A New Age

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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#25 of Legend of the Tiger Clan

The undead stood before the heroes thousand upon thousand but still they held their ground with Zeng leading the attack, thanks to her knowledge of arcane magic Angel was able to summon the holy light, burning them to ashes making the scales tip in their favor but the more they slew the more appeared from the ground to guard Kairos; the master of the mindless undead.

"You guys handle the lackeys!! the main guy is MINE!!"

"Like i'd deny you that pleasure."

With another burst of light Angel cleared a path for Zeng straight to Kairos leaving her and the others to deal with the undead, as Zeng charged in sword in hand Kairos unleashed a stream of fire that reflected off the sword but the blast was more powerful than they realized as the two seperate fire balls landed on both the kingdoms of Schrade and Minegarde, the glow from the flames was as bright as the rising sun, as everyone looked in horror Zeng turned to Kairos now more furious than ever as he leapt into the air slicing the dragons face, leaving a horrendous bleeding scar.


"*activates shield* Oh no you don't-GRRGH!!!"

As Zeng blocked off another fire attack Kairos slammed him away with a powerful backhand sending him straight into the mountainside, the moment Zeng landed on his feet he coughed up a huge blood puddle but still he refused to lose this fight as he rose to his feet in defiance of the shadow dragon.

"Give up boy! even with that sword you are no match for me and your friends are just about finished why don't you all just kneel before me and i'll spare your lives....IF you swear loyalty to me and no other."

"I pity you...you just don't get it even if we die the people of this world; our people will never bow to a monster like you *spits* I don't care if I die or not but i'm going to finish what my ancestors started so long ago."

Kairos attempted to claw Zeng into mincemeat only to have his hand slam nothing but rock as Zeng appeared out of the dust, cuting his throat but narrowly missing both the wind pipe and the jugular vein, Shayde who saw that Zeng had been injured quickly slashed and hacked his way through the undead which was easy since they were all skeletons in rusted suits of armor.

"Sam! you're with me!! Linda! you think you and the others can hold them off?"

"We'll be fine!! now help Zeng!!!"

With Sams power over the shadows the remaining undead blocking their way were easily disposed of while amidst the chaos Zeng hand finally been pinned to the ground with Kairos licking his lips since it had been such a long time since he tasted flesh and blood but as he prepared to chomp off Zengs head Sam fired three shadow arrows while Shayde stabbed his hand allowing Zeng to escape.

"Glad you could make it."

"Like we're gonna let you hog all the action."

"GRRR YOU MISERABLE RODENTS!!!! even if i'm imprisoned someone will come by and set me free and when that happens you will NOT be here to stop me!!"

"Who said anything about imprisoning you again?"

This time all three warriors attacked at once catching Kairos completely off guard as he tried to snare them into his claws. Sam flunged three spears into his shoulders while Shayde sliced off both his wings making him roar in agony, Zengs attacks were the most fierce, savage and damaging as he gouged the shadow dragons flesh with the power of Smolder, then the spell for the seal was suddenly broken as Kairos fell on his back, his blood leaking from every wound in his body.

"Such power....I haven't seen it since...since-!"



"Your majesty"

Saline had appeared before the whole group who had been exhausted beyond measure, as she passed by them her magic replenished their energy and healed their wounds leaving only Kairos as Zeng stood on top of his now dying body.

"I see you met my son Kairos, takes after his father doesn't he?"

"SON?!? *wheezes*"

"I am Zeng of the Tiger Cland shadow dragon!! let my name be the last thing you ever hear and my sword be the last thing you ever feel in this world!!!"


Zeng stabbed his sword deep into the dragons heart and because of its purity it burned Kairos from the inside out as he arched his back the moment the light came bursting out of his mouth and eyes then finally his body was reduced to ashes and blown away by the wind.

The battle was won and Gaia was safe but the people had to rebuild their lives and because of the damage it would take years to rebuild the two great cities but Zeng had another idea. within the next year he taught the people how to live off the land, build houses and huts from the stone and trees of the forest and eventually he assembled his own band of hutners to provide food and protection for the people but for Shayde and the others staying in one spot just wasn't for them.

"You guys sure you don't want to stay?"

"Yeah, besides i've got places to go, bounties to collect and all that."

"Same here and it's about time me and Xani headed back to Tayuna it's been forever since I slept in a decent bed."

"CHIEF ZENG!!! A wyvern has been spotted in the eastern meadow killing livestock!!"

Yes. Zeng was now chief of his own village, even though Gaia had been reduced to the savage land it once was this marked a new age for the people of Gaia and marked the end for the Legend of The Tiger Clan.

The Final End.

A New Dawn

Even though his wounds weren't fatal Kerric would have to spend a few weeks in the hospital wing with Xani leaving only Shayde, Angel Linda, Sam, Abby and Zeng. Zeng made sure his gear was up to stats while Shayde dropped in on Xani every now and then...

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On The Razors Edge

Because of her condition Xani would be spending the rest of the journey in the medical wing with Sparky keeping an eye on her and helping her recover, Shayde and the others however were more focused on the shadow knights after their first encounter and...

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The Fangs of Terror

With the coming eclipse Zeng and his comrades journied to black pillar where the four pedestals awaited, while the ship made its way through the volcanic region everyone checked their weapons and supplies while Saline and Linda sent messages to their...

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