Muscle Mice From Mars

Story by Galaxian_Mouse on SoFurry

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#1 of Various Toons

Vinnie from the Biker Mice From Mars has been captured after getting caught off guard. His bros were unaware of his absence but thanks to some bumbling on the part of Limburger and his associates... the baddest mamma jamma this side of Saturn gets buff and heads out for some fun.

Muscle Mice from Mars

by Mr. Mouse

The following story is a work of fiction written with no intention of deriving profit from it except for adding to the spank bank. All characters are copyright their respective characters in the Biker Mice from Mars universe and this story was written as an erotic parody.

It should also be said that this is not a part of the BUST Club series and just takes place in the Biker Mice from Mars universe separate from anything that might go down in the BUST Club's Multi-Toon Universe.

It was late at night and all the Biker Mice had been sleeping over at the Last Chance Garage in their stay-over cots. At least they were... As Vinnie stirred from his bed he wandered over to the fridge for a late night snack and then found himself unconscious on the floor with no explanation.

The next thing the white-furred biker mouse knew he was strapped to a metal table. There were massive metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles that held him to the lab table with his arms straight out spread eagle. His tail had been bound down to keep him from doing anything untoward with it. He looked down over his bulging pecs to see he was still clothed in what he had worn to the fridge: Just a pair of blue pajama bottoms and a pair of pink bunny slippers.

"Alright. Who's bright idea was it to try and kidnap the baddest motorcycle mamma jamma in the universe?" asked Vinnie as he struggled against his restraints. The huge muscles flexed over the seven foot tall biker mouse's frame but the three inch thick cuffs didn't budge an inch.

The table shifted so that the mouse was rotated to a stand-up position with his arms still straight out to his sides. He had a feeling he should have worn his lucky neckercheif to bed that night but it was too late to worry about that now. He had bigger problems... much bigger.

Strapped to a table just like his, but bigger, was a ten foot tall, blue scaled, muscular, dragon-like monster named Gorgonzola. He recognized the big blue naked monstrosity but noticed that his massive genitalia were no longer hidden but rather that his very human like and massive cock and balls were out on display at the given moment.

"You know, Limburger, I agreed to give you this genetic sample willingly for moolah. I don't see hows all this is necessary," said the blue-scaled monster of a man.

Laurence Limburger then stepped out from the shadows as Carbuncle, his personal mad scientist followed with a massive milking machine tube over his shoulder. The Plutarkian smiled, "Necessity? Perhaps not. However, after our last few encounters I find that such precautions do provide a better peace of mind, as it were."

Carbuncle walked up with the massive tube on a hose and cleared his throat, "Ahem... for the er um... extraction... I will need your phallus to be erect."

"Sure thing bub," said Gorgonzola. On command his massive foot long soft cock started to grow till it was a three foot long iron rod of destruction that pointed straight out from his groin. His massive balls swelled in anticipation while his giant dick leaked copious amounts of precum.

The mad scientist placed the tube over the first half of the blue-scaled beast's cock and it immediately started to suck. Gorgonzola curled his toes and flexed his muscles. The restraints strained but held, "Oh yeah. This is the best cool million I ever did make."

Vinnie watched in awe at the massive cock that put his foot long hot dog to shame. Speaking of it had started to get harder in his very revealing pajama bottoms. The white-furred biker mouse blushed but then shook his head, "Hey! What's the big deal here? You kidnap me in the middle of the night for some freaky deaky sex show, fish face?"

It didn't take long for Gorgonzola to erupt, flooding the tubes with a deluge of white juice fresh from the tap. While he was busy cumming, Limburger answered the mouse, "On the contrary my mouthy mouse nemesis. You see your being here is just coincidental to our plans. Some of our goons were breaking into the last chance garage to steal when the caught you off guard. They knocked you out and got out without notice apparently. It will be morning before the other mice notice and by then it will be too late for you will be a deceased member of the control group."

"Control group?" asked Vinnie, "Using mice in a medical trial, eh? How original."

"Not medical per say," said Limburger, "You see as my associate here provides us with his copious volumes of seed, Carbuncle is extracting the essence that allows him to vastly increase his size and strength exponentially."

Carbuncle was busy working away at a computer console, "Speaking of which my most odious of leaders. I have isolated that component and am extracting it now."

A vial of glowing blue liquid started to fill next to the computer console as the monster finally finished cumming what must have been a thousand gallons of seed which had filled the containment tank to the bursting point. "Whew. Glad I held back a bit or your little container might have got destroyed by my load there. Good to know I still got it."

"And now that you have the money has been wired to your off planet accounts." said Limburger.

"So you're gonna give me his super strength increasing mojo? I mean... that sounds like a bad idea," said Vinnie, "Not that I want you to stop but still..."

Linburger chuckled, "Oh my dear biker mouse, no. I will be giving it to Greasepit who will then proceed to demonstrate his increased strength by ripping you in half with his bare hands."

"I gotta say I like that plan a lot less," said Vinnie as he felt his boner subside completely.

