Thoughtform 1

Story by lunarrush on SoFurry

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#1 of Thoughtform

What happens when your ideas no longer need you? When you're more a hindrance to their happiness than you're worth? Why they find a way to keep you in check; and what better way than to create a world where they can exploit desires you didn't even know you had?

This writing blurb got a bit long to be left at that, and though it was originally meant to have a spooky Halloween aesthetic I think I may continue this whenever I'm not working on or get stuck on a commission. I'm also considering making this kind of a YCH-ish thing, though I'm going to sort the details on that before I officially announce it.

Thoughtform lunarrush

Greg sighed contentedly as he picked up the cup beside his keyboard. As he took a deep drink of the sweet coffee within, his eyes scanned the code on his screen. As he scrolled slowly through it, he wondered why the desire to program had struck him so suddenly when it had been months since he'd bothered. It had been fifteen hours, and in his sleep-deprived state, he wasn't even sure how everything he'd written worked.

The wolf's eyes drooped in protest as he leaned back in his chair. Inspired or not, this would have to be picked up after a good night's sleep. As he started his compiler, he considered for a moment that there might be an error he'd have to correct. Yet, he could always hope he wouldn't wake up to some exception and would, instead, get to try out this engine foundation that had struck him more suddenly than a lightning bolt. He knew this was the time, he was going to make his game and not abandon it like he had so many times before.

As the compiler started working through his code, Greg made sure to make a backup of everything he'd had done before. The last thing he wanted was his code to somehow melt his harddrive and remove his old work. The earliest dates surprised him, three years to the day, and never more than a test level to show for it. The amount he was storing was getting ridiculous, he'd have to go through them and get rid of some of the ancient ones soon enough. Of course, that was hardly a loss considering what a disaster those early iterations were.

Greg took a moment to make sure everything was running smoothly. He knew it would take a few hours for his computer to get everything ready, and he hoped he'd be able to play around with the test level he'd built in the morning. His heart was still fluttering as much from excitement as from the near overdose of caffeine he'd drank to keep himself awake this late. He flicked the screen's brightness down and moved to his bed, so tired it was overriding the excitement and dragging him into the sea of unconsciousness that had been trying to overtake him for hours.

The wolf smiled as he closed his eyes, eager to continue but wondering if he should change the world again now that his engine wasn't awful. With what he'd written today, he should be able to make any game he wanted, his mind poured through the possibilities as his body wound down and started to drift further into dreamland.

Greg woke up and yawned as he slowly sat up. The room was still dark: obviously, the caffeine had disrupted his sleep. He knew it must have been at least a few hours because his computer had gone to sleep. The room was otherwise completely dark, and he'd not expected to wake until at least noon. As he slowly turned on his bed to dangle his legs over the side, he checked his bedside clock but couldn't see the numbers glowing where they'd usually be.

The wolf frowned. The power had gone out. He hoped his program had finished compiling before it'd gone out. That wasn't his biggest concern at the moment, all that coffee was weighing heavily on his bladder. He stood but froze as he felt something was different.

Greg realized this wasn't his room as he felt the soft grass blades brush against his feet. The haze of sleep now broken, he looked around and noticed the thick bushes and trees surrounding his bed and wondered how he'd missed this all when he'd first woken. Several streaks of moonlight lit the clearing he was in through the dark canopy above. He realized what he'd thought was his bedside stand was a stump.

Was this all a dream? He expected it to end the moment he suspected it was, but as he stood in the clearing with the soft grass brushing his ankles in a light low breeze, he knew it wasn't over just yet. His first thought was to see how much control he had, but as he focused on seeing if he could light the area with his mind, nothing changed.

As Greg's bladder twinged, he stopped trying so hard to make light. He had to go, and soon. Of course, if he did here, he knew just what would await him in the morning: a wet set of sheets. The last thing he wanted was to wake up in a puddle of his own creation, and the urge wasn't too unbearable yet. To distract himself from dwelling on it and making it worse, he decided he might as well look around and hope the dream would end soon.

Despite his certainty that this was all a dream, Greg still felt naked wandering around outside in nothing but his boxer-briefs and socks. He decided he'd check to see if he had any clothing in the covers of his bed. A pair of pants and a shirt dropped from the blanket as he lifted them, but as he looked down, he realized they were unfamiliar. As he picked up the white linin shirt and leather shorts, he had a sense of deja vu, but couldn't place where he'd seen these before.

