Eat Up

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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Good day everyone. This started out as a quick story requested by my dear friend Sil. But me being me I got carried away and created characters and instead of being a bear on wolf orgy developed into this little piece. It is quite long though! I also started trying a new style when writing it so hopefully it worked out well enough.

Anyway, thank you for reading this story, please please please send me feedback. It's like crack to a writer! I am working on the sequel and prequel to my Orc on a Subway story too.

TLDR: This is a long story. To skip to the porn search for "Fifty seven minutes ago"

On a busy street in a busy town there was a not so busy lower class restaurant simply called "Eat Up". It was indistinct from the surrounding shops, a faded front with clean but old windows with faded lettering advertising "Del cio s san wic es" and "Hot hips" for sale. The interior of the restaurant, however, did not match its humble outwards appearance. It could hardly be said to be the height of style or even modern but the chairs were comfy, the table cloths clean and the servers polite, well groomed and went out of their way to please the loyal clientele, most of whom knew the owner and manager of the premises personally. All of the employee's that is except one, of whom we shall refer to later. It hardly needs to be said they tipped generously; a bastion of politeness in the hustle bustle fast food world was worth it wouldn't you agree?

It is now fourteen minutes after three in the afternoon and the store is mostly empty. Two old women, a fox and a skunk, are sipping tea and trading pictures of their grand children making the appropriate ohs and ahhs. Two other tables have some elderly gentleman lounging, belts undone, escaping their wives for an hour or so and enjoying a good hearty meal that their wives wouldn't let them enjoy because "you know what the doctor said about your health now!". They are being served by a young friendly bear with a cheerful smile.

Here is what you need to know about the bear. His name is Brian and he is twenty one years old, single and almost always smiling. He is in the city studying at university according to his parents but actually didn't get in and is just getting by working at "Eat Up". His first kiss with a girl at his Prom left him wondering what all the fuss was about. His first kiss with a boy at the party afterwards left him knowing exactly what the fuss was about but everyone had been telling him the wrong gender. His parents had raised him to be polite, well mannered and think of others first, as such people thought he was simple and either took advantage of him or took pity on him.

At Eat Up most people took the pity route for two reasons. Firstly he was big and attractive in a wholesome way, short blond hair, warm brown eyes and his large chubby frame made people react kindly. Secondly The Boss looked out for him and the regular customers knew it. You shouldn't feel pity for him though because he was raking in far more in tips than he had thought possible and was living well enough for a server at a restaurant.

The back of the restaurant is the domain of a lizard called Bentley. His actual name is Eth'turain'dolain Ter'ut but he hates it, Turain is such a feminine section to put in a name, and It is far too much of a mouthful away from his own hotter climes. As such the kitchen is warmer than anyone else would prefer.

What you need to know about the lizard is this. He has got the biggest crush on Brian in the world but is too afraid to act on his urges at all for multiple reasons. The reasons in order of importance are a fear of rejection, his upbringing and it's lessons on homosexuality, how an attractive bear like Brian would never fancy a scrawny guy like him and finally their different species. You also need to know that he is an excellent cook, speaks flawless English but has a thick accent due to his different tongue and hates the other server at "Eat Up".

The other server of whom I have referred to darkly before is currently in the kitchen chatting the lizard ear holes shut with a litany of his sexual triumphs. Bentley is unsure why he was doing this as he doesn't care and doesn't believe him. Instead he is concentrating on the stew that would be would served this evening to the closed meeting of The Boss's friends.

"..and that was When Fred walked in! You just had to be there" The young grey furred wolf trills, his mannerisms over the top gay in a restaurant where all the employee's were gay but didn't advertise. "Anyway, I knew you'd just love to know that Ethel" The wolf dropping the fake name he had invented for the lizard based on his actual name making the lizard stop and think about other uses for the knife he was chopping up potatoes with, regardless of what it would do to the marvellous edge he ensured every morning. "Since you don't, ya know, do sex. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that he was gone out of the back door and along the street.

As soon as he steps out of the back door his gay appearance disappears, merely an act to try and get tips, an act that wasn't working so well he had found. Here is what you need to know about the wolf. He is nineteen years old and living in apartment with three other wolves, all of whom are bigger than him and think this equates to smarter and more important than him. He was kicked out of his home three years and forty seven days ago when he was discovered kissing a guy behind the bike shed. He found it easier to pretend to be hugely gay that to settle being a guy who likes guys and letting it end there. He did not let anyone at work see him as the subject of so much bad luck and was unaware of how much everyone detests his ever growing queeny personality.

Nineteen seconds after the wolf had left the kitchen Bentley felt warm soft paws massaging his shoulders. He allows himself to believe that it was Brian's paws for just long enough for his arousal to spread over him but stop to show before looking back into the dark green eyes of The Boss and his soft rare smile. It wasn't that The Boss wasn't a nice person or unhappy, he just didn't smile, usually a blank look on his face, which is why he chose cute servers instead of doing it himself. That and he could afford to have cute servers so why not?

"He get you down again?" Says the boss, his voice deep and low in his chest.

"Sort of" Bentley says as he steps away from the comforting paws, pouring the potatoes into the stew and putting the top on and putting it in the oven before closing the door "He just always tells me about all these guys he pretends to sleep with. I do not care in the slightest and yes, it makes me slightly jealous"

"You want anonymous sex with strangers in seedy clubs?" The boss replies as he walks from pot to pan, lifting lids and smelling the things inside. He wasn't smelling them out of a concern, he had far to much trust in Bentley's cooking abilities for that, but out of a genuine interest.

