Waking up right

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#28 of Fox & Shadi One-Shots

A short, sweet little piece of writing for the wonderful FA: xShadi with some amazing art by FA: Kaviki . I picked up this as a YCH and immediately decided that it needed some writing to go with it!

Shadi sprawled lazily across the bed sheets, letting the light from the sunrise outside her windows warm her silky, tan fur from head to toe. The short, chubby lioness had the entire bed to herself, and did her best to cover as much of it as was physically possible, her toes wriggling in delight. It was still too early for her to consider getting up. The weekend had arrived, and with it, her son had left to go and hang out at his friends, and her husband had been called away on work.

Something something crisis, the plane is waiting for you. She'd parroted back the message to Isiat when Scion had called, the dragon even being so bold as to offer to keep her company while Isiat was away. She'd laughed his attempted advance down and hung up. Oh, that red dragon could go and fuck himself if he thought he was getting anything from her after stealing her husband away with his business.

She hated that Isiat's work took him so far away from her all the time. Sleeping in a king bed by herself just made Shadi acutely aware of how empty it was, especially not having the many tailed vulpine's warmth curled up against her back each time she woke in the night from a car in the street or a random noise from the building.

At least it was still better than when he was in the service. She'd hated even more sometimes going a month or longer without hearing anything from him at all, and then when he could call her, it was usually short, and never revealing any details about where he was. Just that he was still alive and doing okay.

Still, sometimes it wasn't much better knowing just where he was and what he was doing.

"Oh yeah, we're in Kandahar. Got shot at yesterday, so that was fun, but we all made it through in one piece."

At least this was just an office trip. He didn't go into the field nearly as much these days, maybe once or twice a year to do a personal inspection of some contract or other. Still... London was a long way from Leeds, and she felt every inch of his absence.

Some inches more keenly than others... She mused to herself with a sleepy yawn, stretching her naked body out in that luxurious, feline way, rolling over to press her face into the pillows, long hair spilling about around her. She arched her spine up, pressing her paw a little more firmly between her legs as she ground herself against the warm, leathery pads, stimulating her senses with pleasure and bliss while her palm rubbed hotly over her exposed, pink labia.

It was a poor substitute for her lover's own skilled fingers or tongue. He knew every single inch of her body from her toes to her ears, and just how to get her to moan and squirm and writhe exactly as he wanted her to. He was an artist when it came to lovemaking, with a patience and skill that no other male could hope to match.

Sure, they liked to add a little kink to their play by occasionally inviting one of his close friends to join in on the fun, but while they were amazing in their own rights and each had their own distinct way of 'showing their affection', Isiat was in a league of his own when it came to the bedroom.

Sure, Eyesah the fox had his unbridled enthusiasm. Parker, a blue scaled western dragon had his twin logs. The panther, Victor had his feline roughness and Horus, his gryphon friend, left her swollen and full for days, but Isiat knew exactly what she wanted and how to give it to her at any time of any day, anywhere they were. Hell, he could make her finish just by looking at her and giving her the word.

The very thought made her shiver in delight, warmth spreading out stickily across her paw as she rubbed herself in tight circles, rolling her wrist to provide just the right amount of friction. She longed for his touch in a way that nobody else could replicate. Her body ached in its emptiness, both devoid of cock and cub, two things that her master had promised her as soon as he returned, but that could be days! She needed some relief now if she wanted to get anything done today... Or go back to sleep and not get anything done.

She couldn't help a quiet snicker that quickly turned into an unrestrained moan as slowly, her fingers traced the moist lips of her slit, the fur around her opening little more than a soft peach fuzz around her nethers before it blended back into the rest of her silky tan pelt after an inch. Her fingers came away wet, traces of her arousal stringing and glistening like a web in the morning frost between her knuckles.

She dipped a pair of them into her warm honeypot, letting them part her sex almost torturously slowly before she curled her knuckles upwards, running her fingertips across her sensitive g-spot just inside her passage as she moaned to the ceiling. She loved having the entire penthouse floor of their building to themselves. She could be as loud as she pleased, and Isiat could fuck her as rough as he liked, and not a soul in the building would be wiser.

She rolled her hips and arched sharply, her knees locking up and trembling as she raced towards the edge, now with both digits on her paw sunk up to the second knuckle. Wet, slick sounds echoed around the master bedroom as her thumb frigged her clit quickly in turn with her fingers rubbing across her g-spot, and within a few moments, she released a gasp, her sex spasming and clenching down around the fingers in her cunt.

Her knees buckled finally as she collapsed to the bed with a breathless gasp, her thighs slamming together as she whimpered and moaned out her pleasure, her free paw fisting at the green bed sheets beneath her. Between the claws on her hands and those on her toes, the lioness had torn the sheets up nicely by the time her climax ebbed and she had a chance to catch her breath, a loud purr escaping her.

