Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 88: A Reality That Is Greater Than A Single Mind

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#88 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter

 Alex, Corbin and Yogi abruptly departed the stone forest caught up in a massive shockwave when the homunculus creature split into two. The blue prototype crash landing in a forest on a mysterious mountain. Left with few options, the three set out looking for help ultimately finding Shira the lone survivor of the siege of World Six who had moved into the remote area after her colony was wiped out... 

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 88: A Reality That Is Greater Than A Single Mind

Day 196 (8:20 AM. Lone Mountain southeastern pass)

"Unbelievable!!! The Red Prototype!!!" Corbin shouted.

"You mean there was more than two?" The designer toy asked confused.

"The Knights of Wundagore had three in service to augment their forces- the blue one was the original, well second original and the silver and red were built after the first was successfully tested." I said to him and the saber-tooth tiger lady. "All of them identical."

"But why is it out here so far from World One?" The little mongoose boy asked.

"More importantly what happened to its operators?" Yogi asked.

"They didn't make it." Shira said pointing to two makeshift graves she had dug nearby.

The red coupe had its dome smashed and was in two pieces- the nose, dashboard, steering column and weapons console had been separated from the rest of the chassis and were resting behind the vehicle. While the driver and passenger seats and trunk were intact minus the dome.

"Wow." Corbin said sitting down in what was left of the cockpit.

"This reminds me of what happened when Mara and I tested the first prototype- we had a run in with the Animalitia and came up on the losing side."

"It turned out as bad as this?" Yogi asked.

"Yup." I said examining the dashboard- it was in pretty rough shape after being severed from the rest of the chassis, oh and spending the winter and spring on the mountain.

"This is a remarkable find. I just wished it was intact we could have used it to leave this place and go back home." The little mongoose boy said wistfully.

"We are still going to use it to leave this area intact or not Corbin." I said smiling.

"Big brother?"

"It is going to take some time and help from our favorite yeti and female barbarian." I said sinisterly.

"What did you call me?!" Shira asked.

That evening....

The members of the colony were assembled at the training grounds near the central building- their eyes transfixed on a red female naga who was performing on a small stage as the blue coupe with its cargo in tow emerged from the south maze, turned a corner and headed toward the center of the city.

"Anyone hear that?" I said as we parked on the stone street in front of the home I shared with my lioness and bear.

"Yeah it sounds like music- peculiar music." Corbin said as Shira started looking around.

"So this is your home? Impressive." Shira said exiting the passenger seat.

I opened the trunk to wake up our sleeping yeti.

"Home already?" He asked yawning. "It is quite comfortable back here. Say, what is that music?"

"We were about to investigate." I said grabbing his hand.

The four of us made our way to the crowd and the performance. We observed Ms Una playing a strange melodic tune on one of the most uncanny instruments I have ever seen- a saw with a blade.

Those in attendance oohed and ahhed and then clapped and cheered as her performance ended.

"Thank you. Thank you she said bowing. Just a small talent of mine. But I feel that I am not alone. I propose that we have a talent show where everyone can display their own unique talents whether they be beastial, human, creature or hybrid."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Ms. Una!" Dianna Wild shouted. Little Corey, Mia and Lolly agreed.

"Is your colony always this celebratory?" The saber-tooth tiger asked.

"Not really. I replied but in these times I guess we all need distractions. Mistress! Shakara!" I shouted to the bear and lioness.

The two who were standing to the rear of the crowd stood up and took notice.

"Thank goodness that communication we received was real!" My lioness said starting to make her way over to us.

"Hold Shakara." Lady Ursa said sticking her arm out blocking my devious person. "Ms. Una if you please."

"Yes, but of course." The red she snake said making her way from the stage toward Corbin, Yogi, Shira and myself.

"What is going on?" The tiger lady asked.

"Scrutiny." The young yeti responded.

"Our family needs to make sure that we are who we are and nothing else." The young mongoose said.

"Well have at it." I said folding my arms behind my head.

"You are included in this too pet." My fierce ursine warrior said.

(Wow, ok.)

The red naga turned to me. "Alright look into my eyes Mr. Winter and relax."

Her yellow eyes started strobing and pulsating rainbow colored patterns- they were truly hypnotic- I couldn't turn away.

"Whom do you serve?" She said beginning my interrogation.

"My lovers, my friends, family, and community."

"Why Mr. Winter?"

"We depend on each other (whoops!) we depend on each, for our very survival. I look out for them as they would look out for me."

