Shifting Strays

Story by TheNeutralOoze on SoFurry

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A doberman moves across country to his new home for a fresh start. Things get a bit complicated when he runs into a cute Samoyed along the way.

This story was inspired by a prompt trade I did with vowels and I'd recommend checking out his story here:

Shifting Strays

By theneutralooze

Bram's truck crawled through the desert. Or, at least, that's how the doberman felt after driving down the highway for six hours now for a total of thirty. Three left.. The sandy dunes meshed at this point, blonde blobs of color broken with splotches of mound and barrel cacti. It was a long drive from the East Coast. He'd seen beautiful countryside towns, towering evergreens, and massive lakes and rivers. Dim and lifeless, the desert bored him.

The doberman adjusted his rear-view mirror and checked his reflection. A pair of empty and tired eyes glanced down a narrow muzzle at him, a pale yellow compared to their usual honey shade. He scratched at his neck-fur, jostling out crumbs and feeling disgusted at how long it had been since he'd had a shower.

Ping, ping, ping. Bram rolled his eyes as a pump-shaped light sparked to life on his dashboard. "Great," he muttered, slapping a hand on the dash and pulling off at the next exit.

Luckily, it didn't take the doberman long to find a gas station. A little place just off the overpass with a cracked and weather-beaten sign read "Jack's" outside. He pulled into a pump station, fishing out his wallet from the back pocket of his slim-fit jeans.

Hopping from the cab of his truck, Bram noticed a small husky pup before he could accidently squash the poor thing under his boot. He stepped around him before squatting down and offering the pup his paw. The pup took the offering, sniffing the appendage and lapping at Bram's fingers. "Hi there," Bram whispered. "How'd you end up out here?" The pup yipped at Bram in response, pushing his head against the doberman's paw. He stroked over its head and adjusted a black-and-blue checkered bandanna hanging around its neck.

Bram glanced around the empty lot, hoping to spot the pup's owners. He sighed; it seemed they had vanished. "Are you all alone?" The pup cocked his head and whined. Bram scratched him behind the ear, and the pup panted, thumping one leg against the ground. Bram glanced at the convenience store. "I'll be right back, boy. Stay right here, okay?" The tiny dog seemed to nod in response, barking and wagging his curly tail. Bram pet the pup once more and turned back to the roadside store.

"Hello?" Bram said, ducking inside, the low doorway almost catching his high-set ears. The smell of ammonia and roller dogs assaulted his nose, and he glanced around to find an empty counter by the market's entrance.

No response. Bram turned to glance through the rows of shelves littering the store. Might as well get something, he thought, glancing over bags of cured meat. A flurry of white fur at the other end of the shelf caught his eye. He glared, waiting to see if the drive was finally getting to him. Another dash, a mass of soft, white fur moving from the end of one shelf to the other. Looks like I'm not alone out here. Bram walked around the other side of the shelves and approached the lumbering shape.

The shape turned out to be another guy, a Samoyed, squatting and stocking the shelves with fun-sized bags of chips. Bulky headphones hid his ears, a dulcet bassline droning out the world around him. His tail swept the floor behind him, dirt gathering after every swing of his plush backside. A vest with the shop's logo on the back secured the thick mound of fur, barely keeping the puff from expanding.

Bram tapped the Samoyed on the shoulder, toppling the dog and eliciting a yip in response. The puff of fur tapped hectically at the side of his headphones, the dulcet beat fading, before he pulled them down around his neck. He turned toward Bram, still seated on the linoleum tile. A nametag on his breast branded him "Oscar."

"H-h-hello?" Oscar managed. "What's going on?" Sharp, chartreuse eyes flashed up at Bram.

Bram held a twenty-dollar bill between his index and middle finger. "Gas?"

"Oh!" Oscar blushed, and his brows pointed skyward. "Here, I'll ring you up right now." The Samoyed hopped to his feet and sauntered down the row of shelves, beckoning Bram to follow.

Hypnotized by Oscar's tail sashaying to and fro with each step, Bram wanted to reach out and stroke Oscar's soft fur. It looked well groomed and had a plush bounce, softly bobbing along with the Samoyed's steps. Thick thighs and hips and Oscar's soft mid-section drew the canine's eyes. He almost looked like he'd make a nice pillow. Suddenly Bram felt a pit in his stomach. He didn't feel right after what happened. His hand wandered into his front pocket, feeling for the smooth metal ring within.

"All right, how much can I get you?" Oscar beamed, now behind the cash register.

"Twenty-five on four," Bram said, glancing around the counter, "and these." He grabbed a pack of spearmint gum, a bag of pretzels, and a bottle of ginger ale. "By the way, whose dog is that outside?"

Oscar looked puzzled, glancing out the window and noticing the puppy at the gas pump. "Oh no, how did he end up all the way out here?"

"Oh? You know 'em?"

"No, just looks pretty well taken care of. I hope he wasn't left behind."

"He is. Seems pretty friendly too."

"I just wanna cradle him." The Samoyed cooed, miming a hug toward the pup. "My boss would kill me if I brought him inside, though. Just chew me out. Doesn't matter how poor and defenseless and soft the puppy or how hot and dry it is outside...poor baby."

"Yeah..." Bram glanced at the husky, his head resting on his paws and staring at the storefront. He may have been seeing things, but Bram could swear he saw the pup shivering.

"Moving out?" Oscar asked, cocking his head and twitching one ear.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, saw your truck and kind of assumed with all the boxes..."

"Oh. Yeah, sorry." Bram shook his head. The long drive was getting to him. "Moving in, actually. Just bought a little house just down the road."

"Nice!" Oscar grinned, revealing a small gap in his front teeth. "Just moved out of my brother's place. Moving feels so stressful--the house always feels so lonely. I bet it would be nice to have someone around for company."

"Do you think he's housebroken?"

"My brother? I mean, yeah, it took a while, but it happened event--"

"No, no, the husky." Bram shook his head.

Oscar giggled. "Oh, I'm just playing with you!"

Bram rolled his eyes, his face cracking into a coy smile.

"Truly though, I would assume so. If he does have a family, that would be a pretty important step. Why?"

"I'm thinking of taking him home, at least for now."

"Aww! Dude, that would be nice of you. If you want, I can keep an eye out for the owners too?" Oscar's tail wagged violently. He snapped up a marker from under the table and opened Bram's pack of gum, scrawling on the inside flap. "Here's my number if you want to check up, or just come on over here again. I'd be happy to see more of you."

"That'd be great." Bram nodded, touching the Samoyed's hand as he took the gum. Oscar smiled at the simple gesture.

