The Monster Lies Ch2: Embers of Desire

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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#2 of The Monster Lies Novel

Skanita continues to struggle with the effects of her condition. Her knowledgeable father is of no help, and her brother, a target for her teasing. Will she finally learn the truth of her condition? Read and find out....

Story Description: Skanita continues to struggle with the effects of her condition. Her knowledgeable father is of no help, and her brother, a target for her teasing. Will she finally learn the truth of her condition? Read and find out....

Story written for avatar?user=76686&character=0&clevel=2 Skan Drake who owns all the puma protagonists of this story

***The Monster Lies Ch2: Embers of Desire***

Skan decided to return home at sunset. As hard as it was to leave the shore of that mesmerizing pond, they had to return before their family started worrying. The way the light reflected off the surface of the rippling water provided an impressive scenery. Skanita insisted on a slower pace to take in the sights. It did her good, to keep her mind in the present. Plus, after so many hours spent with his scent around her, Skanita barely had the strength to turn her back on her brother.

"Come on, take the lead." She told him.

"You first," the male stubbornly held his ground.

"You really want to see what's under my tail, don't you?"

"I want to protect what's under my own, among other things." He flashed his fangs at her.

A wicked thought crossed her mind, and she turned around, lifting her tail, inviting Skan to take a closer look.

Instead, he leaped upon her, his weight immediately forcing Skanita's pristine coat to make unpleasant contact with the muddy ground.

"I win!" the male pounced around her with utter glee. "You're not as quick as you boast, Nita!"

The female gritted her jaws. "Should have left you into the water, you stupid, bumbling male..."

"Maybe you'll get another shot later, sister."

Skanita picked herself up and quickened her pace, angry to have been bested by her brother. She couldn't just return home looking like an abandoned kitten coated in mud. Luckily, the river had many branches. She escaped her brother with a simple excuse, he was all too happy to beat her in a race home. As Skan bound out of sight she stopped she washed herself and reflect on her day.

Oh, there was so much to take in. First the dream, then her stupid act of bravery that almost cost Skan's life, all of which ended up in a most unpredictable sort of way. And through it all, Skan was just so passive, as if nothing affected him.

Mating. That wonderful, yet dreadful dream she pondered upon when her nethers moistened with lust. Part of her soared at the prospect of spending her entire life with her beloved brother. After all, the two of them have been inseparable ever since birth. Yet there was another, smaller part of her that warned of impending danger. The logic part that told Skanita the obvious: avoid breaking the brother-sister bond no matter what type of strange urges tempted her.

Night threatened to fall over the forest, yet she kept walking under the sunset's fiery gaze at a steady pace. Skan's presence accompanied her with every step she took back to the place where he asked her the impossible. Somewhere out in the world, there had to be another male cougar waiting for her. A strong, desirable male that would not turn her entire life upside down. At least that's what her parents led her to believe. When the night shadowed the forest with its cold veil, Skanita took upon the path back home clean; stripped of her brother's scent as if nothing ever happened on the shore of the tranquil river.

The scents of her home became a comforting presence, and with her mind weary from overthinking, Skanita allowed her feet to take her across familiar path absent any thoughts, until the rustling of leaves drew her attention to a silhouette prowling in the shadows.

Skanita whirled on her paws, but the silhouette tackled her before she could even blink. The momentum sent her rolling onto her back. A strong paw slammed against her chest, definitely large enough to belong to an older male than her brother.

Without thinking, Skanita unsheathed her claws, then dug them into the assailant's fur, dragging him close enough for her fangs to finish the job.

But the growl that came made her ears twitch with recognition. Her nostrils too widened to breathe in not the scent of a stranger, but the familiar tint of her own father.

Skanita cocked her head back. She blinked twice, her aquamarine eyes focusing on the amused face of the prey she just caught.


"Is there another cougar who can catch you off guard?"

