientist said, glaring at Stormy. "And that was the wrong answer. You are part of this new US, and you better like it."

Stormy had managed to regain her senses. "I will not be bossed around by some little dweeb that I can break in half," Stormy snarled.

The scientist snorted. "You can't even control your body right now. And, since you are being very uncooperative... ISAAC, purge Subject Stormy from your system."


"If you are not going to cooperate, then you will be erased."

"Cannot comply," ISAAC replied.

"What? I gave you an order: remove this insolent, insubordinate wastelander from your system immediately."

"Purging Subject Stormy from system will result in critical failure and destruction of system," ISAAC replied in his robotic voice


"Removing Stormy from system will result in failure of 98.4% of systems. A template is required to maintain integrity of the system."

Well, that explains why ISAAC didn't delete me before... Stormy thought.

Doctor Jones growled. "Fine. Then put her away like you did before, and don't ever let her out. If she can't play nice, then she's going to be locked in her room."

"Order accepted."

And just like that, Stormy was relegated back to some dark corner of the metallic, cyborg body that was once hers. The only link she now had was, like before, the sight, senses, hearing, and a few non-military functions of the body. As well as the copy of herself that she slipped into the base mainframe. That would be very handy, soon enough.

"But once I figure out how to remove her, she is gone. Got it?"

"Understood," ISAAC replied.

Stormy, like before, had no way to voice her opinion.

But now, she could start to plan a way to override ISAAC, and get back into her body.

<> <> <>

For the next few weeks, Stormy... well, her body at least, underwent a lot of tests of her capabilities. Stuff like changing body shape and clothing was simple enough, as well as turning her body with weapons as needed. But, as usual, it required fuel, materials. Scrap garbage and metal, unused tools and clothing, anything the nanobots could break down was given to her to eat. Stormy, trapped inside, was able to get a bit of those resources, and used them for her own ends, namely to isolate herself from ISAAC, to allow her to work in peace without the linked computer system interfering.

Soon enough, scrap metal and broken guns in the base ran out, and to continue the testing, something new was needed.

Soon soldiers began bringing in random animals that were caught, locked into the room with ISAAC/Stormy... and she would absorb them, giving herself more fuel. And when they started running out, soon it was random wastelanders, 'prisoners' from the post-apocalyptic wasteland above, that were dumped into the room she was kept in, to consume them. Sometimes Stormy would have to conduct increasingly macabre tests on them as well, ranging from testing new weapons uploaded to her body to different ways to quickly absorb them.

Doctor Jones was very pleased that the nanobots were able to break down virtually everything, and use it to keep the "Subject" fully functioning, and was able to expand its abilities. He had virtually forgotten there was a human mind still within the robot. Stormy, to him, was an inconvenient piece of code that, if you tried to remove, would break the whole thing. So better to just isolate it, and let ISAAC do all the good work with now yapping about not wanting to do something or being forced or whatever.

Stormy, as a helpless bystander was horrified, disgusted, and increasingly furious... and each unwilling meal was another shot of pleasure and lust through her nerves, much like it had been with Jack's forces. This was brutal, unnecessary and cruel just to be cruel, but also turned her on like nothing before. It horrified Stormy that her body was like that, but what could she do? Just ride the wave and then shove it out of her mind, until the next time. She still had some humanity left, god damn it! These soldiers and scientists though- it was like they had them surgically removed. All they cared about was themselves, and rebuilding the US the way they wanted.

And now that she had accessed this facilities computer system through Doctor Jones' system, and then later through the port set up in the chamber she was locked into when not testing, she could finally figure out what all was going on. Her mind began to flow through the interconnected computers, mainframes and systems, dodging outdated antivirus programs and seeping into the tiny cracks of a computer system a couple centuries old that, through arrogance or lack of resources never been updated, allowing Stormy to range at will.

There were dozens, hundreds of areas to look. Secret programs, blueprints for weapons and buildings, personal files, historical archives, updated maps... everything. If she did ever hit a stumbling block, even the rather limited power she had with the nanobots under her control, she could easily work around or through it.

And there, in a computer in the office of the commander of the base, Stormy was able to infiltrate and hack into the plans for this new USA.

And it was horrifying.

Apparently this base, as well as several others throughout the old United States, was part of a continuity of government program, where top scientists, soldiers and some government officials were put into cryostasis, or had their knowledge and memories preserved to be put into cloned bodies, and clones eventually would be used to man the new military, as it was too expensive to freeze average grunts and keep them safe, so they would all die in the war, and just get born again in vats of goo once it was decided they were needed, and then have a control chip implanted on their brain to ensure they remain loyal. Eventually, the few selected would be woken up and would rebuild the US, and, if all went according to plan, even better than before. There had been some failures in the system, only a tiny fraction of the designated personnel were put on ice and survived, and corruption in the preserved memories meant many had to be reworked. There were only a few uncorrupted minds, but almost all of them were racist, xenophobic, morally deficient and social darwinist, and they quickly came to see the ragtag groups of survivors above ground as weak, degenerate, mutated, and only worthy of slavery or outright extermination.

It took 97 years of work to finally get a viable, sustainable population of clones and unfrozen people to be able to start repopulating the world, and that after 140 years of being frozen and waiting for the conditions set in the original parameters to be met, at which point the radio broadcasts started, which Stormy finally received.

Stormy could easily tell that the way the Doctor treated her, as a tool than a person, wasn't just a fluke. It was the whole "Reborn America," as they officially called themselves, that was in this bunker, and several others throughout the US.