"Duh I gots ta say I kinda like the idea mousie," said Greasepit as he walked out of the shadows to join Carbuncle and Limburger, "What do ya want me ta do now, boss?"

"If you would be so kind dear Greasepit, take that vial injector and inject yourself with the serum please," said Limburger, "Then after you get your new strength, tear that dear biker mouse apart."

"Duh you got it boss," said Greasepit as he made his way over to the large injector vial filled with glowing blue liquid. He grabbed it but it slipped a little in his greasy hands.

"I know I'm not part of this project any more but I gotta say that something seems off with your plan, big cheese," said Gorgonzola, "Trusting that grease-handed goon with anything seems like a big step backwards in any plan."

"You're right you aren't a part of this project any more," said Limburger as he pressed a button on their transport chamber and zapped the blue monster away, "And Greasepit may be many things but his loyalty is absolute."

"Duh you got dat right boss," said Greasepit. He gave a salute to the Plutarkian but in doing so he slipped in some of Gorgonzola's excess precum and slid across the floor like he was on an ice slick. He tripped, stumbled and tossed the injector vial through the air.

It landed in the worst place possible... Right into Vinnie's flexing bicep. The cylinder automatically injected it's contents in the blink of an eye then dropped to the floor and broke. Vinnie didn't know what to make of it. Had the crack pot scientist's vial really given him some kind of super strength? Only one way to find out.

Tune in next time for all the sexy mouse parts!

Just kidding. You can clearly see there is more story to scroll through.

There was a tingling sensation throughout the mouse's body and soon he glowed with a bright blue light but then returned to normal. He flexed his muscles and felt different now. He felt powerful before with his increased martian strength but this was far and away much better. Real power.

His muscles flexed, bulged and swelled bigger on his frame till he went from a professional body builder's build to something beyond when his muscle groups all doubled in size. He grunted as he looked down and could no longer see his feet over his top shelf pecs. He didn't know it but his five inch soft member went to a nine inch soft member that was thick as a beer can when totally unerect.

His height remained the same glorious seven feet as before but his hands and feet swelled to keep up with his power packed body. Were he wearing his gloves the meaty hands would have torn free and his massive feet made short work of the bunny slippers as they ripped out. His legs packed muscle upon muscle that threatened to rip out of his now super tight pajama bottoms.

"Whoa! Talk about a pick me up! That's more like a pick me up up and away," smiled Vinnie, "Now it's time to show just what these bad boy mamma jamma muscles can really do!"

He gave a flex and his restraints ripped from the table on both his wrists and ankles. That flex shredded his pajama bottoms and left him in a pajama cloth thong that bulged so obscenely with his massive package it could hardly be said to have kept him decent.

Vinnie hopped down and noticed that the cuffs stayed on. Limburger chuckled, "Those cuffs are Monstrellian Steel, made to fit whoever they are upon no matter what size or shape they take so good luck getting out of those."

The powerful mouse looked at the cuffs then at his reflection in the shiny metal table he tore free from. He gave a few flexes and poses then kissed his bicep, "Who needs to get out of them? I think they go well with these," Vinnie gave a mammoth flex and then said, "Now I know I had a bodacious bod before but this is ridiculous. Mouse babe extraordinaire is gonna tail whip this place to nothing... but first how about I add a little size the way that big blue meanie used to?"

Vinnie put his thumb in his mouth and started to blow. He didn't gain much in the way of height but as he did his muscles gained size and mass, the stone floor cracked under the weight of his massive feet as the several tons of biker mouse exploded in muscular girth. He caught his reflection and looked to Carbuncle who was scanning him with some kind of device, "Yo! Science man. What gives with the gains?"

"It a-a-a-a-appears that the serum vastly increases both mass, strength, and muscular density with every blow to the equivalent of what Gorgonzola did but with the subject remaining a more manageable height," said Carbuncle. He put his fingers to work at the controls and started to convert the remaining monster semen into the muscle serum.

The much more muscular mouse pivoted on his feet innocent like as he watched the scientist work. Two more vials filled and only just as the monster semen was deplenished, "Whatcha think you're doin there, sweetheart?"

"We're making more serum and you are going to die!" said Limburger as he pulled a machine gun out from behind him. He unloaded on the massive mouse and at first Vinnie put up his arms, only to find he was bullet proof. The mouse chuckled and thrust his chest forward then started to walk towards the Plutarkian. Limburger panicked as the footfalls shook the ground and cracked the floor under the biker mouse's muscle weight.

Vinnie blew into his thumb more and his muscles swelled even larger still. The remnants of his pajama thong fluttered to the ground as his now foot and a half long soft cock with massive balls ripped free. Limburger saw this as a point of vulnerability and fired his tommy gun at that massive package but the bullets bounced off it all the same. However, it did start to arouse the tremendous mouse.

His height reached eight feet tall as the plutarkian stopped firing then said, "Uhmmmm heh. Look my good Mr. Van Wham perhaps I was a bit brazen in trying to fire a gun at you like that but can't we simply talk this out?"

