Alpha And Omega: Further Exploration
A continuation of Youthful Exploration, our heroes explore their unfamiliar surroundings; each other, themselves, and the feelings they have toward one another.
It might be porn, but it's a love story too. I appreciate all feedback.
The ride back was fraught with more nuzzling, kissing, playing, and the like. The two wolves finally able to fully realize their affections to one another they choose not to waste a moment but for the typical canine necessities; grooming, sleep, etcetera. They were happy.
Kate stirred from her nap and out of the clingy clutches of her lover who remained fast asleep, walked over to the train's sliding door and took in the sights They were close now. Once they got back they could be a real couple. Finally, they could do whatever they wanted. No old laws to weigh them down, no jealous other wolves to keep an eye on. Just contentment...and good god above she still needed a bath.
There was; however, much to be done. She had to secure them a steady supply of food, berries would be well and good but not long term. She had to find them a den, she had to make sure no humans would disturb them. After all that too, she needed to do a bit of scouting. Whether or not there were other wolves in the park could change their plans. Natural hazards, proper trails, proper shelters in case of emergency. Proper escape routes too...ugh so much to do. It was going to be worth it though. seeing him happy, that would all be worth it in the end.
"Hey!" Kate gave Humphrey a quick smack on the snout with her tail causing him to jump up exaggeratedly.
"wah-what?" Humphrey shook himself awake
"Were almost here..." she chuckled.
"Oh...yeah I guess we are." Humphrey brought himself to his paws with a melodramatic, effort heavy groan. He plopped himself down and gave his mate a cheerful smile, or as close to one he could manage. "So...are you ready?"
"Yeah...are you?" Kate circled him, eying his form and sizing him up. Unless they got exceptionally lucky this was going to be a difficult jump. A jump, or a fall. "You know how to catch yourself, right?"
"Uh..." Humphrey tilted his head, worriedly widening his eyes
"Alright so, jump out, roll with the momentum don't fight it. Try to keep your head. You'll be fine." Kate bumped into him with her rump as a means to ease the tension. "I've done this alot before. Not from a train, but you know, training. Heh. It'll be fine don't worry!" though Kate was more trying to ease her own worries than Humphrey's
Humphrey did his best to appear relaxed, with a nonchalant ear scritch from his hind paw and a yawn. "I'm not worried...I just uh... think you skipped a few parts-"
"Come on, man up. Here, follow me and just do what I do, okay?" she nudged him with her muzzle. "You know I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Kate brought her maw to his neck and gave him a gentle nibble. Showing ownership in this way was common of Alphas but it caused Humphrey no small amount of stress to have the teeth of a trained hunter so intimately coming into contact with him. He gulped.
"Uh...what are you doing?" Humphrey held himself still against the wishes of his body. He knew Kate wouldn't hurt him but he couldn't help showing how specifically uncomfortable she had made him.
"I'm marking you. Come on, I'm not gonna hurt you. I mean really, I might be scary but I'm not gonna just...murder you for being a little nervous." Kate leaned back and curled her tail around herself. She averted her gaze and stared into the wood flooring of the train car. She wouldn't dare admit it, but she really took great pains not to seem like her mother. "I mean-I'm not gonna. I won't hurt you..." Kate exhaled slowly. "Sorry..."
"No. Kate really I a little...uh. Nervous! Nervous is all. You were right." Humphrey shrugged and brought a forepaw to his muzzle as he cleared his throat. "Do alphas do that alot, biting your mate? Cause if it's just like a custom than I'm fine with it. I thought it meant something else."
"Well kind of." Kate flipped her tail and sighed. "I just thought that you would do it the same way. A little nibble on the neck for us is kind of can I explain it...kind of like kissing someone, but at the same time it means you're never going to let anyone else kiss them. Marking your territory, but on your mate. Does that make sense?"
"Yeah I guess. I don't really have a problem with it it's just for Omegas biting means something different." Humphrey uncomfortably fidgeted his paws and laughed it off. "That was...I guess I was just confused. My bad, really sorry."
"Something different?" Kate's ears pricked up and she met her mate's eyes once more.
"Yeah...uh...for us it's a way to say...well, to put it politely. 'Let me fuck your brains out.'"
"Oh! Wow that...Yeah I can see why you would be confused. Heh. Okay to be clear, if you wanna do that we should wait until we get somewhere safe first. Omegas kind of have a one track mind huh?" Kate smiled and chuckled. With a dismissive paw wave she continued. "If I have to deal with this for the whole time we aren't even gonna make it to a den before you end up mounting me again! heh he he heh."
Humphrey had that smile on his face Kate was so fond of, and laughed with her. "Yeah...well I...I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you talk about sex so openly like this. It's really reaaally hot."
"You think everything's hot! Kate offered, with an eye roll. "I could just lay down in the grass and you would probably be poking me in the back like 'hey can you help me this?"' Kate did her best mock-humphrey voice "And then you would shove your sheathe in my face..."
Humphrey lowered his ears and seemed to shrink a little bit as he lowered his head embarrassed. "Is that bothering you? Cause I can tone it down a bit."
"Oh no, I wasn't complaining. I like it when you got all needy. Makes me feel sexy" Kate let the last couple syllables trill along her maw as she spoke. "Ah gosh, really. I've never felt so hot! You're...fawning over me and I really, really am into that."
"Ah yeah. Heh." Humphrey softened a bit. "Well I mean it. Hottest girl in the pack, you know?"
"Mmm. You keep that up, im gonna end up sucking you off right here. Again. And it would be your fault." Kate gave a rueful smile and winked. "You already have me as a mate, Humphrey you don't need to keep wooing me. I'm very well seduced by now." She punctuated her monologue with her tail thumping against the wooden floor of the train car.
"Hey...what can I say?" Humphrey shrugged. "I'm just a hopeless romantic trying to impress a cute girl." Humphrey placed a forepaw on his chest and took a bow, lowering his head before his mate and giving his best attempt a french accented "M'lady"
"Oh god stop!" Kate brought a forepaw to her face and covered her eyes, winging. "You look like a doofus, get up. Please!" Despite herself she couldn't help but chuckle a bit. When she next dared to peek from behind her paw, her mate was standing upright once more with his typical cheeky grin plastered on his maw.
"Whaaat I thought you liked when I performed?" Humphrey turned sideways and lifted a forepaw off the ground, straightening his neck and heroically posing for his mate's benefit. "No one appreciates an artiste! Hmph! How unbecoming! A proper lady should appreciate fine art when she sees it!"
"A proper lady? What are you some kind of high society rich humans pet now or something?" Kate rolled her eyes and sat down, leaning against the walls of the car.
"Indeed madam. I'll have you know that...alright this is getting old." Humphrey shook himself and stretched. "The accent hurts my throat." Humphrey said as he trotted over to his lover and laid beside her.
"I meant what I said, Humphrey. I like how horny you are all the really does make me feel good." Kate nuzzled into her mate's neck stopping herself from biting this time.
