Tycho Gets Babysat

Story by lunarrush on SoFurry

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A 2500 word commission for Seifer. You may notice it's a little longer than that: that's because he was the only one to take a 2500 word commission for January, so this story got written whenever I ran into writer's block on another project, and the commissioner was more than happy to pay for additional content.Description:

Whenever Tycho's dad gets too busy to keep an eye on his big diapered kitty, he has to call on the help of some longtime friends. This time: it's uncle Diesel and uncle Gunner who'll be keeping an eye on the little slugger: and of course ensuring that he's played with and properly babied.

Tycho Gets Babysat lunarrush

Tycho stepped out of the car under the watchful gaze of his dad. He slung his backpack over one shoulder as he walked up to uncle Diesel's front door. Uncle, of course, was an operative term for any of his dad's friend group who babysat him whenever his dad was too busy to keep an eye on him. His dad sat in the driveway as he rang the doorbell, ever the protective parent. Diesel opened the door with a smile after a couple of seconds but didn't greet the kitty right away because he was on the phone.

"Right, I'll be babysitting him until late tonight or even tomorrow. Wanna stop by and help me keep an eye on him?" Diesel said into the phone receiver.

Tycho walked into the dining room and set his backpack down on one of the chairs with the horse mechanic close behind him. "Alright, see ya in a bit then," Diesel said as he hung up the phone and set it on the table.

"Alright kiddo, you know the rule at my place. No pants if I have to check diapers," Diesel said with a chuckle as he folded his arms expectantly. A blush rose to Tycho's face as he obediently unbuckled his pants without argument. He'd been babysat by uncle Diesel enough to know this was coming. His jeans dropped to the floor as he finished unbuttoning them and revealed the damp Barney diaper that had been strapped firmly to his rump by the school nurse after lunch.

Diesel wasted no time moving in for a diaper check. He gave the kitty's crotch a firm grope, then walked behind him and pulled out the back. Tycho squirmed in place as the humiliating ritual was completed by the strong mechanic. Diaper checks were almost as bad as actual changes to remind the kitty of what a big pants wetting baby he was. "Hmm, feels dry enough to last until some time after dinner. You got any homework kiddo?" Diesel asked as he let Tycho's waistband snap back into place.

"Well, I've got some calculus to work on uncle Diesel, I got the rest done during lunch," Tycho replied as he stepped out of his pants and left them in a pile on the floor. He already knew he wouldn't be allowed to wear them the rest of the evening.

"Alright, you go ahead and start on that. I think I'll get dinner started, then maybe a bit later we'll watch some tv or something," Diesel said as he bent down and picked the kitty's pants up.

Tycho sat at the table and started on his homework. It wasn't long before he realized he was utterly lost. He looked at the problem he was working on like he was trying to decipher a foreign language. Of course, one could argue that math with problems that looked like scrambled sentences with the odd number salted in so they could pretend it was still math should be classified as a foreign language.

Tycho's tail twitched in annoyance and caused his diaper to make nearly the same crinkling sound of a trash bag caught in the breeze. That hardly helped his concentration, and as he tried to figure out what he'd done wrong in the latest problem, he didn't hear Diesel walking over to see if he could help. He jumped in surprise as he felt the horse's large hands rest on his shoulders.

"Still having trouble with your homework kiddo?" Diesel asked as he bent in to get a better look at the problem plaguing the poor kitty.

Tycho nodded as he pulled his chewed pencil tip from his mouth. "Well, I thought I had the answer, but when I checked it was wrong. Do you know how to solve these?" The kitty asked, hopeful the mechanic knew something about calculus.

Diesel bent in to examine the problem, and Tycho blushed as he felt the horse's crotch pressed to the back of his head. He was intimately familiar with the horse's dick, it seemed whenever he was babysat by one of his dad's friends he'd end up sucking or taking at least one of them as repayment for them giving him diaper changes. Of course, as the cock that stirred in his padding would attest, he didn't completely hate that aspect.

"Hmm, looks like you almost had it, just need to go with tangent there instead of cosine, and you'll get the right answer," the horse replied as he effortlessly pointed out the spot where Tycho had messed up in the problem.