"So, anything fun going on tonight? Housewarming or anything?"

"Naw, just me and the desert."

"Ah, that's cool. No need to scare the puppy." The Samoyed giggled, dropping the rest of Bram's items on the counter. "Well, if you need any snacks or more gas, feel free to drop by. I'm off at nine tonight." Oscar winked at Bram, handing him his bag. "And you are all set. Have a nice night, sir."

Bram blushed, taking the bag. "Thanks, you too," he said before ducking through the doorway out of the store.

Feeling a gentle breeze stroke his fur, Bram contemplated his journey: Was all this worth it? Every mile of his journey felt longer in reflection. Days of his life he'd never get back. Was Ezra really all that bad? Bram's head spiraled. His stomach lurched. Should I have left all of it behind?

* * *

Bram huffed a deep breath when he grabbed the final box for the move-in. He stood, absorbing the heat radiating against his fur, his shoulders relaxing after the nine-hour drive. The purple that lapped at the distant sand dunes guaranteed he didn't have much time to enjoy sunlight, though, and he walked into his new home, dropping the box by the door.

He smiled, hearing the click of claws on tile in the kitchen. The husky seemed docile, dozing through the car ride. The only time Bram had a problem with the pup was when he went to lift the little guy into his truck. He must have approached at the wrong angle, the pup snapping hard enough to draw blood. When he arrived, Bram dropped the pup in the living room and let him explore while the doberman cleaned the bite on his hand.

Bram hustled into the kitchen, applying a bandage as fast as he could. Once he'd taken care of his hand, the doberman walked back into the living room and tumbled over the arm of his couch, staring out the glass facade at a bushel of foxtail cacti cresting the hill, dots of lavender and violet flowers sprouting from the canary-colored sands. The husky scampered in after him, hopping onto the couch and curling up behind Bram's legs. The doberman acknowledged the pup with a scratch behind the ear. He shook the numb pain from his paw, staring at the black bandage wrapped around it. The pup sprawled behind him, small enough to fit in the crook of his bent legs. This little thing had bitten hard enough to bypass Bram's coat? The doberman almost couldn't believe it. He checked the pup, watching the rise and fall of his chest before his focus shifted to a large cedar tub on the edge of his property.

Bram shook his head and stood from the couch, jostling the pup. The tub was inviting. The doberman gripped his tense shoulder and rotated the joint before groaning. "One box first," he said, glancing down at the pup. He walked back to the front door and sifted through the boxes, grabbing one from the bottom of the pile before sliding it across the redwood floor. The pup scurried over, interested in the sudden commotion. Bram dragged a claw over the top of the box, peeling open the flaps, and pulling out the contents one by one: long, paper-wrapped knives and thick, beaten books with old sticky notes jutting from their pages.

Kitchen supplies. Bram padded through an archway behind him to a tightly knit room. He slid the box across the countertop and cringed when it toppled over the counter's edge and the contents clattered to the ground. "Crap." The doberman's ears folded, and he shuffled to the box. The fall hadn't broken or bent any of the knives, only jostling the sticky notes to escape their bound prison and amass in a pile under the emptied box.

Bram dropped everything on the counter and organized the knives neatly by size, placing them into the knife block on the counter. He started sorting through his handful of neon-colored notes when his phone buzzed in his back pocket.

The goofy image of a startled shiba appeared onscreen, his eyes wide and mouth opening to shout. Bram clicked "Accept" and lifted the phone to his ear. "What's going on, Jay?" he said, crinkling a scrap of sapphire paper with "Important!" scribbled on it in looping cursive and throwing it in the trash bin under his sink.

"Nothing much. Thought I'd check and see if a dingo ate you yet," a quiet, effeminate voice piped out of the phone's receiver. "Clearly you've survived the first wave. Now to send in the coyotes."

Bram rolled his eyes, a grin cracking the corner of his mouth. "Yeah? They showed up twenty minutes ago. I've got one on the spit out back right now." The doberman leaned against the counter and crossed one arm over the other, careful to keep the phone to his ear.

"Damn..." Jay's voice dropped. "Sounds kinky!" His voice cracked toward the end. A chuckle caught in his throat.

"Gods, you're awful, you know that?" Bram chuckled into the receiver. Jay's stifled giggles on the other end buffered Bram's voice.

"Of course. Can't let you have too much fun without me," Jay managed through bouts of laughter.

Bram jumped when the pup barked below him, forgetting he'd followed Bram into the kitchen.

"Dude, was that what I think it was?" Jay's voice piped up.

"Nope. You're nuts, dude. There is no way I have a puppy in my house right now." Bram crouched down, sliding uniformly with the cabinets. The pup hopped in his lap, tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle. Once in a comfortable position, Bram scratched down the dog's back.

"Wow! Already replacing me?"

"Never. No one could ever annoy me more than you, dude."

"Awww, how sweet. It's like you like me or something," Jay said. "What breed?"

"Husky, by the look of him. Maybe a little bit of terrier." Bram massaged the pup's long legs as he spoke, the husky snoozing in his lap.

"Aww, sounds sweet. Wish I could be there to help even more now. Midterms are kicking my ass!"

Bram scooched the pup from his lap and stood. The pup hopped at the doberman's legs a few times before eventually giving up and wandering off into the next room. Bram shouldered the phone and sorted the colorful notes from his book into three piles. "Don't worry about it. I didn't expect you to drop everything to help me move across country."

"Still...with everything between you and Ezra...I just feel for you, man." Jay's voice sank, the lilt usually following his sentences softening.

Bram still couldn't believe how quickly he'd gotten the money together. So many people were happy to donate. It had only been a year since he decided to stream. Who would have thought baking an apple pie would turn into a business? Now hitting five hundred thousand followers, Bram felt overwhelmed by all these total strangers showing him support.

" least it's behind me now, though," Bram said.

"True. Are you going to make the video tonight?"

Bram shook his head. He'd promised in a video before he left that he'd stream from the new house when he got the chance.

"I don't know. Feels a bit early." Bram shifted on the balls of his feet. He fidgeted with the ring in his pocket, flipping it over in his fingers.

"What do you think the exact timeline would be then, dude?" Jay jabbed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you said it's 'a bit early.' When would be the optimal time?"

Bram sat contemplating Jay's question. Bram had put his life on hold for five years. Jay had a point. Bram couldn't put his life on hold forever. How far would he have to move away? The Samoyed's round eyes flashed through the doberman's mind. How long am I willing to hold on?

"Jay," Bram's voice cracked, "can I be real with you for a second?"

"Of course," Jay said. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.... I think I met a guy."

