Heat of the Pridelands - Chapter 1: Wet Dreams and Unexpected Meetings
#1 of Heat of the Pridelands
Heat of the Pridelands - Chapter 1: Wet Dreams and Unexpected Meetings
By TheTiger - Creative Commons 2006
Content warning: Cub, Incest
'Oh god... Ahh... Fuck... Damnit...'
Franticly Daniel looked around to find the box of tissues that usually resided on his desk near his monitor. They were nowhere to be spotted. Damnit why did his mom always move stuff without telling him! He looked down on his belly and his cock which were all covert in a huge load of cum. That wasn't a surprised though, after having been on a week long camp with some friends and not being able to paw off at all, the first thing he did was boot up his computer and open his Lion King folder. After that it was a mere 30 seconds before the picture of Mufasa and Simba giving each other a blowjob made him explode and make a huge mess.
Daniel sighed as he stared at the picture.
'I don't suppose one of you guys could help me out with this mess, huh?'
He considered sneaking off to the bathroom across the hall, but came to a halt when he remembered what happened last time he wanted to use the bathroom to clean up... while his sister was there putting on make-up. God that was embarrassing. But he'd have to get rid of it somehow... He stared down on the mess again, then on his screen. The delicious looking goods dripping from Simba's cock into Mufasa's muzzle made Daniel's tongue eager for some. He licked his lips, looking down on the mess he made.
'I guess...' he mumbled to himself, raising his hand and licking off the white goods until only saliva was left. 'Hm, it's not that bad.'
He quickly proceeded collecting the goods from his stomach and chest and enjoyed the sweet taste of his own cum. He never tasted it before, but this made him wonder why not because it tasted pretty damn nice!
Just as he licked off the last bits from his fingers, the bedroom door swung open. Daniels eye's grew huge as he tried to shut down his pants, put his picture back on! Eh! Picture his pants back off! Ah! In his panic in trying to do everything at once he got up, tripping over the pants at his ankles and flopping facedown over the chair onto the ground.
'I should have knocked, huh?' a familiar voice said.
Daniel scurried around on the ground and looked up at the person who entered his room so rudely.
'Damnit, Jack!' he yelled at him.
The boy merely smiled down on him and looked at the computer screen, his tongue sliding past his lips.
'Meow, nice picture...' he grinned. 'You have to send me that sometime.'
Daniel, who by now had recovered from his unlucky position and had pulled up his pants, reached over and clicked the picture away.
'I'm not sending you anything if you keep walking in on me like that,' he grunted and looked up to Jack. 'Are you just waiting for me to paw off so you can walk in or something?'
Jack laughed at his comment and winked.
'Apparently I just have bad timing, since each time I come in here you are just finishing up.'
Daniel grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head. On it was a picture of Kovu, one of his favorite characters in The Lion King. He had heaps of Lion King shirts, but he liked the Kovu one most.
'Don't get your hopes up; unlike you I'm not interested in having sex with my best friends...'
Jack just grinned at him, walking over to the bed and flopping down on top of it.
'To bad...' he said on an overly seductive tone. 'Bet you'd screw me if I was a lion.'
Even though Jack knew Daniel would never accept any of his offers, he just kept trying. Something Daniel found funny but annoying at the same time. You don't have sex with your best friend... you just... don't. Not that Daniel was such a saint; he had shared his bed with multiple girls and guys. One time even both at the same time... yea that was fun.
'Yea, but you're not a lion, mister dragon, so you can forget about this piece of lion tail,' he reacted sharply with a smirk. 'Now why did you come barging in on me this time?'
Jack reached into the pocket of his jeans, fishing out a pair of paper tickets. He waved them in the air.
'Got tickets for the movies, want to come? We can be all smoochy and naughty in the dark, hm?'
Daniel couldn't resist laughing. He just wouldn't give up.
'I'l go to the movie, but you'll have to be naughty with your armrest.'
He smirked at his friend who raised himself from the bed.
'I did that last time, but it became a huge mess and I was evicted from the theater...' he pulled a serious face. 'When we get there, don't sit anywhere on row seven...'
