Lunar Dust

Story by RobertDayson on SoFurry

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The third and final story of my second commission batch. This was another commission for internmatt, who wanted a wolf TF triggered by a special herb or drug. I was really proud of how this one turned out, so hopefully you enjoy it too!

Ding-a-ling-a-ling! The door to the small shop swung open as a short girl with long red hair slowly walked inside. She wore a long green and white sundress, and around her shoulder was large blue purse. She frowned, her blue eyes nervously scanning the store to try and find any workers, or anyone who could help her. "Um... hello?" she asked. "Is anyone here?"

"Oh! Sorry, I'll be right out!" The sudden voice caused the girl to turn her attention towards a door behind the counter in the back. It suddenly swung open, revealing a short woman with long black hair, dressed in what looked like a black robe of some sort. "Sorry, had to make sure I was all prepared to meet my customers properly. Anyway..." She flourished with a hand, motioning to the rest of the shop in front of her. "Welcome to Kayla's Magical Mysteries! I'm Kayla, the owner of this shop. How may I help you today?"

The girl smiled, walking up to the counter. "Well, my name's Rose, and it's a pleasure to meet you!" she said. "So... what kinds of things to you sell here, anyway? I heard from a few sources that you were good at creating stuff to solve specific problems... and I have a problem that I kinda want to solve, so..."

"Well, you've certainly come to the right place, then!" laughed Kayla. "Yes, solving problems is what I do here! For me, there's nothing that can't be solved with a little magic!" She chuckled to herself. "Huh... maybe I could make that my tagline. Bit of a mouthful, but..."

"Okay, hold up," replied Rose. "Is this stuff..." She looked around for a bit, before leaning in close to counter and lowering her voice to a whisper. "Is this stuff actually magical, though? Like... real, legitimate magic?"

Kayla laughed once again. "You don't need to be so secretive about it!" she cried. "Yes, it's real, legitimate magic, and I'm a real, legitimate witch! You can ask any of my previous customers, and they'll tell you!" She chuckled once again. "Don't worry, though, it's completely harmless! I've been doing this kind of thing for a while, so I'd consider myself somewhat of an expert at it! Just tell me what problem you want me to solve, and I'm sure I'll be able to create something for you!"

Rose nodded. "Well, that's good to know," she said. "I've actually been kind of interested in magic myself lately, you know. I've actually done a lot of research on the subject, and I've actually found some pretty informative stuff about it... you know, once I got past all the fakes and skeptics claiming that magic isn't actually real."

"Well then, I admire your spirit! You must have a strong passion for magic if you're willing to put so much effort into your research!" Kayla smiled, looking Rose in the eye. "Learning how to practice magic can be a bit intimidating at first, but those with enough patience and determination will find that the rewards certainly pay off. Why, I remember needing to stay up all night to learn my first spell-"

"Thanks, but I'm not actually interested in learning magic," replied Rose. "It's pretty interesting and all, but I just don't have the time to commit to something like that right now. My thing for magic is more of a curiosity than a passion, I guess." She smiled. "I actually just came here because I heard some pretty good things about this place from some reliable sources. Like I said, I have a bit of a problem that I could use some help with, and I was hoping you could help me with it."

"Well, if you need me to, I'm happy to help you with any problem!" said Kayla. "Now, what is this problem that you're having?"

"Well... you know how we're supposed to have an eclipse later today?" asked Rose. "You know, the one that everyone's been talking about for the past few weeks or so?'

"Yes, of course!" said Kayla with a grin. "Keeping track of that kind of thing is important for us magic users, since a lot of our spells are affected by lunar patterns and such. But I'm sure you already knew that much, right?"

"Well, yeah," replied Rose. "That's why I was hoping you could help me. See... I have this friend named Emily, and she... well, she's not terribly excited about the eclipse. She says that the whole thing is boring, and that everyone is just making a big deal out of it for no reason. We're supposed to get together to see it today, but... I can tell that she's really not looking forward to it. Like, she's just doing it because I want her to, not because she wants to. So... I thought maybe I could use some magic to spice the whole thing up for her. You know, make it more enjoyable... or memorable, I guess. Do you have any suggestions for something like that?"

