The Hunger

Story by saintajax33 on SoFurry

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"I could always feel it inside." Said the bear, and he took a long drag from his cigar, the dim ember illuminating his rugged aged face. "Just clawing at the surface, trying to get out." He closed his eyes, and let the smoke pour from his nose. "I tried to control it, wield it to my own will, but it was stronger than I was. It wanted control, it needed control, and it controlled me to get it." The bear leaned back in the chair, his bulky body making his chair screech, like it was going to brake under his weight. "The first time I lost control I was eighteen. All I could do was watch as it took me over, as it did as it pleased." The bear ran his paw over his leather vest. "If I close my eyes I can still see it as If it happened yesterday." The bear leaned his head back, and closed his eyes.


Delano was sitting in the back of the city bus. He was staring blankly out at the window at the snow covered sidewalk. He watched as the people bundled up in warm clothing, tried to navigate though the city streets, in the dreadful weather. The brown bear's bottomless frame glasses hung from the tip of his stubby snout, as he looked through them. He watched through unfocused eyes, as the signs, and lights of the city passed by his window. He let out a soft sigh and he pushed them back onto his face. He slumped back into his seat, and started to idly play with one of the strings that hung from the hood of his light grey coat. His stubby ears swiveled forward as he heard the bus's brakes hiss to a soft stop.

Del grabbed the strap of his brown messenger bag, and checked to see if any the patches of various places and things he liked, had fallen off. He stood up, and swung the bag onto his shoulder. The bear walked to the front of the bus, the driver opened the door for him, and he walked out into the soft falling snow. When he stepped out onto the side walk, the fresh layer of light fluffy snow crunched under his shoeless, paw like feet. (The skin on his paw pads, to thick to need them.) The bear looked up at the bleak overcast sky, and then grabbed a dark blue baseball cap from out of his bag. He put it on; his stubby ear's poking through special holes in the top. Del pulled the brim of the baseball cap down as far as he could, to hide his eyes, not wanting anyone to see them on his short walk home. The bear slipped his paws in his hoodie pockets, and looked down at his feet as he started to walk home.

Del came to a small alleyway he used as a short cut, not that it was shorter, it just let him avoid as many people on his way home as possible. He turned down it, between the two old brick apartment buildings on either side. He heard someone talking in the distance, but just ignored it as he drew closer. He kept his eyes on his feet, watching them as he walked, hoping to just slip past whoever was in front of him. As he got closer, one of the voices, spoke out to him. "Hey kid!" Said a high pitched squeaky voice. Del just ignored it, and kept walking. "Hey kid!" Shouted the voice this time. "Are you deaf or just some kind of retard."

Del's fists clenched in his coat pockets, and he looked up at where the voice had come from. In front of him was a small white mouse, his big pink ears wrapped up in ear muffs made just for his species. He had on a big white puffy coat, and a pair of baggy white denim jeans, that looked out of place on his slender frame. Next to him was a polar bear that towered over both of them with ease. He had on a white tank top, that clung to his perfectly sculpted barrel chest, six pack abs, and framed his bulky arms. Any other person would have died going out in something like that, but the white bear's body was built for the cold. Del's eyes traced down the curves of the larger bear's body. His eyes going first to his bright red rebel flag belt buckle, and then down his thick muscle leg's covered only by a thin pair of holey denim jeans. Del looked at the mouse, keeping his eyes hidden from the rodent. "I'm just not in the mood to talk." He said casually, before he started walking again.

The polar bear stepped in front of Del, and the brown bear tried to walk around him, but the larger bear just stepped back in front of his path. The big bear pressed his paw against the smaller bear's squishy chest, and pushed him, making Del stagger back. Del looked up at the bear, keeping his eyes hidden under his cap, but letting him see the polar bear's face. "Oh boi, you picked the wrong day to take this way home." The white bear smirked, and he shook his head. "Don'tcha know this is pure blood turf now?" He reached out, and pushed against Del's chest again. A scowl grew across the brown bear's face this time. "And that you gotta' pay a fee to use this here alleyway?" The larger bear reached out, and grabbed the strap of Del's bag. "I think this should be payment enough." The polar bear yanked the bag off of the smaller bear's shoulder, and pushed him back, making him fall flat on his ass. The polar bear threw the bag over to the mouse, and he caught it. A deep growl started to rumble in Del's chest, he stood up. Del took a few steps back, and started to come at the larger bear, trying to head-butt him. But before he could make contact, the larger bear reached out, grabbed Del, spun him around, and held him against his body. Del struggled to get free from the stronger bear's grip, throwing his head back trying to smack into the bear's chin, but only hitting the brick wall of muscle the bear called a chest.