"Yes that is our Alex." The naga said moving on to the little mongoose. "Alright Corbin your turn, look into my eyes."

"Yes Ms. Una." My little brother said as he was entranced.

"Whom do you love with all your heart?"

"The professor, momma bear, momma badger and big brother." The little mongoose boy said as his eyes strobed in multi-rainbow like colors like the she snake's.

"What about me?" Ms. Una asked hurt.

"Eh, you're ok." The mongoose said smugly.

"That is definitely Corbin." The red she snake said.

"What would happen if you determined that they were these walkers I have heard about?" The tigress asked.

"They would be put down on the spot." Lady Ursa said abruptly.

"That is rather cold knight." Shira responded.

"Unfortunately our colony is in jeopardy, betrayed by one of our own." Shakara said to the female barbarian. "This is now the required protocol for every individual leaving and entering the colony."

"Your turn Yogi." The naga said to the young yeti.

"I hate this." He responded. "I really, really hate this."

"I know you do, but it is necessary." Ms Una replied as she whammied the manufactured designer toy. "Now tell me Yogi what is the thing you value most?"

The yeti gave an unnatural pause that caused Lady Ursa and Shakara to draw their weapons.

"Um.... I.... don't know ok?! I don't know!!!"

"Hmm..." Ms. Una said probing deeper. "What is your biggest regret in your short life little yeti?"

"That I don't have any parents. I wish I had a mommy and daddy."

"That is our Yogi." The snake lady concluded.

"Remarkable." Shira replied. "And you do this everyday?"

"It can be exhausting at times. It is now your turn." The snake said turning her attention to the saber-tooth tigress.


"We insist." Lady Ursa said adamantly.

"It is for our own protection as is yours." Shakara said.

"Very well." The tigress said staring at the strobing eyes of the red naga.

"Now tell me of all the relationships you have had in your life- which has had the greatest and most lasting impression?"

"Lord Tiger." Shira said without hesitation.

"Why?" Ms. Una asked.

"He was more than one of the master's enforcers- he seemed genuine, intelligent, wise and kind. He questioned authority and did not just follow orders blindly; I miss him."

(When those two first met years ago he didn't miss her, I you know what I mean. Lord Tiger was right on target. If they weren't so different there just might be little tigers running around.)

"That is a genuine answer if I ever heard one." I replied. "Mistress, Shakara, Una we are who we claim to be."

"That remains to be seen little cutie." My lioness replied.

"I thought all of you would be surprised that we found the last prototype with Shira's help?" I complained.

"It is a little broken up." Corbin added.

"Well, a lot broken up." Yogi added.

My two females and the snake lady just stared at us curiously.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Wait for it." Ms. Una said sinisterly.

"Wait for what?" I asked.

"Two factor authentication." The she snake said following up.

*AH!!* Corbin yelled.

*GAH!!!* I shouted.

*EEEYAHH!!!* Yogi shouted.

The three of us made a bee-line right for the central building- the second floor while covering our privates.

"What is with them?" The tiger lady asked.

"Ms. Una inserted another hypnotic suggestion during their interrogation." The bear said to the tigress.

"What is that?" Shira asked.

"Oh that their bladders were very, very, very full and that they needed to make water- now." Ms. Una responded with a smirk.

"It is an additional test." The lioness said to the tigress. "Want to observe the results?"

"The was because of the remark Corbin made wasn't?" Came the reply.

The red naga just smiled at the tigress. "I guess we should introduce ourselves as well Ms. Shira..."

Gingerly the four of them made their way into the central building to the second floor where they found the three of us in the bathroom. Shakara and Ms. Una personally made their way over to the receptacles Corbin, Yogi and I were standing in front of.

Shakara walked over to the little mongoose who had dropped his shorts, undergarments and was aiming. She squeezed Corbin's butt while looking over his shoulder at his genitals before grabbing his penis and gently aiming it for him. She watched carefully as a small trickle erupted from its tip turning into a steady stream.

*moan* The little mongoose boy said voiding his bladder. "I really needed that. Um, Shakara you can let go of me now."

"NAH!" The dark tan lioness said inspecting the mongoose boy's genitals.

Meanwhile, the snake lady did the same to the young yeti watching him void into the adjacent receptacle.

My pregnant bear peered over my shoulder too watching me urinate. She stared at me a long while making sure the liquid that was filling up the receptacle was coming from my penis and not some type of bizarre trick.

(Did I do something wrong?)

Corbin, Yogi and I were extremely embarrassed that our loved ones had watched us pee just to make sure we weren't Others. It was only then that we were welcomed home from our inadvertent trip.

