blackest heart chapter 2

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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#2 of blackest heart

Speaking turned out to be less of a problem after a week of silence his voice healed enough that he could whisper but like his face when he tried to speak any language beside common he turned up a blank it was as if his entire life slipped through his fingers he had no passed and no name. when asked the mage always replied cryptically asking "who do you want to be?" always asking questions but never giving answers Trish the apprentice that saved him seemed to be avoiding him as he hadn't seen her quiet literally she seems to only visit his room while he not in it or asleep... the thought of sleep didn't sit well with him for it didn't seem right some how for an elf to sleep the more he puzzled over it the came to realise it seems that every thing that could possibly tell him who he is, is gone... he might have been able to trace his family form a regional dialect but every one speaks common, a name would have easily been traced even that female if he could ask her where she picked him up from or who he was running from might have given I a clue... irritated he lifts a pen and tosses it across the room only to stick it in the eye of a wooden ram set at the door frame, irritation turned to amazement as he tried again not only hitting his mark but in the same exact spot, again and again only to produce the same result. Looking down to his hands he asks "who am I, what am I"

From the door way an answer "Deling Windscar since you must have a name and I grow tired of your inability to grasp the fundaments of inquiry" the mage just enters pulling the quill from the rams head then looking back to Deling "doesn't ring any bells?"

He shook his head "is that my name?" he asks

The mage rolls his eyes "is that my name he asks. What other fool took a fall and has no memory, for that matter with just us two in the room and me addressing you who else could it be... but then mayhaps I was talking to my self again but then De`ling is an Elfin name I am most defiantly not elfin."

He knew enough now to know the mage could go on like this for ever "alright... ok I'm De`ling why can't I remember any thing?"

The mage turns his back "you know for an elf you ask a lot of a question and never the right one?"

He thought about putting his new found dexterity to work. Glancing down at his hands he finds he is already holding an other quill but looking up he finds the mage all ready gone... moving out to the hall he finds it almost deserted but then again rarely did he see any apprentice usually the are trapped in one of the 'broken time' going to fast to talk or moving slow communication would be impossible. His wonderings eventually lead him to a library one of countless with in the tower his eyes scan the leather bound tomes falling on one imprinted gold elfin script slightly faded 'windscar'. pulling it from the shelf he opens it and starts to read 'my oldest memory is running from what I don't know, but I must have ran off a cliff or the spire itself for, the magus said his apprentice Trish caught me' he shakes his head to clear it then rereads the passage and its there word for word act for act his life. "what gives" he asks aloud flipping through the pages he comes across what would be that day "I found an old book that seemed to be my life... is it really my life or has some one gone through this before does this apprentice even really exist or is this but another game the mage is playing with me?"

"what you doing" familiar a voice from behind him asks he jumps and closes the book turning about, he comes face to face with apprentice in question, she looked almost human long black hair and ebon flesh light bluish script tattooed and visible on every exposed piece of flesh her eyes swirling blue red and amber like a dancing flame to avoid her gaze he casts his eyes down where the fall into the valley of flesh gracing her chest "gee I save your life and you cant even look me in the eye... err hey" hands fly up to her chest when she realizes where is eyes settled, his cheeks glow as he takes a step back.

"I am sorry I didn't meant to I mean I wasn't looking" he stammers struggling to find what to say then remembering the book he holds it out and asks "can you explain this?" she looks down at his hand "well lets see it's a book its filled with works that people right to archive their thoughts or try to teach..." he glares as she makes fun of him "I mean what it says with in" holds the book open out to her for her to read...

She blinks and blushes "well you are male its only natural that you would wish to see my body"

He blinks and looks at the open page which read 'as I gazed down into her womanly valley at those blue and black orbs part of me imagined what the rest of her looked liked and desperately wanted to find out but the mystery of this book...' he fronds "why are my thoughts my life in this book? Who wrote it why does it only record no further back then my arrival?" asking himself more the Trish and not really expecting her to answer.

