Wishful Wednesday

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#1 of Fantasies Made Real

Okay, so I started to play around with this story idea. Taking a little time each day while working on other commissions to do this story. I'm gonna be posting it in parts here, one part every week, but if you're impatient and want to see the full story, it's over on my Patreon here. There's a lot more where this came from, believe me it's worth it. https://www.patreon.com/GryphWriting

Jennifer uttered a low growl and shifted. The bedroom was too warm, but she'd already kicked the covers off during the night. Eye cracked open slowly as she stared at the bedside clock. Four A.M. It'd been just ten minutes since she last checked and that seemed like an eternity.

The tigress flopped onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, a heavy chuff coming from her. Who the hell had been messing with the thermostat, felt like it was a million degrees in the room. It felt like the air was heavy, pressing down and threatening to smother her. She'd turned on her fan, but all it did was stir up that air. An annoyed chuff slipping out as she reached for her phone.

Realization hitting her as she reached. The mere motion of reaching for her phone making that night shirt shift against her aching teats, panties gliding over her pussy. Even those little brushes enough to send a jolt through her body.


She uttered this quietly of course. Voice barely even a whisper, readily drown out by the drone of the fan overhead.

Jen reached for her phone and checked. Not the thermostat app, but rather the calendar. Little annotations covering the dates. And right there, covering the better part of the month was the pinkish note of_'Heat?_' A note which she tapped and updated out of habit. "Dam....darn unpredictable cycles," she muttered under her breath. Taking a yearly shot for birth control did wonders. Less heat cycles, took care of the cramps, bloating, and so many other inconveniences. If those pharmaceutical types could develop a shot that would make it easier to figure out when one's heat would start, it'd make things so much more convenient.

There was no way she was going to go into work this week. Not in the state she was. She wasn't about to stalk down the nearest male, rip his pants off, and ride his cock until she screamed. Fun as that had been to do to her husband when they first got married, that'd been twenty years and two kids ago.

Some things had changed in that time.

Robert was out of town until next week, which meant she'd have to go it alone. Not a huge problem there, she was a grown woman with plenty of toys to make sure her body was tricked. Stephanie and Mark would be at school all day, and some cash could readily bribe them to stay out of trouble. Which just left having to handle her job and time off.

Dropping her hand over her head, the tigress lay back in bed with a throaty chuff. "Call Work." Her phone dinged and a second later the cell was buzzing. Naturally, the machine picked up, and she typed a quick command onto her keypad. Silence as the machine chugged then beeped. "Hello," she kept her tone professional yet pleasant, "You have reached the offices of Doctor Jennifer Madison. We are sorry, but the offices are closed this week. If you have an emergency contact Doctor Henry Jones at," she rattled off his number from memory. "We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we'll see you next week!"

There, new message was recorded if someone called the office. Now just to fire off a few texts to her employees to let them know they were all getting the week off, with pay of course. She wasn't cruel enough to make them have to moonlight to cover. There was a fund set aside just for this type occasion. Then a text to Jones. "Covered for your little vacation last month. Need you to cover for a week. -J."

And done. Without a doubt, Jones would either text back or call to gripe about her dumping this on his lap. Not that she really cared. Couldn't go into work reeking of pheromones. A pad would help, but being a dentist meant that plenty of guys would have their heads close enough that it wouldn't matter. Could just imagine the guys huffing and panting once they got her scent. While it wouldn't really bother anyone, she could just imagine the angry calls from mothers and partners she'd get.

Heaving a mighty sigh, she flopped back and let her phone drop to the bed beside her. Tail twitching with agitation as she groaned to herself. Not the way she wanted to take a week off, but sometimes you just took what you could get.

Now if she could just get to sleep.

Jennifer stared up at the ceiling for a while more, feeling the heat radiating from her body and up into the ether. Tail twitching as she tried to keep herself from squirming too much. The first couple days of her heat were always the worst. Made her want to go naked as much as she could, but she doubted her kids would appreciate that. Robert would've enjoyed it, or at least he had when they were younger. They still had regular relations when he was around. Good, passionate sex while they tried to stay quiet. There's a reason their headboard was padded and the bolts were tight.