"Dude! Congratulations, that's awesome!"

Bram paused and waited. It didn't take Jay long to figure out he missed something.

"Not yay?" Jay asked, his voice quieting to a whisper.

"I don't know. I went to gas up, and the cashier sort of flirted with me..." Bram blushed, remembering the way the Samoyed unabashedly hit on him. He felt fluttering in his stomach.



"Dude. Dude, dude, dude, dude!" Jay's voice bounced. Bram could imagine his shiba friend bouncing on the tips of his toes. "You gotta go back and ask him out!"

"What? No way. I can't."

"Do it!"

"I don't know. It feels shallow." Bram's voice hushed. "I feel...selfish."

"Moving on from Ezra is selfish?"

"I feel if I couldn't keep them, if I wasn't good enough to keep Ezra interested, maybe I shouldn't put anyone else in that position."

"Listen, man," Jay said. He steadied his voice and cleared his throat. "People cheat. It happens, and they break up. How much power are you going to give them?"

"But...but Ezra"

"Fuck Ezra. What does Bram want?"

Bram's heart slammed in his chest. He ran his thumb pad over the ring again. Five years. He devoted five years of his life to them, and yet the only thing Bram could think of was the moment he walked into their bedroom to find another guy on top of Ezra. The passionate noises and the way this stranger moved, the deep thrusting of his silhouette. His massive dick penetrating them. That moment was the last time he'd see Ezra. The last chance he'd give.

"You're right," Bram said. He pulled the ring from his pocket and charged through the glass door and out onto his porch. In a swift, over-hand throw, he launched the ring as far into the darkness as he could. "I'm done with second chances."

"Good. Go get him. I'll be here for the juicy details later!"

"Wait," Bram muttered. "I don' do I know if I'm ready?"

"Oh, come on, dude!" Jay said, his voice muffled slightly, Bram assumed, from a paw over his muzzle. An exacerbated sigh joined the muffled words. "You are easily one of the best guys I know. Ezra is a fool, and you deserve better."

"I don't know," Bram mumbled, "I might have to think on it."

"All right, man, just don't take too long. If you end up really liking..."


"Oscar. You don't want to let him get away."

Bram nodded, staring outside at the mounds of sand. "I'll call you back later, man.". He bumped his back off the counter, walking out of the kitchen.

"Going to at least visit him?"

"We'll have to see."

With Bram's last note, the two said their goodbyes and hung up. Bram felt the silence around him again. The emptiness of the house grew more apparent to the doberman. "Hey, little guy," he called, "where'd you go?" Bram walked through the house, glancing under furniture in search of the husky. Entering the living room, he took note of the sliding glass door he must have left ajar. It stood open just enough for the husky to squeeze through. Seems he really is housebroken.

"Hey," he hollered out the glass doorway, "are you out here boy?" Bram scanned the sand dunes, looking for the critter but his search turning up fruitless. I'm sure he'll be okay, Bram thought. That's what dogs do. Yeah, just exploring.

Bram felt a headache radiating from the sides of his skull and his legs and shoulders ached from the day's labor. He stared out at the tub behind his house. It couldn't hurt.

* * *

The desert was an empty place at night. Wind howling over the sands rustled the fronds of Joshua trees and cut through the desert's hush, cream petals jostled by the gust lost in the darkness. The breeze felt nice for Bram. It stroked under his shirt and chilled his nerves. Goosebumps rippled on the surface of his arms and shoulders. He sat on the edge of his cedar tub as clouds of hot steam wafted around him. It didn't take long to fill, and while it did, he'd gathered scented oils, a bottle of shampoo, and a spare change of clothes. Bram dipped a paw into the water. It felt perfect, a shiver skittering down his spine.

Bram took a deep breath, the smell of woodsy steam filling his lungs, and he felt his tension melt away. He doled out a small pool of oil into his palm and dipped his paw in the water. The oil melted into the simmering pool, a sweet aroma of ginger and pears pervading the air. Just like the website advertised.

Bram stood up, his hands tracing their way down his midsection and finding the waist of his jeans, unbuttoning and sliding them down his legs. Without the typical cotton underwear imprisoning it, Bram's member hung heavily from his crotch. He tugged his balls gently away from his toned thighs, feeling an erotic tingle from the light touch. Bram ignored the stimuli, for now, tossing one leg over the side of the tub.

Plunging his feet in deep enough to submerge his calves, a sigh escaped Bram's lips. The water sucked the doberman's tension away, and he dropped his other leg in.

Bram closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations. Bram snapped back to reality, shuddering as a cool breeze invaded his t-shirt. He slipped the shirt off and tossed it away, revealing his chiseled abdomen. The slash of rust color between his pecs grew, his chest heaving in reaction to the cold air. He drifted a hand up to a rigged nipple, splashing his chest and feeling sparks of sensation spur his side.

The tub spat water over its sides when Bram sank down past his midsection. He let the water lift his legs, the limbs floating aimlessly. He lifted his butt off the tub's bench and sank further into the water, the flow exploring the crevasses of his body. Bram rested his chin delicately in the water, listening to it slosh against the wooden walls. He closed his eyes. All the worry and stress he'd felt in the past months faded away with the surrounding desert.

doberman shot up. A howl pierced the night. Water crashed around the tub, splashing to the ground. Bram swung his head around, looking for the source. His heart pounded in his chest. He could have sworn whatever had blasted that sound could have been sitting right next to him, the cry of a massive beast echoing in his head.

Glancing around at the empty desert, Bram calmed himself. "Damned coyotes," Bram mumbled, sinking back into the pool. A smile cracked his face thinking of Jay's comment. "Spit roasting a coyote...heh...what a dork." He couldn't help imagining what Jay could have meant. Some well-built coyote on all fours presenting himself on Bram's patio, ass high in the air. Bram standing tall over the coyote and looking across at his squat, chubby shiba friend, both naked as the day they were born.

"Mmmmm..." he moaned, drifting into the tub again. Bram's member twitched with the beginnings of arousal, a half-chub extending from his groin.

Bram let his imagination drift, filling out the details of Jay's pudgy, naked body. He'd seen the shiba undressed before. The two had been friends since they were kids but never like this. Never in such a taboo yet intimate act. Bram could imagine the shiba's smile, warm and inviting, as he played with his hardening member. Jay would waggle his pulsing shaft in front of the coyote's muzzle, inviting a stray lick from the bent-over canine.