"You're silly....I scared me silly!" The female snarled as the metallic smell of blood overpowered everything else. She immediately sheathed her claws, the warm fluid around trickling from her sheaths making her shiver with chilling realization. "I've hurt you..."

"These little scratches?" Han licked one of the crimson snakes trailing along his shoulder. "Is this what you call wounds, daughter? Because if that's the case, you must have led a very pampered life."

"You wouldn't have it any other way," Skanita tried to get up. "May I get up?"

"The cub wants her freedom? Are you going to mewl for it?" The larger male swatted her head playfully.

"Get off you heavy lump of fur!" Skanita giggled.

With a ruffle of her head fur, the paws holding her down let up. Once free of the larger predator, the female sprung to her feet, immediately going over the soggy areas where her father's blood mixed into his fur. The older cougar pushed and protested at the soft prods of Skanita's licks. "No no no. You let me right my wrongs this time."

"If that gives you peace, sure." Han settled on his haunches, staring into the distance while his daughter licked away at his wounds. "My own father raised me to be strong, you know. I know it probably sounds stupid to a female, but the threats that have encroached upon our territory for the past years are real. We need to hone our skills for what is to come. I need to teach you both how to properly defend yourselves. There will come a time when home will be a distant territory far removed from the cave you know. A life lived in the embrace of another cougar might not be the perfection you expect. Yet until you are ready to survive on your own, I will watch over you."

"What are you talking about? We're all grown up, me and my brother, perfectly capable of protecting ourselves. Look at the wounds you bear if you need any proof."

Han smiled. "Mere scratches compared to the tales I've heard."

"From your father? Inyan was the real warrior in the family, was he not?" Skanita dabbed the soft tip on her tongue against the shallow punctures while her father nuzzled her neck, licked her ear, acted like none of this even happened.

"He gave me a very specific set of instructions on how to provide for my family, be that food, protection, or otherwise. Now, are you done pampering me? Or should I order you to step aside?"

"Not quite," Skanita switched to his other side, licking her way over his shoulder just as carefully much to the male's vocal disappointment.

"Ease up, Nita. I won't die from a few drops of lost blood." The male growled. "To be perfectly honest, I am more concerned with your current situation. How comes you haven't caught my scent when I approached? You unsheathed claws in the absence of threat. Was your mind so occupied with problems that you've let your instincts lead you astray?"

Skanita's heart seized for a moment. "I need to clean these wounds. Do you want to have maggots growing inside your flesh? Is that a risk you're willing to take?" She deflected the topic away from her present issues.

Han sighed. "My father fought a dozen battles against packs of wolves without earning a crippling wound. We owe him more than our respect, but our very lives! This ground we tread upon is his legacy, and I will not have it tainted with weakness."

"But he isn't here!" The female snarled in defiance. "You taught me better than to raise my claws against my own family."

"What should you do then? Lick each other's paws? Laze together? Sleep on your backs all day?" Han shrugged. "There is a time for relaxation, and a time to fight. I want you to learn the difference."

"I'm almost done, so if you but keep your maw closed for just a moment-"

The male went for her ear, but Skanita was quick enough this time to avoid his teeth. His tongue touched her chin before she could even growl, giving her no choice but to melt within the waves launched by the warm honest affection of a parent. What started as a fight quickly turned into a growly cuddling session where no ear, no whisker, not even a paw was safe from the wet embrace of a cougar's barbed tongue.

"Are you going to tell me what rooted your mind in place now?"

"It''s personal."

"Mrrrrmmm, I suppose there's no choice but to discover the root of the problem myself."

Skanita was both enthralled and scared to have her father discover the source of her distress. She was the one who took the initiative first, and now she became stiffer than a rock with an imposing cougar rubbing all around her. Han got his nose everywhere: under her chest, against the pads of her paws, even near that certain place where no other cougar ventured so boldly.

Skanita shivered as his nose inched closer to her exposed pussy. His breath was too warm, too close, and no amount of courage could get her out of this sticky, enthralling, arousing sort of situation.

