Marblecliff Chronicals 2

Story by neosate on SoFurry

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This is a work of fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only. All names and characters in it is fictional, a composite drawing from several individuals and from imagination. No reference to any living person is intended or should be inferred. No animals were harmed in its production. Businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. All art of minors are simulated pictures. All models over 18 years of age. Some actions and activities may be illegal or dangerous and should not be attempted. All products, services, and characters copyrighted to their respective owners. Some content may not be safe/suitable for work or school. Some content and depictions may be illegal to view in some areas. Some content may be illegal to view by those under the legal age of connect.


© neosateEathan Black, Raccoon M/16Walt Black, Raccoon M/40?Tatiana Black, Rabbit FSvetlana BlackRaccoon/Rabbit F 13Illyana Black, Raccoon/Rabbit F 12Claire Summers, Red Squirrel F/16Mrs Featherstone, Turkey FWendy Nicole O'Donnell, mouse H 16Julia Summer, Red Squirrel F/22Jermy Summers, Red Squirrel M/19Sean Blackwell, Leopard M/17Trevor Hendricks, Warthog M/17Chase owens, Jack Rabbit M/17Jason Rynalds, Ox M/17Alimia Watters, otter F/23Josie, Tiger F/16Shyara Logan, Sugarglider, F/16John Powell, Chipmunk M/45Cindy Powell, Chipmunk F/43Holly Powell, Chipmunk F/19Larry O'Donnell, Mouse M/ 37Vincent O'Donnell, Mouse M/18

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Marblecliff Chronicles A View to a Kill by avatar?user=259781&character=0&clevel=2 VerbMyNoun

A View to a Kill September 20 The shrill cry of the alarm clock pierced Ethan's skull like getting a root canal. He groggily opened first his left eye, and then his right, blinking both repeatedly to bring them into focus and get accustomed to the offending sunlight. Rolling himself onto his back, he slowly sat up and put his feet on the cold hardwood floor, stretching his arms out wide. He winced slightly, then let out a relieved sigh as he heard and felt his spine, neck, shoulders, and elbows crack. Ethan got out of bed and padded his way over to his dresser to get a clean pair of boxers, socks, and an undershirt for the day. It was 6:45, which meant that he had an hour and fifteen minutes to get dressed and get to school. Looking at himself in the mirror, he wiped the crust from his eyes, put on his wristwatch, and patiently waited for his raging case of morning wood to subside so that he could pee. As he pulled his plain white t-shirt down over his head, his bedroom door burst open. "What the fuck, Ethan?" came a furious snarl. "You got a speeding ticket yesterday?" Ethan cast a sidelong glance in the mirror at his Uncle Walt, the evidence of his encounter with Officer Dan clenched tightly in his right paw. "Why the fuck should I have to pay for your stupidity again?" Walt held out his balled fist, the citation waving like a white flag, begging to be released from his death grip. "Fuuuccccckkkkkkk!" Ethan exclaimed in his mind. "I must've dropped it last night on my way up the stairs! Okay, calm down, and handle this gently. You've had worse incidents than this before." Ethan turned to look at his uncle. Walter Black was a forty-something year old raccoon - Ethan wasn't sure about his exact age, since the pair weren't close - with thinning, graying hair, square-framed glasses, and a slight gut. He'd once been a boxer, like Ethan's father, Bill, but wasn't as successful in the ring and moved into sports promoting. Still, he worked out semi-regularly, and while he didn't focus on his abs, he was in decent shape. "I'm sorry, Uncle Walt," Ethan spoke softly. "It's just that I met this girl and - " Walt was on Ethan in a heartbeat, the fingers of his left paw curled tightly in Ethan's hair, pulling his head back to look him dead in the eyes. "Don't talk to me about women, boy! You don't need to be talking to any girls! What the fuck do you expect me to do when you get her pregnant with your bastard retard child? Do you know how much it costs to raise a kid?" "Don't say it. Don't say it, you'll just piss him off more," Ethan's inner voice whimpered, but it was no good; the rebelliousness was faster than his sense of reason could react. "Don't worry, Walt," Ethan smirked, intentionally leaving out "Uncle", wanting to piss the elder raccoon off, "I have money; I have lots of money. So, technically, you don't have to spend a dime to pay for my mistakes." "Oh, aren't you a real smartass?" Walter growled, spit flying off his muzzle and hitting Ethan in the face. With the speeding ticket still balled up in his fist, now a crumpled, ruined, illegible piece of paper, Walt rained down a flurry of punches on Ethan's midsection. Walt knew that his nephew wouldn't report the abuse; Tatiana and the girls needed Walt too much for Ethan to let him go to jail. Ethan grunted with each punch to his abdomen, knowing that as long as he had his school uniform on, the bruising and swelling wouldn't be visible. Thankfully, Ethan's father had taught him when he was younger how to take a punch. Still, at times like this, he wished Walt would just kill him and end the torment. Ethan knew it was all about the small fortune Bill and Hannah Black left to their son when their private plane went down in Oklahoma, on their way to Las Vegas. If Ethan hadn't somehow miraculously survived, that money would have gone to Walt. There was a trust fund set up for Walt to cover the additional expense of having to raise his nephew - which in reality was not expensive at all, since Ethan bought his own meals, never bathed at home, and did his laundry at the laundromat - but the bulk of the money was in the care of Bill's attorney until Ethan's eighteenth birthday. Finally, Walt ran out of breath, and the body blows subsided. "Get the fuck dressed and get your ass to school," Walt panted as he released his grip on the back of his nephew's head. Wiping excess spit from the corner of his mouth, Walt noticed that despite the flurry of punches, Ethan had managed to not tear up. Deciding to take one last cheap shot, Walter delivered a knee to the younger raccoon's groin, causing him to double over onto the floor. "That's to make sure you don't get distracted by any more pretty young girls." As he walked out of the room, Walt took Ethan's keys from their designated wall hook. "Oh yeah, and to teach you not to speed, you can walk today. You've got about an hour 'til school starts, so you'd better run." Walt slammed the door shut on his way out, causing a photo of Ethan's parents to fall from the wall, the glass of its frame shattering. "Clean that shit up before you leave, too!" Walt hollered from down the hall.

"Hello, Claire," a familiar voice said from behind the open locker door. The squirrel detected a cute twinge of nervousness in the greeting. She smiled, happy that yesterday's rooftop conversation gave the raccoon the confidence he needed. Grabbing her English textbook from the locker, Claire shut the door and turned to face her admirer. "Yes, do I know you?" she played along, still pretending that she was not the same girl he had just been talking to the previous day. She playfully batted her eyes, and, head tilted slightly downward, looked up at him through her long, full lashes. Ethan smiled back at her, catching on to where she was going with this: she wanted him to confess his feelings to her all over again, and to ask her out properly. "N-No, I don't think we've ever met, but I think we are in History and Chemistry together. My name's Ethan Black, and I've, uhm, had a crush on you since freshman year," the raccoon professed. Claire hid her surprise - "Two years? How adorable!" - as he continued. "Anyway, I ran into a friend of yours yesterday, and she seems to think I'd be your type. She and I chatted for awhile, and she said that she would tell you about me, but encouraged me to talk to you myself." "Hmmmm? No, none of my friends mentioned you. Not yet, anyway. But, it was only yesterday, so she may not have had time. I'll have to give her a piece of my mind when I talk to her again. What was her name?" Claire was having fun with this. "And speaking of only yesterday, you don't waste any time, do you? I like that." "Sorry, I didn't get her name. She kinda looked like you, but nowhere near as beautiful. She could have been your sister. She's great at climbing trees, though," Ethan was referring to the way Claire accessed the rooftop. The pair walked side-by-side together down the hall toward Claire's first period English class, continuing their conversation. "Well, I was wondering if maybe you'd sit and talk with me at lunch? I'd love to ask you out sometime, but I'd like for us to know more about each other first." "Technically, didn't you just ask me out?" She gave Ethan a playful elbow to the ribs, and noticed his wince and the sharp intake of breath. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, her sweet, melodic voice suddenly heavy with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just slept kind of awkwardly last night and I'm feeling a little tender," Ethan lied. He didn't want to ruin such an amazing conversation by talking about his home drama. "Oh, okay. You should swing by the nurse's office for some Advil, then. Yeah, I think I'd like that, lunch together, I mean," Claire smiled back. "I think I'd like that a lot. If you see my friend again, tell her that she was right - you are my type. Where do you usually sit?" "Out in the courtyard, in one of the alcoves under the steps" Ethan answered. "Usually I just work on my homework, but intelligent conversation with a beautiful woman would be a nice change. I'll see you second period in Chemistry?" "Absolutely," Claire chimed back. "And here's hoping that we really do have some Chemistry of our own. I'll see you later!" Giving a playful wave good-bye, she walked into her first period class. God, that was so corny and she didn't even care. Ethan was positively smitten.

Fourth period - aka lunch - took entirely too long to arrive for Ethan's liking. All morning he was distracted by thoughts of his beautiful new friend and the prospect that it could actually lead somewhere. But the day dragged on for another reason: the hard, unforgiving rigidness of the classroom chairs were further assaulting his already battered and bruised midsection. He and Claire were excited to see each other in Chemistry, but they didn't have the chance to do anything more than to exchange the occasional smile. She positively radiated happiness and cheer, something Ethan had gone a long time without, and it made him feel warm inside - a pleasant sensation to replace the throbbing heat of his wounded flesh. Mrs. Featherstone chose today to assign lab partners for some experimental mixing of chemicals, and paired Ethan with Wendell, the class nerd. Ethan didn't mind being partnered with the mouse. Social labels didn't mean anything to him, and given his current distracted state, he was actually happy to have a partner that could pick up his slack - not that he was trying to be lazy. Of course, given a chance to choose his own collaborator, he'd have selected Claire. She, unfortunately, was stuck working with one of the lacrosse players, a big, lumbering idiot of a grizzly whose name Ethan didn't care enough to learn. The lab went by a little more quickly. Ethan was thankful to have the chance to stand at the counter, instead of being restricted to the merciless desk. His focus was still disrupted by the aches, but he was still able to contribute some effort. Throughout class, he would glance at Claire to see how she was coping with her inept partner. Occasionally, she would catch him looking at her, or he would catch her sneaking quick peeks his direction. At one point, he saw her and the grizzly talking, and she pointed at Ethan and smiled. After that, the bear also kept glancing Ethan's way, but with a far less friendly expression. On the way out of the classroom, the big jock shouldered Ethan into the door frame, and his sides screamed in pain.