"Well when you put it like that..." He starts and then swats the big bears hand with a wooden spoon faster than The Boss can react"Ah ah ah, don't spoil the surprise. It's new, if you like it tonight you can decide whether we can cook it as a special or something"

"Fine fine" The Boss replies, shaking the slight pain from his hand and hiding a grin as he went into the little office to do some paper work.

There are a lot of things you would like to know about The Boss as he has a long and interesting past. He is the oldest person at Eat Up at forty seven years of age and has owned Eat Up for ten years but has only started running it, living in the apartment above it and managing it in the last two. This is because his mate of 15 years passed away from complications in surgery and two bullet wounds from a 9mm semi automatic pistol in the hands of a now headless and dead weasel. The reason for the weasel firing a 9mm semi automatic pistol into The Boss's mate was because he was an assassin and was being paid a large sum of money to kill The Boss, since the The Boss was at that point The Big Boss of the Ursine crime circle.

The Boss has since semi retired and acts as an adviser to the new Big Boss pulling in a lofty sum of money while avoiding the life threatening situations that had claimed his beloved's life two years before. It was these people who would be meeting at his restaurant tonight partially socially and partially business. As such only Bentley would be there and he would leave as soon as the food was cooked, The Big Boss had some of his men serve the food.

It is now four on the dot and Brian is turning the open sign over to "cl sed" and locking the door after the smiling fox and skunk who had slipped him an extra few dollars for "being so good to a couple of biddies like us". He sighs and hangs up his apron in the kitchen before stretching out, unaware of Bentley's eyes watching that little space where the bruin's shirt lifts and reveals that pudgy, desirable belly.

"Need any help?" Brian's says as he walks up behind the lizard who hopes he'll do exactly what The Boss did but is disappointed as usual. Instead a hand moves past and grabs one of the pastry hour dervs' he has been making for tonight. Bentley playfully smacks him with the same wooden spoon, the one he keeps especially for stopping people from touching his cooking things or stealing food, but doesn't stop the bear from eating it. "Mmmm, you've outdone yourself."

"Thank you" Bentley replies, turning with a smile, enjoying the praise of his cooking possibly even a shade more than the physical proximity to the bear of his desires. "And no, I'll just have to cook some stuff once The Boss's friends arrive then do the dishes and I'll be off. Thank you for asking though"

"It's fine. We get the night off" Brian says referring to himself and the other wolf server as he awkwardly moves a hand and places it on the lizards shoulder, squeezing softly. "I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to... umm..." The bear hesitates needlessly he could have asked for a blow job in the john, spare cash for a taxi home or even help emptying his gutters and the lizard would agree. "Go out for dinner. With me. Tonight?"

"I.. I'd quite like that" The lizard stutters back, consciously having to stop himself from collapsing in joy as his heart beats harder than a drum in a full band performing XXXXXXXXXX. "I finish around seven so..."

"Eight O clock, I'll pick you up" Brian says, interrupting the lizard and squeezing his shoulder and then leaving, the lizard waiting until he hears the door click shut before collapsing back against the kitchen bench spluttering.

The reason for Brian's suddenly forward behaviour comes from advice The Boss gave him four days ago. Brian had been working late and The Boss was sitting at one of the small tables drinking and reading a well worn leather bound book. Brian couldn't see the title but when he came out of the kitchen to tell The Boss he was finished there was a second shot glass poured for him.

"Bentley's mad about you" The boss said without looking up from his book, his hand gesturing to the seat across from him with the topped up drink.

"I hadn't really noticed." Stammered Brian as he sat down at the chair and picked up the offered drink hiding his discomfort at the strong liquor as it burned his throat. "He.. ah.. He's a nice guy I just..."

"Hadn't thought, I heard you" The boss said as he picked up a bookmark on the table and slid it into his book before he placed it on the table. The bigger bruin was not surprised in the least that Brian hadn't noticed, when it came to flirting Brian had all the senses of mole in peak hour traffic. "But now you do know. So..."

The boss left his sentence hanging as Brian took another sip, the alcohol's burn lesser this time. "I've.. erm. This is kinda of embarrassing for me to say" Brian stuttered over his words, not wanting to admit he hadn't ever asked someone out.

"You don't have to. Here's what you should do" The boss said as he sat up straighter and locked his eyes on the younger bear. He then outlined the plan that had worked so well this very afternoon.

It is now two hours and forty five minutes later and the clock is pointing, inaccurately, at 6:40pm. In the front of the restaurant 5 bears other than The Boss are sitting around a large table finishing off the last of the pastry entrée's and sipping wine or gulping bear. Each of the bears is talking to their neighbours or across the table but there is no unified attention until a short but wide, large muscles hidden under his well tailored shirt instead of the pudge a few of the other bears have, black furred bear coughs. Everyone falls silent as the new Big Boss speaks.

"I would just like to officially open our Ursine dinner circle with a toast to our host and advisor" The black bear says, his voice quieter than you would expect from such an imposing body but demanding respect around the table. His toast is well received and all the other bears raise there glasses with either "here here's" or "Thank you very much" or other such platitudes.

"Now before we begin business proper I believe our host has a matter he would like some advice on. Given all the help he has given our circle and us personally over the years I felt it would be the smallest of kindnesses to assist him at this time." The bear continues and then nods at The Boss.

"Thank you." The brown bear, tallest and possibly largest bear at the meeting, replies, pausing before continuing "I know a lot of you come here to eat from time to time when you have pressing matters you wish to discuss with me." Heads around the circle nod as they listen and wait "And as you are aware I recently hired a new server, a young wolf."