"Hmm... now that is quite interesting indeed," said Kayla. "So... you want her to enjoy the eclipse like you do, so you want to use magic to sort of... enhance the experience for her? Is that it?"

"Yes, that's right," replied Rose. "And... well, it's also because she happens to be one of those sceptics that I mentioned earlier. She doesn't really believe in magic, so I thought I could sort of kill two birds with one stone this way... you know, get her to believe in it while getting her to enjoy something else at the same time. Does that make sense?"

"...Yes. Yes it does." Kayla smiled once again. "You know, I think I may have just what you need. Hold on a second." She stood up, turning towards the back door and disappearing through it. In a few seconds she returned, holding two small pouches in her hand. "So... I'm sure you've heard of werewolf legends, correct?"

"Yes, of course," said Rose. "Why? Is that your solution? To turn us into werewolves or something?"

"Not quite," replied Kayla. "For some reason, it seems that werewolves have sort of declined in popularity recently... there seems to be some kind of stigma surrounding them, though I can't imagine why. Anyway, it seems like most people nowadays prefer a more... traditional change." She place the pouches she was holding on the counter. "Anyway, these pouches contain lunar dust, which, when dissolved in liquid and ingested, allows people to change when the moon is full. They were first used to transform people into the wolf-man hybrids you know as werewolves, as sort of a way for allowing people to blur the lines between human and animal, to become something more than either. But when werewolves fell out of favor, I sort of... reinvented the formula. Now, instead of turning people into werewolves, it allows them turn into full, natural wolves, almost exactly like the ones you would find in the wild. I've found that people mostly prefer that to becoming werewolves for some reason. Perhaps they find it more natural?"

"Or maybe it has to do with the recent stigma against anthropomorphic animals in general lately..." muttered Rose under her breath. "So... what does any of this have to do with the problem between me and Emily?"

"Well... if I were to make a slight adjustment to the dust in these pouches..." Kayla bent down, reaching under the counter and pulling out a large bottle filled with a clear liquid. She then opened up both of the pouches, pouring a drop of the bottle's contents into each of them before closing and shaking the pouches. "There! One drop of sunlight oil in each of them should do the trick!" she said, putting them back down. "This will dilute the lunar dust and weaken its effects. Now, instead of causing someone to transform during a full moon, it will only cause them to transform during a similar lunar event that occurs during the day... such as an eclipse." She grinned. "I think you can tell where I'm going with this, right?"

"Okay, so... you want to turn us into wolves? During the eclipse?" Rose frowned. "Are you sure that's such a good idea? I mean, I know I wanted to make the eclipse memorable for Emily, but... that seems a little extreme. Also, she might not react well if I tell her that I want to turn her into a wolf."

"Well, most people are apprehensive at first, which is quite understandable," replied Kayla. "But almost all of them end up enjoying the experience once they've transformed. As I'm sure your friend will, once she goes through the process. Of course, it's entirely up to you. If you don't like it, I'm sure we can find something else for you."

"Well..." Rose looked down at the pouches, then back up at Kayla. Was this really a good idea? She'd never really considered shapeshifting a potential solution, but now that she was thinking about it... was it really all that bad? And with all the praise she'd seen thrown at this place, she couldn't imagine Kayla would try to steer her wrong. "...You know what? I think the pouches will be fine," she said, grinning. "I'm feeling a little adventurous today."

"Excellent!" cheered Kayla. "I'll just take the payment, and the pouches will be yours! That'll be $20 for each of them!" She held out her hand as Rose reached into her purse and pulled out the money, handing it over to the seller. "Thank you very much! Enjoy the rest of your day!"

"You're welcome..." said Rose, taking the pouches and slipping them into her purse. As she turned to walk out the door, she found herself taking deep breaths, trying wrap her mind around what she was about to do. Not only was she going to turn herself into a wolf, but she was going to do the same to her best friend! Was it really worth it? She looked back down at the pouches before shaking her head. Well, it was all she had now... she figured she might as well make the most of it.


"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" yelled the dark-skinned girl, striding down the front hallway of her house towards the front door. "Just hang on, I'll be right there!" She opened the door, seeing her red-haired friend standing there in her white and green sundress. "Oh... hey, Rose."