Bram's hands drifted from the edge of the tub, feeling down his hips. His fur felt smooth from the oils in the water. He drifted to his inner thighs, his lengthening shaft bobbing in and out of the water. Now at its full, eight-inch length, Bram gripped his throbbing erection. He caressed up his length slowly, rubbing his thumb over the head before stroking back down. The canine's other hand squeezed and tugged his balls gently. His legs kicked splashes of water over the sides of the tub with every stroke.

Jay drove the doberman crazy. In Bram's fantasy, the shiba coaxed the coyote's muzzle onto Jay's thick, four-inch dick. Jay stroked the coyote's ear and gently smiled at the submissive canine. Bram glanced down at the ass in front of him, firm and plump, the coyote's long, soft tail playfully swishing to and fro. His dick twitched.Seeing the coyote's twitching, knotted, red member and supple balls swinging between his legs, almost in time with his tail. Bram squatted to the ground, aligning his member with the coyote's twitching hole.

Another howl drove Bram from his imagination. It felt closer, pressed against his ear.It blasted through his head.When his eyes shot open, he saw a pair of haunting blue eyes. They stared down a deep, broad muzzle inches from his face. The muzzle opened, revealing rows of sharpened daggers, and the jaws clamped and sunk its teeth into Bram's shoulder. White-hot pain radiated through his side. He cried out, and the startled beast released its grasp. Bram lurched away, slapping the back of his head painfully on the tub's bench.Inhaling water. He sprung up from the tub, coughing and hacking. The world spun around him and he whipped his head around. He found nothing. No beast to fend off in the moonlight. He felt over his shoulder. Not even a scratch. What was that? He thought, continuing to swivel in search. Maybe the trip really is getting to me.

Bram stroked the back of his head. It ached, most of the immediate pain fading. His flaccid dick indicated that playtime ended with the bump on the head. He finished up his bath quickly, hopping out and draining the tub. Still sopping wet, Bram grabbed his towels and clothes and hustled into the house. He hated feeling like something was watching him.

* * *

Bram glanced at the disheveled doberman in his rear-view mirror. His muzzle looked wider and his eyes looked a shade darker, like a tangerine. He jumped at the sight, bouncing off his headrest. He held one paw to the side of his head. That bump must be really messing with me. The doberman glanced back, his face returning to its slim, yellow-eyed form. He tried, for the hundredth time, to smooth down his fur. Not being able to properly dry the damp mess after hustling out of the tub, his fur did not want to cooperate. Nor did the uneven collar of his slim-fit polo. Bram hated the shirt. It fit snugly, and the thin material grabbed him like a soaked t-shirt, clinging to every muscle fiber in his chest and outlining his quarter-sized nipples. He would have worn a different shirt if he'd found a nicer one. After he'd spent all of twenty minutes rifling through box after box of ratty graphic tees and hole-filled shorts , he gave up. Bram released his collar in defeat, the folded fabric flopping aside.

The world's judgement weighed on Bram. The pitch-black desert sky and flickering street light above left the doberman standing in a spotlight, the stars an audience ready to laugh at his antics. Every mistake radiated to him, highlighted for all to see. He half expected some fox to hop out of the bramble and snatch up Oscar for a late-night snack.

"Just calm down," he said. "Deep breaths. This is easy. He's just a guy and he hit on you first." And you haven't hit on someone in, what? Five years? Bram groaned and slid his hands down his face. Bram tortured himself during the drive down the highway with thoughts of the Samoyed shooting him down playing on repeat in his head: the possibility that Oscar had already left, and Bram had lost his chance with him. He imagined showing up and finding Oscar with another guy, maybe some massive, muscular hunk. Something as simple as Oscar shooting him down wavered in his thoughts.

This whole situation felt rushed. Bram knew jumping in after the divorce would be tough, and it didn't help that he'd waited so long. He felt rusty. Burning away most of his thirties fawning after Ezra left Bram with little skill with romance. Oscar looked young too. Maybe too young.

"Ugh. Fucking get it together." He shook his head. "Just stop thinking about it. The worst he can say is 'no.'" Bram dropped his shirt collar with a sigh and scratched at the fur behind his ear before shoving his way out of the truck. He hustled into the store and shoved into the front entrance. The A.C. buffeted him. The scent of fresh pine surprised the doberman who expected the sting of ammonia.

Bram checked the counter, vacant like earlier. "Hello?" His voice echoed through the store. "Anyone home?" No response. He checked around, scanning down the aisles as he walked past. No Oscar to be seen. The store seemed ready to close for the night. The floors practically shined, the storefront windows reflected the fully stocked counters and shelves.

Bram found the Samoyed at the store's other end. Oscar turned off the roller grill and plucked a few hot dogs and tornados from it. His curled tail wagged behind him as he danced to a beat blasting from his headphones. The doberman cocked a smile, padding quietly close to Oscar. He tapped the Samoyed's shoulder, eliciting a high yelp. Oscar hopped back, nearly slipping on the freshly mopped floor, then squinted at the cackling doberman. Oscar exaggerated a frown, pulling his headphones down around his puffy neck.

"Oh gods," Bram laughed, gripping his stomach. "I'm sorry, I had to. It was just too perfect."

The Samoyed smiled, stepping up closer to Bram. "I seriously thought someone was robbing the store for a second." He scratched his muzzle, chuckling. "We really don't see a lot of people this late, honestly." He went back to removing items from the roller grill and placing them on a paper plate bound for the trash. "Have you eaten?"

Bram shook his head. His stomach growled up at him, the doberman realizing his last real meal had been the night before.

"Want some of this stuff? It'd be a waste to toss it."

"How long has it been on there?"

"Maybe an hour. Store policy says I have to add more hourly." Oscar took a chunk out of one of the tornados, the fried skin crunching softly in his teeth. Chunks of egg and sausage spilled out the end and fell onto his waiting plate. "Still palatable if I do say so myself."

Bram shrugged and grabbed a wrapped burger from a heated display case. "Can't hurt," he said, unwrapping the grease-covered snack and snapping into it. The bun was stale, but the meat tasted savory, and the cheese melted away in his mouth.

"Oh, that certainly might, though." Bram's eyes went wide.. "I think that's been in there five days now." The doberman snatched a napkin and spat the chewed-up burger, tossing it in the trash.

Oscar cackled, the doberman shooting daggers at the Samoyed. "I'm kidding. Those are fine. I only put them out forty minutes ago. There's nothing fresher here."

Bram squinted at Oscar, trying hard not to crack a smile. He crossed his arms over his chest like a disapproving parent.

"Oh, come on," Oscar nudged at Bram, "I was just playing, I had to get you back for scaring me!"

Bram maintained his steely demeanor.