The boss stops and looks around the circle, noticing the eyes of the other bears narrowing, fists tightening just a little and other signs of annoyance. The bear to the Big Boss's left pipes up "That... fairy?" and stops dead as eyes narrow at him, everyone well aware of The Boss's preferences and that the Big Boss shares that preference. "Stop those glares. I don't mean the fact he lies with other men, I mean how he acts all over the top. Tries to talk with a lisp sometimes and fails, has a limp wrist. It's disgusting to people like m... people of that orientation" The bear falls silent, aware he perhaps gave away a bit too much but that in the long run it wouldn't matter so much, especially since Big Boss's foot was now brushing his leg slowly.

"He has the problem exactly. I've had some people I know follow him and it's all an act. He's not had a good life either so I don't want to just fire him. But he makes Bentley uncomfortable and is constantly hitting on Brian the poor thing. It really has to..." The boss continues and then stops as he sees the other bears eyes aren't looking at him but behind him towards the kitchen door where a quick glance reveals Bentley standing looking quite embarrassed.

"I ah.. Sorry Sir's. I just was going to say I've finished and was heading off" Bentley says as he toys with his tail, the six bears at the table glaring at him and making him shiver in fear, knowing that the other bears who were serving them all had guns. "But I overheard and I ah..."

"It's ok, Bentley" The Boss replies as he gets out of his chair and walks over, placing a hand on his shoulder and starting to lead him out. "No harm done just yet so..."

"He forced Brian to suck him off!" The lizard suddenly blurts out, the blush on his cheeks burning as he looks down and away from the Boss as he is escorted out. The other bears begin murmuring at the table at this new discovery.

"Well, I say forced but well. You now how simple and trusting Brian is, I think he tricked him or something. It's not the kind of thing Brian would normally do..." The lizards voice trails off as The Boss lead him to the door.

"You did the right thing telling me Bentley. We'll deal with this. You and Brian have a good night tonight" The boss pulls his wallet from his pocket and pulls out a few notes, pressing them into the lizards protesting hands "You have the dinner on me OK?" And with a short push the lizard is pushed outside the back door which was quickly locked.

Once The Boss is seated again some of the big Boss's most trusted men begin to serve out the stew. Big Boss breaks the silence as soon as the last of the stew is served "I think I know what need to be done. Is the Cellar to this place just as it was?" The Boss nods his head as he takes a big spoonful of the stew "Good then here is what is going to happen..."

It is now two days later and "Eat Up" is closed again for a private function. This time it is a gratitude dinner for Bentley and Brian who, sitting next to each other and holding hands as most new couples do, are a little confused as to why the wolf isn't there with them. The boss had cooked and while lacking Bentley's flair in the kitchen the meal was tasty and filling. As the three of them ate down beneath them in the basement a different scene was unfolding.

Fifty seven minutes ago as the wolven server stepped out of the house he was living in, his house mates being rude and obnoxious as always and forcing him to go for a walk to calm down, a black van had started to follow him. The wolf was unaware of this and instead was just trying to enjoy the last glimmers of sunlight through banks of cloud. The black van pulled to a stop beside him and before he can react strong hands have grabbed him, something has been shoved into his muzzle and the world is spinning and fading away.

Ten minutes before The Boss, Bentley and Brian sat down to begin their meal the wolf slowly comes back to his senses. At first everything is like a blur to his eyes, darker shapes in darkness around him, voices muffled and unclear, hands moving over him and a breeze blowing through his fur, all his fur. As his senses clear, dull blobs becoming sharper shadows, voices becoming clearer but still hushed below his hearing and hands holding him tightly, painfully. He tries to call out but finds his muzzle bound.

The strong hands lift him up onto his feet and he finds his legs still weakened from whatever they had done to him. The same paws tug him this way and that, his muscles like jelly, unable to resist, as his arms are fitted into leather restraints, followed by his feet and then a push sends him falling back onto the floor.

No, not onto the floor. The wolf turns his head confused as he is surrounded by the sound of creaking and is slowly lifted up. He feels his blood run cold as he realises he is bound in side a sling, never having been in one but having seen enough porn to recognise what it is and what it portends.

"Thank you boys. Come back in twenty minutes, I'll be finished with him by then. Untie his muzzle" Says a deep voice from in the shadows. The hands that had been adjusting his restraints and the sling recede and the shadows move up and undo whatever had been binding his muzzle and then move away. "Turn on the lights as you go"

The wolf hears a door opening and then a soft click fills the room with the soft glow of a single light bulb revealing that he is in the restaurants basement, the wine rack and other assorted things making it easy for him to identify. He doesn't remember there being a sex sling though. In front of him as naked as the day he was born is sitting the bear we know as Big Boss but who the server has yet to meet.

He is currently sitting in a wooden chair all laid back and relaxing with his legs crossed, hiding himself from the wolf's view. In one hand is a thick cigar which he occasional takes a puff on as he examines the suspended wolf in front of him also naked.

"You're quite the looker you know that pup?" The bear says as he takes another draw, blowing the thick smoke at the wolf.

"Let me go you sick fuck! I'll scream! Let me out right this second or.. or..."

"Or you'll scream and no one will hear and you'll thrash and you'll wail and you'll beg and you'll plead and none of it will achieve a single thing" The bear cuts in over the wolf in an even voice before uncrossing his legs watching the wolf stare at the long uncut black length that lay there, still flaccid for now.

He stands and pads forward and walks around the wolf, puffing his cigar one last time before dropping it and extinguishing it with his foot. "You know where we are so you know even if there was anyone upstairs they couldn't hear you. And if they could do you think they would want to?"

