Hyperia 2

Story by danath on SoFurry

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A short addendum to the first story. Commissioned by omnimonx. [Part 1 here.](%5C)

Wolf smiled broadly over at his queen as he lounged on his throne. The court's business was done for the day, so he and the queen were simply relaxing for a little while before dinner. Queen Marle was radiant as ever. Her pure white fur glittered in the sunlight as she trailed her leonine claws across his arm lazily. Wolf's sheath throbbed at her touch. He always reacted to her the same.

For a brief moment, he thought about the past year. It was almost one year ago to the day that he'd arrived in Hyperia. He'd taken the old magician's words of advice to heart. The old fox had arrived in Hyperia the same way. Deft at magic, he'd spent years searching for a way home, a way to bridge this reality with the one they'd left. But there was no way to trade the Royal Forest for Yellowstone Park. Wolf believed him, that there was no way home. What's more, Wolf didn't care.

As far as Wolf was concerned, this was home.

His thick erection throbbed twice, then began to grow as he looked over at his queen. She was beautiful. Luscious. Incredible. His lion goddess. They were rarely apart anymore and spent most nights together, though occasionally they would seek other pleasures. As Marle put it, what was the point of being a queen or king if you weren't able to act like one?

Wolf definitely liked being the king.

Marle smiled back at him, lips pulling back to reveal gleaming white teeth. Her swollen breasts were still enlarged from her pregnancy, recently completed. Their baby took after the queen and was currently sleeping in the nursery. Wolf licked his lips as he outright stared at Marle's engorged nipples. Her lactation was making her breasts grow larger than even her normal magic would permit.

"Wolf... before you do what I know you're thinking," Marle said, glancing down at his slowly growing erection, "we should discuss our plans for the Summer Solstice."

"Hmm? What's that?" Wolf asked, tearing his eyes away from the queen's chest long enough to concentrate.

"A yearly celebration," Marle said as she slipped from her throne luxuriously. She padded over to Wolf, still speaking. "Our magic grows strong across the land. It's a time of great celebration - and pleasure."

Wolf smiled as he gathered the queen into his lap, cradling her in his arms as she sat astride his thighs. One arm went around his shoulders, the other around his throbbing erection, which grew rapidly harder by the moment.

"You can already feel it, can't you?" Marle asked, almost whispering as she leaned close to him. "The urge? The need? The power?"

Wolf nodded, mute as he held her firmly. His whole body ached for her as her lusty scent flooded his flaring nostrils.

"The castle servants have already prepared most of the arrangements, but seeing as we finally have a king, you'll be expected to inaugurate the festivities," Marle said. She nuzzled his cheek and Wolf growled involuntarily. She was so close, so firm, so full, so warm...

"Wolf! This is important," Marle said, bapping the distracted canine on the nose. "You'll inaugurate the festivities, after which the entire country celebrates for a full day and night."

Wolf's fingers dug into the queen's firm, rotund hips and rump as he nodded. "What will I do?"

"What we've been practicing," Marle said, smiling broadly. "The tradition says the better we can please each other, the better the festival goes for the rest of the citizens."

Wolf grinned. "I think I get your drift," he said, his voice low and seductive. "I think, what with such an important responsibility falling to us, that we had better practice for several long hours."

"What a perfectly marvelous idea," Queen Marle said, stroking Wolf's chest. Already the canine was bulking up, growing larger and more muscular as his body instinctively drew on the magic of the land. "We have several days with which to... practice."

Wolf stood up suddenly, his ripped arms easily carrying the lioness, even as her breasts and rump began to swell to dangerous proportions.

"Steward!" Wolf called out. A young rabbit scurried forward, breaking ranks with his fellow staff who remained lined up along the red carpet leading to the throne. Each and every one, Wolf noticed, male or female, was very obviously trying hard to remain still despite obvious arousal: erections, pointed nipples, the rest. Marle and Wolf tended to have that effect on their staff.

"We'll take dinner in our quarters," Wolf said imperiously. He winked at the steward as he walked down the steps of the dais the thrones sat on and headed towards the hallway which led to the royal bedroom.

"Yes, your majesty," the steward replied. Though his voice sounded cool, his eyes kept darting to the female steward, a busty rabbit about his age who was similarly eyeing him. "Will that be all, your majesties?"

Marle's paw waved at him over Wolf's shoulder as the canine strutted away. "Yes, you're all dismissed for the day, thank you," she said, before breaking into a spate of giggles as Wolf squeezed her close.

