Steam Room Sting

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Heya guys, any moment now I'm going to release my next novella Tops to Tails a steamy fun fish out of water tail. In the meantime please enjoy this little slice of erotica, staring a top tier patreon.

"You gotta watch your tail" the wise words of my dear old Mom. Now she may have been talking about stopping a young T-rex knocking over her favourite pot plants while running in the house. However, that doesn't make her words any less wise. Especially in my line of work.

What's my line of work, you ask? Well, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. I am a guy who knows how to get things, find things and people. Technically I am a private eye, or a dick if you please. A big dick if you really please. However, I ain't drinking myself to death and chasing down some dame's lost husband. I mostly work with data. Often stolen and sometimes stealing it back.

All above board and legal. I got my licence and I do things properly. Well, ok mostly properly. Hey, everyone has the right to stray from time to time. Sometimes the price is just too good. I'm always careful, and thorough. You got to be thorough in this line of work. Make a mistake and people can take it personal.

Although, all that is making it sound far more exciting than my job is. Often it is dull and frustrating. Finding things generally involves a lot of detective work, slow, patient and dull work. You gotta examine every angle, look at every detail. All those films and stories you see of private eyes running around shooting and looking badass are just a load of made up crap. We don't do that. Not normally anyway. Although, some people have said I look like a badass.

Mostly, we just patiently dig away until we find what we need. We find our client's property and return it, or delete it. Since they added cameras to phones I have spent more time hunting dick and tit pictures than I ever did as a horny teen. Something about the combination of the internet and a camera makes people go dumb. You gotta know that anything you send may not always be gotten back. Though if you need it gotten back, I'm your dino.

Anyway, through all the jobs I've worked my Mom's advice stands, "watch your tail". Those who hack and steal or blackmail are rarely happy when I take their ill-gotten gains back. Many of them I have sent to prison. Hackers with an axe to grind can come at you from any angle. So I am an expert at watching my tail.

Which is why they came to me. I know how this is supposed to go, a random walk in client all mysterious, offering crazy money for what seems like a simple job but turns out to be something darker. Usually some sexy woman with far too much cleavage showing, all meant to distract me from the obvious that she is some psychopathic femme fatale.

Sorry to disappoint you, but this client booked a meeting in advance. I had given him a rough quote for a reasonable sum. The target, a former employee who had taken more than a fair severance package when he left. Naturally, my job was to be getting it back.

"His name is Sarkiran," the smartly dressed raptor informed me. He was late thirties or early forties. Kinda cute, nice green and cream scale pattern. His suit was expensive, individually tailored if I am any judge, and believe me I am an excellent fucking judge. You don't last long in this kind of work if you can't judge people. The clothes maketh the man, or so they say. They are wrong, but the clothes confirm the wallet. Expensive clothes usually mean the client can pay. Although, it has been my experience that parting a rich man from his money is tricky, even with contracts in place.

The watch on his wrist spoke to me. It was new, so not an heirloom, unlikely a gift so probably zero sentimental value. You don't need a watch if you've got a phone and everyone has a phone these days. It was tightly fastened, a slight bulging in his scales confirmed he would have a mark when he unstrapped it. Which meant, he wasn't used to wearing it. You can buy anyone a tailored suit and they look smart, give them an expensive watch to complete the look. Only this guy knew the watch was expensive and he cared about it too much, strapped it to his wrist tighter than a girdle on some fifty-year-old dame trying to look thirty. So he wasn't as rich as he wanted me to think he was.

All this told me that this guy cared about looking the part. Possibly a little too much, the scales on the back of my neck tingled. I would be investigating my client before I started on the job he gave me. "What did he steal?" I asked, taking and processing all that information in the blink of an eye.

"Some research," the raptor replied. I could see him eyeing my scaled pattern nervously. A little dalliance with the rather wilder side of street culture had led me to get a rather extensive amount of scale inking. An intricate pattern of neon green stripes on my face and down my back to the tip of my tail. My palms and soles of my feet were green too. Under a blacklight, they glowed and made me a rather exotic figure on the dancefloor. In darker allies, when I'm mad, it can be damn right terrifying. I have used that to my advantage on more than one occasion. Looking downright violent has often saved me the need to get downright violent.

It was probably good there was no blacklight though because I had had my eyes done too. Stupid really, letting someone inject dye into your eyes so they glowed red. Still, it scared the shit out of the human skin jobs, scared the shit out of or turned them on beyond belief. Got to love making some human bitch squeal as a musclebound dino stud gives his ass a good pounding.

Sorry, digressing from my story a little. "I will need a bit more to go on than that if I am to track him down," I replied bluntly with a roll of my red eyes for added emphasis.

"Umm... he took the plans for our Martian lander," he uttered lowering his voice as if the very words would be enough to give the plans away to his company's competitors. Space exploration, soon to become space exploitation. It had once been the exclusive province of nations, now every company wanted to be the first to the red planet. More importantly, the first to get back again. There was money to be made, we had exploited the natural resources of Earth so much it couldn't keep going. No problem, there was an entire solar system of resources untouched. Of course, whoever got there first would reign supreme and gobble up all they could.

"He have a buyer lined up, or did he just snatch and run?" I asked calmly. It was an important question. If Sarkiran already had a buyer ready, chances were he would be more careful and this would have been planned. Also, there was far less chance of getting them back before he'd already sold them on. My best tactic would be to hit who he sold them too, rather than go after him. If he was a disgruntled employee acting on instinct grabbing what he felt he was owed... well, then things were more simple. The poor guy was probably terrified and some big dino turning up to ask for it back might even have it just handed over for the promise of no legal action.

"We don't think he did. Though, it isn't impossible," replied my erstwhile employer.

"Well, Mr Green I assume you have made attempts to get it back?" I saw the flick of frustration on his face. Oh, they had made attempts alright, failed ones. Which meant he was possibly in the former category. Although, if he was an anarchist then he might fit into the rare third category, sometimes people steal shit just to watch it burn and laugh at those who wronged them.