The wolfs head follows the bears movements, noticing two things. Firstly that his sheath bounces as he walks, it's fleshy length moving back and forth as he walks. Secondly that the bear stays just far enough back so he could never hope to reach him but close enough that he can smell the arousal, cigar fumes and pure alpha male smell rolling off him.

"Of course they'll save me, everyone loves me!" The wolf replies, fear evident in his voice and a little whimpering setting in.

"And if I told you that they thought you were a dumb queeny bitch who should shut his mouth more?"

"I... ah.. but they"

"Shush" the bear growls out as he steps closer, watching and waiting to see if the wolf will lash out but getting no such reaction he steps in again and places a hand on the server's flat white furred belly. "Tonight you are going to pay your dues for being such a nasty bitch to them. Tonight you are going to be the cum slurping slut you keep pretending to be and then that slut is going to die."

The wolf's heart race and he starts to struggle, not trying to attack this oddly clam bear but just trying to escape. "No! No, I don't want to die. I'll just leave ok? I'll go away, far away. The Boss and Brian and Bentley and everyone will never know I was here and mmmmpppphhhh"

The wolf is silenced as the paw on his stomach moved up and squeezed his throat, holding him tightly until he stopped struggling and babbling. "Now as I was saying before I was interrupted. The slut is going to die, whether you go with it or not that's up to you. Now..." The bear grins broadly, his teeth bright white in the barely lit gloom of the basement as a hand reaches up and tugs the sling so it leans back and the wolf is face to face with the bears now half hard black uncut prick "Suck bitch"

The wolf whimpers and shuts his muzzle tight, shaking it back and forth underneath the thickening cock. Breathing in through his nose wasn't working though, the musky scent of arousal from this alpha bear was getting to him, his entire body was getting hotter and hotter, his sheath plumping up and his pink tip pressing out with each inhaled breath.

The bear growls impatiently and takes hold of the base of his cock and tugs back the thick foreskin, a dark coloured head pushing out, already moist, and slapping across the wolfs muzzle.

"Open up little wolf or I'll just walk around and use that hole of yours right now instead of letting you get it all nice and slick" The bear growls out, lust and annoyance at the wolfs hesitation making the growl even deeper to the wolfs ears. The wolf who whimpers and finally gives in, opening his lips and then his jaw only for the bear to not hesitate and slam his thick cock right into the base making the wolf gag and splutter. His eyes tear up as he tries to pull back away but a hand on his neck stops him from moving back as a thick bear cock grows and swells in his muzzle.

"Breathe through your nose bitch. Mmmm fuck you're awful at this you know?" The bear growls out as he runs his fingers along the wolf's suspended body, teasing a nipple as his fingers pass it. His hips pull back and then thrust forward making the bear grunt while the wolf gags. "Still a muzzle is a muzzle, you just let me get nice and big in there"

His hips continue to jack back and forth as the wolf watches the large nut snack swaying back and forth with every thrust, his muzzle filled to capacity and his throat being opened up in a way he wasn't aware he could before. His eyes water as he sucks in not only air but the bears thick masculine scent, the scent driving his libido higher even as the pain and humiliation of being this big bruins bitch calms it down.

Without any ceremony the bear pulls all the way back, slapping his now fully engorged length against the servers coughing and spluttering muzzle leaving a damp wet mark across the grey fur. He steps back and strokes his cock, showing off like a peacock in mid strut, watching the wolf's eyes lock onto his cock.

"You like my cock don't you?" The bear growls out as he strokes it from base to tip, a long drawn out process given the sizable length he is sporting. The wolf just whimpers in response, no longer resisting but not wanting to admit to his desire either, hoping the erection that was now jutting from between his legs wouldn't give him away.

The bear steps closer again, moving his cock down so it is directly in the servers view, the upside down angle his face was on making the sight alien and different but hotter than hell. Big Boss grins as he saw the wolf lick his lips and then grinds the wolf's face into his crotch.

"Now, I'm going to put just the head in. You suck it and I won't have to choke you on my cock again." The bear says, his voice low and gentle, as though raping his mouth gently was the height of kindness, which in this situation it most likely is. The wolf's head nods just by the merest faction and then opens slowly. The bear grips his jaws and pulls it open the rest of the way, not wanting to wait, and thrusts his fat knob into the wolf's wide open muzzle.

The wolfs eyes open wide as the hot cock presses into his muzzle again, hands holding his jaws open releasing and letting him fulfil his ends of the argument. Despite being gay the poor wolf had never actually sucked anyone off and was now expected to learn in the most pressing of circumstance. His tongue moves slowly along the underside of the large head, working up along the slit and then across the broad start of the shaft, the bulge of foreskin behind the head foreign to the sheathed wolf.

"Suck harder bitch. It's a cock not a lollipop" The bear growls out and thrusts his hips forward, skewering his cock down the wolfs throat and then pulling back, a warning shot of what else would come if he wasn't good enough. The wolf whimpers and sucks harder, worrying for a second that he's sucking too hard until the bear growls and runs his dull claw tips through the wolfs short chest fur.

"Ohhh fuck that's it, get it nice and slick." The bear grunts out, his eyes shutting as he holds the wolfs shoulders, thrusting back and forth by no more than an inch, sticking to his word but waiting for the wolf to fuck up so he can plough that throat with reckless abandon again. The bear does not get his wish however as the wolf starts to get warmed up, his muzzle ducking back and forth, his tongue stroking the glans just right until with a grunt the bear pulls back, panting just a little.