A collective sigh broke out among the stewards as Marle and Wolf finally disappeared down the hallway. The young male rabbit was about to turn to the female and ask her to accompany him, but he was abruptly yanked by the wrist towards one of the numerous broom closets in a nearby hall and summarily sexed. He didn't mind.

Back in the royal bedroom, Wolf's body had already grown to near ridiculous proportions. Though gifted by his transition to the land of Hyperia and its inherent magic with a much more muscular body than he had as a human, he was able to harness the carnal magics that swirled through the lands with a particular ease, allowing him to grow much larger all around, the better to please his queen.

While the wolf's new natural form was much more gifted than his old human body, it was still shockingly large. His sheath was normally as thick as his muscular thigh with a pair of balls each the size of his head. Erect, the head of his cock extended past his muzzle. That was without using magic to enhance himself.

Marle, for her part, was born into the royal family. Her innate abilities were never in question. Her normal figure was more than ample, with breasts that somehow defied gravity, each one as large around as one of the pillows cushioning her throne. Her rump and thighs were larger than would be normal as well, something Wolf found particularly attractive. He'd secretly thought of the "more cushion for the pushin'" phrase plenty times while with Marle, but so far had managed to refrain from blurting it out in her presence.

Marle was quite the handful already, but she responded strongly to Wolf, who was stronger with the magic than anyone she'd ever known apart from herself. There had been the myths, of course, but not for several generations had anyone possessed a gift quite like hers or Wolf's. That's what the scholars and historians said. Marle was apt to believe them as she wrapped her arms around Wolf's rapidly thickening neck. Her fingers curled into his thick grey-and-white pelt, pulling her against his massive chest.

She could feel his erection, already hard and throbbing as he loudly inhaled her scent. Wolf set the queen down on the bed, on her back, and she looked up at him with desire in her limpid eyes. Her rump pillowed out beneath her, flattening against the bedcovers. He was enormous, growing stronger and larger with each day as they approached the solstice. She shuddered as his cock jerked in the air, massive and thick, fatter than her thigh and far longer than her arm. The magic, of course, allowed her the ability to accept such a monstrous erection - and more. She still wasn't sure what her limit was, but Wolf was the likeliest candidate to test her.

She growled, almost a guttural purr of desire, as she lay back on the bed, legs together teasingly as she looked up at his body. She closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, feeling the magic rushing in. She opened her eyes and smiled up at her king, even as her breasts and hips and rump grew plumper and thicker and firmer by the moment, causing the bed to creak dangerously. She grew taller, as well, but was nowhere near Wolf's height. The massive, lumbering wolf looked down at her, his neck merely a pile of muscle on which his head rested. His huge pecs ran down into perfect abdominals, clearly visible beneath his fur, so deep they went. His ass - which she secretly envied, it was so perfect - flexed as he moved forward.

The bed creaked more loudly as he crawled onto it. His eyes were fixed on Marle's, staring into her, his nose flaring.

"Take me, my king!" Marle moaned out. She was wet already - very wet. This solstice was going to be amazing, if they were three days out yet and already she could feel its effects on her body. Her breasts grew larger and larger, beyond the bounds of realism as they piled over her belly and thighs. Her nipples ached and her wet pussy throbbed between her warm thighs as she waited for Wolf.

Finally Wolf touched her, eliciting a wavering moan of pleasure as his fingers dug into her over-large breasts. His thumbs rolled over her nipples, making her arch her back. The wolf's massive erection pressed against her stomach, between her engorged breasts, as he slid his hands down her sides. His touch made her want to cry out and moan and scream and beg for more. The solstice was definitely close, she thought to herself as she writhed against his groping fingers.

For his part, Wolf was having a hard time thinking straight. His fingers alighted along the lioness's pure white fur, stroking and touching and feeling and groping. His massive paws felt like they were on fire wherever he touch her and the wolf was growing increasingly aroused.

"Take me," Marle said once more, but this time as a hungry whisper.

Wolf's eyes narrowed as he stared at her, lust wracking his brain. The instinctual side of his mind took over then, as her musk invaded his nostrils once more. Feeling her spread her legs beneath him, he pushed forward roughly, making Marle cry out as his enormous maleness pushed into her full body, stretching even her. His cock was much larger than when they'd been on their thrones, having grown constantly in those few minutes since they'd left for the bedroom.

Marle's muzzle formed a small "o" of surprise as she quickly clutched at Wolf's shoulders. The incredibly canine was already pushing in more deeply as she squeezed his huge, hard shoulders. She couldn't speak, couldn't breathe for several dizzying moments as he pushed against her. This was different. This was pure carnality. This was the biggest she'd ever felt the wolf, the larger she could remember. But instead of fear, desire flooded her body. Before she realized it, she'd arched her back and pushed her huge breasts out, offering them to the male's muzzle even as he took her more deeply.