"That's great babe...cause I don't know how I could tone it down, to be honest." Humphrey felt kate's tail curl around his as he laid his head down. "I've always been a blooded, I guess. And being around you can be distracting."
"Oh I know, you said you jerk off, what, three times a day was it? Tsk tsk poor Omega." Kate cooed. "You will never have to worry about that long as i'm your mate." Kate's tail tightened. "Anytime you want. Anytime at all. I mean anytime, you could jump me out in the middle of the park and I probably wouldn't say no."
"Whoa...seriously?" Humphrey's tail did its best to wag, alas it was caught in the vice like fluff of his mate's. "I mean...that's a lot of power you're giving me. I'll try to control myself but this is like a dream come true."
"No don't. Just give me everything, any time you would normally paw off just use my paw instead! I want you to satisfy you. That sounds...not right. I mean, I want to be like...yours. I already am but how do I...I want to be the one that makes you cum. Like, really badly? Does that make sense?" Kate looked to her mate anxiously.
"I think. I really liked when you came on my paw, but they way you talk about it sounds like you enjoy pleasing a lot more than being pleased. Are you asking me if that's normal? Kate, how much do you know about like, how to have sex?"
"Everything. I know how to mate. I've had the talk, obviously. Remember how you mounted me?"
"Yeah but I mean much do you know about the specifics of sex and how wolves react during sex?"
"Uh...I don't know what you mean." Kate shook her head. "I know what a knot is and how to-"
"Mhm. Okay listen, I'm gonna start talking and if it's something you already know, stop me okay?"
Kate nodded curiously.
"Okay so usually, you'll have someone who likes to be on the top and someone who likes to be on the bottom. Now me, I could do either. I'm fine with pleasuring or being pleasured. Some people just prefer to pleasure others, that might be you. Did you feel kind of guilty after I jilled you off?"
Kate nodded once more, slightly embarrassed.
"Yeah so, you're the pleasurer type. We should probably work on that guilt thing later, but moving on for now. I should say I'm completely down with what you want. I mean, who would say no to a blowjob, heh? But you aren't feeling weird things. It's completely normal to want to please someone else as much as possible, and you should know a lot of guys look for girls who are your type specifically. aren't weird if that's what you're thinking." Humphrey smiled. Not the smug type she was used to, more of a calming confident type.
" you're really knowledgeable about this stuff huh?" Kate rubbed her forepaws together and felt heat rising to her furred cheeks. "I guess...that makes sense. I just want to make you happy. Are a lot of Omegas like me?"
The train car click-clacked along the tracks.
"Most of us, probably. I'm nowhere near someone who's an expert on how Omegas act during sex but I know a lot of girls that definitely wouldn't be the selfish type while mating at least." Humphrey nuzzled into kate's neck. "So don't worry about it, babe."
"Mmh...okay. So, you're more of an expert on this than me...what do you think I should do?" Kate looked to her mate once more, ears perked to listen.
"Before I say did you learn about how to mate?"
Kate sighed. "So...short version. My mom sat me and my sister down in our den once. I was pretty young, just getting into the age you know. She told us how to mate and to come to her if we had questions and all that. It wasn't ever really relevant until now."
"That's it? Just what goes where, nothing else?"
"No. You know mom, she's not good with things like that..." Kate laid her head down, looking out the train car door and watching the scenery pass by. "And also to never mate unless you're married. I feel like I already crossed the line there, though. So who cares..."
"...Alright, I've got a lot of work to do then. answer your earlier question..."
Kate's ears pricked back up, and she shifted her head to face her mate.
"Sex isn't this...boring, formula thing where you just stick rod A into slot B for twenty minutes. It's about fun. Everyone involved should be enjoying it, all the time. Period. If you just cut it down into this 'task' it gets boring and lame. It should be spontaneous and wild, like, get crazy with it, okay? Do whatever you want. Take me however you want! Whatever crazy things you can think of that you want to do, let's do it. Lets...I dunno, maybe you're into having your tail worshipped or something. That's fine, little weird but I can do that! I'll learn!
Kate sat up and stretched. "It's okay, I just want to please you. Really, let's just do what you want."
"If that's what you want." Humphrey held eye contact as he spoke. "But if you ever don't want to, or you want to do something else just tell me no, okay? It's not fun for me if you aren't enjoying it too."
"Yes, Thank you for being so concerned with me but I know what I want." Kate spoke in a proper manner, being as clear and concise as possible.
Humphrey exhaled deeply and smiled. "Well I'm not complaining...but seriously, talk to me if you don't feel up to it, okay? Promise?"
Kate rolled her eyes but obliged. "I promise."
The train had emerged from the forest and passed into a clearing. A lake lay on the far side and tall, soft grass surrounded the rail line."
"Now is probably our best bet. With me, okay?" Before Humphrey had time to protest Kate was off, executing a textbook fall breaking roll an coming to an elegant stop in a particularly soft patch. She got up and brushed herself off making sure to pick out the dirt from her tail specifically. Unfortunately, in her practiced roll she lost track of her mate "Humphrey?"
"Im okay" came a distant, pained voice. Worried, she followed it to the source.
Humphrey was on his back in a patch of broken grass. He looked up to her with more of a sad expression than a pained one.
"God, are you okay?" Kate trotted up to him biting her lower lip and nuzzled into his chest. "Oh god I shouldn't have made you-"
"Hey it's just a rough landing"
"Are you sure? let me look at you. Where does it hurt?"
"Well my forepaws feel sore but I'll be fine."
"Can you move them? Let me see."
"You know i'm not made of paper..."
"I..." Kate huffed and collected herself. "So you're fine? Really?"
"Yes...I promise."
"Alright," Kate exhaled a sigh of relief. She was worried she had just accidentally crippled her mate"Can you walk?"
"Uggh. Yeah. I'll just shake it off"
"Okay...we still have to find a den. Come on." Kate nosed Humphrey onto his feet doing her best to help get him upright.
"Well before we do that, don't you still want to clean yourself?"
"Oh right...there was a lake on the edge of the forest up there, we can use that. Follow me"
"...I get to watch?"
Kate started on her way, gesturing with her tail for him to follow.
"Wait, no?..."
"You're going to clean me yourself, remember? Hmph..."
It was a less than a minute walk. With Humphrey more so giddily hopping than walking along behind her.
"You know you've seen me do naughtier things than bathe..." Kate rolled her eyes noticing the Omega's reaction.
"Yeah but. Well. It's an experience thing I guess. I like trying new things."
"Hm," the Alpha's ears twitched.
The water was sparkling clear, pure. Surrounded by cattail plants and distant audible ribbiting.
"This'll do, keep an eye on me alright?" Kate said, softly.
"I would never turn down a chance to see you wet"
"oooh. That one was terrible..." Kate chuckled and kept her eyes locked on her voyeur as she lowered herself into the water about half way. Low enough to cup a bit of the lake water into her paw and run it through her fur. Though she took a small amount of pleasure in running it slightly slower than normal. She took extra special care to let humphrey know she was doing this for him, be it with a pouty grin when she brushed off some Omega spunk still lodged in her fur or
a theatrical feminine moan as she brushed her paw over a sensitive spot.