The white mouse started going through the bag, taking out Del's lap top, his wallet, and then a small flat paper bag. The mouse's pink hairless tail flicked behind him, and he pulled out the magazine that was inside of the bag. The rodents face twisted in disgust as he saw the cover. It was a male husky; he had large ropes wrapped around his arms, legs, and chest, tying him to an old wooden chair, a leather thing the only piece of clothing on his body. And then in bright red letters on the cover, the title read, "Leather Bound." The mouse started to flip through the magazine, his face growing more and more disgusted with each turn of the page. The mouse stood up, and walked over to the bears. "Not only is this piece of scum walking over our turf." Hissed the mouse. "But he's also a fucking fag!" The mouse showed the magazine to the polar bear, and then punched Del in the gut, making him groan in pain, and hunch over.

The polar bear's face grew into a wicked grin. "Well we ought to teach the [i]fag-ot[/i] a lesson then." Growled the bear.

The mouse laughed, and then smiled at the polar bear. A snarl grew across Del's face, he felt something start to bubble up inside him, it was like this combination of rage, anger, and a strange clarity. His base ball cap fell from his head, and he lifted his head to look at the rodent, his eyes closed. When his eyes opened, the rat took a step back, and looked at him confused. "Dude!" said the mouse. "This faygo's got some fucked up eyes! There pitch black."

Del snarled, that's why he avoided contact with others. That was the whole reason he took this short cut home, and took that telemarketing job, so no one would see his eyes. He was always self-conscious about his eyes, and the way people would stare at him, ask stupid questions, or run in fear, calling him the devil or a monster. Before he knew what he was doing, and in one fluid motion; he twisted his way out of the bear's arm, and wrapped his paw around the bear's muzzle. It felt like he wasn't controlling his body, like some outside force was tugging his strings, making him dance like a puppet, as he watched from afar. Del's pitch black eyes gave of this strange black glow, and then his paw glowed with the same black energy. The polar bear's blue eye's flashed with that same energy, and then Del let go of the bear's muzzle. Del then turned towards the mouse. The rodent had pulled a switch blade from his pocket, and was standing ready to fight.

The mouse looked to the polar bear. "What are you doing man? Get 'em!" Squeaked the mouse.

The bear's eyes darted back and forth and he grunted as he tried to move, but he just stood there motionless. "I... I can't move!" shouted the bear.

The mouse lunged forward, trying to cut Del, but the brown bear simply stepped to one side dodging it, and then he grabbed the mouse's wrist. His paw glow with that strange energy again, and the mouse dropped the knife. Del reached out with his free paw, and touched a finger to the mouse's forehead, the mouse's green eyes flashing with the black energy as the polar bears had. Del was in shock, he couldn't believe how fast he moved, and how easily he took care of them both. [b] [Where did I learn to do that?] [/b] he asked himself.

The mouse grunted. "I can't move!" The mouse's eye's looked at Del. "What the hell did you do to us!" He shouted.

"Silence." Said Del, but they weren't his words, it was like something inside of him said that. Instantly both the brutes mouth's snapped shut, and their eyes looked at each other worried. Del felt that drifting, for off feeling start to fade, and he regained control of his own body. First he quickly put back on his baseball cap, and then he started to gather up his things.

Del was about to leave, when he heard something whisper into his ear. [i] "Give them an order, and they'll do it." [/i] Hissed a strange voice. Del quickly snapped his head around to see where the voice had came from, but no one was there. He shook it off, chalking it up to stress. He picked up his bag, and was about to leave, until his curiosity got the better of him.

