Neighbourly Woes

Story by Arktisk on SoFurry

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Welp. Inspiration strikes again! Inspiration being a lewd personal fantasy. Obviously, consent is all important, and with that being said, this is still a fantasy first and foremost.

Stay safe lovelies! Hope you enjoy! <3

Comments & constructive criticisms are always welcome!

PS: Thank you Zaggy for the editing!

The sun blanketed the quiet neighbourhood in warm light as it began its descent towards the horizon. Tyler basked in it as it flooded through his bedroom window, turning his bed into the perfect place for sunbathing. It was stereotypical for any feline, but the slender cheetah didn't mind it in the least. Other people didn't know what they were missing out on.

The sunlight made his sandy fur almost glow golden from head to toe, though he maintained a sliver of modesty by wearing a simple pair of bright red briefs. They were his favourite pair mostly because they made his backside 'pop', as his best friend liked to say. With his parents away on a business trip across the country, he didn't need to worry about them seeing him in such an exposed state, and he happily took advantage of his solitude whenever he had it.

His neighbourhood was the cookie-cutter variety. Identical houses set on identical plots of manicured lawn with only the colours of window shutters and gardens to differentiate them from each other. It bored Tyler to tears, but on days like this when he had the house to himself and the freedom to wear as little as possible, he didn't mind as much.

The eighteen year old rolled onto his side to face out of the large window dominating the wall his bed was set against, and with how high his bed frame was, he was given an unobstructed view of the yard to the side of his house, and of the neighbours house a dozen yards away. There was a similar large window on the wall of the next house he was looking at, and since every house on the block was identical in layout, he knew that it was the master bedroom where the owners would likely be sleeping.

Even though he was only clad in underwear, Tyler felt no need to cover himself in front of his uncovered window. He was in his own home, in his own bed, and anyone that saw him would see the sleek build of a runner and swimmer, one of the best at his school, and that was nothing to be ashamed of.

He couldn't say it didn't tickle his fancy either, the thought of being watched.

The cheetah's black ears twitched as he heard the distant sound of a door opening and closing. His parents wouldn't be home until Monday, and it was only Thursday, so that could only mean one thing.

"Ty! You home?" The voice of one of Tyler's best friends drifted up to him from the ground floor, and his tail twitched happily.

"In my room!" He called back, taking his time to roll onto his hands and feet in order to stretch himself in typical feline fashion, revelling in the pops of his joints as he did so.

"Figures I'd find you like this," Ash laughed after bounding up the stairs and stepping into the room. "Already prepped and ready to go!"

"Hey, I didn't know you'd be paying me a visit," Tyler chuckled, shifting to sit on the edge of his bed. Even with his long legs, his toes didn't reach the floor. "Couldn't wait until the weekend, eh?"

"Couldn't help it," the tiger said stepping up to his friend and running his fingers through the other feline's black hair, stroking his friend's head. "Parents have the neighbours over, didn't want to stick around."

"Mmm, fair enough," Tyler pressed his short muzzle forward against the shorter tiger's crotch. The shorts he wore did nothing to mask the scent of Ash's arousal given that the tiger would have biked for at least ten minutes to get here. "Happy to help."

"Yeah you are," Ash grinned, pulling his friend's face tight into his crotch. "Hungry for any dick, any time."

"Mpfh," was all Tyler could manage with his muzzle pressed under the bulge of Ash's package. He drank in the scent as much as he could before his friend pulled him away, leaning down to lock their muzzles in a rough kiss.

The treatment was nothing new to Tyler, and in fact, he revelled in the aggression of it. At that moment, as his tongue wrestled with his friend's, he wanted nothing more than to be claimed by not only his friend, but any male that wanted to release a load. It was a quirk he had quickly embraced once he began exploring his sexuality with his friends, and they were more than happy to take advantage of it.

Ash hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts after letting the panting and blushing cheetah go, yanking the cloth down along with his boxers.

"Time to lube me up, Ty," the tiger said, stepping out of his shorts and kicking them to the side. He then lifted his shirt over his head, exposing the brilliant white of his slight belly and soft chest.

The cheetah immediately followed his instinctual urges and dropped himself to the floor, nuzzling and licking at the stiffening shaft hanging before him. His friend's all-too-familiar scent played havoc with his mind as he greedily swirled his tongue under Ash's foreskin, lapping up a copious helping of the tiger's precum in the process.

Ash wasn't the type to stand on ceremony or take his time with foreplay, so it didn't take the tiger long to take hold of Tyler's head in order to start pushing his cock further past his lips. The cheetah was used to the treatment by now, and happily let his friend take charge.

The tiger's white furred balls bumped against Tyler's chin, and his nose was pressed firmly into the thicker pubic fur and soft belly underneath. He gulped instinctively, ensuring every last centimetre of his friend's dick was lodged firmly in his throat.

Ash held his head firmly before he pulled his hips back and began face-fucking his friend.

"Oh fuck yeah," the tiger groaned, eyes closed as he felt Tyler swirling his tongue around every inch of his shaft that he could reach. He might not have been gay himself, but the two had agreed long ago that sex was just sex, and if Tyler wanted cock, or the tiger wanted a hole to stuff, they could satisfy each other without worry.

That led to many encounters where Ash came to get his rocks off before having to leave on a trip, or to go to work, and on those occasions, he acted like he was on a time crunch.