The tigress heaved a sigh and relented after only a moment. Shedding her sweat-soaked nightshirt and damp panties. Just letting them fall by the bedside for now, she rolled and stretched in bed. Lavishing in the feel of air moving across her bare form. Rear hitching up and tail lashing to the side. Revealing her pink pussy lips to the empty bedroom.

Memory guided her hand over to her beside stand. Out came her 'back massager' and the plug. Jen plugging it in and dropping onto her back with a huff. Eyes narrowing in the dark bedroom as the smooth head rubbed up her thigh and across. Biting her lip to hold back the moan as that cool plastic brushed aching, slick folds.

Just that little tease though, letting the wand slide back down her thigh. Finger hovering over the switch. Just fondling it for a second before it came to life with a bone-shaking thrum. Toes curled in anticipation as she let her eyes drift closed. Rubbing the toy up and down her thigh as legs curled higher. The toy whispering over her thigh and down towards her waiting folds. Glistening in the low bedroom light. Hot to the touch, inflamed with her heat. The mere act of touching her petals enough to draw a huff from her. Fingers gently spreading her needy puss open as that toy sank lower.

Jennifer had to clench her jaw to keep from yowling the instant the wand touched her privates. Fingers trembling as they guided the toy down, right against her bare folds and right to her waiting, engorged clit. Core tensing and releasing, trying to buck against and pull away from the toy all at the same time. Her heels digging into the bedding. Breath coming in short gasps before her hand flew to cover her mouth.

Oh it was good, it was so good. Shoulders digging into the bed before lifting. Pleasure shaking through her entire body. In her hormonally charged state, even rubbing herself would've been enough to get her off. This was as good as the nuclear option. Sparks dancing behind her eyes as it hummed merrily. A pent-up need born in the light quickly pushing her towards a climax. That unyielding head buzzing right on her swollen clit was blissful torture. It wouldn't go away until she got off.

And get off she did. The tigresscurling up around the toy with a muffled yowl. The cry burying into her palm as her form curled around the wand. Thighs clenching tight about it, shoulders and rear coming up. Every fiber of every muscle tensing and releasing all at once. Breath coming in short gasps as she peaked, squirting over the toy and bed. The act drawing the toy tighter against her, making her climax that much more painfully joyous as she mashed it to her privates.

Jennifer was losing it. Her knees nearly hitting her chest and eyes staring blankly forward as she was shoved right from the arms of one orgasm into the next. Thighs clenching that much tighter, nearly curling into a balls now.

Ripping the toy away, she hurled it to the bed. Eyes rolling back as her insides quaked, abs tense to the point of aching. It took several seconds before her body relaxed enough for her to even take a breath. The tigress dropped to the bed like a puppet with her strings cut. Chest heaving with panted breaths.

Eyes closed most of the way, pants turning into slow chuffs. "H...h...holy... f...fu...fu..."

Her arms shook as she turned the toy off, just letting it lay on the bed as she closed her eyes. Short, sweet, and most importantly it was enough to let her feel more restful. The scent of a tigress in need lingering in the air, getting thrown about by the fan. She breathed it in and let out a throaty chuff before just rolling onto her side and letting herself drift... away...

"What's the catch?" Max narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked from the cash on offer up to his mother. His tail twitched as he cast a glance towards Celina. His twin already stuffing her money away.

Jennifer narrowed her eyes at her son's suspicion. The golden tigress had showered and scrubbed herself clean with some scent-killer. She'd pulled her hair back into a rough pony tail to keep it off her neck, and she was wearing her most comfortable of at-home wear. "There is no catch," she kept the annoyed growl out of her voice. Only just though. "I'm giving you this so you can stay out a little later today. Go with friends, buy game, I don't care. Just go to school, do your homework, and come home a little later."

