The Monster Lies Ch5: Brotherly Bonds

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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#5 of The Monster Lies Novel

After her blissful mating at the paws of Tate, Skanita now seeks refuge within her brother's warm embrace, hoping he can provide her with the same cure for her unrelenting heat.

*In this chapter... * After her blissful mating at the paws of Tate, Skanita now seeks refuge within her brother's warm embrace, hoping he can provide her with the same cure for her unrelenting heat.

This novel has been written for :iconskan who owns all the puma protagonists of this story

****The Monster Lies Ch5: Brotherly Bonds*** *

"Nita. Nita..." a voice called out to her.

The female slowly picked up her numb head from the clump of rocks she fell asleep on. "What...who's there..." After a couple of blinks, the image of a fine cougar appeared before her eyes. "Skan?"

"Who else?" The male licked her muzzle. Concern immediately replaced his happiness. "Weird time for a bath. You're freezing!"

Skanita approved of his presence with a soft purr. Rolling onto her back, she welcomed the male on top of her. Warmth radiated from his body, more so when she felt his sheath pressed against the warmest part of her body: her two bare, twitching folds.

"Where were you? I've searched almost the whole territory, mad with worry that something happened to you."

"I've...walked around." Skanita stuttered.

"So you haven't ran into the intruder, have you?"

"No. You?"

The male let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad we didn't meet him. Who knows what deranged specimen he was?"

A joke, but not without a sliver of truth. The wolves mentioned of this cougar's affinity to steal the territory of other predators, be they wolves or cougars.

"Yeah...I'm glad too." Skanita licked his muzzle as not to rouse suspicion. "Why would I need another cougar when the finest sits upon me?"

Skan purred at the remark. His tongue fell upon her muzzle, and Skanita allowed it to slither inside her mouth, where she gently smothered it with affection. Their purrs deepened, a hearty song that rivaled the mastery of the crickets.

"'s getting a bit warm isn't it? Let me-"

Skanita reflexively tightened her grip once the slick tip of his barbed cock gently kissed her nether lips.

"Nita, I'm-we shouldn't-"

"Let it." His look of utter surprise only served to inflame her passion. "Come on..." her tongue trailed along his whiskers, approaching one of his furred ears. "You cannot tell me you haven't wondered how it feels to put it inside me..."

His eyes glimmered with something akin to lust. But just when she thought he would let his cock grow inside her, Skan grabbed onto her throat, using her defensive instincts to free himself.

"That's a foolish though, best saved for dreams!" he snarled even as his cock throbbed to full mast. "Were but a stick's throw away from home. What if father catches us? Think before you act, my dear, stupid sister!"

"Rrraah, get over yourself!" Skanita rolled onto her fours. "Lie to me if that makes you feel better, but I know you want this just as much as I do, my mate." She spat those last words in his face before she turned tail and walked back home.

"Nita. Nita, wait! I didn't mean to say that!"

His words fell on deaf ears until he placed himself in her path. "I'm sorry, Nita. You know I get stupid sometimes, especially now that your scent makes me..."

"Makes you hump the ground pretending it is cunt?" Skanita was about to fight her way through, but the male agreed with her, giving a shameful nod.

"I've been thinking forbidden thoughts ever since your condition manifested, but...these are dangerous things, Nita. If we were to be discovered coupling..."

"We won't!" Skanita brushed against him. "Father patrols for several hours each day. We can slip into a nearby territory during his absence and bite into this forbidden fruit. Just a see how it feels like."

"Is that how you found the wolves? By slipping away?"

Skanita all but froze at the mention of them. "What? What wolves?"

"The ones that impregnated their scent upon your fur deep enough to avoid the water's caress." Came a sharp growl from Skan. "Who are they, Nita? What vile things have they asked of you?"

Skanita opened her mouth, shut it, then left it agape for ten long heartbeats. "I but found a den they used to inhabit! You know as well as I that father cleansed his territory of every predator. Can you name a wolf we met ever since we came into the world? Can you?"

The male conceded. "I'm sorry. I just...worry about you. It's what males do for their mates, after all."

She accepted his touch with a warm purr. "A dangerous word."

"We live in dangerous times."