"Alright man, gimme that ass." He pulled back, his dick slipping free of Tyler's eager maw before he reached down to stroke himself. "Gonna have to be quick. Parents want me home before dark."

Tyler didn't mind the tiger's 'fuck and run' mentality. The two had been friends for years, and as far as he was concerned, the thought of being used as nothing more than a hole to fuck freely made him giddy beyond belief.

The cheetah pulled down his underwear, leaving them around his knees and propping himself up on his hands just as Ash climbed up behind him. Tyler could hear the tiger stroking himself, the slick noise was music to his ears for only a moment before the other feline guided the head of his cock between his cheeks and immediately began pressing forward.

"Easy," Tyler grunted as the head of the tiger's cock popped into his tail hole. Every time they fooled around, he became more and more convinced that it was gradually training him to love a bit of rough play, so at this point, the discomfort of being penetrated with so little preparation had become like a high for him.

"You love it," Ash sighed as he got to work, pressing his hips forward to sink more and more of his cock into his friend.

Of course, he was right, but their relationship over the years and the playful competitions that had ensued still made Tyler not want to admit it.

"Oh fuck!" Ash pushed himself hard, forcing the entirety of his shaft into his gasping friend, clearly eager to get started, or finished.

"Told ya it'd be quick!" he growled as his hips started slapping forward against the cheetah's bouncing cheeks.

If he didn't enjoy it so much he'd have made a fuss. As it was, Tyler was reduced to a living, moaning, fleshlight for his friend, pressing back as best he could against the tiger's thrusts.

Two hands closed on his shoulders, and firmly aided in keeping the cheetah steady under Ash's assault on his backside, and the room was immediately filled with the claps of crotch on ass. The tiger was growling and moaning, more than likely imagining one of their school's cheerleaders underneath him rather than another male, but Tyler wasn't at all bothered.

All he wanted at that moment was his friend to fill him full of cum now that he was completely worked up and doing what he loved doing.

"Fuck..." True to his word, Ash was going to be quick with his visit. "Fuck. Fuck!"

Simple and to the point, Ash was. He didn't give Tyler any warning beyond the slowing thrusts and the increased force he put behind them. Several long moments passed, accentuated by the bulkier feline's cursing before he gave his last, spine-jarring pounds.

He slammed himself into Tyler one last time, seating his cock entirely in the cheetah's aching hole before he began unloading inside him. Both teens panted heavily as one rode out his orgasm, while the other simply savoured the warmth spreading through his insides and the fullness that came with having a decently sized cock spreading him open.

"Fuck man," Ash panted happily after several minutes. "Thanks for that."

"Pleasure's all mine," Tyler chuckled, letting his upper half slump onto his bed. "We're still on for Saturday, by the way, right?"

"I'm working until six," Ash said, slowly pulling his wet cock free of his friends tight tail hole. "So I'll be over by six-thirty, seven?"

Tyler kept his ass raised, not wanting to lose any of the tiger's cum if he could help it. It never struck him as odd that even during sex, or in the immediate aftermath, the two could have a normal conversation about anything else like weekend plans.

"Sounds good to me," he said, adjusting his head so he could watch his friend pull on his boxers and shorts. "Shoot me a text when you're on your way, eh?"

"Will do!" Ash smiled, reaching out to plant a firm smack on Tyler's exposed ass. "Thanks again man! You're a lifesaver!"


Tyler could still feel his friend's cock inside him, even though the tiger had left ten minutes prior.

He lay on his bed, completely nude, savouring the wet feeling left under his tail as Ash's load gently drained from inside him. At that moment, he was in heaven, though with his appetite he certainly wouldn't have said no to another round or two. His hungry mind pictured another friend entering his room and taking him, followed by another, and another.

As he fantasized about giving himself to others, his hips instinctively lifted away from the bed, as if pressing back against someone's thrusts. One of the cheetah's hands slid slowly down the side of his lithe body, squeezing the curve of his hip before moving further back to cup one of his cheeks. He gave himself a firm squeeze while his hips continued their rhythmic gyrations on the phantom taking him.

His slim fingers eventually found his abused tail hole, still slick with Ash's cum, and immediately pressed inside.

He moaned happily as he explored his familiar, and now loosened, passage. Already he was aching for another proper ride, eager to have someone balls deep in him just as Ash had been not twenty minutes ago. It was a familiar urge, and one Tyler was certain would get him into trouble once he moved away from home to attend college, but that only excited him more.

Driving three of his fingers deeper, Tyler let out a loud feminine moan, his eyes closing as he imagined a nameless male bottoming out in him.

When his eyes opened, he became acutely aware of how open the blinds over his window were.

They were halfway drawn, and that meant his entire body, arched on all fours as it was, was fully visible to anyone in the master bedroom of the neighbouring house. The thought had never once entered his mind that he should worry about that, but now an alarm pinged somewhere in his lust-addled brain as his eyes focused through that distant window at the figure standing beyond the glass.

Tyler's eyes locked with those of his neighbour.

The tall, broad black and white husky in the other house stood transfixed by the sight of the youth head down and ass up on the bed. He had clearly just exited the shower judging from his state of undress and the towel wrapped snugly around his hips, accentuating his abdomen and the curve of his hips as they slipped beneath the cloth.

Though their eyes were locked together, Tyler could still catch the sight of an obvious tent at the front of the canine's towel.