He was still suspicious. Staring at the money like she was a mafia don offering a favor. Or at least he was until Celina. leaned over to whisper, "Mom wants us out of the house because she's in _heat_and doesn't want it bothering you, Turkey."

She heaved a sigh, "I've told you not to call him Turkey, but yes. I don't want either of you getting distracted too much. Nor do I want you two to show up at school smelling of..." she cleared her throat.

"Oh," Max blinked. Looked at her, and snatched up the bills to shove into a pocket. "We should get going then shouldn't we?" The teenage tiger leaned away from the kitchen island, still picking at his waffles. His nose twitching curiously, trying to pick up his mother's scent despite clearly being worried about scenting her.

Not that he'd have much luck. She'd sprayed herself down pretty good with the neutralizer before picking her softest, most comfortable under things. She glanced at the wall clock. "Yes, Oh. And yes you should." The twins leapt to their feet and started for the door, "Remember, home by eight tonight! Love you!" She leaned against the counter, resisting the urge to give them hugs as she shooed them out.

Mumbles of love were returned, quickly followed by arguments over whose turn it was to drive to school. Jen rolled her eyes with a sigh and a smile.

A smile that faded a little as she looked at the mess that had been left behind in their rush. She let a sigh slip out as she picked up the plates and cleaned them. Only to find that the garbage had been stacked high. "Max!" she called out, "that boy is getting such the talking to when it gets home." Rubbing her head, she sighed again and found herself staring at it. Tail twitching behind her.

"Frick it, I'll handle it later." Grabbing her plate of waffles, she strolled into the living room to do something she'd fuss at her kids for doing. Eating a meal in front of the TV. She was the mother and made the rules, so she could break them.

It was a nice way to start a Wednesday morning though. Yoga pants, one of Roger's shirts, hair up in a pony tail, she was about as sloppy as she could be while having just showered. Throwing her feet up on the couch, she leaned back with a huff and started to search for something to watch. Plenty of series she had been meaning to catch up on and all week to handle that.

Though without the distraction of having to prepare breakfast, bribe the twins, handle a few 'urgent' calls from Jones and the office; she felt that warmth starting to churn again. It'd been a slow burn at the back of her mind, somewhat sated by the explosive finish that morning. Now it was a need that was starting to build again. Warmth spreading from between her thighs and smoldering across her core. Even the shift of her adjusting on the couch before settling on something to watch was enough to make her shiver.

She knew full well that it wouldn't go away. With a sigh, she stripped her leggings off and tossed them aside, panties coming down as well. She'd already stashed a couple towels nearby, which she happily shoved under herself as she flopped back on the couch. Kicking one leg up and letting the other rest on the coffee table. A shiver racing down her spine as cooler air wafted over her privates.

Eyes narrowed as she grabbed the remote and turned on something to watch. Just picking the first thing from her queue to consume while she chowed down on her breakfast.

TV was able to offer some distraction, but estrus being what it was there was only so much it could do. A moan whispered out as Jennifer stared at the blank wall behind the TV. "Oh... Jaime..." Breath puffed out as she spread her lips and hooked her fingers in. "Such a pretty boy, even if you are no Tyrion." Didn't matter though, not to her hormone-laden brain. She could just imagine that rugged lion approaching her, rumbling wordless praises of her beauty, laying her down and...

"AhhhAHHH!" came the breathless call as her thumb circled her engorged clit. She'd been toying with herself for the better part of three episodes now. Just letting her fingers idly play over her swollen mound. Edging herself and then backing off. Knowing that it'd be all that much sweeter when she did cum.

Jen chuffed as the scene shifted, bringing new actors. Their voices a soft buzz against her senses. Eyes opening a little more as a familiar voice rang through. Body hunching forward as she buried two fingers into herself. Flicking her clit quickly with a groaned, "Ros..." Head falling back with a breathy call as she fell over that edge. Thighs fighting between staying spread and closing tight about her hand. Juices squirting over fingers and down onto the towel. Every one of her senses humming with the rapturous jolt of her peak.