Oh, it didn't compare to her husband at all, but it was blessed relief, at least for a while. And besides... She thought to herself, slowly sitting up and pulling her paw from her dripping slit, cleaning the residual mess off of her furry digits with a few neat swipes of her tongue. The sheets had a series of new holes in them, something of an occupational hazard for upholstery in this household.

Now you have to change the sheets.

She sighed, but forced herself to get up, her tail flicking back and forth as she stood and stretched out, pushing her easy D cup breasts out as she reached above her head and yawned. For a mother, she'd kept her figure after remarkably well, the curves of her chubby waistline rolling across the lionesses wide, child bearing hips. Her fur did a good enough job of hiding the stretch marks across her belly from where she'd swollen from their last cub, not that anyone but her husband got close enough to see them.

With a flick of her tail, she walked to the cupboard against the inside wall, pushing the sliding door open to fetch a new set of sheets. It was quick work stripping the bed and replacing the 'lightly clawed' sheets with fresh ones, the new fabric the colour of cherry blossoms. She couldn't help but snicker quietly as she looked at the freshly made bed, a small smile tugging at her lips. Pink wasn't usually her or Isiat's choice of color, but she'd gotten them mostly to tease Isiat. He'd spent the entire first night screwing her into them to remind her that the color didn't matter so much as how soft they were for fucking.

She let herself flop onto the comforter, purring loudly as she squirmed about and wriggled, making herself comfortable. A glance at the clock on Isiat's side of the bed told her she'd been awake for all of twenty minutes. It was now a quarter past seven. If she went back to sleep now, she could still wake up in time to have breakfast delivered!

Sighing, she sank into the downy pillows, her body still humming with the afterglow of her morning routine. Isiat was only supposed to be gone for another two days. She could survive until then. She drifted off, still purring as she lay in the sunlight, content as a cat could be.

Shadi's dreams were warm and cozy, the feline stretched out across the bed as she basked in the sunlight, chasing a red dot as it skimmed across the floor. She'd get it today! Her paws twitched in her sleep, oblivious as the front door opened and closed again. She lunged forwards in her dream, pouncing at the dot, but a sudden pressure against her thighs held her fast, arresting her mid-pounce.

Blearily, she blinked, groaning as a warm, wet tongue slurped its way up her slit, making her instinctively try to close her legs, but strong, firm paws held her down.

"Wha- No, don-Nnggh..." She tried to speak, but managed just a few words before her head fell back into the pillows, her body relaxing completely as that sweet, sinfully good tongue made another pass over her, sampling the taste of her earlier playing. She knew that tongue. Knew who it belonged to...

Her thighs instantly spread as recognition dawned on her like the sun shining in through the window, knees parting to lay sideways against the silk fabric of the comforter beneath her.

"Ooohh... You're home early." She moaned as her paws searched out her husband's head, blindly feeling their way down over her belly, across her hips until she found those pointed black tips, closing her grip around them.

The muzzle between her thighs growled in response, his warm lips parting against her sex as he gave her a welcome home kiss to remember him by, slipping his tongue over her bare flesh like he were just savoring that first like of a ripe mango, gathering her nectar and greedily going back for more.

He sated himself on her arousal, lapping at her like a dog from its water bowl, with similar wet slaps coming as his tongue rasped over the feline's sex, the broad oral muscle pushing her labia open so that he could delve further into her, seeking the source of her sweet, cinnamon flavor. He growled into her lips, pressing his cool, dark, leathery nose against her clit as he rumbled, vibrating the little nub violently.

The sudden, sharp pleasure from the motion sent Shadi into a bucking, moaning climax right then and there on the spot, the little chubby feline biting her lip as she moaned to the ceiling, calling her lovers name on the breath he stole from her. The silver tongued devil drew out her high as long as he could, her body quivering and rippling around his wicked muzzle while his paws kneaded her succulent thighs, squeezing and massaging her.

Finally, her legs gave out entirely, and her hips fell back to the bed, her entire body quaking like a leaf in the breeze as she tried to make heads or tails of even a single thought in her head long enough for it to become coherent. Her paws idly gave Isiat a grateful scratch behind his ears as he lay his chin on her pelvis, looking up at her from her curvy hips... Or perhaps he was just enjoying watching how her breasts jiggled as she panted to catch her breath.

With that cocky, arrogant smirk she could see on his muzzle, it could well have been either or both. He knew he was good in bed as well, and rarely showed any modesty in showing off his prowess. He was shameless in that regard. Utterly shameless, and the worst part was that he had the proof to back up his ego. It was laying, panting and tongue fucked silly right beneath his muzzle.