"Mmmm... Boys get in here. Got a treat for you" The bear rumbles, stroking himself as he pads to his chair and sits down, watching as the door opens and two taller, leaner and while trite to say probably meaner bears walk in. Both are already naked and hard, the one of the lefts prick slightly shiny in the bright light from the corridor before the door shuts, obviously having kept each other occupied. Without a word they advance on the wolf.

The one on the left, who we shall call Moe as it is a good a name as any, is an inch taller than the one on the right, Frank lets say. Despite his extra height his cock is clearly smaller and thinner than either Franks or Big Boss's. However since his is already slick with saliva obvious Frank doesn't see a problem with this. Frank's cock is a nice average size and shape for a bear, a sheath instead of foreskin like the wolf and Moe, but unusually large balls hang beneath it.

The two bears advance towards the wolf, splitting up so that Frank moves towards the head while Moe moves around to the wolfs rear. There is a flare of light that only the wolf looks at and sees Big Boss lighting another cigar, giving the wolf a big grin before Moe obstructs the view.

The wolf whimpers and brings his tail up to try and protect his rear as Frank fiddles with the sling. The two bears grab the wolf tight and untie him, flip him over and tie him up again, talented paws making it the work of a moment to bind the wolf into this new position facing the floor. The wolf doesn't even try to resist but instead looks up at the bear in front of him, trying not to think about the bear behind him.

Frank steps forward and without uttering a single word grabs the base of his cock and squeezes it, making it thicker, harder, before pressing it towards the wolfs lips. The wolf doesn't resist more than a whimper and opens his mouth, the long but thinner bear cock thrusting into his throat like a sword into a well oiled sheath, his nose pressing into the bear's thick coarse pubic fur. The wolf gags again, his eyes watering as the cock presses deeper, strong hands on the back of his head drawing him in closer until he can't breathe through his mouth or his nose. The bear grunts and the wolf feels the prick inside his maw spasm and he knew the bear was spurting pre seed down his throat. A second later his guess is confirmed as the bear pulls back to the tip and two watery squirts of pre cum wash over his tongue. His tongue moves up and laps across the still sticky tip, the salty taste odd but not entirely unpleasant but soon gone as the bear thrusts forward again.

At this point Moe has already lubed up his fingers with a mixture of saliva and lube and, with one hand holding the protective tail out of the way, is thrusting two fingers straight into the young wolf. The wolf's body spasms in the sling and he makes muffled noises around the cock thrusting in and out of his mouth. Pain runs from his abused tail hole across his body, his fingers flex in their bound positions. The fingers pull back and thrust forward again and again until with no extra warning a third finger joins them which makes the wolf howl around the prick he is slobbering on.

Moe grins as his fingers explore this tight hole, loving how it's constricts around his fingers, trying to resist their deep probing but failing dismally. His other hand releases the tail which now hangs limp, the pain of moving it outweighing what meagre protection it offers, and strokes his dropping cock a few times before he steps forward. His fingers pull free from the wolf at the same time the bears maleness pulls free of his muzzle, leaving him coughing and panting, thinking himself free of the torture for now.

And then the wolf screams as the taller bears cock presses against his entry and thrusts right in, its small length no consolation given it's girth and the strength of the bear thrusting it in until the wolf can feel the bears balls against his rear. He opens his mouth and whimpers and moans and begs for the bear to pull out of his previously virgin ass. Or at least that was the plan but as soon as he opens his mouth the bears fat prong is thrust in right to the hilt and then back again, both bears fucking the wolf from both ends.

The wolf whimpers and moans, pleasure, pain, humiliation, lust and all kinds of other emotions swimming over him as the two bears fuck him, back and forth back and forth like a sped up metronome for some extremely kinky music lesson involving the male organ and the skin flute. The wolf lost track of the time he had been fucked like this, balls slapping his ass and his chin, his cock dripping onto the floor with every thrust of the talented cock past his prostate. The only thing he could control was his sucking, so he did. He bobs his muzzle up and down, runs his tongue along the thick pre drooling knob on his mouth and swallows it down to the base as the bear thrusts until with a grunt the bear pulls back and , while the wolf watches unblinkingly, shoots a thick load across his muzzle.

Moe grins as he watches Franks cock erupt over the wolf beneath him and doubles his speed, the thumping noise that was filling the room before getting louder and sharper. The wolfs hollers and closes his eyes, thrusting into the air and ignoring the bear in front of him cleaning his cock on his muzzle as that short prick inside him drives him wild. His cock strains away from him, pulsing like mad, his knot harder than ever before, his breath coming in short staggering gasps as his cock erupts over the floor, his vision swimming as he gasps for air, not able to breathe in enough as his body shakes in pleasure and passion. He is aware, on some level, of the bear finishing inside him and pulling out but gives no indication of noticing.

He also doesn't notice the words Big Boss says as the two bears withdraw from him. He doesn't notice black paws stroking their spent members as they blush and smile and get given order. He does notice what happens next because suddenly a much bigger cock was thrusting into his tail hole.

The wolf cries out in surprise as the bruins much thicker cock spreads him out and the extended length means it pushes in deep, stabbing places he's never been touched before even by the most inquisitive of doctors. His limp cock surges a little as Big Boss doesn't rest himself against the wolf but instead pulls back to the tip and thrusts forward again, not hard or fast but persistent like an old fashioned steam train getting started. Hands grip the wolf's shoulders as he moans, letting his head flop between his shoulders.

"Please... stop.. I.. I can't take it." The wolf pleads, biting his lip to keep a shuddering gasp from escaping.

"Stop lying bitch, you can take it because you are taking it" The bear growls out, rolling his hips as he thrusts, letting his cock explore this unexplored territory deliberately missing or hitting the wolfs sweet spot as it pleases him. "And you're going to have three more visitors tonight as atonement."

