The Gang War (Part Two)

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#109 of Commissions

Here's more depravity for Hexxia!

Round one didn't go as expected for either side. Looks like it's time for Sabel to make an appearance herself and show off what she can do. But Dairinn's not going to just lie down and submit, especially when they come at her in her own territory!

A very lewd battle of wits and vore featuring: cock vore, anal vore, lots of cum, some extraordinarily rough sex, and a general competitive theme. Who can digest the best? Who's the top predator in this crime world?

Part three will conclude this juicy series!

Sabel wasn't falling for it. She knew her crew, especially her best, and the moment she got that text, she could tell that something was wrong. Rather than bother taunting back, she was stepping out of the back of her limo, adjusting her collar, and setting forth to stride right through the doors to the club herself. An elegantly-dressed cheetah like her was the sort the bouncers wouldn't have dreamt of stopping, but just in case they were considering it she shot them a rose-eyed glare sharp enough to ensure they remained right where they were. The bull and the rhino might well have been three times her weight each, but the intensity of her gaze ensured they didn't move a muscle, frozen to their positions on either side of the broad double doors leading to The Horn, an aptly named nightclub where depravity was common. But even its regulars were getting a show tonight.

The scent was the first thing that struck her. It wasn't just the usual mix of alcohol and sweat. There was a distinct musk cutting through everything that let her know exactly what had been going on in there. An exotic, savoury warmth wafted through the air, hitting her right in the face, directing her attention over to the source. There was that oryx, an unmissable sight even through the crowd, reclining in her booth with a pair of glossy black nuts soaked in sweat and sagging all the way down to her hooves. They were smooth all over, shining and reflective, lacking in a single recognizable bulge. Given whose phone that misleading text had come from, she could only assume that sack-sagging load sloshing around in those fat black oryx balls was what remained of Jasmine. She was a good lieutenant, loyal, ambitious, if sometimes a bit too reckless. Sabel would have her revenge, but she couldn't rush into it. That was a rookie mistake.

Instead, she simply did her best to blend in among the crowd. There were plenty of bodies there, though a well-dressed cheetah with a noticeable bulge in her skirt that tented it slightly even while she was completely unaroused was pretty hard to miss. Dairinn was looking in her direction before long, meeting gazes at such a distance that required the keenness of eye normally reserved for cats and birds of prey. She saw her, and Sabel saw her back. Dai didn't move to confront the intruder, instead staying directly where she was, hefting her massive equine dick with both hands, stroking up and down its dripping length. That meant smearing all those juices she'd worked up in the process of consuming the pantheress all over her cock, giving it a little extra shine and grinding out even more of that richly potent musk. From a distance it was still faint, but every step closer made it more blatant, a blanket upon the entire building, a nostril-filling musk unlike any the cheetah had ever breathed before. Maybe that was the secret to her empire.

Or maybe it was more the coordination and respect she commanded. She didn't even gesture. All she did was glance in the direction of her crew, and they were moving to tend to her needs. One of them brought her a condom that looked big enough to fit her entire body. Others were gathering around her, getting down beneath the table, stroking their tongues and open palms along her prey-fattened nuts. Perhaps just to further tease the cheetah, every single one of those loyal attendants was a feline too. A leopardess, a tigress, a lioness, they were just as curvy and thick as the spotty cat's own best members. The actual stroking of her cock, they left to her, as she slowly stretched that condom down its length, forcing the latex to expand as far as it could go, even when she was wrapping an extra-extra-extra (and so on) large one around her meaty spire. Pre was already spurting out in such thick gobs the tip of the condom was bloating out with it, ballooning and wobbling as all those early juices leaked from the boss' dick, milked out by her broad, showy self-massaging.

Those cats weren't the only ones who were moving. She made no sign of acknowledging the unspoken commands, but Krasnya was already getting into position. The relatively unassuming coyote did her best to look like she wasn't paying any mind to the cheetah. But not so little attention that she stood out, either, given how many people were looking Sabel's way already. Anyone who wasn't staring over at the boss herself was admiring the new boss, taking in her presence and getting dragged in by her natural magnetism. Kras let her tail flop back and forth, staying casual, radiating a certain chill that defused some of the tension and excitement floating around in that club. There was nothing magical about it or anything. She was just laid back enough it rubbed back on those around her.

Rather than make her move just yet, she instead just found a railing to lean against, loitering relatively nearby the cheetah, taking a glance her way now and then but mostly tapping away on her phone. She wasn't as big as Sabel, nor was her skirt showing quite as big of a bulge, and there were plenty of other club-goers around her who might very well have been the real threat. That left all focus back on Dairinn herself, and that was how she wanted it. The music itself seemed to follow the pumping motions of her hands gliding up and down her latex-wrapped cock, the slick sound of spurting and schlurping echoing there within that tight condom. It was sagging, stretching, filling out with the watery gushes of pantheress turned oryx cream, and the boss herself simply kept the pace up, never seeming to tire as she exerted herself, bouncing her sagging balls up and down every firm tug. Sabel could hear them slopping their creamy contents around all the way from where she stood, tapping her upper lip and looking as unimpressed as possible while she took in the show of power.

The structural integrity of that condom was already looking questionable before Dairinn even blew that massive load. She was churning so much of a sloppy mess that she was already pulling the latex thin, making that thick load of pre-cream flop all the way down to the floor, partly concealing her churning nuts. They were going tighter and tighter, pulling up closer to her body while those many feline worshippers attended to her. They were drooling all over their sack, her intense, musky flavour hitting them right in the senses, leaving them dripping fluids down the skin of that plump black set of balls while they audibly glorped to a startling crescendo. The pumping bass of the club's music was left to compete with that constant glrrrrrn of cum being noisily slopped around within the boss' sack, that melted-down pantheress fully converted from cat to cream to climax, leaving concentrated ecstasy rushing through the oryx's veins. That was enough to make her arch her back, stomp a hoof, and finally show a brief glimpse of being overwhelmed as she sealed her eyes shut and let forth a sharp, breathy groan of bliss as her body pulsed to its convulsing peak.

She let out something like a bleat, maybe slightly goat-like as her fat load bulged its way up her cock. Even from afar, a rounded shape of pent up cum went shooting upwards, pressing up beneath that glossy black flesh before exploding outwards with an audible splat of cream meeting stretching, straining latex. That condom bloated outwards, dragging along the floor, leaving her worshippers crowded as they lightly grappled with each other just for the best position kissing their boss' nuts while she emptied them. Jasmine made for a truly massive cumshot, one that could have flooded the immediate area if that condom slipped off. It held fast, simply stretching until it was thinner and thinner, a creamy balloon that sat beneath the table, hardly leaving any legroom. Her attendants eventually had to abandon their position to make way for all that cum, moving up instead to rub and admire her breasts and everything else about her lovely coat of many colours.