Barely giving her time to recover, he stood up, unbuckling his belt and losing his clothes in a pile on the floor.

"Yeah... We got done sooner than expected, so I chartered a flight back as soon as I could. See I timed my arrival just right." He chuckled, his smooth accent making her body warm with that familiarity she felt. Her master's voice was always a comfort to her, and the way he was eyeing her let her know exactly what he wanted.

She spread herself out for him, letting her paws fall to the bed above her head as he grabbed her legs to support them, lining his already hard, dappled maroon vulpine maleness with her soaked sex.

"Take me like you missed me Foxy." She said with a slow, sultry purr, flicking her tail aside as he wasted no time sliding himself home, sheathing himself within the warmth of her body, his knot pushed against her outer lips.

"Ahhhh~ Just like that... Take your time... We've got all day for you to enjoy me." She gasped as he withdrew himself with practiced slowness, angling his next thrust so that when he pushed in, his knot ground itself against the budding nub of her clit. Shadi's moans and gasps filled the room, but her lover was in no hurry. He intended to savor the treat before him.

Growling quietly with his enjoyment, he set himself into a slow, measured rut, each roll of his hips as calculated and exact as the one before it. He knew her body and took full advantage of that knowledge, teasing and pushing against her gspot, letting his flesh caress the insides of her velvety warm tunnel as her body caressed him in turn. She tightened each time he drew his waist back, almost like her body was unwilling to part for even a second with the source of so much pleasure.

Her nerves were wracked with sensation. Pleasure, bliss, ecstasy, all of it combined and rolled through her like waves crashing against the beach. He didn't have to be rough with her, or choke her, make her call him Sir... There was a time for that kind of play between them, but this... This was lovemaking in its purest form.

He leaned down, kissing her flush on the lips as he took the sprawled out feline beneath him, and Shadi eagerly kissed back, their lips and tongues tangling in a raw display of their love and the intimate bond they shared together. As couples went, neither of them could name another quite as close as they were.

Isiat's hips shifted, his paws tracing her hips as she wrapped her legs around her mate's back, crossing her feet above the base of his rapidly wagging tails. She could feel every twitch, every shift, and every detail of the male who filled her so perfectly, every warm throb against the barrier to her core a testament to their love, every desperate huff in her ears a pleasured note in their lovemaking symphony.

Shadi added her own moans and cries to the mix as he skillfully teased her up and over the edge of her pleasure plateau at the same time he reached his own peak, hilting himself to let his knot quickly expand and tie them together, locking the lovers in that most intimate of holds. He held nothing back, growling and huffing as he whispered into her ear, naughty promises of making her swell with a new cub, and her own eager response was to climax again for him, drawing both of their pleasure out for longer still, determined to make the moment last.

But as with all things, finally, after almost a solid minute of groans, moans, kisses and adoring nips, he collapsed to the bed with her, holding her tightly against his chest while she snuggled her face into the fur covering his collarbone. She could feel the warmth of his seed as it sought to take root inside of her belly, a low, contented purr rumbling from her chest. He continued to twitch inside of her, and would for a while yet until he was good and done, and his body finally relaxed enough to let him pull from her.

But that would be a while yet, and Shadi's cat nap had been interrupted earlier. Isiat chuckled, pulling the cover's up and over their naked, intertwined bodies, a mess of fur and tails that was hard to tell where Isiat ended and Shadi began. He growled possessively, protectively, wrapping his arms around his wife as he held her close.

It was her favorite place in the world after all, wrapped up in her lover and master's arms, safe, warm, and well pleasured... Really, what could be better than this.

She tilted her head up, kissing the underside of his jaw softly as she whispered those sweet words all couples shared, and he returned them in kind, placing a delicate, praising kiss upon her forehead, one paw around her shoulders, the other rubbing the slight swell of her belly, feeling himself twitching within her, and her own body tensing each time he did.

"We'll have to think of a name for him..." He chuckled quietly, a soft smile on his muzzle as he let his eyes drift closed. Shadi just purred, nodding in agreement.

"And if it's a girl?" She asked tentatively, tangling her fingers into his thick chest fur.

He paused for a few moments, thinking, before finally he gave a shrug.

"God help us both in that case?"

She giggled, and smacked his chest playfully, before letting her own eyes close, her soft purring a relaxed melody of pleasure and comfort. Of closeness and love. The clock flashed on Isiat's bedside table. It was Nine-Thirty. She still had time to get that cat nap in, but she suspected she had a long, full day ahead of her once she woke up.

After all, Isiat had the house and her all to himself today.