She clears her throat "to answer your questions "you are, the book is an autobiography you're literally writing your thoughts down as you hold it"

I thought about this a moment "its not some sick game from the mage making me live out some one else's life, but then do I know its even my life" he pulls at his hair "gods above and below, I hate magic and all mages"

Trish pouts and leans forward seductively bring his eyes to hers as well as giving him a really good look at her cleavage "you hate all mages?" she asks then stands back up not waiting for him to answer "well then I guess this one wont let you wash her back and see for your self how low the tattoos go" swishing her hips as she walks for the door... Windscar stammers for something to say only to draw a blank as she stops by the door "no no I understand perhaps some other time then" she smiles gives him a wink and suddenly vanishes.


Reappearing in her room she quickly strips out of her dress and exhales tensing as she grows almost 3 foot and wings sprout she cups her soft fleshy mounds and watches with morbid fascination as her nipples seem to vanish under her emerging scales. She lets out a growl which quickly turns into a sigh "its to difficult to keep a dragon human. sooner of later the magical resistance overpowers the spell even when the caster is one self" she collapses on the bed looking over her reflected from mirror across the room her ebon scales sheen against the mucury colored tattoos that's seem to glow brightly as they stabilize her form some where between human and dragoness her hand slowly sliding down her long neck and over her chest. "god you old goat me and him lovers I doubt he would want to rub against my scaly thighs" she smiles to herself then laying back on the bed her tail wrapping about her waist "but what harm are dreams" she remarks as her scaled digits slide down between her legs then she closes her eyes to lose her self in pleasured thoughts.


Else where after wondering from the library trying to fallow Trish only to find her completely vanished he walks down the towers court yard decorated by a large fountain that feeds a small stream or seems to as closer examination reveals the water not flowing out of the jet but actually being drawn in the fount and the stream flowing in reverse. He shakes his head in disbelief looking again when a chirping voice from behind him interrupts his thoughts "that's the tower o f time for ya" blinking windscar starts to look around for the voice "ok who are you..." he asks "where are you". he is rewarded with only silence, "well you going to talk to me or just watch me?"

"shhh" chimes the voice from one of the trees dressed in the colors of fall bight red and bronzes leafs the only other thing visible in it is a small squirrel.

Windscar growls "I hate magic, even the vermin are talking" as he spoke though his eyes go wide as something else moves leaping to pounce the squirrel right out form the trees branches and clamp its reptilian jaws around the struggling creatures neck...

the draconic creature only the size of a house cat shakes its head vitently to break the squirrels neck then liking its jaws looks up to the elf "what never seen a Drakeling before?" the question seems to come across with in his baffled mind in the same chirping tone as the exclamation before hand... he rubs his eyes then looks away as it starts to tare apart its catch. "now I know I am going mad talking rodents are bad enough but intelligent reptiles"

"watch it... might not be able to breath fire yet but I can still bite you in places that you would not like." the red beast remarks still swallowing bits of meat it chews off the bones"

Turns back to the creature as if finishes its meal, "sorry but don't make it a habit of talking to lizards"

The drakeling makes a sound like laughing "I would think a dracophile like you would jump at a chance to talk to a dragon kin" shakes his head "beside the point... you should leave." it lifts up the remains of the carcass and starts to carry it a away.

Blinks "hey what do you mean dracophile... why should I leave?" the drakeling just tilts its head to the side "unless you want to stay you should leave" suddenly taking wing and vanishing with its catch back into the trees. He pulls at his ash gray hair "why is it that every thing here is just so annoying!" no other answer comes from the catlike creature but as he watches the leaves of the trees all at once begin to fall as if winter is here and as the last one touches the ground snow blankets the ground and all but that strange fountain is covered in snow and ice.

blackest heart chapter 3

He sets at the window looking out a the white grey world not long ago it seemed summer, and then fall and winter seemed to blend to gather and happen almost simultaneously. It seemed the longer he spent with in the mages tower the less things made...

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Blackest Heart chapter one

_the death of an elf or is it, awaken after a fall that should have killed him can he answer the questions that pleuge him or is he traped forever in the tower of the Chonus Magus_. _this is a work inprogress the character portared in it belong to...


The Hunted

"It's dark already" the centaur though to him self he spent hours scavenging herbs, roots, and berries for his brew some thing he called druids ale, and after losing all track of time he found himself alone in the wood after dark. "Goddess its dark...

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