Del turned back around, and looked at the frozen looking brutes. He thought about what to tell them, what to try, and he settled for the first thing that came to his mind. "Hop on one foot." The two instantly started to hop up and down, holding there other legs up so it wouldn't touch the ground. Del looked on slack jaw, he had control of them, but he didn't know how. It was confusing, but it felt so good for some reason, like this was how things should be. "Umm... you guys can stop now." He said, a little unsure what to do now. He walked between them, and looked them over, as they stood there still unmoving, but fear coursing through their eyes. "What are your names?" Del asked. "Angus." Said the bear. "Ed." Said the mouse.

Del heard something whisper in his ear again. [i] "Take them back to your apartment.[/i]" Hissed the voice. [i]"I can't take the fake stuff anymore." [/i] As soon as he heard that Del knew what the voice was talking about, the drawer of toys, and bondage magazines in his dresser. Del bit his lower lip, and adjusted his glasses. Should he listen to the voice inside of him, or should he just walk away? He asked himself. Before the voice spoke again. [i] "If you don't, I will." [/i] Hissed the voice. It's words making a cold chill run up Del's spine, and his heart pound in his chest. [b] "It couldn't really do that could it?" [/b] He asked himself. He thought about it for a moment, and decided not to risk it.

Del looked at the two in front of him. "Okay, you two follow me." The bear looked back over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching, his stubby ears flatting to his head. He adjusted his bag, and walked the two out of the ally, down the street, and into his small one bedroom apartment. He looked out of his door, making sure none of the brutes friends had followed them, before he closed the door, and threw his keys into a small wooden bowl on his desk. The inside of the small apartment had a small twin bed, a computer desk near the door, a small kitchen with mini fridge and microwave, and a small bathroom off to the side. The faded paint that covered the walls was pealing in places, and the ceiling had large brow water stains speckling it. Del put his bag on his bed, the new black bed sheets looking out of place in his dilapidated apartment. He pulled out his computer chair, and sat down. He waved his hand at the two in front of him. "Ed, take off your coat, and the both of you sit down on the bed while I think." The two did as they were told, the mouse tossing his coat on the floor in front of Del. The brown bear put his head in his paw, and slowly shook his head back and forth. [b][I can't do this...][/b] He thought. [b][It would be like raping them... I can't hurt someone like that.][/b]

[i] "It wouldn't be." [/i] Hissed the voice in Del's head again. [i]"If they do it willingly it's not rape." [/i]

"Yes it is!" Del shouted.

[i] "No it's not, their just following orders, and getting a load off." [/i] the voice hissed back.

Del slumped in his chair, and took off his hat, before he rubbed his forehead. Not only was he hearing voices, but now they're talking back. "I just can't... its wrong." He whispered.

[i] "Wasn't it wrong when they took your stuff, and tried to hurt you?"[/i] The voice hissed softly. [i] "Don't you think they should pay you back, by feeding that deep hunger inside you?"[/i] the voice asked.[i] "Feeding me?"[/i]

And there it was. That was when Del realized, what the voice was. It was a manifestation of his desires. That need he felt since he was thirteen, that need he tried to tame by reading master pet stories, stories about reap, stories about someone being controlled by another and used for their own pleasure. Del started to shiver. "But I don't want to hurt anyone."

[i] "You don't have to."[/i] Replied the voice. [i] "Just order them to like it, and they will."[/i]

"That could really work?" Del asked, his ears swiveling forward.

[i] "Give it a try."[/i] Hissed the voice.

"Okay..." Del said, and uneasy tone to his voice. He stood up off his chair, and walk over to Angus. He could see the fear in his eyes and the worried look on the white bear's muzzle. Del reached up, and rubbed his thumb over one of the polar bear's white stubby ears, making the polar bear flinch, trying to pull away but unable. Del could see how much the bear hated this, and he wondered if he really could make him like it. He reached out, and pressed his paw against the bear's stomach, blushing as he felt that solid wall of muscle underneath. Del grabbed the bottom of the polar bear's shirt. "Ummm could you lift your arms?" The bear's face kept that worried look, but his arms lifted. Del pulled the bear's shirt over the bigger bear's head, and threw it into the corner. For the first time, Del could see the lines of muscle that outlined the polar bear's body. He reached out, and traced one of his fingers along the line under the polar bear's left peck, the blush under Del's fur growing brighter, and Angus whimpering in terror. Next he reached for that rebel belt buckle, unbuckled it, and undid the bear's belt. Is paw started to shake as he reached out and undid the bear's jeans. Del gulped, and grabbed the massive polar bear bulge through his tight camo underwear. He started to gently squeeze, rubbing his fingers over that huge bulge, trying to get the larger bear hard, but nothing happened.