She couldn't even begin to describe the luxurious pleasure that strangled her body in the minutes and hours that followed. Slow, passionate thrusts here, a few mild jabs there, rough pounding, and then finally, agonizingly, the sweet release. But only Marle experienced the orgasm. The queen's shuddering breath echoed through the room, eclipsing Wolf's labored grunts. The lioness's eyes nearly rolled back in her head as she realized Wolf was not done, not nearly done with her.

Wolf's body was massive, twice the size he was before at least. His cock alone was larger than she could ever remember, of course, especially as he began to pump her firmly. It felt like it was as big as she was and she swore she could feel the huge head of the shaft stretching out her belly, somewhere beneath her overgrown breasts. How long had they been doing this? She couldn't remember. Time was meaningless here - there was only the wolf. The wolf inside her, stretching her, taking her, claiming her, just as she was claiming him. Her claws raked Wolf's backside as she pushed against him. His muzzle closed on hers for several blissful minutes, his thrusting reduced to small movements as they focused on each other's tongues.

Breaking the kiss with a renewed sense of urgency, Wolf's fingers closed tightly around Marle's shoulders, pinning her down. His back curved as he began to pump her hard, body stiff. They sank down into the soft mattress and Marle's breath caught in her throat as she watched her immense, powerful king approach his orgasm. His chest pressed into her, squeezing her taut and plump breasts deliciously between their oversized bodies. She could feel his muscles rippling, squeezing her tighter and tiger. She'd already had several orgasms, and, unable to help herself, she squealed as another wave hit her.

Wolf's grip tightened fractionally and, for just a moment, Marle could swear she saw every single one of the canine's veins stand out in stark contrast to his fur. He froze, then let out a deep howl of pleasure. His head curved backwards and he came.

Marle's body writhed against his as he held her down, keeping his immensity deep within her body. Her belly began to swell within moments of the wolf's eruption, forcing both of her huge breasts upwards rapidly, along with Wolf's entire chest. Thick cum, both hers and his, spurt from between her legs as she spread them farther and farther apart. She gasped for breath as Wolf's howl echoed in her ears.

Wolf's head finally lowered, his howling finished, though his orgasm wasn't. He pushed forward heavily, leaning down so that he remained hilted deep inside the lioness. He stared at her, muzzle inches from hers. She could smell his hot breath and his musk, the incredible maleness of it all overwhelming her once more. She gasped as yet another orgasm tore through her body, her most intense yet. She keened, high and loud, and her claws began to shred the blankets below her as she clutched at them.

Several minutes passed this way, the intensity refusing to fade for either of them. They rode it out, unable to stop themselves now, until finally Wolf collapsed forward heavily, head resting on Marle's chin. He could feel the lioness's heartbeat against his as he wrapped his arms around her firmly, easily squeezing her with his incredibly massive biceps, each ball of muscle larger than the lioness's head.

They said nothing for a long while, each simply content to recuperate. The effects faded quickly; Marle's breasts returned to a more manageable size as Wolf's body shrunk slowly as well. Within twenty minutes, Marle was able to rouse herself enough to stroke Wolf's backside slowly. They were still larger than they would be normally; Marle was obviously several feet taller and much fuller than before.

"Mmm... don't fall asleep on me yet," she purred, kissing the top of Wolf's head. The male was obviously exhausted. "We should eat."

"Then sleep," Wolf mumbled. He nuzzled at her breasts happily and smiled weakly. "That was... different."

"It's the solstice," Marle said. "It will get even better..."

Wolf shivered as he lay against the lioness, still deep inside her warm body. "Mmm... do I have to get up?"

"Who else will bring me dinner in bed?" Marle said teasingly.

Wolf grumbled a bit, but the grumbles were soon replaced with almost pained expressions as he began to pull free from the lioness. She stared in shock at the size of Wolf's cock. Still half-hard, the massive length came free fractionally, inch by inch. Marle just stared as foot after foot after foot of cock pulled free of her body. Not only was it incredibly long, it was thick - thicker than both of her prodigious thighs put together. Wolf was panting heavily once more by the time he was free and Marle patted her rotund belly affectionately, though her eyes remained fixed on the muscular wolf's massive shaft.