"F-father...What are you..." She stumbled forward, trying to get away from that strangely exhilarating sensation of having her pussy sniffed, but the male pushed further still to kiss her defenseless sanctuary with a long, rolling lick.

The touch of his moist tongue felt like lightning on her bare lips, intense and unexpected. A short, rippling growl accompanied her shudders as his moistened tongue brushed against her nether flesh, so moist, so warm, so sensitive to her father's tongue.

"Mrrr-Mrrrowr!" Skanita's heart skipped a beat. He tasted her! He really went where no other male ventured before! The strangest kind of exhilaration left her throat in the form of a rippling purr. Her blood heated up, and her tail sprung up to arch towards her spine almost without her accord as another stroke rolled over her gentle lips. Behind her, Han purred louder than ever. He tasted her with quick dabs of smooth tongue tip, then pressed his muzzle even closer against her pussy, applying pressure against her gender with his harder, barbed part.

Skanita shuddered from every inch of her petrified body. Han -the strong pillar of her family- started licking her pussy like an enamored male. When the third stroke came, Skanita could no longer keep her elation trapped. She parted her maw, unleashing a strange, trembling sound she never made before as her lower lips twitched relentlessly around the invading tongue.

Han pierced her outer defenses. He got inside the silky sanctuary that extended past her puffy gates just for one thumping heartbeat before all that strange heat pulled back along with the male's tongue.

"Fatherrrrrrr!" Blobs of heat converged under her trembling tail, threatening to burst out at a most inopportune moment. Skanita was horrified at the prospect of flooding her father's tongue with the strange sticky substance that came out in the wake of her dream. She dug her claws deep into the ground, squeezed her eyes shut, resisting with every fiber of his being against the tide of pleasure that raced towards the trembling gates of her nether regions. If another lick came, it was over.

But fortunately, it was not to be so, a blink of an eye later relief came when cold air brushed along her soaked lips. Han's hearty growl made Skanita glance behind her shoulder to see her father snarl. He took her scents deep within his nostrils. Analyzed them. Perhaps even savored them. Or was it all just another mirage her loins sent to her head, these past days they were becoming all too frequent.

Pressed by a strange breed of curiosity, Skanita too inspected the fine cougar, sniffing into his luxurious fur. The scents got sharper towards the end of his body, and once she reached his behind, Skanita boldly pushed the male's tail aside to peek at a gender that certainly matched the cougar's size. His spheres were firm and ripe, two fruits nestled inside a tawny furred pouch. Skanita nuzzled the two fat gems with her nose. The smell of strong musk seeped into his nostrils, stronger, rawer, better than anything she smelled before. Almost without her accord, her tongue poked through her maw, dabbing at the fleshy entrance of Han's sheath, collecting a sample from the bounty of scents residing in that warm, sensitive place.

"Mraawwwrrr..." the force of the pheromones made her unsteady feet stumble back dizzily. She blinked a few times, then kept licking her lips as often as she had the chance, snarling from the sheer potency of the male's sharp fragrance, cursing her stupidity.

While she thought of a way to explain her impulse, something wet rushed around her nose. Skanita blinked to see a pair of warm red eyes staring back at her, and a tongue too big to be her brother's brushing around her nose in the form of three gentle licks.

"The scents will disperse in a moment, daughter. Just breathe. You're doing fine."

The thought-addling sensation lasted but a fleeting moment, thankfully. "It's-it's nothing, father. I'm just tired."

"You are young, but no cougar remains a cub forever. You are maturing so quickly..."

Skanita's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" She jumped on her feet to follow her father around. "You know, don't you? Please...please tell me what's going on with me!"

