The best kept pet

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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A quick, short and sweet (Yet suitably kinky ;3) Valentine's day gift that I wrote for my beloved FA: xshadi as a gift. I was simply waiting on the awesome art by FA: kaviki to be finished before I posted it. If the picture doesn't give it away, this contains some Anthro/Feral smut. Enjoy!

The African sun beat in through the windows, illuminating the polished, hardwood floor of the villa with its light, providing a lovely warm patch for Shadi to sun herself. The feral Amasii purred as she stretched, her claws leaving little divots and imperfections in this patch of flooring that the staff knew better than to try and fill. She had claimed it, and when they had complained to her master about it, he had laughed them away, telling them to give her the run of the house.

Looking lazily over her shoulder as she sunned herself, she could see him, his nose buried in today's paper as he flicked idly though it. His heavy boots were kicked up onto the mahogany desk without a care for its worth or any scuffs that they would leave. She made a soft chuffing sound, yawning with her jaws wide as her mismatched green and brown eyes looked over at him from her spot on the floor with a vivid intensity. Her ridiculously long and fluffy ended tail flicked thoughtfully as she watched him, waiting for him to notice her.

He looked down over the top of his paper, a grin crossing the vulpine's otherwise hardened features. His slender muzzle was greying at the edges, but he'd always treated her with nothing but the utmost care and adoration as long as she'd been by his side. Her gorgeous tan pelt was proof enough of that. Any common hunter would have taken it at the first chance, but him? He groomed it almost daily for her. His icy blue eyes met hers, and he laughed, like he hadn't another care in the whole world.

"And just what are you up to, hey girl? Enjoying the warmth?" He asked rhetorically, knowing full well the feral lioness couldn't answer. His own many tails flickered merrily behind his seat. She could hear the way they beat a tempo against the floor when he was pleased, and it in turn pleased her to know that her master enjoyed her presence so much that it provoked the unconscious motion.

She let out a deep, pleasant rumble as she stood, making another low, lazy feline stretch as she added several new scratch marks into the smooth surface of the floor, but oh was it a satisfying thing to do. As she moved, the little golden tag proudly bearing the name her new Rex had bestowed upon her jingled, flashing in the sunlight.


She sauntered over with a very lazy, slow feline grace, her paws as large as his face padding over the floor with barely more than a whisper. Most men would have been terribly intimidated to have a full four foot at the shoulders lioness stalking towards them, but Isiat knew her better than that. Her master simply extended his hand, palm out, and she rubbed against it fondly, marking him with her scent glands as he ran his fingers firmly through her thick pelt and down the length of her spine.

She arched her back, allowing and enjoying the touch as he stopped at her raised rump, scratching deeply around the end of her spine and the beginning of her tail, before he took the silky appendage between his hands, running them along its length. She shivered with her enjoyment, purring loudly as he stroked his leathery palms along the silky appendage.

Unlike the hunters, he had seen a far greater value in adopting the adolescent lioness, and keeping her for himself, than merely what he could get from her pelt. Shadi had, in turn had found a greater value in his companionship and affection than just another daft hunter for her to snack on...

"Come on then Shadi... Suppose we should go and make the rounds and have you scare up those contractors into doing their damned job, eh? You want to chase the builders? Let's go chase the builders." He chuckled with a childish sort of mischief, and she was more than happy to follow his lead, padding along beside her master as he guided them through the house.

Everywhere she went, servants and staff alike hurried to clear her path without her even having to flash so much as a tooth, as they should have. She was the queen of this house after all, and it was only right as she was concerned that she be treated as nothing less. Her master was of a like mind, routinely rewarding his staff when they helped with her care, and harshly punishing any who dared display her anything but the utmost respect.

He'd once taken the hand of a man who had thought to buy her from him like simple cattle.

"I'll allow you a ten second head start... Then I'm letting her have you." He had stated bluntly while She had sat by his desk, wriggling her haunches excitedly, like a cat that had just spied a mouse skittering across the floor.

Oh, that had been a fun chase though. He'd been a weaselly one that one had, but had failed to judge just how small a gap she could squeeze herself into beneath his car. She had dragged him back out by the leg, dropping her at Rex's feet as his trophy like a proud hunter.

He opened the back door of the dusty Land Rover, and obediently, she leapt in, before crawling over the remains of the back seat so she could rest her head beside her master's in the front as he drove, his fingers scratching adoringly through the soft mane of fur around her shoulders and down her back. She purred, and returned his affections with a raspy lick over his face. Her master's laugh was like sweet music in her large, fluffy tipped ears, and she purred more to show him her approval.

The dry plains flew by in the windows, and before long, they had stopped at his newest project, a few structure frames standing out among the relatively barren patch of land, save for a few thick baobab trees that provided a sparse bit of shade. He opened the door for her again, running his fingers along her spine as she lept out onto her paws, and stretched against the sunbaked clay.

