Plenty of Time

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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30 minutes without internet-access? Why don't you just cut my arms off...?

Super-short 1000 word piece, based on the theme "waiting for a bus", written for the group writing prompt challenge @

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Plenty of Time

"Andrew, let me borrow your phone until we get back to the dorm."

The red fox boy turned to panther that was sitting next to him at the bus stop, a little confused at the odd request, "Huh? No... Why...?"

"Come on! I'm only at 5% battery, I won't make it back!"

With a sigh and roll of his eyes, the fox once again declined the request, "Zane, it's just a bus ride, you can survive for 30 minutes without Tweeting, Instagramming, Telegramming, whatever the hell you're doing..."

"All of the above, actually." Even knowing that his battery was almost dead, the slim panther boy's gaze didn't waver from his device, nor did his fingers stop tapping the screen, "Also, no, I can't... Ugh, you have no idea what it's like to be a young person in the age of social media, Andrew..."

"What? We're the same age... We're literally in the same college, and came here to work on the same project..."

"Yeah, but you're not... y'know... into this stuff. You don't even have a Facebook."

The panther boy's comments elicited yet another sigh from the fox, "If it's so important, why didn't you bring that extra battery pack?"

"Because, I didn't know we'd be here for 9 hours!"

Andrew pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time, "It's 7:02, bus gets here at 7:09, you'll be at your dorm before 7:40, I think you can survive that long."

"If it's not that long, then just let me borrow it! Look! I'm down to 4% now!" Zane started digging through his pockets, "I'll even give you all the cash I have on me!"

"Dude, an hour ago you didn't even have enough money to buy a soda. That offer's not very enticing." Andrew stuffed his phone back into his pocket, "Besides, I'm gonna play Tetris on the way back."

"Tetris?!?" Zane, sufficiently outraged, finally looked away from his phone, "My social media presence is on the line, and you're gonna play Tetris?!?"

Andrew shrugged, "What can I say, I like Tetris..."

Disgusted, Zane turned back to his phone, a disgusted expression on his face as he grumbled something to himself. He continued tapping at the device, trying to think of a way to somehow stretch the remaining power over the next half-hour, feeling a small pang of terror run through him as he noticed the power indicator drop to 3%.

"How about this!" Zane turned back to his friend, an eager look on his face all of the sudden, "What if you were asleep during the bus trip? Then you wouldn't need your phone, right?"

"I'm not going to force myself to sleep for 30 minutes, just so you can use my phone, Zane..."

"No! I'm saying, what if you suddenly got tired, and just needed a quick nap while you rode the bus...?"

The fox looked at him somewhat puzzled for a second, but it all immediately came together when the panther dropped to his knees and started undoing the fox boy's pants.

"ACK! What?! Zane?!?" The fox boy whipped his head back and forth frantically making sure that no one else happened to be around.

The panther didn't relent "Relax, we're the only two at this bus stop, and I can get you off before the bus even gets here."

As black-furred fingers freed the flaccid member, from the fox's jeans, Andrew glanced down the street in the direction that the bus would be coming from, panicking that the familiar blue and white vehicle might pull around the corner at any moment, "Ah... Dude, the bus will be here any -ah­- minute..."

"No problem." The panther smirked up at the fox, "No offense, but you're kind of a quick shot." Right away he began lapping, quickly getting a reaction out of the fox. The soft member was quickly becoming not-so-soft, it didn't take much more before the vulpine shaft was at full-mast.

Worried about running out of time, Andrew looked back over half-expecting to see the bus, "Zane... This -ah­- isn't gonna happen..."

Unfazed by the fox's lack of confidence, Zane casually lapped at the sides of the hard shaft, letting it glide upwards slowly, and flick off of the tip. It barely took more than a few seconds before the fox cock was glistening with saliva.

Andrew gripped the edge of the bench that he was sitting on, the panther knew too well how to bring him right to the brink, and the black-fur was absolutely showing it.


The stifled moan and small shudder that accompanied it were all Zane needed to be satisfied with the progress he was making. Zane wasted no time, moving his head up and over the vulpine shaft, and quickly engulfing several inches into his warm maw. It was almost fluid the way he pulled back, and then dipped his head back down, taking in a little more of the organ on each bob, until the head erection was breaching his throat.

"Z-Zane..." Andrew was getting close, and the panther knew it just as well as he himself did. Already feeling himself beginning to quiver, the fox fidgeted a bit in his seat, turned to look in the direction of the bus out of sheer happenstance, "Ah! T-The bus! Zane! We--NNGGGAH!"

A final well placed caress with his tongue was all the panther needed to drive Andrew over. Without missing a beat, Zane pulled himself back up to his sitting position. By the time the bus started pulling over to the stop, the panther had reassumed his perfectly nonchalant appearance, save for the two streaks on white that now adorned his face.

With the orgasm barely having finished wracking his body, Andrew took a moment to regain his composure, barely believing what just happened.

After a glance over to his right at the smirking façade of his companion, he discreetly zipped himself up, and stood, getting ready to board the bus.


The fox sighed upon hearing the voice, and without even a word in response, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, and held it out to be claimed by his friend, who wasted no time snatching it from his grasp.

"Tch... Tetris..."

The Importance of Sleep [Commission]

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ~~~~~~ The Importance of...

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A Younger Boss Can be a Pain in the Ass

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ~~~~~~ A Younger Boss Can be a Pain in the...

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Unexpected Instances [Commission]

Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ~~~~~~ Unexpected Instances "What!? You want us to go back!?!" "Cut...

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