He had her at that, and Skanita walked home pressed into her brother's magnificent fur, knowing not the bitter touch of loneliness until they entered their part of the cave.

"Good night, my mate," Skanita licked her brother from chin to nape.

"Why can't you stay?" Skan grabbed onto her paw when she turned to leave. "Let us sleep like we used to, with paws pressed upon fur and tails intertwined."

"And risk having you accidentally slip inside me?" Skanita smiled. "Dreams often rob us of control. You said it yourself that it's better to be cautious."

Skan was disappointed...but so was she. Cold stone hardly compared to the comfort offered by his fur, and for her, the night was anything but good. Every time she closed her eyes, the wolf Tate appeared before her, draping his tongue over her nose while his cock throbbed heartily against his belly. Thoughts of her first coupling haunted her mind for hours, keeping her rolling from one side to the other in hopes of cooling down the rising heat. Skanita licked herself just like Ite instructed, but the short climaxes she suffered under the barbed touch of her tongue paled when compared to the muscle-tightening bliss offered by Tate's cock. How hard she squeezed when he first entered her. How tight her chest felt when he started ramming her like an enraged bull. Then, after endless waves of bliss, his seed squirted out into the far reaches of her womb to tickle the very source of her heat.

"Mrowwrrr..." a rebellious moan escaped through her clenched jaws as her pussy emptied without any sort of touch. Skanita watched the translucent snakes that parted from the pool that formed under her tail. The fluid was getting thicker and cloudier. Almost like seed. Now that she knew the touch of cock, her body felt more in heat than ever before, an affliction that slowly drove her towards the edge of madness.

Skanita jumped on her feet. With the little sanity she had left, she made her way towards her brother's hind side. In her desperation, Skanita didn't even check if he was awake. She just crouched down, pushed his tail away to expose his genital area, then rumbled out a rich sound as deep as her heat when his virile musk seeped into her nostrils. She needed his cock. Craved for his seed with every fiber of her body. Yet mating was out of the question. Even in her current state Skanita knew better than to force herself upon her brother.

So instead of mating him, she started tonguing his sheath. Softly...gently...coaxing his member out bit by bit until she bared his entire length to the steaming touch of her tongue. The taste was exquisite, crafted specifically for her species. Skanita forced herself hard not to moan as she slowly took her brother's cock within the salivating insides of her hungry maw. She pushed her head forward, bit by bit, slathering his balls with saliva before they too disappeared beyond her fangs. With her grip secured, Skanita started to suckle her brother like cub feeding from mother's teat. Her tongue rolled around the throbbing spire with only the softest tip to prolong the pleasure of sampling a most arousing taste. After only a few seconds, Skan's masculine scent engulfed every corner of her maw, and Skanita kneaded at the ground to keep herself from moaning with lust. The thrill of relieving her brother of his seed with her own tongue quickened heart and pussy alike, the thick squelches of her nether muscles started mixing in with the suave sounds of her suckling. As she felt her brother throb, Skanita played back the mating all over again, only this time Tate held nothing back, slamming his knot into her drenched tunnel to tie her in the same filthy, lustful way he claimed his mate.

The thought of having something so big inside her drove Skanita almost wild with lust. Her tongue pressed its entire girth against the cock, licking meat and balls alike. One by one, her barbs interlocked with brother's smaller nubs, a dance of pleasure that slowly made the cock grow harder and harder.

Skanita's heart seized in her chest when she felt the familiar surge of completion traverse her brother's length. Skan's balls drew up, his shaft bloated...

Then a sharp spurt filled her mouth with the taste of her brother's salty seed.

Skanita squeezed her eyes shut with pleasure, tightening her lips as much as she could to prevent any precious drop of cum from escaping through her jaws. Skan pumped faster than she ever thought possible, two to three spurts per racing heartbeat, his thick semen washing over her tongue, coating her teeth in an ivory blanket of fertility, tickling her very throat.

