Night of the Hunt

Story by Tyrade on SoFurry

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#1 of The Endless Summer

So I've been out of the writing game for a while, but hey, I'm back. I'd like to think my writing's improved since I have been practicing on and off, but let me know what you think!

This story follows Tammy, a 20-something border collie and a group of his college graduate friends reuniting to celebrate in the woods like the good old days. There's a new guy tagging along, but he's an imposing one for sure.

I want to write more with these characters, maybe even give them a little backstory since that's always fun, so let me know if you want to see that too!

So tonight is the last day of Summer and some friends of mine are planning something big. Andy, Simmons, and Rory are their names, although we're not really that close. We've known each other since college, but we've always belonged to different crowds, meeting up at the occasional weekend house party.

The youngest of the group, Rory, invited me out to the park, supposedly where we'll all meeting. Apparently I'm driving his new girlfriend there, I guess cos' he's too broke to drive, or maybe he's already drunk? It wouldn't surprise me.

Just this time though, I really don't mind. It gives me an opportunity to get to know her, maybe drop some details on the little stallion himself. Like how he got totally wasted and sucked a nine inch cock over a dare at his eighteenth. Y'know, just the important stuff she should know if she's gonna be dating captain dick-lips.

Anyway, what's important is that Andy is moving away, pretty far actually. I guess everyone decided it was a good opportunity to see him off before the nights start getting too cold. We all bring some drinks, play some music and fuck around in the woods just like we did in college. Sounds good to me.

But I'm wondering what Rory was going on about earlier. He mentioned something about a new guy, a friend of Andy's coming down from the north just for tonight. They're gonna squeeze him into Simmons' little four-seater on the way over. The guy's a were-beast, which ain't someone you usually wanna fuck with, especially on a night out, but Rory kept telling me over and over that he was cool, and I guess if Andy thinks the same then that's okay. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if he tweaks out and tears anyone a new asshole.

I'm not scared. A cousin of mine's a were-beast, a huge one, with some fuck-off teeth. He's a librarian.

And yeah, it's looking like I might not even make it after all. Right now, I'm sat outside some flashy, suburban dream pad, waiting on Rory's girl. Every so often I can see an older guy peeking from the curtains, staring me down. Hey bud, I ain't here to whisk your daughter away, I'm just the chauffeur. Tell her to get the fuck out here, we're late.

About twenty minutes pass and finally, little miss princess comes hobbling out in a pair of dangerously tall heels, flip-flopping all over. Her dress is so tight she can barely bend her knees. She fumbles with the car door, her fake nails clickety-clacking on the roof as she rummages through her belongings.

"Aw sweetheart, did Rory send ya? He's on one of those driver's awareness courses ya see, otherwise he'd-a shown up himself."

"He ain't takin' no course darling, he crashed his dad's car and he ain't got the money for his own cos' he's too busy sucking di-" I talk right at her, but she's already stopped listening, eyes glued to her phone as she frantically taps away. Eventually though, she does find her way inside, fat handbag and all.

The drive over is gossipy, but not like I was hoping. The whole time, Rebecca is her name, just chatters away. "He said this, she said that" bullshit. Not to me mind you, she's surgically attached to her mobile, which I guess when I think about it really does suit Rory. He doesn't have a whole lot to say cos' he's handsome as shit and his good looks do all the talking for him. Funny how everyone knows he's gay except his girlfriend of the month.

It's a nostalgia trip coming back here though. This creepy little patch of woods in the middle of fucking nowhere. It really hasn't changed much, except for the fact that the whole place is abandoned. Back in high school, you'd see the smoke through the tree-line from a couple miles away, and the music blaring too if you lived nearby. A couple years after everyone left for college, the school shut down, and I guess the kids just stopped coming here. I mean, people don't really do this kinda thing anymore, just us losers.

My tires crackle to a stop on the dirt track, a sound I haven't heard in a long while. I hop out and take a huff of the cool outdoor air and just stand there in the middle of all the nature, taking a much needed piss. Walking around to the passenger side, I give the window a good smack. Rebecca squeals and hops in her seat. Then she gives me the finger.

"I thought you were taking a leak, asshole! Get your ass back in here and let's get goin'."

"Yeah I was. We're here."

"Are you fucking kidding me? This is it?"

"That's right, now get a move on, your horse-faced prince awaits."

We take a little hike, following an old trail around the marshier areas of the woods. Rebecca curses and hollers the whole way there, giving up on the heels about five minutes in. I spot a couple bikes half-buried in the mud along the trail that I'm pretty sure have been there since the beginning of time. One of them might have belonged to an old friend of mine. Shit just gets forgotten out here, it's kind of sad.

"Does Rory usually take his girls out into the woods?"

"Only the ones that go missing."

"That's not funny, asshole."

"I'm not laughing."