Daniel punched him in the shoulder when he walked past the door.
'You're disgusting!' he laughed, closing the door behind him before they left for the theater.
It was around midnight when Daniel severely drunk tried to stumble back into the house and up to his room. He had dropped off Jack at his place down the street and wandered the last few hundred yards by himself. He tried to be as quiet as he could, meaning someone was bound to wake up. And indeed, when he had climbed the stairs his sister stood in her room's door opening with a smirk on her face.
'Welcome home,' she said. 'Rough night?'
Daniel took a second to stare at his sister. She was wearing no more then her bra and quite a tempting g-string. He took his time looking at her and admired her body.
'Damn, you're sexy, sis...' he licked his lips as he tried to picture her naked. 'Want to come in my room... have some...'
'I don't think so,' she interrupted him, then slamming her door in his face. 'Pervert!'
Without even rethinking about what he just did, Daniel made his way to his room where he immediately crashed onto his bed. As he lay there, half drunk, half passed out, he looked at the picture of Simba he had on his nightstand. He was to tired to focus his eyes anywhere else, nor did he even want to try.
That was, until the picture suddenly moved. A paw came from the side of the picture and swatted Simba on the nose. Both paw and Simba disappeared from the picture as Daniel's eyes were intensely focused on it.
Not believing what he was seeing, Daniel blinked his eyes. The picture was back to normal when opened them again, and Simba was smiling at him from the picture as usual.
He stared at the picture a little more, blinking a few more times as to make sure it stayed a normal picture. But the longer he looked, the more tired his eyes became. After a night of heavy drinking, it didn't take long for sleep to kick in. Soon he couldn't even be bothered to get up to undress, and shortly after that he closed his eyes to fall into a deep slumber.
The following morning Daniel suddenly remembered why he had sworn never to drink this much again... the morning hangover was killing him. And this one was twice as bad. It felt like his stomach had turned around in his sleep and his head felt like it was about to explode. Not bothering to open his eyes at all, Daniel planned to stay in bed at least until noon. No breakfast... no TV... no enjoying the weekend. Just laying in bed, hoping the hangover would go away. When he reached over his side to get his sheets, he remembered he probably fell asleep on top of them. Since he did still have his clothes on, he must have been pretty hammered the previous night.
He moaned, not wanting to move to get underneath the warm sheets and just rolled his face around and wanted to burry it in the pillow; only problem being that no pillow was present. Instead he buried his face into a pile of dirt. Immediately Daniel opened his eyes to see the brown dirt underneath him. Who put dirt in his bed! Oh wait, it could have been Christine, for the pervert remark he suddenly remembered making the other night. There was, however, one extra thing he realized as soon as he looked further then the dirt; he wasn't in his bed. He wasn't even in his room, house, street or city. No, he had woken underneath an Acacia tree. And even with a hangover like this one, Daniel knew damn well those things weren't found anywhere near where he lived. With his head still pounding, he sat up and looked over to the horizon. The sun was just up by the looks of it, sending light and warmth over the plains of... Africa?! He was in Africa?! That was impossible, he was probably still dreaming. But if he was dreaming, then why did his head hurt? A little disoriented he stood up, gasping at the amazing yet also frightening view of the African savannah. And when he reached his hand over to rub his pounding head, the surprises just kept on coming. For one, he didn't remember having THAT much hair. Second thing was that his hand felt strange to begin with. The shocking discovery he made upon looking at his hand was that it wasn't a hand anymore. It resembled something like a paw.
'Woah!' he screamed and immediately proceeded to check the rest of his body. Quickly turning in all directions, bending in all directions to see what had happened to him. The second he saw his hand... paw... whatever, he suspected something. But as he looked further, his suspicions became true. Paws, claws, mane and a muzzle, he was a lion! Or... an anthro lion to be more precise.
It took a little while to comprehend what just happened. He was in Africa and had somehow become an anthro lion. He had to give his mind credit for being creative, that was for sure. But the biggest surprise was yet to come. As he slowly did a 360 degree turn to get known with the surrounding, he noticed something on the horizon A large pointy rock stood there, almost proudly, in the middle of savannah and a large smile crept onto Daniel's muzzle.
