A Perfect Marriage

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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In a strange twist of fate, TheAnon commissioned me to write a nice, loving, totally non-kinky exploration of an average day in the life of an average couple!...as if. Would it really be TheAnon if it wasn't kinky?Commission for TheAnon on FurAffinity for 5,000 words. I hope they like it!Also, I'm open for commissions for the month of June! Sign up here: https://forms.gle/naaCE4SseQctqbtL6

Sunlight streamed into the bedroom, slanting so that it formed a golden pool directly on a crib wedged up next to a king sized bed where Tanner slept. The crib was absolutely massive; its mahogany bars were four feet high, its length and width were slightly more than half the size of the bed, and it contained a double twin mattress, sheeted in pink silk and filled to the brim with stuffies of every shape and size. More important, however, was Alyssa, who slept inside it.

She was so beautiful when she was asleep that she looked almost normal. She sprawled out just like any vixen would on a bed that size, hands splayed above her head, blanket pulled halfway across her chest but kicked away everywhere else. Her hair fanned out like a halo around her, and a small bit of drool trickled at the corner of her mouth. A simple gold wedding band adorned her hand. She was almost normal.


Except when she yawned, her lips pulled back to reveal a muzzle with no teeth and entirely too much drool. Her legs were spread wide open because a massive diaper forced them apart. The diaper wasn't cheap overnight drugstore fare either, but the real expensive brand, used by the medical industry for the biggest retards. It was the largest size they had, twelve inches thick dry and capable of expanding to forty-eight. The waistband crept up to the bottom of her breasts, having been lengthened to deal with even the worst of blowouts. The entire garment was coated in plastic to prevent leaking. The most prominent feature on the otherwise plain-looking medical diaper was a double set of thin yellow wetness indicator stripes.

Of course, on this particular vixen, the diaper was exceedingly well used. The plastic padding was stretched to its absolute max with shit, and the fabric was swollen to a full 48 inches thick. The front was stained a dark yellow with small splotches of greenish brown and pure brown hinting towards the disaster that was the back of it. It was as full of piss as it possibly could be, with the yellow wetness indicators, long past simply turning blue, almost washed away in the flooding.

The back was equally as terrible, but instead of being a yellow-brown, it was simply a deep, dark, splotchy brown, nearly uniform across the seat of the diaper. The plastic was disgusting and lumpy, struggling to stretch enough to accomodate the sheer weight and density of the shit that the vixen could put out. The cuffs of her diapers threatened to leak, but they were holding back for now. These things were rated for two days without changes, but this vixen produced so much it could barely handle one overnight messing.

A sunbeam hit her directly in her closed eyes, and the vixen began to stir.

Alyssa whined some as the sun woke her up, lifting her paws up to block the glare. It worked for a little while, but soon enough the sun rose further and the light beams shifted, once again blasting her straight in the eyes. She whined, but when the sun refused to go away, her face crumpled, she took in several unsteady breaths, and let out a plaintive wail.

She heard someone grumbling in the bed next to her, and she smiled, though she kept wailing until the groggy face of the fox in bed peeked over the crib's bars. He said something, but she didn't understand the funny noises coming out of his mouth. She never did, but that was okay. The nice fox always fed her bottles and sometimes real food, and he played with her and changed her diapers so she could poop the next one, and that was all that mattered.

Speaking of diapers... she looked down to see that she'd overloaded hers over the night. The already poofy pampers were absolutely enormous, swollen with piss and shit. There was no mistaking the smell of her dirty diaper. A smile crept across Alyssa's face; the scent just simply made her happy. It made the nice fox happy, as well! He always snoofed it when giving her a change.

The nice fox disappeared for a moment, and Alyssa blinked. Where did he go? As soon as the question came to her mind it left, though, and she distracted herself by playing with her messy crotch. So nice, so wet, so...


Alyssa jumped in surprise at the noise, looking around her wildly. What was that? Was that... was that her? She wasn't certain, but it was possible. After all, that was a poopy sound and she made poopy quite a bit! But that wasn't what mattered. What mattered was that was there was more poopy in her diapers to play with! She didn't make the connection between the noise and the extra weight in her diaper. The vixen couldn't think that well.

She was just beginning to occupy herself with the squishy front of her retard pants when the nice fox came into view again. He made some more weird noises with his mouth, but he held out his arms and this time, she understood what he meant. It was time to get up!

Alyssa reached up and the nice fox grabbed her under his arms, lifting her high and tossing her into the air (with some difficulty). She squealed in glee, giggling and wagging her tail as the nice fox caught her on the way down.

