Designated driver Architect of revenge

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Designated driver

Jerome discovers his rape and goes looking for revenge...  Will Bjorn and the boys get po...

Jerome discovers his rape and goes looking for revenge... Will Bjorn and the boys get pounded?

Other stories in this series:

Designated driver Architect of revenge

Bjorn was whistling a merry tune, as he strolled around the locker room. Heading for the whirlpool baths to soak his sore kicking leg. When a huge paw reached out of a open doorway, grabbing the front of his jersey. Massive claws ripping ragged holes in the front of his jersey. As that big paw yanked the little Goat off his hooves and into the darkened storeroom.

"Errr... hi Jerome..." "Whats going on?" The little Goat asked as calmly as he could manage, with his small body smashed up against the hard brick wall. The big Bear leaned in close, starring hard into the kickers eyes. His nose only centimeters from Bjorn's muzzle, hot breath washing over that muzzle as the big Bear growled.

"What the fuck went on last night?" Bjorn's eyes widened and he cleared his throat before asking.

"What do you mean?" "You guys partied same as always, and then I drove ya back to the Frat." Jerome grimaced as if in pain, clearly this was upsetting to the big Bruin.

"My ass feels like someone stuck a flagpole up it!" Jerome grunted blushing now that he was admitting it. "I asked Tod and Cameron what we did last night, but they didn't remember anything more than I did." "Or so they claimed..." Jerome snorted and it was obvious he didn't believe someone. Bjorn stammered and quickly tried to make up some lie, about a drunken bar bet and a whiskey bottle. When Jerome grunted darkly at him. "After I past out... was I ever alone with Cameron?" The big Bear asked, and instantly Bjorn saw the Bears logic... Tod's and his own cocks were to small to make the big Bruin sore... As the little Goat knew very well from past experience...

"Well... yeah... I couldn't carry you up to your room by myself..." Bjorn explained slowly. "So Cam helped me do it, and then I went down to carry Tod to his room." "While he was putting you to bed..." The little Goat lied as glibly as he could.

"Is that so..." Jerome grunted letting the little Goat drop back down onto his hooves.

"So you think he... Ahem... stuck something up your..." Bjorn asked delicately as the big Bear swore under his breath.

"That homo equine bastard fucked me!" The big Bruin growled angrily as he began to pace back and forth cursing. "I'll cut his fuckin' throat... I'll claw his damned balls off... I'll... I'll..."

"Ahem... you could to that... and end up in jail..." Bjorn whispered. "Or... you could give him a taste of his own medicine so to speak..."

"Wha... whatcha mean?" Jerome growled pausing in his pacing to stare down at the little goat curiously.

"I'm just saying turn about is fair..." The little Goat bleated. "You could go out drinking with him tonight... and ya know hold back a bit." "And then once he was drunk... you and a couple of your big dicked buddies on the defense could..." The little Goat grinned darkly... "And whats he gunna do... go to the cops... after he's done it to you first..." "I don't think so." The big Bear grinned at the thought...

"Yeah...yeah turn about is fair play!" He growled in agreement. "And I know just the guys..." He slapped the little Goat on the back friendlily. "Good thinkin' buddy heheh."


"So who all is going with us tonight." Bjorn asked Cameron as the big stallion leaned up against his car.

"Oh Jerome's invited some of his defense buddies along this time..." The tall handsome roan Stallion explained, flashing his best grin at a group of giggling Co'eds as they strolled past. "Ted the Kodiak Bear defensive end... and Jeff's a Percheron Middle lineman I think..." Bjorn winced at the thought of the size of those studs cocks... And then smiled as he saw Jerome and the others stroll over and climb into the car.

"Ammmm so where to first?" Bjorn asked as the big jocks buckled in... and Jerome made grinning introductions.

"Hanraties!" The trio shouted in one voice... which made perfect sense. Hanraties sports bar was the big local hang out for all the collage jocks. The little Goat dropped the shifter into gear and let off the clutch...


Bjorn sat sipping his club soda... watching in excitement as Jerome and the bois induced Cameron to drink more and more. And if the big roan stallion noticed, that them were not drinking much themselves. He showed no sign of it, the big stud was getting drunker and drunker as Bjorn watched. The big equine staggered and nearly knocked over a table, as he headed to the restroom. The Bouncers showed up at once... and the trio had to gather up the drunken horse and hustle him outside. Tossing him into the back seat of the car... Jerome grinned wickedly to the little Goat.