'Priderock...' he mumbled in excitement.
Well at least there was no question about the direction he would be going in. Where there was Priderock, there must be lions. This was turning out to become quite a nice dream, it was a dream, right? Everything did feel very real. From his hangover to his new body, everything felt so lifelike that he wasn't sure if he was at all dreaming in the first place. As he started making his way over to Priderock, which would be quite a walk, Daniel extended one of the claws on his right paw. It was a strange feeling, extending your nails from your fingers like that, but it made Daniel chuckled to know that he could do it. Then he proceeded to push the nail on his arm and with a hard pull created a deep slash.
'Aaah! Damnit, that isn't supposed to hurt!'
The wound wasn't that deep, but it was deep enough to bleed a little. Also deep enough to once again make Daniel wonder about what the hell was going on. Dreams can look as real as anything; you still aren't supposed to feel anything in them! But he was in the setting of an animated movie; this couldn't possibly be remotely real. This place didn't even exist in real life!
While he slowly walked over the Savannah, pressing his paw on the flesh wound he gave himself, he tried to think about the situation. Assuming for the sake of possibility that this was all real, would that mean that the lions would be real as well? No cute sexy cuddly spoogy Simba, but a ferocious killer? If that would be the case then he had no possible chance to survive around here. He knew little to nothing about living on the African plains, let alone being an anthro lion on the African plains. So, real lions or cute lions, Priderock would still be his best bet. At least it provided shelter and if it was an accurate representation, it would have a waterhole nearby.
Judging on the skills he gained on the camp last week, he estimated it would be around an hour long walk. That, without food or water and with a burning sun on his back, wouldn't make this trip an easy one.
About half an hour into the trip, Daniel was getting tired. Lack of water and burning sun had taken their toll. If he didn't make it to the waterhole soon, he'd have a serious problem. But right now he just had to sit down a bit. Luckily, there was a large tree nearby. It provided plenty of shade and was a good place to sit down for a bit.
During the first half of the trip, Daniel had taken the time to inspect his new body a bit more. He did indeed have all the features of a real lion, only he walked upright. One thing he had to get used to quite a bit was his muzzle. An extension of your face like that feels weird, and having a set of huge canines doesn't help either. Another thing that fascinated him was his paws. They seemed human like, but with the touch of a lion's paw mixed trough it. His fingers were a lot thicker, of course housing his claws inside, a bit shorter and his palm and bottom of his fingers were covered by a set of black paw pads. His tail was a fun new toy as well. The entire new muscle was hard to control at first, but along the way he got smoother in it and managed to wave it around from time to time. The manes were okay and didn't weigh as much as they look to be, even though they had a habit of blocking his eyes. His fur was goldish brown with beige like color running over his chest and paws. His manes were a dark brown color. Robust but elegant, he thought.
He should be looking quite sexy; at least that's what he thought.
After a short break, he decided to get on the move again. He had cooled down a bit in the shade, but even that wouldn't be good enough when the temperatures of Africa hit their high point. He looked back on the tree he had sat under, and suddenly realized that this was probably Rafiki's tree. Almost immediately he started to look around, hoping the crazy monkey was not nearby. Last thing he wanted now was to have a crazy monkey running around and whacking him on the head with a stick. With that amusing thought in mind, Daniel quickly continued his way to Priderock. The sun was getting pretty hot by now and even though his fur managed to keep him cool initially, it only got warmer now and the last bits of energy he had left were put into getting where he was going.
The closer he got to Priderock, the greater the chance of running into a lion and the more nervous he got about that idea. He was a lion himself, he had that, but that might just be more reason to get killed. He had somehow instinctively recognized the scent of another lion a while ago and the closer he got the more he smelled it. If the Lion King lions were actually here, then this would likely be Mufasa's or Simba's scent.
Daniel was making his way trough some tall grass, guessing he had about ten minutes to go. But as he proceeded, an open clearing started to show trough the tall grass. Was it... yes! The waterhole! He made it! Just when he was about to run in and have a drink, he spotted someone. Daniel held his place in the grass, looking at the person. It was a young lion cub by the looks of it. Dark brown fur, a black patch of hair on his head and tail. Daniel couldn't resist to look down on the t-shirt he was still wearing. Kovu? Things suddenly stopped making sense to him. Kovu as a cub, living in the Pridelands? That wasn't right.