The male turned to her with a warm smile on his face. "Nothing is going on! I am just reflecting on how quickly time has passed. Almost yesterday you were but a cub no bigger than my paw, and now you stand a huntress armed with the necessary tools to start her own life. Not that I consider you remotely ready to do so," the male added. "You might wield sharp claws and deadly fangs, yet the skills to use them are sorely lacking. I would have you remain under my watch a couple more years to learn the same knowledge my father bestowed upon me."

Strange. Han rarely talked about his father. "How old were you when-"

"Old enough to survive," the male cut her off. "Come now. The wind is starting to grow fangs and I shall not have my daughter tremble in the open on account of unfounded concerns."

Later that night, when she found herself secluded in the farthest corner of her cave, Skanita went over her dream all over again. The unfounded concerns Han brushed off so easily remained vivid in her desires. She wondered how he would react if he was made aware of such knowledge, then quickly found the outcome was far worse than the pain of keeping a simple secret.

Skanita hoped to find relief in the realm of dreams, yet in the depths of her mind -a place untainted by rules- she discovered a different type of relief. Two wet dreams, both of her brother testing her resilience up to the breaking point. Skanita tried everything to wrestle her mind off him. First, she licked herself to climax, then crawled over to Skan to sniff his musk, hoping a small dose of his enticing scent would calm her rising passion.

It was not to be so. The more she fought, the worse her condition became, and after another agonizing day filled with lust, Skanita saw but one option: remove herself from the epicenter of her torment before it swallowed her whole. She found a tranquil place far enough from the cave, where only the smells of wilderness graced her nostrils. For two days, Skanita tasted peace...but peace, like any other thing of worth, never came without its problems.

Skanita's head ached with the same frustration that has been bothering her for two consecutive days already. No matter how much she pondered upon the origin of this unknown affliction, the answers felt like the whispers of the forest, slippery and elusive, hard to even notice in the darkness of the night.

The moment when the fiery sun rescinded its domain used to be the female's favorite time of day. Skanita used to frighten small animals, find the loudest crickets, scratch trees and just enjoy the exhilaration brought on by the exclusive feeling of an apex predator. Only the owls matched her sight at night, yet they hid in their tree hollows, far removed from Skanita's domain. She was the princess of her territory...

Or at least, she used to be.

A lazy yawn pried her jaws apart. The cougar's barbed tongue extended out of her maw alongside a steamy gust of moist breath. Her tongue curled for a few moments, then rolled over her whiskers to clean whatever particles of dust her unsheathed claws stirred. Yesterday, Skanita spent her whole night wasting the pent-up energy she accumulated from the lazy days before. Now, she barely had the energy to pick herself up, idly working her sharp claws through the soil while she filled her mind with memories of her brother. Oh, what she wouldn't give right now to slump against Skan's warm body once again. To just sit against his belly with his forepaw draped over her neck, both gazing at the starry sky while the cold winds blew their way through the boreal forest like a mystifying song.

But she couldn't bring back the past. Not now, when the skittering heat still burned its way through her flesh. Skanita felt it. Thoughts of lust always lurking in the back of her mind. Like a serpent crawling along her spine, thrums of gentle heat poured into the puffy folds of her gender. Sometimes, an electrifying spark made her nether muscles convulse against her will in the strangest of ways.

And it felt good. Oh, so good. Especially if her mind slipped towards copulation. Skanita exiled herself in this patch of forest to forget everything that had to do with mating, but it seemed her instincts weren't quite eager to throw away the chains that bound her to such heated desires. For every normal thought she could conjure, a few other dark ones lay in waiting, biding their time until the sparks of pleasure accumulated into a proper blaze, as it happened right now. It has been more than two hours past her usual sleep time, and Skanita felt on the verge of bursting with sexual desire. What to do? How to tame this unruly urge to have a male's barbed cock deep inside her moist pussy?

"Mrrowrrr," Skanita's claws dug deep into the ground as her tail jerked above her spasming lips. Heat always found answers before she could. Two heartbeats later, the warmth calmed down somewhat, leaving only dampness behind. Skanita annoyingly got up. She sniffed the translucent fluid squirted by her pussy, her lips puckering at the overly pleasant smell of her heat in liquid form. She spent enough time by herself to know the translucent goo was anything but pee, but further than that, her guess would be like predicting where the wind was going to blow from.

