blackest heart chapter 3

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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#3 of blackest heart

He sets at the window looking out a the white grey world not long ago it seemed summer, and then fall and winter seemed to blend to gather and happen almost simultaneously. It seemed the longer he spent with in the mages tower the less things made since like time its self or even the universe was broken. The advice of the drakeling comes back to him "you should leave. Why should I leave, and where should I go I don't even know where I came from" he sighs and opens an atlas he found nearly dropping it as the book unfolds its self into a model of the world, the only reason he doesn't is that it suspends its self in mid air and floats as the illusion of the world fills his room... though as he gases it strikes him strange that the illusion seems flat as if the world was a coin.

Voices in the hall way interrupt his thoughts "20 years is a long time, don't you think its time to study else where?" he recognizes the voice of the mage he creeps to the door trying to hear what the other side of the conversation "I think there is still more for me to learn here I haven't even begun to read the books of an entire wing." he couldn't place the voice but it sounded so familiar he cracks the door and tries to peek out, he can see the old mage standing in the hallway his view of the other speaker is obstructed by large black curtain. The old man glances his way and remarks "well looks like we have an unintended observer" the curtain shifts a moment revealing a female form, one that is now angrily walking toward him.

"where the fuck do you get off spying on people" Tish says as she as she storms trough the door her dress seeming to barely be hanging onto her shoulders and as she leans forward she reveals more and more of those fleshy orbs that grace her chest.

Blinks his eyes drawn to the gap of her gowns fabric "I wasn't... spying. I just heard you talking outside my room" tilting his head he watches her body shift.

"So you decided to get to a closer look or couldn't you hear from where you were?" he leans forward again finger pointing to his face "what do you think spying is... so spill it what did you see what did you hear?"

Leans back as she leans forward as the he watches the fabric shift thinking 'just a little more and I can see' just as she asks with out thinking his mind responds and his lips follow "chocolate nipples" as the mage enters the room smiling from ear to ear.

she blinks a bit confused "and what's that supposed to mea..."she started to say only then seeming to relies the extremely lose fitting clothing he face goes hot as her hands bunch up the fabric to her breast.

"not that I blame you" the mage said "she really does have nice body, but I don't think that commenting on the color of a lady's nipples is not a good way to deflect that ladies anger" he pauses a moment and moves between De`ling and Trish "that being said I doubt he heard or saw much of anything more then me telling the laziest apprentice I have head in a hundred years that it is past time for her to leave out on her own and start her own studies instead of pestering an old man trying to finish his." Trish shoots the old man a vile look and the old man responds to it "see that is how you redirect the anger of a woman" she rolls her eyes and exists the room but as she leaves Windscar's eyes watch her as he wonders why she would even consider wearing something obviously way to big for her not to mention with the large hole in the back that if she bent over you reveal what little modesty she had, and the by the quick end pace of his heart and tightness of his trousers he so wanted her to bend over.

the mage clears his throat "if you have wish of a normal life it best not to think of bedding that one" the mage glances after his student "but I do agree she does have a really nice tail" he says then vanishes

suddenly he was alone again and given the time to think trying to figure out what exactly is going on in this place, but the more he thought the more his mind drifted back to Trish, her ebon flesh, chocolate nipples, her eyes like cut onyx, even her smell musky sweet like cinnamon and ginger bread. The more he thought about her the more he wanted to see her, longed to feel her, to be with in her embrace. "damn it I am so not falling for some tart mage" he remarks aloud then walks to the window, a fluttering shadow catches his eye looking up he sees the over sized black dress Trish was just wearing.

With out a second though he finds himself slipping out the window and scaling the wall fingers digging into the seems of the tower's stone work until his hands brush the window sill... he freezes just below the window as he hears his name from inside the room holding his breath he waits literally hanging by his finger tips, looking up expecting to see an angry female raining down ruin on the horny male sneaking a peek. But as time slips by and she fails to materialize he pulls himself up lifting his eyes above the wooden frame to look with in.

An empty room greats his voyeuristic curiosity, empty of what he wanted to see. As he looks about the room he notices painting of a large black dragon who's scales seem gleam like gemstone part of him wanted to climb back down the tower but his curiosity still left unstated demanded that he see more and so he pulls him self up and begins to walk about the room.

The air smells heavily of sweet musky cinnamon, a large closet of black robes and dress all of similar design to the one Trish was wearing earlier and of the same size, wands and staves hang on the wall as and four ornate short bladed swords a part of him remember what they were called but he lost it on the tip of his tongue... what looks like sheets of golden silk covers her bed, though on closer examination the sheets wear not silk but spun gold. He pauses in thought his mind desperately trying to fit all these clues to gather but failing miserably until his eyes fell once more to that painting the dragons black eyes, sparkling like Onyx then an other smell, burning ash, brimstone his heart stop as it came to him all at once starting to speak it out loud "Trish is a Dra". Scaled hands about his thought cut him short as he is hosted up and thrown across the room and into the far wall, darkness once more greats him.

blackest heart chapter 2

Speaking turned out to be less of a problem after a week of silence his voice healed enough that he could whisper but like his face when he tried to speak any language beside common he turned up a blank it was as if his entire life slipped through his...

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Blackest Heart chapter one

_the death of an elf or is it, awaken after a fall that should have killed him can he answer the questions that pleuge him or is he traped forever in the tower of the Chonus Magus_. _this is a work inprogress the character portared in it belong to...


The Hunted

"It's dark already" the centaur though to him self he spent hours scavenging herbs, roots, and berries for his brew some thing he called druids ale, and after losing all track of time he found himself alone in the wood after dark. "Goddess its dark...

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