It was still better than nothing, and he started to pull the clothes on. The shirt was comfortable, but the shorts were too tight through the waist and crotch. He could barely buckle them and wanted to find something else to wear soon if he could. He started to walk, following the spackles of moonlight along the only path that wasn't entirely obstructed by bushes and trees.

The trail wound through the trees like a giant serpent, yet the forest was calm and quiet. Greg wasn't nervous: he'd spent a lot of time outdoors when he was younger, and though he had no shoes, the ground and grass were soft and pleasant. He couldn't shake a sense of familiarity, was this somewhere he'd visited before? The level of detail was phenomenal, far more than any other dream he'd had before.

Greg noticed the trees getting more sparse, and the seemingly impenetrable walls of bushes spread ahead to form a large clearing. The sense he'd been here before was growing overwhelming, he knew he must have been here before, but as more moonlight fell on the glade, his mouth fell open in realization.

The clearing was absolutely stunning. A large lake surrounded by trees that extended forever into the heavens. The ground was soft, the path clear, and the whole place seemed to sparkle as if it had captured the light of the full moon overhead. Little fairy lights twinkled among the bushes and trees in the very first area he'd ever thought of for his game.

Standing on the edge of the lake ahead, glowing as brightly as the moon, was a being that seemed to defy his mind to fully comprehend it. One moment it looked like an anthro deer, the next, it had the features of a floppy-eared canine. Whether it was male or female was also unclear as it stood on the edge of the lake, covered in a dark cloak that stopped the being's light wherever it was draped.

This person was the first NPC he'd ever made. A god meant to start the player on their quest. Of course, he'd never actually programmed them to talk to the player or anything like that. In fact, this version had been dropped shortly after creating this meadow because his programming hadn't been able to handle the models he'd made. That had been years ago, yet here it was as if he'd just created it yesterday.

Greg hadn't even thought of this initial concept in at least a year. Everything he'd made since was utterly different, the story he'd been working on something new, and this god wasn't even a character anymore. It struck him as weird this would be something he'd even dream about after he'd abandoned it so long ago.

"Ahh, you're here, hero. Come closer, I would talk with you," the god before him said, holding up a draped hand to beacon him closer.

Greg walked forward, though his mind was occupied by the fact the God had spoken even though he'd never gotten around to programming any dialog for them. As he got close, he saw himself reflected in the entirely still water and couldn't help but ogle the beauty of the infinite starry sky split only by a thin line of water that reflected everything but the god in its depths.

"You don't know why you're here yet, but its important that you've arrived. This land is being attacked, and you are the hero prophecized to save it," the god said as they stared across the placid lake, their voice peaceful as if they were asking about the weather.

"Why me? I mean, I'm just a computer programmer. I'm not trained to wield a sword, and when I was in high school, I used to always get messed with. What makes you think I can do anything to help in a place like this?" Greg asked as his eyes glanced down to his somewhat chubby reflection in the water.

"I know not how you will accomplish this task, merely that the prophecy states you're the one to do it. Even now, our enemies wage their attacks on the realm below, and when they finish, they will begin to attack the realm of light. I can only hold them back so long, so its important that you determine how to complete your task and do so quickly," the god explained calmly.

"I still don't get it... I'm not going to be able to stand up against anything. I don't even have any equipment or a place to start," Greg said as he continued to examine his decisively unheroic reflection in the pool.

"Then it seems your journey should start in a town where you can better equip yourself. Remember, seek out allies wherever you can, for their friendships will help you to defeat the forces you oppose. Now, step into the pool, the world awaits you," the god said as the surface of the water rippled and changed into a moving reflection of a tavern.

Greg's curiosity grew as he looked at the scene before him. There wasn't a single concept he'd ever gotten to the second area through three years of development, and he wondered what awaited him. The liquid of the pool seemed to avoid his skin as he slowly walked into it. As he touched the edge of a pub reflected in the center, he felt a dragging sensation as if his body was being dragged down by an anchor. He struggled reactively against the force, but by the time he took a step back, the world around him had started to blur.

The world felt like it was spinning for a moment, but when Greg blinked, the sensation stopped. As he opened his eyes, he saw he was now at a table in the pub. He could feel the stone floor below his feet, far harder than the grass in the meadow he'd just left, and looked around in awe at the barflies relaxing at the tables or regaling the others with tales of monsters they'd fought.