Eventually, that condom couldn't hold anymore. She slipped it off just in time before it erupted, instead just spurting the last few squirts over some of her most loyal crew members. They wore it proudly, at least until one of the others licked it off, erupting into sudden depravity as they slurped at each other's soaked fur or clothing in an effort to get their own sample of that exquisite taste. When it was all over, they were collapsing to one side, a collection of musk-drunk followers for Dairinn to show off while she casually leaned forward and tied the open end of that stuffed condom in an intricate knot. That sealed Jasmine's new form in place, or most of it anyway, a few last trickles running from her meaty shaft as it slowly softened down to a somewhat more manageable size. It had grown bigger in the process of consuming the pantheress, and it wasn't getting any smaller having released her. Even only half-aroused, she still had a cock the size of her entire arm.

Sabel remained where she was, pretending to pay more attention to the scene than she was really giving. More of her focus was on Krasnya, who by then had ambled right up next to her with a little swish of her tail, acting all inconspicuous as if she didn't know who she was standing beside at all. She slipped just a little closer whenever she thought Sabel's attention was lapsing, until she was all but hip to hip with the well-hung big cat. The boss cheet gave her an aside glance, but remained relatively motionless, keeping her muzzle pointed forward even as she side-eyed the intrusive coyote. They remained like that for a time, a slight air of awkwardness billowing up between them as the silence endured. Kras probably thought the cheetah would notice her by then, and eventually she couldn't bear to keep waiting, finally turning her head and clearing her throat. She was inches from the cat's muzzle when she whispered those pushy, seductive words.

"Wanna get a booth? Nobody minds a little display around here, as you might have noticed."

Sabel took her time turning to the coyote, giving a little smirk as she looked her up and down. The tension of the moment went on and on, until Kras was outright squirming, just watching the cheetah take her sweet time to answer, wondering if she should repeat herself. Right as she was about to, Sabel finally spoke.

"Hmm. That sounds alright, I suppose."

It wasn't exactly the response Kras was hoping for, but it would have to do. She nodded over to a nearby booth, one with plenty of room under the table, leading the way to get her skirt-clad ass seated across from the rival boss. For being a cheetah, Sabel sure was taking it slowly, pacing as if she had all the time in the world. A brief reflection of intensity in her eyes made Kras almost shiver as she squirmed in place, fidgeting and scratching at her own ear, feeling increasingly uncomfortable just waiting. She was supposed to be in control of this situation, and she knew Dairinn was definitely watching her. Still, she had to do her best to remain casual, acting like there was nothing unusual about any of this. Just another little hookup in the middle of a crowded club. Even after that voracious public display.

"Start you off with a drink, mayhap?"

"Mm," came Sabel's noncommittal response, before she leaned over the table. "I suppose you should buy me a drink, but that just seems like delaying the inevitable, doesn't it?"

Kras perked right up when she felt the firm touch of a bare paw pressing up against the bulge in her skirt. A little lower, a little beneath that skirt, and she could get things started. In the meantime, she let her sheath lazily flop, starting to fill out from the smooth, constant pressure, those pads squishing up against her balls to firmly massage them. It was almost too rough, but Sabel relented after a time, leaving the coyote with a decently hard half-chub that had her skirt tenting upwards when the cheetah withdrew her feet and planted them back down on the floor. Then she nodded to Kras, placing her chin on two folded hands, gazing at her with an expectant expression that was hard to resist. Especially when she bit her lip, all but forcing Kras to mirror the gesture.

She could make use of escalation, Kras figured. Back and forth, each of them taking a turn, until it was time for her to just catch that cheetah unaware in her sheath or cock. She might not have been as big, but she could certainly consume. Stretching one leg out under the table, she went for the big cat's massive bulge, rubbing up against her balls, letting Sabel's skirt get in the way for the moment. At least until the cheetah pulled it up and exposed her plump balls, her cock dropping down on top of them, already starting to extend. Kras didn't resist when she felt the big cat take her by the heel, guiding one of her feet right up along the underside of that pink cheetah dick, feeling it starting to stretch and fill out as she stroked her toes over it. It felt good. And it had a nice scent, a nice, new musk that wasn't at all like that of her boss. Maybe it was okay to indulge just a little, she thought, letting Dai's distant but watchful eyes slip from her conscious thought. Chalk it up to just playing the angles, to seducing her prey a little more thoroughly. Before she knew it, she was giving that rival boss a smooth and slippery pawjob right under the table, gliding the pads of her canine paws up and down those many inches while that cheetah cock filled out a thumping, titanic size. Not that Kras was measuring, but it was definitely big enough to compete with the oryx's own.

Sabel just directed the coyote along, and Kras followed, moving upwards along that pulsing length until she was grinding her pawpads against the tip. The slit oozed a thick indulgence of pre, leaving the coyote with some slippery, slopped up paws with just a little grinding. It got between her toes, all over her pads, schlicking and schlurping with every little stroke and massage she was so generously providing. The scent was divine, leaving her sinking lower and lower in her seat, feeling as if she were slipping into a hot bath as an odd sense of relaxation overcame her body. Just basking in that big cat's presence was enough to ensure her skirt was tented fully, her cock engorged to the point her knot had fully formed to its fat, fist-sized girth, thumping away there between her thighs. And she would have stayed relaxed too, if it wasn't for the sudden tug.

Of course. She should have known. She did know, even before it happened, and yet some part of her simply chose not to care, not to worry about it, told her it would all be fine. A glance down, and she could only see the table, but the sensation of squeezing around her toes, then her paws, her heels, that told her everything she needed to know. Looking up at the cheetah's expression simply confirmed it. The look on Sabel's face had hardly changed, but there was just enough of a smirk there that Kras knew it was already over. She tried giving a little tug back, but the cheetah's dick had her, and a little flex had her slipping down in her seat as she got forcefully dragged beneath the table, feed first, but that ravenous cat cock clamping down around her ankles, slowly squeezing up her calves. The distraction of arousal was all it took, and the cheetah had claimed her. The rest was just ceremony.

Not that the coyote was going to just accept it. She looked about for something she might use, something she might hold onto, her seductive expression fading and replaced by something more alarmed, her teeth gritted. Time was short. In those moments of looking about for someone to help her, she was already down to her knees. Maybe she ought to call for help, but just what did she expect? She'd let herself fall prey to the boss' new arch-rival. It wasn't like the other members of the crew were going to be especially sympathetic. A black lab server passed them by with a brief aside glance, but that was all the acknowledgement the two of them got while the coyote rapidly vanished down the bulging length of Sabel's fat dick, the slurping and swallowing noises sounding increasingly hungry, becoming a sucking, echoing GULP while Sabel worked her way up to Krasnya's waist. Now the coyote couldn't even sit up straight, flopping down, her vision flooded by the overhead lights, until she was dragged right under the table.