"Fine then. No leftovers for you." Oscar took another bite from the tornado, chewing in exaggerated bites. He smiled at Bram, revealing bits of egg, sausage and bacon sprinkled in his teeth. The doberman finally cracked, smiling at the goofy expression then chuckling . The chuckle burst into a laughing fit when the Samoyed started giggling.

"So, what happened with the puppy?" Oscar asked, unwrapping another tornado.

"Oh, he's okay. I let him out before I got ready to come back out here." Bram spaced out trying to remember if the pup was inside when he left. "Anyone show up to claim him?"

"Sadly no. I asked a few people, but no one forgot a puppy. Maybe tomorrow, though!"

"Yeah, little guy's cute as a button. I'm sure someone will show up." The two munched on their respective snacks. Bram finished the burger and now picked the spongy, fried breading off a corndog while Oscar nibbled on the remains of his third tornado. Bram glanced at the Samoyed from the corner of his eye, scanning over him. His eyes ate up the fluffy fur, pushing to burst from Oscar's binding uniform. Fur wasn't the only thing filling out his uniform, though, his broad chest hips, and midsection rounded by a gentle layer of heft.

"See something you like?" Oscar asked, catching Bram's eyes glancing over his backside.

Bram blushed, glancing away. " do have a really nice...tail," he deflected. "It looks filthy."

"Really?" Oscar grabbed the fluffy appendage, dragging it forward. "It is. Oh gods look at all this dirt." His looked dirtier than a dust mop at the moment. He sighed, brushing coarse sediment from his tail.

Bram smiled and admired the intense look on the Samoyed's face, trying his hardest to pick crumbs from the soft fluff.

"Ugh, I just need a freaking shower. A deep cleanse would be fucking nice right now." A dour look evolved from Oscar's intense glare. "Dammit, the hot water's off until next week."

"Why? Couldn't make the payment?" Bram cocked his head.

"Naw, busted pipe. I might be able to convince the super, though. He's always really nice to me."

"Well, would you want to come back to my place?" Bram had a knot in his throat. The question had fallen out of his mouth without a second thought.

"Oh my..." The Samoyed cocked an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes. "That's pretty forward of you, sir."

"It's okay if you don't want to. Just wanted to offer. You seem like a nice guy."

"Oh? 'Nice guy'? What makes you say that?"

"Well, you've been flirting with me, and we're sharing a meal." Bram blushed, narrowly avoiding calling this a date.

"I flirt with everyone. It's fun and playful." Bram glanced down at his feet, missing a wink from Oscar. "You aren't that special. Plus, it's probably better I head home anyway. I'm freaking exhausted."

Bram felt a pang of guilt over his eagerness at Oscar's flirtatious reveal. His ears drooped, and the pit in his stomach reopened.

Oscar nudged his shoulder again. "Oh, come on, are you really that big of a push-over?" Oscar smiled from ear to ear. "I'm just playing. If you'd still have me, I'd love to see your home."

Bram could feel his tail wagging, and he blushed, gently looking into the Samoyed's bright eyes. "You are the worst!" He pushed the Samoyed back again. "I can't believe you!"

The two pushed each other playfully back and forth, smiling and laughing, and they continued eating. Oscar offered to split the last churro in a heated display with Bram, the cinnamon-sugar leaving a mess around their muzzles. In response, Bram helped Oscar clean up, sweeping and mopping the floors with him. They left late in the evening, the moon shining in the sky while the Samoyed locked the front doors. Shortly later, the pair piled into Bram's truck, laughing when the doberman smacked his head on the car door frame. Bram chuckled with Oscar until his hand throbbed, the bite stinging suddenly.

* * *

Bram's truck pulled up just after midnight. The moon shone high above, set in a pool of grease. Speckles of stars struggled to light the dim sky. The pair practically fell out of the car, giggling and joking all the way to the front door, and Bram guided them into the living room, plopping Oscar onto the couch before padding into the kitchen.

"Look, I'm just saying, if it was a bear, you'd think the couple would have made a break for it," Bram said, throwing the fridge open. "You want anything to drink, by the way? I've got soda, beer, wine, water--"

"Water would be nice," Oscar hollered back. "Also, you know it could have totally been a bear! Black bears would just disappear into the black of night, there to steal their food and their lives!"

Bram rolled his eyes and fished out a water bottle from the back of the fridge. Water erupted suddenly, cascading over his hand when his nails punctured the thin plastic.

"Shit!" Bram said, tossing the bottle into his sink. Damp spots appeared across his shirt and the water soaked his arm fur. "What the hell?" The doberman studied his claws. They had grown longer, the smooth, filed-down tips jagged and sharp.

"You okay in there?"

"Yeah, sorry. Bottle exploded." The bottle glugged the rest of its contents down the drain, a hollow husk of what it had been. "Just give me a second to toss it, and I'll be right in." After cleaning up and tossing the water bottle, Bram palmed a fresh bottle, careful not to pierce this one, and hustled into the living room where he gaped at what he saw.

Oscar lay on the dark fabric of the couch, his legs and arms spread in a deep stretch. Not a single scrap of clothing hiding his shame.

"Oh..." Bram stared, nearly tripping on his way in. His face flushed red as his eyes scanned over the bounty of white fur, and he stood there, water bottle in one hand and mouth agape.

"Something wrong, dude?"

"You're naked." Bram waved a long arm at the Samoyed's husky body.

"Oh?" Oscar slapped a paw on his belly, the plush flesh jiggling. "Does it bother you?"

Taken aback, Bram contemplated Oscar's question. He'd heard of it before. Some canines enjoyed being naked in their own home. Heck, Jay went naked often when they were roommates in college.

"No," he said, "nothing wrong with it at all." Bram glanced away. He could feel a stirring in his pants, surprised at the impressive thickness between Oscar's legs. "Make yourself comfortable."

"What about you? That shirt is totally soaked."

"Oh, yeah. You're right..." Bram peeled the shirt away. Couldn't hurt, he thought, tossing the shirt to the side. "Are you hungry? I'd love to make you dinner if you'd be up to eating."

Oscar patted his belly again, drumming happily on his chubby mid-section. "All that grub from the gas station filled me up, man. I'm surprised you're ready to eat again."

"Oh, okay." Bram flopped on the couch, crossing his legs to hide his growing maleness.

"Maybe you could make breakfast in the morning, though. I am here for the night after all." Oscar pulled his legs under him, turning to focus his attention on Bram. "Why the sudden urge to cook for me?"

"It's kind of what I built my life on. I made a career out of cooking, and I love it."

" want to share your passion with me."