Del bit his lower lip, he was sure that the bear didn't like it now, and now he wanted to see if he really could. He thought about his words for a few minutes, wanting to say the right thing. He leaned in close to one of Angus's short stubby ears. "I want my every touch to feel better than any woman's has before." He ran his paw over the polar bear's chest. The white bear's eyes closed, and he let out a deep pleasure filled moan. Del's face grew into a wicked grin, it worked, he had full control over them. He could make them fulfill his every want or need, with just a few simple words. He got down on his knees in front of the larger polar bear, and wrapped his fingers around the dark green waist band of Angus's underwear. The bear's ears swiveled back, and he looked up at the polar bear. "I've never done this before." Del said, hoping for some sort of a replay, but the bear above him just stayed still. "So tell me if I do anything wrong."

Del pulled down the elastic of Angus's waistband, and let it rest behind the two massive snow balls he called nuts. Del blinked as he looked at the sheer size of the larger bear's sheath, it was easily twice the size of his own. Del reached out, and cupped one of Angus's nuts in each one of his paws. Del looked on wide eyed, as he started to slowly lift the bear's nuts up and down, letting one go up as the other went down, making them rub together as they passed. Angus was moaning now, Del looked up, and the look of fear had faded from his face, and a look of ecstasy had replaced it. Del's nose twitched as the strong musky scent of aroused male polar bear started filling his small apartment. A chill of joy surged through Del as he leaned forward pressing his nose against those fat snowballs, he closed his eyes, and took a deep whiff, moaning as the scent of bear filled his nose. He felt his pants start to tighten, and he reached down to adjust them. He looked at the thickening sheath of the polar bear; he wrapped his paw around that thick tube of flesh, and shuddered as he felt this intense heat under his finger tips. Del gulped and he pulled down that thin tube of fur, reviling that hard charcoal black rod that lay between the bigger bear's white legs. It was only semi hard, but was already at eight inches, it would have no trouble hitting nine when it was all the way there. Del felt his blush strengthen, as he stuck out his tongue, and dragged it along the underside of that hot black flesh, moaning as he tasted the salty musky flavor of another male for the first time. He wrapped his head around his lips around that helmet shaped head, and started to softly suckle on it, murring as he felt it harden and pulse between his lips. The brown bear closed his eyes, and started to moan, as he ran his tongue over that thick head, groaning with pleasure as salty sweet per started to ooze from the bear's cock head. He used his tongue to smear that slimy pre over the bear's cock head, before he tried to get more of that wonderful dick into his maw. The first few inches were no problem with his ursine muzzle, but as soon as the cock head hit the back of his throat, he gagged, and Angus jerked in pain. "Watch the teeth." Angus's said coldly. Del nodded the best he could, and decided to just slowly bob his head up and down along that long hot flesh. The bear above him, started to fidget back and forth, Del could tell he loved this, but he looked as if he was still trying to fight it.

Del kept that up for a few long minutes, just bobbing his head, and enjoying the taste, and the fact his fantasy was coming true. Del felt those thick balls in his paw's start to churn, and that thick pre start to stop rolling over his tongue. He looked up with just his eyes, in time to see the polar bear's face contort in ecstasy, before he felt that thick cock twitch in his muzzle. Del's eye's went wide, as he felt and tasted warm sweet globs of cum start to spurt into his maw, those massive balls emptying there large load in his muzzle. The brown bear swallowed as much as he could, but he felt himself start to gag, and he pulled off the large bear's cock. The last few spurts of cum erupted from the tip of Angus's cock, and splatter across the younger bear's face, covering the left side of his face, even spurting on the lens of his glasses.