The clamping down on her own cock almost made her cum. Despite the dire situation, her body reacted, leaving her twitching and wiggling, even thrusting a few times. It was all totally out of her control. She gripped at that hungry dick, shoving at it, trying to wedge herself back out, but all the pressure and rubbing simply seemed to make Sabel harder. And when she throbbed, she squeezed down hard, slurping up more coyote, bathing her in those potent fluids, letting the scent of horny cheetah cling to her fur as the juices leaked down over her its and right into her face. Kras coughed and sputtered, turning her head to the side, trying not to swallow too much, but some of that sloppy pre got right down her throat anyway. It was only getting thicker, hotter, and more overwhelming, leaving her panting heavily, her tongue flopped down just enough to touch against the tip of that feline shaft, giving it the tiniest of accidental licks before it began overtaking her face.

She felt her feet touching down inside of Sabel's balls, splashing into the fat load already sagging them. It was enough Kras had to wonder if she was even the first cock-meal the cat had consumed that day. She tilted her muzzle backwards, gave a tiny, defeated 'ackpth!' as she got a faceful of musky pre-cream, feeling it seeping into her nose, her lips, even her ears. Then all the world was dark, her face frozen in a gasping, panting, musk-dazed expression as she slipped down the towering expanse that was the boss-cat's fat dick. She wiggled plenty more, but all she managed to do was stir up some sloshing activity in those bloated nuts. They were sagging lower and lower with her weight, the outlines of her wiggling paws visible beneath the fur as she pushed out within them, becoming less and less distinct as she slopped down into the bubbling mess that was Sabel's cum. She could have drowned in it, her face vanishing from the cheet's shaft, reemerging briefly as she pressed it against the walls of her new, intensely hot prison, only to disappear as that cum overtook her, sucking her beneath the surface, assaulting her from all sides with the constant splash of pure, fresh cum, washing over her like the waves of a turbulent ocean.

The weight made those nuts sag, and now and then Kras managed to get her hands or feet on the flexing walls, pushing out on them just enough to try to force them off of her. But she wasn't getting far. And Sabel's balls were pulling up tighter, sealing her away in that sweltering tomb, keeping her from moving much as her drooping nut came close to crushing the coyote on the spot, just from all the pressure. The cheetah stroked up and down her shaft some, finally turning her attention back up to the place where the oryx had been sitting, last time she checked. Dairinn had moved from there, instead making the walk up to her office, overseeing the club. The cheetah's eyes could only discern a silhouette up there, but the horns made it clear who it was. She was definitely watching, standing there, one hand beneath her chin, considering the extravagant show Sabel was making after so easily consuming one of her best. Kras had personally disposed of at least a dozen problems for her, probably more, and there she was, a weight in the cheetah's balls, getting glorped up right in the middle of Dai's own club. Such an insult might have seemed like it deserved an immediate, even violent response, but that would have seemed weak. Sabel was challenging her, and if she wanted to maintain the respect of the city, Dairinn was just going to have to answer that challenge in her own way.

Tighter and tighter went her balls, until Kras was sealed all but airtight. From an indistinct bulge, she instead became a much more obvious outline of coyote, vacuum-sealed there beneath the white fur of Sabel's right nut, unable to move, or breathe, simply being smothered and melted down by that potent jizz. It was soaking into her, getting into her skin, and she was already slightly bloated with how much of it she'd accidentally swallowed. Her features were a little less defined with every hefty glorp and glurn that echoed around her confined body, leaving her sinking down, mixing in, rapidly becoming one with the cum around her and fattening the cheetah's sack right up in the process, getting distributed between both balls to sag them a little more evenly. All the while, Sabel simply sat back, slowly playing with herself, reaching down to press into the coyote's body here and there, showing her teeth in a little smirk when she felt that canine body slushing and shaping in her palms. Kras was little more than goop in the vague outline of a coyote by then, and even the slightest pressure left her a little less together.

"Mmmm. Is this all your little gang has to offer? That's one of the oldest tricks, coyote." Sabel lightly patted at Kras's partly-gooified muzzle as she teased her, rumbling and purring just a little as the orgasmic sensation of churning up a cute canine slut tingled through her body. "Or maybe it wasn't so much you fell for it, as you simply couldn't resist. I bet you got tired of licking that old bitch's balls all day. Time for someone new, someone fresh."

Her own choice of words made her chuckle. Then she simply patted Kras one more time, leaned her head back, and gave a little grunt under her breath as she pulled her nuts up nice and tight around the remaining shape of her prey. One firm, decisive CLENCH, and it was all over. A satisfied splattering sound was the last of the coyote's existence, wiped away in the great fat sack of the cheetah boss, churned about to make her nuts sag low enough to drag. She permitted herself a long, indulgent moan, broadcasting that pleasure to everyone around her, turning plenty of heads. With a glance right up at the oryx's horned shadow to make sure she was still watching, she winked, and then started double-fisting her massive dick, pumping and milking at that orgasm that was rising from dormant in her prey-fattened balls.

"This one's for you, Dai," she murmured, mostly to herself.

She wasn't content just to blow a load all over her rival's territory. She could make her mark much better than that. Sitting back, rubbing at her dick, she kept some pressure around the base, gripping hard with one hand to ensure she didn't go off too early. That meant building up and building up, feeling her balls inflating with the sheer pressure growing within them. From orgasmic delight it became more of a feral, all-consuming need. Her nonchalant demeanour finally broke in favour of curling her lips back, giving her head a toss as she mixed a cute cheetah chirp in with a more aggressive growl. If people nearby weren't already looking her way, they certainly were after that. She was snarling, her cock giving some truly impressive throbs, her body shaking and humping forth with each one until she was aching with the absolute need to blow her load then and there. Somehow, she found the willpower to hold off until the right moment, when her chosen target came wandering by once more.

Sabel liked the look of that lab. She had a shiny black coat of fur, a thick set of thighs, and a truly fantastic set of tits barely contained by her server's outfit. When she came swishing by again, Sabel decided to introduce herself. That meant standing, her weighty sack jostling up and down with the sudden motion, leaving that dark dog staring right into the depths of that oozing, slightly gaping cockslit. The cheetah had already melted down one canine with that deadly shaft, and she finally couldn't hold back any longer. One good squeeze, and her balls were churning, tightening, pulling taut against her body and giving some massive twitches that splashed their creamy contents all around inside of them. Then her dick was bulging with the load travelling through it, expanding, engorged to its absolute fullest while a vein upon it pulsed, the first sign of the impending explosion.