In spite of what should have been the most awkward moment possible between two strangers, Tyler couldn't bring himself to stop toying with himself.

His cock twitched and throbbed happily between his legs in full view, and he eagerly wrapped his free hand around it to begin stroking himself. Nimble fingers, slick with his friend's cum worked his tail hole forcefully, the cheetah's mind now fully immersed in the fantasy of that husky pressing his head down into his bed.

Tyler felt his balls tighten as he forced himself wider, imagining the knot of the husky in the other house forcing its way into him, claiming his smaller body as his simple cum dump.

The cheetah's muzzle opened as a small gasping squeak left his throat. His vision blurred as his climax overtook him and he painted the sheets below him with ropes of cum. Jolts of electricity ran through his entire body as he shuddered, squeezing down on his aching cock as the flood of seed tapered out to several smaller, weaker globs dripping from his head.

Slowly, he withdrew his fingers from between his cum-slicked cheeks, and released his softening shaft. Tyler was coming down from his climax quickly, and as his eyes refocused, the adrenaline of being on display drained away in an instant.

His neighbour was still standing in his towel, staring with his muzzle slightly agape.

The husky didn't look angry, or offended, or even horrified. His expression was more of incredulity, as if he couldn't register that what he had just seen actually happened.

Tyler was suddenly overcome with embarrassment. He swiftly reached out to pull the cord of his blinds, dropping them in an instant as a furious blush threatened to set his cheeks on fire. His mind was now awash in fantasies about what lurked under his neighbours towel.

It was quite the tent...

"Well," He panted, slumping fully onto his bed, oblivious to the large wet patch his package now rested in. "That's... awkward..."


"You really have no shame, do you?" Scott asked, looking over Tyler with a chuckle as dozens of students spread out across the large track field behind their high school.

Tyler grinned, standing tall before bending his torso forward enough to press his fingers against the grass, his long spotted tail whipping his equine friend in the arm and giving him a good view at the same time.

The feline was dressed in his typical running attire, which left so little to the imagination that it often turned heads. White shorts with red trim that only covered the upper half of his slender thighs had the originally unintended benefit of hugging his curvy backside wonderfully. Over his slender torso was the white and red shirt that came with the shorts, and it fit snugly against his fur. Its hem was just long enough to reach the waistband of his shorts, so as he stood back up to stretch his arms over his head, his smooth stomach was put on show.

"It's good for distracting other runners, thank you very much," The cheetah stuck his tongue out at the horse as he continued to stretch. "You can't say you don't enjoy the view in any case,"

"What of it?" Scott shuffled, doing his best to keep his eyes anywhere but on his friend. "You know you make these track practices more difficult for me, too, eh?"

"Think of it as an extra training aid," Tyler laughed, throwing a gentle punch to the horse's solid arm. "Focus yourself, ignore the distractions around you!"

"Tomorrow that ass in mine," Scott leaned over to huff into the cheetah's ear. "Today, this race is!"

In spite of Tyler's track record of confident victories over his equine friend, the promise of riding the horse the next day was enough to get him riled up. His shorts simply wouldn't hide such a reaction, but that was why he always wore tight fitting briefs underneath. At most, he'd just have to deal with some mild discomfort.

Shouts from the football field in the middle of the track snapped him out of his thoughts. He could just spot Ash being run through drills in his gear with a dozen teammates, and while he never understood the appeal of the sport, he was happy to see his friend enjoying himself. The coaches seemed less interested in their players enjoying their training, however, as they blew whistles and shouted instructions.

"Hey, race time!" Scott tapped the feline on the nose to get his attention. "Quit staring at football ass."

"Fine," Tyler groaned dramatically as he walked towards their starting positions.

A few final ankle stretches as other racers took their positions along the track, and Tyler set himself into a crouch. He pressed his footpads down, ensuring his grip on the track was solid for the best push once the starting gun sounded. Lifting his head to see the others, the cheetah's eyes fell upon the well toned backside of Scott several yards ahead of him.

The obsidian horse's tail twitched between the two meaty mounds, and the powerful thighs beneath visibly tensed and relaxed as he prepared himself to sprint into action. Immediately he was reminded of the view he had of them not a week prior as he was eye-level with the intimidating package hanging between them.

He shivered at the memory, once again grateful for his underwear as their coach raised the starting gun into the air.

"Ready!" she yelled.

"Set!" His muscles tensed.


He was so used to starting races at this point that Tyler hardly noticed himself leaving his starting position. The feline was already gaining on Scott, and both of them were already nearly past the third position runner. They were halfway around the track by the time all of the runners reached each other, but both Tyler and Scott had comfortable leads as their burning legs pushed them faster.

The footballers were taking a break at the far end of the field they were now approaching, that one final wide curve before the final stretch to the finish line. They were drinking their water as they watched the track team pushing themselves. There was the odd jeer from one or two of the sweaty armoured brutes, but the majority were shouting encouragement to their fellow athletes, singling out those they knew and belting out general cheers if they didn't know anyone.

As Tyler began rounding the last bend with Scott hot on his heels, he became aware that the two football coaches were also watching their progress, clapping with their clipboards tucked under beautifully round biceps. That's when Tyler saw him.

The taller of the two coaches, tightly muscled and lean in figure, tipped the brim of his cap up as he talked to his colleague, exposing more of his canine face. Realization hit the cheetah like a brick wall as, for the second time in as many days, his eyes locked with those of his neighbour.