"We have made attempts. However, Sarkiran was smart, he cleared his tracks afterwards and we have no actual proof that he has the plans. Leastways, none that we could take to court," Mr Green replied. Very few details but I knew now why he'd come to me. Sarkiran had made a fool of their security department, which Mr Green possibly headed. They couldn't risk having that happen twice, Mr Green might be fired. Though, the man before me wasn't the real Mr Green some management type with enough moxy to come and book me. The real Mr Green was carefully putting layers of scapegoats between himself and this disaster so when the shit started to rain down he wouldn't get any splatter on himself. It was hardly anything new. Hiring me allowed two things, a good chance to get it back and an independent scapegoat that could take the blame if things continued to go tits up.

"I'll need everything you have on Sarkiran and the plans. This isn't going to be cheap. First I need to figure out if he still has them or if he has sold them on. Then we can..."

"No need for that," the raptor cut in a little too quickly and nervously. "We know he has them, keeps them on a laptop, which he keeps with himself at all times...except when he goes for his weekly... steam." There was something in the pause that told me that Sarkiran wasn't just sitting in a steam room. I opened my mouth to ask exactly where they had gotten that information when he added. "We've been watching him since the moment the plans went missing. Monitoring all his connections and communications," highly illegal but I wasn't going to hand a potential employer in to the feds, least not yet. "We are certain."

I sniffed the air and it smelled of rat and not the sexy anthro guys I sometimes have fun with. No the kind that runs around in the sewers, a dirty rat. "If you know who has the plans, exactly where they are and when they will be unattended, why do you need me?" Maybe to some, this seems like a stupid question, like I should take the easy job and easy money. Easy money usually turns out to be a lot harder than the hardest of money.

"Sarkiran was an expert programmer, Mr Synack. If still has the plans then they are protected by more than just his presence. Our cybersecurity team are experts at keeping information inside, not at extracting information. You, however, are such an expert." This at least was true, I was damned good, not only at gaining access to what I needed to but at finding stuff hidden inside systems and behind security. Although I also knew there was no small element of bullshit in there, his own team would have to know how to do it to extract information to know how to block people.

Truth of course was, I knew I was going to take the job. I had bills to pay and fun stuff that I wanted to buy. The price was going to be right because I would name the bitch. "I still need all the info you have on Sarkiran and please it's just Synack," I replied. My family name was something I had let fall by the wayside a while back. Not a fun story to tell and certainly not as fun as the one I'm currently telling. "I also need to know exactly which steam room he frequents, and when he frequents them. It'd be helpful if you know what his sexual preferences are, as well."

Mr Green bristled slightly at the mention of sex. He would probably not be happy when I charged his company for the prostitute I was going to hire. After all, someone was going to have to distract Sarkiran, at least long enough to gain access to his laptop and for my little programme to identify and extract the plans. Although, I'd make sure to pay them for the full day, after all, if a guy is going to get screwed he should at least get as good and long a screwing as he desires.

The raptor glanced nervously down with a slight flush to his scales, which made me think he may have had some up close and personal experience of Sarkiran's sexual preferences. Or at least an idea that he'd like to try them out. "He's gay and a... a top." Mr Green's eyes stayed locked on my carpet, which was actually quite an attractive pattern although a little dirtier than I'd like. Much like I suspect the night Mr Green spent with Sarkiran was.

"You have any more details?" It was a little cruel of me, but I kinda enjoy watching a guy squirm.

"I... I'll have his file sent over. I really can't say more about his preferences," Mr Green was looking at the door the same way I look at a rare steak at the end of a long day; like he wanted to get through it and go straight to bed. Although, I suspected that thinking back on Sarkiran meant he wouldn't be going straight to sleep. Poor little guy.

"Ok, I'll also need as much information as you can share on the information you need to be retrieved. I'll have to amend my recovery code to target it specifically," my code was something of a legend in the business. It was pretty darn nifty, and it wasn't just my opinion. I'd had more than a couple of companies offer to buy the patent from me, or just rent it. So far I'd always said no, exclusivity pays.

"I'll have it all sent over, Mr Synack... Synack," Mr Green repeated. His nervousness made my neon stripes itch. That was never a good sign, my neon stripes know when something is off. I could see him backing away towards the door.

"Before you go," I cut in quickly pulling some papers out of my desk. "Contracts, all standard, you can sign now or have your lawyers look em over. I won't lift a claw until they are all signed." They were an important part of what separated what I did from illegal corporate espionage. The company was required to confirm that they had full unambiguous rights to the information they asked me to extract. Just me being honest, and watching my tail at the same time.

Mr Green scooted back over and glanced at the papers like they were made from my own waste. I could see his eyes scanning across the words. Very gingerly he turned the page and I could see a battle behind his eyes. Part of him wanted to get the contract checked, the rest just wanted to get things started and get out.

Without a word, he pulled a smart pen out and signed it, and dated too."There. We really need you to start on this as soon as possible".

"I'll make it my top priority," technically a lie. My top priority was to research Mr Green and his company to see why he made my stripes itch. However, it was good enough for him and he left.

True to his word, less than half an hour after he left Sarkiran's file hit my inbox. It made for interesting and slightly annoying reading. I learned that, if he stuck to his normal routine, Sarkiran would be hitting the club tomorrow. Not only that but it was a club I knew. A gay 'health spa', I'd been to once. Not a bad experience but on the other side of town and not that much different to some of the places much closer. Although, it was a good place for a scaly to go, if only because there were few scalys who went there. It's always nice to be exotic in these places, guys get hungry and horny for a bit of something with an exotic taste.

That, of course, told me what Sarkiran was looking for. Not sex, I mean obviously yes sex, but sex with the furrier of the cities inhabitants. Can't say I blame him, fur feels good on your scales, especially when your dick is stretching some hot little mammal's hole. When I went to the place I'd pretty much had my pick of partners for fun. A top heavily into mammals, my choice of which whore to distract him was simple.

Grabbing my mobile I hit speed-dial sixty-nine. I know cliched as fuck, but come on sometimes you have to roll with the classics; you'd be surprised what happens if you hit speed-dial four-twenty on my mobile. As the phone picked I bellowed out, "Justin, how are you? Well, I hope. Look, I've got a job, a bit of a rush deal, you don't happen to be free tomorrow night?"