When the lunch bell sounded, Ethan got up and moved with more purpose than he had at any other point in the morning. Walking through the cafeteria to the set of double-doors, he stepped outside into the adjoining courtyard. As much as Chimera Prep resembled an old castle, one would halfway expect the courtyard to contain instruments of public execution: a chopping block, perhaps a guillotine, or maybe a gallows. Instead, the courtyard was where the majority of the various freaks and geeks sought refuge, isolating themselves from the stereotypical cliques that ruled the cafeteria proper. Old staircases led up from the courtyard to sealed up doors, leading nowhere. These steps were lined with the goth kids, perched like gargoyles, looking down on the rest of students with apathy and sorrow. There were a couple of picnic tables, where students from the debate team and chess club would gather. Off to one corner was the drama club, getting in as much extra rehearsal as possible for whatever upcoming production they were working on. Ethan walked to his normal hidey-hole, sat down, and reclined back against the cold, black stone wall and took out his lunch: a block of Vermont Cheddar, some Ritz crackers, and a bottle of water. "Excuse me, sir, is this seat taken?" Looking up, Ethan saw Claire with a tray of cafeteria food, her backpack slung casually over her left shoulder, smiling back down at him. "Please," Ethan said, moving his backpack aside, making room for the beautiful young squirrel, "Have a seat. I'd be honored to share this cozy nook with such a lovely woman." Claire sat down, and set her tray on the concrete. She had a garden salad, strawberry yogurt with granola, and a bottle of Vitamin Water. Ethan noted her healthy meal choice, and was impressed. "So, you wanted to talk and let us have a chance to get to know each other better," Claire said after taking her first bite of salad. "What would you like to know?" "Ok, so trying to avoid the clich? 'favorite movie' and 'type of music' questions, how about..." He scratched behind his ear. "Tell me about your family." "Interesting request, I like it. You're a 'family' kind of guy, huh? Okay, well, I live at home with my parents, and I'm the youngest of three kids. My older sister, Julia, is 22, married, and lives with her husband and step-daughter. My brother, Jeremy, is 19, and still has a room at home, but is away at college at Rice, where he has a baseball scholarship. My dad is a cop - " she noted the corners of Ethan's mouth switch to a slight frown for a brief second. " - and my mom is a teacher at Manticore." "Hey, I think my cousins are in her class! Mrs. Summers, eighth grade, right?" "That's the one. What about my dad? You didn't seem too happy that he was a police officer," Claire asked. "Is there anything I should know about?" "You saw me on the roof yesterday; I have a long history of being places I'm not supposed to be. Secured parking lots, abandoned warehouses, school rooftops - places like that. I love to climb, love to run, love to feel free. Have you ever heard of parkour? Maybe free-running?" he asked, to which Claire shook her head, with a mouth full of lettuce and cucumber. Ethan pulled out his phone and pulled up some videos on youtube to illustrate his point while he spoke. Claire's mouth was partially agape as she watched the runners in the video. "I didn't climb a tree to get on top of the gym, or take any stairs. Yesterday, it was a dumpster, a van, and the drainage spout. Next time, it could be a stack of crates and window ledges. Parkour is a sport that basically turns the entire world into an obstacle course. Unfortunately, even without any malicious intent, a lot of what we do is considered trespassing." Handing back the phone, Claire said, "You're lucky you don't get yourself hurt, or killed. Wait a second, your aches! Are they from - " "They're not sore from running, I promise," Ethan said, seeing where her question was leading. "I know my body and I know my limits. For the sakes of our bodies and our sport, free-runners tailor their styles to cater to their own personal strengths." Claire still looked like she had some doubt, but seemed a little bit more at ease. "Also, since I spend so much time on abandoned, run-down property, I have a history of vandalism." This got him another surprised look from the squirrel girl. "You've seen my art. All day long I study the world; I see the beauty in it, and I see the ugly parts as well. I figure if I can capture the image of just some of that beauty, and use it to cover up the ugly, then I've made the world a better place. Again, unfortunately, the law says that I'm doing wrong, though I don't hear anybody complaining. If I get a misdemeanor and have to pay a fine, so be it. Money is only money. Happiness is priceless." Claire nodded, accepting Ethan's reply. "I agree, and to some extent, I understand. I'm not artistic, not by a long shot, and I know that I don't see the world the same way that you do. But I respect what you've told me, and I appreciate your honesty. Most guys wouldn't tell a girl they're trying to date that they've had troubles with the law; especially not after the girl says that her father is a cop. So, thank you, Ethan. And for the record, I like the rebels! So, now that you know about mine, tell me about your family." "Not much to say. My parents died in a plane crash five years ago. Everyone was amazed that I escaped relatively uninjured. Dad was a professional boxer, my mom didn't have to work, but went everywhere with him. My grandparents were on that plane, also. Now, I live with my Uncle Walter, my Aunt Tatiana, and my two cousins, Sveta and Illya. I'm not sure why, but they act like I'm not welcomed; trying to talk to Walt just makes things worse. So I spend the majority of my time anywhere but home, and I only go back to sleep and change clothes." "Oh my god, Ethan, that's terrible! I'm sorry to hear," Claire said placing a paw on the raccoon's should as a gesture of comfort. She could feel her heart breaking thinking about how rough his life must have been. "Don't feel sorry, I'm actually pretty happy with how things are now. Yeah, I miss my parents, but if life had happened differently, then I might not have ended up right here, right now, talking to the most amazing woman I've ever met." Claire blushed a deep pink hue at the compliment, and was about to respond when she noticed Ethan's gaze had shifted elsewhere in the courtyard. Following his eyes, she saw the Navy blue and Merlot red letterman jackets of four of members from the varsity football team walking in their direction. She recognized the players as Sean Blackwell, a leopard and starting quarterback; Trevor Hendricks, a warthog and starting left tackle; Chase Owens, jackrabbit and slot receiver; and a lumbering ox, literally, named Jason Reynolds, the nose tackle. Claire and Ethan sat in silence as the football players approached, then stopped at the adjacent alcove to bother someone else. Ethan raised his index finger and pursed his lips, making a "shhhhh" gesture at Claire. The nervous eyes of sixty or so outcasts were fixed on the bullies, and the unfortunate soul that was their target. "Where's my lunch, kid?" came a greasy, cocky voice. Ethan assumed it was Sean, the quarterback and obvious leader of the group. He could faintly hear the reply, not well enough to make out the words, and he thought the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't be certain. "Goddammit, kid, you know that on Tuesdays the cafeteria serves cheeseburgers, and that I'd rather have that instead of - Sniff - whatever this is!" Ethan saw a veggie burger get tossed out into the main court. "I need to eat, little mouse, the team and the school are counting on their QB. You don't want to let them down, do ya?" He could hear the other players chuckling, and a small squeak of a reply. Ethan looked at Claire with an expression of sadness, and mouthed "I'm sorry," before standing up and stepping out into the sunlight to address the aggressive jocks. Claire gave him a nod of understanding, nervousness painted across her pretty face. Sensing an imminent confrontation, the entire courtyard was now on edge, holding their collective breaths. "Hey guys, I was just wondering," Ethan began, causing the four athletes to turn their attention toward him, "how picking on one helpless kid and taking his lunch helps the team win. I mean, aren't you guys oh-and-two so far?" Ethan caught the glint of sunlight reflecting off a pair of lenses, and peeking into the dark nook, realized their victim was Wendell, his lab partner. Sean gave Ethan a menacing glare. "Stay out of this, trash-digger," he threatened, referring to the old stereotype that raccoons scrounged their meals from garbage cans. The warthog and ox stepped forward, blocking Ethan from interfering between the nerdy mouse and the quarterback. The jackrabbit was behind them, jeering. "Get the fuck out of here and mind your own business, or you'll be next!" "Come on then, four-on-one's not exactly fair, but if you're ok with it, so am I," Ethan replied. For the second time that day, Ethan was thankful that his father had been a boxer. He saw the ox - Jason - grit his teeth and clench his fist. The smaller jackrabbit - Chase - had shifted his weight to the left side, and was scanning the area around where Ethan stood. Trevor, the warthog, was spreading his arms out and getting into a semi-crouched stance. Suddenly, the three acted at once. The entire courtyard, and all of the students now pressed up against the glass windows inside the cafeteria, flinched at what about to come. When Bill Black was still alive, one of his greatest joys was teaching his son about boxing. Being a smaller mammal, Bill's style focused not so much on beating up his opponent, but rather wearing them down through solid defense and quick feet. Ethan not only knew how to take a punch, but also how to read the "tells" of an opponent to predict what was coming. The warthog rushed forward to catch Ethan in a bear hug, while the jackrabbit came around to block off any attempt to escape, and the ox threw a right cross. Ethan deftly side-stepped the lunge and moved into the path of the jackrabbit. He gave the surprised bunny a firm nudge, redirecting him into the bear hug that had been intended for him. Chase and Trevor, caught off-guard by the swift maneuvers, stumbled back a step, and Trevor caught the brunt of Jason's punch across the left side of his face. Sean turned his attention from Wendell, seeing his teammates having trouble with the raccoon. Knowing that he only had a matter of minutes before a faculty member arrived to break things up, the leopard called his lackeys away. "Morons. This isn't over, you two," he growled, looking first at Wendell, then back at Ethan. As the four of them walked toward the courtyard doors, Sean threatened, "You picked the wrong fight, 'coon. Watch yourself." Ethan turned his attention back to his lab partner. Kneeling down, he asked, "Hey, you alright?" Wendell was on the verge of tears, and was trying to gather up his belongings, strewn about the alcove by his tormentors. Claire came around to stand behind Ethan, her hand reassuringly placed on his shoulder, before they both knelt down to help the terrified mouse. Once all of his papers, notebooks, and textbooks were all picked up and put away, Wendell wiped his eyes dry and choked out a meager, "Thank you." "Don't mention it," Ethan smiled comfortingly. "Those guys are assholes. If you want, you can start sitting with me at lunch. Oh - by the way - Wendell, this is Claire. Claire, this is my new friend and lab partner, Wendell." The raccoon and squirrel sat down beside the mouse, and Ethan