Tycho felt dumbstruck as he looked at his work. Of course, it had to be one early mistake that made the rest of his work useless. He started to erase most of the work so he could do it right as Diesel chuckled, "Not to worry little guy, I bet half the kids in your class got that wrong."

Tycho worked for another half an hour on his math, and with a bit more advice from Diesel, he managed to get through the tricky part. He put the paper he'd done all his work on in his binder and set his math book aside. His stomach grumbled loudly as he looked expectantly to see if dinner was nearly complete.

The doorbell rang, and Diesel turned to the table. "Go answer the door, kitten. Dinner's almost done," the horse said as he started pulling plates from the cupboard.

Tycho whined lightly. He didn't want to answer the door without his pants, but he knew from experience Diesel wouldn't give them back until it was time to go home. He knew from the call that a visitor was expected and was probably one of his dad's friends. The thought that it might actually turn out to be some delivery guy who'd get a chuckle from the derpy diapered kitty' answering the door in all his diapered glory made Tycho squirm as he started for the door.

Tycho's blush grew brighter with every step. He stood frozen at the door for a moment, but when he heard another loud knock, he knew he had no choice but to answer it soon. The blushing kitty slowly turned the handle and stood behind the door as he opened it a crack to see who was standing outside.

Tycho sighed in relief as he saw it was Gunner. He opened the door fully to let the bull inside and stood back so, hopefully, he wouldn't be spotted by any curious neighbors. "Heya kiddo, how you been? Has school been going good?" the bull asked as he stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

Before Tycho could answer the bull scooped him up. He yelped as he was pulled into a powerful hug that left him barely able to wriggle. The bull's strength put his own to shame, and as he was lifted and cradled in Gunner's arms, he blushed brilliantly. "Well.... I... I guess it's been going good uncle Gunner," the flustered kitty stuttered as Gunner walked with him back toward the dining room.

"Heh, that's good to hear. Gotta keep up your studies, they'll do ya a lot of good one day, kiddo. Well, hope you finished your homework, since I'll be helping keep an eye on you the rest of the day," Gunner replied with a wink as he shifted Tycho from being cradled to riding on his hip.

Tycho blushed as he was carried around by the big bull. He knew full well that if he weren't doing well in school, the babying treatment would only get worse: his dad would make sure of that. "Heya Diesel, I smelled your cooking from down the block. Just about finished? I'm starving!" Gunner asked as he walked toward the horse.

"It's just about perfect. Why don't you go ahead and put the little guy in his highchair and I'll get it dished up?" the horse replied as he took a small taste of the food.

"Alright kiddo, you're gonna be a good boy and eat all your food for your uncles, aren't ya?" the bull said like he was talking to a toddler as he turned and started to the corner of the dining room. Tycho wiggled in chagrin as he was effortlessly carried like a baby to the highchair which Diesel kept around for when he babysat late enough to feed the pamper bound kitty.

Tycho was easily plopped into the seat of the highchair. The bull took a moment to strap the kitty in then clicked the tray firmly into place. With the kitty all strapped in for the upcoming meal, the bull picked up the whole highchair and carried it near one of the seats at the table. The kitty wriggled as the bar between his legs hugged his diapered crotch tightly. This high chair had obviously been built with a smaller baby in mind, though that only served to make it more humiliating that it worked just fine to keep him where he was put.

Tycho squirmed in his chair to try to get comfortable while his two babysitters set everything up. Being stuck in a highchair was as humiliating as it was boring. He tried to get a good look at what was being loaded onto the plates, but with one bulky babysitter dishing the food up and another filling an oversized baby bottle with milk he couldn't get a good look in the kitchen.

After several agonizingly slow minutes, the two musclebound babysitters carried three plates and bottle to the table. Tycho's mouth started to water as he saw spaghetti piled high on the plates. His was served on a frog face toddler plate with a cute frog-themed plastic spoon and had been cut into bite-sized pieces by Diesel.

Diesel and Gunner sat on the chairs to either side of the highchair bound kitten and started setting everything out. Tycho wondered if they were going to let him eat by himself today or if one of them was going to take the time to feed him. Diesel set the frog-face plate on his tray, but before he could pick up the spoon and start to eat, he saw Gunner reach toward him. Within seconds, the kitty found his hands stuffed into mittens.