"Hey, Emily," replied Rose, walking inside and setting her blue purse on the counter. "Ready to see the eclipse?"

Emily sighed. "I suppose..." she said, sitting down in one of the nearby chairs. "I still don't see why everyone's making such a big deal about this. I mean, it's just some random thing happening in the sky. It's not like it majorly affects the lives of anyone."

"Yeah, but full eclipses are super rare!" replied Rose. "And even when they do happen, we hardly ever even get to see them. We're super lucky that we're in the perfect spot for it! Plus, it just looks really cool!"

"Yeah, except for the fact that you can't even see it without wearing special glasses," sighed Emily. "I'm sorry, but this sort of thing just doesn't strike me as very interesting."

"Well, I think you'll enjoy it," said Rose. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have some lemonade or anything like that, would you? I'm kinda thirsty."

"Yeah, there should be a pitcher of it in the fridge," said Emily. "Feel free to get some if you want."

"Thanks!" Rose stood up, walking over to the refrigerator to get the pitcher. "Hey, could you check outside for a moment? I just want to make sure that the eclipse isn't starting early or anything like that."

Emily frowned. "It's not even supposed to begin for another half hour... but sure, I might as well." She turned to look out the window, staring up at the sky. "Yeah, it looks exactly the same as always. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Well, just keep looking, okay? And tell me if you see anything!" With Emily distracted, Rose quickly took out the pouches she had gotten from Kayla. She opened up the cabinet above her and got out two glasses, pouring lemonade into each one. Then, she opened each of the pouches and poured their contents into each of the glasses, watching the dust dissolve completely as soon as it touched the liquid. "Do you see anything?" asked Rose as she carried the glasses back towards the table Emily was sitting at?

"No," sighed Emily, turning back towards Rose. "Just like I expected." She looked at the glasses Rose was holding, frowning. "Why are you carrying two glasses?"

"Oh... well, I just thought that you might like some lemonade too," said Rose, placing one of the glasses in front of Emily. "I mean, it's pretty hot out, and I know how much you like drinking lemonade on hot days, so..."

"Oh... well, thank you!" said Emily happily, grabbing the glass and taking a sip. "So... do you want to just hang out here until the eclipse starts? Or did you have something else in mind that you wanted to do?"

"Um..." Rose glanced down at Emily's glass, then back up at Emily. "Actually, I do kinda want to go outside for a little bit," she said, raising her glass to her lips and finishing off the lemonade. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Oh, yeah, sure!" said Emily, setting her glass down. "That sounds much more interesting than just sitting here waiting for the eclipse to happen!"

"Great!" Cried Rose, looking back down at Emily's glass. "Um... do you you think maybe you could finish that before we go, though? Sorry, it's just that it's really good and I would hate to see it go to waste!"

Emily frowned, her eyes narrowing. "...You're acting kinda weird today, you know," she said. "But yeah, sure, whatever. I'll finish it." She lifted her own glass and finished off its contents before placing it back on the table. "You ready to go now?"

"Yeah, sure! Of course!" As Rose stood up to walk outside, though, she could feel her grin fading. She felt bad about tricking Emily into drinking the powder, but she knew that it had to be done. She knew that Emily didn't believe in magic, and that if she made her intentions known, there was no way Emily would believe her. She might even refuse to drink the lemonade entirely, and Rose knew that she couldn't let that happen. Ah well. Emily would enjoy it once it took effect... at least, Rose hoped she would.

Half an hour later, both Rose and Emily were lying on the grass in a nearby park, staring up at the practically empty sky. "So... is it going to happen soon?" asked Emily. "We've been lying here for a while... are we going to start seeing something soon?"

"Just be patient. It'll happen soon." Rose leaned over to look at Emily, noticing that she was wearing the eclipse sunglasses she had brought. "Oh, um... you can probably take those off, too. I don't think you'll be needing them."

"What?" Emily suddenly sat up, staring down at Rose. "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't I-" She suddenly stopped, a strange look crossing her face. "Sorry, I-" Before she could finish, she suddenly burst out laughing. "Sorry, I... oh God!" She kept on laughing and laughing, eventually having to lean over to stabilize herself. "What's going on? Why can't I stop laughing?"