He took a deep breath, and then stepped out of the grass in a gentle manner and kept a fair distance away from the young cub to not appear hostile or anything.
'Hi,' Daniel doubtfully said as he crouched down near the water. The young cub looked up at the newcomer, his face surprised but having distinctive features that Daniel recognized as being from Kovu.
'Who are you?' the cub then replied bluntly. His ears were perked and his tail was softly twitching behind him.
'I'm... eh, my name is Daniel,' Daniel said and offered the cub a weak smile, not totally sure where this was going. 'What's your name?'
The cub looked at him as if he was stupid, checking him out from top to bottom. Daniel couldn't blame him, he wasn't exactly an average every day lion after all.
'I'm Kovu,' the cub answered, confirming Daniels suspicions. Then it remained quiet again.
'Well... Nice to meet you, Kovu...' Daniel said before he looked at the surface of the water and pondered what would be the best way to drink.
'Kay,' Kovu simply replied, obviously not even caring and carried on drinking. Daniel watched him for a moment, studying how Kovu was drinking before making an attempt himself. It was probably faster to scoop the water in his paws and drinking it that way, but Kovu probably thought he was weird enough as it was. And if he wanted to get on the good side of Simba, who he thought would by now be in charge of Pride rock given Kovu was here as well, it would be in his best interest to act as normally as possible.
While he was drinking, Kovu turned around and wandered away. Daniel quickly drank a bit more and then raced after him.
'Kovu, wait up!' he yelled after him and jogged until he was next to the young cub. 'You live at the big rock there, don't you?'
Kovu pulled a suspicious face at the stranger as they walked along, then grinned a typical cub grin.
'Maybe...' he said.
'Maybe?' Daniel repeated. 'You're heading there aren't you?'
'Maybe,' was yet again the answer.
Daniel rolled his eyes. Yea that was typically Kovu. Amazing how that worked out.
'Well, can you introduce me to Si... eh, your pride leader?'
Daniel suddenly realized that if all this was actually real, he was right inside the Lion King right now. Which made him wonder if him being here could impact the storyline somehow. It wouldn't be very cool if he came home after all this and he's suddenly a character in the Lion King movies. For that reason he decided not to show that he knew stuff about everyone. Not only would they grow suspicious of him, he could also mess things up greatly by doing so.
'Why?' Kovu asked, apparently not understanding Daniels motives.
Daniel made a paw gesture.
'Well you know, I want to join your pride if I can... I need a place to stay...' his voice sounded genuinely worried, because if Simba wouldn't let him in, he'd be back on square one.
Kovu kept quiet for a little while as they headed for the ramp leading up the rock.
'Hm...' the small cub pondered. 'I'll ask if you answer a question.'
Daniel smiled at the cub and felt lucky that Kovu offered to ask Simba. If Kovu would ask, maybe he had a better chance? But he still didn't understand how Kovu could be living on Priderock.
'Uh, I can try, what is it?' Daniel's mind was mostly at how he would convince Simba to take him in. But his bubble of thoughts was brutally interrupted by Kovu's question.
'What on earth is an orgasm?!'
A large, handsome lion with goldish brown fur sat across from Daniel. Simba, king of Priderock and it's surrounding lands. Daniel was stricken with silence as he looked at the beast. He never has been this close to a lion, especially not one that he thought wasn't real. Seeing Simba with his own two eyes, sitting right in front of him, made Daniel speechless.
They were all in front of the main cave of Priderock, together with a bunch of other lionesses who had gathered around. Daniel recognized Kiara as the cub sitting next to her mother Nala. And in the back of the group, he was surprised to see Zira.
'Before I promise anything,' Simba suddenly spoke, grabbing Daniels attention in an instant. 'What kind of a lion are you? You are not like us...'
Daniel shyly smiled, as he didn't really know how to explain this. He couldn't exactly tell him he was a human and had a drink to much and now he magically transformed into an anthro lion. No, he hoped they would settle for...