Del fell back panting, and looked up at the polar bear that was doing the same. "It worked!" He shouted. The smaller bear's face grew into a smile, as he stood to his feet.

[i] "Of course it did."[/i] Hissed the voice. [i] "Now why don't you get a little more creative?" [/i] The voice suggested.

Del nodded, and pointed at the two brutes. "Okay, you two take off your clothes while I get ready." Del started to hastily strip from his own clothes, as he walked over to his dresser drawer. Inside there were stakes of different magazines, and various types of toys strewn through it. He pulled out a medium sized purple butt-plug, an adjustable silver cock ring, and a large bottle of lube. He walked back over to the pair, both stripped down to nothing. He could see the uneasy look back on Angus's face, and both of them had deep red blushes, that showed up pink through their white fur. He stood in front of them in nothing but his tight black undies, his large brown fuzzy gut lapping over the waistband. He laid the toys and lube on his bed. "Okay first." Del said more confidence in his voice. "From now on when I give you an order I want you to reply with yes sir or master, got it?" Del asked.

The two white furred creatures in front of him nodded yes, and then in unison said. "Yes sir."

Del's face grew into a bright smile, a feeling of happiness growing through him. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. "Good. Now every time you see someone undressed with a chubby body type like mine, you'll become incredibly aroused. And anytime you just see me, no matter what, you'll become horny and ready for anything."

The two nodded yes again. "Yes sir." They replied. Suddenly he saw the mouse's cock start to stir from his sheath, and before long that skinny pink cock was throbbing hard against the rodent's flat stomach. Then as if on que Angus's cock sprung back to life, throbbing, ready for round two.

Del stared at that black piece of flesh, admits that sea of white fur, it looked a little out of place, but that made it look all the better. Then his eyes darted to Ed's huge rodent balls, his whole species famous for that attribute. Del grabbed the bottle of lube, and the purple butt-plug. He walked over to the mouse, and stood behind him. "Ed, I want you to bend over, and lift your tail to the side. And then I want you to use your paws to speared your ass cheeks open."

Ed nodded yes. "Yes sir." The mouse said as he bent forward, grabbed a hold of his round rodent cheek, and spread them open, reviling the tight pink pucker that lay between them. That long pink tail flicked almost hitting Del in the face, as it laid over to the mouse's side.

Del squirted a hefty amount of lube on the plug, and smeared it over the smooth surface. The brown bear pressed that rounded tip to the mouse's pink pucker, and started to rub it over that tight anal star, making the surface glisten with lube. "Ed, from now on, you'll crave something up your tailhole, unless you have something up it, you'll feel uneasy, anxious, and ready to do anything to have someone put something inside of you. But most of all, you'll want to feel my cock inside of you, you'll want to feel that fullness, and that pleasure you get from having my cock pump in and out of you." Del commanded.

The brown bear let out a soft grunt, and started to push forward that purple plug, no doubt stretching that tight ring farther than it ever had been before. The rodent let out a soft squeak, as he felt that sudden new feeling pulse through his body. The mouse let out a low pleasure filled moan, as that but plug pushed all the way in, his tight ring closing around the narrower end, and the tip pressing that pleasure knot he didn't even know he had. The mouse panted softly. "Thank you master!"

Del smiled, and had the rodent stand back up straight. He walked over to his bad, and grabbed the cock ring. He walked over to Angus. A blush grew back across Del's face, and his ears swiveled back against his head. "Angus, I have some different instructions for you." Del cleared a lump from his throat, and his voice cracked as he spoke again. "I want you to be ready to fuck me at anytime, anywhere. And you're not allowed to cum until my tail hole is spasming around your cock, and I'm cumming all over myself." Del looked down at his feet. "I want you to treat me like you would anyone you've ever had sex with, talk the same way, act the same way, and do the same things that you did to them."

Del swore he saw a slight smile on the bear's muzzle, before he replied. "Yes sir."

Del looked back up at the polar bear. "But you'll like me to top you to; in fact your to cum multiple times as I'm fucking you. Until those big white snowballs of yours are drained dry." Del walked over to the bear, and put on his sliver cock ring, the metal band snapping behind his balls, making them look even bigger. "And as long as you have this cock ring on, I can control whenever you cum. All I have to do is tell you to, and you'll instantly orgasm."