As Rose watched her friend collapse to the ground in laughter, she suddenly began to feel a smile creeping across her face as well. A chuckle escaped her lips, and before she knew it, she had dropped to her hands and knees laughing as well! She didn't know why... she was just feeling so happy, so happy that she had to express it somehow! Maybe it was a side effect of the powder? Suddenly, she looked up from the ground, her attention suddenly drawn towards the woods that stretched across the park they were in. "Hey, do you want to go into the woods for a little bit?" she asked, still chuckling to herself. "I think it'll be a nice change of pace from the park, and I could use a bit of variety right now!"

"The woods? But how will we see the ecli-" A chuckle escaped Emily's mouth mid-sentence as she looked up, staring at the woods. "Actually, you know what? That sounds like a really good idea right now!" She laughed again, standing up. "I don't know why, but it does!"

"Great! Then let's go!" Quickly standing up, Rose ran towards the woods, with Emily following close behind. But as she ran, she suddenly felt a strange tingling feeling on her legs... like something unfamiliar was on them. She lifted her sundress, gasping as soon as she saw what was underneath it. Thick, gray hair was sprouting on her legs, spreading up and down them as it grew out into fur. She was growing fur. The powder was working!

Meanwhile, Emily was tearing off her shirt, exposing her skin and leaving only her bra on her upper body. "This thing is so uncomfortable!" she cried, looking down at herself. "Why is it suddenly so-" She immediately stopped talking as soon as she noticed the light gray fur on her body. "Um... Rose?"

"Don't worry about it!" cried Rose, more giddy energy flowing through her body. "Just let it run its course! You'll feel great afterwards, trust me!" She bent down to take off her sandals, already feeling the soft fur spreading down to her feet. She giggled as her feet lengthened, her toes compressing and thickening as large pads grew from the bottoms of her soles. Suddenly, she fell over, her feet no longer able to support her by themselves. She didn't mind, though; she simply laughed to herself as she felt the fur spread up her legs, preluding to more changes to come.

"Um... ah..." Emily continued watching the fur spread across her torso, unsure of how to react. She wanted to scream, to freak out... but something within her wasn't letting her. Another giggle left her mouth as she watched the fur spread to her arms, covering them in a blanket of gray warmth. It was so soft! She began rubbing her hand across the fur on her stomach, laughing as she did. Even as her hands shifted, her fingers shortening and thickening as claws grew from them as her palms grew out into pads, she still felt elated beyond belief. She couldn't get over how good it felt to just let go, to feel her humanity slipping away as her body shifted into something far more comfortable.

Over on the ground nearby, Rose was feeling a similar sense of bliss as she felt her spine stretch and extend, a lump forming beneath her sundress. She knew what was coming, and she was desperate to feel it... desperate for her form to change even further, for the sensations she was feeling to never end. All at once, she felt her spine extend rapidly and she immediately pulled back her sundress, making room for her new tail to extend out into the air. It wasn't terribly big, but the mere sensation of having something there that had never existed before was enough to elicit even more laughter from Rose's mouth. She could feel it wagging behind her, triggered by the happy, feel-good mood that she was in, which only caused her happiness levels to increase even further. And all the while, the fur was continuing to extend up to her torso, prompting her to tear her sundress off and throw it onto the ground. She couldn't stand being in her normal human clothes any longer. She needed to be free!

"Whoa!" The surprised cry from Emily caused Rose to look over at her, noticing that she too had fallen over onto her front. She was struggling to pull her shoes off, and Rose noticed that there was gray fur sprouting on her ankles and across her legs as well. Sure enough, as soon as Emily's socks came off, Rose could see that her feet had grown longer, with her toes fusing and thickening and pads growing along the bottoms. But once again, Emily didn't seem upset at all; in fact, she seemed absolutely ecstatic. "This... this is so cool!" She cried, wiggling her toes and pressing her new back paws into the ground, lifting herself up onto all fours. Already, her bone structure in her arms and legs was shifting, making the position seem much more natural.