Deep, pleased chuffs slipped out as she lifted her hand to lick herself clean. Shivering as the taste flowed across her tongue and warmed her senses.

Every part of her wanted to sink back into the couch and nap. Sleep off that post-orgasmic glow with a quick nap then wake up to do it again. Her primal instinct reaching back to those feral times eons ago. Eat, sleep, mate, repeat.

But she was a modern woman with modern issues. Didn't matter if she was in season or not, there were things that needed to be taken care of. And that started with the trash.

Which meant she needed pants.

She heaved a mighty sigh and lounged about for several more minutes. Finally forcing herself to grab for her yoga pants once she felt herself starting to doze off. No panties though, they'd only get drenched and she didn't want to go through all her comfortable underwear just trying to stay somewhat decent in her own home. That's what heavy curtains and shades were for.

A quick lap of the house turned up enough garbage for a couple bags, and enough ammunition for some great grumbling from her. Tail twitching behind her with agitation as she stalked out the back door and around the side of the house.

Only to discover that the trash can had been moved and shoved against the retaining wall. Possibly by one of the twins while they were backing the car out. It was only another few feet to walk, but she was only too aware of what state she was in, and what she was wearing, as she crossed the smooth concrete to the can. Tail twitching behind her anxiously as she glanced down the driveway and through the neighborhood.

They lived in a nicer neighborhood, not quiet a gated community but close enough to one to count. Hell, the development itself was barely older than the twins. Houses were still under construction when they moved in. Their house still smelled of fresh paint when they brought them home from the hospital. In fact, her only complaint with the place was that they had a HOA. Which mean that every house had be painted one of three approved colors, all the lawns were kept neatly trimmed, and every back yard had a tall privacy fence. Which was a shame because they had been such good neighbors with the Johnsons, a pair of wolveswho had kids about the twins age. But they'd gotten around the fence ruling by installing a gate between the yards.

A gate that had been open almost all the time until the Johnsons had to move. Though the guy that had moved in there seemed decent enough. Another tiger of all things. Single from what she could tell, though he was a bit odd. She rarely saw him leave the house, and when he did he always seemed to be loading heavy totes into his car then disappear for a few days. Even when he was home, he wouldn't come out for days at a time. When he did, it was always with massive bags of trash. Far more than any single man should be able to produce in a week. Not to mention the people coming and going at strange hours. Though she never had heard any loud parties or noises. He kept his house in good order, and he seemed nice enough when she and Robert welcomed him to the neighborhood. Though she still found it stranger that he'd introduced himself as Falcon.

She found herself standing at the edge of the retaining wall, gazing at the house. His shades were up, letting her see into the neatly kept house. When he moved in a few months back, the place had been fairly empty. Nice to see that he was getting some furniture in there, and that it all matched nicely. Looking over with the critical eye of a magazine reading, home décor show watching mother let her pick out little details. Fairly modern tastes, simple, but elegant.

Movement caught her attention. Eyes darting to a doorway as the tiger roamed into the living room, attention fixed on his phone.

Jennifer found herself frozen, staring at this stranger as he wandered through his home. The tiger had this luscious, bluish-gray coat. His body lean and fit, chest bared to show off his abs. Though not really showing off since he was oblivious to her watching. All he had on was a pair of loose boxers, hair tousled in a way that suggested he probably just woke up. Jaws stretching wide in a yawn as he scratched his belly and dropped to a seat. Attention finally shifting from his phone.

Her eyes widened as his hand dropped lower. Giving the bulge of his boxers a squeeze and rub. She could just see a TV through the window, her eyes tearing away from that growing bulge to see what he was so intent on watching.

A rather curvaceous rabbit with a bit of gray coloring her brown fur, was gazing up at a fox with adoring eyes. Too-short skirt hiked up as she bobbed her head over his raging red rod. She caught the title of_Girlfriend's Mom Gets Creampie'd_ before the video went full-screen. Presented in the highest of definition.

