Different mate

Story by Tsari on SoFurry

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It was a lovely spring day in the Johto region and in a forest area a Pokémon was in search of a mate. He called himself Pine and was a feral Leafeon. He was on the trail of an eeveelution female, who he could smell was in heat. He was however also cautious of other males of his kind in the area, but could only smell the faint traces of markings in the area from about a month ago, while the female's scent was still pretty fresh. The wild Leafeon was however not afraid of a fight if it were to come down to it since he had just evolved and was ready to prove himself and hopefully get himself a territory.

He kept searching through the forest, but the scent confused him since he could still only smell several days old scent trails and nothing new. There was also the scent of another male, but it only smelled of him urinating and not scenting the area for territorial claim.

After hours of searching he finally found an eeveelution, but not the one he was looking for as he came face to face with a Flareon male.

"Hi there." The Flareon said friendly as he was resting on a large stone in a clearing.

"Hi, I am looking for a female that should be in the area, do you know where she is?" Pine asked.

"Gone, she was captured by a human almost a week ago." The Flareon answered.

"Okay, that's too bad. What about males in the area? I smelled two males, one who claimed this territory and one who didn't. I guess you are the second one." Pine said.

"There used to be me, a Vaporeon female and an Espeon male, but as I said the female was captured about a week ago and the male some three weeks ago. Now there is just me and I don't really want to own a territory. If you want it, take it, I just hope that you will let me stay like the other male did." The Flareon said.

"Oh, okay, I guess you can stay, for now, and yes I would like to claim this territory." Pine said a bit taken aback by the information, since he was looking forward to meeting the female. He didn't really want to fight the Flareon either, partly because of type disadvantage, partly because he seemed friendly enough.

"What's your name anyway?" Pine asked.

"Flare. Yours?" Flare said.

"I'm Pine. Your name is Flare the Flareon? Not very inventive." Pine said.

"Well I like it and if I am ever caught by a human that person will probably just call me Flareon anyway, which isn't far away from my name, while Pine is a bit far from Leafeon." Flare said logically.

"Oh, well I have no intention of being caught by a stupid human." Pine said defiant.

"That's what they all say." Flare said coldly.

"Well anyway, can you show me around, I am kind of thirsty and hungry." Pine said in a domineering tone to show he was the new boss.

"Sure, why not, you are the new master of this area and I am your humble servant." Flare said frindly and then jumped off the rock and stretched his limbs before showing Pine around.

Flare told him about places to avoid, because of other Pokémons in the area like Beedrill and Ariados, but also nicer areas with friendly Pokémons to play with.

During the tour, Pine made sure to mark his territory on several trees, although he didn't feel completely comfortable having the Flareon stare curiously at his groin as he did so.

Flare then he showed the Leafeon a stream where he could get something to drink and a berry bush where he could get something to eat.

"Thanks, that was some good berries." Pine said after having his stomach filled.

"My pleasure." Flare said friendly.

"Why don't you want to rule the territory anyway? It looks great and I am sure you could get some females here you could claim." Pine said.

"Well you see, I don't really feel like much of a ruler, and when it comes to a mate, I don't really want to claim but rather want to be claimed, if you know what I mean." Flare said a bit embarrassed.

"What do you mean... oh." Pine said as he realized what he meant.

"Yeah, that's why the other male let me stay since I wasn't going to go after his female." Flare said self-conscious.

"Well then, I guess you also have my permission to stay, permanently." Pine said and gave a nervous laugh.

There then was an awkward silence for a bit.

Then finally Pine asked "How does it even work with a male?"

"Pretty much the same as with a female, just using a different hole." Flare said with a smirk.

"Oh, I see." Pine said and felt himself blush.

"You haven't been with a female yet, have you?" Flare said smugly.

Pine wanted to lie to seem more mature, but decided to be truthful as his face turned just as red as Flare's. "No, but I just evolved, so I haven't had a chance yet."

"My, my, a cutie such as you will certainly have no problems getting someone to mate with." Flare said alluring.

"Ehm thanks." Pine said a bit embarrassed and looked at Flare. His orange eyes locked up with Flare's black ones and he felt an uncomfortable feeling of longing.

Pine looked away again and started blushing. "You like me don't you? I mean in a more than just friends way."