The female rolled on her back to disperse the stiffness in her muscles through exercise, then got up on her feet to stretch her stiff spine, first her front half, then her back, an endeavor which always ended up with emission of fluids. Skanita barely paid attention the drops that trickled down her soaked pussy lips. Two days of living through whatever this illness was numbed the curiosity that pushed her to talk with her parents. Not that she got any answers from them. Maka too often played the role of a second mouth for Han, zealously backing up her mate even when there was little need to. Skanita could always ask them how they survived this ordeal, but the embarrassment of the conversation alone made her heart pound with anxiety. No. That was a last resort option; one she would only use if it threatened exile from her territory, or if Skan left to find his own mate.

Wherever her mind went, problems abounded. To clear her head off the annoying thoughts that started picking at her fur, Skanita strolled through the midnight forest. With no clear goal in mind, she allowed her paws to take command of her body, and she walked, and walked, the sound of her breath and the warmth burning within her lower belly blanketing all her other senses. When she regained her awareness, Skanita had the unpleasant surprise of a brighter sky. Morning was coming to find her even more tired than in the previous days. Not that she minded to have that damned stubborn discomfort dulled. Just like with her other senses, fatigue slowed the warmth of her heat down enough to give her a measure of coherence around her family. As she approached her den, Han's markings became more pungent, giving out a musky smell that bothered Skanita ever since her mysterious condition started to manifest.

As expected, Han was already outside his cave. Tail lifted high into the air, the male sprayed a previously scratched tree with a fresh jet of urine. Skanita could smell it from here, a sharp scent that prickled the fur along her spine.

"Nita." Was all Han managed to mutter before the smaller female brushed her head underneath his neck.

"Good morning, father. Slept well?" Skanita settled herself on her haunches a slight distance away from her father to mask the scent oozing out from her soaked pussy.

"Better than others," the male sniffed at the air. "There are a couple of large bucks near the river. Do you want me to get one of those? Or prefer to savor something softer, like a young doe?"

Skanita's tail twitched with indecision. She rarely had a saying in what father hunted. "I...don't exactly know. A fawn is not enough to feed our entire family."

"Two of them might be." Han flashed his sharp fangs before he turned to leave. "Get inside the den and make yourself comfortable. I will be back before the sky lightens up."

Skanita was about to mutter her gratitude, but then her eyes caught onto the fat pouch protruding underneath Han's tail in no uncertain manner. His orbs looked slightly bigger than before. Heavier, somehow. Skanita blamed the confusion on her condition, and, to prevent an awkward moment, she got up and brushed alongside her father's powerful body until she got close enough to his head to plant a loving lick under his chin.

"Come back quickly."

"I will, now that you gave me a good reason to." The older male purred and licked her in return.

Skanita scrunched her eyes shut as her father's barbed tongue pricked onto her fur for two long, enthralling licks. The warmth enticed her to get closer, but when she pushed her head forth, Skanita found no soft fur or strong muscles to rest against. How usual of Han, to pretend nothing changed. This attitude annoyed Skanita at first, as it was a parent's duty to bestow any form of knowledge upon their offspring. However, constant disappointments took their toll on her. The female quickly realized she'd have no aid from anybody, and that sealed the deal.

Skanita walked over to Han's marking and sprayed the bark with her own scent before she headed inside the den. The cavern didn't quite offer an exciting view, nor it bore the freshest of smells, but every step on the cold stone filled Skanita with a serenity she rarely felt after the self-imposed exile into the forest. Was that a bad move? Did she overthink her situation? As she looked over her mother's sleeping form Skanita understood the meaning of her little sacrifice. She didn't want any member of her family to worry about her more than they had to. Especially Skan.