That was the only word it. The absolute force of that massive orgasm bowled the black dog right off her feet, leaving her paws kicking up in the air as she got knocked flat on the floor by that creamy blast. She was left yelping, a sound that quickly turned into a sputter as she gargled and swallowed down the churned up load that used to be a coyote. It was painting her, gluing her to the floor, leaving her kicking and struggling beneath the all-consuming mask of cheetah cum as the big cat snarled and gnashed her teeth together, spitting a little as she drooled in bliss, getting every last thick drop of musky glop out of her nuts and onto that flattened canine. At first there was a distinct outline of the lab's form, that sleek white coating clinging to her features and pinning her flat beneath the torrent. Everyone around could see her face, locked in that open-mouthed, stunned expression, before it progressed to something less distinct. Her features were fading beneath the coating, melting, softening, turning into streaming hot cream just like the rest of the mess splattering over her helpless body. Sabel was claiming another just by unloading on her, burying her beneath that feline-scented waterfall of freshly-churned coyote.

Everyone knew it was Krasnya that was spurting out of that engorged cheetah dick when a ruined, cum-soaked skirt and pair of stockings splatted down atop what remained of the server. That dog was fading, sinking, flattening out into a spreading puddle that seeped and ran beneath the tables, gunking up the whole side of the club, running in rivers that threatened to overtake anyone who got too close. The lab never knew what hit her. She was all but flattened, reaching a goopy hand up weakly as if to break free of the cummy prison, but there was so little left of her by then. She was too weak to fight it, and eventually the vague solid shape of her form collapsed with a gloop of finality, leaving her completely liquefied while the cheetah slumped back against the nearby table, briefly panting and catching her breath, drooling on her own cleavage a moment before she slurped her tongue back up into her mouth. Then she was wearing a grin, dropping her cock and letting it slap against the inside of one of her thighs while she turned to look back at the oryx's outline.

Dairinn was still watching, her expression impossible to read in that limited light. Sabel's grin grew broader, cheek to spotty cheek as she imagined the look on her rival's face. She held out her hands as if expecting an ovation for creaming two trusted members of the club right there in the boss' territory. Already people were starting to murmur, starting to wonder out loud enough just enough so that people could hear them. Wasn't this supposed to be a safe place? Wasn't everyone under Dai's protection immune to things like this? The river of cum bubbling and steaming there on the club floor hardly seemed reassuring. Maybe this was the time to strike, the time to stand up to the boss they had obeyed for so long, while she was stunned and weak. Of course it was, and that was why Sabel already had two of her absolute best already up there, waiting for the right moment, when the boss was completely distracted.

Sabel saw their shadows moving in the light before they struck. The lioness and lizardess had made their way inside to the boss' most private of domains, or at least one of them, a place where she thought herself safe. Either her closest protectors were busy, or simply gone. She had no way of knowing. All she knew was that she could sense the warmth of their presence, turning from the window and spotting Lauren and Erica looming there. They were all but silent, sneaking up on that herbivore like they'd taken her back to the savanna. The looks on their faces were hot, narrow-eyed, hungry. A long lizard tongue swiped over a pair of scaly lips, while the lioness displayed her fangs, slowly slurping along their points, making sure they gleamed just right. They had cornered her prey, that old, hobbled antelope, and she was outnumbered.

Still, she didn't panic. That would have been most unbecoming of her. Instead, she considered the two intruders, examining them up and down, taking in their extra heft and that wild look in their eyes. That was enough to make her tap her lower lip with a finger.

"Hmm. By the look of you, I would say you've already eaten tonight. And yet here you are, wanting more. I can't say I don't admire the ambition."

Reaching down, Dai took a firm grasp of the base of her cock, lifting it up and letting it flop back down. She'd already drained herself of several gallons of melted-down pantheress, but an orgasm like that wasn't going to make her weak in the knee. Even that wobbly leg of hers wasn't going to give her trouble, and she stood tall, without her cane, faintly brushing a lock of unravelling salt and pepper hair out of her eye. Her sack gave a clench that could have even been called aggressive, her whole semi-firm shaft jumping from the force of it, rising up only to slap back down to her audibly sloshing sack. She was still churning up a thick load, even without the help of a rival gangster to melt down in those glossy black balls. Licking over her lips slowly, she finally just nodded her head.

"Very well. I'm willing to entertain a couple of guests. But if you're going to walk into my territory, then you had better well make sure you can deliver." She placed one hand on the side of her desk, tilting her hips to the side. "I want your best. No less."

Maybe they could have tackled her to the floor right there. Two on one like that, there was no way an older lady like her could have fought them off or overpowered them, right? But that hardly seemed a proper, elegant end to this whole takeover. What kind of story would it make for the empire they helped Sabel inherit? They needed a tale, a legend that would explain exactly why they deserved to take over the city all one single, decisive night. So they'd give their best. Stepping forward, glistening with sweat and other fluids clinging to their fur, adding a sultry scent to the room. They didn't have that rich oryx musk that Dai did, but together, they were a sexy, curvy, hungry pair, closing in on the herbivore until they were laying one hand each on her shoulders.

"Oh, I think we can do that," Lauren rumbled, putting a growl into every word she spoke. "And what about you, Erica? Do you think you have enough left to completely ruin this uppity prey animal?"

Erica chuckled, clacking her teeth, whipping her tongue out with a rippling crack. She nodded back to the big cat.

"Uh huh. I bet it's been a while since you were a cum-soaked, whimpering mess, utterly broken, yet ready to beg for more, if only you could speak ..." She leaned in even closer, puffing in Dai's face, a faint trace of Desi's scent still evident on her steamy breath. "Or maybe that's just what you're like every single night. Maybe you got to the top through sheer force of sluttiness."

Dai didn't grace them with much of a reaction. She gave a bit of a snort, and that was all. They were going to have to better than a little teasing, and they knew that. Lauren led the way with the physical side of their assault, sliding her hands down along one of the oryx's arms. There was no rush. They had her for as long as it would take to break her down, to make her admit she didn't deserve to own the city, that her empire was all a shame, that all she really deserved was to be fodder for Sabel's underlings. The lioness used her claws to stroke and scratch, being gentle, yet firm, leaving little indents on the oryx's skin but never quite scraping or harming. They weren't there to brutalizing her. Simply to defeat her. And as she made her way down with that tantalizing touch, Dai couldn't help but break her stoic demeanour a little, her twitching cock betraying just how good it felt to have the lioness' claws rubbing over her hide, growing and rising, thickening to that impressive treetrunk size that rivalled her thigh.