held out the remainder of his block of cheese. "Here, you can have the rest of my lunch, if you want it. I saw what they did to yours." As he offered, Ethan could feel Claire's left paw, affectionately stroking up and down along his spine. Despite Ethan's record, the fact that he was willing to stand up to four bullies on his own to protect another kid was all the confirmation Claire needed that he was a good guy. "Thanks," Wendell squeaked timidly, with a remarkably feminine voice for a guy, accepting the offering meekly. After taking a few bites, Wendell spoke again. "Why'd you do it? You don't even know me." "It was the right thing to do. Besides, you looked like you could use a friend, and other than Claire, I don't have any friends here, either," Ethan replied candidly. "How long has this been going on for?" "Since last year, when I was a freshman," the mouse almost whispered. "This is the first time I've seen them picking on you, and the first time you've come to the courtyard for lunch. Why today? Why hide in the alcove next to mine?" Ethan was curious to know. He knew he was right; he spent the majority of his time watching and listening. If Wendell and his bullies had been in the courtyard previously, Ethan wouldn't have missed it. He stared down the shy mouse, making it obvious that he'd be able to tell if the next words out of the mouse were truthful or not. Wendell's paws trembled as he worked up the courage to come clean. "I followed you here," the mouse mumbled. "I - I hoped that you would step in and help me. I noticed when we were partnered in Chemistry that you're in pretty good shape," Wendell blushed at that confession. "I also noticed that most days in class, you just sit quietly and draw on yourself. When I did most of the work in the lab, I figured I could exchange my help with the class for your protection," the mouse was staring at the concrete floor, tears now running down his cheeks. "You wanted to use me, then," Ethan retorted. He noticed Claire sitting to the side, watching their exchange intently, not getting involved but seeing how events played out. Wendell nodded; his scheme had backfired in his face. "Now four football players have me in their sights. That hardly seems fair now, does it?" "I'm sorry!" Wendell wailed, catching the attention of several nearby students. "I didn't know what else to do!" "You could have asked," Ethan said, sympathetically. "Wendell, I'm sorry, but I can't accept your offer. I don't need help in any of my classes; I have an A in Chemistry right now. Today, I was just daydreaming." He made a gesture toward the pretty squirrel, who blushed at the compliment. "Plus, trading tutoring for protection just feels wrong." Ethan stood up, and Wendell sighed. "It's okay, I understand," the little mouse stated, feeling defeated. "But," Wendell looked up, wondering what the raccoon was going to say next, "it wouldn't be wrong to protect a friend if they needed it." A black paw reached down, extended in invitation. "Can we be friends?" Ethan asked. Taking the offered paw, Wendell allowed himself to be pulled to his feet to stand face-to-face with Ethan and Claire as the bell rang, signaling the end of fourth period lunch. Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Yes!" the mouse excitedly squeaked. Wendell could hardly believe how this lunch break had worked itself out. Letting go of Ethan's hand, Wendell turned and gave Claire a hug. "Thank you so much! Both of you!" Slipping his arms through the shoulder straps of his backpack, Wendell walked with Claire and Ethan back inside. "Where can I meet you after school?" "I'll be in the gymnasium until 5:00, when Claire's volleyball practice is over," Ethan answered, giving his new friend a pat on the shoulder. "Keep your head up; everything's going to be fine." As they exited the cafeteria into the school hallway, Wendell gave them both a wave good-bye, and went his own way to fifth period. "So you're just inviting yourself to my volleyball practice, huh?" Claire teased. "Well, you caught me spying, so there's no sense in hiding anymore," Ethan joked. "Besides, my back hurts a little too much to climb up onto the roof today." "Well, I'll have to give my heroic new boyfriend a backrub sometime soon. That was really sweet what you did, by the way," Claire told Ethan, pulling him toward her and giving him an affectionate peck on the cheek. "You're something special, Ethan." It took a moment for Claire's comment to register. "Boyfriend? Are you sure you don't want to get to know me better first?" Ethan asked, nervously. His stomach was in knots, and his heart was threatening to leap forth out of his rib cage. For a fleeting second, he envisioned the chest-burster from Aliens. "I know all of the most important stuff already! Obviously, family is important to you, since it was the first thing you asked me about. You're honest, otherwise you wouldn't have told me about your trespassing and vandalism record. You take good care of your body," she gave him a flirty once-over, "really good care. You do right by others, even if they don't do right by you. You see things differently than anyone else I know. And I know that when you look at me, it's like you're seeing me for the first time. So yes, if you want to be my boyfriend, I'd be happy to be your girlfriend." "Nothing would make me happier," Ethan smiled back, holding out his paw. Entwining her right arm around his left, Claire leaned her head over onto his shoulder and the new couple walked the rest of the way to U.S. History class together.

Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Mr. Black, could you please stay after class for a couple of minutes?" Ms. Waters asked as the students began their usual exodus from the classroom, ready to be done with the school day. "What's up, Ms. Waters?" Ethan asked as he approached the front of the room. "Is something wrong?" "Sit, please, we need to talk," she requested, motioning toward the seat in front of her desk. As Ethan took his place, Amelia sat on top of her own desk. She shifted her hips back and forth, intentionally causing her skirt to creep up a few inches. Ever since their encounter at the laundromat last night, the beautiful otter woman had been unable to get her student out of her mind. She'd gone home from washing her clothes and masturbated furiously, thinking about the younger raccoon's scent. At one point, the sexy teacher's favorite vibrator's batteries had died, and she switched over to using a more realistic, cock-shaped latex dildo. It was eight inches long, two inches wide and the color of onyx; and after indulging in her fantasies last night, earned the name "Mr. Black." As she crossed her left leg over top of her right, her lips brushed against each other and her abused clitty. She shuddered at the exquisite pain, and for a fleeting second she allowed herself to slip back into her fantasy. She shouldn't allow herself to feel this way, but she was unable to control it. Amelia wasn't even sure what she was going to say: the teacher in her knew that a relationship with one of her students could get her fired, maybe even jailed, but the woman in her demanded that she make him hers. Feeling her face flushing and the dampness forming down in her nethers, Amelia took a deep breath to get composed. "Last night, when we were talking at the laundromat, you mentioned that you had a talk with a girl you have a crush on," she met Ethan's gaze for a second, and he gave a quick nod. Sensing her strength to resist her urges beginning to fade, she had to glance away before continuing. "You also said that you think she likes you back. I know for a fact that this lucky girl feels the same way about you. And today, for the first time this school year, you were attentive in class, and even now, at the end of the school day, you still haven't rolled up your sleeves and drawn on yourself." Ethan looked at his uniform, uncharacteristically unmussed for this time of day. He didn't want to hurt the teacher's feelings, or raise any suspicion, but his midsection still hurt too much. Drawing the Sharpie tattoos on his left arm usually meant a lot of pressing his elbow against his side. It wasn't a behavior he intended to discontinue anytime soon, since it helped him learn and allowed him to express his creativity. His attention was drawn back to Ms. Waters as she continued, uncrossing her legs and turning to face him. The otter's stunning legs were now hanging over the edge of desk, and Ethan could clearly see up her skirt. His eyes travelled up her thighs, coming to rest at the sight of the same lacy light blue thong with pink ribbons she had dropped on the floor last night - and a large wet spot on the crotch. Ethan's mouth was partly agape, and he found himself subconsciously licking his lips. The smell of her arousal drifted to his nostrils, filling him with desire and need. His mouth was absolutely watering, and he felt his member stiffening. He gulped hard, swallowing the copious amounts of saliva. The raccoon jumped slightly as he felt her stockinged feet sliding along the insides of his thighs, intersecting at the bulge in his trousers. "M-Ms. Waters?" Ethan panted. "Call me Amelia, Ethan," his teacher cooed. "Amelia, w-why are you doing this?" his voice cracked. The sexy otter leaned forward on her desk. "Because, Ethan, I want to. I want you," she whispered huskily, their muzzles mere inches from touching. Her eyes burned with pure, unbridled passion, and Ethan's dick strained against his clothing and the soles of his teacher's feet. He was the hardest he'd even been in his entire life, and what he was about to do was even harder. "Amelia, I-I can't. I want to, God, do I ever," Ethan pleaded. "But my girlfriend - " In an instant, Ms. Waters went from flush with arousal to pale with terror. "G-girl... friend?" she meekly asked. "You have a girlfriend, Ethan?" She felt like a complete idiot! "Then the girl you were talking about last night...?" Realizing she still had her feet on Ethan's groin, she quickly pulled them away and scooted back on her desk. "Asked me out today, on lunch," Ethan finished. "Claire Summers. I've had a crush on her for two years now, and we just started talking. We had an amazing conversation yesterday after volleyball practice, and today in the courtyard. Even though I wanted to give her more time to get to know me better, she decided that I should be her boyfriend." "So you just started dating, then," Amelia mused. "It's not serious yet?" Claire was in her third period class for English. Maybe, just maybe, her chances with Ethan weren't as limited as she'd thought. Ethan shook his head and replied, "But I'd like it to be." "So, what if you were still single?" Her left toes wiggled enticingly in their nylon enclosure, recapturing his attention. "We'd be rutting on your desk right now," Ethan answered truthfully, an apologetic expression on his face, "but I could never do anything to break Claire's heart. Ever." "Well, then, Mr. Black, here's what I propose," Amelia straightened her skirt, and then leaned forward and adjusted his navy-and-merlot striped tie. "You take that girl. You make her a woman - your woman - and you make her scream your name. If she's not smart enough to make you happy, then you come back here and see me." She put her right paw up her skirt and pressed her panties up into her pussy, liberally coating the lacy undergarment with her juices, drowning them with her scent, and then pulled them down her legs and off. She balled the thong up and stuffed it into the left front pocket of his trousers, her claws dragging along the length of his shaft as she pulled her paws away. "In the meantime, you hold on to those, so you don't forget the offer."