The bears hips start to speed up as he works himself back and forth, the steam engine analogy being even more apt now as he starts to pull out of the station, his cock thrusting faster and faster. The wolf barely even hears the door opening and expects it to just be Moe or Frank entering for another turn but instead finds a different flaccid cock presented in front of him.

His eyes examine the length of it, uncut human style cock like the bear nailing him from behind, long and broad with an unusually small head attached to a thick brown furred body. His eyes gaze up until he met the eyes of The Boss and blushes, turning his face down again until a hand grips his muzzle and pulls it back up.

"Open Pup. I took you off the street and you treated me and everyone else like shit. Now we are going to repay the favour" He growls out, the first time the wolf has ever heard The Boss sound so mean. It's not the first time Big Boss has heard it though and it gets him going, remembering the brutal bear who had taught him everything he knew and the fire and passion he had before his mate had died.

Big boss growls and thrusts harder, faster until a hand rests on his shoulder, squeezing softly. "We've got a while until the other two will be ready, don't let him off the hook yet" The boss says with a grin and then leans over and kisses the black bear, deeply, lustfully. Tongues grind against each other in combined muzzles making The Boss's cock stiffen in front of the wolf's muzzle. It didn't lengthen or even thicken much, it just got harder, warmer and more full of life. Without a second thought the wolf opens his muzzle and sucks it in, working his now much more experienced tongue across the head.

The three men moan and groan as their bodies move in unison, like some freestyle jazz or improvisation acting, no one knows what was coming next but it all can work so well. The Boss's hips start to thrust back and forth, his length sizeable but not enough to make the wolf choke and splutter like Big Boss's had. Big Boss's hips move back and forth, left and right, breeding and ruining the tight ass for anyone else for weeks to come his balls slapping against the wolfs fur. The wolf just moans and sucks and tongues his employers cock as best he could as his ass got over the pain and starts to send wave after wave of pleasure through him. The three continue, no end in sight as the two older bears knew exactly how to speed up and slow down to make sure they could last the distance. The three probably would have continued until the mornings light had it not been for the door opening and the last two visitors of the night intruding.

"Hey, two naked bears told us... to..." Bentley starts before his less sensitive eyes adjusts to the scene before him, his cock immediately hardening in his pants.

"I know we just started dating" Brian says, his hands moving and adjusting himself and groping Bentley "But uh.. I don't hold it against you if you think that is fucking hot."

The two kissing bears finally let their mouths depart each other, their eyes only moving away several millennia or a few moments later, it's all subjective really. Both smile and start to say something but The Boss beats Big Boss to it.

"Come on, get naked and tag in guys. Our little slutty wolf here is making amends for being such a prick to you all these days."

Much to The boss's surprise Brian doesn't hesitate, moving forward quickly and struggling with his shirt and then pants, only tight briefs left to hide his modesty, although even they didn't do a good job of hiding it.

"Dibs the rear" The shorter of the three bears says as he tugs off his briefs revealing he is most defiantly not the smallest of the bears, quite the reverse in fact. His sandy coloured fur shimmers in the dull light, his smooth curvaceous body standing bare and proud quite possibly for the first time in his life. He has more of a belly than either of the two bears, a large all to graspable and poundable rump and a cock that hangs half way down his thighs and is still flaccid.

"Fuck..." both the other bears exclaim as Bentley blushes, having already seen what Brian has to offer the night before, and slips off his own clothes. His slender form is the most colourful in the basement, greens and yellows across his chest and flat stomach down to his groin where a slit is open and a long slender cock, curved upwards by quite an angle, has emerged. He moves in behind his bear and kisses he neck gently, pressing his length into the gap of his rump and moving a hand around, grasping the base of the massive monster and stroking it slowly, letting it grow much to the bears amazement.

The wolf is completely unaware of these developments until The Boss finally moves back, his thick cock still hard and now shiny from saliva as the wolf turns to see what is happening, what has stopped the black ursine from pounding his rear. His eyes widen in surprise that the gentle server he had forced to suck him off before was so well equipped. He whimpers and tries to bring the words to his mouth to apologise to the bear but nothing comes out as he watches the length growing and growing from the lizards careful grasp.

"It's.. it's not going to fit!" The wolf exclaims as he watches the mammoth monster rising and thickening until the lizards long fingers can no longer wrap around it, a second hand joining the first and still leaving a substantial portion of bear meat uncovered. The bear just grins, reaching down and gently removing his lizard's hands and moves forward and behind the bound wolf where his eyes can no longer follow. The lizard moves towards his face at the same time, the oddly shaped cock getting closer and closer, looking slightly like a cone how skinny it was at the tip and how wide it was at the base, a hole at the tip dribbling clear fluid slowly.

"Oh, I imagine he'll find a way to get it to fit. With me he stopped with the head, but you?" The lizard grins and thrusts his hips forward, wiping his preseed across the wolf's muzzle and placing one of his smooth hands on the back of his head, holding the canine muzzle in his crotch, right up against his genital slit. "You're going to be ripped open by that monster while you suck my cock. And you're going to love it"

A mischievous smile crosses the lizards muzzle as he draws back and presses his pointy tip against the wolf's lips, not forcing himself forward and not even thrusting, waiting for the wolf to open of his own accord. At the same time Brian had spread open the wolf's ass cheeks and was examining the well fucked hole with a critical eye, the rings red from it's stretching around two guys already, neither of whom could hold a candle to the beer can thick cock jutting between the bears leg.