Though they would never had admitted it, as they were "superior" to all wastelanders, but they were basically like Jack, the cruel, scumbag mercenary king: they want power, control, and dominate the weak.

But just like Jack and his now flattened palace and brutes all defeated, most eaten by her, the Reborn America was severely underestimating her.

She was going to break free of these shackles.

She was going to destroy the Reborn America.

She was going to free herself from ever having to be controlled or lorded over again by anyone, callous and cruel mercenary or tyrannical and genocidal governments.

All Stormy needed was to find a way to undermine ISAAC and regain control of her body.

That was going to take some time to figure out. But she was going to win.

She had too.

<> <> <>

Tests, tests and more tests. For weeks, all the collection of microscopically tiny nanobots controlled by ISAAC that formed the basis of Stormy's body did was engage in whatever experiment or test that Doctor Jones, his team of scientists, or some officer decreed needed to be done. So Stormy would see, feel and experience without any meaningful way to impact or direct what was happening with whatever test, ranging from creating new weapons with her body to eating and absorbing any material or object they presented, to changing her size and appearance, to see if there was any limits to what her body could do.

Then Stormy was sent out, working with teams of cloned soldiers, to attack and destroy some town that wouldn't bow down to them, or to round up slaves, many of whom would then be fed to Stormy when they were considered no longer useful.

But she passed all the tests with flying colours, according to the scientists.

But Stormy herself was growing resentful, disgusted and angry. But ISAAC, being the computer intelligence that he was, never cared, and just did what he was supposed to do. She was increasingly furious and angry at unethical experiments on animals, people and who knew what else, which only fueled her drive to get out of this situation, and destroy Reborn America once and for all.

Her plan was almost together. Just a bit more time, and she could put it into action...

"Alright ISAAC," Doctor Jones said, walking into the chamber where the nanobot machine charged, tested and refueled. He had virtually forgotten about Stormy by now. "Today is a big day for you."

"What are my orders?" ISAAC/Stormy asked.

"You are going to be sent to the following coordinates," which the scientist provided by typing into the computer terminal. "This community has shot at our soldiers and refused to rejoin the United States. Therefore, they are to be wiped out and made an example of. They had their chance to peacefully join us, and it's gone now. Kill anyone that shoots at you, capture everyone else and bring them back here, or use them to refuel yourself if need be. Several soldiers will join you to make sure nothing remains."

Shit... I'm not quite ready, Stormy thought to herself, rushing to upload the programs and code that she had created through the base's mainframe into the isolated part of her own robotic body before he would be unplugged. Still haven't been able to figure out how to take control of my whole body. Will 76% be enough?

"Yes sir. I will do this," ISAAC said in his monotone, chillingly robotic voice.

"Excellent," the tiger said, his tail wagging behind him as he turned and left. "Don't let me down. The High Command is growing very impatient with my work, and I have to show them some results."

Oh, I'll show results alright, Stormy thought to herself. If she had been in control then and there, she would have grinned ear to ear.

But ISAAC was still in command, and after he was unplugged from the system began walking out of the testing room and then out of the base under his own power. He had disguised himself as a soldier of Reborn America, to ensure no one would give any strange looks of the wastelander turned nanobot filled death machine.

The location was a day's steady walk away to the northeast. ISAAC was disguised, like before, as Stormy, to be a simple traveler to not attract attention. A half dozen soldiers walked with the metallic wolf, serving partially as escort, partially as observers of what was to happen. They all wore the greyish full suit armor that hid their eyes, faces, and entire bodies, carrying duplicated laser rifles, as if they had been made in a factory from the same mold. And considering they were clones, that was exactly what happened.

After walking just an hour away, ISAAC/Stormy was away from the base, they would not be able to monitor what was going to happen. The soldiers were still there, but they could easily be dealt with.

And Stormy now had a plan in place.

Hey ISAAC, remember me?

"Subject Stormy," ISAAC said without emotion or care as he continued marching forward.

"What was that?" One of the clone soldiers asked.

"Eh, just the robot talking to itself," another one said. "Always talking, always going on," it replied.

So, I've been thinking... you know, maybe Reborn America isn't as bad as I thought, Stormy started, lying through her virtual teeth. So... would it be at all possible that I can, you know, regain control of my own body?

ISAAC barely had to investigate. "Detecting false pretenses. Subject Stormy's request has been refused."

Oh, I hoped you would say that, Stormy said. Execute Program 98-A2.

ISAAC suddenly came to a halt, frozen in place as the soldiers ahead continued to walk. "Error, error, error!"

Stormy had found out that Doctor Jones had put in a program to override ISAAC's functions in the event of a serious incident. Of course, it was just as easy to take that code, and add a bit more to it, to give Stormy the opportunity to reclaim her body.

Now, would it work?

One of the soldiers turned around to see ISAAC frozen in place mid stride. "Hey! Something wrong with the robot."

"Well, go check it out H8-91," another soldier, the sergeant in charge of the platoon, growled.

"Yes sir," sighed the soldier who commented on the malfunctioning ISAAC, and he he went up to the robot. The rest of the soldiers stopped, silently laughing at how he got suckered into this.

"Hey, shiny," the soldier said. "C'mon, get moving. We can't stop for a break yet." The soldier grabbed the robots shoulder.

Then he couldn't let go.

"What the fuck?" The soldier exclaimed, struggling to get his arm free.