Surprise claimed the husky at the exact same moment. Recognition flashed between them, and Tyler felt a rush of embarrassment surge through him. His steps faltered, and that short moment of shock was enough to let Scott overtake him and put a half dozen yards between the two runners before crossing the finish line.

Tyler passed shortly after him, and a dozen yards behind came the rest of the runners. The cheetah panted, the exertion overtaking the revelation of seeing his neighbour, the husky he fingered himself and jerked off in front of even if it there had been two windows and six yards of lawn separating them, was one of the coaches of his schools football team.

"Hah!" Scott shouted in victory, panting heavily as he bounced on his hooves next to the mortified cheetah. "Beat you! I finally fucking beat you!"

In spite of the situation, Tyler couldn't help but laugh as he joined his friend in slowly jogging in place, wanting to cool down his muscles before they began seizing up.

"Don't let it go to your head," he said as he distractedly looked over his shoulder to the footballers, noting how both coaches had returned to corralling their team into a post-practice huddle. There was no indication that the husky had been put off at the sight of him on the track.

Perhaps the recognition he thought had happened was just his mind playing tricks on him? It wasn't every day he did such lewd acts in front of absolute strangers then found out said stranger worked at his school.

"Told you to stop checking out football ass!" Scott laughed.

The two opted to take another round of the track at a lazy jog to wind themselves down, Scott poking fun at his friend while Tyler simply blushed and rolled his eyes. The footballers were going through their own cool down stretches in the middle of the field, led by the husky coach while the other began the trek back to the school.

"So I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Tyler asked as they finished the last hundred yards at a leisurely walk. "I'll bring some snacks and horror movies."

"Sounds good." Tyler was distracted, constantly shooting glances to the middle of the track as the husky coach dismissed his players.

"Ash is going to come too, eh?" the horse continued, oblivious to the thoughts of embarrassment racing through his friend's mind. "Don't think he's seen As Above, So Below yet."

"Y-yeah," The cheetah shook his head as they reached the finish line again. "He'll be coming later in the afternoon."

"You know he will," Scott nudged him with a laugh. "I'll have a round or two all to myself at least."

Tyler's underwear tightened once again as they left the track and headed for the metal bleachers set up next to the large equipment shed. Their bags sat alone on the lowest benches nearest the grey brick shed, and Scott wasted no time in shouldering his pack.

"I've got a shift starting in an hour, so I'm heading out right away," the horse said, pulling his phone from his bag's back pocket and checking the time. "I'll text you later, so start thinking about what you want us to bring along and when."

"Sounds good." Tyler said, his heart finally settling now that he was away from the field.

As his equine friend waved goodbye and turned towards the parking lot, the cheetah rummaged around in his bag to find his own phone. The first thing he saw on the screen as he turned it on was a text from Ash telling him he saw how Scott had finally stolen a victory from him with a large amount of laughter following it. It made the feline grin and roll his eyes right up until he remembered exactly why he had lost the race.

He wasn't aware of how long he was taking to formulate a response while he downed the contents of his trusty water bottle, but when he finally got around to sending back a snarky quip, some time had passed.

"So you put on a show like that often?"

The deep voice made Tyler's blood freeze, and his phone nearly fell from his hands.

The shadow of a six foot four wall of muscled husky loomed over the smaller feline, and Tyler couldn't help but gulp in fear as he slowly turned to face his neighbour.

"I-I'm s-sorry," he stuttered, unsure how he could explain what had happened or if it was even possible for anyone to think up a good excuse. "I... I d-didn't mean t-to..."

"Bet you were wishing it was a big dog inside you instead of your fingers." He crossed his arms across his broad chest. The t-shirt hugged his solidly built frame, lifting up slightly at the bottom with the movement to expose a trace of thick white fur.

"W-what?" Tyler wasn't sure if he had heard the canine properly or if his mind was in such chaos that his previous fantasy was simply overpowering his perception of reality.

"The shed's door is unlocked," The coach tilted his head towards the equipment shed. "You want to see what it's like, head on in."

The cheetah's mouth went dry and his eyes widened.

"You've got ten minutes to make a choice, boy." The husky turned away without another word, nor even a backward glance.

It was only then that the spell that had paralysed him seemed to break and Tyler became aware of just how empty the entire field had gotten. He was harder than he could ever remember being before in his life, and it was almost as if his dick had hijacked his body as he turned and shakily stepped over to the door of the equipment shed.

He reached out, almost numbly, and took the handle in a weak grip, turning it to pull open the heavy metal door.

There were no lights on inside, and no windows to let in any sunlight beyond that which was flooding in through the open door. Huge landing mats for pole vaulting were resting up against the far wall, flanked by a bin of javelins and hurdles. To his left were two ranks of training dummies for the football players, while to his right sat large metal shelves full of other equipment for almost every other track and field sport imaginable.

He stood in the doorway, taking in the contents of the dark room, right up until his shadow was replaced by a larger one as the older husky stepped up behind him.

The canine was inches away from him, and a light breeze wafted his strong scent into Tyler's nostrils, making him shiver. He turned his head and made as if to speak, but the coach raised a finger to his lips.

"No speaking unless it's to moan, boy," he grunted, leaning forward slightly. "Just step inside if you want it, step aside if you don't."

Tyler gulped again, his tail instinctively arching as his arousal started to reassert itself.