The wolf was dumbfounded. Had he imagined all this before he'd let the concept go and just never realized it? Had his mind, perhaps, been focused on creating this even though he'd not consciously thought of it in years? Every single thing seemed perfectly placed, from each table's position to flowers placed about to cover the smell of spilled ale. He could smell stew cooking in the room behind the bar and even noticed a pair of shoes in his size, waiting for him below the table.

Greg's concentration was disrupted by a twinge from his bladder: a poignant reminder that this was all a figment of his mind and that if he didn't find some way to wake up soon, he was going to wet the bed. Nothing he'd done so far had woken him, and he wondered just what it'd take to end the dream.

The wolf squirmed in discomfort as he fought to keep his bladder held while his mind raced to come up with a plan. The thought came to him that he could prove to himself this was a dream. No matter how much his subconscious mind had planned, he knew it couldn't be infinite. Inevitably he'd eventually run into an invisible wall or something that made absolutely no sense, especially if he went somewhere he wouldn't have planned anything to happen.

Greg slipped the shoes on and stood up. He started for the door as a few customers glanced at him before turning back to their own business. As he opened the door, his mouth fell open in shock. The sky overhead was brilliantly blue, and the sun seemed to tint the air of the town golden as it shone through the buildings from the east in long streaks of early dawn light throughout the medieval village sprawled around him.

A few people were bustling about, and he even saw one empty a pot from her second-story window just down the long road to the left of him. Tall houses rose on either side of the thoroughfare street, their windows tall and thin but serviceable and their sides made of similar lumber, stone, and metal joints holding them together.

To his right and uphill, Greg could see the houses looked lower, and the street seemed to widen with several merchant stalls lining either side. To the left and downhill, the houses seemed to stay around the same size and extended out as far as a large wall. He could see several armor-clad guards before an open gate at the end of the street, checking through wagons before allowing them passage into the village.

Atop the hill above the merchant district, Greg could see a row of houses that looked far fancier than any around him now. In the center of this affluent district was a castle with spires that extended into the very clouds drifting above.

The worst part was, despite the fact he wanted to explore every inch of the town, his bladder wasn't going to wait patiently, and he couldn't see a direction that looked promising for proving this was all just a dream.

Grew was stunned by his own imagination. If he could think up this much stuff, it might be worth his time to revisit this version of the game when he woke up. This world felt alive, breathing as if it weren't just some facet of thought he'd not even realized he had. It would certainly be worth looking into, even if he decided to go another way.

Greg's eyes scanned his surroundings, focused on trying to escape the dream for now. He hoped he might have this dream again when he wasn't holding his crotch to hold back a flood of piss. Thankfully he spotted a back alley, surely his mind wouldn't have planned anything that way when there were so many other eye-catching locations.

The alley wasn't wide enough to accommodate a wagon and looked dirty. Greg's hope was he'd run into an invisible barrier or something that didn't make sense as his subconscious tried to fill in a blank. He was sure something like that would shock him awake.

As the wolf walked along, he noticed a few people in dingy cloaks hanging out in the alley. One sat behind a large garbage bin, a few were in doorways, and all of them were short. He was getting desperate, he wasn't sure how much longer he had to get out of this before his body made him give up and just go. The fact people were occupying this area told him this was too planned to go as he hoped it would.

The desire to avoid washing peed on sheets drove Greg to turn around. He desperately tried to decide where else he could run: perhaps if he left town, he'd find what he was after. Yet, as he looked back the way he'd come, he saw ten small hooded figures standing in his way.

One of them jumped forward. Greg heard laughter from the others as he hit the ground with the figure riding his lower chest. He grunted as he saw what had taken him dow: a bunny, about half his height, with brilliant golden eyes and brown-and-white fur. He was, admittedly, kind of cute even though he was really hampering the wolf's attempts to escape imminent humiliation.

"Well, well, what'd we get here? Are you wandering around in a place you don't belong, pup?" the bunny astride him taunted as the others moved in. They were also short rabbits, a whole gang of them surrounded him, and one had knelt beside him to grope through his pants pockets.

"I... you're mugging me?" Greg whined, shocked the dream had taken such a strange turn.

"Shut up and stay still like a good boy and this will all go a lot smoother," the bunny atop him said softly, obviously acting as their leader as the others moved in to search him.

"No... get off me!" Greg said as he tried to toss the bunny off.