Justin was a rather handsome wolf, he was my go-to guy for this sort of work. A natural switch, excellent cock sucker and with a nearly supernatural talent for just giving a guy what he wants. Trust me, I vetted his qualifications thoroughly before setting him up as my main guy. He could be butch for those who wanted dommed, mild and submissive for those who wanted to dom. With a few changes of clothing and a little adjustment of his stance, he could go from the butchest manliest of men to the campest twink who ever twinkled. The man was amazing and he loved his work. The man lived off sex, literally and figuratively.

"Hey Syn, I do have a gig tomorrow night. However, he's a subby little bitch, so I'll just call him and tell him I'm changing things up and he'll just get horny over how dominant I'm being. What's the job?" His voice was smooth and even through the bitch talk, he kept his tone professional. Another part of the reason I liked working with him, he had the levelest of heads and the most confident of business manner when not being paid to be otherwise.

"Corporate gig, just some info extraction nothing dangerous or risky. All I need from you is to find the mark and keep him busy for about an hour. He's going to be at the Dorthy's Health spa tomorrow evening sometime." A whole hour with Justin, Sarkiran was going to be walking funny for the next few days no matter what happened. I certainly did that one time I let him... oh sorry getting distracted from my story again. "I'm emailing you his picture and some details now."

"Just got it, oh my a dragon and a very tasty one too." His professional tone slipped just for a moment and I knew why. Sarkiran's corporate id photo was a rather tasty looking affair, which may have broken all the known laws of the universe. Let's face it no fucker ever looks good on their id. My passport photo looks like I'm stoned. However, Sarkiran had managed to warp the laws of physics.

He was a dragon, golden yellow scale colour contrasted nicely by his long red hair. Sarkiran's thick neck and shoulders told me he worked out a lot. Sarkiran had a confident smile on his face, his light blue eyes sparkled with filthy promises as he seemed to be inviting you to join him. The corporate camera guy must have been hot, cause this dragon was giving him the best kind of smouldering look. I must admit part of me was a little jealous of Justin.

"Alright, just let me know when to show up and I'll be there," Justin's professional tone returned as quickly as it left. "You know my fees." I did and they were not cheap, but then you get what you pay for, as my dear old mother used to say. Although once again, I am fairly sure when my mother said that she was not referring to the quality of the prostitute you were hiring. Fortunately for me, it wasn't me who'd be paying.

With Justin confirmed I had just two things left to do. Take the technical details I'd been given and redesign my search code to find and extract it, and thoroughly investigate the company who were paying me good money. Neither of those was easy tasks or ones I would usually try and do in a single night. However, needs must and this dino needed a fucking paycheque. So I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. The sun said good night as it went down and then good morning as it crept back in shyly: knowing that I had pulled an all-nighter while the lazy bastard partied with those on the other side of the planet.

However, all feelings of anger towards solar bodies aside, I managed to pull off the impossible. Well, sort of. The code was primed and ready, I'd run a few dummy tests and it was working as smoothly as ever. It was in a small flash drive just waiting to be unleashed on an unsuspecting laptop, which it would infect, digest and then extract the target information. While Justin would be unleashed on an unsuspecting dragon, which he would distract, seduce and milk his balls so dry the reptile would walk with a limp for a week.

On the corporate side, my investigations had not been so fruitful. Everything I found told me it was on the level. Mr Green was who he claimed to be and that this job was as legit as possible. They did have a Mars rover project and Sarkiran was shown in several pictures of the designers. He would have had access to the information. His dismissal was harder to find information on, but then companies don't usually advertise when an employee is fired and steals a load of corporate secrets. However, what little I had been able to scrape together told me the story was true. I even found evidence of some other companies reaching out to Sarkiran to buy the plans, although so far he had not said yes.

No evidence and itchy scales alone is not enough reason to turn down very well paying clients. So, with a belly full of espresso I turned up at Dorothy's Health Spa to find Justin waiting outside. We didn't talk or interact at all, you never know who might be watching and we didn't want anyone to think we knew each other. However, as he spotted me he made a move stepping inside the spa. I followed him in a minute later.

Having been there before it wasn't too hard to sign in. Just a few details to confirm and a modest fee to exchange. The place was just like I remembered, clean and tidy. Nicely decorated, although they had added some retro hints as a sign of the times changing. Some blacklights around paintings. I knew they'd have no blacklights in any of the rooms further in. If they did the entire place would light up and look like a fucking Jackson Pollock painting.

The blacklights had another effect, making the pigment in my eyes glow. The tender young mouse clerk jumped a little as a hulking dino guy with neon stripes and glowing red eyes towered over him. A mixture of fear and lust was in his eyes. His paws trembled a little as he took payment and I couldn't help but give him a playful wink as I paid. The flush that came to his face was unmistakable, part of me wanted to ask him when his next break was. I was sure I could make this cute little guy squeak like his tail was caught in a mousetrap. However, I had a job to do, mouse boys could be done later. (Yes mouse-boy was done later, he did squeak a lot too).

I grabbed a clean towel from the pile, right next to a small card asking clients to show respect for the place. The rules were (and what they meant was):

1) closed doors means a room is occupied (thus meaning an open door was an invitation. Looking into open doors often gave you a wonderful eyeful and an invitation to join in, should you feel so inclined).

2) Please clean all equipment after use (wipe your cum off the seats, benches, floors or anywhere else it shoots With exception of when it lands on the cumsluts who want to be coated in it).

3) Please use the protective equipment provided (free condoms and lube were provided in all rooms, for use on those who play safe).

4) respect the wishes of other patrons. (No means No).

5)Have fun and come again soon. (Have fun cumming and return when your balls have refilled).

It was familiar enough, a nod to what the place really was: somewhere you could get a massage, steam, or sauna with a really happy (and often very messy) ending. With other patrons, of course, Justin was the only prostitute in the place (no point trying to sell something in a place everyone else is desperate to give it away for free). While at the same time, family friendly enough that anybody walking in who were not in the know wouldn't automatically guess and be offended. Though if they are a guy and they decide to go for a stream they might end up very pleasantly surprised.