When she strolled into their chamber, Skanita discovered that he too was lost in the realm of dreams, twitching a toe or flicking an ear, completely oblivious to her presence. Though slightly smaller than his father, the young male was nowhere less attractive. Skan's haunches hid powerful muscles underneath all that tawny fuzz, and his white tipped muzzle, although cute, concealed four deadly fangs that were more than capable of bringing down prey.

But what attracted Skanita's interest weren't fangs, claws, or otherwise. After she made sure her brother was completely unaware of her presence, Skanita crouched down and inched her nose closer to her brother's genitalia. Warmth radiated from the fuzzy spheres. Warmth, and a seeping dose of masculine musk that made her heart flutter inside her chest.

Skanita closed her eyes, then gently prodded the spheres with the tip of her nose. She loved how firm they felt. Almost like grapes wrapped in a fuzzy package. And that wasn't the only interesting thing her brother had. His sheath was equipped with a fleshy opening that throbbed against her nose, wet, and pointy, and...bigger.

Skanita jerked back when the felt her brother's foot slammed against her neck.

"Nita? Is that..." Skan rolled onto his back and blinked a few times, almost unsure of what he was seeing. "That's you isn't it? I can tell that stench from a thousand other stinks."

His cocky attitude didn't surprise her in the least, but it surely was better than the alternative. Getting caught nosing around in that kind of place wasn't exactly high on her list given that she shared the same blood with Skan.

"I hunted!" Skanita blurted out the first thing that came into her mind.

"You...hunted?" the male cocked his head. "Oh, right, right. Caught one of those males you keep mumbling about, but so did I, and she was ravenous!"

"She?" Skanita sprung on her feet, fear replaced by annoyance. She pressed her nose against Skan's, staring him straight in those big beautiful eyes. "I hope you're talking about me, brother, because I'm the only female hungry enough to eat you whole right now."

"Just a d-dream. I'm not talking about real cougars you know," Skan stuttered, drawing a breath of relief when his sister pulled back. "Who else is there apart from us? We haven't exactly had many visitors since our dear father took his patrol duty to the next level."

Skanita said nothing. She knew her father became a little overzealous, but that was only to protect his family from a vicious pack of wolves that started eliminating the resident cougars one by one. Han thought that with no other cougars, around the wolves would just find new rivals to vent on.

And he was right. Ever since the purge three years back the family lived in absolute peace, wanting for nothing thanks to their father, a brave provider like no others on this earth.

"Nita, you do look a little worn. Maybe we'll go to the river later. Or we can just stay here and talk about our dreams. I told you mine, so why don't you go ahead and tell me yours?"

"And risk having you fall asleep again?" Skanita rolled her eyes. "There's nothing remotely interesting about my night. Just crickets, dirt, and thoughts. Lots of stupid thoughts that never gave me any peace."

"Exactly," Skan said. "I want to help you in this battle. Help you find a measure of peace. Ever since we...played that game at the river, you became more...reserved."

"I know," Skanita let out a long sigh. "It's not your fault, or father's, or anyone's. Some can I put this? Not all fights can be won."

"Sounds like lazy talk to me."

"I'm not lazy!"

"You do look on the verge of falling asleep. These lonely nights are doing more harm than good. Come back to us, Nita. Come back for me! I've been feeling...alone ever since you-"

"Come here you silly fuzzhead."

Skanita allowed her brother to crawl next to her and place his head on top of her neck only because she wanted to feel the heat of his body merging with hers. Other than his scent and his body heat there wasn't anything worth paying attention to. Not to Skanita. Not when the warmth crawled all over her body. She idly played with her brother, and somehow along the way she ended back on top, with his frail neck between her jaws.

"Nita, you're...getting a bit too tight there."

The female relaxed her jaws. "Sorry," she apologized with a few more licks on her brother's neck. "I got a little distracted."

"Explains why you're such a poor hunter."