Movement caught her attention, drawing her gaze back to the male in time to see him push his boxers down.That bulge straining at the fabric before his cock sprang free to smack his furred belly. Her eyes widening further as she saw just how large he was. Boxers hooking under his heavy balls, leaving his length fully exposed until his hand closed about the base. Oh gosh, it looked like it'd be a two-hander easy and thick. She found herself squirming as she watched the male before her, separated by only a few feet and a wall. Heated mind waking up as her nostrils flared, trying to pick up the male's scent. Every ounce of her focus on watching as his hand calmly ran over his shaft. Fingers tracing up to his head and toying with the barbed crown before gliding back to squeeze his base. Body arching into the pressure. Lips parting in what had to be a mighty chuff as his eyes narrowed.

Her eyes were locked on his hand, following as it slid up and down his length. Thumb spreading his glistening precum across his tip. Without thinking about it, her body began to shift. Hand tracing over her belly and down into the stretchy waist of her pants. Soft, whispery moans starting to ease out as her fingers unthinkingly found their way to her flushed privates. Weight shifting to lean against the wall. Hips and tail hitching upwards in a presenting posture. Her fingers rubbing her outer lips before easing in, starting to match his pace.

It took her a good minute or more before reality came flooding back. The tigress realizing that she was in full view of the street and was playing with herself while spying on a neighbor.

Wrenching herself away from the wall, she hurried around back and into her house. Each step making the smooth, stretchy fabric of her leggings pull at her aching puss. Warmth started to spread as she rushed to the door. The fabric pulling taut and giving her a rather pronounced camel toe that was steadily darkening.

Somehow, through some miracle, she made it inside the house. Doors slamming behind her as she hurried upstairs. The image of that male's cock burned into her eyes. She had to do something to get her mind off it before she did something that would be stupid. Which, thankfully, she had plenty of things that would help her with that.

Out came the toy box. Hidden in her closet behind some coats and stuffed under totes of winter wear. The lid was thrown aside and she happily dug out a dildo. Fingers tracing the familiar shaft and running over the veins. She still remembered the night that Robert and she had made this. How she'd teased him while pouring the mold, then riding him once the toy was poured and silicon was setting. It was far from a perfect replica, but it was good enough.

Jennifer nearly ripped her pants getting them off. Out came the step stool, thighs neatly fitting on either side of the carved step. Toy braced on the polished wood and head lifted with a loving stroke of her fingers.

"Ooooh God," she moaned out as she sank down. Insides clenching against the entry. Silicon flexing and buckling as her weight came down. Hand bracing the toy to keep it lined up. Breath coming in shorter gasps as it sank deeper and deeper until she bottomed out on it. Shivering as her heated body rubbed against the cool, polished wood of the stool.

A throaty purr lifted from the tigress as she started to roll her hips. Smoothly lifting and falling on the faux cock. Body not caring that it was fake since she had something to grip on. Deep, throaty chuffs started to lift from her as she narrowed her eyes. Imagining that she was kneeling over her husband and riding him.

Robert's throaty growl lifted into her memory. Her hands following his as he rubbed over her thighs, scratching her just so. Inviting her to ride that much faster as he chuffed his pleasure. Orange and black striped body lifting under her to drive that cock deeper into her need. Nostrils flaring as she grabbed his shift and lifted, picking up the barest hints of her husband clinging to the fabric.

The image shuddered in her mind's eye. Pelt darkening, form growing taller, leaner. In the space of seconds it wasn't Robert under her, rather it was that strange neighbor. Looking up at her with those amber eyes of his, grinning as he mumbled something.

Jennifer jerked, pulling herself from the fantasy with a gasp. The motion lifting her enough that the toy came free with a wet slurp, falling limply against her thigh. Bad enough that she'd seen the guy jerking off in his own living room, but now her mind was wanting her to fantasize about him? She let out a chuff and narrowed her eyes, glaring towards his house.

Biting her bottom lip, she reached for the toy and lined it up again. A sweet moan easing out as she sank back down. "Rrrrroberrrrt," came the growling moan. Wood creaking under her as she knelt there on the bedroom rug. Lifting her shirt to breathe in the ghost of Robert's scent. Using that to enforce the fantasy she wanted. Hips rolling smoothly against the toy as her pace picked up again.