Coming up on a wide clearing, I can see a couple guys standing around a fire. One of em's hunched over, flicking a light on and off. Andy, getting started already if I had to guess. I call out to them and they all turn their heads like scared meerkats, their beady little eyes beaming at me like headlights. Simmons hops up and waves his arms, shouting something to the tune of "hey, hey, fucker, hey".

Rebecca sprints off ahead, meeting Rory in the middle with a big, goofy hug like its some kinda rom-com. By the time I make it over, another guy comes waltzing out of the trees, freakishly tall and wearing a bright white pelt. Simmons comes bouncing over, wearing a party-store poncho and sombrero, for some fucking reason.

"Hola, Simmons."

"Aw shit man, so glad you could make it. Nice to see you after all this time."

"You too man." I tilt my head a bit, just waiting for some kind of reply.

"So...are you gonna explain the three amigos getup or...?"

"Aw shit, yeah, well, I just got off from work and we're havin' this fuckin', uh...Mexican week? Is it Mexican?"

"Jesus Christ, Simmons, do I really have to answer that?"

Looking up, I'm almost blotted out by the big albino wolf-dude standing over the fire. His shirt looks like it's gonna explode off his chest and his hands are about the size of my head. He could probably crush a watermelon with em', if he tried. He's checking his watch and watching the sky, sort of nervous looking, like he's never seen a pothead out in the woods before, but I guess they are friends. He waves at me.

"Andy's friend, is that right?"

"Yeah, that's me. Name's Dex. Me and Andy go way back."

"So were you like his dealer or what?"

"Nah, nothing like that. We had a thing going in college is all."

"Shii-I mean uh, right, yeah." Suddenly I'm assaulted by images of Andy getting barebacked by the snow-white were-beast himself. No fucking way. I mean, Andy ain't shy about his sexuality, but he's never been into big guys, let alone ones that wanna bite his dick off.

Andy looks up from his bong, teary eyed and mellowed the fuck out.

"Hey Tam, hack, cough, you met Dex?"

"Yeah, nice catch." Dex chuckles and averts his eyes like a sultry schoolgirl. He turns to Andy and sort of nods.

"Hey, uh, I'm just gonna go take a piss you guys." He says.

"Didn't you just go?"

"Yeah I uh, burned through a couple bottles on the way over, that's all."

"That's cool man." And then he just shuffles off, back into the woods like some kind of sparkling Sasquatch.

Me and the guys just talk about life and shit for a hot minute, sharing some stories and drinking. Turns out Rory really did go down on his new girl, and he even said he'd do it right there and then, much to Andy's protest. Simmons got a job putting together fighter jets, which is about the most interesting thing to happen to any of us. Crazy that someone as thick-skulled as Simmons can get their head around advanced engineering. Andy? Well he's just Andy. He's high.

A faint wail echoes from deep inside the forest.

"Oh shit, you think Dex found a bear?" Says Simmons.

"Motherfucker he ain't gonna be running from a bear, they ain't gonna fuck with someone like him." Says Andy, but he sure looks like he's expecting something to happen. He gets up and looks out into the trees.

"Go get him tiger." Says Rory, and everyone laughs except Andy. His face is suddenly very focused.

"You all right Andy?"

"Oh shit."

He stumbles backwards, tripping over a beer keg. Then he starts crawling on his hands and knees away from the group like he's possessed. We call out to him about bad weed or some shit, but then there's this loud as fuck roar and everyone starts to drop shit and run. Suddenly I'm ass up in the dirt and there's a near ten foot werewolf standing over me, a big black shadow cast against the trees by the fire that's now strewn across the grass. Everyone's screaming and running and I just scramble up and let adrenaline do it's thing.

I don't get far. About a yard from the camp a fat claw thumps into my shoulder and knocks me down. Dex is standing over me, pinning my entire body to the floor with his foot, nothing but bloodshot red in his eyes. I clench my fists and scrunch my face up, about ready to die.

But he just leans in, snarls right in my face with a gust of hot air and then hoists me up, holding me by my forearms, my feet dangling a good few feet above the floor. That's when I catch sight of his monstrous junk, jutting out like a goddamn sword beneath me. He's got a big, bloated red rocket pointed out from his fat, white sheath and his balls are ridiculously huge, like soccer balls, maybe bigger. The motherfucker's not hungry, he's horny.

I squirm as best I can, but his grip is undeniable. Then, he takes a razor-blade looking finger and runs it down the seam of my jeans, tearing the things clean off, nicking me here and there, making me wince.

"Yo! Hey! Fucking help me! Anyone!"

"Tammy! I got you!" Calls Simmons, sprinting out with a rifle in hand from his car, slinging the thing over his shoulder.

He fires a couple shots, but the beast just looks out at the group, probably a little pissed off.