'I'm a lion, just like you. I just... walk on two... legs. That's all...'
Simba looked at him with a judging stare. His eyes were fixed on the clothing Daniel still had on.
'What are these things on your body?'
Daniel made a confident gesture, even though he wasn't confident at all.
'Oh I just found that somewhere...' he explained.
Kovu was standing next to Daniel, aiding in his defense and trying to convince Simba to let him stay.
'He seems like an okay guy to me,' he tried out. But quickly shut his muzzle when Simba looked down on him with an angry gaze.
'Didn't your mother tell you not to talk with strangers in the first place?' Simba reacted strictly. Kovu in turn looked to the ground, lowering his ears and looking to the ground.
'Yes...' he muttered. 'I'm sorry...'
Simba nodded, offering Daniel a weak smile for a moment before looking back to Kovu.
'Tell that to your mother,' he spoke, and then turned his head up to Daniel. 'As for you, if you think you can behave accordingly, then welcome to the pride.'
A smile crept on Daniel's face and he lit up with joy.
'Oh thank you, Simba. Thanks a lot!'
The lion nodded gently.
'Just don't make me regret it,' he spoke on a serious tone before he turned around and wandered away to Nala and Kiara.
Daniel was left standing in front of the cave together with Kovu while the audience that had assembled slowly started to scatter in all directions. Daniel took a moment to look up at the massive rock before him. He was actually standing on Priderock. Something he never ever expected to do. He looked over to the group of lionesses wandering around down below and wondered if it would be bad to socialize a bit later. But first, it was time to do some exploring around Priderock!
'Thanks little one,' he said to Kovu as was heading for the ramp down. 'I owe you one.'
Kovu jumped after him as he went down, walking besides him when he catched up.
'Hey! Wait a second, you promised you would answer my question if you got accepted by Simba!'
Daniel frowned down at the cub.
'What's an orgasm?' he repeated from his memory. 'Why do you want to know that anyway?'
'I heard Nala saying it when she was playing with Simba.'
Playing? Daniel grinned, that was one piece of playtime he would love to see sometime. At the same time he started wondering if he could maybe even get permission from Simba to have fun with one of his lionesses. He felt that well known feeling in his stomach, all these ideas started to get him a bit excited. He'd definatly have to see about the lioness thing.
When they were down below Priderock, Daniel sat down in the grass.
'Ugh... Okay... Uhm...' he started. How do you explain the birds and the bees to a lion cub? 'It's... a feeling. A nice feeling... that you get, usually when playing around with another lion.'
Kovu pulled a face as if to say that Daniel was dumb.
'That's not true! I play around with Kiara all the time and I never get any nice feelings.'
Daniel nervously looked around, trying to find a way to explain this to the young cub.
'It's a... different kind of playing. The nice feeling comes from your eh... uhm,' he pointed down in the general direction of Kovu's equipment.
'My tail?' Kovu asked excited, hoping to get it right. But Daniel shook his head.
'No... What's underneath it...'
Kovu stared at him blankly for a moment, trying to figure out what Daniel meant obviously. But it didn't take long before the young cub figured it out.
'Oh...' he reacted. He kept silent for a moment, and then leaned back against a rock. For a moment he looked at his sheath, and the fuzzy balls underneath it. But then he looked back up to Daniel. 'How?'
Daniel honestly didn't know why, but he got aroused by the sight of the cub's equipment. He did have a broad collection of cub yiff on his computer, he did like it... But those were pictures. This was Kovu sitting right there... playing with his balls.
'Just... stroke over it a bit...' Daniel explained with some doubt but at the same time felt his own arousal build up as well. A bulge forming in the pants he was wearing. Kovu meanwhile took Daniel's advice and was using his paw to rub over his sheath. He seemed quite focused in doing it too. After a minute or so, the young cub looked up at Daniel with a content face.