The nice fox smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then began to carry her out the room and down the hall, where she knew all the diaper changing stuff was. On the way, she occupied herself by staring at the pretty metal ring that the nice fox wore on his left hand. She liked it because it was shiny, but also because it was just like the one she wore! The only difference was that his was thicker, and hers was thinner.

They finally reached the room, and he set her down on a plush changing table. Alyssa began to whine, but the nice fox was quick to distract her by turning on the mobile above her. She was always fussy when getting her diaper changed, but it was easy to redirect her attention and besides, she always liked the new diaper afterwards, just so she could destroy it again.

The nice fox was quick with his paws, lifting up her leg with one while removing the diaper with the other. He grabbed a handful of wipes and skillfully swiped clean her ass, groin, and the little bit that had oozed up her back. Then, satisfied that she was clean enough, he slid another thick pair of pawpers under her rear and set her down, skillfully closing the top and securing the tape before she realized what happened. Finally, he sat her up and made those weird mouth sounds again.

Alyssa smiled because the nice fox was smiling. He was happy about something, but she could never comprehend what it could be. It didn't matter to her. Then,

pbbbrrrrrbbbttt, frrrtt

Alyssa's eyes went blank and her jaw went slack as her body pushed several crackling lumps of shit into her plastic diapers, bulging out the seat and turning it a faint brown. Drool dribbled down her chin as her head bobbed back and forth, the retarded vixen lost in the simple pleasure of shitting herself for several long moments. A little boop on her snoot roused her from her daydreaming defecation.

The nice fox grinned, shaking his head and kissing her nose. Alyssa smiled wider both because of the kiss and because she had more poopy to play with! While she distracted herself by playing with her newly-filled diaperseat, the nice fox took the old diaper and folded it up, taking care to ensure that no shit or piss could spill out on the way to the diaper pail.

He looked around, not that anyone would be there, and bent down, shoving his nose squarely in the brown rear of the folded diaper. He closed his eyes, curled his toes, and took a deep, long breath. He held it for a moment before letting it out with a shudder. His pants tented out as he relished the deep, earthy scent of the heavily used diaper, and after adjusting himself, he took the diaper to the pail and dropped it in.

After her second change in as many minutes, the nice fox set Alyssa on the ground to let her crawl around, kissing her pointed ears and leaving her be. He had done up the whole room so that there was no danger she'd hurt herself, get into anything she shouldn't, or even be bored. A gate on the doorway prevented her from crawling out; she could have popped the latch or even simply stepped over it, but the retarded vixen didn't think well enough to realize that.

Alyssa looked around, babbling happily to herself. This was her favorite time of the day, when she was allowed to do whatever she wanted without the nice man keeping her from getting into naughty stuff. But how would she spend it? She had no real comprehension of time, but she always felt that her time in the room was too short.

The room itself was rather small, perhaps large enough fit a king sized bed and a dresser, but nothing else. The floor was carpeted a plush red, which made it impossible for her to stumble and hurt her head on it. The walls were an almost garishly bright yellow, and a blue ceiling finished out the primary color trifecta.

Aside from the changing table (wrapped in foam to prevent hard knocks of course!), there was no other furniture in the room. All the changing supplies were stored inside the table, which made shelving unnecessary, and all of her various toys were left scattered all across the floor, meaning she never had to clean anything up.

Speaking of toys, she had quite a lot to choose from. Alyssa always had trouble choosing between more than two things, given that she couldn't count that high, and there had to be more than... well, two in this room! There were hard, noise making toys, soft cuddly toys, even toys she could gum on while playing with other toys! The choice was hers, and the choice was hard .

Eventually she chose the loud noisemaker toys and crawled over to them, grabbing one indiscriminately and shaking it around. It made a satisfying clapping noise and she squealed, clapping it louder and louder. She banged it against the wall, against the floor and even against her diaper just to see what different sounds it would make. Alyssa preferred the plastic crackling sound it made against her diaper the best.

Soon she stuck it in her mouth, gumming at it and slathering it in thick drool. She did that to all of her favorite toys! Then, she grabbed another and the cycle repeated again. One by one she made it through all of her noisy toys, discarding the gummed ones in a pile next to her as soon as she had another to stick into her mouth. The drum toy was hard to figure out, but eventually she settled with licking at it while she rattled the maracas in the air.

Though the noises were fun, eventually she ran out of new noise toys (not that her attention span would have lasted much longer) and had to find something else to occupy her time.

Alyssa looked around. Should she cuddle with the colorful stuffed animals like the ones she had in her crib? Should she use all the different shaped blocks to make a big ol' tower? Or maybe she could do both? ...no, she couldn't, because if she cuddled she might fall asleep. How could she be asleep and play with blocks?