Not that any of that really mattered to me, or my purpose. I headed into the locker room and exchanged a glance with Justin. Not just a glance I checked his ass out too. Fine looking grey-blue furred wolf with a perfectly toned physique and a tail that wagged softly, invitingly. With a flick of his tail, Justin could say 'open for business boys' or 'bend over for me bitch' in a way no other guy I knew could ever manage. Right now his tail was saying to the locker room 'not now, maybe later if you can afford it'. Now that is some real fine skilled tail articulation right there. It also helped that the tail was attached to two beautifully sculpted grey furry mounds of deliciousness, with a pink candy treat right in the centre.

My cock started to slip free in excitement, and I let it. After all, that's what everyone came here for, to get their cock out and ideally into someone else. So no harm in letting the big boy flop around for all to drool over. Now, I'm not the biggest boy in the playground, but I can stand tip to tip with the best. Got some girth and length enough to make the sluttiest guy beg me to slow down.

Add to that my overall impressive physique and my eye-catching neon stripes and let's just say Justin wasn't the only guy the other patrons were checking out. Of course, being a dino in a room full of mammals helped. Everyone wanted a taste of something exotic and the horny part of me wanted to let each and every one of them enjoy the succulent flavours. However, I wasn't there to hook up, I was there to get a job done.

Justin pushed his belongings into a locker and locked it. Then he walked over to me and leant to whisper into my ear, "first room is open I'll meet you in there." I smiled and nodded at him. All the other guys were staring, some jealous of me, others of him and others still looking hopeful that we may want a third party to join in, or at least let them watch. Any other day and I'd have been open to it. Today however I shoved my own clothes into my locker, hiding a couple of gadgets in my towel and closed it.

The wolf had barely gotten into the room before I closed it. A steam room, but currently turned off. Not that I wouldn't have minded nice hot steam, but we might be in there for hours waiting for our mark to arrive. "Looking good," I observed to Justin, as I put my towel down on the bench and exposed the three little gadgets I had snuck in. A little monitor hooked up to a camera I set up outside so we could watch for Sarkiran arriving, a small device that would easily hack open the rather cheap electronic locks on the gym lockers and lastly the pen drive with my code on.

"Not so bad yourself," he replied with a wry grin. "Pity we're here on work." I knew he was just buttering me up a little, I ain't never done stuff with the wolf where he hasn't charged me. However, he was worth every penny. Just the wolf don't do freebies, leastways I've never heard of anyone getting a free one from the sexy lupine. "How long do you think until he turns up?"

"No way to know, hopefully not too long," I replied honestly. It was something I had zero control over. There was already a chance he'd been in already. Although, not many people tend to go to these places early in the morning unless they actually just want a steam. Dorothy's was a nice place, named from a bygone era where places like this would have been a little more subtle in advertising what they were and who they catered to. Well-kept clean rooms, well mostly. A tray of complimentary condoms placed next to the temperature controls, free towels. Not to mention a clothing optional indoor pool with pool bar. Massage rooms and professional masseuses (who do not give happy endings, you want a happy ending you take a massage from another patron). A gym with a wide range of equipment, also clothing optional.

However, for me and Justin there was an empty small room with a turned-off heater, and no option to 'entertain ourselves'. It was a crime to me to have been in that place for a half an hour without at least emptying one load into some willing partner. "Next time bring some cards," Justin observed as we sat staring at the small screen showing outside. "Or a box set of Game of Thrones, I have to catch up."

"Don't bother, the series doesn't end well. I thought they... oh wait!" something familiar flashed on the screen. A dragon body and my eyes lit up. "It's him!"

"At last," Justin said with a growing smile. He gave me a nod, put a stick of gum in his mouth and stood up," It's time for me to go earn my pay. One hour of fun distraction coming up."

"Knock on the door as you take him past," I replied with a grin. "I know it's a job, but have fun with it."

Justin gave a soft laugh and winked at me, "I always do, Syn. I always do." I believed him, he always did and he always got paid. Without another word he left. I sat back, turned the small monitor device off and waited for the knock.

Sure enough just five minutes later a single soft knock on my door. The light touch of a hand that may have swayed there accidentally, only I knew it was no accident. I waited for half-a-minute to allow them to get to another room, or at least around the corner. Then I made my move. Leaving the room and walking back to the locker room. There was just a couple of guys in there, eyeing up my scaley ass. None of them paid any attention to what I was doing. Sarkiran's locker had been marked by Justin, the wolf had stuck his gum to the door of the locker. Simple and classic, impossible to miss. Although it would infuriate the staff.

I made sure to swing my hips just a little as I stood in front of the locker, to make sure anyone looking at me was staring at my sweet ass cheeks swinging and not what my hands were doing. The electronic lock was hacked in less than five seconds and I was in. The laptop was easy to find, placed right under a bag containing his clothes. Less than a minute later I had the laptop powered up, a slightly odd thing to do in one of these places. "Just got to reply to my stupid boss," I grumbled to a large handsome tiger who was nearby.

Deftly I slipped the pen drive into a port and saw my code boot up. I closed the lid and put the whole thing back in the locker. It'd take about an hour to do its job. I'd get a small alert on my monitoring device the second it was ready for extraction. I gave the tiger a wink and licked my lips, "I just have to go for a pre-arranged meet, maybe we could get to know each other later."

There was a definite yes in reply and a glimpse of the thick feline cock to tempt me. However, now was not the time to lose sight of my goals. 'First, you complete the job, then you can fuck the kitty and maybe take the mouse boy home for a little after job celebration,' I told myself. I hadn't been out of that small room more than five minutes when I was back in it, with the door closed sitting and waiting.

Everything was going perfectly, right to my plan. However, as I waited I felt my stripes starting to itch like crazy. Something was wrong, and confirming that the door to the room burst open and Justin rushed in. His fur was a bit mussed up and there was a distinct scent of sweat and spunk about him. It'd only been ten minutes, "shit, sorry Syn. I did my best, but the guy is insisting he's more in the mood for some scaled tail. He's about to leave and head over to Guy Heat." Guy Heat was a place very well known to me, it was a place set up with a far more reptilian clientele.