Ethan walked into the school gymnasium almost thirty minutes after the start of practice, earning a reprimanding glare from his girlfriend and curious stares from the rest of the squad. He quickly spotted Wendell sitting alone up in the bleachers, and made his way along the wall around to sit beside his friend. "What's he doing here?" Josie said, arms crossed, unintentionally accentuating her ample bosom. "First the Nerdy the mouse, and now Doodles, the autistic raccoon! Great." Ethan stopped, and regarded the team captain coldly, a snarl forming on his lips, and was about to respond before Claire came to his defense. The squirrel rushed to his side holding him close, her left paw on his chest reassuringly, and she whispered, "I'll handle this." "He's not autistic, Josie, and you know it! Ethan's my boyfriend, and Wendell's my friend. They're going to walk me home after practice," Claire explained. "Besides, nobody attends our games besides our families - we should encourage our friends to come to our practices and games, too. If we can get a solid enough home crowd, we could give ourselves a nice advantage!" "I don't like it one bit," the tigress growled. Coach Pryde broke up the argument, taking Claire's side. "Josie, that's enough! If they want to attend practice, and aren't being disruptive, it's fine with me. And Claire's right - we should all be encouraging our loved ones to attend our games. We look pathetic out there without any support in the stands! Furthermore, your comment was completely out of line, missy! Twenty-five laps, now!" The young tigress roared in the way that spoiled children tend to do when they don't get their way, and stomped off several yards before finally breaking into a jog. Felicity Pryde turned her attention back to Ethan and spoke. "I'm sorry about that, boys. You're both welcome to stay and watch our practice, as long as you can behave yourselves." Putting her whistle between her lips, the lioness blew hard, a shrill tweet snapping the girls back to attention. "All right, ladies! Until Josie gets done with her punishments, it's five-on-five! Claire, as co-captain, you sit out for now and take notes on how they do!" "You're late, babe," she said in mock anger, playfully pulling his head down and biting his ear. "Sorry, teacher problems," Ethan shrugged. "Ms. Waters?" Claire cocked an eyebrow, and Ethan nodded. "Is everything okay?" "For now, yeah, I think so," he replied, and she relaxed. "CLAIRE! Now!" Coach Pryde roared. "I gotta go, sweetie," Claire pouted, and gave Ethan a smack on his ass as she ran back to her team. "Enjoy the show!" she called back. Ethan made his way up into the bleachers to sit next to Wendell, who had been working on his Trigonometry homework before the disruption. "Hey, Ethan!" the mouse smiled up at him, speaking in his soft, feminine voice. "Hey Wendell, how are things going?" "Good, just working on the last bit of my homework. But since you're here now, and it's almost done, I'll just finish it later," as if emphasizing his point, he closed up the textbook and notebook, and put everything away into his backpack. "Ethan?" "What's up?" The raccoon was watching the on-court activity. Anna continued to dominate at the serving line, but, being the second tallest member of the team, was also a solid presence at the net, doing a great job of blocking. Shyara, the sugar glider, was also impressive, and despite her diminutive stature, had the best vertical clearance. Even with Claire on the sideline, her chosen squad from yesterday's practice was mopping the floor with Josie's team. Ethan also felt a twinge of selfish gratification as the haughty tigress continued to trot around the gym. Every time she passed the boys, she shot them the most evil eyes she could manage. "It's good to see that wench taken down a peg or two," Ethan smiled to himself. "Since we're friends, do you mind if I ask you a couple of... personal questions?" the timid boy asked. "I don't mind, but it depends on the question. I'll let you know if it's something I don't want to talk about," Ethan responded. "What's on your mind?" "Well, I was wondering... How... How do you do it? I mean, I've seen you around school for these past few weeks, and you just sit, and watch, and listen. You don't read. You don't study. It's like everything you do just comes to you naturally. How is it that you can have straight A's like that? I mean, I'm almost considered to be a genius, and even I have to crack open a book sometimes," the mouse was stroking his tail nervously, afraid that he was going to offend the first friend he'd made since starting at Chimera Prep. "Honestly?" Ethan arched his eyebrows, pondering the question. "I wish I knew, Wendell. If I did, maybe I could pass some tips on to other people. If I think something is really important, I may write it down - sometimes just writing it once helps. But for me, personally, I learn best through observation and experience; no textbooks or manuals have ever taught me anything." And their conversation went on. Wendell kept asking Ethan a series of questions, Ethan would answer certain ones, and decline to answer other, especially the ones about his family. Wendell asked about his relationship with Claire, and Ethan explained that they had just become an item that day. Finally, with a loud gulp, Wendell mustered the courage to ask a question that had been on his mind since Ethan sat down. "Ethan?" the mouse's soft, feminine voice trembled. "Yes, Wendell?" the raccoon casually responded, though not without noticing his friend's nervousness. "Why does your backpack smell like pussy?" the mouse squeaked, then clamped his paws over his muzzle. Wendell couldn't believe he'd just asked his new friend, someone he barely knew, such an intimate question! Ethan looked at his mousy friend for a moment, considering the best way to answer this particular question. "I was late getting to the gym, Wendell," he replied, "because I was detained by someone that wanted to rut with me. It took some effort, but I managed to convince her that I had a girlfriend and that it wasn't going to happen. Still, I managed to get some of her juices on my jacket." Ethan hoped that answer would satisfy his friend; his school blazer was, in fact, balled up in his backpack, in an attempt to mask the smell of his teacher's musk. Clearly, it was failing. Wendell muttered something that Ethan couldn't quite make out, but he thought it sounded like, "Lucky." The mouse was fidgeting with his tail, and shifting his hips uncomfortably. Suddenly, Ethan detected something about his new friend that caught him completely by surprise. "Wendell?" Ethan leaned forward, a playful grin on his face. "Why do you smell like pussy?" Wendell blushed a deep crimson, and in her softest, squeakiest voice, replied, "Wendy. My real name is Wendy..."

After practice, Claire and Shyara emerged from the locker room and walked over to the bleachers to meet up with Ethan and Wendell. The sugar glider bounded up the steps, and stood in front of Ethan, looking him up and down for a moment. Satisfied, she looked back over her shoulder at Claire, and exclaimed, "Damn, girl, you ain't kiddin'! He's delicious!" Ethan blushed a little at the Aussie's bold statement, and Wendell shifted nervously. Shyara and Claire burst out into a fit of uncontrolled laughter. Once she was able to calm down enough, Claire was clutching at her sides and gasping for breath. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, you two, but I wish you could have seen your faces!" She let out a relieved sigh, and continued, "Ethan, Wendell, this is Shyara Logan, my best friend. She's an exchange student from Brisbane, Australia. Shy-shy, this is my boyfriend, Ethan, and our friend, Wendell." "Hey." "Hi." Ethan and Wendell spoke and muttered, respectively, at the same time. Reaching out, Ethan took the exchange student's paw in his and gave it a firm shake. "It's great to meet you, Shyara." He was caught completely off guard when she used his paw to pull herself in close and wrap her arms around his chest. The sudden pressure around his torso caused the raccoon no small amount of pain, and he let out a small grunt unintentionally. "Call me Shy-shy, Ethan! Claire does. Ain't any sense in bein' all formal, since we're gonna be great friends! Same goes for you, Wendell!" the sugar glider positively bubbled over with energy, and gave the mouse a playful slap on the back. As Ethan recovered his breath, the girls gathered up their belongings. Once everyone had retrieved their things, and they were outside, Ethan asked, "Okay, so I'm walking everyone home, I take it? Where do we all live?" "Valley View," Claire chimed, "not far from the fire department." "Cedar Ridge," Shyara answered, with a cock of her head. "Down by the post office." "I'm a few houses down from the Chinese restaurant on Maplewood," Wendell answered shyly. "Hmmm, and I live on Walnut Trail," he paused for a moment, sorting out the logistics." Okay, Claire, you live the closest to the school, so we'll drop you off first, especially since you have your 5:30 curfew. Then you can do your homework, eat your dinner, and whatever else you need to do. By the time I drop off Shyara and Wendell, you should hopefully be free and we can talk on the phone. That reminds me, I need to get your number - I'll do that in a second. Shyara, I'll drop you off next, since you're kind of out of the way." The sugar glider made an apologetic "o" face, but then Ethan reassured her by saying, "No, no, it's okay, I don't mind, really. I'd rather not be home, anyway. Wendell, you live closest to me, and I know your homework is just about done, so I'll walk you home last, if that's fine with you?" He looked at the mouse, and got an affirming nod. "Don't worry, this arrangement is only temporary. My uncle decided to take my car away for a day to prove a point. Let's go, we've got to get Claire home soon!" With that plan in mind, the quartet set off down the sidewalk leading from the grounds of Chimera Prep. "Give me your phone," Claire told Ethan, and he pulled out his Android and unlocked the screen. She quickly dialed her own number, and Ethan heard her ringtone coming from her pocket. If he wasn't mistaken, it sounded like "Midnight City". "M83?" Ethan asked, "Nice." "Thanks! Yeah, I love that song," she continued to play with his phone for another moment before handing it back. "There you go, babe. Check your contacts. Wendell, let me use your phone for a minute." As Ethan pulled up his contacts screen, he heard Claire's ringtone go off again. Scrolling through the names in his database, he didn't see an entry for "Claire". He saw that she had also added Shyara's info to his phone. He kept scrolling until he spotted a listing that wasn't there before. The first name was "You Have No Idea," and the last name was "What You're Getting Into." He smiled - probably the biggest smile he'd made since his parents died - and looked over to his girlfriend as she passed the mouse back his - her? - phone, and saw Claire's eyes twinkling with playful mischief. "Call my phone, Wendell," Ethan requested. "Five-five-five, six-one-nine, one-one-one-eight." A second later, his phone went off, the sound of Mudvayne's "Fall Into Sleep" playing until he rejected the call, and added Wendell's profile to his contacts. Wendell was doing the same thing for him. After he put his phone back in his pocket, Claire reached out and took his paw in hers, and they walked together while Wendell and Shy-shy strayed a short distance ahead. "So what happened with Ms. Waters today?" Claire asked. "You said you 'think everything is ok for now'; what does that mean?" Ethan sighed. He didn't want to lie or keep secrets from his new girlfriend, but he also didn't want to get his favorite teacher into any trouble either. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he confessed what happened this afternoon, "First of all, please don't get mad at Ms. Waters, it was a misunderstanding on her part. She and I had a chat yesterday after school about my in-class participation, and then I ran into her at the laundromat last night. We had a great time hanging out and chatting, and time flew by. I told her that I had a conversation earlier with a girl I had a crush on - you - but didn't say who it was, and I guess she thought I was referring to her. Anyway, she dropped a really skimpy thong on the floor by mistake, and didn't notice, so I pointed it out to her. Needless to say, she was incredibly embarrassed, but I also think it turned her on. I didn't want to say anything to embarrass her further, but when we hugged good-bye, I could smell her arousal." Ethan paused for a moment to meet his girlfriend's eyes, and saw her looking back at him with a stern expression. "Go on. What happened this afternoon?" "So again, she asks me to stay after class, and she tells me to have a seat at the desk right in front of hers. She tells me that she knows that the girl I have a crush on likes me back, but the thing is, I never told her it was you, so she must have meant herself. Then, she sat down on her desk right in front of me, and I know she wanted me to see up her skirt, because she was wearing the exact same panties I saw her drop last night! The front of them was drenched with her desire, and her smell almost knocked me out of the chair! The next thing I know, she has her feet pressed up against my crotch, and she's massaging my dick with her feet through my slacks." "Was it hard? Your dick, not the situation," Claire's eyes narrowed as she asked. "Honey, I'm sorry! Yes, I was so stiff it was torture," Ethan's eyes were cast downward as he admitted this. "But I refused her. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do, but if I had to choose, I'd take holding your hand over ravishing her body every time." "Good choice," the sexy young squirrel teased, before she added "if I wasn't there to watch you rut into her, I'd have been furious!" Ethan looked at his girlfriend, dumbfounded. "Wait - what? You mean you - " "I mean I want to share you," Claire told him. "If you're open to the idea, that is. I'm also attracted to women, and there may be some times when I might want to get involved. But I have a huge voyeuristic streak." "You're serious, aren't you?" Ethan's mind was reeling at what he was hearing. Claire took her boyfriend's paw that she was holding and guided it down the front of her skirt and panties. She maneuvered his middle finger down her slit and pulled his hand to her body, grinding her mound against him. She only did it for a few seconds, letting a soft whimper of pleasure escape at the contact, but Ethan's fingers were slick with her nectar. Removing his paw, she then lifted his honeyed fingers up in front of his face. Without her having to tell him, he craned his neck forward and sucked them clean. Fireworks went off in Ethan's brain as he relished his first taste of a woman's cunny; he noted that Claire's scent was different from Amelia's, or Wendy's, and imaged that their tastes would be just as varied as their aromas. God, he was hooked already! "Does that answer your question, sexy?" the little sexpot asked. "It does," Ethan replied, still licking his lips, searching out the last remaining tastes of his girlfriend. "And I have got to be the luckiest guy in the world to have you for my girlfriend! But I'm not done telling you about Ms. Waters. She rubbed her pussy all over her panties to cover them with her scent, and gave them to me. Then, before I left, she made me promise that if you and I ever don't work out, I'd give her a chance." "Did you mean it?" "God, help me, yes, I did," Ethan admitted. "Before yesterday, she was the only person in my life that seemed to give a damn about me. She really does mean alot to me, and I felt awful for hurting her today." "Well, then, the solution is simple enough. First, give me those panties - your story got me so horny that I need to know what Ms. Waters smells like!" While Ethan retrieved the aforementioned underwear, Claire continued talking. "Second, I'll have to make sure that Ms. Waters knows that she is welcome to join us, as long as she can accept that you are mine." She took the thong from Ethan and held it up under her nose, breathing in her teacher's womanly fragrance. "Mmmmmm, oh my god, I can tell why you got so hard! She smells divine!" As she handed the otter's pussy-stained thong back to him, Ethan asked, "So have you ever - uhm - you know?" "What, had sex?" Claire guessed. "With a guy, or a girl?" "Either," Ethan answered. "Nope," Claire truthfully responded. "I'm still a virgin. Not even toys, just my fingers. Cherry's still intact." Ethan's mind was reeling at what she was saying, "How many people have you made out with?" If his mind was spinning before, it was completely unprepared for what she said next: "Only Shy-shy. And she calls dibs on you next after you take me." Claire's tail curled around his waist from behind, and she molded her body against his side. "I mean it, Ethan. Shyara's yours, if you want her. But she's part of the deal. If you say 'no', then I need to find another guy like you, willing to say 'yes.' Do you have any idea how long it's taken me to find a guy as nice, honest, athletic, and sexy as you at Chimera? Up until now! Two years! I'm not waiting two more, mister!" She practically growled. Up ahead, Shyara and Wendell stopped in front of a large Victorian home. The mailbox said "Summers", so Ethan deduced they had arrived at Claire's house. Suddenly, the sexy teen switched gears on Ethan and, in her most innocent, sweetest voice possible asked, "What about you, Ethan? Have you ever kissed a girl? Have you ever had - " she paused and made an ashamed face " - intercourse?" Holding back the biggest Cheshire grin, Ethan took his girlfriend in his arms, looked down in her eyes, and truthfully replied, "No, ma'am. No I haven't." At that moment, Shyara came bouncing up to the couple, and threw her arms around them, including herself in the hug. "Shy-shy," Claire said, "I think we may have a problem." "What's that, hon?" "It seems my boyfriend has never even kissed a woman, let alone made love to one," Claire was putting on a show for her companions. "How is he supposed to take our cherries if he doesn't know what he's doing?" she said, making a pouty face. "What? You ain't serious! A delicious specimen like this has to have knocked up at least a dozen women by now!" She got up onto her tip-toes to compensate for their considerable height difference, and looked Ethan square in the eyes. "Do you swear you ain't lyin' to us, Ethan?" "I promise, ladies," Ethan played along, "I've never kissed or had sex with a woman before." Two hands pulled at the back of his head, bringing him down to where he was level with a tippy-toed Shyara, and two muzzles nipped and licked at his earlobes, one at each side. "Good," purred Claire huskily. "Because we -," Shyara added with a sultry whisper, a little added force to her bite at "we." "- are going to -" Claire was almost moaning with lust. "- teach you everythin' -" Shy-shy bit harder this time; Ethan was picking up on a fetish here. '- you need to know -" Claire whimpered with need into his ear. "- to make us beg -" Ethan wondered if maybe Shyara had just pierced his skin this time. "- for more!" the two girls purred in unison, his ears getting the message in stereo. While his ears were teased with teeth and tongues, his chest was the victim of the wandering caresses of their soft, delicate paws, and his thighs the target of the needy, lusty grinding of two teenage cunnies. "Oh, look, here comes my mom!" Claire exclaimed happily. "I'm so glad she got home while you were here so you could meet her!" The two girls let Ethan go and straightened out the wrinkles in their skirts as the red Chevy Malibu pulled closer to the house. As Mrs. Summers pulled into the garage, she waved at Claire and her friends. A moment later, she emerged from the front door of the house and walked down the path to talk to the kids at the fence. "Hi, mom!" Claire called out as her mother approached them. Looking at the elder Summers woman, Ethan could tell where his girlfriend got her good looks from. Both women were stunning American Red Squirrels, with silky strawberry-blonde fur. "Guys, this is my mom, Laura. Mom, you've already met Shyara, and that's my friend, Wendell," she pointed to the long-neglected mouse, standing over by the mailbox, "and this is Ethan, my new boyfriend! I was telling you about him yesterday!" Laura held out a paw over the fence for Ethan to shake, which he gladly accepted. "It's very nice to meet you Ethan! You too, Wendell! Claire's told me so much about you, you sound like a wonderful young man. You know, you're actually the first boy she's ever brought home," Claire had already admitted as much, but that didn't make her doting mother's statement any less embarrassing. "If she likes you enough to introduce you, I'm sure you and I will get along fine. I should just warn you about her father," Laura looked him in the eyes, and explained, "he's a little old-fashioned. He has his rules, and he is very protective of his baby. You're going to have to work to earn his trust." Ethan paid attention to every word coming from the woman's mouth, "Don't worry, Mrs. Summers, she's worth it!" "Okay, Claire, it's 5:30, let's get inside so you can do your homework and I can start on dinner before your father gets home," turning away, Mrs. Summers called back as she left, "It was nice to see you again, Shyara! Wendell, it was nice to meet you! Ethan, it was lovely to meet you, but remember what we talked about, and good luck!" Giving Ethan a quick peck on the cheek, Claire said, "Bye, babe. Be careful, and thank you for the most amazing day ever. I'll call you around eight?" "Yeah, that'd be great," I'll have Shyara and Wendell home by then. And no, really, thank you. Today was beyond description." Claire gave Ethan one more quick peck, this time on the lips. "That doesn't count as a kiss, by the way, no tongue! But soon, very soon, I promise! Bye, Wendell! Bye, Shy!" Turning away, she ran inside the house behind her mother and closed the door.