The white bear nodded. "Yes sir."

Del walked between them, and started to rub one of each of their ears. "But most of all I want you two to relax." The bear said, as he started to run his paws down both of their chests. "I want you to feel safe, what you were before doesn't matter. What you did in the past doesn't matter. Your old lives don't matter." The bear traced his paw down to both of their ragging erections, wrapped his paws around them, and squeezed gently. "All that matters now is that you're my pets, and you live to please me."

Del watched as the look of fear that had been a constant, slowly faded away from both of their faces, a happy content look replacing it. Angus's and Ed's body language changed; their ears perked up, their breathing went from fast and panicked to slow and easy, and their bodies went from stiff and edged to relax and calm. Ed's tail slowly flicked behind him, swaying back and forth like a tree limb in the breeze. Angus's muzzle turned into a big smile, and he licked his lips. Angus grabbed a hold of Del, and picked him up without any effort. Del's eyes went wide, and he started to kick his feet. "Wh... what are you doing?" Del asked, a fearful tone to his voice.

Angus's pulled the smaller bear close, and licked the side of his face, getting off most of the cum that still clung to the smaller bear's fur. "Well you told me to treat you like you were anyone else I fuck, and that's what I'm gonna do." The white bear picked up the forgotten bottle of lube, and laid Del on his back on the bed. Del watched as Angus squirted a fare amount of the lube into his paw, and started to smear it over the length of his cock. Then he got on his knees between Del's legs, and grabbed a hold of the smaller bear's underwear, and slowly pulled them off him. Del felt his heart start to beat faster, as the cold room air washed over his brown fuzzy package. He propped himself up on his elbows, to get a better look at what the bear was doing. Angus nosed the brown bear's smaller package, that cold black nose, sending a chill up Del's spine. The brown bear felt his sheath start to fill out, that velvety piece of fur, tightening around his thickening shaft.

Angus stuck out the tip of his black tongue, and dragged it over the red helmet shaped head of Del's cock. Del let out a soft whimper, as he felt that warm saliva across his cock head for the first time. Angus looked up at Del and winked, making the brown bear blush harder. The white bear crawled his way on top of Del, until he was nose to nose with the smaller bear. Angus picked up the smaller bear's legs, and wrapped them around his waist. The white bear grabbed some pillows from the top of the bed, and propped them under Del's back to hold him up, so both of them would have their paws free. Del let out a soft whimper as he felt that warm heat pulsing just behind his puckered hole, so close to him, but yet so far. Angus reached his lube paw down behind Del's spread cheeks, and slide two of his fat finger's inside of Del, lubing him up for what was about to come. Angus pressed his nose to Del's, and looked deeply into those pitch black eyes, the only person to ever do that.

Del started to softly pant, as he felt that tip of that fat helmet shaped head press against the base of his tailhole, sending an odd feeling of pressure through him. Angus winked at the smaller bear, and started to slowly push forward, his fat cock head spreading Del's virgin pucker wide open. Del gasped for breath, as he felt that hot thick piece of flesh start to slide inside of him, so thankful he'd been training his pucker with butt-plugs for the past year. He closed his eyes tight, and gritted his teeth as more and more of that behemoth of a cock slide inside of him. Angus adjusted himself, and now Del's face was pressed against the firm wall of muscle the polar bear called a chest. Del let out a soft moan as he felt those powerful muscles move and flex against him. The bear felt his toes curl, and gasp for air again, as that powerful white bear's cock pressed into the pleasure button deep inside of him, sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through him.

Angus let out a low grunt, and he thrust his hip's forward, burying the last two inches of his cock inside of Del. Del gasped again, and he gritted his teeth, as an odd mix of pain and pleasure pulsed through him. Del tapped his palm against Angus's shoulder. "Hold up for a second." He panted. "Let me get used to you."

Angus nodded. "Yes sir." The large white bear craned his muzzle down to Del's neck, and started to softly nuzzle, lick, and suckle on it, making the smaller bear smile softly.