Despite how mundane this was compared to her recent exploits. Kate still noted, as she thought it would be, that humphreys bright red cock was standing erect and pointing skyward, parting his sheathe. "Predictable..." Kate motioned towards him and gave a heavily exaggerated girlish giggle."Do you enjoy it that much? I haven't even done anything yet..."
"'re really hot."
"You've said that before..."
"I really mean it!" The Omega's gaze wandered across the eye candy buffet provided so helpfully by his lovely mate.
"hmhm. Yes I can see that you mean it from here."
Humphrey curled his tail around his legs and lowered his head with a shy smile on his lips.
"'re putting on an awesome show. Can you really blame me?"
Kate rolled her eyes. "Do you want to get my hair for me, casanova?"
Kate finished scrubbing off her paws. As if to acknowledge her, tiny waves brushed past her fur and wrapped around her body in the cool embrace that followed her mate slinking into the water. Wordlessly, he dipped a paw into the lake and ran it down her back more exploratory at first. As he gathered confidence, he sat into a rhythm. Starting at her shoulders, he would scrub downward brushing off any spunk along with the usual dirt and grime such an adventurous female typically runs afoul of.
"mmh. You know I have to say... you're good with your paws, Omega. Have you done this before?" She spoke in a mock condescending tone. but the way she said it caused Humphrey to get even more...'excited' than he was previously. Kate still could smell it, that lovely musk she so adored. Such a strong, feral scent from such a cute and kind wolf. It was a lovely bit of natural hypocrisy.
"You would know..." Humphrey moved up to run his paws through her hair.
"If anyone knows how good I am with my paws, its you."
"Hehe, I guess you're right."
"You know just say the word and I can refresh your memory."
"Mmhmmmmmmkay when did you get so good at this?"
Kates tail wagged underwater causing pleasant movement sensations to brush Humphrey's sheathe. Further skyrocketing the tormented male's arousal.
"I eh heh...I guess its a sink or swim thing. When you have a mate as hot as I do, you want to make sure she feels good."
Kate's claws dug into the rock bed underwater. Humphrey repositioned again, leaning over her to get a good angle on her rear haunches.
"But um," Humphrey continued "I guess I thought about this a lot, so maybe I just have been preparing for this long enough to be comfortable with it."
"You thought about it?"
"Yeah I... ahem." Humphrey replanted his forepaws at kate's neck having finished up his dutiful scrubbing and started again from the top, just to make sure he hadn't missed a spot. "I have thought about running away with you for...awhile. And when you asked me to back there it was like a dream come true."
"So, thank you I guess. I know you're kind of going to have to carry me on your back here since i'm not really good at hunting or...survival or anything so just thank you me the opportunity, I guess."
Kate turned around, disregarding the teasing from earlier and she looked her mate in the eyes. Those blue eyes..."No don't. You don't have to worry about any of that, my job is providing for us. Keeping you safe...I know it's not really traditional. But...I will. I promise. I swear."
"I just don't want to be a burden to you."
"The whole reason I came out here was for you. You won't be a burden. Just being around you makes me feel better. Okay look...back there, at Jasper. I had to feed a whole pack. Everyone counted on me. When I messed up the whole pack hurt for it but with you...there wouldn't be nearly as much stress. I think I can manage just feeding myself and one other wolf without much issue, if I can do that for so long"
"Hah okay...I shouldn't have doubted you. I still feel kinda scummy not being able to help but if you think we can then-"
Kate stepped forward and nuzzled into her mates neck. Very softly, as if she was worried about startling him. "If I didn't think we could do it, I wouldn't have asked you to come with me." Humphrey sighed contentedly and returned the nuzzle. Seizing the moment, he gave his mate a little nip on the neck causing her to gasp involuntarily. "I trust you, Kate."
"Mmh...was that an Alpha bite or an Omega bite?"
"Little bit of both really." Humphrey winked.
Kate pulled back, locked eyes with her mate for a moment, and pushed her muzzle to his. Rubbing their noses together in the traditional fashion, but not satisfied with the relatively mundane act of affection she pressed her muzzle against his. Sliding her tongue between his teeth and exploring the inside of his mouth.
Humphrey did his best to fight back, but alas when a deadly she-wolf has you in her sights there's nothing you can really do. Backing up against the edge of the lake he let himself fall over back onto solid ground, she wolf still atop him and locked muzzle to muzzle.
Kate planted her paws on either side of Humphrey's head as she dug her muzzle into his, locking tongues and closing her eyes.The feeling of having a loving mate underneath you was one to relish, and kate revelled in it. Planting a paw on her mate's chest she pulled off of him and smiled. She was done for now sure, but she wanted to keep him there just incase she felt like starting again.
"Holy...Are all Alphas this good at kissing?"
"Maybe. You won't ever find out."
"Oh, you are definitely right about that..."
Kate scooted her rump up and sat on humphreys chest. Letting her hind legs rest by her side, and planting her forepaws on her mate's chest. She looked down to him and smiled.
"Kate...I'm with you for your personality and all...but god you're really hot"
"Thank you." She licked her lips at him. "You're pretty hot yourself"
Humphrey's tail kicked up dust as it began to wag. "You're...oh my'd I get so lucky"
"Weeeell, you're funny, charming, nice, cute, and hot. Basically the perfect guy. Sooo that's how."
"okay now who's the flatterer?"
Kate rolled off him with with a chuckle, and laid her head to rest on his chest, looking into his eyes. "You got me...I guess you rubbed off on me."
"In more ways than one, huh?"
"Ugh," Kate leaned up and gave him a lick across the cheek. "You really enjoyed that didn't you?"
"I mean...yeah. Hottest girl ever lets me jerk off on her. Kind of something to remember."
" know were mates, right?"
"Uh...yes?" Humphrey's head tilted curiously.
"Sooo that doesn't just have to be a one time thing. We can fool around like that again if it's something you're really into."
"...I was really really into it"
"hmhm okay then. Whatever you want."
"Kate you really are too good to me...I feel like I don't deserve this."
"Oh shut up..." Kate gripped the base of her mate's sheathe with her paw and began to slowly stroke upward, bringing her paw to the tip of his prick and back down to the base, she perched up on her free forepaw, partway leaning over the male. "Just let me help you..."
"Tsss...okay..."he gasped. "You're very persuasive-" Humphrey's back arched, and claws extended underneath his lover as her paw worked his shaft. Kate's head tilted to the side as her paw worked its magic. She explored him then, in the truest sense of the word. She ran her paw along the thing, suppressing the surprisingly strong urge to giggle as it throbbed in her grip.
Yet, she liked to tease him, holding her paw at the tip and giving it a little pinch before gripping the base tightly on the way down and giggling at the reactions he would have. Humphrey ran one of his paws along her back and held her to him, quite happily letting his Alpha have as much fun as she pleased.