With Claire safely at home, Ethan, Wendell, and Shyara continued along their way to the sugar glider's house. "You know, she's over the moon about you," Shyara told Ethan. "So if you don't really want the both of us, it's ok. I'm sure she'd understand." The exchange student was searching Ethan's face, seeking the same acceptance he had of Claire. "If it wasn't important to her, she wouldn't have asked," Ethan answered, seriously. "And I'm just as over the moon, as you called it, about her. If I'd have said 'no', it would have hurt her, and I could never do that." Ethan looked at Shyara, and gave her a warm smile. "You don't need to feel badly about our arrangement. You're beautiful, and funny. I've been attracted to Claire for two years, and today was better than all of my wildest fantasies wrapped up into one. Speaking on fantasies, what guy wouldn't dream of sharing a bed with not one, but two stunning beauties such as yourselves? I have no problems with our arrangement, Shy-shy; I'm sure that with a little more time, I'll be just as crazy about you." The Aussie girl seemed reassured by his answer, and wrapped her arms around his left bicep, holding him close as they walked. "Thank you, Ethan," she said softly. "But if you ever change your mind, just let me know and I'll step aside. You two are so perfect together." "You're welcome, and I wouldn't worry about it," Ethan said, giving her a soft kiss on the top of her head. "So while we walk, you want to tell me some about yourself?" Shyara gave a broad smile, and asked, "What do you want to know?" "Everything," he answered, honestly. "Okay, then! Let's see, I was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. Both of my parents are high-powered business execs that travel all the time, and I was raised by my Nanny, Debra, and home-schooled. When Deb retired, my parents wanted to hire someone new, but I wanted to have the chance to attend a school with other kids. There weren't any private schools in Australia good enough for my parents' standards, so I came to the states two years ago. I went to a school in Virginia for a bit, but I had some issues with one of my teachers - not somethin' I want to talk about right now. My parents weren't convinced of that school's ability to protect its students, so they transferred me up here at the start of the summer." Ethan nodded along, silently listening to the loquacious girl's story, "So, now I'm stayin' with a new host family, John and Cindy Powell, a middle-aged chipmunk couple. Their daughter, Holly, is away at college and they have an empty room. I met Claire at the mall back in June, and we've been inseparable ever since. You know I play volleyball, but I also swim and run track," Shy-shy stopped and let go of Ethan's arm for a moment to show off her well-toned leg muscles, then took hold of his paw and resumed their stroll. "My favorite subjects are the Math and Science classes. Once I graduate, I want to attend University and study to become an architect. You know the Sydney Opera House? It's that iconic buildin' that everyone sees and automatically thinks of Australia. Some day, I'd love to make somethin' that memorable." Ethan was surprised at this revelation; as much time as he spent running up, over, around, and through buildings, it was nice to meet someone that could share that sort of appreciation. "You're in pretty good physical shape, Shy-shy, I'll have to give you my personal tour of the architecture of Marblecliff sometime soon," Ethan offered, sensing an opportunity for them to bond more. While she probably lacked the acrobatic moves, he was sure she could run fast enough and clear most of the jumps. Shyara lit up at the offer, "Yes! I'd love that, Ethan! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She jumped up and down, clutching his paw in both of hers and jerking his arm. Again, he winced in pain as his tenderized muscles and bones moved against their own volition. Sensing she'd hurt him, Shyara calmed down a bit, and caressed his back soothingly. "Sorry about that. If you hadn't noticed, I tend to get a little excited," she shrugged, sheepishly. "What about you? What do you want to be?" "Oh, that's easy. Happy," Ethan smiled. "It's not that easy. Everybody wants to be happy, but so many people aren't," Shyara stated back calmly, like she was attempting to deliver a reality check. "Not everybody knows what they want, or how to get it," Ethan explained. "And you do?" Shyara challenged. "Yeah, I think I do," Ethan smiled. "I've always known what I've wanted, the question was always how to get it. After today, I think I've found my answer." "And what is it that you've always wanted?" Shyara pried. "That, my sexy sugar glider, is a conversation that Claire should be a part of," Ethan responded, kissing the back of her paw. "But believe me, you are a part of this dream, for as long as you want to be." Shyara seemed satisfied with that response, and the trio walked in relative silence for a few more minutes. Shyara broke the quiet, asking, "Ethan, what are you most afraid of?" Ethan thought for a few moments before replying. He knew the answer; his greatest fear was always at the forefront of his mind. He thought of losing his parents and grandparents in the plane crash, and of how he endured regular beatings from his uncle to draw attention from his aunt and cousins. He thought about this afternoon in the courtyard with the football players. His answer was simple. "I'm afraid of not being able to protect the people that I love the most." "Oh," Shyara answered, taking a moment to contemplate his response. "Shyara?" "Yes, Ethan?" "Same question for you," Ethan returned. "I... I'm afraid of goin' back home and being left alone again," Shyara spoke quietly, almost at a whisper. Looking back at him, she had tears in her eyes. "Ethan, I can't go back to bein' raised by a nanny! If my family can't be there for me, then I won't go back!" He stopped and placed his paws on her shoulders. "We'll deal with that when the time comes, Shy, I promise. Come here," he told her, pulling her in close and enveloping her in his strong arms. She could hear the pounding of his heart, and the calm, rhythmic breathing, and it soothed her. Suddenly, she felt him shift his weight and her legs were being swept from beneath her. "Just tell me where to go, and relax." "It's not much farther," the sugar glider murmured, snuggling her cheek up against his shoulder. "Two more stop signs, turn left at Cedar Ridge Court. It will be the fourth house on the left. Red bricks, green shutters. Two-Oh-Eight." She tousled his hair with her left paw. "Thank you, Ethan," she sighed.

"Thank you," Wendy muttered as they walked away from the house Shyara was staying at with her host family, "for not telling them about what happened in the gym." The shy mouse was stroking her tail fur, lost in thought. "It's not my place to say anything," Ethan said, placing his paw on Wendy's shoulder. "I actually felt bad about calling you out about it in the gym - I honestly thought that maybe it was because you and one of the players had snuck off for a quickie or something! I had no idea, seriously." "I... I'm glad that you found out," Wendy stated, looking back at Ethan as they walked. "You're the only person other than my dad that knows, not even my brother. It's a huge relief to have someone to confide in." "If you feel that way, Wendy, then I'm glad," was his reply. "If you want to talk about it, I don't mind. We're friends, so feel free to talk about whatever you want. I'm great at listening." Wendy was quiet for several minutes before she spoke again. "My mother died during childbirth. My dad and older brother, Vincent, raised me. Neither one had any experience with bringing up a girl. Since my dad was raising two children on his own, our budget was always tight, and all of my clothing was handed down from Vincent. The only clothes I had that were new were socks, shoes, and underwear, and even the underwear was the boys' style. I think my dad just felt awkward about having to wash girly panties. Which probably means it's a good thing I have A-cup boobs; I couldn't imagine him having to wash bras. But when I was in second grade, one of my classmates was being nosy and peeked under the bathroom stall, and my secret was discovered, or at least I thought it was. I never heard anything about it, but ever since that day, I've been terrified of using public restrooms, and I refuse to use the ones at school. But still, my situation makes it difficult to find friends. With nothing else to do, I focused a lot of my time and energy into studying, and that's how I skipped two grades." Ethan couldn't hide the surprised look on his face. "Two grade levels? You're a thirteen year old sophomore? That's impressive!" "Yep! And I attend Chimera on a full scholarship, too! My dad would never be able to pay their tuition rates, but I figured if I worked really hard and earned it myself, I could make him proud of me. What sucks is, even though I know he's proud, he's so tired from working all the time to make ends meet that it's difficult for him to show it." The pair walked along in silence the rest of the way back to Wendy's home. Walking up the steps to a big apartment building, Wendy fished out her key to the security door and let them in. She checked her mailbox, marked "O'Donnell", and pulled out a couple of envelopes - Ethan noticed "Overdue" was stamped on one of them - and they walked up a flight of stairs to a door with the letter "D" on it. Wendy turned the key in the lock and gave several firm shoves before the ill-fitted door slid open. Not wanting to wake her father up, she crept silently past the kitchen to find him sitting at the dining table in the small eat-in kitchen, eating a bowl of corn flakes. "Oh hey, Dad, you're awake! I made a friend at school today, and he walked me home. Ethan, this is my Dad. Dad, this is Ethan," Ethan walked over to the older mouse and held out his paw. "It's nice to meet you, sir." Accepting the greeting, Wendy's father said, "It's good to see Wendell finally bring a friend home. Call me Larry, son!" "It's ok, Dad, he knows! I told him everything on the way home. Well, mostly," the younger mouse quickly corrected herself. "But he knows that my name is Wendy, and about you and Vincent raising me as a boy." "You must be a special guy, Ethan, for Wendy to share secrets like those," Larry half-stated, half-warned. "Actually, Dad, he kind of figured it out on his own. We were already friends. But once he put two and two together, he didn't freak out. He's been very accepting," Wendy mussed Ethan's hair as she said this. "Oh yeah, here's the mail," she said, passing the envelopes. She opened the pantry and poked around for a minute, before asking, "Corn flakes for dinner?" "Either that or ramen, take your pick," Larry deadpanned. "Hey, is that Chinese place down the street any good?" Ethan asked. "It's the best in Marblecliff," Larry answered proudly. "Let's go there for dinner. I haven't eaten yet, either," Ethan saw the protest forming on Wendy's lips, and quickly cut her off. "It's my treat, to make up for you getting left out while Claire and Shyara talked my ear off. You're not allowed to say no." Ethan looked over at his friend's father and offered, "Larry, you want anything?" "Nah, Ethan, but thanks. I got a call that somebody phoned in sick tonight at the plant, and I have the chance to pick up some overtime," as he said this, he stood up from the table and placed his dishes in the sink. "You kids go and have a good