The soft mittens could still grab things, but they weren't very good at it at all. He blushed as he realized the bull had chosen mitts that looked like dog paws. He glanced from the mittens to his babysitters wordlessly as they each gave him a broad smile. "Alright, enjoy kitty. If you don't get it all finished I'll help you when I'm done eating," Gunner cooed at the kitty as he turned his attention to his own food.

Tycho looked from the mittens to the spoon to the pile of cut noodles and sauce on his plate. He tried to pick up the spoon with his mitted hand and managed to lift it several inches before it clattered back down, spattering the tray with dribbles of spaghetti sauce. "Oh, nearly forgot! Can't have the kitty ruining his shirt," Diesel said as he stood and went to the kitchen.

Within seconds the horse had returned with a large, baby blue, bib. "Messy baby boy" was printed on the bib in baby block letters along with an embossed rattle and diaper pin. The horse immediately went to work tying it around the kitty's neck. Tycho felt utterly like a toddler, in three fell swoops he'd gone from completing calculus problems to being just as helpless as a tyke trapped in a high chair. He couldn't imagine there was any way he'd come out of this without proving the bib right.

Tycho carefully guided the spoon to his mouth. He lifted with both hands to keep it from slipping out of his grip. He managed to get most of the food in his mouth, though some of the bright red sauce dribbled around his mouth and down his chin. His two babysitters ate in near silence with the occasional quip about how the weather would be heating up soon. As Tycho raised a second bite to his mouth, he lost his grip on the spoon and sent the sauce cascading humiliatingly down his bib.

"Aww, the little guy's having a hard time. Don't worry cutie, I'm almost done, and then I'll help you out," Gunner teased with a chuckle as his words effortlessly put the highchair bound kitten in his place. Tycho knew just how much the two of them enjoyed the position of power that babysitting him afforded them and knew that as the evening went on that being treated like a baby wasn't the only thing he'd have to worry about from the bulky bull and horse. Even now, he could see Gunner had a half stiff cock hidden in his jeans.

Tycho felt utterly helpless as he tried to feed himself another spoonful of the food. As more of the bright red sauce spattered down his bib, he realized the mittens made feeding himself an exercise in self-humiliation. He set the spoon down as he watched Gunner eat the last bite of his own food. Being fed like a baby was, at least, less embarrassing than wearing half his dinner.

"Alright kiddo, you ready for a bite? Here comes the airplane," the bull cooed, as he lifted some food on the plastic spoon and guided it through the air in a large winding loop. Tycho opened his mouth obediently and felt the saucy noodles slip onto his tongue. A bit dribbled on his chin, though he suspected the bull had intended that. The more he looked like a messy baby, the better in the eyes of the dominant babysitters.

The feeding continued for quite a while. The bull took every effort to make the bites small, to give the kitty plenty of time to swallow between them, and of course to paint around Tycho's mouth to make him play the part of the messy baby. When it was finally over, Tycho squirmed in his chair as he waited for one of them to decide to unstrap him from the childish device. "Aww, look how adorable he is, say cheese, little guy," Diesel said as he lifted his phone.

Before Tycho could do anything but blush, the picture had been taken. He knew full well the humiliating picture would be sent to his other uncles and his dad and mewled in chagrin that it might end up posted in one of his dad's digital picture frames. He was absolutely ready to be back on the ground and to get a chance to clean himself up.

Of course, the horse and bull would hardly be doing their job if they didn't take care of all the food before they freed the kitty from his babyish bondage. Plus there was still the matter of the large bottle still sitting on the table. "Alright kiddo, we'll get you cleaned up and let you down as soon as you're done with your bottle," the bull said as he set the oversized baby bottle on the tray of the sturdy highchair.

Tycho blushed as he looked at the big bottle. It was absolutely enough milk to ensure he spent the rest of the evening drenching his diapers. That was probably the goal, it was all but impossible to ignore feelings of being a helpless pampered baby when you couldn't hold back from soaking yourself every few minutes to rub it in. He knew they weren't kidding: if he didn't want to spend the evening sitting bored out of his mind the small but effective highchair he had to get started.