His fantasies were running even more wild, and the fuel for his lust was more than enough to convince him to take a step forward.

Moments later, the heavy door was shut with a solid bang that made Tyler jump. He felt a sudden, unfamiliar thrill at being in a closed building in pitch blackness with a large, aggressive canine somewhere in the dark.

There was a quiet click as the coach flipped a switch, bathing the interior of the equipment shed in a dim orange-yellow glow from two overhead bulbs.

"Was quite the sight," the husky said, walking sedately to the far wall to tip over one of the thick landing mats. The loud thud it made as it fell from its side onto the floor made Tyler jump slightly, but he was still loving it. "Leaving the shower to see a hot little cat playing with himself."

He didn't know how serious the coach had been with his instructions regarding talking, but he couldn't think of anything to say even were he sure he could talk freely.

"First week in a new house," he said, tossing his clipboard onto one of the shelves along the right hand wall. "And I find out my neighbour is a cock hungry toy begging to be used."

His imposing frame shadowed Tyler from the dim lights, and while he shuddered as a large strong hand slipped around his slender waist, the touch was surprisingly gentle. It was quickly followed by a second, then one slid up over his back while the other effortlessly pressed under the waistband of his shorts.

"Then imagine the sight of this ass," the husky gave a firm squeeze, making Tyler moan pathetically. "In these shorts. Bouncing down the track."

The hand squeezing his left cheek was soon followed by the canine's other hand joining in on the right. His fingers kneaded the soft flesh, pulling each plush cheek apart before pressing them back together just as he pressed his larger body forward against the student.

Tyler immediately lifted his hands and rested them against the hard pectorals of the older husky, begging in his mind to be taken. He wanted that large solid body pinning him down, and he wanted that massive bulge pressing into in stomach to be released and used to pound him to the point where he couldn't walk.

"Two taps if you're having second thoughts." The husky leaned down, his muzzle right next to Tyler's round, twitching ear.

Rather than tap, the cheetah simply extended his claws and scritched desperately through the fabric of the coach's shirt while a whimper escaped his throat.

"Good boy." The cat's shorts snapped back around his waist as the coach removed his hands. "Best get straight to some training then, eh?"

The husky's hand took firm grip of his shoulders and gently pushed Tyler down to his knees, and suddenly the feline found himself eye-to-crotch with the coach.

"Get to it," he growled, stretching his arms upwards to link his fingers behind his head. His entire front was a mask of shadow and barely visible detail as the lights were behind him, but Tyler was practised enough to find the button and fly for the husky's pants quickly enough.

A flood of musk entered his nose as he pulled open the denim fabric to reveal a sleek black pair of briefs that were already stretched to their limit and soaked with precum. The coach may not have been a horse, but he certainly gave the impression that he was hung like one.

The youth pressed his muzzle forward, already drunk on the scent as he inhaled deeply. His nose was pushing between the base of a barely concealed sheath and two very large balls, and the mere realization was enough to drive Tyler to pull down the tight wet briefs as fast as he could.

The husky's massive cock bounced into the air, landing a firm swat to the cheetah's muzzle and leaving a strand of pre connecting the two for several long moments before it broke away. The canine's balls hung low, the apple sized orbs reaching nearly halfway down the powerful flanking thighs and swaying gently with his small movements.

The ebony truncheon standing proudly from his body drew all of Tyler's attention though.

Easily longer than either Ash or Scott, the twitching cock momentarily made the cheetah second guess his skills and the chance that he would be able to take it seemed vanishingly small. The glisten of each vein that stood out on the pillar of flesh was enough to banish the doubts however, and the strong taste of sweat and pre that filled his muzzle as he brought the tapered head between his lips sealed his convictions.

He would take it.

At the very least, he wouldn't stop until he had as much of it spearing into him as possible.

"Good boy," Coach said as Tyler slid his muzzle further and further along the meaty shaft.

He had heard that phrase several times from his friends, but coming from the adonis before him, it ramped up his lust to please to a level he had never experienced before. He took inch after throbbing inch, already reaching the comfortable limits he had been accustomed to from his experience with Ash and Scott.

Scott had been wearing down his gag reflex over their time together, but the coach was in another class altogether. Tyler was already slowing and struggling, though there were only a few inches left to take before he got to the start of the canine's already inflating knot.

"How badly do you want it?" Coach asked, looking down at the eager feline with a smirk.

In response, Tyler forced himself forward, tears welling in the corners of his eyes, though he barely gained any ground.

"Heh, love the determination," the husky chuckled as he reached down to gently scratch between Tyler's ears. "Let's reward that with a little help."

The scratching turned into a solid grip in the cheetah's black hair, a grip that stopped his entire head from moving until it pulled him forward. Tyler wanted as much of the coaches cock as he could get, and now, in spite of his body's protests, he was getting it.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as every defending muscle in his throat was overcome by sheer brute force. In no time, the fat knot at the base of the husky's shaft was pressed firmly against his lips, while his massive low hanging balls bumped gently against his throat.

If he could devote any brain power to thinking properly, Tyler would have been worried at the prospect of drowning in the load those two orbs were surely capable of producing. Any chance of those worries entering his mind was dashed as the coach began withdrawing his cock, only to force it back in to the knot once he reached halfway.