"Yeah." Bram rubbed at his bicep gently and glanced at the gleeful Samoyed. He kept his eyes north of Oscar's waist, catching glimpses of his dick when the restless canine would squirm. "I actually make food online. I make videos testing recipes and then post them on my site."

"That's awesome man. Must take a lot of confidence!"

"Thank you." Bram smiled. Fans had complimented his work before. Comments on his feed explained how much his videos have helped amateur chefs learn and expand their cuisine. Messages about how delicious the recipes were. Felt nice to read.

"So, what brought you all the way out here?" Oscar glanced out the window at the ever-darkening desert. "We're a pretty remote community, and I'd imagine you could have gone anywhere."

Bram hesitated, staring at his sharpened claws again. He reached into his pocket, fishing for the trinket he knew wouldn't be there. "I just...I really needed a change." He scratched at the fur under his chin, shoving against the fluff. "Things ended rough back east and I just needed to get away. I thought...well, maybe twenty-five hundred miles would be enough space."

Oscar cocked his head. "Space? Space from what?"

Bram sighed. "Ever been cheated on?"

"No. Never had anything like that. Did she?"

"Uh...Ezra, my partner for nearly ten years. I walked in one day and saw them. I didn't look back after that. Just stayed with my buddy, Jay, until I put the money together to get away."

"Anyone that you know?"

"My sous chef, actually."

"That sounds awful. Ever think of heading back?"

Bram balled his hand tightly.

"Every day for five years." Bram's eyes drifted to the dunes outside. "Jay helped a lot. Kept me focused. Talked me down from...well...really bad decisions."

"Sounds like you've been through a lot. I'm sorry, man. It has to hurt."

"It did. If I'm being honest, you're one of the first people I've told outside of Jay. I only tossed my wedding ring a few hours ago. Right out there, actually." He jabbed a finger toward the sand dunes behind the tub.

"Why me?" Oscar's brow furrowed.

"I don't know." Bram's ears slumped around his head. "Some little thing in my head said you were trustworthy. Like an instinct...I don't know..." He trailed off, starting to doubt himself. It did feel weird to be honest with a near-perfect stranger. Something just felt right about it. Something Bram couldn't pinpoint.

"Well, I know it may not mean much from lil ol' me, but I think you're great. I mean, you took in a pup right on the spot and put up with me all night." He nudged Bram again, the doberman smiling softly from the gesture.

"All right, well enough about me," Bram said, directing his eyes toward Oscar. "How about you? How'd you end up all the way out here?"

"Me?" The Samoyed blushed, glancing down at his thighs and holding his hands in his lap. "Oh, I'm not that interesting. Just wanted a change of venue." Oscar's eyes shot around the room, finally landing on Bram's television, a twenty-inch flat screen. "How about a movie?"

"Actually, I was enjoying a quiet--"

"Cool, cool, here, I'll get that shower really fast before we get started." Oscar nodded, disappearing into the back of the house, a small whirlwind following close behind him. Bram felt his breath catch in his chest. He took a deep breath and released a sigh, pulling up a list of movies to throw on in the background.

* * *

After his shower, Oscar joined Bram again in the living room where the two agreed on a campy horror movie. They joked and laughed over the movie, a mix of bad acting and computer-generated props killing any suspense. Bram started getting irritated with the Samoyed, regretting opening himself up to the young man. His shoulders were tense, and he felt a pounding at the base of his skull. Mocking the movie helped to cushion the blow, though, and soon he decided to drop it in favor of enjoying the night.

As the movie moved forward and the cluster of blonde-furred Labrador cheerleaders on screen disappeared one by one, nearing the climactic final-girl scene, Oscar inched closer to Bram. Oscar started lounging back into the couch's cushions. He sank further, laying his head in the doberman's lap and looking up and making eye contact with him. Bram shifted and scooched away from him. "What are you doin'?"

"Mmmm...nothing." Oscar's paws crept up Bram's legs, squeezing his thighs gently before proceeding up to his ridged abdomen. His paws traced the firm muscles hidden beneath the soft fur. He smiled, feeling the rise and fall of Bram's breath.

"I don't think that's quite 'nothing'," Bram said and pushed Oscar's hands back.

The Samoyed rolled onto his back, glancing up at the doberman who shot him a stern glance. Oscar seemed to ignore the warning, grinning up at him. "What's wrong? Don't you want to play?" He ran a hand down his side, feeling over his left nipple and leaving it rigid, and the other hand made its way to his hardening pink member, grabbing it at the base and wiggling it up at Bram.

"Think we could play later?" Bram said. "It's been a long day, and I just want to rest these tired bones." He exaggerated, stretching and cracking his neck as he reached skyward.

"I know a place you can rest one bone." Oscar winked, sitting up and groping Bram through his jeans. His kneading provoking a reaction he hadn't expected.

Bram swatted Oscar's hand away and growled at him. "What's up with you?" He flailed an arm limply at Oscar, his head pounded as he raised his voice. His hand burned intensely and his whole arm felt like a fire engulfed it.

"Nothing man, I'm just-"

"Just moving fast and ignoring me?" Bram sounded harsh, his words sharp. The pain in his arm radiated and invaded his neck. He turned his head and heard and felt several pops. Fireworks in his neck. Exploding in fire and noise. He groaned as the pain radiated, bones grinding against each other.

"Are you okay?"

Bram howled in pain and slammed onto all fours. His back arched, an unnatural curve forming.. Bones snapped. Muscles tore. His torso somehow grew longer. His claws grew and sharpened, raking and peeling the wooden floor.

Oscar's eyes widened, the display in front of him terrifying, but the Samoyed couldn't move. "Oh god, Bram." Oscar gasped.

Bram turned to him, ruby eyes glaring at him. The doberman's muzzle, grown twice what it had been and filled with razor-wire-sharp teeth, hung limply. Fear filled Oscar's face. Bram cried out again, his legs buckling under him. It felt like someone gripped and ripped his shins out. Fire ripped through every fiber of Bram's body. With what control he still had, Bram bolted out the front door, out into the desert.

* * *

"Why am I out here?" Oscar asked himself, feet sliding across the sand dune under him. "He's clearly insane or something. What the fuck even was that?" He kept seeing flashes of Bram's broken form, the painful noises he released echoing in Oscar's head. The glare Bram had leveled at him sent chills down his spine. You know why you're out here idiot, he thought, you fuckin' blew it, man. He felt ridiculous getting naked in front of Bram. His buddy Ren told him to do it. Said that it would help break up the tension. Why would I ever listen to Ren? He's a fuckin' idiot.

