A New Dawn

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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#24 of Legend of the Tiger Clan

Even though his wounds weren't fatal Kerric would have to spend a few weeks in the hospital wing with Xani leaving only Shayde, Angel Linda, Sam, Abby and Zeng. Zeng made sure his gear was up to stats while Shayde dropped in on Xani every now and then while the others did everything they could to prepare themselves for the last two remaining shadow knights, Angel brushed up on her tomes, Abby practiced her aim with her throwing knives and Zeng worked on his sword skills while still trying to figure out the riddle on Smolder.

With the dragon scales that were left over from forging their weapons Zeng created a practice target witch he began to use immediately but try as he might he could not cut through the scales and thankfully because the sword was also forged with magic he didn't have to worry about the blade getting dull, soon the next temple was spotted but something was odd about this one, the symbols for the gems of wind and fire were all marked on it and in front of the mountainside were the three pedestals.

No form of words could prepare them for the dangers that lurked ahead and without any second thoughts they made their way through the temple and kept an eye out for anything suspicious, Zengs ears could only hear the howling of the wind and even that was enough to send a chill up his spine Shayde sniffed the air for the smell of rotting flesh but so far nothing as they neared the pedestals.

The moment Angel placed her gem on the pedastal Linda and Shayde were suddenly trapped in blocks of ice and from the mist emerged the two shadow knights, one armed with a blade that had a toothed edge, the other a cape shaped like a pair of wings with blades along the edge, Sam noticed the eclipse nearing its finishing point as he readied an arrow.

"We gotta make this quick! the eclipse is almost finished!"

"Zeng you take the one with the sword! Me Linda and Sam will handle him!"


The knight with the cape simply smirked and took off into the air like a rocket while his partner put up a barrier of ice that seperated him and Zeng from the pedastals and his friends.

"Now young one feel the icy grip of death..."

"You will not stop me shadow knight! my father defeated you and so will I!!"

"Father? *winces eyes to get a better look* Of course!! Bronns child!! I thought I got rid of you with that landslide."


Zeng was shocked to find out that the natural disaster that seperated him from his real family was actually an attempt on his life and the moment he heard this his rage began to boil inside him.

"You see before I was executed I escaped and found Bronn and your mother on a road to a nearby meadow, then I spotted a pile of boulders just off a cliff. I may not have killed them but seeing their faces when they lost you was priceless-HA HA HA!!!"

"You......*grips sword tightly* You-BASTAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRDDDD!!!"

All of Zengs fury was unleashed after hearing what the shadow knight had revealed to him, tears of both rage and sadness were aflood in his eyes as he lashed out at the his opponent, while on the other side Angel and Sam had a hard time bringing down the knight they were fighting and to make matters worse his cape was able to slice through stone each time they hid behind a pillar.

"You are no match for Skyterror and Frostfang, the deadliest of the shadow knights!!"

"AAGH!! I can't get a good shot on this guy!!"

"I have an Idea. Sam? you can form anything with your gauntlets right?"


"Okay here's the plan *whispers into ear*"


This time when they went on the offensive Angel blasted several bolts of lightning at Skyterror as he weaved from side to side only to have Lindas shield slam him in the face the moment she threw it, as he floated there dizzy Sam formed shadow bollas and in one sucessful throw he snared the shadow knight making him fall to his death on the ground below.

While behind the ice barrier Zengs attacks were parried and dodged by Frostfang while he did the same, it seemed like it was an ongoing stalemate and with the eclipse almost finished they needed a miracle, all the others could do was watch as Zeng struggled to gain the upper hand only to have himself slashed on his left shoulder forcing him to weave back in agony.


"Yes feel the pain!! once I slay you my sword will grow even more powerful once it absorbs you soul!!"

The knigt laughed feeling victory was his but as Zeng ignored his pain and stared at him with a fierce gaze his laughter stopped and Smolder began to glow with the holy light.

"You're a fool....A sword has no real power compared to the person who wields it, men like you who seek blood and conquest only see the sword as a weapon of desctruction but when I hold a weapon it becomes more than just a weapon it becomes a too to protect your loved ones and the people around you!!"

As the light grew brighter Zengs wound began to heal and Smolder merged with Zengs claymore unleashing its true form, now Frostfang was begining to grow more nervous now that the sword he aimed to collect would porbably serve as the instrument of his execution.

"For my family...*vanishes in a cloud of dust*"

"What?!? where did-GUUUGH!!!!"

Zeng impaled Frostfang right in his heart as he suddenly appeared before him but as the shadow knight began to fade he only let out a burst of laughter before pointing to the eclipse. They were too late and before their very eyes the seal began to weaken as the mountain began to crumble.

Zeng quickly placed his gem on the pedestal as he heard the sound of stomping coming from a cavern that formed from the mountainside coming down and in a flash the seal began to re-form and from the dark cave came Kairos in all his glory.

"At last after all these centuries I AM FREE!!!"



"If you want to be free you'll have to get through us!!"

Shayde drew his katana before the dragon who simply bursted into laughter thinking this was some joke, a single powerful dragon against a couple of mercanaries and a sorceress but his laughter suddenly died down when he felt his body suddenly being pulled back in slowly.


"Angel what's going on?!?"

"The seal has been reinforced but this time he's too powerful for it to work! we have to stop him from escaping!!"


All but Zeng were afraid as the monster demonstrated his power by summoning skeletons from the dead earth beneath him, as they prepared to fight Zeng turned to his friends feeling that this might truly be their last moments together.

"This is our final stand, what happens here will be remembered forever!! and even if we fail our people will know that we fought with honor-that we fought for the freedom and safety of our homelands-CHAAARGEEE!!!"

The End.

On The Razors Edge

Because of her condition Xani would be spending the rest of the journey in the medical wing with Sparky keeping an eye on her and helping her recover, Shayde and the others however were more focused on the shadow knights after their first encounter and...

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The Fangs of Terror

With the coming eclipse Zeng and his comrades journied to black pillar where the four pedestals awaited, while the ship made its way through the volcanic region everyone checked their weapons and supplies while Saline and Linda sent messages to their...

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On To Black Pillar!

After another day in recovery Zeng was back on his feet and his mothers got him back on training, for two days straight they forced him to go through hours of weapons training and carry numerous heavy objects including themselves. Shayde and the others...

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