time. Wendy, here." Larry slipped his daughter some money. "Get your brother some General Tso's chicken; that's his favorite. Ethan, nice to meet you, son. Have her home by eight." As they walked down the sidewalk toward the restaurant, Ethan spoke, "That was nice." Wendy replied, "Yeah, he's a good guy. He'd do anything for me and Vincent." "Yeah, it's pretty obvious in the way he smiles at you," Ethan said, "He might not have a lot of time with how hard he works, but it's obvious that he's proud of you. You're lucky. But that's not what I meant. I mean, it was good to see you comfortable. You were so happy, and alive, and... girly!" Wendy blushed at the comment, and looked at Ethan with wide, pleading eyes, "Do you really... think that?" "Of course I do. I liked seeing you like that. I'd love to see you like that more often," Ethan answered. He reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair back behind her ear. "But I can only be like that at home," Wendy complained. "Nobody else will accept me for who I am. Nobody else will accept me like you and Dad do." "Wendy," Ethan said, his voice firm, "Yesterday, you would have said that only your Dad would accept you. Today, you found out that you were wrong. But before more and more people can come to accept you for who you really are, you need to figure out who that person is." They walked into the restaurant, and placed their order. Wendy ordered the veggie fried rice, while Ethan had the beef and broccoli. Taking a corner booth, at the opposite corner from the windows, the pair ate a few bites - "Larry was right, the food was amazing!" - before resuming their conversation. "I have a question for you," Ethan said, "and feel free to tell me that you don't know, or that you don't want to answer, but before you say anything, I want you to consider your response carefully. I'm only asking to help you." "Okay," Wendy answered meekly, her eyes in her fried rice. "Do you identify yourself as being a boy, or a girl?" Wendy sat in silence for several minutes, absent-mindedly chewing her meal while Ethan at his. She didn't feel like a "Wendell," that name felt like a mask. She didn't like wearing her brother's old clothes, because they fit her oddly. She didn't like having to always try and speak in a lower tone of voice. She didn't like her boyish haircut. She didn't like... she didn't like that she wasn't girly enough to be like Claire or Shyara! "I feel like a girl. I want people to see me as a girl. Girls are pretty, and soft, and delicate. Boys are tough, and loud." "Not always, Wendy, not always," Ethan retorted. "People come in all types. There are manly girls and there are girly men, too. The important thing is that you find a way to be happy with who you are. Once that's out of the way, finding someone to be happy with gets easier." "Still, I want to be girly, like Claire and Shyara. I want you to look at me the same way you look at them," Wendy's eyes were pleading for his acceptance, tears welling up at the corners. "I can help you with the way you look. I'm no expert on ladies' fashion, but I'm sure Claire and Shy would be happy to help you find some outfits, and pick a new hairstyle, maybe even some new glasses or contacts." "Won't that be expensive?" Wendy doubted. "Doesn't matter. I get a $500 expense allowance every month from my inheritance. I only ever buy gas and some cheap meals, and maybe use $200 a month. Over the past six years, I think the account has enough to cover you," Ethan explained. "No way! Ethan, you can't! I could never! That's way too much money!" Wendy protested. "Did you hear me talking to Shyara? What I told her I was most afraid of?" Ethan fought back. Wendy nodded, and Ethan took her tiny paws in his. "I want to protect you. From society, from yourself. I won't let your fears hold you back from being the person you want to be. I won't let you keep suffering like you have been." The raccoon's voice was soft, but commanding. Wendy quickly realized she had lost the argument. "After we do this, do you think Claire and Shyara would share you with me? Do you think they'd help me, knowing that I want what they have?" Wendy pushed her glasses back against the bridge of her nose. "Do you think they'd be willing to share a bed with me? Do you think they'd accept another woman into your trio, and make it a foursome?" Ethan smiled at her, and wrapped her paws in his. "I can't speak for them, Wendy, I'm sorry. I know that I would, but it wouldn't be up to me alone. I know that after today, and getting to know you, that yes, I do have feelings that could become something more, something special, for you. But I also feel the same way about Shyara, and even more strongly for Claire -" Wendy bit her lip and tears started to well up in the corners of her eyes. "Please, don't look at me that way, it's just that my feelings for her started two years ago! Given some time, I'm sure that the potential is there for me to love you all equally. So, yes, Wendy, I accept you for whoever you choose to be. What becomes of the four of us is up to us to decide together." By now they had finished eating their dinner. Wendy went up to the counter and ordered her brother's dinner, but when she tried to pay for it, Ethan refused to let her. "Save it, just in case something happens and your dad needs it." Again, Wendy opened her mouth in protest, but Ethan cut her off. "Let me protect you, and your family. Please." When they got back to Wendy's building, they stood on the front steps for a few moments. To Ethan, it reminded him of the cliched awkward first date good-bye common in the movies. He had to admit though, he could feel himself falling, and not just in one direction. It was scary and exhilarating all at once. "I'm going to be calling Claire in a few minutes, do you want me to tell her your secret? I think that the sooner she knows, the more prepared she and Shyara can be for our eventual group chat." "If you think it would be best, then I trust you," Wendy said, in a very feminine voice. "Okay, is there anything else I should ask?" Ethan pulled the mouse girl in close for a hug, and kissed her forehead. "Wendy?" Ethan asked, holding her at arm's length and looking her in the eyes. "Earlier, when you were talking to your Dad..." "Yes?" Wendy asked, nervously. "You said that I know that your name is Wendy, and that he and Vincent raised you as a boy," Ethan continued. "Why didn't you just say that you 'are really a girl'?" Wendy covered her eyes and began sobbing, "Oh god! I'm so stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID! What the hell was I thinking!?" She was trying to tug herself away from Ethan, but his grip was too secure, and she felt him pull her close to his body again. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's okay, it's okay," Ethan whispered, soothingly. "I already told you, I accept you for whoever you choose to be. It doesn't matter to me if you're a herm or a girl."

Ethan was sitting on the roof of some furniture store, gazing out at the illuminated city skyline. The view wasn't the best, but considering his aching sides, which hadn't been given any rest all day with the amount of walking he'd done after school. Getting up onto the roof was easy, at least compared to some other buildings; he was able to get on top of the central air unit, and jump out far enough to grab on to the end of the retractable roof access ladder. He retrieved his phone from his trousers to call Claire, when, as if on cue, she called him. He burst out laughing when Beyonce's "Naughty Girl" started playing as her designated ringtone. "Mmmmmm, hello, sexy," the squirrel murred on the other end of the phone. "Why haven't you called yet?" "I was just getting my phone out when you called me. I had a very... interesting... conversation with Wendell," Ethan replied back. "You, Shy-shy, and I need to talk. Can we conference call her in?" "Is everything okay? Did something happen?" Claire asked, suddenly sounding concerned. "It's fine, really. I found out a few things about our new friend, is all. It won't change anything about our relationship unless we want it to," Ethan answered calmly. Feeling reassured, Claire, said, "Okay, good. You had me worried for a second. Yeah, give me a moment while I try and call her." Ethan heard a moment of silence while Claire was on the other line, calling up the third member of their threesome. "Eeeeeeetttttttttthhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn!" he suddenly heard in his ear, the boisterous greeting from his second girlfriend forcing him to hold the phone away from his head. "So, I heard you had some news about Wendell?" "Yeah, it really all started back in the gym," Ethan began. "He and I sat and talked for a little while you girls had your practice. The scent of Amelia's panties was strong enough that he caught a whiff, and he asked why I smelled like pussy." "Who's Amelia?" Shyara interrupted. "Ms. Waters," Claire answered. "Whaaaatttttt?!" Shyara practically shrieked in surprise, "Oh my god, I have to hear that story!" "I'll tell you about it later," Claire silenced her friend. "Go on, babe." "So after I told him about everything that happened, I notice another, slightly different, but still easily identifiable smell. So I asked him why he smelled like pussy, too. I honestly thought he was going to saw that he had snuck off for some fun in the locker room with one of the girls from the team," Ethan got ready to reveal his the first part of his friend's secret to his girls. "I had no idea that he was going to tell me that his real name was Wendy" He heard two audible gasps, followed by "Wow" and "Damn." "Yeah, no kidding. So when I got to her place, I met her dad. Great guy, really friendly and outgoing. He kind of reminded me of my dad, while he was still alive," Ethan paused for a second to reflect on days long since past. "Anyway, Wendy's mom passed away during childbirth, and Larry, the dad, had to raise her and her brother alone. Their apartment is small, cramped, and dilapidated, but full of love. You should have seen how different she was while she was there: talkative, energetic, comfortable, and happy!" "Awwwwwwww, poor Wendy," Claire sighed. "Larry ate a bowl of corn flakes for dinner, and was about to leave for work, so I offered to take Wendy to dinner at that Chinese place at the corner of Maplewood and Beech," Ethan continued. "Long Wok on Beech!" Shyara exclaimed. "Oh my god, they have the best Chinese anywhere!" "That's the one! And yes, they do!" Ethan responded, before getting on with his story. "While Wendy and I talked and ate, I told her that it was great to see that side of her, and that she should stop trying to hide who she is and just be herself." Both girls muttered their agreement on their ends as he kept talking. "When I asked her if she wanted the world to see her as a girl or as a boy, she told me that she want me to see her the same way I see the both of you. She wants to be included in our group." "Wow," Claire said. "That's a lot to take in." "Yeah," Shyara agreed. "Ain't no way I ever would seen that comin'." "I suppose we should talk about the rules of our arrangement," Claire said. "Like I told you earlier, Shy-shy and I are a package deal. If you date one of us, you date us both. That means that you can have us together, or individually. I have no problem being with another girl, and Shy-shy and I will probably have our times together without you, if you're not available, but we intend to give you all you can handle!" "That's more than fair enough," Ethan conceded. "But like