The kitty carefully grabbed the bottle between his slick mittens. He gingerly lifted it and, thankfully, managed to get it to his lips without dropping it back to the tray. He let the rubbery teat past his lips and started gingerly sucking. The hole in the nipple was a bit small for his tastes. He knew it was so if he dropped it the milk wouldn't get out. Yet, it meant drinking the bottle was going to be a long process, made all the longer by the fact he couldn't find a way to sit in the high chair that didn't leave his crotch pressed uncomfortably to the crotch bar.

As Tycho sucked his bottle, the two babysitters took care of the dinner dishes and wiped down the table and his tray. The kitty tried to suck the warmed milk down as quickly as he could, but the bottle made that problematic. He almost dropped his bottle a couple times but managed to keep just enough grip through the slick mittens to avoid embarrassing himself further by proving he was unable to even drink a bottle without their help.

Eventually, he finished the bottle, and he could already feel his bladder straining. He desperately had to pee, and he knew full well he'd be drenching his diaper soon enough. He tried to hold out until he was out of the highchair. He hoped the two of them would want to watch tv so he'd have time to wet himself without the tell-tale hiss of urine flooding a diaper alerting them right away.

As he sat and wriggled in his humiliating chair, he saw Gunner move toward him with a wet washcloth in hand. He immediately washed the kitty's face with long strokes of the cloth as he worked to get the red sauce out of Tycho's fur. "Aww, looks like our kitty is trying to hold back. Does he need a visit from the tickle monster?" Diesel noted as he moved over and grinned down at Tycho.

"U-uncle Diesel!" Tycho whined as the horse started to grope the air teasingly.

"Ooh, better let go soon, kitten, it's not good for you to hold your bladder and the tickle monster loves to play with naughty kitties," the horse teased as he walked behind the highchair and slowly moved his hands closer to Tycho's sides.

Tycho whined and wriggled against his babyish restraints. He giggled helplessly as one of Diesel's hands brushed his side. He decided he'd rather wet himself now than get tickled until he had no choice. So, he pushed enough to release into the waiting padding.

The diaper soaked up the urine as quickly as it dribbled from his cock. Diesel stopped tickling when he noticed the kitty had wet himself and nodded approvingly as Tycho's blush deepened. Gunner unlocked the tray and unbuckled the kitty, and while the baby finished wetting himself, the messy bib was untied and set on the table.

Tycho was lifted from his chair by the bull and carried to the living room. He felt his freshly soaked diaper squish against his crotch humiliatingly as Gunner hauled him along and sat down on the soft couch. Tycho had hoped he'd be put into the playpen in the corner, but it seemed the bull had every intent to babysit him in a much more hands-on way.

The two of them started to watch television, and Tycho tried to pay attention. Between getting cradled, bounced on their knees, and groped to ensure his diaper was getting steadily wetter he found it hard to focus on much other than what a big baby he felt like. One other thing stood out, the fact that his cock was growing steadily harder with every diaper check and he was left to blush and wriggle in apprehension that they'd notice.

During one such diaper check he felt Diesel grope him a second time and he whimpered as the horse's finger tightened down on his stiff shaft. "Hey Gunner, it looks like the kitty's got a stiffy. You know, I don't think he's sucked enough cock lately, what do you think?" the horse teased as he squished Tycho's soggy diaper into his crotch.

"Hmm, yep, I think I could go for some attention from our talented kitty's mouth," Gunner said as he stood up and scratched his crotch. Tycho watched in dismay as the bull unbuckled his jeans and pulled them to his knees, letting his half hard cock flop out in the open air above his large nuts.

"C-come on guys, I... you..." Tycho stuttered though it wasn't clear whether he was trying to spur them on or dissuade them: especially if you paid attention to the way his cock twitched in his soggy pampers.

"Of course, if you don't want a diaper change tonight just say so," Gunner teased. Tycho whined, he knew the heavy Barney wouldn't take much more punishment. He silently wondered if they'd only want blow jobs. He didn't mind giving oral, but it had been a while since he'd taken a cock up his ass. That would be the more painful prospect, even if it meant he might get his own orgasm out of the bargain.