The answer to her question soon made itself clear. She could just mess her diaper again! It was like a toy that was always with her, which made it a clear favorite. .

Unlike most furs, Alyssa never had any issues filling her diaper at any point in time. One might think she'd run out of poop, but all she had to do was lift her tail and ftttbbtt, her retard pants were full and bulging, sagging with the weight of her mess.

. Alyssa crawled to the wall, used it to push herself up to a standing position, and lifted her tail. She jutted her diaper-clad ass out, flattened her ears, and pushed.

frrrrrrrbt, bbrrrrrrrrt

A muffled fart burst from her tailhole, along with a nice, thick glob of shit. The feces slid out of her ass and into the seat of her diaper. A massive, bulging, stinky lump grew beneath her tailhole at first, but soon enough the weight became too much and it sagged down to the bottom. Then a new clump of shit would form, only to add to the lumpy weight. She kept going far longer than what should be normal and she enjoyed every second of it. Every crinkle her diaper made, every grunt she uttered, even the crackling of the shit itself was like music to her ears, sending chills down her spine and making her bare nipples harden.

The familiar feeling of her diapers sagging under the weight of her shit made her smile, and eventually she was satisfied. Alyssa looked down at her work proudly. The nice clean white of her diaper was now a deep brown in back, and even the front was a lighter brown. The heightened waistband of her diaper sagged a bit under the tremendous load, but it held firm against her tummy, held fast by all those sturdy tapes. After a moment of relaxation and a loud hiss, she flooded the front of her retard pants with a warm, soothing bath of foxpiss.

Alyssa plopped back down to play with her toys, but the wet noise of her firm shit squishing against her seat made her giggle. Of course! Why would she go back to her normal toys when she had all this stuff inside her diapers to play with? Shamelessly, Alyssa shoved her paws down the front of her diapers and dug for a good while, eventually returning with two pawfuls of lumpy, claylike shit.

The retard examined the shit for a while, mushing it between her paws and letting it ooze through her fingers. She always enjoyed the thick feeling of the shit she made, its almost claylike texture and consistency making it a great building material, almost like playdough. The nice fox had actually walked in on her making towers and mounds with it on more than one occasion. He always just laughed, ruffled her pointed ears with his paws, and let her be.

Today, though, she wasn't feeling the urge to make things with it. She'd done that yesterday! Instead, she slowly raised her shit covered paws to her nose and huffed. Her eyes rolled back at the strong scent and she giggled, enjoying it a moment before looking back down at herself. Maybe instead of making towers and things... she could paint with it!

Without a second thought she splatted her left pawful of shit against her belly, wriggling at the nice, wet feeling of it soaking through her fur. Only once it had thoroughly soaked through did she start smearing, slowly at first but soon faster and faster, determined to coat herself entirely in shit.

She brought her second paw into the action, too, this time starting on her face and rubbing the shit in like a facial mask. It soaked into her red fur, starting nice and warm and quickly becoming cool and soothing. She enjoyed the feeling it gave her as it transitioned between the two. After each pawful of shit had been emptied, she simply plunged her hands back down into her diaper and grabbed more. If she ever ran out, she could just make more and apply it fresh from her hole, so she wasn't worried about using too much.

Time goes fast when you're having fun, and the vixen couldn't imagine having much more fun than she was at the moment. Soon her entire body was smothered in shit from head to toe, and here she was, still half a diaper left of shit!

What was she to do? She could make towers with her shit, but she didn't wanna do that. She'd rather go back to playing with her other toys. Maybe she could just do that instead? Leave the shit in her diapers for later?

A grumble in her tummy told her otherwise, and she grinned. No, she was too hungry to let nice, fresh shit like that go to waste!

Alyssa shoved a paw down her diaper, rummaging around for a particularly warm chunk, and once she found it she immediately pulled it out and shoved it directly into her maw. The strong taste of her shit sent her wild, moaning into the air as she noisily chewed her brown food. She didn't think to close her mouth, so gummed up shit drooled down her cheeks and chin onto her breasts. When she was happy with the consistency she swallowed, immediately shoving another pawful of shit into her mouth, constantly keeping it occupied with her favorite thing in the world.

She fell back onto her diaper with a splat, groaning happily and closing her eyes. The retard wasn't smart enough to really imagine, but if she was, the vixen couldn't imagine a life better than this. The nice fox played with her and changed her diapers, she got plenty of time to play with toys, fill her diapers, and cuddle with her stuffed animals, and whenever she wanted to, she could play with and eat her shit to her heart's content!