Skanita would've had no problems swallowing it all if her own body didn't contort with unrestrained pleasure. All the lustful thoughts she harbored during this heated night mixed together with the potent taste of Skan's semen into a flood of pleasure that took her senses by storm. Skanita ripped herself away from the spurting cock, eyes squeezed shut, jaws clamping just the same as her pussy unloaded thick jets of maddening heat upon the stone below. Lips twitching erratically, her pussy felt just as receptive as it did back when Tate ejaculated inside her, all thanks to the fresh taste and smell of semen that continued to pile upon her fur now that Skan's protrusion knew total freedom. Skanita didn't even feel the warmth of the ivory lines until her orgasm ran its course. Only then, when both her and Skan relieved themselves was she made aware of the messy state of her head.

"Oh no..." Skanita ran back to her corner of the cave. The sticky seed refused to come out of her fur no matter how much she pawed at the rising clumps. Skanita looked around, heart thundering in her chest. She had to go out to the river. Had to-


Her breath caught in her throat. Up ahead, Skan awoke from his slumber. He first sniffed at his member, but although he noticed the obvious traces of seed, he didn't utter a word until he found the pool of female ejaculate she left behind after she orgasmed.

"Mrowwrr," the male mewled as he licked Skanita's liquid heat off the ground. He seemed to enjoy it a great deal, his lips trembling, claws flexing until he finished. Then he came to her, the fresh smell of her heat fresh in his nostrils.

"Skan, I'm- I swear I couldn't stop. This heat is-" her storm of words came to an end when Skan draped his tongue over her muzzle, offering Skanita a taste of her own sweet fluids.

"I know," he said calmly before he coiled comfortably around her trembling body. "This condition of yours makes us both do stupid things. My desires only served to encourage your advances, and I feel like...I played a significant part in this whole game of mating. Truth is, I only wish your best, Skanita. Nothing less."

His sincere words stroke a chord. When she stared into his emerald eyes, Skanita felt like she couldn't utter a single lie anymore. Not to her beloved brother.

"Skan...I..." she faltered briefly, then his warm muzzle propped her chin up in the same way she did with the shy wolf Tate.

"What weighs your tongue, sister? Share it with me and see your burden lifted."

Skanita dipped her head. She placed her paws upon his, then buried her head in his neck to avoid his gaze. "The were right about them. I met a pair shortly after we separated. Found them tied to each other in a clearing."

"Tied? You mean, sleeping together like we did?" Furrows of concern darkened Skan's face.

"No. They were mating," Skanita quickened her words, embarrassment and lust coursing through her in equal measures.

"Mating? And you got...close to them? Why would you do something so stupid? They could've harmed you!"

"I'm perfectly able to defend myself!" Skanita's embarrassment turned into irritation. "You are supposed to support me, brother. What would you say if your beloved sister exposed herself to their tongues? If her first coupling came at the paws of a wolf?"

Skan bared his fangs. "Nita? My Nita, mating wolves? No, that's's impossible. Preposterous. They're lesser, stupid angry little jackals that prey on our good will!"

Skanita knocked him aside and straddled him, fangs bared. "I'm serious about this. In my stupid, utter desperation I willingly gave myself to a wolf."

Utter shock took over Skan's features. His emerald eyes turned into fiery motes that burned with hidden anger. "You're not serious." He grabbed her so tight it hurt. "Tell me you're lying!"

"I'm not!" Skanita licked his nose. "I wish I did, but I had no choice. Everything I told you is true."

Skan kicked her so hard she rolled along the bank of the river. "So stupid! How can you be so thoughtless, so careless, so mrrroooowwrrr!" The male roared out his anger "My own sister, paired with those...those...HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THAT?!"

There was no point in apologizing now that he started hurling rocks along with his insults. Coiled around herself in a pile of weeping misery, Skanita cursed her stupidity. She could've just kept her mouth shut. Avoid all of this.

Instead, she trusted her brother with a dangerous secret that might've had repercussions throughout her whole life.

"Stop. Please stop. I didn't mean to harm you, brother..." Skanita whimpered by herself amidst the storm of her brother's insults. He ranted for about five minutes. Enough to get his throat raw.


She opened her eyes at the warm nose that prodded her ears.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I cannot fully understand what you are going through, but I want to try. Will you...will you let me?"

She allowed him to cuddle next to her. The two cougars nuzzled each other, slowly building back their trust through loving licks and caressing touches.