Erica certainly wasn't going to be outdone, and what she lacked in cat claws, she more than made up for with that long, slippery tongue, a sleek coating of spit dripping from her pink slurper as she lashed it out to stroke and slide over Dai's collarbone, leaving a shiny trail of lizard drool as she tasted that exotic woman. She pressed right up close, squishing her tits against Dai's own, placing a hand on the oryx's back to make sure she didn't knock her over. That let her have a steady shot at licking the boss from shoulder to throat, to chest, dipping down and tucking her nimble tongue right into Dai's cleavage. That was pleasant enough to get a little huff from the oryx's lips, but Erica took it a step further, curling that muscle like a wet snake, coiling around one of those plump, matronly tits, even managing to give something of a squeeze, gripping like a lubricated python and massaging up and down between the boss' breasts.

Lauren got her hand on the other, pressing her fingertips deep into that juicy curve, kneading deep and using her claws for a little extra pressure. Together, they fondled the boss' tits, squishing and stroking and slurping, soaking them in spit and squeezing them until they were near numb. Dai was giving a slow nod, growing into some breathy puffs, her eyes narrowing just a little. She certainly couldn't deny it felt good. But it was going to take a lot more than that for her to throw away everything she'd built just to submit. They were just getting started.

Lauren made sure to be all kinds of through with her body. She touched everywhere, every little detail, almost seeming to be admiring that old oryx, running claws along her skin, squeezing fingers into her curves. She was rumbling, projecting a great big room-filling growl that rattled the windows overlooking the club, putting a little extra stimulation into every single little touch. Then she was groping those broad hips, squeezing into Dairinn's rump, lifting up those soft cheeks and letting them bounce back into position as she kneaded and massaged with a great deal of strength. She was putting enough strength into that deep butt-groping that her arms were bulging, the muscles pulled taut, working that fine ass hard enough to make Dai move her hooves, dragging them along the floor, giving a little stomp with one leg as that the pleasure ran through her system. Her cock was pressing up between them, the flare stretching out to its full, impressive width, and Erica all but pounced upon that lusty invitation with a lash of her tongue.

From breasts to dick, she was drooling even more thickly than before, pouring over that shiny cock as she lubed it up and wrapped her tongue around it several times over. That let her put the pressure on, bending down, sticking her thick tail and her ass in the air as she started jerking off that massive cock with her tongue alone, adding a double-fisted grip to it as she got it nice and juicy. Rolling her whole body with the motions, she pulled and stroked and squeezed, milking a nice big dollop of pre right onto her own tits as Dai's dick filled out to its fullest size. Soon the oryx was humping right along with the motions, dripping that musky pre in a steady stream, letting it glisten on the lizard's scales while she pleasured that herbivore with all the talents of her tongue and kneading fingers. A dip down to Dai's balls, and she was playing with that juicy sack. She needed both hands just to lift one of the oryx's nuts, rolling it over her fingers, squishing in just a little, feeling the little flexes and contractions that came as Dai churned up another heavy load. She'd already dribbled enough down to the floor to form a puddle, and that wasn't even counting all the stuff clinging to the lizard's scales, running down in a reflective sheen upon her naked tits.

Sensing the rising heat of the moment, Lauren moved with catlike grace, silently swishing up behind the oryx, toying with those old instincts as she pressed up close to her neck. First she simply breathed out sweltering steam, the warmth of the room growing to overbearing, making mist appear on the nearby windows just for having those three hot bodies in there together. Then Lauren was pressing close, parting her lips, letting a little snarl spill into the oryx's ears. She was hoping for a shudder, at least. Something that might wake up those old instinctual senses of danger, but Dai was cool as ice, even when the lioness pressed her fangs right to the nape of her neck, nibbling some while she stepped in to slap her dick up against that juicy antelope ass, leaving a splat of pre upon her multi-coloured hide.

She took a harder hold, pressing her fingers tightly into Dairinn's hips, leaning inwards, grinding, touching, pressing, holding her exactly in place while she started to hump. Dai rolled with it all, lifting her tail, giving the lioness access to that shiny black donut. Lauren set to slathering it up, coating that hole with juices while she jabbed forth and rolled her hips, catching the tip of her cock against that flexing rim but keeping it at that for the moment. That let Erica withdraw, keeping her tongue in place, dropping not quite to her knees but to a low squat so she could get the perfect angle ion that titanic black equine cock throbbing in and out, bulging with the sheer pressure of Dai's arousal. That tongue was sheer bliss to have massaging up and down her turgid shaft, and it was going to feel better with a pair of plump, scaly tits wrapped around the base of her dick. Erica planted them right atop those near-equally melon-sized nuts, giving them a little thump to knock some of the sweat and pre from that shining skin.

"Let's see how well you stand up to this..." Erica hissed, somehow managing to do a good job of speaking clearly despite the position of her tongue, spiralling up that obsidian tower.

"Mmm. You have a gift," Dai admitted, her voice just a little shaky as her breathing got faster. "I would have enjoyed having you on the crew. But, alas, it seems our relationship will not be ending that way."

She said that with much more confidence than the lizard liked. Erica was just going to have to knock that confidence right out of her. It might have looked like she was submitting to that oryx, giving her a nice sloppy titfuck and tonguejob, but that slurping and grinding was anything but subservient. She was forceful, even aggressive about sliding her slick cleavage up and down that spire, milking the pre out of Dai's dick until it was practically a fountain. Jets of the watery stuff spurted skyward, hitting the ceiling, dripping down like the ceiling was leaking. They were getting one of Dai's lips quivering already, and they were finally getting a moan, even a bit of a bleat, a short, suppressed, but nonetheless audible sound as Lauren pushed her dick up into that tight ring she'd so thoroughly lubed up with her smearing pre.

Digging deep, she bit, she clawed, she thunderously growled, filling Dai's body with the sound just as she stuffed her full of lioness dick. That was forceful enough to make the oryx arch her back, bending in a feline way herself. She was spry for such an experienced woman. Lauren shoved and filled her, pushing towards the base, bulging Dairinn's belly just a little, then a little more with that thoroughly lewd outline of thick feline dock bulging there in her guts. A sharp snarl escaped the big cat, piercing through all the other noise as she bottomed out and slapped her balls against the back of Dairinn's own. Grinding up on that spot, she rocked her hips and searched for the antelope's prostate, getting all precise with things. Once she found the right spot she instead shifted into pure devastation, pumping her hips back and then throwing herself forth, holding up the bulk of the boss' weight while she mercilessly fucked her beneath that tufted paintbrush tail. Once she got going, she was a drooling, snarling, fearsome predator, abandoning her sensual buildup in favour of simply smashing that old oryx to pieces, plunging her dick in and out, spanking hard against her ass with a steady thump of hips to cushy, painted butt.