"I hope I have room to eat something!" she said, giggling as she watched him head to the door and tug a small rope. If the wolf weren't so much taller, his enormous erection would have dragged across the floor. A bell chimed in the hallway, and a few moments later a steward knocked, plates of food at the ready. Wolf took them and brought them over to the bed, which was fairly soaked with their fluids.

They ate slowly, both exhausted from their intense lovemaking. They fell asleep early and quickly. The next day, very little was accomplished in terms of royal business. Wolf's body was growing larger by the hour, slowly and incrementally increasing his girth and muscles and height. The same was true of Marle; the lioness was unable to fit into her throne by noon, so large was her firm and luscious white-furred rump. Several stewards pulled the undignified lioness free of her seat, to Wolf's amusement.

They agreed, by mutual consent, to not spend the nights together until the start of the solstice. Marle took up with an entire squadron of soldiers. What they thought was a cushy assignment soon turned into their most arduous, as the ravenous queen demanded more and more from the exhausted regiment. The second night, the day before the solstice, the captain begged for relief and instead sent a different squadron for her highness.

Wolf, meanwhile, was in a near-perpetual state of arousal. He did little but eat and fuck for two days, unable to help himself as his body demanded more of both. The night before the solstice, he ran out of females able to accommodate his massive girth - his cock was simply too big, bigger than even the biggest females who volunteered to help his majesty. The magic was nearly tangible as willing females clambered over his engorged body. The wolf was nearly twelve feet tall by the time the solstice arrived. But when he woke the morning of the big day, he was flaccid for the first time since separating from Marle. Half a dozen females lounged across him, each larger than the next; three used his sheath and balls as oversized, overstuffed pillows.

Wolf stretched his arms out above his head as he sat up, unintentionally dislodging a sleeping rabbit from his enormous chest. He grinned down at them as they slowly woke and stared at him in amazement.

Wolf focused and, realizing the magic was more potent and easily managed than ever, sent a little to the five of them, causing quite a ruckus as they realized what was happening. Hips, rumps, breasts, and the like expanded significantly and quickly as he gathered them all close.

Despite their attentions that morning, his thoughts went to Marle. His body ached for her and he couldn't wait to see if she had developed as much as he had.

Stewards gradually arrived and pulled him unwillingly from the ever-willing females. They cleaned him and brushed his fur to a shine. It was nearly midday and soon he would be expected, along with Marle, in the courtyard of the castle, where the celebrations were to take place.

He lumbered along, doing as his stewards directed. His thoughts were fuzzy and left him unable to focus on anything but the lioness. He could smell her scent, enough through the twists and turns of the castle halls. She smelled of sex. It was like a lure to the horny male and it was all the stewards could do to keep him from seeking her out too early.

Finally, the moment arrived. Wolf walked out of the castle, into the bright sun and grass and trees of the courtyard, his feet pounding heavily across the cobbled street. His subjects applauded as he passed them, watching as though he were a one-wolf parade. His shining fur waved back and forth in the breeze luxuriously.

He barely acknowledged them. Marle's scent was stronger now and his massive sheath inflated considerably, though he didn't grow stiff. His balls hung down past his knees. The huge sac throbbed as it pressed against his massive legs, riding his thighs up and down as he walked. They were larger than most of the average-sized subjects surrounding the courtyard, though Wolf noticed most of the various species gathered were more generously sized than usual, all in various states of arousal. The number of cocks rising over ears was quite higher than a normal day in the courtyard, as well over oversized breasts hanging from slim-waisted, large-rumped females. He was glad it was not only he and Marle that could enjoy the solstice's special magic.

The massive, muscular wolf glanced around, nostril's flaring, body still visibly growing. Then he saw her.

There was a platform in the middle of the square. It was about five feet high. A red velvet curtain hung down the sides. About a twenty-by-twenty foot square, it contained nothing but large cushions fastened to the floor of the platform.

In the center of those red cushions was Marle.

Wolf growled, long and loud, shocking the gathered subjects into silence. The vibrations of his growls faded as Marle let out a roar, summoning him to her.

He stalked across the courtyard, eyes ablaze, as hundreds of his loyal subjects looked on. He ignored them all - he only had eyes for his queen. His feet stomped heavily, sending vibrations throughout the courtyard as he lumbered nearer.

She was radiant. Her fur positively shimmered in the bright midday sun. The body that fur coated, however, was what Wolf made wolf snort and his sheath bulge. She was massive. Though by now Wolf was at least fifteen feet tall, towering over everyone and everything, twice the height of the various citizens and stewards around them, Marle was even larger.