"You alright there, Emily?" asked Rose, feeling the fur spread up her torso and across her neck. "You sound pretty excirrrr..." She suddenly stopped, realizing that she was starting to lose her ability to speak. "Rrrrr... rrrrr...." She could already feel the fur spreading up to her face, which was suddenly shifting... pressing out, slowly becoming more canine. "Rrrr! Rarrrr!" She yipped with pleasure, feeling her nose darken, her teeth growing out into sharp fangs. A stretching sensation in her ears told her that they were growing as well, becoming much larger and far more sensitive.

RRRRRRIP! A sudden loud tearing sound from behind her signaled that Emily's changes were still underway. She turned her head, and sure enough, she could see a tail sticking out from the back of her friend's pants, wildly waving back and forth. The expression on Emily's face was one of pure bliss, even as it stretched and shifted out into a canine muzzle, her nose darkening and teeth sharpening just as Rose's had. As her ears stretched and lengthened, she suddenly turned her head back and grabbed her bra strap with her teeth, pulling on it until it loosened and came off. She then turned her attention towards her pants and underwear, pulling them off and maneuvering them around her tail with her teeth as best as she could.

Seeing this reminded Rose of something she hadn't even realized: her underwear was still on, too. Immediately, she reached behind her and used her new sharp teeth to pull on her bra straps just as Emily had done. Once that was off, she maneuvered her body so that her head could reach her underpants, and her used her teeth to yank those off her body as well. As she did, the final changes began setting in: fur began spreading across her arms, all the way down to her now shifting hands. Fingers shrank and thickened, claws grew, and pads formed, reshaping her hands into a pair of wolf paws. She slowly turned around, walking towards her companion on all fours and finding it perfectly natural. It was amazing; she thought she might have trouble getting used to walking like this, but she was doing it with almost no effort at all!

Overhead, the sky darkened, the moon moving in to cover up the sun. Yet for the two wolves on the ground, it was still as clear as day, thanks to their enhanced eyesight. Inhaling through her nose, Rose could hardly believe how much she could deduce about her surroundings through smell alone. It was like an entirely new world had opened up to her, one that she could never have even imagined until now. She looked over at Emily, a keen glint in her eyes, before taking off, running into the woods. Taken by surprise for a second, Emily quickly caught on and began running after her, chasing her through the trees. They kept running and running, amazed at how fast they could move and internally laughing with joy the whole time. Just two wolves, running and having fun: that was all that they needed to be. That was all that they wanted to be.

About an hour later, Rose slowly began to open her eyes. After she and Emily had expended their energy by running through the woods, the two of them had laid down on the ground and eventually fallen asleep, their bodies curled up happily together. But now that she was awake, Rose noticed the sunlight streaming through the trees, signaling the end of the eclipse. But she also noticed something else: the fur on her body was starting to disappear, reverting back to human skin. She felt her heart sink as she watched, not wanting her time as a wolf to end, wishing she could stay in this form for just a little bit longer. But deep down, she knew that it was better this way... she have to return to humanity eventually, so she might as well get it over with.

She heard a yawn from behind her and turned to see Emily waking up as well, her muzzle shrinking back into her face as her ears shortened and her fur disappeared. "That. Was. AMAZING!" She cried, her short gray head fur lengthening into long dark hair. "That had to have been the most alive I've ever felt in my life! I still can't believe I just went through that!"

Rose nodded, not having regained her ability to speak yet. She could feel her paws shifting, fingers and toes lengthening and pads disappearing, and she quickly realized that she could stand on two legs again. But the moment she stood up, she realized something else: she didn't have any clothes, and her disappearing fur was on the verge of leaving her completely naked. She quickly crouched down again, wrapping her just barely formed arms around herself in an attempt to conserve her modesty.

Emily suddenly frowned, her own fur slowly disappearing from her body. "I still don't understand how it happened, though!" she said. "Like... this shouldn't be possible, right? Yet here we are, transforming back from being freaking WOLVES..." She covered her face with her slowly developing hands. "I just... this whole thing is just... wow..."

"Well...about that..." Rose's face was shifting back to normal, her ability to speak returning. "I really wanted you to enjoy this eclipse, so I... kinda bought some powder at a magic shop that turns people into wolves during eclipses, and I... may have put some of it into that lemonade I gave you..."