However this turned out, Lauren was already leaving her mark on the room. Her claws scraped harshly into the floor, cutting grooves into the hardwood, and the dripping fluids quickly filled those marks while she pounded at the boss' booty. Dai fell into a state that looked almost meditative, closing her eyes tight and simply following their steady rhythm. Erica had to keep up with Lauren, matching that intensity as she slammed those tits up and down Dairinn's juicy dick, letting all the pre gush down upon her face, her breasts, her tongue. She worked that coiling serpent of a slurper up and down that towering shaft, flicking spit in all directions until her copious drooling was coming close to matching the mess of sex juices working up and pouring from that gaping cockslit just above her head. She was plenty hard as well, just waiting for a chance at that fine ass that Lauren was slicking right up with a condom's worth of pre, leaving every body-shaking thump rattling that soft oryx from horns to hooves. She was squeezing the bleats out of her, biting a little harder, running her claws in slow, intricate patterns, stopping just short of shredding that soft oryx skin. Instead she was simply drawing on her, making a little mark, but mostly she was laying claim to that tight, flexing donut, shoving so hard she was slapping her balls against Dai's rim, along with the rest of her backside.

There really was no standing up to a double-sided pleasure assault like that. Dai never said she wouldn't cum. And that nonchalant mask was finally slipping. She was allowing herself to enjoy it. Her eyes were still shut tight, and she was murmuring meaningless words to herself, licking over her lips, looking the definition of a pleasured oryx. Lauren ran her canines down the side of Dai's throat, nipping here and there, getting a little jolt in response, and a clench as well, squeezing that soft inner flesh around the lioness' dick, bringing a snort from the big cat. Erica moved faster, getting things even wetter, yanking up and down as her tongue wriggled and squeezed, massaging Dariinn's dick from top to bottom, soaking it to the very base, making that oryx huff and gasp and finally give an extended cry as she bleated out her bliss, getting that orgasmed rammed and slurped right out of her as her balls pulled right up tight atop the lizard's tits. Erica just followed right along, frantically stroking the oryx's equine member while Lauren pounded all throughout, throwing herself forth and using those rapid contractions to get herself off so she could cum right inside the boss while Dai painted the room white.

Erica was in the splash zone, but she didn't mind, standing tall to take the load right in the tits and face, or at least what didn't sail right over her head. Those scales got thickly splattered, and all the while Dai was getting her belly absolutely bloated by that gut-stuffing load of lioness cream. She wasn't near full enough, and before the oryx even finished unloading, Erica was up and grabbing her by the horns, seizing hold and bending her down, only putting more pressure on Dai's prostate to help keep that orgasm going, second after second. She was flooding the floor, spreading her puddle of seed from wall to wall, but her cries were swiftly silenced when the lizard jammed her dick forth, catching Dai in the middle of a moan and getting half her dick shoved down the boss' throat in a single thrust. From there she simply set to recklessly thrusting, fucking Dairinn's face, sending streaks of juices flinging off with every impact until she had the herbivore's nose shoved up against her crotch, and her balls tapping on her chin. Dai hardly looked like the leader of an empire with a lizard balls-deep in her throat.

Lauren just rubbed it in all the more, pulling out and grinding between those thick cheeks, cumming all over Dairinn's back and painting her down in that musky cream. The oryx was already elegantly marked like an abstract work of art, but the lioness was simply splashing white all over the canvas, blotting out all those features as she soaked the boss from ass to scalp, oozing the last of her cumshot all over her until she was finally trickling dry. Dai's own climax had slowed to a drip by then, but she wasn't near to relaxed yet, mmfing and gulping and the lizard had her way with her muzzle, using those two long horns as a handle, making sure she didn't poke an eye out as she slammed back and forth without a hint of mercy. All that cum-plumped prey animal could do was gargled and gulp, sucking it all down as she got a bulging throatful, that lizard dick plunged so deep it was showing in her chest.

Erica didn't last long with those soft lips wrapped around her cock, throwing herself forth with a lusty hiss, bottoming out all at once with every single inch she could fit filling out Dairinn's throat. To her credit, the old oryx hardly even flinched, shivering just slightly, making no sign of gagging. She swallowed all she was given, including that fattening torrent soon gushing down her gullet, leaving her with her eyes sealed shut, watering a little while she loudly gulped and feasted upon that excessive load of lizard cum. Her belly sagged and swung, stretching out and sloshing, as she rounded out with that double load. She looked like she'd been knocked up, some broken breeding slut for those two rather than anyone who commanded respect. Lauren was already licking her lips, her mouth watering at the thought of being the one to finally devour that defeated boss. But they weren't done with her yet.

The lioness let go of Dai's hips, causing the oryx to finally collapse, falling to her knees, drooping there in Erica's grasp as the lizard finished emptying her nuts down her throat. When she pulled back out, the boss was gasping, wheezing, coughing up several thick gobs of cum that clogged her throat as she fell to hands and knees, catching her breath slowly. Erica milked out a few more splashes, making sure to get them right into that greying hair, soaking every single stand, or close enough, with her reptilian musk. Then she crouched down, wiping off her shaft with the back of Dairinn's head, further adding to the domination of the moment as the oryx struggled to even breathe. She certainly wasn't getting up anytime soon, and Lauren reached down to spank at that presented rump again, making it jiggle as Dairinn groaned beneath her. But they weren't done yet. A little nod to the lizard, and Erica was slipping right over, getting into position.

They were both behind her by then, helping her to her hooves, but not because they were generous. Instead, they were simply bringing her up to her desk, and then Erica gave a shove, leaving the boss with her cum-stuffed belly pressing down on her own desk, on that place she normally looked so imposing, seated in her big office chair, flanked by her best lieutenants. There was no one there to protect her anymore, and she was oozing lion cum as her stretched donut dripped and she overflowed from the pressure on her gut. Her hooves were barely touching the ground, and she was mixing her moans in with unusual sounds of bleating and bellows, almost sounding like she was mooing like a cow at times. It was certainly far from the dignified image she had maintained for so many years.