Del waved for the mouse to come over, and Ed happily did so. The bear had the mouse bend down, and his whispered something into one of his round pink ears. The mouse smiled, and giggled, as he nodded yes. "Yes sir." The mouse walk over behind Angus's, and kneeled down behind the bear's firm rounded rump. Ed's paws spread open those fuzzy white cheeks, reviling that charcoal pucker. The mouse's nimble pink tongue stuck out from his maw, and he dragged it over Angus's tailhole, making the large bear shiver. Before long the mouse was lapping at the bear's tailhole, and Angus had a deep lustful growl resonating through his chest. The mouse's long nimble snuck up between the two bears, and curled around the base of Del's shaft, before the tip wrapped around the bear's fuzzy brown nuts, lifting them so they didn't get in the way of Angus's thrusts. The rodents curled tail, started to gently squeeze Del's shaft, as it started to pump up and down. Del shivered as he felt the strange new sensation of fuzzy flesh against the sensitive skin of his cock.

Del licked Angus's forehead, and smiled at him. "Okay I'm ready." The bear moved back to the way he was, the side of Del's head firmly planted against his strong chest. Del bit his lower lip, as he felt the bear's massive cock pull out a few inches, and then thrust back into him, making Del gasp as the thick head of the large bear's cock, thrust right into his sweet spot. The bear did that again, and again, each time hitting Del's prostate, he clearly had some kind of practice, he knew just how to go in, just where to make his cock hit, to make the bear under him melt in ecstasy. Before long he'd settled into a steady rhythm, that long fat cock move in and out of Del's tight pucker, making the smaller bear moan, and whimper under him. The sounds of his fat nut's slapping against Del's fuzzy brown ass, and the slurping of the mouse on Angus's tail hole echoing through the room, admits the chores of, moan, squeal, grunt, and moans of pleasure. But Del wasn't focused on those, in his mind all he could feel was that hot piece of flesh pounding in and out of him, making him writhe in pleasure, and the bear's warm body surrounding him; and all he could hear, was the patter of the polar bear's strong heart. The brown bear wrapped his arms around the polar bear's toned chest; pressing his flabby stomach against the white bear's as he hugged him tight. The polar bear took notice of this, and changed his position so he could, wrap his arms around the smaller bear, and hold him to his chest. Del let out a soft gasp, as he felt the polar bear's thrusts deepen with that new angle.

Del let out a soft whimper; he could feel his orgasm drawing closer and closer. He was trying to hold it back, but it was starting to bubble up inside of him, screaming to be let out. Del gritted his teeth, and shoved his head into that white fluffy chest. The smaller bear's toe's flexed, and curled, his fuzzy brown nuts pulled up close to his body, and he let out one last soft gasp, as his orgasm washed over him. Cum started to spurt from the tip of Del's cock, smearing into Angus's white belly, dribbling over the mouse's tail, and squirting against the underside of his own stomach. As if he could sense it, Angus's thrust picked up severity, and speed, riding Del through his orgasm, milking him for every last drop. The instant Del stopped cumming, the polar bear through his head back, and gave a mighty roar, as his warm hot seed pumped from his balls, filling up Del, filling the hunger he'd felt inside of him, but knowing it would only last a while. When the bear stopped cumming, Del heard the voice inside of him hiss blissfully, and then say [i]"Thank you."[/i]

When they were done, the mouse pulled his muzzle out from in between the bear's ass cheeks, and brought his cum covered tail up to his muzzle. The mouse squeaked softly, and he started to lick his tail clean. The two bear's laid there still for a moment, just breathing heavily, enjoying the feeling of one another, before angus sat up, flipped Del around onto his stomach, making the smaller bear squeal in either intense pain or pleasure, even Del didn't know which. The polar bear flipped them both on their sides, without any effort on his part. He wrapped his arms around the smaller brown bear, and laid his head on top of Del's head. Del gave out a soft giggle, and he flicked his stubby ears against the polar bear's chin, making Angus smile, and give a playful thrust of his still hard cock into Del. The brown bear patted the bed next to him, and had Ed lay down, with his back against the brown ursine's chest. Del started to rub the mouse's white furred chest, and licked the inside of one of his ears. "Would you like to cum my pet?"