Her aquamarine eyes narrowed into two tiny specks of rage and without giving her brother any time to prepare Skanita pinned his head to the ground. "Say it again. Mrrr I remember you squirming beneath me in the exact position three days ago. Who won? Me? The poor huntress?"

Skan mewled, growled, and licked at her pads with that lovely wet tongue of his.

"Well? Are you ready to amend your statement?" Skanita pressed her paw harder against his muzzle.

The male nodded his head.

"Good," Skanita pulled her paw back. "Choose your words carefully next time. unless you want a softer part of your body to get the same treatment."

" don't mean the grrrroooowwrrr!" A seething sound that could only be a mixture between irritation and fear washed through the cavern. It was obvious from his eyes that he wasn't used to have his jewels threatened, and, to make her point clear, Skanita pressed her hind harder against his captive, ripe sack.

"Mrrooowwrr you're taking this far too seriously! Take that paw back, or I'll...I'll-"

She cut him off with a lick over his cute muzzle. "Do what?" she spread her warm padded toes to encompass his whole equipment. The shudder in his muscles told her everything she wanted to hear, though it was not nearly enough. To have him in such a vulnerable position, to feel his body, his fur, his breath...that was what made Skanita remember how it felt to live.

"Tell me, brother," she nuzzled around his neck before pressing her nose against his. "Tell your sister what you plan to do to her."

"I..." Skan's heart pounded inside his chest, each thump harder and louder than the last. Slick, moist flesh brushed past Skanita's toes, stealing her focus for a moment, just enough to allow the male's strong limbs to envelop her.

Skanita closed her eyes...then both cougars growled and shuddered together in a pile of limbs, tails, and heated breaths. The last thing she expected was to find herself dragged against him, which normally would've been a pleasant treat were it not for her blasted affliction. Skanita didn't need her eyes or nose to understand why her body shuddered the way it did. The dampness under her tail was obvious on its own without the pulses of liquid heat squirting down his genitalia.

"I'm sorry," Skan rolled away. "It wasn't my intention to get you worked up." He hovered a paw over his drenched sack. His member still stood at attention, a rock hard spire armed with a plethora of barbs around the head that flared out in rhythm with Skan's heartbeat. "Sheesh, what a mess you got me into. I almost...grawr, you almost made me..."

"I'm sorry," Skanita mumbled. "I just...I missed playing with you. Can we forget this? Don't tell our parents I peed on you."

"You did what?!"

"It's not really-"

But Skan already sprung as if struck, towering above her. "You peed on me? Why in the world would you do that?"

"It's not really pee you dummy!"

"But you just said-"

"Let me deal with it you blabbermouth, else you'll wake mom!" Skanita snarled. "Please, keep your head cool and just...forget about this. And let us be clear. If you mention this to anyone, I will deal with you in appropriate manner. Understand?"

Fortunately, she found Skan in a submissive mood today. "Good," she gave him a short lick across his muzzle. "Just roll on your back and...try not to think of naughty things while I clean you."

"Hard not to when I'm already unsheathed," the male complained.

"Just try your best."

Though it was somewhat embarrassing to clean her brother's genitalia when the male was fully aware, Skanita kept her tongue rolling, entertained by her brother's struggles to distract himself from the hard throbs that coursed through his cock. Skanita avoided the spire entirely, sticking to the clammy fur of his balls. The sweet tint of her juices tested her resilience like a battering ram assaulting a castle's gate, each lick making her weaker, until...

"I'm done." As soon as she pulled her head back, Skan bolted to the other side of the cave to hide his erection. "I've already seen it, you know."

"You weren't supposed to look at it!" he hissed. "Now every time we cuddle I'll think about this. Another exciting memory to add upon a growing pile of-"

"Was it that bad?" Skanita padded closer to him. "Bad enough to swear you will never do it again?"

Skan was starting to lose his tongue again so she gave him a few loving kisses to mellow him up.