"Why's it so red, though?" Kate laughed as she held her paw at the base to get a good look at her mate's most private area. She toyed with it a bit, trailing her paw up and down. Feeling the firmness of it, how it seemed to soften at the tip but got harder the further down she touched. Marvelling at how it changed texture, from his fuzzy sheathe to the tautness of the tip. Out of curiosity, she committed each inch of Omega cock to memory. "It uh. Just looks like that. Nnnh please keep going!" Humphrey whined as his pleasure slowed down, weakly trying to hump against the paw denying him what he needed, forcing Kate to press her free paw into his hip, holding him down.
"Tsk be patient..." Kate leaned into his crotch and gave him a coy look before nuzzling her nose against the base of his sheathe and inhaling his scent. Such a strong musk, she noted. Very masculine. Kate eyed her mate with the same look on her face and offered him a pout, accompanied by an exaggerated feminine sigh. "I...feel like I want to lick it! Hehe." Kate made a point to widen her eyes, appearing as adorable and innocent as possible.
"Y-yeah! You know you can." Humphrey pleaded. "Do whatever you want..." He nodded his head in affirmation and wiggled under the weight of his Alpha, signifying his submission. Before she could start; however, Humphrey got an idea. Shaking himself free of his mate's lust he looked back to her, focused trepidation in her eyes. "Wait." The word broke her from her trance, and she met her mate's eyes once more. "Let me taste you instead. You'll enjoy it..." He let the 'T' sound trail along his muzzle for emphasis.
"H-humphrey I said I don't really mind just doing what you like." Kate stepped backwards cautiously, withdrawing her paw from the male in order to collect herself. She attempted to formulate a rebuttal. "Besides I would feel selfish. Let me just-"
Shaking his head, Humphrey stood, took a paw and and held it to his lovers back. "Trust me." He met her eyes once more, and flashed a confident smile. "I can make this better for both us, just let me."
"Let you? Humphrey, I" Kate was prepared to protest once more but something in the way he talked made her feel...warm. Content. Her objections long since silenced by the Omegas trademark confident gaze.
"I promise it will be better this way, now lay on your back." He spoke with a wagging tail. He leaned forward, and brought his muzzle to hers. Kate made no effort to resist as the Omega brought a paw to her shoulder and eased her onto the ground, giving her little kisses along her cheeks, her neck, her stomach as he went. Coaxing tiny moans from her as she fell to his advances, until finally he was brought to her crotch. Before anything else, Humphrey looked up to his mate for one last go ahead.
"Be gentle." Kate barely managed to squeak out, before the lashing tongue of her Omega forced her to interrupt herself with a sudden intake of breath. The Omega dug his muzzle into her sex without any pretense of foreplay and Kate's claws dug into the dirt while the Omega explored her nethers. He focused on using his nose at first, pushing the comfortingly cool thing along the edges of her folds, adding a tiny flick of the tongue along her walls every now and again for variety. Humphrey wasn't an expert at this, no question. However; he must of had some experience; kate surmised, as he trailed his nose along the most sensitive parts of her. The cool against her own heat was a very particular feeling.
Kate rested her forepaws on her mate's head and closed her eyes, content to let her lover have his way with her. Kate pawed humphrey's mane happily as he worked, rewarding particularly pleasurable movements with little grips of his fur and soft moans. Despite her earlier misgivings, she found that just laying back and letting her lover take the lead could be quite pleasurable.
Kate arched her back as she felt Humphrey take his tongue, now mixed with saliva and fem-lube, to task. She relished in how he glided it along her spade. He was measured with how he pleasured her, never completely penetrating her. Only making little circular movements along her entrance, drawing little bullseye's with his tongue. He was teasing her. Despite her bliss, Kate willed her lust addled mind to find a way to return the favour. With how Humphrey held her, paws between her legs and muzzle buried inside her she had to get creative. Briefly, she thought of using her tail but she wouldn't be able to get a decent grip without awkwardly shuffling around. Hm...maybe...
"Scoot up for me, please..." Though humphrey was preoccupied, his ears twitched in acknowledgement and he shifted himself to a sitting position, taking pains not to interrupt his oral ministrations and brought his cock, now rock hard, to rest just above kate's tail. Exactly as she planned.
Kate's hindpaws wrapped around the base of Humphrey's cock with light difficulty. She couldn't see clearly, so she had to go by feel and guesswork, but by the way Humphrey looked up to her in surprise she figured she hit her mark. Her paws stroked upward, awkward and untrained as she was it was difficult to get the hang of how exactly to move her paws.
Humphrey reached down, took one of her hindpaws in his, and held it to his sheathe. Kate let him, mimicking the movement with her free leg, she pressed his cock between her paws, wiggling the digits of her trapped paw while her free pressed into his cock and stroked along Humphrey's shaft. She did her best mimic jacking him off, as she had done with her forepaw earlier. It was awkward stroking, however. The new position and unusual circumstance led to her fumbling and grabbing his forming knot accidentally more than once. Humphrey's huffs of exasperation told her she was on the right track at the very least.
The bigger hint; however, came when humphrey, despite his best efforts, began to fuck her hindpaws using his own leaking pre as lube. Stroking him got so difficult, what with him humping against her and her lack of experience she instead opted to just press her paws together and let humphrey use them as he pleased. Not that kate minded, she found that the feeling of warm wetness sliding between her hindpaws comforting. Sexy even, it felt far better than it had any right to knowing she was able to please a male with just her paws.
Through all of this, like the true gentleman he is, he faithfully kept his muzzle buried inside her cunt and licked away. Kate's own peak was fast approaching, and the sinking feeling in her stomach grew as her senses began to overwhelm her. That tingly feeling signaling impending orgasm approached and she tapped her lover on the head, a signal. Humphrey knew what it meant but he was too caught up in his own climax to care. He simply let his muzzle rock in time with his humps regardless of the mess he might cause.
"Humphrey slow down." Kate spoke between pants. "Try and do it with me, I want to finish together...please." Begrudgingly, humphrey slowed his humps and redoubled his efforts
on pleasuring his mate. He was close, he wanted her closer. He grinded his cock against her paws slowly, leaking bits of pre onto them as he did his best to edge himself at the request of his lover
Humphrey slowly rocked his hips along her hindpaws as he ate her out. Every so often he would approach his peak, and slow himself down. Kate's wish stuck with him. He wanted to do it with her, even if it meant delaying his own climax for her benefit. For her benefit. For her benefit! God, even having her here with him was driving him insane with lust. The way she moved, the way she talked, the way she so coyly seemed to coax him to arousal for no other reason than because she could, and that she was so receptive to his advances afterward drove him wild. She was the perfect female, without any shadow of a doubt she was perfect and god he needed to show her what he felt. Yet, he did not fuck her sexy hindpaws as his instincts told him. He bided his time, waiting for her to signal she was coming.