"Takes us back to the house..."

"Ummmm... its still early." Bjorn pointed out, as a drunken Cameron slurred loudly that he wanted another drink. "Unless you want others finding out about this... we'd better not go there." The little Goat advised, as he handed the big stallion a fifth of liquor to pacify him.

"What do you suggest... we do it here in this parking lot?" Jerome grunted...

"No... someone would catch us for sure..." Bjorn grunted then smiled. "Get in... I think I know a quite private place..." The three big horny jock studs piled in... and the little Goat quickly drove them over to the Gym. Explaining about the basement storage room... a buddy of his told him about. "He normally brings Sorority girls down here..." Bjorn explained as he unlocked the door and turned on the lights. As Jeff carried the drunken roan stallion into the room, and dumped him onto the old mats.

Kneeling the little Goat helped Jerome strip the drunken Cameron, even as Jeff and Ted quickly got naked themselves. The drunken stallion wasn't unconscious and began to protest as they flipped him over into the rutting position. Moving up behind him... Jerome pulled that long flowing equine tail up, and handed it to Bjorn to hold up out of the way. The little Goat was kneeling in front of Cameron, his own cock already rock hard. When the big Bear mounted up, it was only as Cameron began to pant and moan softly. That Bjorn noticed the stallion's hot breath on his aroused organ.

"Thats it... whinny mare!" Jerome growled lustfully, as his short thick Bruin fucker hilted in the drunken stallion. His huge paws grasp the roan stud's wide round hip's... as he plowed that taunt equine asshole hard. Bjorn could help from drooling as he watched one big jock rump raping the other. With the draft Horse and the Kodiak Bear standing in line waiting for their turns. Bjorn panted, rubbing the dripping tip of his own aroused cock, against those velvety soft equine lip's. Shockingly those velvety equine lip's parted and that long slick tongue lapped against the tip of that hard cock.

"Ohohoooo..." Bjorn moaned as that hot slick tongue rubbed teasingly over his aroused flesh. Slowly the little Goat maneuvered his hip's... lining his excited cock up with those velvety lip's. And then shoved his hard fucker between them, and they instantly wrapped around that hard male organ... and then the suction began. "Ummmmm..." Bjorn inhaled sharply, as Cameron's muzzle closed around his dripping fucker. The big drunken stallion beginning to suckle at once, making Bjorn pant in delight.

The big Bear heard Bjorn's sharp intake of breath, and then lustful panting. And opened one eye to stare at him for a second, and then burst into rough guffaws.

"What... is the drunken slut sucking on your little diddle stick..." Jerome smirked slapping Cameron's ass cheek roughly with one huge paw. "Good little mare!" Jerome laughed along with Jeff and Ted, even as his powerful hip's piston his fat cock in and out of the stallions hot tail hole. Bjorn hunched over, as Cameron's hot breath whistled through his long slotted nostrils. Washing over the Goats crotch in a most delightful way... even as he fucked Cameron's softly mobile lip's slowly.

"Well that'll keep her quite..." A uncomfortable looking Jeff snorted, clearly the straight stud was feeling ill at ease with the act.

"Fucking hell..." Bjorn panted in delight and awe... almost unable to believe what was happening. The big jock stud was sucking on his cock... "Yeah... ohoo yeah... suck on it..." The little Goat panted, stroking the big studs soft muzzle excitedly, as his hip's began to thrust. Humping Cameron's soft mobile lip's slowly and sensually, going deeper and deeper until his sheath was kissing the horses mouth. The little Goat moaned humping that soft muzzle... fucking those smooth hot lip's lustfully. As he watched the big half intoxicated normally Straight Bear rape his best friends tail hole. The little Goat slipped another fifth, of one hundred and twenty proof liquor from his vest pocket.

Taking a tiny swig and then passing it to the big Bear. "Cheers." He laughed as Jerome grinned at him over the passive stallion's broad back. Taking the bottle Jerome threw his head back drinking deeply before passing it to Ted. The big Kodiak Bear took a long pull on it himself before handing it off to Jeff. The big draft horse killed it, and smiled at Bjorn as he produced yet another bottle. Clearly the big Draft horse wanted to be a lot drunker... if he was going to rut another male.