Breasts spilled over her chest, bigger than their thrones they so recently occupied. Massive nipples protruded from her white fur, pink and delicious. Her hips flared obscenely, the better to hold her massive rump. She had a swollen, fertile look to her, like an exaggerated statue or painting. Her legs were plump and long, with thighs he could already imagine squeezing around him. Her lips were full, pouty, painted dark red.

Light blue eyes flashed at him as he approached the edge of the large dais, of which she already occupied a significant amount. She lounged there, tail tip switching back and forth lazily as she gazed at his exaggerated physique. Though she was playing it cool, he could smell her arousal - and her need.

Wolf shuddered and, as if one, the entire crowd gasped. Wolf began to grow.

Already massive, huge, and obscenely muscular, his body began to take on ridiculous proportions only heard of in ancient tales and lore. Each of his massive arms grew to the size of a full grown male. His thighs were thicker than trees. His midsection and chest were hard and muscular - his pecs were very nearly breast-like in their surging size. His neck swelled, until it was swallowed up by muscles. He grew taller, several feet taller, until he towered magnificently over the square and cast quite a shadow.

The twenty-foot-tall wolf growled. The low vibrations struck the air and made it shimmer as magic and power flooded his body. Desire ramped up in his loins as his sheath swelled to match the rest of him. Already magnificent, huge, the biggest anyone had ever seen, he soon put even his former size to shame. His as-yet-flaccid cock was thick as his own midsection. The sheath hung off his lower belly and groin ludicrously, stretching a few pieces of skin as it sagged with its own weight. His balls rode lower and lower, till they dragged along the ground, hiding his powerful thighs and calves from view.

The wolf's body shuddered as the Hyperian magic shouldered its way in, transforming him in ways none could have imagined. He was by far the largest, most powerful, carnal creature anyone had ever seen. His musk flooded over the square, potent enough with pheromones to drop several of the awestruck citizens to their knees.

Marle's eyes widened as she watched him slowly mount the dais. It shuddered and collapsed under his weight, hitting the ground below with a huge bang as the supports immediately gave out. His enormous feet crashed through the wood; only the pillows prevented any splinters from reaching them.

The loud, shocking noise woke the crowd. Within moments, the entire square was an eruption of cheers and catcalls. Decorum was, for tonight at least, out the window.

All eyes were on Wolf as he approached Queen Marle. His chest heaved as he took in gigantic gulps of air. His sheath continued to swell, not only from growth in general but from the increase in his erection. The massive head of his swollen, flaccid cock pushed out first, dark red in color. It was as thick around as a wagon wheel and enough to cause several of the onlookers considerable penis envy.

The aura of growth seemed to fall across the entire crowd, however, as all watching felt the reverberations of magical energy as the lioness and wolf exchanged lustful stares. It was like being on the edge of a whirlpool.

Several of the males in the crowd grinned as their packages began to swell; the females experienced much the same. Pairings soon began to take place, with eager hands and muzzles attracting like among the crowd. Yet the main attraction was still the king and queen of Hyperia. The queen, lounging regally, legs partly spread, over a dozen feet tall; the king, more massive than anyone could have thought possible, slowly growing larger still, with a cock as big as a wagon. He was nearly twice her size, but the closer he came to her, the more her own growth increased.

Marle's eyes widened as Wolf approached more closely yet. She tensed as she realized how huge her king had become over the past two days. As she watched him advance on her, his huge, tree-trunk-like legs swinging forward slowly, she began to swell further. Her breasts spilled out, falling over her sides; her thighs thickened considerably, the better to run into her over-plump rump, far larger for even her newly-grown body than it should be. The lioness's pure white fur rustled in the light breeze as Wolf came closer and closer yet...

At the moment Wolf clasped a huge paw around Marle's thigh, a near electric shock went through the crowd. More magic gathered, nearly visible as it swirled above the square, seeking out and homing in on Marle and Wolf. The crowd roared with approval as every single living thing in several square miles suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to mate sweep over them.

Wolf's eyes narrowed as he slowly brought his other paw to Marle's body, sensually rubbing his fingers over her oversized breasts, cupping and holding them, teasing the nipples. The lioness shuddered and leaned back, muzzle open, eyes closed. Wolf's fingers touched and explored as though it was his first time with the lion goddess.

Wolf's cock swelled more hugely yet. His massive balls dragged on the floor and over Marle's legs as he pressed himself more closely to her body. The canine's engorged sheath rested on her lower belly, the first part of his growing erection slipping into Marle's never-ending cleavage. Already he was six or seven feet long, half Marle's height.