Tyler was held like that for an eternity while the canine thrust roughly forward, and even through the haze of tears he was loving every moment of it. When the final withdrawal came and the huge canine cock popped free of his aching, dripping maw, the cheetah instantly tried to press forward, to take it back between his lips.

"Already addicted, eh?" The husky chuckled, easily keeping Tyler still with just one hand. "Good. Time to put that tail hole of yours through its paces now. Get over to the mat."

Tyler scrambled to his feet, stumbling to the large mat while his mind raced a mile a minute.

"Ain't that a sight," the canine mused to himself.

Tyler glanced over his shoulder to see the adult hadn't moved from his spot, but was instead looking at him like an art connoisseur looking over a painting hanging in a gallery, or up in his private collection. It made the cheetah blush profusely, imagining what he must look like from that angle. A hungry, slutty cat bent over with only his pathetic excuse for shorts keeping him even slightly modest.

A flash made his ears twitch, and while he ducked his head out of instinct, he couldn't deny that the idea of having his picture taken in such a position wasn't a little bit exciting.

"Enough playing around then, eh?" Coach stepped forward, pressing his glistening cock between Tyler's plush cheeks. "Gonna be a chore not to jump you from now on when I see you in these."

'Oh please do...' Tyler thought to himself, already running through a scenario of being forced into the janitors closet just to ride this dog's cock.

A surprisingly gentle pull left his shorts and briefs halfway down his thighs, though his own cock was still trapped by the fabric at the front. The husky ground his cock forward, spearing between the two full mounds of toned flesh, which he then happily brought an open palm down on.

Tyler yipped, but his body automatically pressed backwards. He was thrilled as his perineum was bumped by the coach's huge balls, and his longing ache to have their contents unloaded under his tail only got stronger.

"Good," Coach's large hands took a firm grip of the youth's slender waist, holding him still. "Might even get my knot in you with how eager you are."

The husky leaned forward, his larger frame coming into contact with Tyler's slim body and pressing him deeper into the mat. His muzzle pressed right up to the youth's ear.

"You want it, don't you?" he stated, rather than asked.

Any answer Tyler was about to give was cut off, replaced by a whimper as the large tapered tip of the husky's shaft began spreading his tail hole open. The cheetah's eyes closed and he moaned pathetically.

"You're just loving this," Coach continued, giving his hips gentle humps forward to pry Tyler's hole open bit by bit to let him adjust to the intruder. "About to get fucked in a shed by a complete stranger."

The canine's deeper voice and the heat radiating off of his body as it pressed against him put Tyler at such ease, or at least turned him on so much, that the massive cock was easily allowed entry. The fat shaft reached midway, it's thickest inches, and with another firm hump forward, Coach passed that point, and the rest of his cock sank in effortlessly right up to the knot. An aching soreness radiated through his entire body, familiar enough, but on such a larger scale compared to when he fooled around with his friends.

Tyler couldn't stifle a loud, effeminate gasp as the canine's hips came flush with his ass. He was having trouble accepting the level of fullness he felt as the huge male crouched over him began pulling back only a few inches just to hump forward again. His insides were rearranged with each slowly quickening thrust, and the front of his underwear and shorts were becoming more and more damp as his own trapped cock leaked precum. He gritted his teeth as the ache began to fade under the constant pressure, his muscles finally giving way to a numbness as they accepted defeat.

Every time Coach bottomed out in his ass, a whimpering squeak escaped his throat. His muzzle was open in a silent scream of ecstasy, and through half lidded eyes and a sideways glance, he saw the husky above him panting loudly, his tongue lolling out with a trail of saliva dripping down to the mat below them.

"Good... boy..." The husky huffed with each thrust, one strong arm wrapping around the feline's slim chest while his other arm braced them both against the mat. He took a solid grip around the base of Tyler's throat, squeezing with each forward thrust to keep the boy steady in his position. "Hope... you don't have plans... for a while..."

Tyler couldn't think of anything that could tear him out of that shed at that moment. Someone could knock at the door, a tornado could blow through, he simply didn't care about anything beyond the thick grey walls. The cheetah's only concern was the husky's bulbous knot wearing down his ring with brutal efficiency, and as it started spreading him wider bit by bit. Tyler wondered if he could take it, even with the copious amount of pre acting as lube coupled with his obscenely loosened ring.

"C-coach!" He tried to voice his concern, but the hand around his throat closed tightly, cutting off all but the barest trickle of air to his lungs.

"Unless you're going to say 'harder'," the husky growled, not pausing his aggressive thrusts or even slowing down, "the only thing I want to hear from you are gasps and whimpers."

Tyler's arms had lost all of their strength, and now it was entirely just Coach's arm holding him up as he railed the young feline. Pre escaped his tail hole and trickled down his inner thighs and over his balls. The gentle tickle of each rivulet was almost entirely lost on him as his head dropped, struggling to handle the hammering pounds his coach was forcing on him.

Coach was growling now. His thrusts were little more than savage humps as he worked his dick into the feline beneath him, barely an inch at a time as his every instinct drove him to pound his knot passed Tyler's abused ring. The husky braced his knees on the mat, yanking Tyler back against his lap and gripping his hip with the hand that had been keeping them up.

Tyler was now barely leaving the canine's lap. The only forward movement his body was allowed came from the powerful thrusts Coach was battering him with, and it seemed that the moment his ass was forced away, the canine was instantly driving deep into him once again. He was screaming now, his voice high pitched and occasionally entirely cut off as the air was repeatedly driven from his lungs.