Diesel passed Tycho to gunner so he could remove his own pants as the bull cradled the kitty with the back of his head rested against the bull's twitching dick. "Hmm, yep, definitely been too long. Listen to the way he's whining about it. Tsk-tsk, I thought you knew better kitty," Gunner teased as Diesel stood and pulled his pants off, revealing that his length was even stiffer than Gunner's.

Tycho whined as he was flipped while Diesel sat back down. Gunner and Diesel both put their leg rests out, and the kitty was set between them. Tycho had a cock not too far to either side of him. He opened his mouth to protest the awkward position but grunted as Gunner's length was wriggled like a fish lure against the tip of his nose. "Well kitty, time to get busy. Unless of course, you need us to call your daddy," Gunner teased.

Tycho lowered his ears to his head in defeat. He knew further argument was pointless, so he sighed and slowly pushed forward to let the bull's length into his jaws. Gunner took a moment to pull Tycho further onto his lap, which of course allowed Diesel get at the whiny kitty's diaper. Tycho moaned in pleasure around the length in his jaws as Diesel groped his crotch firmly. Gunner's dick twitched and coated the kitty's maw with a thin layer of salty bull precum.

Diesel continued to tease the babied kitty's length through his thick pampers to encourage him to moan around the bull's length. After a couple minutes of gently sucking the bull's shaft, it had risen to its full length. He felt the horse pull him off Gunner's cock and flip him, so he was face to face with the horse's own dribbling prick.

Tycho took Diesel's cock head but coughed as another gob of precum shot out hard enough to hit the back of his throat. He regained himself as he started down the horse's length with both mitted hands wrapped around the base to direct it. The kitty whined as he felt his own dick twitch against its soggy padded prison. Gunner didn't grope him like Diesel had, so his cock was left hard as a rock and unstimulated as he went down on the horse.

"Heh, I wasn't done just yet. Think he could take us both?" Gunner asked as one hand patted the kitty's diapered rump.

"Well, we could always give it a shot. It'd be useful to know," Diesel replied as he half turned toward gunner with the kitty still planted on his prick.

Tycho grunted, unable to say a thing as his uncles lined him up. He felt Gunner's spit slicked dick tip press against the side of his mouth and opened as wide as he could. The bull pushed forward, and Tycho gagged immediately. The thickness was just too much, he pulled back and felt one of their hands on the back of his head to stop the immediate reaction.

As he gagged and pulled back a second time, the hand didn't hold him down. He pulled off and coughed as Gunner looked at him with a disappointed half-frown. "Hmm, well, since he can't take us both there I think I want his tail hole instead," the bull said as he stood and dropped Tycho entirely in Diesel's lap.

"Heh, sure, just don't go too hard, wouldn't want the kitty to get too distracted" Diesel replied as he repositioned Tycho, so most of his body rested in Gunner's now empty seat.

Before the kitty could voice his concerns about getting a rump full of the bull's length his maw was swiftly put back to work onDiesel's shaft. He grunted around the cock in his mouth. He watched as Gunner started to slick his dick up with some of the baby oil kept on hand for diaper changes. The kitty knew he still had one tool in his arsenal that might convince the bull to leave his rear end alone.

Tycho blushed and pushed, humiliated he'd been driven to this. Yet, given no alternative, he let loose the messy diaper he'd intended to save until just before he got changed to avoid sitting in it longer than he had to. The lump pressed out into the back of his padding and squished lightly as the bitter smell of his freshly messy diaper filled the air. He looked back as much as he could while the horse continued to scrub his mouth with a thick cock to see if his ploy had worked.

Gunner turned back to the kitty and sniffed the air. "Hmm, smells like the kitty had a little accident. What timing," the bull teased as, much to the babied kitty's dismay, he grabbed a box of wipes, "Too bad that's not going to stop me, I'm a little too hard to be deterred by a little messy diaper."

Tycho whined around the cock in his mouth as he felt the tail tape of his padding tugged off and the back of his padding lowered. The lump in the back of his diaper shifted, settling right between his thighs and resting against his balls as the bull went to work on his tail hole. He felt the cold wet-wipe pressed to his pucker and wiped around to get rid of any remnants of his mess. The cold wipe was stuffed summarily in his diaper as Gunner started to line up.