Marle moaned loudly as her paws reached out to Wolf. He was so big, so huge and powerful. She couldn't resist him, not like this. The crowd disappeared as all her thoughts went to nothing but the wolf. Her paws rand down his chest, his shoulders, as she tugged the 20-foot-tall wolf closer against her silky body.

"My king," she whispered, caressing his muzzle.

Wolf's face took on a hungry look as he nodded and pressed his muzzle to the crook of her neck. His massive, hard chest flattened out the lioness's breasts, each of which were nearly as large as Marle herself in terms of volume. Flesh pushed to the sides as he squeezed against her roughly.

The wolf's sheath shuddered and strained as thick red meat began to spill out quickly. Enormous veins crossed the length as thick pre-cum drizzled out the tip, itself as big around as one of the ubiquitous wooden barrels dotting the courtyard.

Marle's legs spread wide as the wolf's paws slipped around and began to grope and squeeze at her oversized rump. His fingers dug into her bottom, making her gasp as he squeezed her roughly. He was so strong - he easily lifted her up off the wooden platform and stood her up in front of him. She threw her arms around his massive neck, standing on tip-toes to reach the wolf, who was still much taller than her, despite her own increased growth.

They kissed heavily, with Wolf's massive shaft squeezed between them, between her engorged breasts. Wolf's paws clutched at her firmly. Everywhere they touched, they tingled. The magic flowed between them, changing them both. Wolf's innate gifts came to full force as the magic sought to equal them out, to make Marle as big as Wolf.

Marle shuddered as she felt her inner thighs grow more and more damp. She'd never been this big, and yet somehow Wolf was still helping her grow larger! She felt so good, so warm and full. Standing like this, in Wolf's strong and ripped arms, her massive breasts full and firm against his chest and belly, surrounding his ridiculous maleness... she grasped him firmly around the neck as his paws lifted her still growing rump up into the air.

She'd never have expected it to be like this. Standing! He was so strong! It was incredible, the rush of energy as he lifted her higher and higher, almost pushing his arms straight up into the air. She must have weighed several tons at this point, but to Wolf she weighed nothing.

Finally she was high enough to get over the tip of Wolf's still only half-hard shaft. The red length was as thick around as she was; she shuddered and moaned at the thought of the enormous shaft actually entering her.

As Wolf determinedly lowered her, she spread her legs and wrapped them around his belly and back. He kept one paw gripping her rump, but Wolf's other hand roamed her oversized breasts, squeezing and stroking. As he lowered her further, slowly pushing the head of his cock between her legs, his muzzle found one of her nipples.

Marle cried out with pleasure as he began to suckle her tit. Between her legs, she could feel her body begin to stretch around the canine's red length. It was far, far bigger than anything she could have believed. This was truly a legendary moment.

Wolf grunted as he slowly pulled Marle down. His sturdy legs were rock solid, with his claws digging into the platform for extra stability. He could feel himself slowly pushing into the lioness's body and it felt good. Very good. He grinned around her huge nipple as he tongued it and pulled her down a bit more roughly, shoving the rest of his oversized head into her body.

Marle cried out again and shuddered, making Wolf moan himself. His cock jerked, beginning to grow again -but this time, to grow hard. Marle felt it and gasped as she clutched at him, claws digging into his thick pelt.

Wolf returned both paws to the lioness's oversized rump, letting her flesh fill his paws and spill over the sides of his hands. He thrust upwards, thick and slow, shoving more of his erection into her body. Her belly swelled - he was penetrating her more deeply already than should be possible. But the magics swirling around and inside them allowed them this pleasure.

Wolf howled as he felt his erection firm up more and more quickly. He pulled Marle down roughly, eagerly, trying to shove himself as deeply as he could inside his queen, wanting to feel her completely surround him. The wolf's paws grabbed at her hips and thighs, breasts and rump, as his enormous shaft visibly swelled the lioness's body.

Marle shuddered, experiencing near constant orgasms as Wolf pumped his way deeper and deeper into her body. She could feel herself stretching, growing to accept the Wolf's overly large appendage. It was so thick! As thick as she was! Yet somehow she managed to take it. One of her paws went to her belly, which was distended as though she were pregnant. Feeling her skin and fur, though, she could feel the cock inside her throbbing against her paw. Her swollen breasts ached as she leaned backwards, legs splayed almost straight out to the side at this point.

Wolf dropped to his knees heavily, unintentionally cracking several cobblestones below the platform. The jolt shoved his massive erection further into Marle's body. The lioness screamed with pleasure Wolf returned her to her backside. He pushed his arms straight out, on either side of her breasts, preventing them from falling to the sides so that they built up incredibly on her chest. Wolf shuddered as he thrust his hips heavily, easily; his long, strong legs locked straight out as he held his ass up in the air, like an upside down "V," to make it easier to plunge forward.