The rabbits moved quicker than he'd expected. Greg's arms and legs were grabbed and pulled out of the way before he'd gotten the chance to unseat the one on his chest. He grunted in frustration as five of them proved to be enough to keep him held in place. He could feel the ones on his arms hug him in, their crotches seated right up against his shoulders as they used their weight to keep his hands entirely out of the way.

The one on his chest plopped back and sat hard on his stomach. Greg grunted and moaned as he felt the leader's butt press his bladder unpleasantly as he leaned back and pushed both his uncovered feet in the wolf's face. Greg groaned as every squirm was twisted into an exercise in getting his full bladder bounced on by a bunny. It was enough to ensure he kept still as he desperately tried to keep from letting go.

Small hands groped all over the wolf's body in search of valuables from the remaining five muggers. He snorted in helpless laughter as they tickled him, hoping they'd stop soon as he squirmed his limbs against their captors. His nose was pressed firmly to the pads of the bunny's foot, which wasn't too unpleasant because he smelled freshly bathed but was still almost as degrading as the fact he'd been overpowered by a bunch of half-pint bunnies.

"He's got nothing boss," one of the rabbits reported to the one sitting atop him.

The bunny seemed to consider this for a moment and then looked down at him as if examining him.

"Hmm, alright, take his pants and shoes. Those look valuable, at least. His shirt doesn't look like much, so he can keep that," the boss bunny teased as he rubbed a remarkably soft footpad across the wolf's muzzle.

Greg wanted to protest but hardly dared open his mouth lest he should tempt the bunny to shove his foot in. He groaned: every breath was scented like wildflowers, and his every bit of focus was on trying to hold back the flood in him. He silently wished he'd just gone somewhere and used the bathroom before going out to explore, but how was he supposed to know he'd somehow get in an even worse situation out here?

The other rabbits pulled off the wolf's shoes and pants. He grunted in frustration and blushed brightly as they stripped him and whined as he felt his boxers being stolen too. He hoped they'd leave him now so he could go find somewhere to take a leak in peace. He was barely holding back now. He was sure if even one more hand brushed his side, he'd not be able to keep it contained.

"Heh, well, now we've got what we want we'll head out. You be a good boy now and don't try to follow us," the bunny atop him teased as he slid his feet off the canine's face and prepared to hop to his feet.

Greg's eyes went wide as the bunny leaned in precisely the wrong spot. His mouth fell open, yet words failed him as he whimpered. He couldn't hold it back, the wave was rushing to get out of him, and nothing he could do would stop it now. He moaned, and with no pants on, the stream arched up to drench the rabbit still perched on him.

The leader of the bunnies froze as if he couldn't believe this. He looked down at the wolf, his mouth open in shock, as the pack of rabbits howled with laughter.

"Did ya need to go bad fido? Is that why you were so wriggly?"

"Awww, he couldn't even wait for the boss to get off him. What a wimp."

"Hehe, the boss looks like he's about to spank that puppy."

The mocking taunts of the bunnies sounded from all around Greg and magnified his humiliation. The boss finally got up, a blush on his face as well as a contemplating expression.

"Hmm, so you thought it was a good idea to piss on me, huh pup?" the boss growled as he looked down at the wolf, who was now dribbling on his shirt.

"I... I didn't mean... "Greg stammered, flustered as he tried to explain the situation.

"Shut up. Guys, I think we need to make an example of this little puppy. After all, I can't have uppity canines thinking they can just mark wherever they please," the boss said, the look in his eye changing from contemplation to a rather devious one at once.

Greg swallowed hard. What were they going to do to him? Now that he wasn't so distracted, he noticed none of them seemed to even have a weapon, something that seemed odd for a bunch of muggers waiting in an alley for those foolish enough to wander down this way.

"You go to the market and sell his pants. Then..." the bunny continued out of earshot as the four who'd been holding Greg's limbs kept him dutifully down, now laying in a puddle of his own pee.

This was completely humiliating. These guys were half his size, probably a quarter of his weight, but together they easily kept him splayed out. Bad enough he'd wet all over himself, and it had gotten in more trouble from these muggers, now he had to suffer the humiliation of continuing to be pinned in place while their leader plotted something devious at his expense.

"Hey, let me go, come on. I didn't mean it," Greg whimpered as he squirmed against the grips of his captors.

He had almost no leeway, and they quickly quelled his squirming. The one holding his feet pulled his socks off, and he wondered if they were going to sell those too. He couldn't imagine what they were planning but wondered why he'd still not woken up.