"Yer a handy guy to have around..." Jeff snickered awkwardly as he took a long gulp from this new bottle. Making the three big Jocks laugh drunkenly... None of them pausing to wonder why, their designated driver would have so much Alcohol on him... Jerome was humping that big pink equine tail hole wildly now... even as he took another long drink. And almost fell backwards, having to grab Cameron's flowing tail to keep himself within the stallion. Drawing a soft grunt of pain, from the big roan stallion; even as the Bear pounded him savagely. Reversing himself the big Bear flopped over the horse's sweaty back. Gnawing on one sweaty shoulder... as he humping hard into that tight tail hole. Growling and swearing softly around his mouthful as he climaxed powerfully into Cameron's hot ass.

"Hey come on... don't hog all the fun..." Ted slurred drunkenly as he pulled Jerome off Cameron's back. Jerome collapsed to the side a half full bottle in one big paw.

"Yeah... Yeah... fuck that mare good." He babbled drunkenly, nursing on that bottle. As he watched the big Kodiak Bear force his massive dick up Cameron's cum drooling tail hole.

"Damn the slut's still good and tight." Ted snorted as the roan stallion's anus clamped down on his huge fucker. "Slick and wet tho'." Ted moaned, as his long thick Kodiak Bear cock began slurping in and out. The Jerome's massive load, making for a slick delightful lube for his hefty fucker. "And I do love a really wet slut..." The horny Kodiak Bear snickered drunkenly, as Bjorn handed him a new bottle. "Bitch is gunna be sore in the morning..." Ted growled lustfully, as he savagely pounded Cameron's tight pink tail hole.

"Hahah... Bitch won't be able to sit down for a week... when I'm done with her!" Jeff boasted as he slowly jacked his massive equine fuck stick drunkenly.

Bjorn had been using their interaction, to keep his mind off what Cameron's soft lip's and hot suckling mouth was doing to his aching erection. But it caught up with him now... and the little Goat moaned loudly. Leaning over the big Roan stallion... but his hand grasping Cameron's long narrow head. Hip's bucking and pumping wildly as his hefty low dangling nuts drew up...

"Ho Hoooo!" Jeff laughed. "I think our little buddy just fed the mare some Goats milk..." The huge draft horse snickered as the panting trembling Bjorn grinned up at them. He had indeed just had his first orgasm of the night, and was quivering in delight as Cameron lapped it up.

"Alright... ya've had yer turn..." Jerome slurred pushing the little Goat out of the way, and pulling Cameron's muzzle over to his own crotch. Even as he took another long drink from the bottle in his paw. "Tha mare can suck me off now..." The big Bear grunted drunkenly, shoving his semi hard cock into Cameron's fawning mouth. The little Goat was shoved over onto his back with his aroused cock still drooling. Bjorn frowned at this rough treatment, but he quickly climbed to his hooves. Watching the two big Bears bouncing Cameron back and forth between them as they rutted drunkenly. Turning he trotted off to retrieve the few remaining bottles he had stashed in the car. Bjorn popped the lid, on the trunk of his small car. And then opened the card board box, retrieving another half dozen fifths of whiskey. Before heading back down into his secret playroom under the gym. By the time the little Goat got back, Jerome was snoring loudly in a drunken stooper. And Ted the big Kodak, was drooling and grunting in lust and deep intoxication. Even as he hammered at Cameron's big round up raised roan buttocks savagely.

While Jeff the big draft horse, was finishing off the bottles Jerome and Ted had been nursing. "There's ma boi." Jeff snickered when he saw Bjorn coming back with a couple of full bottles in his hands. The little Goat smiled at the big Draft horses words. Secretly wondering if the big black and white stallion had a hollow leg. As Jeff had already drunk enough to flatten both of the Bears. Bjorn uncorked the two bottles, taking a long fake swig on one. Even as he handed the other to Jeff... who instantly turned it up. As Bjorn snorted when Ted snatched the other one out of his hand and took a big gulp from it. The little Goat sat the other four unopened bottles down beside Jeff, and then moved back around in front. Tugging the inebriated and unconscious Jerome away from Cameron's gaping muzzle. It was about all the small Goat could manage, and the big black Bear ended up rolled over onto his hefty belly. No one payed any attention to that however... as they were to busy rutting and drinking.