"Aw shit."

Dex breaks into a sprint, lugging me the entire way as my feet are dragging across the soil. He tackles Simmons and Rebecca squeals, frozen up in fear. Rory comes running in, sweeping his girl up only to be swiped to the floor. She gets away, leaving Rory just slumped on the floor, motionless, but still breathing. Simmons starts crying and wailing as he's backed up into the lap of the beast.

His clothes are torn apart, his body pushed around recklessly leaving him muddied and bruised. Dex lifts his lower half up, inspecting Simmons exposed ass. I try to use it as a distraction, wriggling my body away, but the grip only tightens until I can't bear the pressure anymore.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Cries Simmons, before the beast extends his sloppy tongue and presses it into the crack of Simmons ass. He yelps, but otherwise surrenders, expecting the worst. I can see his eyes pressed shut, tears streaming down his face, crying like a baby. The beast laps up and down, slicking his victims ass in a layer of spit.

He pulls away, admiring his work, before lining up his hips with Simmons ass. His cock slaps down on Simmons back, throbbing and pulsing with authority, before pulling back, and pressing tightly against his drooled up hole. Dex grunts, and with one swift motion, fucking impales Simmons almost halfway down his cock. Simmons screams out, his legs kicking about weakly.

But Dex wastes no time. He slides his cock out slow, then slams it back in hard, trying to force more length inside without success. The whole scene is like something from a horror flick, except with more cock and less teen murder, unless you count Simmons ass. Those fuzzy soccer-ball nuts jingle about, getting a little too close to my face, but there's little room for me to move. I'm on my back, pressed up against Dex's great big foot, arms raised up in the air in a death grip.

Dex's pace only gets quicker, humping away at Simmons ass feverishly. It takes a little while, but finally, I'm dropped to the floor with a thud, smacking my head on the dirt. I crawl up and way jut fast enough to watch Dex's fat sack tighten up, his back arching over, both hands gripping down hard on Simmons waist. He releases an ungodly howl, forcibly thrusting a full five inches more inside of that abused ass.

I run to Simmons, grabbing both his arms and pulling as hard as I can. He doesn't budge.

" shit, he's...I can't..."

"Don't worry man, I'm gonna get you outta here, just...come on, grrrr..." Dex has got Simmons locked in, pistoning his cock in and out at freakish speed. I can't do anything, and before I have time to think, I look down, and Simmons bare belly starts to swell rapidly. All he manages is a groan, bloating outward with the were-beasts load.

I back up, fighting my instinct to run, nearly tripping over Rory who's still spread eagle on the ground. Simmons slips away from the beast with a squelchy plop sound, landing face first in a mixture of thick, beast cum and spit. His ass points to the sky, oozing Dex's seed like some kind of perverted drinking fountain.

For a moment, I'm sure the two of them go quiet, Simmons thoroughly ass-blasted and Dex, satisfied? The were-beast tilts his head to get a good view of me and Rory, still sputtering cum in globs from his distended cock. Then, without warning, he pounces, but not at us.

Andy screams out, coming out of fucking nowhere, maybe trying to sneak up on his fuck-brained ex. He's stark naked of his own accord, almost signalling the beast down. He's rock hard for some unholy reason, brandishing some kind of modified crossbow, looking like a sex-offender Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He takes a shot, missing.

I call out, trying to get the beasts attention as it swoops down next to Andy. He looks over momentarily, long enough for Andy to lock in another shot, pelting it right into Dex's muscular neck. He laughs like a madman, cussing the beast out like the immature asshole he is, but rightfully so all things considered. Next thing you know, Dex is crashing to the floor with an almighty thud and that's that.

"Fuck." Says Andy.

"Yeah, fuck."

"Everyone alright?"

Rory raises an arm, throwing a weak thumbs up. Simmons just gurgles on the cum he's currently ballooned with.

"You owe me a pair of pants."

"Shit. This doesn't usually-"

"-happen? Yeah I wasn't aware you were such a kinky bastard." I say, pointing at Andy's bobbing dick. He covers himself with his paws.

"Yeah, this is fucked up. I'm sorry man. We were gonna fuck later on, but uh, well I lose track of time these days."

"Cos' you're smoking a bowl most days, and how the fuck does this stay in the bedroom?"

Dex is in dreamland, bubbling cum leaking from his deflating cock. He snores like a wildebeest in heat.

"I can keep him docile, uh...usually."

I give up with Andy. My heads pounding and my legs are freezing. I can only imagine how Simmons is feeling now that his ass is a veritable black hole. We all just sort of sit and recoup for a while, the clearing becoming a ring of smoldering grass that's, thankfully, burning out as it spreads. Rebecca re-emerges from the treeline, a few dozen police officers in tow.

What a fucking night.

"Hey Andy."


"Your ex sucks."