Tycho grunted. With his last option exhausted all he could do was relax and try to enjoy getting his insides pounded by the thick bull dick. He squirmed as he felt the lubed cock tip press against his tail hole. His wriggles weren't enough to do anything but shift the mess in his diaper and drive home how helpless he felt at the hands of his babysitters.

Tycho whined as he felt inch after inch of length fed up his hind end. He knew better than to let that affect his jaw while the horse was in there, so he sat back and moaned as he tried to relax his twitching pucker against the thick invader. He felt the sting of his ass getting taken, yet at the same time felt his cock twitch against its soggy prison as his prostate got attention from the length gliding past.

Diesel pressed more of his cock into the kitty's mouth to keep Tycho's attention where it belonged. The cat grunted around the cock filling his maw as the bull at his backdoor started to thrust and pound his innards. "Heh, better focus, or you'll be sucking all night," the horse teased as his cock dribbled another fat drop of precum out into the kitty's mouth.

Tycho's cock was undeniably hard in his pampers. Yet, the most stimulation it got was the slight shift of his padding against his crotch with each thrust of the rod buried inside him. His blush grew more intense as he realized how much he wanted to get off and how much that decision was entirely out of his hands. He'd either get off from the anal stimulation or if one of them decided to play with his diaper front. He thrust back hungrily and heard the bull chuckle as he took advantage and hilted himself in the willing kitty's rear.

"Nngh, he's definitely been left alone too long. He's so tight!" the bull grunted as he rutted the kitty with short thrusts. Tycho could feel the bull's heavy balls slap his rear with every press of the powerful bull behind him. The load that settled between his thighs swung and teased Tycho with its presence: a humiliating reminder that he'd be right back to baby treatment the moment the two of them got off.

"Slow down a bit, you've got him too distracted," Diesel chided as he grabbed the back of Tycho's head and thrust the kitty down on his rod insistently.

Tycho moaned and started to lick and suck the dick in his mouth before the horse took matters into his own hands. He lapped the underside of the cock and rhythmically sucked. The horse's moans told him he was doing it right and he sped up to drive the twitching prick further toward its awaiting orgasm.

Gunner moaned loudly as he thrust forward once more. Tycho wriggled as he felt the sudden warmth surge into his bowels from the tip of the thick rod. He hadn't expected Gunner to get off so quickly, though if there was one thing he knew about the bull, it was that one orgasm was hardly the bull's limit. The kitty's cock twitched helplessly into his soggy diaper. His puppy dog eyes met Diesel's, and the horse chuckled as he patted Tycho's head.

"Hey Gunner, I think our kitty wants to get off. Should we let him?" Diesel asked as he let Tycho continue to suck his length.

"Hmm, nah, at least not yet. After all, he tried to be a defiant little kitty. I think a hard cock trapped in a soggy diaper will be a good reminder that what we want is best for him," Gunner taunted as he patted Tycho's behind and started to thrust yet again. Tycho moaned loudly as the thick load was swirled in him by the thick dick, he knew Gunner was going for another.

Tycho continued to suck the length in his maw and could feel Diesel was getting close to orgasm. He felt his own cock twitch in its padded prison, too far from the edge to get off without serious attention. His ears lowered to his head as he realized the hidden meaning behind Gunner's words: he wasn't going to get a change for a while. He wriggled between the two bulky babysitters and felt the massive load swing between his thighs. He wondered how long he'd be left to sit in his best attempt at defiance.

Diesel gripped the back of Tycho's head and forced him all the way down the dick. The kitty gagged as he felt the horse's cock held in the back of his maw. He tried to relax as much as possible as Diesel stopped with his length fully planted in his mouth. Within moments Tycho felt the tell-tale warm splash of hot cum. Most of the thick horse gunk flowed straight down his throat, but some of it dribbled down and filled his maw with the salty flavor of man juice.

Tycho did his best to swallow Diesel's load as his full balls continuously twitched. Gob after gob of hot horse load drooled from the cock tip and either down his throat or into his maw. He did his best to avoid spilling, he knew he'd be asked to lick it from the horse's nuts if he didn't. Of course, the bull's constant thrusts didn't make that an easy task. He felt Gunner's balls slap his rump ludely as the bull bottomed out in him and pull away as some of the gunky bull load dribbled from his tail hole with nearly every outward hump.