He went to speak with the other two-leggers, and she in turn, followed him loyally, always at his side where he liked her, and could reach out and give her pets as he pleased, and as pleased her. She bumped his waist with her head and purred whenever she found them lacking, before finally, she grew bored with their chatter, and went to find her shady spot at the base of a heavily claw marked tree that she had claimed.

She watched him, noticing whenever he stole a glance across at her layed out form, the large lioness purring and content in the warm sunlight, as any pampered cat should have been. She rolled about, stretching her spine and lazily batting at the stalks of grass as they shifted in the breeze, before finally she simply lay herself out and napped.

Her rest however was interrupted when he whistled for her, and on her own time, she rose, stretching again before she reared up on the tree trunk, and added a series of new claw marks to the bark to ward off any other lions who might have thought they could simply waltz into her Rex's territory. Pieces peels back with very satisfying snapping sounds as the wood splintered and tore.

Once again, it was back into the Land Rover and back down the bumpy dirt paths while her master sang along to some old tune playing over the speakers. Lazily, she found herself curling up in the back seat, rumbling quite happily before she felt an itch at her tail. Flexibly curling around, she nipped her sharp teeth across the offending spot, but when it hadn't gone after a few moments of biting, she gave a loud chuff.

"Whatsamatter girl? Got a flea?" Her master asked, sparing a glance from the road to look over at her. She felt warm, and let out another chuff as she looked at him, then back down her body to her tail. It was uncomfortable, and made her let out a deep rowl of irritation. She felt needy, and wanted her Rex's attention. She stood and paced restlessly around the back of the truck, scratching the metal with her claws.

"Ahh.... I know what you need. I'll give you a good brush once we get home. Promise. First things though, how about we deal with that itch, hmmm?" He told her, flashing a toothy, knowing grin.

The road seemed to stretch on for miles, but her master turned off it, taking the car off a bumpy side path away from everything where he pulled up underneath the shade of a thicket of trees.

She jumped out as he opened the door, rubbing herself against his flanks with an affectionate chirrup, her purr vibrating loudly. His touch along her spine seemed to awaken her instincts, and she shut her eyes, arching pleasantly back up against his fingers as he gave her a firm, rough rub down, running his paws from her shoulders all the way down to her flanks in rugged, unpredictable motions.

"There you go girl... Know just what you need. Why don't I take care of that for you, eh?" Her master told her, and she knew that tone. She padded around him, her claws digging gouts of dirt up as she eagerly pushed her bulk against his side, rumbling. He'd only taken her as his 'pet' less than a year the first time he'd mated with her, but each time her season had come around, he'd dutifully taken care of it, despite not being a lion himself. He was still her Rex, and she was his queen. Everything else was simply down to technicalities.

He tossed his clothes into the back seat of the Land Rover while Shadi busied herself chirping and rubbing her cheeks against him, her tail giving a tantalizing flick across the back of his shoulders that she knew he couldn't resist before she presented herself to her Rex, her rump wriggling.

Her tail flagged up and over her back, and he gripped the thick appendage around the base tightly, feeling his fingers tight around her fur as he lowered himself to his knees behind her. One paw wrapped around and below her waist, and with a soft grunt, he pulled her back against him, rolling his hips forward as he did.

She could feel his eagerness mixing with her own as his plump, furry sheathe ground against her moist feline slit. That first contact in her seasons was always electric, like a lightning bolt striking the scorched savannah. Sparks flew, and the fire inside of her core was stoked, burning with desire and feral need. Shadi lowered her head against the baked clay beneath her, kneading her sharp claws into the dirt as he pushed against her, taking her as was his right as her Rex.

He mounted her like the feral he was fucking, the sleek, spade-like tip of her master's length pushing her body apart as she let out a deep roar of pleasure that startled the birds from their roosts in the tree above them. He was gentle with her, but he had no need to be, his hips colliding with her upturned rear with a wet smack of arousal between them. She would have happily taken whatever he offered her, even if she couldn't bear a litter from his seed.

He sheathed himself in her entirely on his first stroke, her body already primed and eager with her heat. She clenched around him as he tried to draw back, holding him tight for a long few moments before she relaxed and allowed him to continue. His withdrawal left her aching and empty, but the vulpine on his knees behind her wasted no time rectifying that, groaning in pleasure above her.

The way he filled her was completely unlike Rexs of her own kind. They were fast, eager to breed with their barbed, pointy cocks, spill their seed, and then retreat before repeating the process. Her vulpine Rex savored the experience, and made her long for the nights when he would invite her onto his bed and take her until the sun was rising on the horizon. Her body tensed as he thrust again, pushing her walls apart around his slick, dappled foxhood, leaving her stuffed and with his tip probing at her womb's gateway.