"You... you did what?" Emily's frown was replaced with an expression of shock. "Is that why you wanted me to drink it so badly?"

"...Yeah, pretty much." Rose lowered her head. "I'm sorry! But I was afraid that if I told you what it was, you wouldn't believe me, and then you wouldn't drink it..."

"Well, you're right that I wouldn't have believed you," replied Emily. "Still, tricking me into drinking something like that... that's pretty shady, even for you." She grinned. "But it worked out really well, so I guess I forgive you. In fact, I wouldn't mind experiencing this again at some point..."

"Well... actually, the woman who runs the shop did tell me about another type of lunar dust," replied Rose with a grin. "Apparently it causes people to change into wolves every time the moon is full, instead of just during eclipses. If you want, we could-"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get back to the shop! Come on, I'll race you!" She laughed, standing up and running back through the woods... completely naked.

"Hey, wait! Come back! We don't even have clothes!" Rose sighed. Typical Emily. She didn't get excited that often, but once she did, there was no stopping her. Well, at least she'd enjoyed the eclipse... and she definitely believe in magic now too, so that was a plus. With a smile, Rose began running after Emily, chasing her to the edge of the woods. She still thought it a shame that she had to leave so soon, but that was fine... after all, she knew that she would be back during the next full moon.

"So... is there any particular reason you wanted us to come here tonight?"

It was a few weeks later, and Emily's was sitting with two of her friends at her house. "You said that you had a surprise waiting for us, Emily," said Hope, the girl who had just spoken. "When are you going to show us what it is?"

Emily chuckled to herself. "You'll find out soon enough," she said, quickly glancing out the window. "It'll only be a few more minutes. Just be patient!"

"Does it have anything to do with these clothes you asked us to wear?" Asked Lillian, the other girl, looking down at her outfit. All three of the girls were wearing loose, baggy clothing that practically hung off their bodies, and they had taken their shoes and socks off at the door upon Emily's request. "I feel like I'm practically swimming in these..."

"Hey, I brought the drinks!" The three girls turned to see Rose, dressed in baggy clothes like all the others, carrying four glasses of lemonade. "Drink up, everyone! The fun won't begin until all the glasses are empty!"

Hope frowned. "Is this like some kind of weird ritual event or something?" She asked, eyeing her glass suspiciously.

Emily shrugged. "In a way, I guess," she responded. "We're just trying to get you prepped for the main event. So drink up!"

Hope shrugged. "Whatever..." she muttered, raising the glass to her lips. Lillian watched her, then did the same with hers. "So... now what?"

"Well, any minute now..." Emily looked out the window again. "Oh! There it is!" She turned to the other girls, a massive grin across her face. "Okay, the full moon's up! The fun should begin any minute now!"

"Fun? What are you-" As Lillian spoke, a giggle suddenly escaped her lips. "Huh? That's weird. Why do I suddenly feel so..." Before she could finish, she suddenly doubled over with laughter, her head nearly hitting the table. "Wow!" she cried, in between her laughs. "I don't know why, but I feel super amazing all of a sudden!"

"Yeah, so do I!" said Hope, laughing right along with her. "Did you put something in those drinks, Rose?"

"Weeeell... I may have," said Rose, chuckling to herself as well. "Don't worry, it gets way better! Just wait!"

"Whoa! Hope, look!" Lillian was looking underneath the table, lifting up her feet to show them to Hope. Gray hair was sprouting all over her feet, toes merging and thickening while pads and claws grew. "That's... that's so weird!" she cried, watching her feet lengthen into proper paws. "It's weird, but... it's really cool, too!"

"What the-" Hope looked down at her own feet, seeing that fur was starting to sprout all over them as well... and it was starting to spread up her legs as well. She lifted up her shirt with her slightly less-mobile fingers to find that fur was sprouting all over her torso, too. "What the hell is this?" she cried, looking over at Emily and Rose as the fur spread up her neck. "What's going orrr... rrrrrrrr....!"

Rose and Emily simply grinned, showing off the fangs that were growing in place of their teeth. "Welcome to the wild side, girls!" said Emily. "You're going to love it!"

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