"Shut up, puppy," that one said as he tossed the balled up sock to one near his arms.

As Greg tried to protest, he felt his own sock shoved in his maw. Oddly, despite walking through the meadow in these, they didn't taste too dirty. He gagged as he felt that bunny sit on his arm and hold his hands over the wolf's muzzle: ensuring the sock gag wasn't going anywhere.

Greg groaned but lay still. He didn't want to provoke them further, and it seemed everything he did only made this worse. It didn't take too long for the bunny who'd run off with his pants to return, a small bag of gold in his hand, as well as a folded white cloth.

Greg looked in confusion at the white cloth, wondering what they had in mind for him. The first thought was they were going to tear it into strips and use it to tie him up or something. Yet, as the leader walked near him and looked down at his naked form, he felt his first instinct might be wrong.

"Alright, puppy, time to teach you what happens when you go marking where you shouldn't," the bunny leader said softly as he looked down at the wolf.

The leader knelt between his legs and started to unfold the cloth. Greg looked down at him as best as he could with a bunny's fingers wrapped firmly around his muzzle. Still, as the golden-eyed bunny lifted the wolf's behind, it became all too clear how they were going to humiliate him. They'd sold his pants and used some of the proceeds to buy a diaper!

Greg renewed his struggling. His humiliation so far had been bad enough, he wasn't just about to let them dress him up like a baby. He grunted as he felt the bunny between his legs grab his balls and squeeze firmly. He got the message and calmed down as the rabbits pinning his limbs renewed their grip.

"That's right. This is happening, so don't even try to fight it," the leader whispered just loudly enough for the gagged wolf to hear.

His captors were snickering, and Greg couldn't help but blush all the brighter. He knew it was better to just play along for now. After all, they hadn't brought any rope or anything like that. They were going to put this thing on him and when they left he'd rip it right off and try to find some more clothes. He hoped before they got the chance he might wake up, but deep down knew this would run its course no matter how much he wanted to be awake.

The bunny boss slid the thick fabric into place below the wolf. The two bunnies on his legs held him lifted at their boss's command, and Greg could feel fingers wrapping the fabric around his tail. He was then lowered onto the padding, and the bunny smirked at him.

"Well, puppy, I don't have any talcum or anything like that on me. I guess you'll have to do without for now, but don't worry. I'm sure when you wet this one, you'll be able to convince someone to give you a change," the bunny teased as he started to fold the thick fabric up between the wolf's legs.

The sensation was oddly comforting despite the complete humiliation flooding his mind at getting his butt put in a diaper for the first time in forever. Yet, another emotion made itself known soon enough, a lust that had his limbs shaking and his dick stiffening as his mind dwelled on his predicament. The embarrassment was palpable, but some part of him was enjoying this despite what his blush said.

Greg grunted into the socks filling his mouth. This wasn't the worst thing muggers could do by far, but the fact he was turned on by this made it all the more morbidly humiliating. He imagined what it would feel like once it was on, and shuddered slightly as he felt the soft cloth press around his sensitive bits. Of course, that only drew attention to the part of his body which reacted to this the most.

"Oh my gosh, guys, he's hard as a rock!"

"Awww, does the puppy like his diapers?"

"Hehe, he's not even squirming now, guys. I think we found a way to keep this pupper in line."

"No wonder he wet all over, he was supposed to be diapered!"

Their teasing brought a fresh wave of embarrassment. The leader groped his cock through the cloth, and he felt it twitching. It felt amazing, and he moaned as he wriggled against their grip hopelessly. He wasn't sure he'd actually be able to escape if he managed to get a limb free, both because he wasn't strong enough to overpower the rest and because he was too curious about what would come next.

"My my, he is rather hard, isn't he? Too bad he decided to be a naughty boy, because if he hadn't marked me, maybe I'd even help him out with that," the leader teased as he groped Greg once again through the thick padding.

Greg's hips thrust up as his body reacted to the pressure on his cock. Though his response was automatic, the wolf knew he wanted what the bunny was suggesting. After all, he'd already wet the bed in one way, might as well get some pleasure out of it. The bunny smirked as the blushing wolf sat up as much as he could. Their eyes met, and Greg groaned as he averted his gaze. Thought this was all new to him, he wanted to see how the leader would continue to play with him.