My eyes went wide and I jumped up, "what?"

"I'm good and I can usually be what most guys want. I can't be a scaly though," Justin announced with a shrug and then gave me a meaningful look. "You could be though."

My jaw dropped, somehow that thought had not entered my mind. Sarkiran wanted scales and I had a body covered in them. There were certain lines I wouldn't cross for a client, actually prostituting myself had always been one of them. I had always kept myself well away from that line. Justin was hired to cross it for me, I was way too proud. However, right then if I didn't act Sarkiran would find his laptop with my little party extra and the jig would very much be up.

Thinking was not part of the equation, I acted. Dashing out of the room and into the locker room just ahead of Sarkiran. The golden dragon strolled in, a slightly disappointed look on his face. A look I had never seen before, on anyone who had just gotten to have some fun with Justin. Then his eyes fell on me and I saw them light up, a broad hungry grin coming to his lips. The dragon liked what he saw. I have to admit the feeling was mutual, Sarkiran was a rather delectable target. His golden scales offset by some wonderful yellow glowing markings, much like my own I thought they would probably glow under certain lights. Some wonderful tribal scrawl to draw your eye to his perfectly sculpted chest.

Sarkiran stroke right up to me, his walk a sudden confident swagger and his eyes locked on mine, "I've not seen you here before."

"I've not seen you either, which I think is a pity. Don't you?" Flirting is incredibly easy when you both know you want it.

"I do, indeed. Maybe we should get to know each other and correct this horrendous mistake," Sarkiran replied licking his lips and making a big show of checking my body out. The erect dragon hood let me know he didn't just like what he saw, he very much loved it. Checking out his maleness I had to admit I certainly felt myself hungering for a taste, a long thick equine-like shaft. More than a match for mine in length and girth. I knew why Justin had looked so shaken, it was glistening with the sheen of lubricant and almost certainly had been introduced to wolf ass. "Name's Sarkiran, my friends call me Sark."

"Synack, my friends call me Syn," I replied, my own more than generous shaft standing up to full attention.

"Syn?" A broad grin came to his face and he leant closer to say in a low voice. "I'm no religious guy, but why don't we go find a private room so I can get into a little sin." Not the best of jokes, but the invitation was clear. I figured I had about forty minutes to distract him and I knew that I could be very distracting.

"Lead the way," I replied. He wasted no time leaving the locker room and diving straight back into the room I had been in for over two hours already.

"Huh, it's turned off," the dragon mumbled and then he hit the controls, turning up the heat. "Let's heat things up, shall we?" The coals sprung to life as the electronic heater started to warm the room up. Sarkiran sat on the bench with his legs spread wide, his long equine phallus dripping onto the floor. "You want a taste?"

Oh fuck, yes! I so badly wanted a taste. My morals were thrown out of the window and I dove headfirst across the line. My knees hit the tiled floor as I knelt down. My hands wrapping around his length, marvelling at the heat and feeling of his meat. Things in the room were heating up quickly, and I wasn't talking about the sexual nature of our introductions. Reptiles like saunas and steam rooms because they warm our blood, they make us more active. So the surge of both of our desires was only just starting. Lizards in oppressive heat are capable of going far more wild than any mammal can ever prepare for.

There was no holding back, my mouth sealed around his cock sucking firmly. My own cock drooled on the tiles it was pressing against. His paw grasped my head as he moaned in pleasure, "that's the stuff. Fuck! You must be hungry!" Sark exclaimed as my muzzle slid down, taking as much of his maleness into my mouth as I could. His medial ridge pushing beyond my lips as his flared cocktip pressed to the back of my head. My paws left his length and fondled his heavy balls.

It was hard to believe these golden orbs had recently been emptied. However, the taste of wolf ass on Sarkiran's cock let me know Justin had at least earned part of his fee. My mouth sucked hungrily, bobbing my muzzle faster, my thick strong tongue lapping his meat, over and over. "Jesus, fuck. Syn you really love to sin don't you?" Gasped the dragon as I suckled on his cock with more fever and desperation than the hungriest cum slut you have ever been serviced by.

I wasn't sure why I was so incredibly eager. Maybe it was the heat or the sexiness of my partner. However, I think it was more than that. It was my own personal taboo, I was sucking off a target, something I had told myself I would never do. My body was dripping with steam and sweat and I felt dirtier than I'd ever done before. My mouth sucked and slurped his cock with the desperation of one truly lost to lust.

His words faded out of my ears, there was nothing in the world but his beautiful tasty cock. The taste of wolf ass and lube long gone. All that remained was the metallic and sweet taste of dragon, along with the bitter shots of precum. His heart was beating rapidly, I could feel his cock throbbing on my tongue. My eyes were closed, my paws continued their exploration of his orbs. The scales of his sack wonderfully fine. Scales in reptiles more intimate places are smoother than the finest silk.

Slupring and suckling with a burning thirst inside me. I gave him no quarter, no chance to recover or hold back. My hunger was far too great for that, I milked his cock desperately, my tongue wild over his flared cocktip. My paws felt his balls dancing and convulsing, a heartbeat before his cock throbbed. His voice crying out in pleasure hit my ears like suddenly the sounds of the world had been unmuted.

My mouth sealed down around his cock, as thick musky and bitter cum was sprayed in thick jets. I swallowed and guzzled it eagerly, a much-needed drink in the oppressive humidity of the steam room. I glanced up at him, Sarkiran was clearly lost to the pleasure of my mouth, his head rolling around loosely as his cock continued to throb and feed me his refreshing milk. As the thick flow slowed to a trickle I let the softening meat fall from my lips, with a sloppy slurping sound as it popped free of my lips.

"Fuck... that's...that's what I fucking needed," panted Sarkiran as his head rolled around. "No fuss, no mess, just my toes curled and my balls drained."

I grinned up at him, "I aim to please." I replied with a wink as I got to my feet, my cock achingly erect and needy. "You feel like returning the favour?"

Sarkiran chuckled and leant forward, his paws reaching out. I groaned as his fingers stroked down my shaft my cock throbbing to his touch and glistening drops of pre landed on his pecs. "Oh, someone's eager." He purred as his lips kissed my cocktip. The feeling oddly cool compared to the heat of the room, but oh so welcome, my cock throbbed spraying his lips with my precum.