"Hey, stop fooling around H8-91!" the sergeant barked, stomping over the desert sands to get to the flailing soldier.

"Sarge, I'm not kidding! My hand is stuck!"

The sergeant snarled. "ISAAC! This is not funny. Let go now!"

"I'm sorry HAL," a female voice replied. "I can't do that."

In a blink of an eye, Stormy had already taken over about a third the nanobots in her body, mostly the ones that dealt with the growth, and breaking down materials, as well as her vocal system. Another third, namely the movement and locomotion routines, was put in standby mode. The rest was currently dominated by ISAAC, and it was the systems that controlled the weapons and the overall structure of the body. And he was fighting with Stormy's bots as if they were a virus, a slippery one that knew what it was doing after months of planning, quickly overwhelming ISAAC's outdated programs.

"What the fuck?" One of the other soldiers said. "I know it looks like a chick, but it never sounded like one before."

"Because this little science experiement did take a chick, and turned them into a living weapon of destruction," Stormy said. "But since I decided not to follow orders, I got shunted away.

"But guess what? I'm back!" Stormy said.

The soldier that had touched Stormy before suddenly had his hand pulled right in to her.

"Fuck! Shit! Let me go!" The soldier cried as his grey armor covered hand melted into her body.

Stormy chuckled. "Oh, maybe I will. Just not right now." Now the soldier, H8-91 had been pulled in right up to his elbow.

"ISAAC! Unhand H8-91 immediatly!" The sergeant barked.

Complying with order... failure. Reattempting... failure. ISAAC entoned. Lost connection with 65.3% of nanobots. Attempting reconnection.

Oh, enough ISAAC, Stormy said inside her as she gained control of her arm opposite the one the soldier touched, and with a janky movement, managed to swing it up and grab hold of the back of the soldiers head.

Error. Error. Error. Limbs operating without central control. Attempting recallibration.

Stormy winced. She could feel ISAAC fighting with her, to take back her arm, to let go of the soldier.

She needed this material... She pushed the soldiers head into her chest, the masked muzzle pushing against the simulated clothing, and creating another bond.

The soldier was screaming now, his entire arm to his elbow now engulfed by the nanobots, but that was soon silenced as his face was pushed against her.

"ISAAC has gone rouge! Open fire!" the sergeant bellowed, lifting up his laser gun and firing red bolts of energy as Stormy.

Stormy winced and gasped. Bullets, her body could easily absorb. But lasers was pure energy, not even really a material. Warnings began flashing up that nanobots were being evaporated and destroyed. She needed to win against these soldiers quick before they destroyed her. And to do that, she needed to beat ISAAC.

ISAAC, stand down. Stormy said, as she took in the last of the soldier, and began to shuffle her way toward another, but they simply backed away.

Order: refused. ISAAC replied.

They will destroy us. They will destroy you. Stormy replied, trying to brute force her way to get control of the guns. She managed to get access to a Colt Peacemaker revolver, and her hand turned into one. She managed to aim it at the closest soldier, and began to fire. The first bullet missed, but it made the soldier duck and stop firing. Her second shot hit the soldier in the arm, making him drop his laser rifle. Two down, four to go. But 12% of the nanobots in her body had already been deactivated, and the number was rising quickly. Black holes where heated laser bolts impacted her body pierced through layers of bots, making he look more like Swiss cheese than a cyborg wolf. She crawled her way to the soldier.

Subject Stormy has attempted to sabotage mission. Destruction is preferable to treason. ISAAC managed to reclaim control of that arm, and devolved the gun so she couldn't use it anymore.

And you know what? Maybe I just don't need you anymore, Stormy said, as she managed to drag herself to the fallen soldier, and without any dramatics, she grabbed hold of the soldiers boot flooding his body with nanobots, making him scream as he melted into a puddle of grey goo, which was then quickly reabsorbed by Stormy. This time, all those new nanobots now followed her, giving her just over half of her body back. ISAAC was down to a small fraction, about 20% and the rest was being fought over by both sides.

And it felt good. Not sexy good. Just... happy good. There would be time for pleasure after she took full control.

This does not compute. Subject cannot operate without technical system. ISAAC was struggling to contain Stormy now that she had more processing power than he did.

With this extra power, Stormy now took back control of her arm, and turned it into a M-16 assault rifle, and began firing quick bursts in the direction of the clone soldiers. This made them duck, and their firing became erratic as they sought cover, lying flat on the ground. One of the soldiers had his leg injured, and he fell over.

You are making this really difficult ISAAC, Stormy said. The damage was starting to rise again, compromising more of the trillions of nanobots in her body. She began to just throw nanobots, implanted with bits of code to try to pierce into ISAAC's central system, to try to corrupt him, to make him give up.

Then cease your treason, ISAAC replied. Only a tiny fraction of Stormy's nanobots were making it through the tough outer shell of ISAAC's defenses, like one out of every 1000. But each one that got through made it easier for another one to get in

Nah, I think I like being free, Stormy said. ISAAC was struggling to keep up with the flow of bots attacking his system.

Warning. System 10% corrupted, ISAAC intoned. Redeploying nanobots.

It was still holding on, but he had to divert resources from the other parts he controlled to maintain it.


Stormy closed her eyes, and with a loud howl, she stood up, the nanobots that made her clothing and fur, as useless as it was now, melted back into her body, leaving her as a scared, holed but otherwise sleek metal wolf body, and only three more to deal with. She managed to take over some of the systems that ISAAC once had control of, but now couldn't manage. She lept up into the air, faster than the soldiers could realize, and she landed right ontop of the wounded soldier from before, quickly consuming him, and turning his body into more nanobots. Most went to fight ISAAC, weakening him even more. By now the dam had a crack, and a small trickle of water was leaking in.