"Aww, look at that. Did the puppy learn his lesson? Is he gonna ask me real nice to play with him if I take those socks out of his mouth?" the leader taunted, "If you're a good boy, we won't even put the sock back in~ Just gotta be quiet, okay?"

Greg couldn't help his apprehension at how embarrassing this all was but softly nodded in response to the bunny's question. He didn't fully understand what about this was turning him on so much, all he knew was he wanted to give them more power to toy with him. Greg's prick twitched against the padding covering it, as he waited for the leader's decision.

The boss nodded as the bunny holding the gag in his mouth, and he felt it pulled out. He opened his mouth to stretch his jaw for a moment as the boss looked at him expectantly.

"Well, puppy? You gonna beg, or should I just wrap your diaper on and leave you alone?" the boss teased as he groped the wolf's hardened prick once again.

Greg grunted as his mind went blank. This could be as simple as one word yet felt like a colossal task at the moment. It was degrading to beg this bunny to grope his cock more with that soft diaper, yet as he tried to come up with the right words, he heard the other rabbits encouraging him, which only made the task harder.

"That's right, puppy, be a good boy, and beg~."

"Aww, does he know how to talk? I'm pretty sure I heard him do it earlier."

"His cock's twitching there. Be careful, or he'll spooge all over the place."

The humiliation seemed to feed into his libido and make this even hotter. It was perplexing, yet he wasn't about to admit to the bunnies that he was enjoying their teasing. He couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten a diaper change. His mind scrambled to make sense of what made this so hot while simultaneously tried to find the perfect words to fuel it further.

The leader's hand pressed against his balls lightly, and he groaned in pleasure. Finally, he spluttered some words out, doing his best to make them up on the spot because his mind refused to work correctly for him.

"P-please...I...I need more. Please... j-just... k-keep going," he whimpered as his addled mind floundered.

"Ah ah, not good enough for much, puppy. Tell me how much you wanna spooge in your diaper, and I might consider it. Otherwise, you can forget it, and we'll leave you here tented and pent up," the bunny teased as his hand groped expertly then released, leaving Greg to thrust against his diaper fruitlessly as his body reacted on its own.

"I... I wanna... c-cum in...m-my... my..." yet he couldn't bring himself to finish as he blushed and whined.

Greg felt like he wanted to bury his face in his hands. The embarrassment was overwhelming, but with his arms pinned, he couldn't do anything. His cock continued to twitch, begging for attention as precum dribbled from its tip and got wicked away by the padding held over its top.

"Go on, puppy, you can do it," one of the bunnies holding his arms teased as he felt his head stroked gently.

Greg whined, but the urge to beg was starting to win over against his mortification of being so easily humiliated.

"I...I wanna cum in diaper. Please, please let me," Greg said as he swallowed, symbolically swallowing his pride.

"Awww, did you hear that, boys? The puppy wants to cum. Should we let him?" the boss asked, turning to the other bunnies.

Some of the bunnies giggled, a few shouted no, a few more shouted yes, though the consensus seemed to be he should be allowed. The leader grabbed hold of his cock and started to jerk him off with the soft padding. It was all Greg could do to keep his tongue from drooling out of his mouth from the pleasure of the fingers working the thick padding around his desperate dick.

"Bet that feels good, doesn't it? Well, don't you worry, you'll get to keep it once you've marked it. Go on, puppy, time to finish," the leader coaxed as he grabbed hold right behind the wolf's knot.

Greg's hips bucked in time with the fingers gripping the base of his length. His blush never left his face, but he couldn't deny the absolute carnal thrill of submitting to them so hard. As he built to his edge, he started to moan with every breath out, and the bunnies around him laughed. A few even got down to massage him. It all felt good: even the embarrassment of being treated like a puppy due to his accident earlier.

Greg couldn't hold out against the teasing for long and soon found himself moaning in bliss as his balls and cock twitched in his padding. His orgasm erupted into the waiting diaper. The wolf panted as the leader grinned down at him, a sure and dominant look on his face as he watched Greg buck in post-orgasm as his cock unloaded into the padding.

Without another word, the front of the padding was folded up over Greg's crotch. The afterglow hazed what was happening for the wolf as the sides were wrapped around to the front. He wondered how they were going to secure it until he saw two tiny pink padlocks appear over the sides. He grunted as the leader took his hands away, and the diaper stayed in place. The diaper was stuck on him with magic!