"Well sure, as I said you are pretty cute. Do you like me?" Flareon asked hopefully.

"I don't know." Pine said discomfited.

"Well at least that's not a no." Flare said with some remaining optimism.

"Did, did the other male, you know, the one before me, did he mate with you?" Pine asked uncomfortable.

"Sadly no, I did ask but he was more into the Vaporeon." Flare informed.

"Oh." Was all Pine could utter.

"You know; it's not like I am that much more experienced than you. I have only mated a couple of times with a Jolteon male before I got here, so don't feel sad about your inexperience." Flare said but Pine didn't answer as his face had turned just as red as Flare's from blushing out of embarrassment.

"If you want I could be your first experience. I promise I can make you feel good." Flare said and tried sounding tempting.

Pine knew where it was going and he wasn't that reluctant, still he said: "I don't really know."

"Again, not a no. I Tell you what, I know something that isn't exactly mating but will make you feel really good. You can even have your eyes closed if you don't want to see me. Just lean back against that tree log over there and let me do the work." Flare said alluring.

Pine was still hesitant but decided to do what Flare said anyway, that was just something about the Flareon that was endearing. He went to the fallen dead tree and leaned his back against the log, and then he closed his eyes and waited. Flare then slowly sauntered over to the Leafeon and then got down on his stomach in front of his spread legs and was centimeters away from Pine's groin.

Flare gave himself a moment to enjoy the sight before him, as he grew lustful at the sight of Pine's big yellow furred balls and his plum sheath with its hidden treasure.

Flare blew softly on it, which made pine open his eyes in shock and asked confused: "What are you doing?"

"I am going to give your penis pleasure with my mouth." Flare said calmly will not averting his starring from Pine's privates.

"You can do that?" Pine asked curiously since he had never thought about such a thing.

"You sure can, sweetheart. Now close your eyes and let this pretty creature take good care of you." Flare said and Pine slowly closed his eyes and waited in anticipation.

Flare then slowly extended his tongue and gave Pine's ball sack a quick lick, which caused the other male to give a soft moan but otherwise he remained still. Seeing this as a sign to continue, Flare began to lick the orbs gently while Pine began to moan softly in pleasure.

Flare then took one of the yellow balls in his maw and began sucking on it. "Ah, that feels so good, Flare." Pine moaned out with his eyes still closed. Flare appreciated the compliment and continued sucking on the testicle for a bit longer before letting it slip from his mouth, and then he switched over to doing the same to the other.

What Flare did was having the desired effect as not only was loosening up Pine liking it, but Pine's pink cock was also slowly emerging from his sheath. Flare then shifted his attention to the sensitive organ and began to lick it slowly and tenderly.

Pine then opened his eyes and looked down at the cute Flareon who was pleasuring his shaft and moaned: "It feels really good, you are really good at this, Flare." Flare giggled cutely at that and continued licking the tasty rod.

Then to Pine's surprise, Flare took Pine's dick in his mouth and began sucking on it. From a previous encounter, Flare had discovered that he like sucking cock, but unfortunately it had to be stopped since he hadn't learnt to be mindful of his teeth. This time he was more careful and made sure not to let them scrape the tender meat, which showed itself by Pine experiencing nothing but pleasure.

A couple of minutes passed before the inevitable happened as Pine's breathing became more and more strained. "Flare, I feel something, I think I am going to pee." Pine said but Flare pressed on undeterred.

Finally, Pine moaned: "Ah, ah, oh.", and then let loose and shot his load of pent up spunk into Flare's sucking maw.

Flare then wasted little time as he began to suck up every drop of Pine's salty offering, while the Leafeon relaxed in the afterglow.

"That was great, thanks." Pine eventually said.

"You are welcome, and you tasted great, so the pleasure was all mine." Flare said playfully. "What now?" Flare asked and hoped Pine was up for fucking him next.

"I would like a nap now." Pine said tired.

"A nap?" Flare echoed, a bit disappointed.

"Well I have been running around all day looking for a mate and then I met you and you drained the rest of my energy." Pine said.

"Well, okay. The day is nearly gone anyway, but I got a burrow where you can sleep." Flare said as he noticed that the sun was setting.

As they were walking towards Flare's home, Pine noticed that Flare's cock had slipped from his sheath and said: "You have gone hard too."