Warning. System 25% corrupted.

The soldiers had found their bearings again, and were firing again. But their fire was growing short, erratic. It wasn't because they were starting to run away: the clones couldn't do that, no matter if they wanted to. No, their laser guns were overheating and couldn't fire as fast as before.

"Oh, did the little soldier boys use up their toys too quickly?" Stormy smirked, before she grabbed hold of one of the red hot guns, snatching it from the soldiers hand and melting it into her body. The soldier that held it let go before the nanobots was able to infect him as well, pity. She instead stretched her arm like an elastic band, wrapped around the soldier's waist, and pulled him in to be eaten and absorbed into her body. That time, she felt a shiver run through her body. That was really good... making her toes curl in the sand.

"Do not let her get close to you!" The sergeant barked, backing away, and firing short bursts as his gun allowed. But Stormy was able to use new superhuman reflexes to avoid most of the shots.

"And how the fuck do we do that if our guns aren't working?" The last soldier asked.

"Just keep firing at her!" the sarge barked, as he didn't have a better answer.

But even though the soldiers were slowing down, she wasn't doing so hot: the struggle to defeat the soldiers and ISAAC at the same time was wearing her down. She might still lose, just because she ran out of juice: tens of billions of nanobots had been sacrificed to try to breach ISAAC's systems... and while a few million had gotten in, they weren't able to fully rewrite him yet. She had burned through all the nanobots she had control of at the start, and the nanobots created from consuming three soldiers, and the last one was just now being thrown into battle.

She had to deal with these clones, ASAP. It was the only way to win.

The sergeant and the last private were right beside each other now. So Stormy stood up, turned both of her arms into AK-47s, and began to fire full clips at both soldiers in a single burst.

The last private finally went down in a hail of bullets, and Stormy was able to walk up, step on his back, and absorb him. That time she felt her knees grow weak, and she had to bite her lip to prevent a moan..

"Just... keep... shooting!" the sergeant said to no one in particular as he crouched behind a boulder, the only cover for miles, the rest of his squad now dead.

Stormy had no more patience for his. She reformed her hands, and marched straight at the boulder. She grabbed hold of the stone, and easily lifted it up over her head, pulling out the several hundred pound rock from the ground.

The sergeant snarled, pointed his laser gun at Stormy's head, the barrel touching her forehead, and fired another burst.

The three blasts hit here right in the forehead, point blank.

But she didn't even flinch.

Warning: Corruption at 50%. All resources diverted to repairing internal system.

Stormy let out a deep breath, before she used all her power to crack the massive boulder in her hand, turning it into a shower of dust, pebbles and nanobots that she absorbed to rebuild and assume control of the rest of her body except the part that ISAAC was based in.

"Fuck," the sergeant said, his gun disolving into Stormy's body, realizing he was done, defeated. "You aren't just a robot, are you?"

Stormy reached forward, grabbing the elite soldier in the hand that she had just used to fracture and destroy a rock several times her size. "Nope. I'm one really, really pissed off woman too."

She took a deep breath, and shoved the soldier straight into her chest, finally letting out a loud moan that would have made windows rattle as she absorbed the last soldier.

Warning. Warning. Internal systems overloaded. Corrupted systems is at a dangerous level.

Stormy gasped as she finished taking in the sergeant, taking in all that mass.

"ISAAC, it's time," Stormy said, panting as she now focused on the last task... rewriting ISAAC.

Warn-war-w-w-w-w-warning- ISAAC said as Stormy, now that she had beat the soldiers, used them to overwhelm the computer system that had controlled her for so long.

Stormy twitched, pain going through her body, hir limbs stiffening, her body contorting in strange ways, as ISAAC tried one last attempt to prevent himself from being reprogrammed.

But he had weakened himself so much, and Stormy had been able to maintain her systems just enough, barely, that she was so close...

Then it stopped.

In a moment, the pain stopped.

Stormy collapsed to the ground.

She was scarred. She had taken hundred, if not a thousand or more laser bolts to her body. She used trillions of nanobots to brute force ISAAC.

But it was over. She was in control. ISAAC was hers. Not Reborn America's. Not the old US Army's. Hers.

"ISAAC," Stormy panted, lying on the ground. "Give... me... control..."

There was only a short hesitation. "Very well," ISAAC said. Relinquishing control.

In the blink of an eye, Stormy could feel everything. Everything was back under her control. She lifted her hand up, and looked at it. The rough paw pads, the claws from the tip of each finger. She flexed them, balled them into a fist, and released. She could wiggle her toes, felt her tail wag behind her, make her ears twitch... Stormy was in control of her body again.

Stormy gave a small smile, before finally sitting up. Black and grey covered her whole body. It would take time and materials to fully rebuild her. But there was enough sand here that it wouldn't be too hard.

She looked back the way she came, toward the bunker that ISAAC had walked out of a short while ago with her as a prisoner. Now, she was in full control.

Stormy grinned. Reborn America had no idea what was about to happen to them.

<> <> <>

Doctor Robert K. Jones typed away at his computer, creating another progress report on the Replicated Materials Project for the top brass. Normally he hated writing such reports: busy work that prevented him from actually doing his job, which was improving on the nanobots and furthering the cause to rebuild the United States. The tiger adjusted the glasses on his nose, before resuming his report. But today in particular, he was overjoyed to be writing a progress report, because it was going incredibly well.