Bjorn quickly motioned Jeff to come up there, the big draft stud rubbed the big blunt head of his oozing cock over Cameron's drooling lip's. Those hot wet velvety soft lip's parted... allowing that oozing cock head into the big jocks fawning mouth. "Ammmmmm fuck!" Jeff moaned in stunned delight as he enjoyed the suction on his mighty mare pumper. "Suck it like yer mothers teat little colt." He slurred drunkenly, as he crammed over half his length down Cameron's throat. Fucking the other stallion's muzzle even more lustfully than he would his girlfriends pussy. Jeff craned his long narrow equine head back and drained his bottle. And then tossed it aside, even as his hip's continued to hump the helpless roans suckling mouth. The big draft horse was linking owlishly now, his big body wavering back and forth as he fucked. Clearly fighting to maintain his balance, as he struggled to get even more of his enormous cock down Cameron's throat.

Meanwhile Ted the big Kodak had slumped drunkenly over Cameron's broad strong back. Biting and chewing on those thickly muscled shoulders, and that long equine neck ridge. As he humped and pumped franticly at that hot clenching tail hole. Grunting and growling loudly as he at last explored deep inside big equine jock's ass hole. Only to pass out almost as soon as his peak had past, snorting and snoring in drunken unconsciousness. Jeff snickered as he watched it all, killing yet another fifth while Cameron moaned and panted on his fat cock. The big draft horse turned to Bjorn as the little Goat handed him yet another bottle. "Looks like it's ma turn ta rut some butt." Jeff slurred obviously deeply intoxicated now, even as Bjorn marveled at how much the big horse could drink. Clearly the big straight, but very drunken stud wasn't having as much trouble with the thought of fucking another males tail hole now. The little Goat decided it was time... to take a chance.

"Come on stud..." Bjorn smirked, reaching out to take hold of the drunken stallion's huge hard on. Pulling it out of Cameron's fawning mouth, and using it to lead the big draft horse around behind Cameron and Ted. "I'll help ya get this big thing in..." The little Goat volunteered as he looked over those two big round butts sticking up in front of them. Tugging Jeff's big blunt cock head down, he smeared pre-cum over that hot tight little pink pucker. And then placed the big stallion's cock head right in the center of it. Holding that long thick shaft as the horny stallion pushed hard against it. Keeping Jeff's long fucking from arching as the big draft horse forced his way in. And then he was whinnying in delight as his big cock forced its way pasted those taut gates. And sank smoothing into the big Bears virgin ass... Jeff starring down stunned for a second. As he realized he was ball's deep in another guys ass, but by then the former totally straight stud was to horny to care. And Quickly began fucking Ted's quivering tail hole as the drunken Bruin moaned and grunted helplessly... Bjorn sat back watching the straight boi jock stud... rape his helpless drunken buddies tight ass. The big draft horse was leaning over Ted's powerfully muscled back. Squealing and thrusting like mad... as the big Bear underneath him grunted and squirmed.

Cameron crawled out from underneath the drunken Kodak and turned to Bjorn. "Damn it I was really looking forward to having that big stud stick up my tail hole!" He complained as the two of them watched the very intoxicated Jeff fuck the big Bear.

"What are you complaining about... you've got plenty of dick already." The little Goat pointed out as he climbed up on top of the semi conscious Jerome. Using a bit of cum leaking from Cameron's red abused tail hole to lube the Bear's tight ass. "And you know he'll be ready to go again in five minutes... if he's anything like you." Cameron smiled as he watched the big draft horse rutting away furiously at Ted's big round ass.

"Yeah... yer right..." Cameron smirked as he moved around behind Jeff, and pulled his long flowing white tail up. Admiring that big round black furred rump as it bunched and flexed. As Jeff fucked his big Bear buddy harder and harder. Cameron slowly masturbating his own long thick pink stud hood, with one huge three fingered hand. "Speaking of..." The big roan stallion snickered, as he slipped up closer. And let the wildly humping Jeff, impale himself on that hard fucker.

"EEEHEHEEE!" The big draft horse squealed as Cameron's big blunt cock head was shoved inside of him. Soon the two big stallion's were humping and thrusting in counter point. Even as Bjorn roughly rode Jerome trembling tail hole as the big Bear moaned and tried to crawl away...


New Adventures in Possession Loss of ones self Chap 5

Warning for Non Con sex... Snuff... Gay Male Sex Magical Body Possession Transgender Body Possession Davor goes looking to possess Veronika's body and ends up getting more than he ever expected... While Toby stumps onto Davors body and gets the same...

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Power of the Plant

Warning for Sex... Odd... Trickery... Neutering... Nullication... Empty sheath docking... Plant... My little sequel to [![](%5C) charn](%5C) hot tale [](

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