The husky's growling muzzle was right next to his ear, filling his head with Coach's feral snarls while the grip around his throat tightened. His cries were cut down to pathetic mewls of bliss just as he felt the older male's jaws close down tightly on his shoulder, just in time for several particularly brutal and rapid thrusts.

Tyler nearly blacked out at the last pound forward when the husky didn't withdraw. Every muscle in the canine's body was tightening, pulling the cheetah down onto the massive knot that was now no longer giving any ground. He was being pulled into a tie, and his body had no choice but to give in.

The strongest squeeze to his throat came as his ass finally stretched over the thickest point of Coach's knot, and the rest sank into him in an instant. It tipped Tyler over the edge, and his body seized up as the strongest orgasm he had ever experienced overtook him.

He erupted into his briefs, soaking them and his running shorts through easily. A full body shiver overtook him as he came down from his climax, but that only threw into sharp relief the pinpricks of pain in his right shoulder as Coach bit down on him. There was a mounting pressure inside him as the canine's massive cock began to pump rope after rope of potent seed into every empty space in his bowels. If he had any sense available to him, Tyler would have seen a noticeable bulge in his stomach as a veritable tide of cum filled him, but his head fell back onto Coach's shoulder, his mouth agape in a silent gasp of ecstasy.

The husky held Tyler tight, barely allowing for any movement at all. Meanwhile, the larger canine continued grinding himself gently up into his passage, adding wet squelches to mix with their shared panting as the only things filling the concrete shed.

Tyler wasn't sure how long they had sat there, but at one point, Coach had adjusted himself so he could sit down on the mat, leaning back on his elbows while the feline rested comfortably in his lap facing away from him. The cheetah leaned forward eventually, his hands resting on his knees as he collected himself and came to terms with what had happened.

"Any regrets?" Coach asked, as if reading his thoughts.

"N-none..." Tyler responded without hesitation. His muscles were still twitching and contracting sporadically, eliciting the occasional flex and throb of the pillar of meat he was impaled on. "Y-you?"

"Heh," the canine chuckled, reaching forward to rub Tyler's hips before holding him steady. He rolled them both over. Tyler whimpered, and Coach rumbled low as he spun the feline around on his cock so that he was lying on his back on the mat beneath them. "I think I've got myself a hungry cock slut living next door."

Coach pulled Tyler to the edge of the mat, standing up and lifting his legs above his chest and pulling his shorts and briefs completely off. From here, Tyler now looked up to his pre soaked crotch, his cock still at half mast, and the solid abs of the older canine that had ravaged him.

Seeing the coach with his tight shirt pulled up just enough to expose his stomach, while his powerful legs were on full display in the dim light of the shed was already getting Tyler ready to go for another round. Coach had other plans though, taking hold of the feline's long slender legs and spreading them wide above him.

He stepped one muscled leg up on the mat next to Tyler's sore shoulder, and began to gently pull his cock back.

Tyler groaned and whimpered, writhing on the mat beneath the husky until, with a yelp from the cheetah and a grunt from the canine, the still sizeable bulb of flesh popped free from his backside.

Several large globs of cum followed along with the twitching shaft, sliding down its length until they fell down and onto Tyler's thighs and beyond down to his chest. The musky scent immediately sent a surge of energy through his body, and at that moment, with Coach's cum now soaking into his shirt and fur, he wanted nothing more than to be mounted by the powerful canine again.

"And I'm looking forward to paying you regular visits." Coach stood there, an arrogant smirk visible even though his face was shadowed by the dim lights behind him. He gently shook his hips side to side, and the final loose strands of cum still hanging from his cock detached, landing wetly on the mat and along Tyler's muzzle. The husky took the feline's damp shorts and used them to wipe his cock down, unable to clean it off perfectly, but enough to soil the cloth completely with his cum before he dropped them down onto Tyler's chest.

"You want to be my little fuck toy?"

"Y-yes, sir," was his automatic response.

The husky gave a nod along with a grin that sent a shiver down Tyler's spine before he turned to leave the shed. The cheetah gasped a little as the door opened and shut, allowing a fresh cool breeze to wash over his aching body, chilling the areas of his short fur that were soaked in cum. It was only after the door shut moments later and cut off the clean air that Tyler became aware of just how rank the entire shed had become.

Sweat mixed with cum and the lingering aroma of the Coach himself in the air and assaulted the feline's twitching nose, rapidly bringing him to full attention again. Tyler reached down between his legs, eyes glazed over as he looked up to the ceiling and swirled his fingers through his wet fur. He found his abused pucker soon after savouring the still warm seed settling into his inner thighs, and found that his tail hole was gaping beyond what he expected. Neither Ash nor Scott would have been able to get him to this point, he thought to himself with a gasping chuckle at the absurdity of it, sinking four fingers into himself easily with a wet squelch.

He moaned happily, his fingers slick with Coaches cum and a trail of it running freely over his tail to pool around his ass on the mat. He didn't even notice when the door to the shed opened with a loud creak.

"Holy shit, Ty!" Scott stood in the doorway, mouth agape at the sight of the ravaged cheetah mere feet away.

Normally Tyler wouldn't have batted an eyelash at being walked in on by one of his close friends, but considering he was dripping with seed left by one of the football teams coaches made him freeze, fingers still buried under his own tail.