"It's been a long week, I need a good suck and fuck," I admitted. It was true enough, this might be a job but I had been planning on looking for some hook-ups soon anyway. "You gonna put that thing in your mouth, or just keep treating it like your prom date and peck it on the cheek?" The heat brings out a more aggressive side in me, and I saw his eyes flash with lust. Sarkiran apparently relished a challenge. That was fine by me, I am a confident switch, I can give a good hard pounding just as well as I could take it.

His eyes told me I was going to pay for my impudence, but his lips stretched around my cock. My paw grabbed his head and I thrust forward desperately, crying out with bliss as I stuffed his muzzle with my maleness. He took it like a pro, using his tongue to guide my meat easily to the back of his throat. However, he didn't stop there, his paws grabbed my ass firmly and I felt one claw sliding further back and then down between my cleft. As I thrust for a second time, his claw found my entrance and he began to tease it. Sarkiran was a top and it was clear he wanted a lot more than an exchange of oral.

Gasping with pleasure, I thrust forward again, and then back onto the claw as it pushed inside me. The dry entrance slightly painful and yet the feeling just sparked the desire inside me. I growled with lust as I thrust again and again, his finger working itself into the knuckle. It was clear to me the dragon was trying to work me up, never more so when his paws grasped my hips firmly and stopped my thrusting. His head bobbed on my length with agonising, almost glacial or tectonic slowness. Making sure I never got to my peak, but keeping the pleasure coming.

Over and over he teased my length, his finger twisting and squirming around inside my hole. I knew what he wanted and as I huffed and panted deep breaths of hot steamy air, I knew I wanted it too. Sarkiran meant to seduce me, drive me to the peak of sexual frustration and then bend me over and fuck me full of his seed. The dragon wanted to be in control. I knew the best way to win this contest was to just lose and lose fast.

"Alright, I need more than your finger. So lube and rubber up," I growled stepping back and pulling my glistening cock free from his golden lips. He looked up at me his face covered in shock. "Don't act like this wasn't what you wanted all along."

Sarkiran laughed and shrugged reaching out to grab a complimentary condom, opening it with his teeth. Then a small packet of lube, again opened with his teeth. "It is, I just thought I'd have to work you up to it, you don't seem like you bottom much. I wouldn't want to hurt you."

Laying my chest over the bench I lifted my tail, offering him full and easy access. "Takes a lot more than a fucking to hurt me, assuming you know what you are doing with that horse cock. You have done this before, right?" I was goading him, and from the gleam in his eye, I knew he knew it. There was a flash of something that may have been respect, on his handsome face.

Then a determined look on his muzzle as he got to his feet, long cock in paw, "very well, I won't go easy on you though." He announced as if that was a threat. That being said, I knew my mouth was getting my ass into trouble. I breathed deeply trying to will my pucker to relax and think elastic thoughts.

"If I'd wanted you to go easy, I'd have said pretty please with sugar on top," I spat out as the air was drowning in the testosterone of two alpha males going at each other. "Now come on Princess, show me how you use your endowment."

He laughed out loud and I felt his paw slap down on my buttock hard, the slap echoed around the room. Not a single sound escaped my lips as I ignored the pain, not a single flinch. This was not a time to show any signs of weakness. "I'm a dragon, I eat princesses for breakfast."

"Must be hard to keep your shape with a diet like..." My tight pucker was suddenly battered and stretched pain blossoming through my body as he thrust home, his flare stretching me to breaking point. A moment later his medial ring pushed inside me and he kept on thrusting until his hips smacked into mine hard. Biting back my reaction to the pain my stupid joke was forgotten.

"You know what else I eat for breakfast, guys who talk a big game..." he began to say in an almost gloating tone as he knew I'd definitely felt that.

"Are you in yet?" I cut across his cleanly turning to wink at him. "Less talking more fucking, I'd like to get my nut off before Christmas, if you don't mind." Sarkiran laughed again, I could see more grudging respect in his eyes. His thickness pulled from my depths until just the flare remained and then he thrust forward hard and fast. The smack of our scaled hips as they crashed into each other echoed around the room, I gave a soft gasp. The pain was fading, I knew it would.

Groaning with pleasure, Sarkiran continued to thrust, making long thrusts using the full length of his shaft. I groaned in pleasure as he deep dicked me and I felt every single inch of his blessed length stroking me the way only another cock can. My own cock was leaking heavily, between the teasing he'd given it earlier and the fact I hadn't cum in days, I knew I wouldn't last long. "Oh... sounds like Dino likes the dick."

"I'm not here for the sparkling conversation," I shot back, as my hips pushed back into Sarkiran's thrusting, desperate to get his thickness back inside me. "I will say... fuck, you do know what you're doing."

Sarkiran groaned as I complimented him, his hips smacking against mine once more, "you too. Not often I meet a sexy stud who can actually take me like this." He moaned, his thrusting speeding up, his golden paw stroked down my back. "Love your ink work, gives me something pretty to look at." He purred as his hips rocked over and over, his thickness spearing into my depths over and over. There was no need for him to aim, with such girth each thrust mashed my prostate hard. Each thrust made me cry out in pleasure, something I stopped holding back.

His own voice was raised with pleasured grunts and moans as he bred me with growing intensity. The heat of the room was clearly getting to him as much as it was to me, he must have set the controls to the maximum to ensure this effect. A wonderful decision on his part. My hips pushed back more and more, desperate to be stuffed with his thickness over and over. "Oh fuck!" I cried out, feeling my orgasm getting closer and closer. I hadn't touched myself, I didn't need to with each thrust he fucked me nearer to the edge.

"Mmmmph, so fucking good," he purred as he stuffed my ass full again and again. His paws suddenly grasping my hips, pulling me back roughly as his voice lifted up. No more words, no more taunts. We were both lost to our lust and all our voices could do was groan and cry out in bliss. It was me who broke first, his roughness and power too much to hold out against. Arching my back I roared with bestial release, my cock throbbing and shooting heavily, spraying the bench and floor with blast after blast of t-rex cum.