Kate's forepaws locked around his head and held his muzzle to her crotch. Humphrey knew what was about to happen. He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the first wave
of fem-cum brush past his muzzle, keeping his tongue stuck out for her. All of this, Kate's moans, her taste, her scent, and the way her paws were twitching from her orgasm along his cock sat him off. Instinct took hold and he was driven into a mating frenzy, fucking her paws reckless abandon. Kate felt the uptick of energy in his humps as she was winding down. In spite of her fuck-happy, lust addled mind she pressed her hindpaws into his knot and ran a forepaw through his mane, goading him on under her breath.
The clawed hand of instinct pulled him further, still. Cognizant of his unfamiliar surroundings, Humphrey successfully suppressed the urge to howl as he knotted the paws of his lover and coated the Alpha's fuzzy digits in a layer of alabaster white. Kate's paws twitched errantly from the remnants of orgasm, further adding to the omegas pleasure.
Now more confident in her hindpaw play, Kate sat to teasingly rubbing one along the knot and dabbing along the red tip with the other, all the while she ran her free paws through his mane and patted along his neck. Softly cooing as she felt the twitching of a spent male organ as it shot its last bits of seed, mussing up her tail fur and giggling when he grunted from the feeling of her paws pressing his shaft between them. Kate found it endlessly satisfying she was able to elicit such an erotic response with just her hindpaws.
"You're right...that was kind of better," she offered, chuckling as she felt yet another bit of seed leak onto her paws. Her tail slowly swished beneath them, contentedly. "I think...I liked that one the best. heh he."
"Yeah heh...whew. Sorry about your paws I made uh..." Humphrey glanced down underneath himself before returning to his mate with a shrug. "Another mess. A decent one this time, too. Sorry babe."
"Oh I think I'm getting used to having messy fur, it's no big deal." Kate rubbed her paws together for emphasis, squeezing the Omega's deflating knot and coaxing a very
unsubtle moan from him. "Does that make me a slut?"
"Nnnhhf...uh. No, no some wolves just enjoy that kind of thing...I don't mind anyway if you're into it go ahead, don't clean yourself. I'm absolutely okay with that. Not like there's anyone around who we care about the opinion of, right?"
"Yeah but I kinda wanna lick them clean, though..."
"Oh god Kate..." Humphrey humped against her paws once more at the thought before stopping himself and groaning. "Just do whatever you want oh god you're really, really freaking hot."
"Yeah I never got to taste it this time you know. It's only fair." Kate pursed her lips. "Would you mind moving back for me, dear?"
Humphrey took a couple steps backwards, withdrawing his still leaking prick from the clutches of his Alpha in the process and spilling a bit more Omega seed onto her tail as he went.. Kate noticed his full attention was locked to her hindpaws.
Without sitting up fully for worry of dirtying up her already messy paws, Kate brought one to her muzzle and,while holding eye contact with Humphrey, she stuck her tongue to her toe-claws and that taste of salty Omega she so enjoyed greeted her once more. She gave it a long, lascivious, self indulgent lick from claw to joint. Catching as much spunk on her tongue per lick as she could manage, only breaking eye contact to make sure she was aimed correctly.
Humphrey couldn't tear his eyes away if he wanted to. Even though he had never been a particular fan of hindpaws, watching her enjoy herself so much made him want to enjoy himself too. Briefly, he considered asking if he could help...even if he had to taste himself it might be worth it.
When kate swapped paws Humphrey felt his heart skip. His cock continued its dribbling of spunk as he watched, mesmerized. He was struck with surprising, and deeply unnerving feelings of, of all things, jealousy. He wanted to taste it with her, to lock his tongue with hers and share in what she experiencing Maybe if I asked next time she would let- Humphrey stopped himself before he could finish the thought. Maybe he was just into paws and not tasting himself, he told himself. Whatever the reason was Humphrey was following along the movements of Kate's tongue with incredible interest.
Kate stretched her leg out languidly, turning over to make sure she had cleaned it off completely.
"...Uh...Humphrey can I be honest with you for a second, I think...I may have a fetish." Kate looked to her mate, her blushing face showing through her fur.
"Yeah me too...oh, hindpaws? That's normal." Before Kate had time to properly process his freudian slip he changed the subject "Common too, I don't have it myself but-"
"No, no...I'm not into other wolves paws I just really really like how it felt when you came on mine, and how it felt to have know that warm feeling on them when you were rubbing your...thing on them, I liked it..." Kate looked away and bit her lower lip. "I don't know if I liked it enough to be into it but I really enjoyed watching you have fun with my paws and it felt so good that I could make you cum with them I don't know what that means."
"Actually...I...don't either. Maybe...a reverse paw fetish? If that's a thing. Where you just really enjoying giving pawjobs? Hey, stranger things have happened. If that's your kink I support it."
"God look at you. You're so laid back and relaxed about all this, it's adorable. How are you doing that by the way? We've thrown away the only home we've ever known and ran away together and you seem completely unfazed." Kate tapped her mate on the nose with a forepaw. "Really, how?"
"Hah! Uh. Well I guess I'm put at ease by the fact I have an awesome, sexy she-wolf looking out for me, but also...I really have been thinking about this for a long time. A long time...I've had the biggest crush on you ever since we were kids, I've said that right? This is like the greatest thing that's ever happened to me." Humphrey's knot finally deflated, he pulled himself off his mate and stretched. "A real..." he yawned. "Dream come true...I could use a nap though."
"Aww...Humphrey that's so cute!" Kate smiled and pressed her nose to his. "I wish you would have told me sooner...take a little nap here, then. I'll make sure no one sneaks up on us while you're dozing."
Humphrey yawned again and curled up at the feet of kate, muttering affirmatives. "No one's gonna come across us...if they do, they would have already heard us...come on nap with me, it's easier to fall asleep with my mate next to me..."
Kate sighed, and laid down next to her lover, cuddling up with him. "I'll lay with you, but I'll stay awake until you're finished with your-" a slow inhale interrupted her, and Kate glanced at her charge. His eyes were closed, and already he was fast asleep. "Goodnight, Humphrey," she spoke aloud to no one in particular.
It was maybe twenty minutes before humphrey stirred, and kate felt him stretch, yawning against her. Shrugging off his sleep he brought himself to his paws and looked her way. "Morning beautiful," he offered.
"Oh hey, about time. Did you sleep well?" Kate was laying by his side as she had been when he lost himself to the abyssal blackness of fatigue. Her voice was chipper and relaxed, lulled to repose by the sound of his soft intakes of breath.
"Yeah heh. So...what now?" Humphrey looked over his shoulder. "Do you know where we are cause I really don't."
Kate shrugged and chuckled. "We'll figure it out eventually. Do you feel like talking a walk with me? I want to look for a little den for us."
"Oh yeah sure, I'm raring to go, I'm excited actually, did you have anything specific in mind?" Humphrey questioned as kate led him into the tall grass with a flick of her tail the Omega had learned to interpret as 'follow'
"No...We don't need anything too big for our first den. Maybe just a little cave under a tree or something." Kate returned as she guided the male through the brush. Practiced nose pointed to the wind and ears listening intently.
"I was would be cool if we could find another human den to would you say it..." Kate glanced back at him. "Appropriate, steal, commandeer?"