Vinnie kept walking up as the Plutarkian backed up, "There is a time for talk and a time for action... and speaking of action..." he looked down at the three foot long colossal pillar of mouse flesh that jut forth from his crotch as a monument of mouse cock, "I might need to get some action to get this baby to go back to sleep."

"Duh I'll give ya a little action biker mousey!" Greasepit shouted as he ran up to Vinnie.

Vinnie stopped and held up a hand as the massive and greasy muscle man charged him. He flicked the man with his pointer finger to the chest and knocked him through several walls at incredible speed in the process, "Whoops! Heheh guess I don't know my own strength."

"Carbunkle! Do something!" Limburger shouted as he ran for the elevators. His scientist rushed to the elevator as well and the pair got stuck in the door side by side.

The massive mouse looked over the pair then to the machine that could make more muscle juice. He saw the two vials then walked over, shattering stone under his powerful bare feet. He took the two vials that remained and held them gently in one hand while with his other hand he brought down a fist on the machine. That downward punch sent the machine through the floor, and several floors down, causing it to explode. The building shook but held together.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of that," Vinnie said with a playful bouncing of his gargantuan pecs. The mouse watched as Carbuncle and Limburger made their escape in the elevator up and he shrugged, "Looks like it's time to blow this popsicle stand," He walked up to a wall and then through it like it were made of tissue paper. He did this several times over until he found the wall that lead to outside. He looked down and was apparently on the 50thstory of the 100 story tall building that was Limburger Tower. He grinned and hopped out casually, cratering the floor even with that small gesture.

Vinnie relished the feeling of the air blowing over his massive naked body, clothed only by the metal cuffs that Limburger was so kind as to provide. He hit the ground with a crash that cratered out from his eight foot hyper muscled frame it flipped over several vacant and nearby cars and left him standing in a literal crater in the street fifty feet across and twenty feet deep. He set down the vials of muscle formula and carefully covered them with rubble for protection, "Be right back my little beauties."

The tremendous, naked, bulging, fully erect mouse climbed from the crater of his own making and then walked up to Limburger Tower while stroking his throbbing three foot pillar of mouse cock., "Time to rock Limburger's world in a way he never thought possible."

Vinnie blew into his thumb and kept blowing, swelling bigger and bigger, his muscle grown larger and stronger, more density added with each blow. His cock engorged till it was five feet long with beach balls for testes that swung behind impossibly muscled legs on his now nine foot muscled mouse frame, "Oh ho ho yeah! Let's do this!"

The mouse went up to the side wall of the tower and thrust his invincible column of mouse cock into the side. He gave a powerful flex then lifted the entire building off it's foundation by his cock strength alone. "Oh baby where have you been all my life?"

The biker mouse dug his beefy fingers into the wall of that building and held it up with ease as he started thrusting in and out of the building, quaking the few left inside and even the ground around him. His feet sank down up to the knees but the Plutarkians had replaced the building so often that they made the foundation he stood upon quite impervious to most damage, hence why he didn't sink into the ground instead of lifting off the building.

The mouse neither knew about that nor cared as his precum exploded out with the strength of a dozen broken fire hydrants as he pained the lobby and started to fill the first floor up. Feeling the fluids splash and the building's stone mash against powerful dick drove Vinnie wild. It wasn't long before his balls began to swell and the ground trembled with the force he was about to unleash.

Vinnie moaned, "Three..." then thrust again and groaned, "Two," then pounded his hips to the building again, "One" and it was just one final thrust when his cock swelled and he felt the seed jet down it saying, "Blast off!"

His massive cock exploded with millions of times the potency it should have been able to were he a normal martian mouse which would have only been a few dozen times more than the normal human but now he unleashed a torrent of white hot cum from his titanic cock that exploded up through the floors of that hundred story building as he filled it. His eruption filled all one hundred floors of that building with cum spurting from every window and exit door before the mouse let go and his second shot rocketed the building off like a literal rocket into orbit. He held his cock and kept spurting a rain of cum that drizzled down over Chi Town for a good twenty minutes. Better than the normal acid rain most would say.

His muscles deflated to how he looked shortly after his initial injection which still left him far stronger than ever before by several dozen times. However, he was still naked except for the metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles.

He walked up to the cars he'd accidentally flipped on his descent from the tower then flipped them back casually. The hood popped off of the last one and he took it in hand then looked to his nakedness and his foot long flaccid cock. He blushed a bit then stepped on the middle of the hood then pulled it up around him, ripping out the middle and then folded it down over his legs and his swinging junk to make a makeshift metal kilt for his own decency.

The mouse went back to where he stashed the muscle serums and recovered them then started the walk back home as the sun started to rise on Chicago, "Man my bros are gonna love getting huge like me. But we're gonna need Charlie to help modify the bikes for a little added weight... among other endowments. I wonder how I'll find pants now... or boots... oh well..."

Vinnie chuckled to himself as he playfully flexed his new found super muscles the whole walk home.

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