I told you earlier, I want to be with you and watch you take Ms. Waters," Claire continued. She heard Shyara giggle. "I think women are beautiful, sensual creatures, and thinking about a warm, wet pussy makes me so hot. I told you that I have a voyeuristic streak, and as long as either Shyara or I can be there, I have no problems with you being with another woman. For as long as we have you, lover." Claire purred huskily into the phone, "Yours is the only dick I'm interested in, and we have no plans on bringing in any other guys." "Thanks, you two. You have no idea how lucky I feel to have such amazing women in my life. And I honestly feel that with our help, Wendy can be an important part in all of our lives. But here's an interesting question for you," Ethan interrupted. "While I was saying my good-bye to her, I pulled her in for an affectionate hug. While I did, I could feel something hard pressed against my thigh." "Oh my god! Wendy's a hermaphrodite!?" Shyara squealed, then realizing how loud she was being, asked in a more hushed tone, "Does she have balls? Is it big?" "I don't know about balls; I didn't ask, and for the few seconds it was pressed against me, she didn't seem that big. That may be why she sees herself as a girl. Does that bother either of you?" Ethan asked. "If it does, then the matter is settled." "I have to admit, I still have a hard time thinking of Wendell as 'Wendy', and that news doesn't help. Again, yours is the only cock I want, so if she does join us, she won't be putting it in my cunny," Claire answered. "I don't know about in any of my other holes, yet. Maybe if it isn't too big she could put it in my ass sometime. But we definitely need to do something to bring out her girly side if you want this to happen." "Already taken care of. I have a spending allowance, but I almost never use it," Ethan explained. "I was thinking I could take the three of you on a shopping spree, and you could give her a makeover. New clothes, new haircut, new glasses, new Wendy. And for the both of you, some sexy new stuff as well. After you have the chance to play dress-up with our new friend, and have the chance to see her in a new light, maybe you'll be more open to the idea. If not, that's fine." "That's fair," Shy-shy said. "But I gotta admit, the idea of you three triple-teaming me kinda gets me wet." "I'll see how I feel after I see the new Wendy," Claire said. "If she really is that happy when she's not trying to hide, it may be worth it, and I might like her enough to say yes to her joining. I still just have a hard time seeing past the shy, nerdy, mouse boy facade." "Trying is all I ask, babe" Ethan said, smiling to himself. "Thank you, girls." "Ethan," Shyara asked, "Now that we have Claire on the phone, can you tell us what you think you need to be happy?" She was referring to their earlier conversation during the walk to her home. "A family," Ethan answered, "I want a big family, with lots of children." "Any particular number in mind?" Claire asked. "As many as I can make," Ethan said. "Hmmmm, it's a good thing you have more than one woman, then!" Claire laughed. "Fuckin' hell, all this talk about pussies and cocks, and making a family, has got me horny as a dingo!" Shyara wailed. Ethan and Claire chuckled at their girlfriend's bold admission, before Claire spoke up, "That's ok, Shy, I've been sitting over here stroking my clitty ever since we first brought up Ms. Waters!" "You skank!" Shyara accused, laughing hysterically. "You shouldn't tell us about you jillin' yourself off unless we can be there to watch!" By this point, Ethan was practically shaking with sexual tension. "Shy-shy!" He laughed, but their words were having a serious effect on his libido. Ethan could feel his dick rapidly stiffening in his slacks, and loosened his belt. He slid his paw down the front of his boxers and curled his fingers around the shaft. He noticed that Claire was being quiet, but could make out faint, wet schluk-schluk sounds in the background. He mind raced at the thought that one of his girlfriends was fingering herself while on the phone with him! "Oh my god! You are a naughty skank!" Shyara exclaimed. "Two can play that game!" A second set of schluking sounds joined the first, and Ethan jumped, startled at the sudden vibration of his phone against his ear. "Mmmmmmm, you guys should check that," Claire purred huskily into the phone. Ethan swallowed hard, anxious to know what his girlfriend had just sent him. He pulled his phone away from his ear, and opened the message from Claire. His jaw dropped, and his eyes went wide. There, on his screen, were the puffy pink pussy lips of his sexy squirrel girlfriend. Her strawberry-blonde fur thinned at her opening, and was slicked with her fluids. She was using two of her fingers to spread herself open, her neatly filed claws painted pink. At the top of her slit, her clitty stuck out from its hood, coated with her girl cream, shining like a pearl from the camera flash. "Oh my god, Claire, that is so... hot!" Ethan panted, putting the phone back to his ear. His mind immediately rushed back to the walk home from school, and the way she tasted. He was now slowly working his shaft, stroking his thumb around his cockhead. "Holy shit, Claire honey, you're beautiful!" Shy exhaled softly. She let out a soft whimper as she pleasured herself. "I can hear Shy-shy's pussy squishing over here," Claire teased. "Tell me, Ethan, are you hard?" "Oh yes," Ethan groaned. "Are you touching yourself?" Shyara whispered. "Oh god, yes, I have to," Ethan confessed. "You two are too hot for me not to." "Show us," they both said at once, crumbling his resolve. Ethan lifted his butt off of the concrete roof and slid his pants and boxers down a little further. Grasping his steel-hard dick in his left paw, he held it out in front of him so that his fingers would not obstruct their view of the shaft. He activated the camera on his phone, and positioned the camera to fill as much of the picture as possible with as much of his cock as possible. Ethan was certain that he was turned on to the point that he'd actually swelled beyond his normal nine inches. He snapped the photo of his obsidian pillar and hit "Send." "Oh, fuck," Claire moaned into his ear. "That thing is huge!" "No it's not," Ethan chuckled, blushing at her compliment. "Horses and some other mammals supposedly have much larger." He knew he was above average, but he also knew he wasn't the biggest. "And they typically have larger bodies," Claire panted. "I'm going to have a hard, excruciatingly blissful time trying to take all of that in me. I'm actually thankful it isn't bigger!" "Crikey!" Shyara exclaimed. "I can't wait to get my paws on that!" "Your turn, Shy," Ethan said. "Let us see what you've got 'down under'." "Ok, gimme a sec," Shyara responded, and took the phone away from her ear. "Oh, he'll give you all the secs you need, sweetie," Claire teased, moaning as she continued her self-indulgence. The schluk-schlukking sounds in the background were getting louder and faster, and she was letting out small gasps and whines as her pleasure heightened. "Oooh!" she exclaimed, at the exact same moment Ethan felt his phone vibrate again. He anxiously fumbled with the touch screen, eager to see his other girlfriend's self-shot. Opening the attachment, his mouth watered at the sight of another pussy, this one surrounded by gray fur. Her fleshy folds were very different from Claire's and her outer lips were black, while her tunnel was a deeper, rosier pink than the squirrel's. Unlike Claire, the sugar glider had decided to spread herself to her lovers from behind, her paw reaching up from under her rear. Her clit wasn't as large as Claire's, but still peeked out shyly. Ethan did notice how wet she was, though. Her bed sheets were practically drenched from her arousal! Then suddenly, he heard Claire giggle in the background, and put the phone back to his ear. "Look who's calling who a skank! Shy, I can see your thumb stuck up your ass!" Ethan's eyes went wide and he quickly double-checked the image on his screen. Claire wasn't joking! Putting the phone back to his ear, he said, "You two are incredible. I've never been this hard in my life." "Mmmmmm, that's the point, babe," Claire cooed in his ear. "But enough talk. I need to cum now!" Shyara had never come back on the line, and he could hear both girls plunging their fingers into their soaking twats. "Oh yeah, that's it, like that, fuck me fuck me fuck me," Shyara was moaning off in the background. Ethan laid on his back and began pumping his cock furiously, his ears and his arousal being assaulted by the symphony of squeals on the other lines. "Yes, yes, Ethan, soon, baby, soon! Come on, come on," Claire was hoarsely panting. "Oh, god, Claire, Shy, fuck..." Ethan groaned back at them. His release was quickly approaching. "Fuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!" Shyara squealed. "Cuuuuummmmmmmmmmiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggg!!!" Claire moaned, fighting back, trying not to alert her parents. 'Ohhhh God, yeeaaaahhhhh!" Ethan grunted, shooting streams of cum out onto the rooftop. He lost track of how many ropes of cum he'd shot out, but his orgasm seemed to last an eternity. Breathing more heavily than he had from any workout he could remember, he sighed, "Wow. Just... wow." "No shit!" Claire exclaimed. "Fuckin' A!" Shyara sighed. "We've got to do this for real, and soon!" Claire practically demanded. "No arguments here," Ethan agreed. Ethan's phone buzzed against the side of his head again. Checking it, he saw that he had another pic from Shyara. Opening it, he saw her bed sheets again, a spray of fem-cum drenching a path at least a couple of feet long across the bed. He could also see the insides of her thighs, glistening with her release. "Holy shit, Shy's a squirter!" he teased. "Mmmmmm, shut up, you're gonna love me for it," she murred affectionately back in his ear. "I think I have a lot of other reasons, besides that," Ethan responded. His phone buzzed one more time, and saw another message from Claire. Opening it, he saw a picture of her licking her honey from her fingers. Her cute little pink tongue danced playfully along the side of her middle finger, and she gave the camera a playful wink. "You two are determined to wear me down, aren't you?" he asked, playfully. "You're still young, you can handle it," Claire chimed back. "Hell, I bet you're getting hard again already!" She was right. Ethan could feel the blood rushing back to his crotch at all the stimulation his senses were receiving. "It's getting late. As much as I would love to continue, we have school tomorrow, and I still need to get home," he responded, half-apologetically. "I suppose he's right, Claire. Besides, I want the next time to be for real," Shyara explained. Claire sighed wistfully into the phone. "I guess you're both right. I want it, too. But I'm not going to bed until I get off one more time. I'll see you both at school tomorrow?" "You bet your sexy ass," Ethan answered. "Damn right," Shyara agreed. "Okay, then. I hope you both sleep well, and have sweet, sexy dreams," Claire sighed. "And Ethan? Shy-shy? I love you." Ethan smiled at her confession, and knew that she meant it. It wasn't some lust-induced proclamation. She really did have feelings for both him and their Aussie lover. Ethan had no doubt that he felt the same way. "I love you both, too," he said tenderly. "Likewise. You two are amazing," Shyara admitted. "I love you both so much." "Good-night," all three said at once.