"Appropriate." Kate confirmed. "We aren't stealing anything, they can get it back if they find out were using it but...I like the way you think. Maybe there are some old human dens out in these woods they've forgotten about." Kate smiled. "Hey, now you're thinking like an Alpha."
"I learn from the best." Humphrey responded eagerly. "The greatest Alpha ever taught me."
Kate shook her head and laughed under her breath. "You're hopeless..." she trailed off. "A hopeless roma-" Humphrey began but a paw was brought to his muzzle, he was silenced, and shushed. Humphrey nodded his understanding, and the paw was withdrawn.
"Hear that? Humans on the other side of the grass here." Humphrey dropped low and inched his way along the ground beside his lover. Through the grass blades they could see the tail end of a vehicle whipping down the road, and kicking up dust. Leaving behind a large, matte black box. "What is that?" Humphrey questioned."I...don't know. It looks bigger than what they brought us here in, maybe they're bringing in other animals too?"
"Well don't ask me you're the expert." Humphrey spoke in a whisper. "Looks like some kind of...shelter maybe, a human den? Weird though, I've never seen one like that." Humphrey took a quick peek to make sure no other humans were around before he stepped out of the brush and into the light of day provided by the clearing. From this angle the box in question was much larger, and it had a smell...meat?
"Humphrey stop! We don't know what thing is!" Kate jumped out in front of him and brought a forepaw to his chest. "Don't get any closer, let's just leave this thing here and leave whatever they were doing behind.
"I can smell food, though. Can't you? Maybe they left it here for us?"
"Maybe, or maybe it's a trap. Either way it is not worth the risk to sit around here and find out. I'm not gonna let you walk into thing. That is final, Humphrey." Kate was stern, she had her eyes locked to his. It was clear as day to the Omega, he had best not press the issue farther. "Don't you think that's suspicious? Massive scary box that smells like food in the middle of nowhere?"
"Alright, alright! I was just curious..."
"Well you know what they say about curiosity and wolves." Kate nosed humphrey back into the brush, and the pair continued on their way. Leaving the imposing monolith behind.
Humphrey happily resumed his trotting along behind his mate. "Yeah but uh...I thought that was curiosity and the cat?" The Omega offered, lightheartedly.
"Maybe once it was, but I'm changing it." Kate responded.
"Are you alright?" Sensing something off in the terse reply, humphrey quickly padded himself up, parallel to his mate. "You seem like you're kind of mad."
"I'm not..." Kate shook her head. "Just promise me you won't go running up to anymore weird human things from now on? Please?"
"Yeah if that's what's bothering you sure. I promise." Humphrey nervously looked over his shoulder. "Do you have...any idea what it was?"
"Some kind of trap is my best guess. From now on, be extra careful. Anything that looks even remotely suspicious, you call for me. Got it? Just howl, I'll hear it"
"Got it, babe. I promise...hey, relax. I'm not worried because if I ever get into trouble I know you'll be there to pull me out of it."
Kate seemed to soften, just a tad.
A firewatch tower was visible in the far distance which humphrey called attention to. "What about that?" He pointed with a forepaw.
"Humphrey, there's probably a human living there already." Humphrey cleared his throat. "Right...sorry." Kate turned around, lifting a paw she stopped him in his tracks. "Do you really want to live in a human den?" She questioned.
"Well...our first time was in one, you know. Do you have a problem with it?" Humphrey tilted his head curiously.
"No...I don't really care where we live but if you want a human den that's fine. I'll find us something." Kate turned back with a tail flick, and began her walk once more. "I would be fine with just living where you live. Heh."
", Kate can you believe that? We're gonna be living together...this is crazy." Humphrey exhaled after trotting to catch up with his mate. "I never thought this would happen to me, of all your choices. I'm so lucky..."
"I'm happy you seem so excited." Kate's tail began to softly wag in time with her steps. "You're really cute when you get like this."
"Hah yeah I...I am! I'm really excited." Humphrey trotted along happily behind his mate. "Thank you by the way, you're cute too."
"Heheh...Oh!" Kate stopped where she was and motioned to humphrey. There under a fallen tree was a cave. Small and cozy, roots hanging from the ceiling and an entrance protected by brush. Difficult to see, but Kate had an eye for things you could say. "What do you think of that? Not human, but I like it."
"There's no rule saying we have to stop looking after we find one. I don't really care that much anyway." Humphrey poked his nose through the brambles obscuring his vision. "Smaller than it looks outside. You sure?"
"It's good for now, and it's getting late anyway." Kate nosed her way through the branches and laid down by the entrance, stretching out and yawning. "Besides...It'll be nice to have a place we can come back t-" Kate's nose twitched and she stood up, ears alert and tail stiff in anxiety. "Someone was here before us. Do you smell that?"
"" Humphrey sat down opposite his mate and looked at her curiously. "Do you smell something? Other wolves?"
"No...nothing I'm familiar with. It's definitely not's very faint. I can't place it." Kate brought her nose to the wind and closed her eyes, focusing exclusively on her target, and inhaled deeply. "They've been gone a long, long time at least. Whoever it was, they won't bother us."
"Oh...ah. Already feeling useless..." Humphrey snuggled up next to kate and gave her a little pec on the cheek. "Hope I can at least help you feel at home."
"Humphrey we've had this discussion." Kate rolled her eyes. "I keep telling, just you being here makes me feel alot better..."
"Speaking of feeling better, we should talk about earlier."
Kate's ears pricked up.
"Do you feel, specifically...uh...tingly, I guess. Like in your stomach when you think of giving a paw job?" Humphrey nudged into her side and rested his head on her back as he spoke. "You can be honest with me, I won't tell."
"Well I wouldn't say tingly. I just feel...happy. No, more like sexy. I feel hot knowing that I can get you off with just my paws. Does that make me, I don't know...egotistical?" Kate sighed heavily.
"Maybe a bit, but who cares? You are sexy. You should be okay with flaunting it a bit, I definitely do not mind whatsoever. Anyway, I know I'm supposed to be the experienced one here but I don't know much about how girls get kinks." Humphrey shrugged apologetically. "If you are into that though, again, you can do it to me anytime, heh."
"Thanks...oh can I ask you something personal? I've meant to for awhile now." Kate looked back over her shoulder to meet his eyes. "I'm just curious about something so don't feel like you need to answer me, okay."
"Yeah, anything Kate. Cmon it's me, you can ask me anything." Humphrey's tail wagged back and forth along the den's floor.
"Am I being overprotective? I'm trying to...I keep saying it, but I'm trying to keep you safe really hard and I want to know if I'm smothering you. It's just that...coming out here was my idea and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt here. It would be my fault..." Kate closed her eyes and exhaled.
"I haven't felt that way." Humphrey crawled up and laid his head down next to his mate. "I just figured that was how you are. If we're being honest it kinda caught me off guard a bit. I always thought I would be the protective one if I ever found a mate. I don't mind though!" He gave his lover a lick on the cheek.