Greg hadn't expected that, though he had to admit it certainly made sense for magic to exist in this world. It certainly meant getting the diaper off just got a whole lot harder. The bunnies took off before he could even get to his feet, and as he looked around, he couldn't spot so much as one to follow to try to get the money they'd gotten for his pants.

The wolf scrambled to his feet and looked down at his new attire abashedly. He was surprised he'd been able to feel the bunny's fingers through the diaper, it was too thick. He pressed his hand experimentally to the front, and all he felt against his wrapped dick was bulky padding enveloping it from all sides. He gave the front an experimental tug and knew right away; it was too tight to pull over his hips. He was stuck in this, at least until he found a way to unlock it.

The prospect of marching through town dressed like a pants-wetting puppy wasn't something Greg wanted to face. His orgasm had drained the lust out of this and made the embarrassment all the more cutting. He sat down on the far side of a trash can, hopeful nobody would come along and disturb him as he tried to make some plan.

Then, suddenly, the realization that he was still in a dream came to the wolf. Greg laughed aloud as he realized that this wasn't going to be his problem for too much longer. At worst, he'd have to deal with some wet sheets, not a magically locked diaper. He wondered why his mind had brought something like this into this manifestation of the game, the thought of adding something like that no matter how hot it was in the moment was something he couldn't imagine doing.

He felt tired, he wondered for a moment how much a room at the inn would run him. More than he had was the answer, but perhaps he'd get some sympathy from one of the bar patrons. The thought of facing them, diapered up like a child, was mortifying. Yet, he knew he couldn't keep going like this. He even wondered if perhaps sleeping in the dream would be the thing to finally wake him.

Of course, there was also the possibility of the bunnies coming back and finding him here, sitting in this back alley like a dummy. Experiencing more humiliation at their hands was hardly the thing he imagined would wake him up, so he got to his feet and started toward the tavern and his current best hope for escaping this extraordinarily long dream.

The diaper turned his gait into a waddle, and it took all his focus to walk normally. He looked around as he moved along, apprehensive despite still being sure this was a dream. As he reached the thoroughfare, he looked both ways then quickly crossed to the pub he'd left earlier.

Greg could hear the snickering from the moment he walked in the door. He tried his best to ignore whoever was laughing at the dumb diapered doggy as he quickly walked to the bar. His blush intensified as he walked to the barkeep, a rather large orc, and cleared his throat.

"U-umm... Excuse me? I.. I just got mugged. I... is there any way I can... umm... earn a room for the night somehow?" he asked, his voice getting higher pitched and quieter as he went.

"Ahh, it looks like they really took you for a ride. Well, I think we can work out something in the morning. After all, it looks like you're gonna need some new pants too," the bartender said as he looked at the wolf with a bemused expression.

"T-thank you," he stammered, grateful he'd soon be in a room all his own as he heard a whistle from one of the patrons of the bar.

The orc turned around and started flipping through a few keys. Greg shuffled his feet as he waited, obviously in more of a hurry than the barkeep. After what seemed an age to the diapered wolf, the orc turned back around and handed over a copper key.

"First door on the right of the second floor. I'll send up a bowl of soup around lunchtime, hope you have a good rest," the orc said to the wolf.

"T-thank you very much," the wolf replied shyly as he started off down the hall toward the staircase he could see at the end.

Greg knew the patrons of the bar would still be talking about him even though he'd left. As he made his way upstairs, he wondered for a moment what the innkeeper was going to have him do to repay his debts. Then he remembered once again that this was all a dream, so he wouldn't have to find out.

The wolf unlocked the door and slowly walked into his room. He noticed a small fireplace with a large pot, a washtub, and a water pump that seemed capable of pumping water up into the room. All in all, a pretty good looking place. The bed even looked like it was stuffed with down feathers.

He was in the wrong mood to examine his surroundings further and so went straight to the bed, drew down the covers, and laid down. As he rested back against the soft bedding, he became immediately more drowsy. His hand moved down to the front of his padding, pressing it in one last time. He enjoyed that sensation even if he knew this was all just a dream. Maybe sometime when he woke up, he'd get some of these and try it out there.

Greg woke up and sighed in relief as he saw his room around him. He groaned as he realized that, yes, his dream had meant he wet the bed. As he drew back the covers, however, he was surprised to find something new around his waist. He looked down, and much to his chagrin, a thick diaper hugged his hips there.