A quiet inhale behind her brought the retarded vixen out of her mindless state. She turned around to see the nice fox standing at the gate, grinning like a loon and nursing a tent in his pants. Alyssa grinned, licking her lips. She knew exactly what a tent in the nice fox's pants meant.

The nice fox stepped over the babygate as soon as Alyssa saw him, unzipping his pants and dropping his drawers to reveal a nice sized fox cock. It was only a little above average, but to Alyssa it was exactly what she loved. He padded up to her, shaking his head good-naturedly and making noises that she couldn't understand, but knew to be approving. She just smiled toothlessly at him, wriggling her tush and licking her lips impatiently.

The nice fox chuckled again and nodded, running his thumbs over the base of her ears, but pulled away a moment. Alyssa tipped her head, impatient to have her treat, but once she saw what he returned with she understood. In his arms he held her balled up diaper from earlier, still warm with fresh morning shit.

He brought it up to his nose and took a long huff of it, and his cock twitched as he did so. Just when it seemed like it couldn't get any harder, the nice fox pulled away and reached down with a free paw, guiding her muzzle to his shaft. She knew what to do from there.

Alyssa closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his cock tip, teasing him a moment before slowly pushing it in. The feeling of her drool combined with the shit she'd just ate made him moan into the plastic of her used diaper. His ass tensed, and Alyssa used each cheek as handles to slowly slide herself deeper and deeper on his shaft. Her tongue bathed the underside of his cock like she was made to do it, occasionally darting out ahead to lap at his balls or curling around the top, wrapping it in the firm but gentle warmth.

The vixen never had any issue with the nice fox's cock. The nice fox was always certain never to push her too much or make her do something she wasn't able to comfortably do. In fact he usually had her take it slow, caressing her cheek or ears as she went. Alyssa loved the feeling she got from the nice fox when she sucked his cock, and if she had the words to assign to it, she might even call the feeling she felt 'romantic'. He was always so gentle, so loving, unwilling to make her uncomfortable in any way.

Soon she fell into a rhythm, slowly sliding his cock down her muzzle, stopping for a moment when her nose pushed into his groin fur before pulling back at the same speed. When his cock pressed against her lips she repeated the process again, occasionally cupping his balls in the process.

He didn't last long before he was panting, moaning into her diaper and huffing it desperately. The smell drove him as wild as the feeling of her tongue on his cock did, and soon he was struggling not to thrust into her. The retarded vixen grinned; she always knew what to do when he got like that. She pulled back, kissed the nice fox's cock tip once, and then slid the whole thing in her mouth as quickly as she could, holding it there. The second his cock touched the back of his throat he let out a strangled cry of pleasure, eyes rolling back as thick white streams of cum jetted down her throat into her belly.

She swallowed for a minute before he pulled back, panting. The vixen giggled at the warm feeling in her full belly, and he bent down, kissing her on the nose before putting the used diaper back in the pail.

The nice fox looked down at the vixen with a wide grin, and the vixen wondered what was going to come next. Usually when he found her like this he'd go give her a bath, which was a fun process, but very, very long, and after so much vigorous fun with the nice fox's cock, Alyssa really just wanted to lay down and cuddle something. Sometimes he'd slurp her clean, but those times were few and far between, to the point that it was a real treat if he decided to do it.

Apparently, the answer to her question was 'neither'. Instead, after thinking a moment, the nice fox opened the changing table, rummaging around in it a moment. Was he going to change her again? He came back out with a box of wipes, walking towards her and getting on his knees.

He opened the box, took a handful of wipes out, and began to use them to clean her fur. He started at the top, using them to clean her eyelids, her lips, and then her cheeks, giving each one a kiss after he deemed them clean enough. Then, after finishing the rest of her face, he moved onto her shoulders, chest and back.

It was a time consuming process and sometimes Alyssa began to fidget, but each time she did he would calm her with a soft kiss on her lips. The pile of used diaper wipes grew beside him as he went, and eventually his task came to a close. The vixen sat there, looking completely clean but smelling strongly of shit, while the box of wipes sat empty, sacrificed entirely to make Alyssa clean.

The nice fox smiled. There would be a bath in store for Alyssa tonight, but for now, why not enjoy the scent of shit that clung to her? He lifted her onto the table, changed her diaper for a clean one, and carried her downstairs to the living room for a cuddle session.

Alyssa blinked slowly as she curled up on the nice fox's lap, yawning slightly and wriggling deeper into his embrace. She enjoyed cuddle time, especially when it came after giving him a blowjob. It always made her sleepy and content, and the nice fox seemed to be just as happy, too.

Usually he would put something on for her. What it was exactly never mattered; as long as it was colorful and bright (and wasn't too much of a chore for him to watch), Alyssa would be entertained for hours if need be.

