Choose your own Path pt13

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#14 of Choose your own

The sphinx lies down on her front this time, her tail high in the air as she looks at you teasingly. You immediately look down and begin rubbing your belt, thinking to make it bigger, and you cock slowly stretches and expands. You stare in amazement as you cock goes way past your originally well hung length, going out to about 2 feet or slightly more, and about four inches wide. The sphinx murrs at the sight of it.

"Mmmm, come on little elf, put that hard little thing into me." she tels you, and you oblige, thrusting your newly grown cock straight and smooth into the sphinx. She stiffens immediately, growling in pleasure, and you can't help moaning in pleasure yourself, your pleasure immense, as if the increase in cock size increased the pleasure you felt too. You fuck her at a very reasonable rate, smacking your slightly enlarged testicles against the entrance to her vagina with every deep stroke.

Your orgasm approaches very rapidly, the sphinx grinding and clenching on your cock not exactly helping you savour the moment.

"My lady, you don't seem to be enjoying it that much, why the rush?"

"The Master will inspect us soon, and being seen with an adventurer that's nicked two of his favourite items would not please him." You howl and ejaculate into the depths of her warm pussy, and she pulls off, quickly nudging you towards the door.You grab your cothes and equipment and head upstairs.

Charm the elf/dragoness


Get out of the cave before the Master turns up

Choose your own Path pt14

**Close vote** As soon as is humanly decent, you get dressed and quickly bid the sphinx farewell. You'd had a lot of fun on this trip, but right now, your priority to get out alive is overcoming your desires to hang around and have fun. The sphinx...

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