"You've changed."

"Not for the better."

The male shook his head. "No, Nita. No... You are still the sister I've known my entire life, only now you became more..." he hung his head. "I don't know how to call it. Braver? You do things we've never done before, like-"

"Licking each other?" Skanita pressed herself against him, purring like a female in need of a special kind of attention. "Or you mean sleeping together? I haven't changed, brother. Always loved you, always will. Stop getting flustered every time I lick your muzzle or take a peek under your tail."

"But that's the point! These curiosities separated us for three days already. It's dangerous to keep hoping for a future we cannot have."

"Says who?" Skanita countered. "How can we learn new things if we keep ourselves tied by the rules of our parents? I love you, brother. Everything that we've done, we've done together. Besides, I was only playing with you. It's not like siblings are allowed to mate with each other even if they love each other very very much," Skanita finished with a lick over the shocked male's face. "Come now. Father will be returning soon, and you need to tidy yourself up a bit before we greet mother."

By tidying up, of course, she meant tending to the obvious erection that stretched brother's sheath up to the point of bursting. It was a feast for Skanita's eyes to gaze upon Skan's blood-engorged cock. Though she stated the truth earlier, there weren't enough times when she saw her brother aroused in all his arousing glory.

Unfortunately, this time she agreed to let Skan tend to his little male problem in peace. Pacing over to her own corner of the room, Skanita pushed her head underneath an upraised hind leg and started to lick voraciously at her sensitive pussy. As soon as her wet tongue made contact with the flush folds, the female's lips wrinkled up to expose a snarly hiss from the depths of her throat. By the serene sky and its twinkling stars, it felt so unbelievably good to touch herself down there. The strange sweet nectar produced by her illness caught onto her tongue after every flick of her tongue to feed Skanita's increasing appetite, and soon enough, what started as a careful cleaning session acquired a more primal touch.

Skanita pressed her tongue harder against her opening, and when she was no longer pleased with the carefulness offered by the smooth tip of her tongue, she rolled her entire tongue over the cherry colored lips, shuddering and mrowling in ecstasy as each sharp barb prickled onto her oversensitive nerves. These tiny explosions of pleasure made her entire body feel like a volcano on the verge of explosion. The magma was her need. The cone, her clamping lips. Skanita knew she couldn't possibly endure more than a few seconds of this immense pleasure, so she pressed the brunt of her tongue against the naked pussy, squeezed her eyes shut, and imagined Skan's muzzle tasted her instead.

The mere glimpse of that cute cougar's tongue invading her most intimate of openings made Skanita erupt with one of the harshest yowls she released in recent memory. Her claws came out all at the same time, sliding through the air or scraping against the floor, her legs kicking in the same restless manner as her shuddering tail. Spurt after spurt of sweet, slimy nectar smashed against her tongue like the waves of a churning sea, amplifying the immense pleasure that coursed through her body by feeding her instincts with heat-leaden pheromones. The taste of her own sex made her lips tremble and her eyes blink uncontrollably, so gratifying that Skanita completely lost herself to the ephemeral clutch of her overloaded senses. She didn't know how long she spent locked in that realm. Only that once the stream ended, her body felt completely drained.

"Growrrr..." Skanita's head collapsed back on the ground with a tired growl. She saw her brother rip himself from his own business to check on her, and immediately a wave of guilt washed away the pleasant tingles of her aftermath. Skan's whiskers carried many beads of cloudy fluid. What wasn't light enough to hold onto his whiskers fell down his lips in the form of ivory snakes that the cougar tried very hard to erase with his unresponsive tongue. Five more spurts streaked the ground under his belly, wasted and cold, all because Skanita couldn't keep her own maw shut. She wanted to say how sorry she was for denying her brother the same blissful pleasure she felt moments ago, but her spent body couldn't muster even a whine.

Skanita closed her eyes and fell into a strange, yet very fulfilling sleep.

End of Chapter 2

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