"S-Scott!" he gasped, withdrawing his fingers with a furious blush, already frantically trying to think up an excuse. "What are you doing here?"

"My headphones fell out of my bag when I picked it up," he said, stepping fully into the shed and closing the door firmly behind him. "Saw that the door didn't close all the way so I figured I'd see if anyone was in here."

"W-well, here I am." Tyler said with a weak chuckle.

"Dude, it looks like you were ridden by the entire track team." Scott looked over his exposed friend, his running shorts visibly shifting as his arousal grew.

"I, uh, heh," Tyler stumbled over his words, still unable to think up a believable lie. "I'm uh, I was really worked up?"

"Looks like you still are." Scott's eyes fixed on the cheetah's throbbing dick, then to the very exposed, very loose tail hole beneath his sack.

"You," the feline started, figuring he could kill two birds with one stone by distracting the horse with sex while also satisfying his own renewed lust. "You wanna?"

He slightly parted his legs, exposing his still leaking and gaped tail hole, realizing only then just how hungry he was for more cock in spite of how sore Coach had left him.

Scott was happy with the offer, given how he was already pushing his running shorts to the ground. His rapidly engorging cock flopped free, bouncing between his powerful thighs above an impressive set of balls that rivalled even those of Coach, and the sight made Tyler groan. The black horse kept his tight shirt on as he stepped up to the edge of the mat, placing his hands on the cheetah's knees and parting his legs even further.

"Fuck dude," he said, his dick swelling and bumping between Tyler's legs. "Won't even need lube, will I?"

"Don't be gentle," the feline said, the last traces of his blush fading completely as he readied himself to take his friend, mewling as the broad mushroom shaped head of the horse found his tail hole.

"Heh, wanna know something funny?" Scott said before moaning as his head slipped into Tyler's loose tail hole with more ease than it ever had before. "Actually saw the open door and the idea of jerking off in here was a hot idea I've had for a while. Just never had a chance to get inside."

"Glad we can mark this off your LIS-" Tyler's words died in his throat as the large horse roughly shoved his hips forward, sinking well over half of his cock into the squealing feline.

Globs of Coaches cum were forced out in thick ropes around Scott's shaft as he drove himself into his friend, bottoming out completely with a heavy sigh of satisfaction. The horse leaned back, eyes closed as he savoured the hot wet embrace coupled with Tyler's gasps as he began rocking his hips back and forth. He took a moment without pausing in his assault to lift the feline's slender legs up, pushing them together and holding them against his torso while lewd wet slaps competed with his grunts and Tyler's feminine moans.

"Fuck, sloppy seconds with you is always fantastic." he grunted, pistoning his hips.

Tyler was all but screaming at the hard pounding, his entire body aching blissfully at being used so roughly by two large cocks so soon after each other. Part of him was begging for rest, but the rest of him had given itself over entirely to the sounds and smells and sensations of his violation. The only thing, he thought, that would make this situation even better would have been if Coach had remained to sit over his muzzle so he could suckle and clean every inch of his sack and shaft.

Though his fantasies were grand, they dissolved to nothingness under Scott's brutal pummelling. The equine was picking up his pace, a sign that he was nearing his climax just as surely as his increased grunting breaths. His stronger body pressed down, pinning Tyler's legs to his chest with his feet on either side of his head, now there truly was no choice but to weather the jarring assault until his friend was done emptying his balls.

The pressure inside his bowels from before returned full force as several final loud wet claps of the horse's sack against Tyler's cum drenched ass filled his ears. Scott's flare expanded rapidly inside him as cum began flowing into his insides once more. The grunting black horse couldn't possibly fit any more of his cock into the cheetah's ass, but he couldn't be dissuaded from trying. The youth ground against his friend hard even though there was no more length to feed into the feline, the intense craving to ensure his cum went as deep as it could possibly get overriding any sense even as Tyler grabbed the horse's arm desperately.

Gasps and grunts filled the room as the two teens came to a panting standstill, one locked so deep inside the other that he could feel the others heartbeat through his own pulsing shaft. When Scott finally rode out the last of his powerful orgasm, he opened his eyes and looked down to his friend. To his shock, Tyler seemed to be totally unconscious. The cheetah's head lolled to the side, his tongue hanging out of his short muzzle while his entire body felt utterly limp. His slender chest still expanded and contracted with his exhausted breathing, though, so Scott felt no need to worry as he sat back enough to let Tyler's legs gently fall to his sides.

He wasn't about to pull his cock out of the feline, not until the last possible moment, but he didn't want his best friend waking up any more sore and uncomfortable than he needed to be. The equine rolled both of them over on the mat, settling Tyler on top of him while he lay on his back, uncaring about the cum running down into the groove their bodies made or the fresh warm seed oozing over his stomach from the feline's cock.

While he enjoyed pounding Tyler, Scott couldn't help but admit that the post-orgasm cuddling was his favourite part of their playtime. He would stay balls deep in his friend until his cock withdrew itself back into his sheath, and until morning the two would spoon without a care in the world for the mess they always made. He knew they probably didn't have the time to wait quite that long given where they were, but he was happy enough to wait until Tyler woke up again.

Of course, since he was the only conscious one, his thoughts began drifting back to how they had gotten to this position.

He had to wonder who it was that had so thoroughly used his friend before his arrival, and if they would be willing to join in more often.

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