"Tell me more about those wolves of yours." Skan said calmly this time.

"What do you want to know?"

"Whatever you wish. I'd like to hear every detail, down to the naughtiest of things."

"Fine. But keep your cock away from my paws. It's already embarrassing to have your seed embedded into my fur."

With that, Skanita went over her whole experiences with the wolves. She told Skan everything she learned about her heat from Ite, making him fret over the juicy details of her soaked pussy eaten out by a wolfess who too, was in heat. She could tell he was rock hard, and to further tease her brother, Skanita jumped straight to the mating bits, sharing her passions in the most enticing way words could conjure. By the time she was done, Skan positively trembled with the need to ejaculate.

"Do it," Skanita encouraged him as he started to sniff at his cock. She watched how Skan pawed at his erect member for four brief strokes before the first line of cum exploded from his twitching tip, prompting his muzzle to descend and plug the leak straight from the very balls. He started to suck the cum right from the source, and the way his lips trembled as he feasted on the burden of his fat, swollen balls made Skanita thoroughly wet.

It was her turn to show Skan how she pleasured herself. She spread her folds with her forepaws like Ite showed her, then licked her gaped pussy into two consecutive orgasms that made her brother drool with admiration.

With their lusts calmed, the cougars went to clean their scents in the river, then enjoyed a long licking session under the gaze of the moon which ended with an accomplishing mutual pleasure session.

"This would feel much better inside me," Skanita licked her lips of the ivory drops spewed by her brother's excited cock. "The only problem is our father. How can we ensure he doesn't bother us when we mate?"

"There is but one way." Skan lounged on his back to gaze upon her with his verdant eyes. "We keep him busy with the only thing he cares about. Vengeance against anyone who'd dare to trespass."

"Wait. Let me picture this plan of yours. First we find the cougar, then we convince him to put his life on the line by fighting Han, all so we can mate without risk of being caught?"

"Something like that," her brother smiled sheepishly. "Of course it's easier to procure two wolves that are already on friendly terms with my crafty sister."

Skanita hissed at the notion. "What if Han kills them? I would not have my friends placed in harm's way!"

"Oh come on Nita, don't be so dramatic. They only have to lure him away from us. We both know cougars don't have the best endurance for long chases."

"Yeah. I remember how you panted when I took you on a run." Skanita moved over to his side, then splayed on her back just like him. "I will ask the wolves what they think of this plan but I make no promises."

"And while you're at it maybe you can introduce me to them!" Skan looked to the moon above with a sly smile on his face. "I wonder if they will find me more likable than my sister, and her troublesome heat."

Skanita pawed back at him. "Ite is the most amicable female I met, and Tate...he is a bit more shy, but in a playful way. Just like you!" she licked her brother fondly on his nose. "I hope they will find you pleasing, otherwise I might have to change families."

"You wouldn't dare!" Skan playfully swatted at her head.

"Well...they have a male who is willing to mate me for one. How do you match their offer? With licks and paws?" Skanita let his paw trail down to her chest which thundered with the beats of her excited heart.

"Oh, you'll see." Skan said. "There are things I would do to those wolves that I wouldn't dare to share even with my trusted sister."

"Like...sniffing them under their tails?" Skanita pushed a hind paw against her brother's wet sack. "Lick them down there? Or maybe let them lick you?"

"I don't know..." the cougar's limbs jolted when Skanita's pads made contact with his sheath. "Guess we'll see when the moment presents itself, but you can be sure of one thing. If I mate, I won't just do it once."

Skanita could tell his thoughts were honest from the way his unsheathed cock throbbed into the night. They talked of wolves for the remainder of the night, and, once dawn broke, they put their plan into motion. After Han left on his patrol duty, the cougars sought out the wolves and made a simple pact with them. A day of wayward pleasures in exchange for luring their father far away from his cave. Ite's eyes shimmered at the boldness of the plan, but more at the implications of it. She had encouraged Skanita to mate during their first meeting, and to see that wisdom put into action lifted her heart. Tate too approved, reluctantly, he would rather risk one cougar tomorrow than deny two cougars today. With the pact made, the cougars parted ways with the wolves for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow, she was going to have Skan all for herself.

End of Chapter 5

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