Feeling me orgasming around him seemed to be all it took to drive Sarkiran to orgasm as well. His thrusting reached a fever pitch, his hips slapping into mine over and over. While he cried out lost to the bliss as he rutted his jizz deep inside me. Complimentary condoms proved to be worth the price we had paid for them, unable to contain the sheer force and volume it had split inside me. The dragon kept thrusting, the sounds getting sloppier with each jet of cum into my abused ass. Sitting for the next week was a little uncomfortable, but I had zero complaints on that. Sex like this is worth a little discomfort afterwards.

With a slurping sound, Sarkiran pulled from my ass and slumped down on the bench next to me panting heavily. From my towel, I heard a very soft beep. My head picked up and I tried to force my legs to stop shaking as I struggled to my feet. "I... I should go." I stammered a little embarrassed.

The dragon's eyes opened immediately and he sat forward. "You sure... I was going to ask you to... return the favour?" That stopped me in my tracks, Sarkiran was a pure top that meant his ass would be tight as a virgin's. "Not many guys can take me like that. Or put me in the mood to... bend over."

For a moment my jaw just hung loosely, unable to say anything as my cock gave its vote by returning to its rock hard state. My job was done, I could easily walk away and get my pen drive, the plans and be home in time for an early dinner. However, a sexy guy was offering to roll over and let me at his extra tight hole. It seemed rude to turn it down. Besides, given how hard I was screwing his plans, I probably should at least make sure he went home smiling (and limping).

"I guess... I mean it's not every day I get to fuck such a sexy guy." I took a step back towards him. "It'd be a shame to miss out."

A broad grin spread across his face and he turned, rolling over and presenting two golden hills for my amusement. His tail was twitching nervously as I approached. The steam of the room was still heavy and each breath of air felt thick. My paws grabbed for the complimentary condoms and lubricant. Each passing second seemed to drag by, my cock was throbbing with the need to be inside him.

Yet, once I was sheathed and lubricated, I stopped. It had been a long time since I'd had a dragon, now one lay before me, mine for the taking and I couldn't help but feel a little hungry. My paws reached out, massaging his buttocks and he moaned so sweetly. My eyes spied my pink target, and I knew what I wanted. It wasn't on the table, he hadn't given permission. However, sometimes in life you just have to go for it, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. That saying was one of my Dad's and one my mother did not approve of.

My head dove and I heard him squeal in surprise. A delicious sound my ears drank in and savoured every single decibel. While my thick t-rex tongue lapped and swirled around his musky entrance. Just a taste and I was hooked, like the predator I was I needed to feast on my hunt. My paws gripped his ass tighter and my tongue squirmed and pushed, worming its way into his depth. "Oh shit!" He moaned out in delight. "I never thought you'd... oh fuck, yes!" As he spoke my tongue tasted the copper of his prostate, worming and squirming I lashed it. I ate his ass like he was my first meal after a month of fasting.

More delicious sounds were devoured, and my paw found his cock erect and throbbing. This dragon loved what I was doing, just as much as I enjoyed tasting him. My tongue swirled around inside him, spreading his pucker more and more. While inside me a burning hunger for something else grew and blossomed. My lips kissed his ass as I thrust my tongue as deep as I could get it and swirled around, my mouth full of his muskiness.

Then, once more without warning, I pulled my tongue out. Before he could adjust to its absence I stood up straight and pushed my achingly hard cock to his ass. Just like he had done to me, I thrust in hard and fast. The warmth of his body surrounded my cock as it dove deeper into his depths. Sarkiran grunted deeply and I knew that my entry had been just rough enough. My hips pressed against his and I gave out a soft sign of content.

Mirroring his own moves I pulled out slowly, using every inch of my sizeable meat to tease his ass. I slowly deep dicked his quivering tight depths, letting him adjust. After all, a little pain and roughness is playful. Repeatedly painful sex is just bad sex. I wanted him to not just feel every single throbbing inch, I wanted him to love it, to crave more. With a soft push back into me, Sarkiran let me know that he was ready for more. This time neither of us had much to say. Silly jokes and prideful boasts were pointless this far in.

His ass seemed to be hungry for my cock, it slid into his depths easily and yet the dragon's rump seemed to pull me in deeper. The last few inches were still a struggle, but with pure muscle, I stuffed myself fully into my lover. Sarkiran's voice lifted up once more as the last inch stretched him. My paws stroked up and down his back as I basked in the feeling of his tightness around me. There's something deeply wonderful and fulfilling about watching a strong male wriggle as he is impaled on your cock to the very hilt. I could feel my balls gently knocking against his, like some incredibly lewd Newton's cradle.

However, neither of our lusts had much patience to hold this position for long. Sarkiran pushed back, clearly wanting more and my instincts screamed at me to give it to him. Leaning over his prone form I began to rut, slowly but powerfully thrusting my all into him. I licked at his shoulder and nipped it lightly, eliciting a cry of surprise and possibly even outrage. Such cries were silenced with an extra hard thrust, it was my turn on top and I don't brook such reply from those that lay beneath me.

My hips rocked harder and faster, stuffing myself into his depths over and over. I could feel him squirming under me, and yet pushing back. Sarkiran may be a powerful male, but right then he was mine to take. My teeth found his shoulder again, another nip and another squeal of rage. However, with his squeal, he pushed back harder. My paw slipped under him to grasp his drooling rod. No more protestations could be given, from the pure steel I grasped I knew he was loving every moment, every damned bite and every thick inch.

Huffing with excitement I could feel my orgasm growing. There was no way I was going to cum first. This was a battle of will and wits and I would best him. My paw began to jerk his hot length, stroking over the flare and making him moan louder and louder. Our balls slapped together heavily, as my length reamed his depths. Any tightness had long since gone, my thickness had seen to that, working his pucker nice and loose.

Beneath me, he wriggled and squirmed, yet always pushing back, wanting me and begging me with his body. I gave him just what he asked for, holding back nothing. Every muscle in my body strained with the effort as I bred his ass. The clap of our hips thunderous as our voices lifted up in joint pleasure. No longer sentient beings, we rutted as animals lost to the pleasure of our bodies, the world around us fading to ash in our minds.