Sometimes he read to her. He read to her quite a bit, especially at bedtime, but daytime reading was different from bedtime reading. During daytime reading he'd bring out big cardboard books with colorful pictures she could point at. Sometimes he pointed at the weird squiggles and made a noise, and when she copied the noise he'd be so happy. At bedtime, though, he read from bigger books made of paper that didn't even have any pictures. She liked them because she liked listening to his voice, but she usually fell asleep before he even turned a few pages.

Today, though, the nice fox brought out a book that Alyssa had never seen before. It was long and brown, and didn't have any pictures on the front, just the weird squiggles. When he opened it though, there were lots of pictures!

These pictures were different. These pictures looked like real life, and after the nice fox pointed at a few, Alyssa realized they were real life! There were ones with the nice fox in them, but he was wearing black and white clothes and he had a hat on. He was surrounded with a lot of other males, and though she wasn't sure if they were nice or what species they were, he sure did look happy.

The nice fox turned the page. Alyssa gasped. It was her! Or... it was her, wasn't it? The vixen in the pictures looked just like her, but something was different. For one, the picture-girl was standing on two legs, and she was surrounded by a lot of other girls that Alyssa didn't recognize. For another, the picture-girl wasn't dressed like Alyssa would be. The picture-girl had a long, flowing white dress on and was holding flowers, and there wasn't even a hint of a diaper under the dress. Alyssa didn't wear those things, so how could it be her?

The nice fox turned the page. This set of pictures were of both the nice fox and the picture-girl. They looked happy together, holding paw, curling tails, and hugging. Neither of them had rings on, Alyssa noticed. She felt herself smile. Even if she wasn't certain who the picture-girl was, she knew she made the nice fox happy, and that made her happy. The set of pictures ended with one of the picture-girl and the nice fox under an arch full of flowers. They were kissing, and Alyssa saw that they were wearing rings on their paws, just like the one she and the nice fox wore every day.

The nice fox turned the page. This time, Alyssa gasped for a different reason. It was her! The earlier pictures confused her, but these ones were obviously her. She was standing there with a big, wide grin on her face, toothless and drooling. She wasn't standing but on all fours, and she was entirely nude except for a big, bulky diaper. It was a smaller diaper than what she was used to, but as the pictures went on, she noticed the diapers got bigger and bigger.

In some of them, the nice fox was holding her or kissing her. In some of them, Alyssa was alone, either posting, curled up sleeping, or sometimes just sucking her thumb and looking blankly out into space as drool cascaded down her chin and onto her breasts. The only constant in them that Alyssa could find was that her diaper was always, invariably filled to capacity, straining and struggling to hold the vast amount of shit she could put into it.

Alyssa giggled. If picture-Alyssa was always in big, messy diapers, why wasn't real-Alyssa? The retarded vixen closed her eyes and concentrated, grunting a bit. The nice fox looked down and grinned, and the vixen began to groan, wetting herself heavily before beginning to fill her diapers with nice, clumpy shit. It bunched up at her hole before sliding heavily down to the bottom of her diaper, turning the rear brown. It began to bulge as lumpily as ever, big clumps forming as she went on.

The nice fox laughed and ruffled her head, showering her in kisses, pets, and happy sounding noises. When she was finally finished, her diaper looked like it could barely hold anything else, just like the pictures. She squealed happily, and the nice fox laughed again, kissing her nose and holding her close, one hand around her chest, and the other on her messy, bulging rear.

After a few moments, the fox had an idea. He lifted the vixen into the air and set her on the ground. Alyssa blinked in slight confusion; she usually wasn't allowed on the ground in the livingroom because there was so much for her to get into. She started to crawl off but the nice fox gently held onto her waistband, preventing her. She looked back and he smiled, making some noises that she understood; he wanted her to show off!

Giggling in excitement, the retarded vixen crawled to the middle of the room, lowering her front until her breasts brushed the ground and hoisting her diaper up into the air as far she could manage on her tippy toes. She lifted her tail and waved it around, wriggling her sagging brown diaper so that the mess inside swung from side to side.

The nice fox chuckled, grabbing the camera and aiming it at her sagging rear, making certain to get her eager, happy face looking back at him. The photo printed out instantly and he sat down, sliding it into the last empty slot in the photo album. Then he set it aside, stretching backwards.

Both he and the vixen noticed the tent in his pants, and they both grinned. Time for a treat.

Bully in Control: Continued Corruption

?This is a continuation of 'Bully in Control', which you can find in my gallery \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The sun was starting to set, and Allie was starting to regret wearing a crop top so early in the season. She sat on the cold...

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Nick's Bully, Part 2

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