"Oh, yeah, don't mind that I will take care of it, unless you want to do something about it." Flare said hopefully.

Pine was feeling tired and still unsure about the whole mating with a male so he remained silent.

They then arrived at a hole in a hill and Flare led Pine inside the burrow, in there, Flare only managed to say: "Make yourself at home." Before Pine found a suitable spot to lie and then he fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams, my master." Flare then said lovingly before he gave the Leafeon a n affectionate lick. Then Flare also found a place where he could sleep and then after some minutes, he too fell asleep.

The next morning before the sun had truly risen, Pine woke up and looked around the unfamiliar burrow before he remembered what had happened the day before. He then remembered Flare, as his nose caught his scent and he felt a longing.

The Flareon was however not there and Pine feared that Flare might have left the territory anyway. He then got out of the burrow and started to sniff around until he picked up the trail and headed that way.

He quickly found Flare by a creek and said: "Oh I'm glad I found you, I thought you had left."

"Well isn't that cute, I just get up a little early to get some water and you miss me tremendously." Flare said amused.

"I just like you and I don't want you to leave." Pine said and Flare felt very flattered. "And I want to make it up for you, for what you did for me yesterday." Pine said.

There then was a short pause where no one said anything, then Flare said: "I was hoping you would say that eventually. What I would really like, is to be claimed, you know, you mounting me from behind and make me yours."

"I'll do it." Pine said determent.

"Okay, sit down and let me get your cock hard, ready and wet. The wetness helps with penetration by the way." Flare said.

Pine then sat down and Flare put his head down to Pine's yellow furred groin again and repeated his actions from the prior evening. First liking his balls, then licking his shaft and finally sucking Pine's pecker. This time Pine also knew what was coming so he was prepared.

Then when he felt the time was right he told Flare: "Turn around." Flare obediently followed the order, turned around and lifted his bushy, yellow tail to reveal his inviting ass.

Pine was about to mount the Flareon until he saw Flare's red furred balls hanging beneath the tempting asshole and decided to repay his partner's service a bit. "Ah, you don't have to." Flare gasped as he felt Pine take one of his jewels in his mouth and started to suck on it gently.

Licking balls was not so bad for Pine as he liked the taste, and he kept sucking on the orbs for a bit, while his nostrils took in the aroma of Flare's butthole.

Soon Pine's attention shifted to said entrance and he began to lick it. "Oh, you really don't have to." Flare again said, but Pine continued, for one because he wanted to make it wet for easier penetration, as Flare had said, secondly because he began to enjoy the activity.

After a minute and some, Pine had however had enough of foreplay. He quickly mounted his mate, who accommodated his weigh upon him. Then Pine jabbed his dick around until he found his mark and penetrated the tight opening. "Ah, yes. "Flare moaned as he felt the dick enter him.

Pine then let his natural instincts take over as he began hammering into the willing partner beneath him. Faster and faster, and deeper and deeper, Pine's cock went inside Flare's tight corridor, until Pine's knot was pressing up against Flare's anal ring and Pine's yellow balls bounce off Flare's red ones. "Oh yes, fuck me, claim me!" Flare whimpered.

"You like it? You like the way I mate with you?" Pine asked with a strained breathing.

"I love it! Keep making me our bitch, please tell me you love my ass." Flare groaned back.

"I love it too; it feels so hot inside you. I think I am going to explode inside of you." Pine moan.

"Please do it, knot with me and fill my ass with your cum. Flare moaned as Pine continued to pound him.

Then after a couple of minutes, he got his wish, as Pine knot entered him and Flare had to give out a painful yelp as It did hurt, but it also felt good. It actually felt so good having the knot stimulate his prostate that Flare came shortly after and shot his seed on the ground below him.

Pine followed very soon behind him and with on last groan he let loose and filled Flare's anal passage with his warm cum.

The two males then stood still for a while, while they panted in the afterglow, then Pine got off the feral Flareon and stood hind quarters to hind quarters with him, since they were still locked together by Pine's knot.

"That felt great, I hope we get to do it again." Pine said a bit carefully.

"My ass now belongs to you and you can use it whenever you want, master." Flare isaid friendly to encourage a more dominant attitude to the new leader of the pride.