Then I felt him tighten, his cock began to throb and he howled with bliss. I cried out in glee, letting go of my last ebb of control and fucked my orgasm into his body. Rocking with the motion as I jetted more and more into him. Until I was utterly spent. We lay there in a pile, gasping and panting, as our bodies dripped with sweat and condensation. Neither one of us saying anything, there was almost no sound to be heard in the room.

After what felt like a year I stood up, pulling my cock out of him. There was a soft beep from somewhere, it rattled my brain enough to remember why I was there. "This was... amazing, but I really have to go. I'm very late for an appointment." I mumbled, his head lifted up to look at me and then lay back down on the bench. I smiled and took one last look, sadly thinking how any chance of another encounter would be gone the next time he booted up his laptop.

That thought somehow made me feel dirtier than the layers of sweat on my body, or the very full condom hanging from my dick. I didn't say anymore I just left, pulling the rubber off as I rushed back to the locker room. Wasting no time I retrieved the pen drive and beat a hasty retreat from the spa.

Despite the itching of my scales, Mr Green paid up the next day. I must admit it was a surprise. Not as much a surprise as I got the day after. It was evening and I was enjoying the quiet contemplating my successful little sting operation. No doubt Sark knew by now. He hadn't just been screwed by me he'd been ScreweD by me. With a capital S and a pretty huge D too. There was no knock on my office door, it just opened and there he was in all his golden glory.

My muscles tensed and yet I remained seated, no need to show my hand too early. "Hello... Sarkiran was it?" I didn't have much hope in playing the fool, but I would be damned if I didn't at least give it a try. Though the role never suited me.

"You know it is," he replied, only there was something wrong with his tone. He had a smile on his face and he didn't look like someone who'd just been screwed, save for the slight limp to his walk. I must admit I took a little pride to see that.

Shrugging my shoulders I knew the jig was very much up. Which was fine by me as I'd fucking loved the dance we'd had. "Alright, sorry. Nothing personal just business."

"Indeed, exactly what I came here to tell you," the dragon replied with a wink. "Nothing personal, it's just business. That little bit code of yours is worth quite a lot, to my employers."

My jaw dropped and finally, I understood. It all hit me at once, this had never been about getting anything back. It had been about getting what I'd refused to sell. Then a second thought hit me, "Justin..."

"Ah, don't blame him. He's a professional and the money we paid him was damned good," the dragon replied with another cocky smile. Damn it, I don't know why but he'd never looked sexier. Save while he was squirming on my cock. They'd bought off my own damned whore, Sarkiran had been my distraction. No wonder he was suddenly willing to bottom when I was ready to leave. The reason I'd not been able to find a hole in Mr Green's story is they'd spent time making sure there was no hole. They set a clock on it so I'd have no time to dig fully. That raptor was probably just an actor or a lower level employee with some acting background. Sarkiran... he didn't seem or feel like an underling. I later learned he was the real Mr Green, the whole sting had been his idea.

"I own the patents," I replied. It was a weak answer. Maybe I did have patents, they had a billion dollar company and all the lawyers that came with it. The code could be altered just enough to make those patents I held worth the recycle value of the paper they were written on.

Sarkiran shrugged, clearly, he knew what I knew. "That would only really matter if you could prove we have it and were profiting from it. However, I have a cheque that might make things... well not better, this sort of thing doesn't get better. This might help you get over the screwing I just gave you." He placed a cheque down on my desk and my eyes quickly counted the zeros and he was right, this did make things a lot better.

"It helps, I won't lie. However, I don't like it," I snapped back, as I quickly pulled that cheque into a drawer.

"That's life. You can't always like the things that happen, however, you can make the best of it," Sarkiran replied and I let my scowl give a detailed and eloquent response. While my fingers gave him a rather less refined reply. "Alright, I can see you are never going to be happy. I just came to give you the cheque and to say that... I had a lot of fun with you, all corporate espionage aside. So... well, you know my spa routine, that part wasn't a lie. Maybe, once your butt stops hurting, I'll see you around?"

I had to admire the sheer unmitigated gall of the dragon to wander into my office and then ask for a second dance. However, despite everything it was an enticing offer. Our time together had been thoroughly enjoyable if you did as he suggested and put the whole corporate espionage bit aside. If things had ended the way I wanted them to end maybe I'd have made a similar offer. "I will... think about it." I replied despite myself, even as I said it I knew that I'd do more than think. Sarkiran gave me that confident grin of his, that let me know he knew he'd be seeing more of me.

"I look forward to that. Maybe, in the future, we could work together. I'd enjoy teaming up with someone so talented," I didn't respond and I think he knew that my pride was damaged enough that I couldn't. "It ain't my fault, it ain't personal. Next time you should watch your tail better, didn't anyone ever tell you that?"

He left before I could reply and I rocked back in my chair with a sigh. Then from beneath my desk, a little voice asked, "is... is he gone?"

I pushed my chair back a little and let the mouse clerk get a breath of air. My thick cock having gone rather floppy thanks to the knowledge that I'd been beaten.

"He's gone," I confirmed as I leant back lost in thought.

"Y... you want me to go?" The nervous mouse asked and I looked at him. A slender young man, pants around his ankles, little cock rock hard from what he'd just been doing.

"No, I want you to get back to what you were doing and then... I'm taking you home for the night," I replied with a grin, my cock bobbing back to life as the mouse gave me a huge smile. My eyes looked at the door as I felt warm lips around my cock. Resting my paws behind my head, I smiled. Not just because of the oral servitude of the clerk.

They'd just stolen something from a guy who specialises in stealing data back. This wasn't game over, this was game on! Watch my tail? Sark had better watch his because pretty soon I'd be mounting it. Both literally and figuratively. I licked my lips and thought about what I was going to do to that dragon next time we met. Beneath me, a little mouse squeaked as my cock got harder on his tongue.

If you enjoyed this then I think you will enjoy my latest anthology or my new Novel The Stable Boy will illustrations by avatar?user=50918&character=0&clevel=2 Rov

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by avatar?user=166120&character=0&clevel=2 Edesk

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