Rising Anew-Chapter 3, part 1-

Story by VioletTiger on SoFurry

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#16 of Rising Anew

Rising Anew -Chapter 3-

The next morning things were seeming to become slowly normal again. Both of the young, new, Narcomanta were getting quite used to there new bodies.

Narcenac felt amazing. As a human he had been in amazing shape already, but this... This was something totally new. He could run and run and run without feeling any stress at all. He could jump so much farther and lift more. It was exhilerating. He had never felt anything like this in his life.

Narina too was feeling rather fond of her body. It had taken a while, but when she explored her new body she realized things were definately different. She stood in front of the mirror in her room and looked herself over before deciding whether to wear anything today. Her eyes wondered over the beautiful creature in the reflection. They came to a halt on her breast. For the first time she realised that... They WEre HUGE!!!

She hadnt realised it before, but she had grown. A wicked grin came across her face. This was something she liked. They were big but not imensely so. They werent going to get in the way of her arms during a fight or cause undo stress while running.

Narina flicked her tail around in front of her. Of all the changes... this was her favorite. She had always loved tails, and now, she had one. She loved to stroke it and enjoyed the softness of the fur on it. It seemed that she had a complete 360 degree range of motion with it.


The two of them met in the kitchen to decide a plan of action for their next move. The letter and a map lay spread out on the table.

Narina silently blushed as the looked over the map. She had always admired Narcenac's body. It was something that she had always lusted for but thought she could never have. Now he was standing there shirtless. His beautiful muscles shifting under the purple fur, calling to her eyes.

Narcenac was trying his best not to let Narina know he saw her look at him. He had found that shirts bothered his fur. Even the baggy sweater like shirt he had found would cause him irratation after a short while. So he had decided not to wear one and just wear his pants alone.

He looked over the map trying to catch a hint of the Glade of Shadows that Purrma had eluded to. When nothing seemed to jump out at him he picked up the letter and slowly read it again in search of a hint of some sort.

"Well... I dont have any idea what the Glade of Shadows is." he said relunctantly. "I remember it in the stories that Purrma told, but then again... I always thought those were just stories."

"Well what can we do?" Narina asked still blushing slightly.

"We will just have to follow the directions in the stories i guess..." he said blankly. "I do not look forward to remembering all of the directions in those stories"

The rest of that morning the two of them sat together at the table recalling all of the old memories one at a time and gleaning everything they could from them. They would right down whatever they could remember about the Glade of Shadows from the stories.

Narcenac looked down at the jumbled mess on the paper in front of him.

"What a disaster." he thought quietly.

He worked his way through it all trying his best to put it into some kind of order.

--Far to the north, in a land of faded light and soft mists,

a land of strange creatures and even stranger magic,

Follow Carnin's smell lest you fall prey to the evil of the day,

Into the Glade of Shadows, safety the rare will find.--

Narcenac smiled as he read what he had written. It had made him remember those warm nights sitting by the small fire place and listening to those grand old tales of magic and fanciful creatures. He had to stop and wonder now... Were all of those creatures real or were the stories partly fictional.


Together they looked through the kitchen and found things to take for food. They had yet to be sure exactly what their diets should be now. They had spent the last few days eating from the raw meat in the refrigerator. They had thought about cooking it, but when Narina had first taken a large steak out to cook, the smell had driven them both into a strange behaviour. Together they had set upon the steak like a pair of hungry vultures tearing at a carcass.

The next day they decided it would probably be better to get their food one at a time. Narcenac had gone into the kitchen that night and slowly opened the refrigerator and found a small roast. He had stared at it for a long time, then picked it up and slowly peeled back the plastic. Almost instantly the metalic scent of blood flooded his nostrils and he even felt like he could see the smell. Before he could realize what he was doing he had the meat in his mouth and was tearing at it with his claws. He felt like he could only control his lower body and had to watch his hands and mouth ripping all of the meat away from the small bone. It was frightening and yet it would draw him into ecstacy. He knew without a doubt that it was the same for Narina.

They found lots of meat and were very careful to leave it in the packaging. The other food just didnt seem appealing enough, but they packed it away anyhow. They had to find out what they could eat and the best way to do that would be to try eating everything.

Something worried Narcenac. Judging from the effect that the processed packaged meat had on them, he wondered what effects being out in the wild surrounded by potential food would be like. He hoped he could learn to control himself.

Rising Anew-Chapter 4. part 2-

Rising Anew Chapter 4 continued. The air in the clearing grew very still. Narcenac could hear his own heart beating in his chest. He could hear the heavy drunken breathing of the man. The smell of alcohol was...

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Rising Anew-Chapter 4,part 1-

Rising Anew Chapter 4 It was raining heavily. It had been doing so for the past three days. It had been four days since Narcenac and Narina had left Purrma's old house. The first day had...

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Violet's Little Poem of Happiness

And through the rain drops came a paw, the paw of strength and warmth to me did call, I had to take it and there he stood, the wolf with the giant MANHOOD!!! take me down to the forest floor, through the raindrops that did pour. That wolf...

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