The mental image almost immediately shifting from her husband to that Falcon guy.

"FINE!" she snarled, "you want something bigger, I'll give you something bigger." Casting the silicloned cock aside, she dug into her box. Tossing aside rabbit and bullet vibes, setting a knotted dildo aside, reaching for Larry.

Larry the Liger, a toy she'd bought from an online store some years ago and only used a handful of times. It'd been a bit of a joke since Robert had purchased a gift card for the adult store for her. Oh she'd picked up a few bits of lingerie and other bedroom trinkets. Larry had been the 'gag gift' she'd thrown into the cart. As a toy it was larger than her usual fare. Standing at nearly eleven inches long, easily as thick as a soda can, and with a pair of plump balls to match, the entire thing was cast in this slightly off purple that made it seem even more monstrous.

Just the act of slamming it down on the stool made her gut tremble in fearful anticipation. A quite whine lifting from the tigress as she lifted herself up and braced the fat tip against her plump lips. She'd never used Larry beyond just playful threats and now here she was, readily kneeling over him with trembling thighs. No way could she be serious about this.

Wanton instinct drove her down before she could think otherwise. Mouth flying open as her back arched in a silent cry. Fat tip spreading her open and sinking in. Insides quivering and thighs quaking. That tremble making her sink down a couple inches down the toy. Gasps wrenching free as the rubbery barbs toyed over her insides and raked as she pulled up. That rake was enough to make her legs go weak again, dropping her that much further along the shaft.

Thus began her play. Without fully meaning to, she started to ride Larry. Each lift met with a shudder and shake that would drive her further down. Thick barbs flaring and stroking her insides in ways that made her legs weaker with each pass. Mouth hanging open as she panted heavily, sweat starting to stain her pelt as her heat surged.

A shudder drove her forward. Hand grasping the toy to keep it sliding out. Jennifer hit the floor with a bang, shoulder hitting first and driving her half onto her side. Knees planted and rear lifted out of instinct. Body rocking back to meet that trapped toy. A mighty groan heaving from the tigress as her grip shifted on the toy. Heaving it deep into her core. Body arching back to meet the thrust as nearly every inch was pounded into her. Heavy, silicon balls clapping off her rear.

"Fffffffmmmm," came the snarl as her eyes shut. Imagining her neighbor's hands closing about her as he railed he from behind. She knew that he wasn't the same size as Larry there, but it didn't matter anymore. Her imagination had an image it liked and it was running with it.

Each plunge of the toy was met with a buck and a hiss. Teeth clenching as the tigress trembled under the assault. Sweat drenched her now as she pounded into the toy. Fully lost to her fantasy now as insides trembled about the unyielding dildo. Insides started to clench as she rolled her body. Breasts mashing into the rug as she bit down. Entire body starting to tense. Soaked thighs quaking as she gripped the toy violently about its base. Barely even moving it within her body now, just shoving it against her body as she trembled. In her mind's eye, she could imagine Falcon leaning over ear, growling that he was about to fill her. Hips barely even moving as he rammed her, leaning in to brush teeth against her scruff.

She came with a screaming yowl. Curling into herself and clenching thighs. Heat juices erupting across her fingers and squirting around the toy as she clenched down. The roar dying into a hiss as her entire body tensed and released with each orgasmic wave that crashed through her.

Jennifer lay on the bedroom rug, staring ahead with blank eyes. Only just able to breathe as she rode out the orgasm. Grip loosening on the toy as that tension faded slowly. Pleased chuffs puffing from her throat.

Then turning into a gasp as the toy slipped free. Barbs flaring to scrape her insides and sending jolts racing up her spine. Her hips jerking with a more restrained yowl as it came free with a plop to hit the floor and roll under the bed. The golden tigress huffing deeply as she just stared back at it. Insides aching so nicely and thighs absolutely drenched with her arousal.