"Thank you...I'm not usually this insecure. I don't know what's been wrong with me these past few days, heh heh." Kate brushed her hair out of her eye with a forepaw. "I'm like a pup again."
"You've never had a male this close to you before, right? Don't worry about it." Humphrey shook his head. "It's kinda cool to see past that hard Alpha shell every once in awhile." He said, with a lifted, pointing forepaw.
"Yeah heh. I'm not exactly the best with boys...I guess I just got really lucky." Kate's tail thumped humphrey in the rear to accentuate her point.
"Oh-heh. I would say I'm the lucky one. I mean; I'm dating up, you're dating down. But okay..."
"Hush, Humphrey. You're a very handsome male, you're funny, cute, a bit of a dunce sometimes but it just makes you cuter. Any girl would be lucky to have you." Kate nipped her mate on the neck, chuckling.
"Geeze you're gonna make me blush." Humphrey looked off to the side with a smile on his maw. "But I was talking about you being an Alpha and me being...not. Eh heh."
"Hm...well I guess in that way I am, but I don't care." Kate crossed her paws. "It's not like anyone is going to say anything, and if they do I'll tell them what I just told you, I do not care. I'm dating an Omega and I'm proud of him."
"Aww..." Humphrey lowered his head to his paws. Despite his earlier resistance, a blush had formed beneath his furry cheeks. "That's too much...proud of me. Ah, how did I get so lucky!"
"He he heh. You see how you feel right now? That's how you make me feel all the time." Kate smiled down at her mate and patted a forepaw along his neck. "I love how-ahem." She caught herself. Humphrey looked up, ears raised in curiosity. "What did you say...?" he questioned.
"Nothing." Kate ran her paws through her hair nervously. "It was nothing, I wanted to ask something but I changed my mind." She looked out to the outside, purposefully avoiding humphrey's eyes. Truth was, even if it she was jumping the gun a bit...and she hardly knew him at all. She did feel something else. Something more permanent perhaps.
"Kate...what were you really about to say? I won't be mad or anything." He smiled softly, confidently. Easing her tensions as he so often does. "I'll still be here, no matter what you say." He brought himself to his paws and watched her reactions intently.
"'s too soon. We've been together for a couple days. We can't just...out of nowhere blurt out things like that. I didn't even mean it in that way I just misspoke." Kate returned, unsure. "We don't even have a place to live permanently."
"I wouldn't say that..." Humphrey sat down nearest his mate. "We may have only been together officially for a few days. But I've had feelings for you for...years. Since we were pups. That time I followed you on your way to track the caribou remember? And I tried to get you to howl with me?"
"Yeah." Kate laughed at the memory. "Then you fell off the log and looked like an idiot."
"That's right, and you laughed! The first time I ever got you to laugh that wasn't just you blowing more air out of your nose than normal. That was when I knew. Well, I knew back in the human den but I had a pretty good idea I found the girl of my dreams of my dreams then. I didn't even care what you thought of me, I was just glad I got you to laugh." Humphrey's paws tapped the floor of the den nervously.
"Humphrey..." Kate wistfully sighed and smiled warmly looking down. "I have thought of that night some...I got to hear you howl for a couple seconds before you fell, you know. I always wished I did something different then. Anytime I would practice I would think about doing it with you, then I would feel guilty...I thought you were just doing your Omega thing and trying to get me to relax."
"I was doing that too! Back then, I had a little crush sure but when you laughed it all just clicked into place for me. On some level I just had this feeling that you were...Okay I would always get butterflies when you talked to me and all the usual stuff you get when you have a crush but it was more than that. I didn't want to bring it up earlier but..."
"You don't need to. I know, I know exactly what you mean. A sense of belonging, or correctness right? You can't explain it but when we're together it just feels-"
Humphrey spoke at the same time as her, and their words harmonized.
Kate's eyes went wide. "So you feel it too..."
"I've always felt it. Ever since that night, I don't know if it's just me being stupid or whatever but when we kiss, even just right now when when all we're doing is talking it feels-"
"Warm." Kate butted in. "Warm and comforting. And when we're doing the other stuff it doesn't feel wrong. It doesn't feel like they told us it would feel. It feels good and...tingly, and natural."
"Natural!" Humphrey stood directly in front of his mate now, looking her directly in the eyes and spoke excitedly. "Exactly, and when we're laying up against each other and cuddling it feels more satisfying than it should. Like watching a leaf float down a waterfall or something. Then watching it land rightside up! Like, that's how it was-"
"Meant to be..." Kate met her mate's eyes and stared. All those years of playing and joking around came flooding back. Good god how could she be so blind? He suffered in silence for so long, for her. He had these feelings for so long and he never told...he never told her to protect her. Her best friend, the male who cared so deeply for her that he would subject himself to that...The male that trusted her so much, that he would throw away the only friends he ever had to run away with her. The male that respected her so much that instead of running off as soon as he got off, he stood with her, at her back whenever she fell. The male that...loved her.
"I love you..."
"I love you too."
As if in a fugue Kate fell on her lover. Tongues intertwining, she pressed the male to the ground without another word. Her paws roamed his body as she fought his tongue for dominance. The frustration of it all, of being unable to express what she felt. All of it melted away under the comforting, fluffy warmth of Omega fur. His paws trailed along her back leaving pleasant tingles in their wake. She wanted to press her body to his, to do nothing but lavish under his affection for the the rest of her life.
A lifetime of repression gripped her by the neck and she moaned into her lovers maw. Kate felt that telltale itch...she wanted him to take her, then. To claim her. She was his, after all. His mate. Kate planted her paws on her lover's chest and pulled back, panting downward at him with a wicked grin.
"Mate me!" She nearly growled. "Right now! I don't care what happens in the future but I need you now!" She was panting hard now, with stronger arousal than she had ever felt before. She needed him in the truest sense of the word.
"Kate...I want to, god I really want to but what about pups? What about all that?"
"I don't care! I'm not in heat so it probably won't even do anything. If it does, who cares anyway? Humphrey please." She drug a paw over his chest, eyes nearly pleading. "Take me, just make me yours I need it."
Kate's coaxing had caused the tip of humphrey's cock to poke through the sheathe, and the Alpha brushed her tail against it further encouraging the male's lust. "I.." He stammered. "Are you sure, what if-"
"Humphrey." Kate interrupted. "Please..."
"...If you're sure this is what you want." Humphrey placed a forepaw overtop the one on his chest. "Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?"
Kate responded by stepping backwards, turning away, and flagging her tail. "Please." She softly muttered.
The sight Humphrey was currently privy to was one he had imagined many times. Kate, his dream girl had her tail flagged and was currently begging him to mount her. He walked toward her slowly, barely even believing what was about to happen. It may have been vain, it may have been a mistake to want her in that way so soon. Maybe he should have protested more, brought his mate to her senses but he wanted it too. God, he wanted this for so long. So very long.
An inebriating mix of nervousness, anxiety, arousal and eagerness overwhelmed the Alpha. She was going to finally be mounted, like she had been a couple nights ago but this time it would for real. There would be no playing, no laughing, no giggling. She wished only to be the repository for the lust of this male she had denied for so long.