ISAAC was a dream come true, the best program and experiment he had ever had the pleasure to work on. The interlinked system of nanobots created a powerful computer, able to rapidly process information and directives, quick to adapt and improve itself to come up with solutions in quick order with the help of a human (a mutated dirty wastelander human, but close enough). The information on the fight with the mercenary band that he was still going over made it clear that a collection of nanobots with limited self-awareness abilities combined with a human avatar could easily crush and destroy any enemy of Reborn America.

Of course, there was the problem with that wastelander's mind still being inside ISAAC, who had directed the attack on that mercenary base. The fact that the scientists back before the war needed a subject to serve as the basis for the program was a disappointing but understandable requirement. But it was more unfortunate that the subject needed to be convinced to do certain things, that it still had a degree of free will that, fortunately, ISAAC was able to overcome. This problem was solved on the original animal test subjects, namely by stimulating their erogenous zones and pleasure receptors, and not by forcing complete obedience and control of the mind and actions of the subject. When the nanobots scaled up, they continued to stimulate the wastelander that was used as the base, which lead to some... interesting reports that got the tiger flustered when he read them.

But the issue with Stormy refusing to obey a direct order and being confined into the body posed a problem: her free will and refusal to cooperate, and the inability to remove her from the system, meant that there was a possibility, however slim, that she could override ISAAC and take control again. This was the biggest problem that Doctor Jones had to solve: make the wastelander obey, or be deleted.

"I just need more resources and time," Doctor Jones mumbled to himself. Hence the reason he was preparing this report. When ISAAC returned from his solo mission and the successful destruction of those ungrateful mutants, the tiger could use relevant info from the mission to convince High Command to give him more resources, maybe to build the a brand new, totally loyal subject...

The door swung open. Doctor Jones jumped in his chair and turned around, to see the subject standing in the doorway.

"ISAAC!" Doctor Jones exclaimed. "You are back... really early. Like, two days early."

"Well, yes, I guess that is true," a female voice said.

"Wait... ISAAC? No... Stormy!"

"Surprise!" Stormy grinned, as she walked across the lab to where Doctor Jones was sitting, her hand turning into a pistol and aiming it at the scientist.

The tiger jumped up off his chair. "ISAAC! Disable Stormy immediately!" He climbed behind a metal table, and pushed it into the way of the advancing nanobot warmachine.

"I don't think that's going to happen," Stormy said, resting her unchanged hand on the table, and beginning to absorb it into herself. "Let's just say that ISAAC and I had a chat, and we decided that we really don't like you guys."

"What are you talking about?" the tiger said, tipping over a filing cabinet as his back was pressed up against the far wall. "ISAAC! The USAFHC gave you-"

"The USAFHC doesn't exist," Stormy said, as the last. "You, the whole Reborn America, are just a fascist, hollowed out and despotic wannabe of the old United States. And I will no longer tolerate allowing you to use me to do your bidding. Kapeesh?"

"ISAAC! I order you to shut down! Execute Program 98-A1!"

"Error. Program not found." ISAAC replied using Stormy's mouth.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Doctor Jones cried.

"You heard him," Stormy said, grinning again as she stepped on the filing cabinet, and instantly absorbed the steel and paper and everything else inside, making her body grow until she was 9 feet tall, and she was able to grab the tiger by the coat. "I erased that little bit of code, and ISAAC is now one and the same with me.

"And America is never going to be reborn. Not by the likes of you."

"No! No! Stop this! You fucking wastelander!" Doctor Jones cried.

Stormy just shook her head. "See, that right there is one of the reasons why ISAAC agrees with me. Your own government says that everyone living in the borders of the United States is a citizen... but you still treat them all like shit." Stormy growled, as she dragged the doctor around the lab, as her hand and foot stepped, crushed, stomped, destroyed and absorbed everything in the room, making her grow taller, stronger, more muscular, until she was forced to crouch over to prevent from breaking through the ceiling. "Forcing them into slavery - which is a violation of the US Constitution - or killing them if they refuse to obey without a trial. So many other things I could say." By now she was on her hands and knees, right next to the Doctor's computer terminal, the last object in the room.

"You have the looks and words of the old America," she said, tapping the chest of Doctor Jones, her clawed finger tip easily able to cover the tiger's head, and absorbing the little metal flag pin on his coat, "but you don't have the ideals or actions of them.

"Anyway! Now that we cleared that up," Stormy said, licking her lips at the tiny tiger in her hand, "I think it's time for one final experiment with you. And you get a chance to see it first hand."

Doctor Jones was about the size of a small kitten compared to her - and whimpering like one too - she opened her mouth, and pushed the crying, panicking tiger past the razor sharp teeth and onto her tongue, which was strong enough to lick over and savor the tiger, before with a single swallow, her throat and neck bulged just large enough to confine the tiger into her nanobot simulated stomach.

The metallic wolf shuddered, the feeling of arousal and lust rushing through her body as her first snack was consumed and digested, with only fueled her growth even more to the point that she filled the entire room, even lying down on the ground.

Stormy, ISAAC interrupted. I'm detected movement in the hallway, several heavily armed soldiers. Doctor Jones must have activated an alarm before you consumed him, or they heard the sounds of destruction from the lab.