He turns his head to ask Big Boss a question about how tight he is and see's the two bears are otherwise occupied. Big boss lying on his back, his legs and arms wrapped around The Boss who's hips are thrusting back and forth like the waves on the beach in a storm, fast, furious and powerful. Their muzzles are locked together as the two bears admit without words the feelings they have had for each other all these longs years.

Brian smiles and turns back to the job at hand, sliding three of his fingers into the unsuspecting hole and gasping at the heat and how easily his fingers slide in, flexing them and making the wolf gasp out. As soon as the wolf gasps his muzzle is filled with lizard meat, the first few inches easy and thinner than he cock he had been sucking but as the lizards pushes in right to the hilt the base makes his jaw strain to take in it all, the oddest feeling of his life. His tongue automatically begins to lap along the underside of the shaft in his mouth, the odd smoothness of it so different from the bear like and human like cocks he has been sucking, but the moan from the lizard tells him he is doing the right thing.

"That's it wolf, make my lizard moan enough and I might take it easier on you" Brian says as he lubes up his cock, not nearly enough lube left in the bottle to coat himself but enough to glaze his knob and the first few inches which is all he had ever been allowed to push into someone before, today though he was going to go the whole nine yards, so to speak. His head presses against the loosened ring, obscuring it from the bears vision as he gives a soft thrust, just testing how much the wolf would resist. The wolf gasps around the lizards prick and struggles a little, the hot head pressing against him making his sore hole spasm in pain, his brain knowing what is going to come.

The bear growls and buries his dull claw tips into the wolfs back and thrusts forward hard, his massive head stretching the wolf's ring, making the poor thing think it might actually snap. His eyes close as tears burn at the edges, his cries for mercy muffled around the cock he can no longer suck due to the pain wracking his body. The bear groans deeply, the tightness of the hole, the heat, the fact it's this piece of shit who had black mailed him into sucking him off so many times in the past making his cock all the harder as he continues to push his hips forward, his entire glans disappearing into the abused hole followed by inch after inch of shaft until the bear stops, halfway embedded and just past where he had lubed up to.

"Fuck..." Bentley says softly, watching the usually so gentle and caring bear be so strong, forceful and well... fucking sexy. His own hole squeezing shut in sympathy. Last night he and Brian had ended up in bed together and over the course of many hours, lots of fingering, toys and more lube than the lizard had thought existed he had taken the head of the gigantic beast. And yet here was Brian forcing his cock into the wolf's previously tight ass without caring about the consequences. Even though the wolf was no longer slurping on his cock like he had been a minute ago the lizards cock was harder than ever and his hips were thrusting back and forth without him realising it.

The bears claws relax and stroke across the wolf's back, cupping his ass cheeks, spreading them and then forcing them around his shaft. Even with the fleshy mounds around him there was an inch or two of him left uncovered as he starts to withdraw. The wolf moans in delight, that huge log moving out of him at last, only to find it a trick. As soon as the wolf's ass relaxes to allow the bear to exit he bellows and thrusts forward again with renewed vigour. The unlubed inches make the wolf's hole feel as though it is on fire, his hands and feet wrenching around as it ploughs into him until he feels the bears belly against his back.

"Mmmm there you go wolf. No one is ever going to fill you up like you have been tonight." The bear growls out, catching the look of wonder and excitement in the lizards eyes and grinning back at him. Keeping the lizards eyes on his he slowly pulls his hips back, the wolf's tail hole resist inch of the way, and then pounds forward again, exaggerating the pleasure he feels on his face for Bentley's benefit, but not by much. The tight hole grips him amazingly, stretching around him and so warm and moist from another's seed. He thrusts again and again, taking his time and watching as the wolf's body rocks with each solid thrust, sometimes managing to bottom out again sometimes getting stuck an inch or two out of him.

Unknown to everyone, the bear and lizard abusing the wolf, the two bears mating passionately as lovers who's ships had passed in the night and now were making up for it in dry dock and even the wolf himself who's body is wracked with pain, the wolf's prick was rock hard and dripping onto the floor. Somewhere amongst the stretching, the pain, the shear friction and size thrusting into him his body was gaining pleasure and it was growing. The truth of the matter is this, the bears immense size and the angle the wolf was hanging in the sling meant that ever movement, every throb of the girthy shaft, every thrust, every breath the bear takes is hammering his prostate like you could never believe.

The lizard doesn't notice the wolfs leaking erection but he does notice the wolf's muzzle become more attentive, soft little groans coming out as his tongue works his shaft again, working it rather better than Brian had last night in fact. He strengthens his grip on the wolf's muzzle, holding it right in position, and proceeds to fuck it. What the lizard is doing could never be called thrusting or even slamming, the movement he makes, the soft gasp every time the wolfs nose presses against his slit, the way his butt cheeks clench, this could only ever be called fucking. Another hand joins the first as he speeds up even more, his eyes not looking at the wolf but at his bear, imagining it was his muzzle or his ass he was fucking with reckless abandon.

Brian's fur is clumping from the sweat of his exertion, his hips ploughing back and forth, concentrating on his own pleasure, letting the tight ring squeeze around his head with every withdrawal. His balls pull up as his cock begins to get harder and just a little thicker, the wolf no longer thrashing in protest but moaning louder around the fleshy length gagging his mouth. "Oh god... Here it comes bitch... here it comes" the the wolf's ass, Bentley following and thrusting hard and fast, both their grunts filling the basement as one then the other cum. It doesn't matter which came first bot now the wolf is being filled from both ends, the lizards water seed splattering down his throat as Bentley thrusts hard and deep, determined to get out every last drop while the bears thicker seed fills his bowels as he pulls back, letting the last few spurts gush across the wolfs back. No one, not even the wolf notice his cock flaring and shooting across the floor, no one except big Boss and The Boss who, having finished a few minutes ago, have turned to watch the show.