She yeowled again, declaring her pleasure to any who could hear, and turned her head to watch him work her body over across her tan shoulders, purring loudly. His own expression was soft, tender. His eyes met hers as he took her, and despite not speaking the same language, their meaning was clear to each other. Affectionately, adoringly, he ran his fingers up the length of her spine before gripping her tail again to pull her hips back into his thrusts.

His chest pressed down against her back as he angled himself, resting over her like a male of her kind would, but never once did his thrusts stop or his pace slow. His soft pants of pleasure were breathless in her ears, and her body rippled around his maleness, practically begging him for his seed to quell her heat. She pulled him deeper and pleasured her Rex as he pleased her in turn. When he took her, he made love to her, always with tender care and love mixing with desperate need and lust.

Her body seized for a moment as the thick lobes at the base of his foxhood threatened to spread her sex and force their way inside, but he relented at the last moment, only to pull back and do it again while he held her tight against himself, leaning back to once more grab her tail for leverage as he tried to force himself deeper. She let him, pushing back on her hind feet against his thrusting.

She chuffed, eyes closing as she lifted her rear and lowered her shoulders to the ground, eyes closing. Her sex spasmed around him, her pleasure peaking in a hot and wet flood of feral feline arousal while she let out a roar over the savannah. Her climax clenched and massaged her mate's flesh inside of her welcoming and willing body as she dug her claws roughly into the ground, adding more scratch marks to the exposed roots like she had in her sunning place at home. She was his, and he was hers.

His teeth graced the back of her neck as her Rex huffed loudly, his thrusts increasing in both pace and force as he tried to force himself into her too tight spade that had never been intended to take a male of his species. She didn't care, and murmured all the same, letting out a very feline moan that sounded like a low, deep roar when he finally wedged his knot inside of her, and locked his body to her.

Her body trembled as the glands swelled with blood, locking him inside of her sex as he had countless times since their first experience together, so long ago in the savannah, joined just like they were now. His bite only added to her pleasure as she milked her Rex for his life-giving seed, the male eagerly and desperately filling her with warm ropes of cum that coated her passage in his love. He marked her, claimed her, bred her like her Rex should have, and she allowed herself to revel in the sensations that came with every rope of his essence, and danced on her nerves blissfully.

She let her mate sate himself inside of her, as she to was satisfied, feeling his weight resting across her back as he emptied himself and drained his seed into her womb to quench the fires of her heat. His breathing was ragged, such was the force of his finish. Shadi purred, turning her head to drag her sandpapery tongue over his cheek affectionately. One of his paws grabbed her left ear, rubbing and scratching it as it flicked. His fingers tangled in the mane of fur running down her back, pulling her down to the sun-baked earth with him.

He wouldn't soften for some time. That was okay with her. Her own kind were so quick to be done. It was nice to be held and groomed by her Rex while he completed himself inside of her. She rumbled happily against him as he rest one arm beneath her neck, the other over her flank, stroking his claws through her pelt tenderly. He groomed her soft, tan fur, and she in turn softly did likewise on his paw by her face.

"Ahh.... Good girl Shadi... You're the best, I swear it..." He panted, and she felt him laying a line of warm kisses along the side of her neck. She turned and rasped her tongue across his face again playfully as he finally slipped free of her body's tight hold, fresh seed still dripping from her well bred slit.

"Come on girl... Time to get a move on, before people start wondering where we got off to."

He clothed himself once more, opening the back of the truck for her to leap up into, taking her customary place with her head resting on the seat-back beside her Rex as he drove, one paw on the wheel, the other looped about her head, scratching at the base of her ears.

"And if you're a very good girl, maybe I'll let you sleep with me on the bed tonight..." Her Rex chuckled. She didn't always understand the words, but the smile on his face was more than enough for her. She was adored, and loved, and taken care of, as was her duty as her master's pet.

The little metal tag on her collar jingled softly as they bumped along the road, her name glistening proudly in the afternoon sunlight, a declaration that she was owned, and she was loved.


Legends of Hyrule: Shades of Blue and Shadows

In truth, the road back to the Rito village took Shadi and Kass almost nowhere near the desert, unless you counted being able to see the Gerudo highlands in the distance as close enough. While Shadi had seen much of the Tabantha frontier the first time...

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Legends of Hyrule: Fur and Feathers

"So, where will you go from here?" Shadi asked between bites of the leg of rabbit she just retrieved from the skewer above the fire, her tail swishing slowly as she chowed down on her meal. Izyat sat nearby, the midnight black Keaton eating his own...

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Ruins and Rituals

The days were as long as the land was wide, someone had told Shadi at one of the stables in the north, but even on horseback, the land certainly seemed to stretch on further than the day did, even setting a brisk pace south. The little feline's pack...

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