It didn't seem like it was going to be possible, but they were both prodding at her pucker from behind, putting so much pressure that she really had no choice but to stretch open for them as their cocks glazed over her thick hole. A little 'mah!' escaped her as they spread her out, slowly urging forth, humping and grinding and spitting some more pre. Of course they were both hard again. They could feel it, see their prize in front of them, and they weren't letting anything stop them from claiming her even more. By then, it just seemed redundant, unnecessary, but they had to be sure their prey was completely utterly broken, sharing her for the moment as the tips of their cocks popped past that tight resistance, allowing them to slide inside with a smooth, deep stroke, fucking the big boss right atop her desk.

For the moment they were both inside her, both sharing in the pleasure, but when it came down to it, only one of them was going to be able to consume her. That unspoken thought was fresh in both their heads, leaving them getting competitive with their thrusts. Lauren thumped forth, burying a few inches inside the boss, only to more than matched by Erica, who slammed forward even harder. That provoked a little glare from the big cat, who started steadily fucking that stretched out rim, finding her rhythm in moments, slickly plunging back and forth as she sank deeper and deeper with every stroke. Erica just got forceful, shoving inside, stretching Dai's hole even further, spanking that wrecked ass while she pounded away, shoving against the big cat's cock the entire time. So it went, each of them trying to top each other, fucking the oryx faster, harder, deeper, burying inch after inch of hard cocks inside of her while she drooled upon the desk, her eyes glazed and her mouth hanging open, hardly even reacting to each thrust anymore. She simply endured, looking as if she might have only been partly awake, getting dominated to a hazy oblivion of bliss and strain all at once while Sabel's two best competed to dominate their target better.

They played off each other, focusing on one another as much as they were Dai herself, accelerating to a reckless speed that left the desk beneath them all creaking and straining just to support the weight. It wasn't the first time someone had been fucked over that desk, and it was reinforced just for that purpose. But generally Dairinn was the one doing the fucking, not getting railed senseless in her place of business. She was bulging, bloated, stretching, wrecked, barely able to bleat, and certainly far from coherent. Those two pumping pistons bucked and slammed in and out of her rear, grinding on each other, rushing the two attackers to orgasm much faster than if they were fucking her alone. How exactly the oryx was supposed to hold even more cum wasn't immediately apparent, but she was just going to have to find a way as those two shoved in balls-deep, fighting with each other to try to be the one who was deepest, their sacks slapping against the boss' butt while the gave those last few manic thrusts, milking out another orgasm from them both, almost in sync. But Lauren was definitely first, splattering the antelope's insides just a moment before the lizardess.

Soon it didn't matter, and Dai was getting pumped full until she was overflowing. That meant she was drooling out some excess cum, leaving it running from her lips as she coughed some of it up. The rest just sprayed right back at them, creating some high-pressure jets while they fucked their load inside her bloated belly. There was simply no more room, no more she could possibly take. A few grunts and growls had them finishing off their climaxes by pulling out, adding yet another layer to the boss' ruined fur as if they simply meant to bleach it white. They left her sprawled there, all but glued to her own desk, oozing, dripping, absolutely soaked through to the skin as she choked a little on the cum that had somehow made its way all through her body and into her throat. She was a marked, musked, defeated mess, perfect for the claiming, unable to even voice a single word of protest. All the lioness and the lizardess had to do next was decide who would be the one to claim her.

Deciding on such an honour was no small thing. Surely Sabel would reward whoever was the one to make the final move in the short-lived war. Not to mention how good it would feel to take care of such a high-value target. They didn't even have to vocally argue. All they had to do was step back from that cum-filled balloon that used to be a dignified oryx, leaving her to swelter and churn in that huge mess, staring each other down as they silently disagreed. Erica nodded to the boss, the lioness held up a hand, and while it never turned violent or anything of the sort, that realization that they didn't agree on the next course of action left them frozen to the spot. There were no snarls, but they were left unable to capitalize on Dai's weakness for several seconds straight. Eventually those seconds turned to minutes, and she slowly able to catch her breath, and to start moving once more after shaking off the initial devastation.

"Alright, fine, let's just ... flip a coin or something, that's fair right?" Erica proposed out of the blue.

"Where are we going to get a coin?" Lauren calmly asked, looking down at their sweat-soaked, naked bodies.

"Or ... rock-paper-scissors, yeah."

"We shouldn't leave such an important decision to chance."

"You just want her for yourself!"

"Of course I do." Lauren nodded. "And so do you. But I think ..."

A third voice cut her off.

"You really ought to do less thinking and more doing in a time like this, dears."

Dairinn's voice, though shaky, was firm enough to interrupt them. They snapped their attention to her as she rolled herself over, rising from her cum-puddled spot on the desk. Though her movements were slow, it was less out of weakness and more out of a sense of deliberate, calculated control. She wasn't shaking anymore, and she was breathing normally. Her fur was still a rich mess of mixed seed, her hair was stuck to her face and neck by the musky natural adhesive, but through it all her eyes still shone bright, and they could even see a smile smile on her cum-streaked lips as she cricked her neck to the side and stretched her hands out in front of her, producing an ample crack of her knuckles. More noticeable was just how much her cock had firmed up again. Even for all the havoc they had wreaked upon her body, she couldn't help but soak in the indulgent pleasure of being absolutely ruined by two mortal enemies, and that had her dick fully engorged, throbbing up near her tits, putting out a thick torrent of pre as potent as a small cumshot with every single flex, those heavy, flare-expanding throbs synced up top her steady, strong heartbeat.

Suddenly, they were the ones panting. They'd given their all just to break her near in two, and there she was, standing there in front of them, looking drenched but otherwise intact. Even her usually wobbly leg was holding firm, leaving her to stand tall without her cane as if she'd been faking the injury the whole time. Or maybe it was just that second wind, fuelling her, letting her ignore the exhaustion, even the pain that came with all the battering and overexerting herself. All the discomfort just made her even more steady than before, somehow. She was looking them over with an expression that was hard to read, given just how much cum was still clinging to her face, not quite making her move yet. Instead she simply ran a single finger along the underside of her pitch-black spire, cleaning up some of the fluids that ran down its length, bringing them to her own lips to teasingly suck the digit clean and swallow.

They moved first. Lauren might have been a little stunned by the immaculate recovery, but she was still a lioness, and that meant she could pounce with the best of them. Dai might have been striking a confident pose, but surely she wasn't ready to be tackled down by an actual predator, by a sleek and seductive big cat. And Erica, she was just as springy, moving in on the oryx, coming at her from the side. A flanking attack was sure to take her down. There was no more seducing, no more pleasuring her, no more trying to break her. They were just going to have to hold her down and consume her on the spot if they were going to take care of her. But it seemed they had underestimated her.