With a grunt grunt Brian pulls back and free of the tight hole, his cock shrinking rapidly now he is spent, his gargantuan cock shrinking down to merely huge and hanging against his thigh. He slaps the wolfs ass getting a soft grunt from the wolf's muzzle, now free of the lizards still hard protruding length which Bentley is now wiping clean on his face.

"Most impressive boys" Big boss says, his cock hardening a little at the sight of the ruined wolf hanging there, cum dripping from his rear and his mouth. "I don't think he'll be bothering you again. But you could always wait a while and go for a second round just to make sure"

"We'll leave him in your hands Boss" Brian says with a grin, handing the blushing lizard, all self conscious now his balls are empty, before putting on his own. "I need a shower and Bentley needs..."

A hand muffles the bear as Bentley, now clothed, presses behind him and forces him towards the door. "Needs his bear to keep his mouth shut. You two don't wear him out too much, he's working tomorrow!"

The two remaining bears look at the panting cum splattered wolf and then stand up and carefully unbind him and lift him out of the sling, Big Boss carrying him over his shoulder. "C'mon pup, let get you cleaned up and see about this slut dying ok?" the black bear says, patting the well bred ass and heading towards the stairs.

It is later, though the wolf wouldn't be able to tell you how long. The two bears had taken him into the shower and then, between the two of them, taken him in the shower. He hadn't resisted and in fact had rather enjoyed the big black bears muzzle wrapped around his member as The Boss pounded from behind or the tightness of The Boss's ass around him as Big Boss mounted him from behind. Now he was clean, dry and wearing a bathrobe far too big for him with the remnants of some meal in front of him. The Boss was sitting across from him while Big Boss was cleaning in the kitchen.

"Ok pup, here's the deal. You abused my trust, basically raped Brian and pissed off Bentley who never has a bad word to say about anyone." The Boss says, puffing on a pipe as he lets the wolf let the gravity of the situation blend in. "My friend decided to deal with the situation and now it has been dealt with. You decide to go to the cops or try to extort any of us and well life won't be pretty."

"I... I wouldn't" The wolf starts, his voice quiet and weak.

"Mmmhhhmmm" Deep brown eyes lock onto the wolves and hold it there before the bear takes another puff of his pipe "Well anyway. You have two choices in front of you really. First you go back to your normal life. I doubt you want to keep working for me but I can set you up somewhere else. You stay living with those assholes who treat you like shit. You can keep pretending to be a huge slut or whatever else you want. Basically tonight never happened and you go on your merry way"

The wolf's shoulders sag, not having liked his old life at all and the idea of returning to it quite unwelcome. He is unaware of the other bears movement behind him and arms moving around him until they are closed around him. He flinches, expecting to be lifted up and bent over the table or for the boss to move over and make him suck him off again but instead the grip stays as gentle as both bears had been to him in the shower, ever since they had left the basement.

"Or" Big Boss says, his chest vibrating against the wolf's back. "We go for a fresh start. You move in with us..." the Boss's cheeks flush under his fur and he almost coughs on his pipe, not objecting in the least after all they had discussed it, but hearing it out loud was different. "...and we teach you what being a gay man is actually all about, with emphasis on the man not the boy like you've been acting. You'll treat Bentley and Brian like people and heck, you might even be invited to join them in bed again. You'll work hard and be rewarded. Once you're a little older you could come and work for me"

A cough from The Boss stops the black bear in his tracks. "That discussion is for another time Vincent"

"Fine, fine Geoff. Anyway pup. What do you say? Move in here with us, be our play thing and become a man. Or go back to being a pretend slut? Fresh start or same old?"

The seconds stretch out into infinity as the wolf considers his options. No matter how he looks at thought there are some things that just can't be undone. The name calling, the abuse, stealing his refrigerator space!

"I was told the best way to make a start is to introduce myself" The wolf says, his voice still quiet but far more confident as he stretches his hand out to the beaming bear across the table. "It's a pleasure to meet you Geoff, my names..."

But really that's unimportant. And we leave this story to two bears and a wolf retiring to their bed chambers, all three wondering what the hell they have gotten themselves into. An abused wolf with a second chance in life thanks to a fiery rebirth. A stony criminal who had been afraid to act on his urges with someone he has pined over for years now ending up with two for the price of one. And a bear who in one night has had his heart reawakened after the death of his mate. A new mate in the making and someone to look out for like he wishes had been done for him. And across the city two other bears are discovering that they don't actually need a sling, lube or a wolf intermediary to have fun. And as for Brian and Bentley? Well young lovers do deserve some privacy.

Good night and sweat dreams gentle reader.

And be careful who you annoy or you too might end up in the basement of a restaurant bound up and used by bears.

Orc on a Subway

Just developing a new character who popped up in my mind. He's a young cocky orc in a cyber punk setting. Here he is catching a train home from a job that went well and gets to take advantage of something that just pops up. Furries will be involved...

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First time for the second time

This is a fair bit longer than my other stories on here. Hopefully it's more enjoyable. It does take a while to get to the sex I suppose but just like all good meals it's always best to build up an appetite. Anyway, this is dedicated to a good...

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Sensei's Rod of Discipline

Evening Yiffstarians. Drackir here with another of my livejournal meme's. This is the third one and the second yiffy one. This request is for Zarneth. Her equested something involving a catboy in a dress. Not being a huge cross dressing fan I subverted...

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