He delivered, but not exactly how she imagined.
As she did before, she felt the heavy weight of a male fall on her back, and she let out a quiet "oomph," at the strength of it. Making a concerted effort to keep her tail from obstructing her mate, she dug her claws into the dirt of their den.
Humphrey took a moment to line himself up, giving his mate a nip on the neck as he positioned his prick just outside her, idly leaking pre onto her hind paws as he waited for the finale go ahead. A nod of her head was all it took for humphrey to understand, and he slammed forward. Humphrey wondered if perhaps she was in pain,but she didn't show it.
The love of his life craned her neck skyward and moaned loudly. Her ears lowered, and he kissed her cheek. Not rutting her as he originally planned, he stood still.
Savouring the feeling of having his Alpha speared beneath him as he so often imagined, and ran a paw through her hair. He noticed her breaths, how every time she breathed
her velvet folds would contract around him. Despite her earlier confidence, or show of it Humphrey could tell...she was nervous.
Sensing the lull in lovemaking kate glanced backwards, a mixture of curiosity and eagerness in her blazing amber eyes. Acquiescing, Humphrey rocked himself forward slowly, timidly
even. He wanted to draw this out, to make the finish big and worth it all. He desperately wanted all of it to be worth it. With how long he waited for this day, he was going to make it count.
He was met with yet another groan of pleasure as his love arched her back at the feeling. She looked behind again, and pleaded for him to rut her. To MATE her. His only response was a nip on the neck. A silent gesture, relatively mundane. Kate knew what he meant despite. That she would be fucked into the ground by the Omega she was giving herself to if only she could wait.
Humphrey did less of mating her than he grinded his cock against the walls of her pussy. He did not thrust, he slowly, methodically ground himself inside her. It was pleasurable, sure. Yet kate desired more, and Humphrey knew this. He knew exactly how to push her buttons, to nip at her when she protested, to periodically thrust a few times more when she did not expect it. Kate was in ecstasy.
Once Humphrey had apparently gotten tired of teasing her, she felt him shift his position. He brought his muzzle parallel to hers and she felt it. She felt the hot breath of an excited male against her cheek, and the extra length he was teasingly withholding from her. God, he wasn't even fully inside of her yet. The complete length of his maleness pierced her and she cried out his name as she was hilted, and he finally began to rut her.
He fell into a rhythm, forepaws on hers and eyes glazed over in ecstasy as he humped. He pushed her chest downward into the dirt as he righted himself atop her, using gravity to augment his rhythmic fucking.
Kate pawed at the dirt, panting. Her mind wandered. Finally, she was being claimed by the one who loved her most and she could hardly keep herself standing. The Omega's humps were vicious and animalistic, feral and raw. She was being claimed, bred, taken. God, she could hardly feel her legs. Kate closed her eyes and
moaned something close to a "Nnhhhhnnn" as she felt the Omega press against her more pleasurable spots.
Humphrey began to pant with his mate, he pressed his forepaws into her back and gave his chest some altitude. His knot was beginning to form, and his thrusts became erratic.
Kate's head rested on her forelegs, and try as she might she could not crane it to scream her lover's name. She felt it too, she knew humphrey was getting close
when she felt that bulb brushing against her nethers.
All sense of foreplay fell away to the past as the Omega kicked himself into an instinct fueled mating ferver. His forepaws nearly dug into her own with how hard he
was pressing them down. "Mmmnn!" Kate softly moaned.
Her lover began to breathe harder still, and eased the weight off her paws. Kate lifted her hind quarters to meet his thrust, and it happened. She felt that bulb of flesh part her folds and tie them together. No longer caring to be timid, she screamed her lover's name as she hit her own climax with the first wave of canine spunk to paint her insides.
Being tied was a new feeling. Kate had heard the stories. Giggling Omega females speaking in hushed tones in small groups provided that at least, but actually giving yourself to a male in this way was something entirely different. The first thing she noticed was the heat. It was so, so hot. The heat of his jizz was nearly tangible as it filled her most sensitive areas, it was pleasant warmth but more than that she felt him. He needed this as much as her. She could feel his heartbeat thump in time with the spurts from his knot, and she sighed contentedly.
Humphrey ran his forepaws through her hair as he wound down, catching his breath, wagging his tail. Every so often he would happily lick her cheek or give her ears little nibbles. They didn't speak until his knot deflated, sharing only the occasional brush of affection and a smile.
Finally, humphrey eased himself off his mate and she turned to face him. Their eyes met for a few seconds, saying nothing. Then they both shared a light chuckle. Kate brought a forepaw to her mouth to hide her wide grin and humphrey scratched the back of his neck. "So...we just mated." He shook his head. "Did not think I would be doing that when I woke up this morning."
"Yeah, we did." Kate sat down and brushed her hair with a forepaw. "So that's what getting knotted feels like...huh."
Humphrey walked over to his mate and pressed his nose to hers. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Humphrey. Ah god it feels good to finally say it..." Kate let herself fall backwards into the dirt, stretching out and softly giggling. "I hope...Actually, no. Whatever, if it happens there's no one else i'd rather it happen with."
"...I love you." He was standing over her with the widest grin she had ever seen him with.
Kate rolled her eyes. "This is gonna be you from now on, isn't it? I love you too. Heh, Omegas..."
"Well can ya blame me?" He tilted his head to the side with a wink. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this"
"You don't have to wait anymore." Kate sat up and pressed her nose to his before he could react. "But...I...I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" Humphrey raised an eyebrow.
"I...didn't pick up on the incredibly obvious signals. I pretty much ignored you and made you have those feelings, then I was selfish and I wished you were just more forward instead of me being less...dumb. I've been really, really dumb..." Kate held one of humphrey's forepaws in her own and bit her lower lip. "So...I'm really, really sorry."
"Kate, who cares about all that. It worked out didn't it? I have the best mate on the planet, and I don't blame you for that bad stuff but even if I did it would still be worth it. It would be worth it ten times over." Humphrey nosed under her muzzle lifting it to his eyes. "I would do it again in a heartbeat."
"I'm sorry." Kate wiped a tear from her eyes with a forepaw. "I'm not sad I'm just really happy and I feel like a pup who just got...something amazing. God I'm a mess." Kate turned her head away once more. "I should have done something sooner. I should have known, I just wish we had more time-"
"We do now! Look at us, babe." Kate glanced up. "We're in a new place, we can make it whatever we want. We can take as much time for each other as we want. We can spend the day just cuddling if you want, we can make it up." Humphrey leaned down, bringing his muzzle closer to hers. "We can make up that lost time."
Kate's mind was sat alight with possibilities. It was true...the world was their oyster. Maybe they could start their own pack, maybe they could forge themselves not just a den but a territory. An entire section of the park to call their own! Maybe they could be thieves...stealing human food and stuff to cozy up their den. Maybe...they could simply be together. Spend the days just enjoying each others company and...mmm...making up for lost time.
Kate's tears dried, and her tail began to slowly wag.