The crowd around them was a riot of lust and sex. Still, most that could watched the stage, but their bodies were all growing and filling out, becoming more aroused and larger and sexual by the minute. Had any citizens of Hyperia worn clothes, not a single one in the crowd would have been able to fit even the largest pair of pants or shirts by this point.

Marle and Wolf had eyes only for each other, though. Wolf pushed forward heavily, sinking more deeply yet into Marle's warm body. The wolf groaned and shuddered as he leaned forward, muzzle almost within range of the lioness's.

"Almost there," he whispered to Marle.

"Hurry," she gasped, body arching against him.

He could feel her desire, her need for him. It was overwhelming, and with a great, powerful thrust borne out of pure desire, he managed to force himself the rest of the way into her body.

The sensations they experienced at the moment of their most intense coupling were nigh indescribable. Marle's muzzle went wide open, but no noise came out. Her eyes stared into the sky as she tipped her head back and her claws pierced Wolf's shoulders as she stiffened and tightened. Her belly bulged ridiculously, her whole body stretched around the canine shaft splitting her.

Wolf's balls, flat against the wooden platform between his legs, swelled and throbbed with cum as he hilted Marle. His arms and legs locked in place as he leaned forward and down, against the lioness with all his power. He was there, inside, where he knew he should be. He closed his eyes and let out a ragged breath, barely able to breathe as pleasure overwhelmed him.

Wolf reached forward and gently tipped Marle's head up, towards him. She stared at him as he lowered his muzzle to hers, now finally within reach. They kissed, passionately, eagerly, tongues and lips sliding across the other's as Wolf's hips moved, slowly at first, but with increasing power and speed.

Soon the queen's body was shaking, quivering, rolling back and forth as Wolf plunged forward and back, driving his oversized cock into her body again and again and again. Her legs wrapped around his lower back as they continued to kiss, arms rubbing against each other, hugging as tightly as they could. Her massive, engorged tits, each huge breast as large as a wagon, flopped back and forth roughly as the wolf pounded forward.

Their oversized, newly grown bodies fit together perfectly. Marle had grown just enough, thanks to Wolf, to match him. Her massive, inflated rump provided the perfect cushion as Wolf pounded away; her huge breasts flattened against his chest magnificently. The view of the two from the side was an inspiring sight to the lust-driven onlookers.

Nothing could stop Wolf or Marle. Their bodies thrilled at the contact, at the motion and movement. They thrust and ground and kissed and did whatever they could to bring each other as much pleasure as possible.

Hours passed. The sky darkened, but still the king and queen of Hyperia thrust and shook and moaned, then all through the night. They both came, over and over, but not once did they disengage or pull away or stop for even a moment. Their supernatural ability to fuck was a gift they would not waste. It was a wonder the queen didn't inflate like a balloon until she burst from the amount of cum the canine pumped into her. Fortunately, their magic helped keep things going.

The spectacle continued until the next morning. The intensity of their coupling increased throughout the night. Marle's body was full, inflated like a balloon with all the seed the canine pumped into her. A river of cum, both hers and his, flowed through the square and into the sewers. Many of the spectators had sampled the seed and immediately fell into a sexually-aggravated stupor, unable to do much but find the nearest willing person to fuck immediately. The aphrodisiacal powers of the king and queen's cum would be legendary after that night.

Soon the sewers were backing up and a calf-deep flood of their combined cum stood in the square. Ludicrously sized males and females fell upon each other, fucking and sucking with abandon, matching the king and queen, if not in size, in intensity.

Marle shuddered again as an orgasm thrilled through her oversized body. Her paws rested on the sides her belly, huge and wide and round. She lost count of how many orgasms she'd experienced. Dozens? A hundred? It didn't matter - the wolf was still fucking her, still pounding, still thrusting his lewdness into her body.

The intensity kept growing. Marle's orgasm didn't end. The tingling spread across her entire body, as though she were entirely made of erogenous zones. Wolf could feel it and soon felt much the same; it was difficult for the male to thrust, wracked as he was by orgasm-induced convulsions. His cock began to spurt constantly, non-stop, thick streams of warm wolf seed.

For nearly an hour before sunrise, the two lovers experienced the most intense moments of their lives to that point. Their orgasms didn't decrease, didn't stop. They grew, until neither could speak or move. Marle's eyes rolled back in her head and Wolf's body locked up tight, forcing his massive, bulging muscles to squeeze heavily around the lioness.