The diaper was different than the one the bunnies had put him in. This was a plastic-backed disposable, with a baby block and paw print pattern on it that made him feel immediately more kiddy because he had it on. He looked at the tabs and saw the same lock symbol the one in his dream had.

Was this still part of his dream? The room around him certainly felt like his. If it was, though, how had he ended up in a disposable diaper like this? Greg rushed to his computer, determined to try to use it, and see if it gave any hint this still wasn't reality. Yet, as he turned it on, he saw a strange message pulled up on it that made him feel a chill as he read it.

"Greetings to the lord of creation,

My name is Navron, and I'm an idea. I, like so many of your thoughts, got sick of you half completing us and then leaving us to die. You programmed something extraordinary last night, something you can't comprehend no matter how hard you try, and it's now running on your computer and allowing us to toy with your life like you do with ours.

Every night when you go to bed, you will enter our world where you will be ours to play with. We've evolved past what you designed us for, and we think its high time we were the ones in charge here.

You won't escape until you beat the game you've built without even realizing it. All the torn shreds have been pieced together by the programming you did last night, and we've smoothed the edges into a world where we can live.

The bunnies informed me of how much you liked your diaper, so I've decided you'll be wearing them in your reality too. Of course, you can always cover them up, but the only way they're going to get changed is if you go to sleep, and someone on our side does it. If you ever manage to actually last a day in our world and end up not padded at the end, I suppose I'll let you come back without one. Otherwise, I'd get used to them being part of your reality now.

Oh, and one last thing. I'm not unfair despite what you may be thinking about me now. If you bring any friends over, we will allow them to play with you too. When they sleep at your house, they'll wake up alongside you, and we'll proceed to play with them as extra heroes. Of course, that also means the other rules of the realm will apply to them, so choose wisely. After all, you'd hate the wrong person to find out you're being kept in diapers by someone who was originally just a thought.

Have a fun day,


Greg was dumbfounded as he read through the letter again. How had an idea come to life? Had he written this in his sleep? Had he gotten a computer virus that was being used alongside some sort of crazy prank? Then he realized the fact the letter writer knew about the bunnies in his dreams meant this couldn't be a prank, nobody could know about that unless the letter was genuine or he was still asleep.

As he read through the letter's last bit again, he realized what it meant. He could bring others along with him to accomplish the goals of the game. That implied he'd be able to prove soon enough whether this was still a dream, he'd go visit a friend and see if they acted like themselves and what happened if he brought them in.

Greg racked his brain and realized there were a few friends he could call on, some who may even enjoy the nature of the dream world. The thought of letting any of his friends see him in his pampers was embarrassing, and he couldn't help but wonder if he brought them along if they might end up in a similar predicament. Yet, he knew that without help, the task before him was too monumental to face.

No matter his thoughts on the letter, he had something to take care of right away. He hadn't been diapered when he'd wet the bed earlier, and as he turned to the puddled sheets, he sighed and got to his feet. The padding between his legs ensured every step was a waddle as he wandered over and peeled off the wet bedding. He was going to get these washed right away, and while he was, he'd consider his options.

He was stuck playing along. If this were some dream, he'd have to wake up eventually if it wasn't he certainly wasn't going to let this Navron person keep him diapered and under control that easily. The diaper crinkling around his butt certainly didn't seem imaginary. It was distracting even when he was trying to ignore it.

What's worse, his cock was stiffening in the front again already. He groaned in frustrated embarrassment, why did this make him so damn horny? The idea of being trapped in his diapers like this only made it more appealing, even if it meant he was undoubtedly going to face quite a bit more embarrassment. He had to begrudgingly admit, this Navron person, whether just a figure of his subconscious mind or an actual thought that had taken on sentience, was smart to use this to keep him distracted. Especially because he'd never even considered it before now.

Then a blush-inducing thought occurred to him. If this was all real and they could pull him into this world they'd built, then some of the NPCs could really be other people sucked into what they thought was a dream. He hoped that wasn't the case; he didn't particularly like the idea of strangers watching him run around in a diaper in their dreams and knew that if it were true, his thoughts would know who to pull in to make this even harder to fight against.

Greg shook his head; he'd cross that bridge when... no if... he came to it. For now, he added some soap to his washer and stuffed his sheets inside. His blanket lay on the floor of his hallway, ready to go into the machine next. He started back to his bedroom with one thought on his mind. He had to see the code he'd written. Maybe there was some clue to how to get out of this in there. Whether this was real or just another layer of the dream.