As Diesel's balls finished filling the kitty's mouth with their load, the horse pulled Tycho up, so his tongue was pressed to his cock tip. While Gunner continued to scrub the horse let Tycho catch any remaining dregs of spunk his cock might still hold as it slowly softened. Tycho moaned around the still sizable length in his maw as the bull continued to hump the kitty mercilessly. Then, after what seemed forever but was likely only a few minutes, the bull orgasmed for the second time.

Tycho felt the bull pull out. He felt the long length slapped against one of his fluffy butt cheeks and wiped off. He felt his diaper tugged back up and flinched as he felt his messy load pressed right between his balls and ass. His cock hungrily twitched in its padded prison, just teased enough to dribble precum from its tip but not enough to be anywhere near orgasm.

Tycho was lifted by the bull and carried to the playpen in the corner. "Alright little guy, maybe if you're a good boy I'll change you after the next show," the bull said as he rested his hand under Tycho's rear to lower him into the pen. Tycho whined and squirmed as he felt his mess squish against his behind. Any future diaper change was going to be more of a challenge, but there was hardly a better way to remind the kitty that he was just a big helpless baby.

Tycho watched as the bull sat back on the couch. He was left to his own devices in the playpen. A few babyish toys were scattered about the inside of the pen, but as the two babysitters sat on the couch and watched television without even bothering to pull their pants back up the kitty wondered if he might be able to get off.

He quietly pressed one of his mitted hands to his diaper front experimentally. He felt nothing through the thick layer of diaper. He knew that if he pushed any harder than this, they'd know because of the tell-tale crinkle. His pampers were a potent chastity device when he was under the careful supervision of his babysitters. His hard dick twitched uselessly against the soft padding. He looked over and saw Gunner had turned to look at him. He pulled his hand from his diaper front lest the bull catch him. He sighed helplessly, he'd just have to wait until later to get off.

As he sat back, Tycho felt the load below him squish. He flinched at the reminder of the stinky diaper strapped to his hind end. He felt utterly babied, particularly because they hadn't given him the chance to get off while they'd loaded him up from both ends. The bull's orgasm drooled from his used tail hole in long strings as he tried to ignore the taste of spunk that still filled his mouth. He turned to the television and realized he could hardly see it from the playpen. He looked at the blocks and decided he might as well do something to help take his mind off the twitching hard cock in the front of his pampers.

He got to his knees and felt the twinge of his bladder. The bottle was still doing its job well, and he pushed to let go through his hard prick. He felt the warm urine pool around his cock as he let go. In that exact moment, he couldn't avoid the feelings of utter domination that crashed over him. He felt utterly babysat as he pissed his chastifying diapers for the amusement of the bull and horse.

As soon as he finished soaking himself, he started building a fort with the blocks in the pen. He wanted nothing more than to distract himself from his building horniness and the feeling of being utterly dominated. No matter what he did every shift of the diaper strapped to his butt brought him right back to the moment. Gunner seemed to find him even more amusing than the television. Every time he looked the bull's eyes were on him, ensuring he stayed a good baby kitty.

Of course, that was utterly impossible to deny when he was sitting in his playpen with a messy diaper strapped to his rear, trying his best to ignore the boner that got harder every time he thought of just how they'd utterly domineered him.

Diaper Dash: Teaser

Forenote Hi there, this story was not paid for by the commissioner and is currently up for bids as a YCH on my FurAffinity account. Please feel free to bid there if you like the writing style. Link:...

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YCH Story Auction (Over: Autobought)

## ## **Thank you to everyone who participated in the auction. The story has been bought and will be worked out / posted soon hopefully.** ## **YCH Story** So, I had a 19k word commission fall through during payment, and don't think I'll be seeing...

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Dorm Room Blues - Chapter 1

Dorm Room Blues lunarrush Chapter One: On Taking Care of Laundry Tim woke from sleep at the first chirp of his alarm, his dreams fleeing faster than he could even try to remember them as he looked around the dark room. He knew why he'd set his...

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