"Fffudge," she panted. Staying on her knees for a moment before just dropping to her side with a thud. "Oh fudge, that was... wow."

It took several minutes before she managed to lift herself somewhat shakily to her feet. Deciding she needed a shower before anything else. Jenmanaged a shaking step before another thought surfaced. She'd been taking out the trash when she saw the neighbor and that had triggered all this. He'd been right there, in full view of anyone that walked past the windows. Her prudish, motherly duty hissed that she should tell him about that. Let him know that it wasn't appropriate. Or at least warn him that she could see right in when he'd started his fun. That was no kids, especially hers, happened to see him in his private time.

Which meant she definitely needed a shower. Even a cursory sniff brought the aroma of a sweaty, needful tigress wafting into the air.

Heaving a sigh, she gathered herself and stumbled into the bathroom where her shower and scent killer were waiting for her. She'd need a good hosing as well as the bedroom probably. A shiver racing down her spine as she imagined how it might affect Max once he got home. Seemed a mother's job never ceased.

A quick shower and change of clothes later, the refreshed Jennifer was headed out the back door and around the front of the houses. A sidelong look through the window revealing that the tiger had finished his early afternoon relief. While she couldn't see him the TV was still playing out some other video, suggesting he hadn't gone far.

It was a quick jaunt down driveway and to the sidewalk. She wasn't about to just roam across his lawn like a heathen, there's a reason there were walkways after all. Her eyes dancing over the rather sparse front porch before focusing on the door. Ears strained as she pressed the bell, not hearing the familiar chiming within. Strange, she thought almost all the houses had the same bells. Something to make them uniform, and all approved by the HOA of course.

Her answer came a moment later when a small speaker crackled, "Hello?" Taking a second look at thedoorbellrevealed it to be one of those camera things.

She put on her best smile, "Hi. Don't know if you remember me, but I'm your next door neighbor. Was wondering if I could steal a moment to talk about something." Silence greeted her. "I'm not trying to sell you anything, just needed a second of your time."

Another beat passed. "Be there in a mo."

Jennifer breathed out a relieved sigh and stepped away from the door. Fanning herself against the general warmth of the day. Walking a slow circle before looking out at the quiet street. Nearly everyone out at school or work right now. Made the place feel a little deserted. She sighed and leaned against the railing, back to the door as she waited. Hard to believe they were deeply into fall with how warm it had been. Dry too, since it hadn't rained in well over a month. She looked over the lawns, each one uniformly green and lush. Maintained by a lawn crew that the HOA had hired because of course they did.

A few minutes passed before footsteps caught her attention. Turning as the locks were fumbled with before the door burst open to reveal the Maltese tiger. "Sorry. I'd gone downstairs to start some laundry when you rang." His voice was rich and full, bearing some slight accent she couldn't place. Not quite a brogue, but not, not a brogue either. Teeth pearly white as he flashed a smile. She caught a glimpse of his phone as he shoved it a pocket. It still showed the camera's view, which framed her and the front railing almost perfectly.

She found herself looking over him now. He woreonly a pair of loose shorts and a plain grayish tee-shirt, bare feet resting on the threshold. Dark hair allowed to grow a little long was still tousled. Looking as if he'd only given it the briefest of brushing. The male seemed to be almost the model of a bachelor. Like some designer found a model and made them look like a bachelor. Jennifer took a step towards him without thinking, ready to talk about what she'd seen. The act bringing her within the slight breeze coming from within the house.

Nostrils flared as she picked up his scent. The scents of soaps, detergents, and softener lingered about him. Doing nothing to hide the aroma that lay beneath that. Traces of sweat clung to the male, mixed with that uniquely masculine hint of musk that all guys had. Other scents mingled with those. Semen and male arousal for sure. Those natural scents blending into a cologne that drew her a step closer.

Now she found herself looking over him with a more primal eye. She'd always been proud of how tall she was, but he was a couple inches taller. Exotic blue-gray pelt shining in the light, screaming of health and good grooming. Another step drew her into his personal space. Close enough that her skin lifted in goosebumps and fur bristled from his proximity. Her Lips just barely parting as she breathed in his scent. Not noticing that he was doing the same as he looked her over.