Lauren stopped mid pounce as a juicy squelch overwhelmed her senses. Her vision was shrouded in darkness, and her nose was struck near to numb by the sudden increase in musk. Just in case she wasn't clear on what exactly had happened, a firm, possessive clench around her features made it simple. She was neck-deep in oryx dick, halted in the middle of her motion, lined up just right in a swift, decisive strike by the big boss. That cockslit was gaping all around her, slurping and tugging, already serving to feed her inside and start consuming, outlining the cat's startled features beneath the glossy flesh. And as for Erica, Dai simply had her by the throat, briefly dangling her before doing her best impression of a professional wrestler, throwing her to the ground and planting a heavy hoof on her tits, ensuring she wasn't getting up with all that weight atop her, assisted by the heft of all that cum churning in the oryx's belly.

It was hardly necessary to step on her like that. The impact of the floor alone left the lizard out of it for a while. That meant Dai could focus exclusively on the lioness. She reached down and clutched at those wiggling hips, playing with the cat's ass while she stuffed Lauren down her dick. Her shaft was giving some extra messy gulping noises, giving the illusion of swallowing her down while her balls churned up some extra activity, awaiting their new contribution. That cat was thick and meaty, bulging her shaft in the most pleasant of ways. Lauren got constructed from all sides by those powerful, slurping squeezes, left to wriggle and then kick in the air as that devouring dick lifted her right off her paws. Her tufted tail lashed back and forth, a few muffled protests of disbelief that this could possibly be happening, but all her squirming just had her sliding down that slippery tube all the quicker. Dai tilted her shaft right back, squeezing in on the cat she had inside, teasing over Lauren's face, her breasts, her belly, all but crushing her with the massive pressure tugging her inwards. And she wasn't stopping.

Soon the big cat, the mighty predator, was hardly more than a silky bulge shining under the light, her paws still sticking out of that oozing cockslit, but vanishing along with a messy schlurrrrp. Dai ran a finger along those pads before they were gone, teasing and tickling, leaving her balls jiggling and bouncing as Lauren got deposited into them. Her sack sagged down to the floor, already stretched and plumper than her swollen belly, jostling with fresh cum that soaked into Lauren's senses from every possible angle. She was guzzling it in no time, forced to swallow as that sweet, churning cream slathered her face. All was dark and deafening, her sense of taste swiftly going dull as she was overwhelmed by the flavour of that cum, her throat working overtime as she stuffed her belly full, bloating herself in the confines of that kneading, twitching, wobbling left nut. And with a final gulp that sent flecks of pre splattering against the nearby window, she was gone, the veiny bulge in that fat equine dick dragged downwards, leaving Dairinn with a floor-dragging sack. Yet that still wasn't enough to immobilize her.

Erica sputtered to life beneath that firm hoof. It was difficult to breathe, with so much weight atop her. Those hanging balls churning all around the lioness were only making it worse, but Dai eventually stepped off. Instead, she moved to stand right above the lizard's prone form, giving her a brief look beneath her tail, at that slightly gaping donut as it dripped with all the excess cum Dairinn's body couldn't quite hold. Then she was getting a much more intimate look at it as the oryx sighed and settled herself down, relieving the burden on her legs by sitting on the lizard's face instead. She wasn't gentle. She didn't balance any of her weight on her planted hooves as she squatted down and used Erica's whole head as her new chair, shoving the lizard's lips right up against that puffy pucker, grinding back and forth a few times before simply starting to shove her inside. No warning, no ceremony, she simply did as she desired, and in a moment the lizard was up to her throat in the cum-soaked confines of the oryx's ass.

She could hear Dairinn's little moans as she got schlurped inside by that musky hole, getting squished and squeezed from all sides, near to drowned in her and Lauren's own cum. It was flooding her, forcing her to swallow as she travelled up the antelope's intestines, that lubed up passage perfectly accommodating her as it clamped down on her scaly form. She was little more than a dildo, making Dairinn's cock twitch and spurt, her nuts already setting to smoothing over and simmering down the lioness inside her balls. The pleasure simply accelerated that gloopy digestive process, the lizard's gasps and mmfs bringing a few smooth groans from Dai as she devoured Erica whole with her thick rump. All the stretching, all the pounding just ensured it was easier for her, but she was far from fully loosened. Those constant flexes, those muscular contractions were so potent they forced a few whimpers from the lizard's lips, in between gasps and gargles anyway, those multiple cumloads splattering her in the face over and over for every inch she travelled up the herbivore's intestines.

Eventually Dai fell forth, not for lack of strength, but simply to get another position. She planted her palms on the floor, looking much like she had before while the pair was cumming on her. Except this time she had extra cushion, her balls and belly keeping her aloft, balancing her while those sleepily kicking legs stuck out of her donut hole. Erica was weakening, smothered and dizzy as she vanished into those musk-drenched depths. Her dick, her thighs, it all had that rim expanding to an obscene size, but it was so tightly clamping that Dairinn never gaped. And as she slid her way down the lizard's legs, she sighed out, closing her eyes as before, losing herself in the stimulation of all those scales grinding over her thoroughly abused prostate. When there was nothing more than a pair of curling toes sticking out from her backside, she reached back and gave them a little pat, licking her lips and then flexing hard, finishing Erica off with a splatter and a pop. Then she could sit again, rocking back and stretching out her legs, leaning her back against her own desk as she listened to the churning commence.

Both of her meals were completely immersed in cum. Laruen was surrounded by the oryx's own seed, getting it in every single orifice, overwhelmed and barely able to keep her head above the surface while that sack full of jizz splashed and simmered, scorching hot around her, leaving her head spinning while Dai's balls flexed and squished around her, ready to snuff her out with a musky clench after the proper amount of gurgling. The only thing louder than her sack was her belly, loudly grumbling, giving the wettest of glorps as it started working on the lizard. All that cum in there ensured Erica was fully immersed, not getting any room to breathe. Plenty of it was oozing out the way the lizard entered, though already Dai's hole was sealing up tight once more, returning to normal as if she'd never even been ruined by those two devious lieutenants, or shoved one of them up her ass whole. The digestive cacophony was deafening, drowning out those fading 'mmfs!' that were the only trace of remaining defiance from her prey. Dai simply chuckled as she patted at those squirming, twitching bulges, admiring the outlines of their curves that she could feel through her stretched skin. Then she was reaching for a nearby, discarded phone.

_Shall we end this charade? We needn't throw anyone else away. One on one, let's say. I am open to discussing terms. _

Sabel saw the text, but she didn't immediately respond. She was sitting, watching the misty windows and the faint shadows that moved from behind the steamed up glass. Biting her lower lip, she refused to let her emotions get the better of her. If it was a duel, a showdown the oryx wanted, she'd show her who was the real predator. And she already knew the perfect venue.