Oscar slipped on the sand again, nearly eating a face-full of scrub brush. This is as good a place as any._He started digging and throwing handfuls of sand away from the dune. "This is an idiotic plan. You're an idiot." The Samoyed grunted and studied every handful of sand, hoping to find the little scrap of metal Bram had mentioned. "What are you even going to do if you find it, idiot? He was really fuckin' mad. How are you even going to find him--yell in the dark?" He stopped. _It won't matter if he finds me first. Oscar glanced quickly around him, studying the dark mounds for any sign of movement.

After an hour of searching the dunes and tearing up a pile of rabbitbrush, Oscar found the ring. He heaved and panted, flopping onto his back in the sand. All of this just to avoid your feelings. He held the ring in the moonlight. "Who's the real monster?" Oscar rolled his eyes. You're being dramatic. Just talk to him. "Ugh, I'm fuckin' going to fend off a monster with my feelings. Good idea. Why not just fuck into submission at this point."

Oscar stood up, steadying himself on the loose sand and dusting his fur of loose sediment. "All right, Bram," he shouted to the full moon in the sky, "where are you?" Oscar's phone buzzed in his back pocket, an email from a spambot. He swore it happened every night like clockwork. It did give him an idea, though, and he fished through his pockets to find the bag of nuts from earlier. The numbers on the front smeared but legible.

Oscar plugged the ten digits into his phone and cocked an ear. Waiting.

It felt like hours before the crackle of Bram's ringtone broke the silence, echoing across the desert sands. "Found you."

* * *

Oscar's legs screamed at him, and his stomach crawled. Gods, I need to get back to the gym. He stopped at the top of a final dune and found him. Bram, his shadowy silhouette stood at the bottom of the mound of sand. He seemed warped, his shoulders stretched forward in front of him, long arms touching the sand. He had to be twice the size he'd been at the house, bulging muscles stretching over his massive form. Long, pitch-black fur connected new swaths of muscle to old, pluming like feathery ornaments. His tail swayed as he heaved heavy breaths; on the ground his jeans lay in tatters.

"Bram," Oscar said, approaching slowly and trying his best not to tumble down the decline. The Samoyed's voice drew his attention, the doberman's neck turning to face him. Glowing eyes pierced the shadows. Oscar stopped in his tracks, legs shaking, throat bone-dry. "Oh good, you can still hear me, at least." Bram lunged forward and closed the distance between them. He knocked Oscar to the ground, slamming a massive arm on each side of him. Oscar felt hot breath on his neck, Bram's sharpened teeth inches from his plush flesh. His eyes studied Bram's new physique, following his thick neck to his bulging pecs, down Bram's chiseled abdomen and to his flaccid member, hanging limply on Oscar's thigh.

Oscar pushed against Bram's arms and legs, extending against him and catching him off guard. The beast toppled over, his new, spindly limbs sweeping out from under him. Oscar steadied himself, finding his footing while Bram attempted to do the same, legs wobbling like a newborn fawn.

Bram growled low, lurching back to his feet and staring Oscar down. Fear crashed into him, and Oscar wanted to run. To get away. Far away. He swallowed the feeling and cleared his throat. "Bram, please...listen to me," he pleaded. Bram lunged again, barreling to Oscar's left and rolling over the sand. You're an idiot. This isn't going to work. His thoughts wavered him and his voice cracked. "Look, I'm sorry about before. You shared your life with me, opened your home to me, and I took advantage." Another lunge, Oscar managing to jump and roll before Bram could connect. Just shut up and run. Get away before he mauls you. "You told me about what you've been through. The hurt of having your heart broken. I know it isn't the same, but I did have mine broken too." He fished the doberman's discarded ring from his pocket, running a finger over its smooth surface. "You asked me why I came out here, and I dropped the topic. I'm sorry. I should have given you my answer, but I was intimidated. You're older than me and well--"

Bram lunged again, connecting with Oscar's back and pinning him to the ground. He had new plans by the looks of it, licking his chops and grinding into the Samoyed.

Oscar writhed against Bram. The doberman's bestial strength locked him to the ground. His member prodded at Oscar's jeans, but the heavy material protected him for now. Bram's back legs clawed at his trousers, tearing the material away like wrapping paper, exposing the present inside. Oscar yelped when he felt cold air drift up his exposed backside. Pushing against Bram's grasp fruitlessly, feeling the doberman's member at his entrance.

Oscar struggled to lift his head away from the sand. "Please...don't do this..."

Bram stopped. He froze on top of the Samoyed for a moment. Unmoving.

Oscar managed to flip over, jostling the doberman's hardening member. He slid on his back toward Bram's head. "I found this while I was on my way here." Oscar held the ring out in front of Bram's widened muzzle. "It's Ezra's, right? It's small. Too small for you. You took it that night when you found them." Bram blinked, his eyes changing from their rosy hue to the usual dim yellow. "I'm sorry about before. I'm new to least openly. I moved out here because I came out to my parents a couple months ago and...they didn't take it well." Hardened the grip of his free paw, nails digging into his flesh. "I rushed things because I'm alone out here. I know it wasn't right, I just...I wanted to be alone with you."

"...Oscar?" Bram slumped back on his haunches before toppling over onto his rear. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Oscar wrapped his plush arms around the massive doberman, squeezing him tight. "Yeah...I'm okay..." He nuzzled into the doberman's well-toned chest. "Can we just...can we talk about it when we get home?"

Bram nodded, lifting Oscar into his arms and carrying him off toward the house.

* * *

The sun crested the horizon when the two returned home. Seeing the way Bram had left the living room, the two agreed Bram's bedroom would be a good place to talk. The bed springs heaved, accepting Bram's new weight, when they sat across from each other on his bed, and Oscar explained everything to Bram. About his family, his coming-out, their disappointment in him. He explained his pacing, that he lacked any confidence and tried to strike while he had the motivation. He'd been more vulnerable with Bram than before and the doberman sat quietly, listening to his entire story.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bram asked. He slouched to try and get even with Oscar as best he could, now towering over the Samoyed. "This is a lot to take in but certainly important."

"I was scared you'd reject me." Oscar tugged on his fingers and his paws crossed over his lap. "You're this chiseled, older hunk, and I'm just this short guy with matted fur and...well...I'm not exactly fit." His paws moved to cover his plump mid-section. "I thought moving a little fast would help...a buddy told me to be spontaneous..."

Bram's paws reached across the gap between them, gripping the Samoyed's hands and drawing them closer to him. "Spontaneity is important, but this is what I wanted. I wanted to know you, to be with you." Bram brought a paw up and caressed Oscar's cheek. "I don't care what you look like. I just want to know that you're being real with me."