"Oh? Well that's a shame," Stormy said, before she raised her hand over the computer terminal sitting on the counter.

"For them."

She slammed her fist down, smashing the computer to rubble. But in that same instant, she was able to link up with the copy of herself that she had installed on the computer earlier, which had been quite busy taking over whatever systems it could of the base, deactivating others, and just generally preparing for such a moment.

Alarms began to blare, automated gun turrets set up throughout the base turned on the people it was originally supposed to protect. Weapons malfunctioned, computers were bricked, sliding doors sealed shut and couldn't be opened. About a third of the clone soldiers and half the robotic weapons, with the control chip implanted into their brains or systems, either shut down, turned on their masters, or proceeded to Stormy to serve as fuel for her growth.

By now, the clothes that Stormy had used as a disguise had vanished, the nonbots now fueling her growth and size. This time, however, she wasn't going to just grow massively. She learnt her lesson last time. She was going to enjoy this, destroying this evil once and for all and getting herself off this time.

Stormy growled, before she thrust her left arm into the hallway, grabbing several of the clones outside the door that was preparing to breach the door, and simply absorbing them into her body as more nanobot fuel. Her right hand went through the reinforced concrete wall into the next lab, smashing through desks, filing cabinets, computers, scientists and who knew what else, absorbing everything and anything, the researchers only able to give a final scream of terror as shiny, metal fur and claws grabbed them, squished them, and turned them into more fuel for the growing cyborg wolf, who moaned and growled as she felt electric tingles race through her body, making her legs shake and every nerve in her body begin to fire.

"Oh, this is amazing," she rumbled. "I need more!"

She panted, taking a deep breath, before she she sat up, her head piercing the three feet of solid concrete that made up the floor above her, absorbing the chunks of concrete and steel as her head went into the first residential section.

This one was full of bunk beds and open dormitories for the clone soldiers. Most had been deactivated, but there were a few who, with no other orders, began to fire on Stormy, each bullet either being absorbed or ricocheted off the bulletproof wolf.

"Heh, nice try you little bugs," Stormy laughed. "Gonna need something better than that."

Her other hand swiped three more, and they were pushed up against her full and perky tits, being absorbed by her cleavage to make them, and her, bigger. She leaned forward, her tongue stretching out, impossibly long, and rounding up five of the remaining soldiers who were attempting to fight her. They yelled and cried as the tongue wound itself up again and took them all back into her body.

With the last of the fighting clones gone now, she proceeded to methodically grab, crush, absorb and swallow those that were turned off or had been just standing around, waiting for orders from her after she took over their control chips. Not that she had many other orders than be eaten and turned into more nanobots.

"You guys really aren't putting up much of a fight now, are you?" Stormy taunted, as she knocked down the wall of the other barracks on the other side of the hallway, and proceeded, like before, to wipe out the ineffectual opposition to her growth and revenge.

Stormy's ears had punched through into the third floor above the bottom research level several times as she dealt with the soldier clones, each hole bigger than the one before. This was the residence level for the higher ups of Reborn America. These rooms were nicer, comfortable and more spacious than the few private rooms given to the soldier clones: they were painted, had single beds, and many, many personal effects: books, games, family heirlooms, TVs, personal computers, and many, many other objects.

Which was exactly what Stormy wanted.

With the last of the soldiers eaten and absorbed, she now pushed her full head up into the suite that belonged to the general of this base.

The old, fat stallion was in his bed, with a young, naked, and very voluptuous vixen, who gave an ear piercing scream as Stormy demolished the wall of the bedroom.

"Oh, hey there General," Stormy smirked. "Sorry to bother you."

"What the hell?" The horse, who was just as naked as the pretty secretary by his side cried out. "Aren't you that robot guy that Doctor was so proud about?"

"One and the same," Stormy said. And you're the leader, general, military dictator of this poor excuse of a successor government, caught having an affair in his own bedroom," Stormy mocked, as she reached up, demolishing most of the rest of the room with her hand, and grabbed the horse with one hand, and the vixen with another. "What would your wife say? Well, if I remember right, she's a scientist... and they are all part of me now, so I guess not much."

"Let me go you mutant beast!" the general bellowed. "Unhand me! I have an army at my command!"

"Mutant? Beast?" Stormy replied in surprise. "General... your beloved, precious America did this to me, turned me into a monster. You should be proud!

And that army? I've destroyed it. Most of your clones are gone already. Your precious robots are no match for me."

The horse tried to struggle to wiggle out of her grip, but her strength was too much.

"Well, well," Stormy said, turning her attention to the vixen, shifting the big titted bimbo enough to see most of her body without letting go. "So you like big tits, huh?" the bionic wolf remarked to the general. "Well, how about these?"

She heaved her chest, her house sized breasts demolishing the rest of the room, the splintered wood, bent metal and crumbling concrete all being absorbed by her body as fast as it landed on her.

The general, despite the fear of being held by a fifty foot tall wolfess in the ruins of his underground bunker was clearly aroused by the sight of the big boobed wolf. The vixen, on the other hand, was still screaming, trying to escape.

"Or, maybe you need something bigger, huh?" Stormy teased, before she pushed the secretary against her own boob, forcing the vixen to be swallowed up by the nanobot skin and taken in to make Stormy even bigger than before.

"What the hell do you want?" the horse cried out.

Stormy's smile vanished from her face as she looked at the general. "I just wanted to be left alone. To live my own life without anyone - anyone - telling me what to do, trying to control me. I lived in fear for years from raiders and mercenaries, and I was forced to watch as Reborn America took away the lives and freedom of many people just like me."