Then, just as the sun peeked over the horizon, they reached their climax. It was their climax, because nothing they'd experienced in the past day compared to the overwhelming rush of absolute pleasure both experienced. Marle couldn't help but roar, loud enough to shatter several windows nearby and wake any sleepers within a mile. Wolf howled, matching her, as his oversized cock flared inside her, forcing her stomach to grow more and more full and round.

But within a few moments, it was done. The intense high was over, leaving the two exhausted. Wolf's body shivered uncontrollably as he collapsed against Marle. The lioness passed out, arms falling to her sides. Wolf's body tumbled to the edge of the platform, unintentionally pulling his massive shaft from the queen's inflated body. He landed on his back with a massive thump, next to the lioness, and joined the queen in her dreamless sleep.

* * *

The bright light slowly aroused Queen Marle. She blinked slowly as she sat up. She was in her bed, in the castle. There was wolf, next to her.

"Ah, your majesty," a small voice said.

It was one of the stewards. Marle glanced at him and yawned, stretching out her lithe limbs. She felt incredibly rested and relaxed.

"It's been two weeks since the solstice," the steward said. "You're the first to awake."

Marle stopped. "Two weeks?" she cried. "How?"

"We don't know, Your Majesty," the steward said. "After the solstice, you and the King would not awake. You both began to return to your normal sizes." He stopped and glanced at the queen. "Well, mostly normal."

Marle looked down at herself and smiled. Ah - so that's what he meant. The lioness, normally possessing two supremely large and perfect breasts, found herself with a pair that was much bigger than she possessed before. She hefted them in her paws experimentally. Yes, definitely larger - almost twice as big. They were far more than a handful - or even five handfuls. She may need to add another handmaiden to help her wash.

"The magic?" Marle asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the steward said.

Their conversation woke Wolf, who sat up and yawned hugely, stretching his arms over his head. He smiled at Marle and leaned over, kissing her cheek.

"Hello, my beautiful queen," he said, his voice a low growl of pleasure.

"We've slept two weeks," Marle told him. "And look!" She hefted her enlarged bosoms, which made his eyes widen.

"Wow... the magic?" Wolf asked, staring at the queen's luscious breasts. "I mean... you can't get as big as you did on the solstice every time... can you?"

"There's only one way to find out," Marle said, nuzzling at his cheek. She scooted a little closer to him. "And it's not just me..."

She lifted the blanket covering them from the waist down and looked underneath at Wolf.

She stiffened for a moment and, not turning her head, spoke to the porter.

"Uh... you'll... excuse us, won't you?" the queen said, her voice cracking slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the steward said, bowing as he tried to stifle a laugh. He'd seen what she was looking at, of course, when he helped moved them to the bedroom once they'd returned to a small enough size that they could be safely extricated from the square, which still bore the marks from the wolf's heavy footsteps. "Shall I send breakfast?"

"In an hour," Wolf said, slipping a paw down beneath Marle. It closed around her ample rump. He leaned in close and brushed his lips against hers as desire flared up inside him. The blanket twitched, but the steward wasn't sure if it was the wolf's knee or the wolf's permanently -grown sheath. The pocket of fur was stretched out by the mass of flaccid wolf-meat inside, as thick around as the heavy canine's thigh. A slight, continual throbbing deep in the thick maleness caused the wolf's legs to quiver slightly. Quite how large the wolf would be erect was anyone's guess. The wolf's body was much more muscular than it had been before the solstice; he was taller as well. Permanent changes, the magicians had said, though nobody had any idea if they were only capable of the massive growth they'd experienced on the solstice any time of the year.

"Two hours," the queen said. She considered a moment as she felt Wolf's groping paw slip between her legs. "Th... th... THREE!" she gasped, eyes closing.

The steward closed the door just before Marle's shocked cry of pleasure pierced the air and echoed down the hallways. He covered his mouth as he laughed, trying not to make too much noise as he scurried towards the kitchen. Behind him, through the door, the muffled sounds of vigorous lovemaking could be heard.

Another steward on duty at the end of the hallway looked at him and cocked an eyebrow.

"Pay up," the first steward said. "It took less than five minutes for them to send me out."

Hyperia 3: A Gravid State of Affairs

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Something Something Something Hyper

_This is a story I've been working on in public - I stream it as I write on Watch Tail. furryskibum also wanted me to continue and decided to sponsor it, so thanks to him! This has the first two parts._ Shep grimaced as he watched the nurse...

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A Moral Quandary

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