'This does feel kind of good...' he giggled and continued to rub over the sheath. It didn't take long after that to get the young lion hard and soon his pink flesh poked out from its furry sheath. Daniel watched how the young cub was masturbating for the first time, turning him on quite a bit and the erection in his pants wasn't going to go away any time soon. So, fed by the idea that he could use a good paw job and that it was to hot to wear any clothing anyway, he took off his pants, shirt and underwear. Just like the rest of his body, his cock had changed as much as the rest of him. A warm pink lion cock was sticking out from its sheath. A drip of precum had already found its way past Daniel's shaft which was noticeably bigger in length then any average lion. He reached his paw out to the throbbing piece of flesh, the touch sending a shiver down his spine. The head of his cock had barbs on them, which was interesting too see and feel as well; they were almost twice as sensitive as the rest of his length. Daniel moaned softly, having a lion's cock is so much more enjoyable then a human one!
Daniel and Kovu spent the next ten minutes pawing off and enjoying it quite a lot. In a way they were in the same boat. After all, Daniel had never pawed off as a lion before either, so technically it was a first for both of them. Daniel, as excited as he was, came first. With strong spurts of lion cum spurting from his hard throbbing cock, he was left panting on a rock. Kovu had been fascinated by it and wanted to do the same, which he did a little while later. He didn't spurt as much as Daniel did, but for such a little guy it was still an impressive amount.
'There...' Daniel panted as he cleaned himself up a bit. 'Now you know.'
Kovu was panting as well but had obviously enjoyed the experience.
'That was great!' he remarked like the happy cub he was. 'I can't believe no-one would tell me about this earlier.'
The cub looked down on the mess he had created and looked up at Daniel.
'Now what? I'm all messy...'
Daniel, who had just finished up licking his fingers clean, looked down on the sticky situation that was the cub's groin. He smiled as a thought of 'oh what the hell' went trough his head.
'Oh, let me take care of that for you...' he said and gently crouched down next to the cub. He smiled gently at Kovu but soon proceeded to stick his muzzle in the icky mess. His tongue made warm strokes over the cub's fur, sheath and shaft, ridding it off all the tasteful lion seed. As a finishing up present, Daniel let his tongue find it's way to the cub's tailhole, licking over it a few times while noting how Kovu softly moaned underneath his breath.
'There,' Daniel said when he had finished cleaning him up.
'Thanks!' Kovu reacted enthusiastic.
Daniel sent a naughty smile his way, despite that Kovu probably didn't get it, and looked over the plains. Well at least his acceptance in the pride started reasonably good. And he got to have some fun activities with his favorite lion of all time, even though he wasn't quite an adult yet, it didn't really matter. As long as Kovu had enjoyed it, there was no harm in Daniels opinion. Meanwhile Kovu had jumped off the rock he had been sitting on and wandered off past Daniel.
'Can we do that again sometime?' he questioned, hope was hearable in his voice and he put up the most adorable eyes a lion could. But Daniel just had to laugh at it.
'Maybe, sometime,' he said, winking at the cub. 'Oh and Kovu, before you go... Don't tell anyone about our little secret, okay?'
Kovu's ears flattened and he frowned, not understanding Daniel.
'Why not?'
'You'll understand one day...' Daniel smiled at the cub. Kovu nodded as a confirmation before he wandered off back onto Priderock, leaving Daniel down there in the shadows.
He sat down again for a moment, watching out over the endless plains. The sun was now high in the sky, burning everything in its path. Far away were some elephants moving slowly and near Rafiki's tree some antelope happily jumped past. As fun as this had been with Kovu, it also let the realization seep in that all this was in fact real. No orgasm can feel that good in a dream, not without waking up. And the idea kind of freaked him out. He loved being here; he loved spending time with Kovu, Simba and the others. He was sure he would fit right in with a little effort. But it was all so sudden... and he had no idea if he could ever go home again. Ha, his parents must be going crazy by now. And if only Jack could see where he was now, he would be so jealous!
In any case, Daniel didn't really have much choice. He didn't know how he got here in the first place; let alone how he would get out. So until some magical force was going to bring him home again, he would have to make the best of what he had right now. But what he had was already great. Living with a pride of lions is not something just about anyone gets to do. So he was proud of what he had. And the only real question was, what other crazy things would be happening while he was here?