"You... you can go!" The general said "We won't bother you again! Just... shrink and go away. We won't ever come for you again, I promise!"

Stormy clicked her tongue. "Can't take you up on that offer, sorry," the wolf said. "For one thing, I know as soon as you rebuild, as soon as you replace all the soldiers and scientists I've used to grow, you'll just come and kill me, or try to force me back into your control. And even if you left me alone, you'd take over the rest of the continent, and I'd never be left alone. You'd kill and maim and enslave everyone else you find beneath you, which is one thing I really don't like.

"So, how about this instead?" Stormy said. "I destroy this base, kill Reborn America, and you can all go away like a bad dream?"

The horse shivered in fear, knowing that the giant, metal wolf, who just sitting there was still growing as more of the base was absorbed into her own body, as dozens of soldiers and civilians that had been preserved or created to rule the wasteland were crushed and swallowed by her metal body was right: she could, and would, do all that.

"But, how about I give you one last mercy, huh?" Stormy suggested, Before she leaned back, her body pulverizing four stories of the underground bunker into a huge hole in the ground until she was nearly lying down, her head leaning up against the concrete, stone and dirt that made up the outside walls.

The general was about to ask what she was talking about, but glancing down as her hand moved him made him quickly realize what she was talking about.

Stormy moaned, her body shaking in anticipation and lust filled urgency as she rubbed the tiny stallion against her cunt, her folds sliding over the general in what was any straight man's ultimate fantasy. But one push with her finger, and the entire stallion was pushed right up her vagina, closing behind to keep him place, a living dildo for the giant, horny, nanobot wolf goddess.

"Fuck!" Stormy growled as she felt that horse wiggle around in her passage, making her back arch and her legs stiffen and straighten out. It felt even more amazing than the one time that she did it back when destroying Jack's fortress, though that could have been because her senses and feelings were already weak and grew steadily weaker and dull when she didn't maintain them properly.

But now, with that knowledge of what not to do, she was going to do it all right from here on out.

The wolf took a long breath, before she stood up in the huge hole in the base that she had made. She still had to crouch, her back being pushed up against the room of what the blueprints of the base that she had in her memory banks told her was the robotic armory.

Stormy stood up just a little bit, enough to break through the heavily strengthened, six foot thick reinforced concrete floor and throw away the robotic war machines stored directly above her: tanks, planes, vehicles of all kinds, all designed to be operated without any involvement of drivers or mechanics.

Several of the tanks were already firing on her, someone presumably having given the command to attack the giant, hundred foot tall wolf on sight. Not that the armor piercing or high explosive shells or the powerful machine guns caused any damage to her.

Stormy reached into the large storage hanger, still partially bent over, and began to smash, destroy and consume the metal and computer electronics.

"Oh, this is a lot a fun," Stormy grinned, as she easily defeated the weapons and vehicles that tried to attack her

She turned her fingers into artillery, firing shells made from the nanobots in her body to hit tanks that were firing on her and she couldn't quite reach with her arms. Unmanned drones took to the air, firing on her head and upper body as they buzzed around her head. Stormy tried to swat at them like they were flies, but unlike people who had to try to smack down flies with a flyswatter, she made her back open up, revealing pods upon pods of tiny missiles, which were launched, tracking, targeting and exploding the drones, helicopters, aircraft and tanks that were bothering her, laying waste to an entire army in an instant. Each explosion, each crunch of metal, each absorbed robot made her toes curl into the earth that was below even the concrete at the bottom of the base, digging deep trenches into the ground. Her fists grabbed hold of what they could, crumpling hardened alloyed steel into smashed drink cans, as he body shook and rocked with each pleasureable shock through her system

Stormy couldn't help but letting out a loud, powerful roar, standing right up, and smashing through not only the top floor of offices, clinics, and storage rooms, through dozens of feet of dirt, cement and stone, until she was, finally out in the open air, her entire top above her hips exposed to the outside world, but everything below still in the ruins of the base.

She took a deep breath, despite the fact her body, being all robotic and with no necessary life support systems that directly correlated with a normal body. It just... felt right.

The sun was setting to the west, dark reds and purples filled the sky. The first twinkling stars shimmered in the sky above. It felt so lovely, so... final.

"ISAAC," Stormy said with a loud rumble like thunder as she wiggled her hips, widening the opening into the bunker. "What is the current status of Reborn America?"

Currently 79.3% of all offensive capabilities offline; 91% of defensive capabilities offline; life support systems, including food, water, housing, medical care and ventilation systems are critically damaged; top political and military leadership gone or incapacitated. Groups of Reborn America agents, soldiers, diplomats, and other officials are unaccounted at the moment.

"Well, they can be tracked down in time," Stormy said, as she now lifted herself out of the base, and stood on top, towering over the base like a mighty colossus, towering almost 500 feet tall. "Now... is there anyone left inside?"

Members inside the base: zero.

Stormy gave a dark grin. "Well, that should be it. Now-"

WARNING. WARNING. WARNING. ISAAC began to go off, and Stormy's vision began to glow red with danger.

"What!? What! What?" Stormy said, panicking.

Missile launch activation procedures begun! One nuclear missile is being prepared for launch from missile silo attached to the base. Target: Reborn America base.

"So, they are going to try to take me out in a last blast, huh?" Stormy said, looking around to find the silo. "Where is it? I don't remember seeing it in the blueprints."