Oscar felt tears welling in his eyes but before he started crying, Bram pulled him close and kissed him.

They leaned into each other, Oscar's paws finding their way down Bram's back to rest on his waist. Their abdomens pressed together, Oscar pulling Bram's hips parallel to his own. They broke the kiss, Oscar resting his head in the crook of Bram's neck.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Bram whispered into Oscar's ear.

The Samoyed pulled back so he could look into the transformed canine's eyes. The honey color had returned, now speckled with amber flecks.

Before the doberman could chuckle, the Samoyed's arms were wrapped around him, soft and inviting as the plush bedding around them. His insistent muzzle parted Bram's lips, shocking his nerves and summoning a deep warmth from his belly. His head swam as he kissed back, the world spinning around them.

Oscar broke the kiss, trailing smaller kisses down the doberman's chest, stomach, and just below his navel. "Only if you think all of this can fit inside lil ol' me." He smiled, squeezing the doberman's length as it hardened beneath him.

Bram smirked and pulled from Oscar. "Mm-mm, you're topping." He pulled a few pillows from the bed's headboard, positioning them under his hips and exposing his ass to the Samoyed.

Oscar dropped onto all fours, his paws grabbing Bram's ass cheeks and spreading them apart. He pushed his muzzle between the firm cheeks, tongue lapping at Bram's hole, exploring around the tight ring. Musk invaded his nostrils as he pushed further in the doberman, tongue assaulting the sensitive flesh and digging deeper into Bram's clenching hole. Above Oscar, Bram groaned and moaned, paws grabbing wool sheets and rocking his hips back and forth.

Saliva drooling from Bram's loosened hole, and Oscar sat back up. He stroked his cock slowly, pre-cum dribbling from the tip. The doberman's hole was ready and waiting. Bram's cock throbbed, swaying over his belly, hardening to nearly its full, ten-inch length. Oscar took one paw and massaged a digit into Bram's ass while using the other to stroke the doberman, provoking a surprised gasp. Oscar's paw could barely squeeze around Bram's thickness, gyrating his shoulder to stroke from the base to the tip.

Bram's face felt hot, sensations pounding him as Oscar handled every inch of his sensitive flesh. His paws found their way to his face, covering the blush spreading across it.

Oscar giggled, glancing up at Bram's blushing face. He added another finger, slowly testing Bram's hole and stretching it further. Bram moaned from behind his hands, eyes closing as his hips bucked. Oscar leaned closer, moving his tongue slowly across the front of Bram's shaft. His pre tasted salty and strong, entering Oscar's mouth and coating his tongue. He ran his tongue back down Bram's shaft and lapped at his balls, playing with the plump orbs.

Bram whined when Oscar pulled back, tongue and fingers tugging away the sensations. Bram moved to sit up but fell back when Oscar wrapped his arms around each side of the doberman's hips, sliding his hips uniform to Bram's. Oscar's erection throbbed between Bram's supple cheeks and the Samoyed leaned over him, kissing his abdomen delicately.

"You ready?" Oscar said, positioning his malehood at Bram's entrance.

Bram nodded, his eyes closed, waiting for Oscar's next move.

Bram didn't have to wait long, before Oscar guided his erection into Bram's tailhole, his glans popping in with a little push. Bram gasped as Oscar pushed into him, his weighty dick throbbing, now fully hard. The tight ring of Bram's ass gripped around Oscar's cock, pulling the rest of his length inward. Bram gripped the sheets again, pulling them closer to him. Oscar pumped in and out, pushing more length in each time. He panted and cursed under his breath, edging closer to pushing his full length in the doberman, each thrust cushioned by Bram's firm globes.

Fully inside of Bram, Oscar made long, slow thrusts. Every inch of his length pulled out of the canine's ass before pushing slowly back in. Bram writhed on the bed, sensations overwhelming his new frame. Only managed to groan out, "Come on...go faster..."

Oscar didn't need to be told twice. He rocked his hips, thrusting into Bram faster and faster. His balls slapped against the doberman's ass, and his speed rose with each second. The pair panted, bodies slapping against each other. As Oscar picked up speed so did their breathing.Whines and moans escaped from the pair. Growing closer and closer to climax, their breaths became short and fast. Bram reached between his legs, stroking his yearning member. His tongue lolled from his mouth.

Bram's hips slammed up and back, getting Oscar as deep as possible while continuing to stroke his leaking cock. The pair panted frantically. Groans of lust and passion permeated the air. Oscar gave a final thrust, his hips gyrating violently, and pumped shot after shot of cum deep inside Bram. Waves of pleasure racked his body, broken moans escaping. Bram's cock followed shortly after, the were-dog howling and cum splattering from his tip, arching in the air and finally shooting over Oscar's shoulder and back. Oscar collapsed back onto the bed, cum oozing from Bram's spent hole, and Bram's orgasm spattering ropes over his muzzle and ears. Bram's orgasm finished and he flopped forward, belly-down next to Oscar, the two panting.

"Gods, that felt amazing," Oscar said, glancing at Bram's heaving form.

Bram turned to look at Oscar and rolled over, lying on the Samoyed and lapping up the cum on his face. "_You_are amazing." He nuzzled into Oscar's neck. His softening dick rubbed against Oscar's, cum drooling from both spent members. "You want me to top next time?"

Oscar chuckled, stroking the doberman's cheek. "I can't handle you like this." He lackadaisically waved a hand at the mass of muscle lying on top of him. "When do you think you'll change back?"

"Honestly," Bram said, "I don't know if I want to go back."

Oscar giggled, placing a hand on the doberman's chest. He felt his heartbeat and smiled, kissing him on the head and holding him in his arms. The two delicately drifted to sleep, the sun rising over the horizon as a pup barked and scratched at the front door, shaking out his fur and jostling the checkerboard bandanna tied around his neck.

The Next Morning

The next morning, I woke up sore around the small of my back with a pounding headache as the doorbell echoed through the house. I tossed aside a throw blanket I assumed my mother had thrown over me in my sleep releasing the residual stank of sweat,...

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Follow my Lead

Follow My Lead Written by: TheNeutralOoze Trade with Vowels [Power Struggle]( Seven-forty-three in the evening on a Friday night, every Friday night, was Western Civilization, the monotone grey-furred tabby...

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Returning Home

Going home always bugged me. It was always a cab across town, buying a ticket for the train, travelling half a day on rails and then catching a handful of buses to get to the bizarrely situated little town of Arcadia. Taking a bus back every year to...

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