His voice rolled across her senses. Deep, rich, just barely over a whisper, "So you wanted to talk to me about something?"

Cheeks flushed hot as she cleared her throat, "Yes. Ah..." she took a step back and looked past him into the house, not wanting to meet his gaze after getting that close. "Well this is a bit embarrassing, but I saw you this morning."

Nose winkled in confusion as he looked at her again, "You saw me?"

"Yes, this morning. Well, closer to this afternoon." She took a step to the side, trying to get out of the conditioned breeze that was pushing his scent at her. "You see, I was taking the trash out so I was over there by the retaining wall." He stepped in as she waved, body nearly touching hers as he craned his head to look. Jennifer shivered, tail bristling as she got an up-close and very personal whiff of his scent. "I was out there and happened to see as you came downstairs this morning and started to..."

Lips curled back as the male took a deeper breath. Blinking slowly as if he were still waking up, "Oh?" He stepped back and looked at her, eyes widening ever so slightly as realization dawned, "Oooh."

"Yeah," she took a hurried step back. Putting a little more space between them as that warmth started to churn within her. "I happened to look up right as you were," she let out a little whistle and mimed a stroke. "Just thought I'd let you know that and ask..." A sigh heaved out, "Listen, I don't care what you do in your house, just please close up the curtains."

He shifted again and stepped back towards his door. Still looking towards her house as if he were trying to think about the angle. Without thinking, she let her gaze drop down his body. Biting off a startled noise when she saw the bulge that pulsed within those shorts.

"Yeah," he agreed, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. The pose, either by accident or on purpose, looking straight out of a magazine. "Sorry about that." He chuffed a laugh, "Good thing you saw it and not one of the kids, I guess." His attention shifted back towards her, almost casually looking her over again. "Wouldn't want to be labeled something I'm not because of an accident." That smile was easy, almost charming. "I'll keep that to the bedroom until I get some shades in."

Jennifer took a step back, needing to get away from him as that warmth rolled within her gut, "Please, and thank you." Casting a quick look towards her house, "That's all though. Just wanted to let you know before an accident happens, Mister..." A quiet laugh, "I'm sorry, but I forgot your name."

His ears perked, "Oh, just call me Falcon. And it's no bother."

"Right, Falcon." She flashed a practice smile, "Thank you for that, Falcon." Another step had her on the walkway, "If you'll excuse me, there's some other things I've gotta handle. Just wanted to give you time to finish before I interrupted." Her eyes dropped again, thighs giving the barest of shakes when she saw the outline of his member. It was even thicker than she'd imagined. No Larry, but certainly a step above Robert.

A smile was flashed at her, "Yeah, no thank you for letting me know. I'll get some shades ordered and installed."

"Thank you."

She was halfway back to the sanctuary of her house before her stride stalled. Eyes widening in slow realization as memories snapped together. It took only the briefest of mental gymnastics to put it together that his camera had a perfect view of her rear while she waited. It wouldn't have been nearly as bad if she had anything else on, but with those tight pants of hers? Oh she was certain he'd seen every nook and cranny. Casting a quick look over, she caught sight of the door just as it closed.

Ears flushed hotter as she hurried around the back of her house.

Releasing the Light

A low growl came from Ryu's throat as he struck at the target dummy. It was just the barest hint of a grumble from the dragon-type. His eyes narrowing as each blow struck true. The target rocking and trembling under each blow. Wood starting to crack...

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The Long Haul

Ruben half-drifted down the catwalk towards the docks. The sidewinder let his tongue flick out, picking up the scent of sweat, coolant, and air that had been recycled too many times. Yep, it smelled and tasted like every other port he'd seen at...

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Chuntao frowned ever so slightly as she gazed down her beak at the bound peacock. He would have returned the look himself, but his beak had been bound rather heavily to keep him from spitting vile curses at his captors. Her arms folded and eyes...

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