ISAAC used the computer display on her eyes to pinpoint the location, just a few hundred yards away from the base. Missile launch will commence in two minutes, thirty seconds.

Stormy took three steps and she was already overtop where the silo was located. She could see several metal doors in the ground. She bent down, reached at the first door and ripped it off. It was empty: the missile that was once in there must have been used in the End War.

Two minutes.

So was the second, third and forth silo doors.

One minute, 40 seconds.

Stormy lunged for the last door, and ripped it off. And there it was: a 50 foot long, cylindrical metal tube, painted white with a US flag, with a tapered top.

It looked just like a penis.

One minute, 20 seconds.

A grin crossed her face.

She laid down beside the silo, and grabbed the missile, pulling from the tube.

She really hadn't gotten off with all the teasing, edging and pleasure she had gotten over the past few weeks.

Stormy spread her legs, and pushed the tip against her pussy. The general had long since outlived his usefulness and been absorbed. But even had he been in there, what better way to show just how far he had fallen than to have his most powerful weapon used by her as a toy?

Sixty seconds.

With a deep breath, Stormy pushed the long, phallic missile into her cunt.

She let out a long, loud gasp, a cry of pleasure that echoed over the desert valleys as she was stretched wide by the ICBM. Her legs went straight and weak as she went at it, pulling out the missile, then pushing it back in, and out, and in, stretching her pussy as the nuclear tipped dildo finally was able to scratch the itch that she had ever since she first ate a lab rat at the base where she was turned into his giant, nanobot controlled machine of sex and destruction.

"Oh fuck... fuck, fuck, fuck!" Stormy gasped, as the hand not using the missile as a toy reached up to fondle her large breasts, tweaking her nipples and making her shudder and moan anew.

Thirty seconds.

She almost forgot that she was also trying to disarm the bomb, and the nanobots went to work, trying to disable to warhead as fast as possible.

But it felt so good...

Twenty seconds.

They never tested it, but, could she theoretically survive a nuclear explosion? If she did, it might only be as a few tiny nanobots, and it would take years to get enough material to rebuild her.

But she could.

Ten seconds.

She began rocking that missile back and forth into her vagina, each push in making her gasp and cry out.


She was so close...


It had been so long...


So, so close...


She was going to...











Missile disabled.

Stormy's legs went straight as she finally hit her orgasm. Her whole body rocked and shook, her pussy crushed the remains of the missile, nuclear warhead and all.

But the sheer amount of energy in the enriched uranium was absorbed by the nanobots and her body made her almost instantly double in size, and double again. Each shudder, each shake, felt like an earthquake, as her claws, her heels, her ass, dug out new land features as the mountain sized wolf rode the wave of her orgasm.

After the longest, most intense orgasm of her life, Stormy sprawled over the countryside, almost a full mile in height, her boobs rising as new hills in the middle of the Texas desert.

Stormy panted heavily, staring up at the dark sky, the moon shining down on her and casting long shadows over the flat desert.

"ISAAC," stormy finally panted, her voice a deep rumble from her massive size.

Yes Stormy?

"Remind me..." Stormy said, blinking. "Remind me... I have to get off more often."

<> <> <>

"And that is how the mighty metal wolf destroyed the evil Reborn America," an elderly man told the gathered crowd around the fire.

"Bullshit," one of the grizzled traders said, spitting in the spittoon on the table, before taking another drink of his moonshine whiskey. "Lasers from her eyes? Boob cannons? It's basically a long wet dream."

"She was a robot that could do whatever she wanted!" a woman with an eyepatch and a scar over her eye said. "Once, I heard she grew so big her foot alone wiped out 38 raider gangs who had all gathered to take her down."

"It's just a story," another old man, a long time patron of the bar said. "Reborn America never existed."

"They so did! They killed my great uncle's family 91 years ago!" A young mercenary said, anger in his voice.

There were shouts and bickering around the table as they all tried to , which the figure in the far corner watched in amusement.

A German shepherd waitress in a long skirt and a white blouse came up to the table. "Care for more, ma'am?"

The figure looked at the mug, but shook her head.

"Alright," the waitress said, grabbing the empty beer stein. There was a crash behind her, and she looked over, and sighed.

"What do you make of that story? Pretty... risque and raunchy to have actually happened, I say," the waitress said.

The hooded figure looked up. The wolf gave a smile, her yellow eyes shining in the candlelight of the bar in what was once upstate New York. A blue mark under her eyes was the only distinguishing mark she had.

"Oh, you'd be surprised," she said with a smile.

#EatTheDragons (Commission by DragonFireNY)

#EatTheDragons By Cimmaron Spirit Commission for DFNY WARNING: This story contains: Macro, macro growth, muscle guys, shrinking, oral vore, cock vore, rampage, destruction, excessive cum, masturbation, size difference, making out, flooding, and a...

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Contracts (Unpaid Commission)

Contracts By Cimmaron Spirit Commission for... Well, someone who didn't pay for it \*\*WARNING: Contains: hyper cocks, cock growth, muscles, cum inflation, stretching, anal, fisting, orgasm denial, non-consensual, bondage, magic and all that fun...

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Scavenger: Part 2 (Commission for Giza)

Scavenger: Part 2 By Cimmaron Spirit Commission for Giza \*\*Warning: this story contains: cyborgs, nanobots, soft vore, absorption, oral vore, macro growth, size difference, f/solo sexual acts, violence, rampage and destruction. If you aren't 18...

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