The mouse squeaked softly, and started to grind back into Del. "Please master!" The mouse whined, his engorged cock still pulsing, lines of pre dribbling down his cock. Del chuckled, and slide out the mouse's butt-plug, and thrust his still hard cock into that tight pink pucker, moaning as he felt those soft pinkish walls grip down on his cock like a vice. His free paw wrapped around the mouse's little pink cock, and he started to slowly paw him, as he playfully thrust his semi-hard cock in and out of the mouse's pucker. Before long, the mouse let out a soft squeak, his cock twitched, and Del felt warm cum start to dribble over his paw. He lifted his stained paw to the mouse's mouth, and the rodent happily cleaned it. Yawned and cuddled in between that warm sandwich of white fur, chuckling as he thought about how they probably looked like an inside out Oreo. He wiggled his stubby tail against Angus's waist, and smiled as he felt the strong muscles even then. He closed his eyes, and a thought popped into his head. "You guys are in a gang right?" he asked sleepily.

"Yes master." Ed replied. "Yes sir." Angus replied.

Del smiled wickedly. "Tomorrow when you get up, after you make me breakfast, I want you to set up a little meeting with your boss." The bear cuddled back into his ursine pet, and hugged the mouse closer to his chest. "Your old lives are meaningless now, so I want you to tie up any loose ends of your old lives, girlfriends, family, jobs, and apartments. Stuff like that. Then I want you to scrape together what money you can, and go shopping for toy for us, and some new leather clothes." The bear said a flick of his ears. "Oh and you're not allowed to wear clothes anymore, unless you're outside doing something for me."

Both of Del's new pets replied with, "Yes sir.", and Del closed his eyes smiling, falling asleep between the two warm bodies of the former brutes, he'd met just a few hours ago.


"Mmm ,well now you know the how I got my start mister." Said the older, aged Del. The bear reached up, and rubbed his stubbly trimmed beard, white flacks speckling that new tuft of hair. "I think you know the rest after that, I spent the next five year's being the puppet master behind one of the largest crime bosses in the city, enjoying the loads of cash, and the new former tiger boss, as my new cock suckling bitch." The bear took a large drag off his cigar. "Then I decided to get my law degree, so I could head into politics. That was such an easy task when you can do what I can do. And after I got some extra large custom made contacts for my eyes." The bear poked one of his the extra large contact made to cover his whole eye, moving up showing the pure black underneath. "I started with mayor of my home city, New Brightwick. Then I took up a position in parliament. The whole time honing my new found abilities, working with that hunger inside of me, learning to work with it, and using it to gain power. Eventually I learned to control people without even having to touch them. And then I gained one of my most powerful powers, the thought of suggestion. It's how I could always win in such a land slide in my elections. All it took was for someone to see my adds on TV, and instantly they were compelled to vote for me. Thinking I was a good candidate, and would do everything they wanted me to do, but in reality they were doing what I wanted." The bear leaned forward, and blow smoke in the face of the bound and gagged husky in front of him. "So you see mister reporter man, I can't have you spreading these photos around, ruining my reputation." The bear laughed, and threw the pictures of him fucking various members of parliament at the dog's feet, them spreading across the floor. "That could hurt my chances when I run for president of Corsica next year." The bear licked his lips. "It's such a shame, that you're going to have an [i] accident [/i] and your car is going to run off a cliff into the ocean. I'm sure my [i] friends [/i] in the police department will do everything that can to find your body, but you how some things just disappear." The bear reached down, and started to scratch between the ears of the fat chubby dragon, that was suckling happily at his cock. "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll love being one of my pets." The bear gestured down at the naked dragon between his legs. "Look your camera man seems to like it." The bear snapped his fingers, and a balding muscle bond polar bear, and an old white fat rat walked in, wearing nothing but black leather collars. "Hold him down boys; I want to break him in before I turn him." The bear stood up, and licked his lips. "Sadly for you, the hunger inside me changed me over the years, I don't care about causing someone pain as much as I used to." The bear laughed, his voice making the walls of the dark room shake. "In fact I rather enjoy it."

The End.