"Mistress! Shakara!!" I shouted hugging them.

"Ms. Una!!" Yogi said trying to hug the female red snake.

"Wash your hands." She ordered him.

"Yes ma'am."

"Momma bear!" My little brother said as she picked up the little mongoose boy and hugged him. "And Shakara!"

"Adorably cute." The horny lioness said tweaking his butt.

"That is Corbin! C-O-R-B-I-N!"

"Whatever you say adorably cute."

"Thank you Shira for helping our wayward ones back home." My fierce ursine warrior said to our guest.

"You are most welcome." She said humbly.

"Please consider our home yours." The snake lady said. "You can stay as long as you want."

"I don't know- you guys are quite xenophobic." She said smiling.

"Really Shira?" I said crossing my arms.

"Well there is a reason for that." The red snake started to say.

"Yes the boys filled me in on the way. Much has changed in the last seven months."

"Shall we get to it then?" Lady Ursa asked.

"Get to what?" The saber-tooth tiger asked.

"A debriefing." My lioness responded.

"Down stairs in my office." My perfect person said leaving the bathroom. She was followed by the snake lady and then my horny lioness.

"Your bathroom is rather nice- showers, running water and even a pool." The tigress said.

"That is for socializing and unwinding after a long day." Corbin said reaching out and taking Shira's paw.

"But despite obvious appearances there are some challenges." The tigress said as she was being led out.

"Oh?" Yogi asked innocently.

"I got a good look at your undergarments- quite threadbare."

"Oh." I replied.

We followed the lioness into my she beast's office which wasn't quite large enough to accommodate all of us, so when then went to the conference room in Lady Baq's office where we sat down and just talked.

And so...

"That is an incredible story Corbin. If I didn't know any better I would say you three are pulling my leg!" The female bear commented.

"No momma bear." Corbin said innocently.

"It is true ma'am all of it." Yogi added.

"Claudius abducted the blue prototype while Overwatch was standing watch. Not knowing what was going on we jumped in and was taken to a mystic place east of World Four where we helped him unleash something uncanny on the planet." I said to the females.

"Unholy is more like it Yogi" Chiming in.

"Claudius called it a homunculus. It claimed to have been imprisoned for over a millennium and that its soul purpose was to conquer the planet it. Here I brought a clip." Corbin touched the cube that was on the table. "Overwatch display footage from the front mounted camera."

*Right away Mr. Mongoose.*

"It is so big." The red snake responded looking at the image the cube projected.

It is over 20 feet tall and there are two of them." The young yeti said.

"Claudius begged to come along for the ride. Stating that he needed to update the creature on the current state of the world."

"Sounds like there is going to be a competition to see who can take what is left out there." Then red eyed lioness said.

"From what you observed the creature is hostile." Lady Ursa said as Shira stared at the image from the cube.

*It is quite possible that ONE and TWO will fight for control of the planet.* The automated assistant observed.

"You are calling that homunculus two?" Ms. Kubari asked.

*Mr Mongoose's name not my own.*

"If that happens it could take some pressure off of us." I said spinning it.

"While possibly dooming the world." Shira interjected.

"Or the both of them could enter into an agreement to jointly control the planet and share the spoils." My warrior bear said thoughtfully.

"That is also an unnerving prospect." The red naga said. "What can we do?"

*Flee?* Overwatch suggested.

"But where?" The she snake observed. "To the west? To the north? No matter where we go it won't be far enough."

"And eventually we will have to confront the conquerors at some point." The little mongoose boy added.

"So eat, drink, be merry and let's screw each other stupid because we all are going to die." Shakara said burying her head on the table. Corbin, Yogi and the tigress just stared at her.

"Feleen." my she beast said to the sentinel.

"I am here Lady Ursa."

"Has there been any activity in Worlds Five or One?"


"Show us what you are observing."

"Right away Lady Ursa."

The fennec displayed an image of the Diamond City from the camera we had mounted to the west of World One.

"What is that structure?" The saber-tooth tiger asked.

"A new city that the walkers constructed and built atop the ruins of the former city." Ms. Una responded.

"We believe that is a goal by the entity." Lady Ursa said switching to the image of World Five. "Work is also proceeding on the construction of the new city there as well."

"All is calm." Corbin said. "But why? Could TWO still be enroute?"

"Or are they planning something else?" Yogi asked as the room fell silent.

"Frankly, I am glad to see that the colony is still here after our sojourn."

"Frankly, we are too Alex. It is like the entity is playing games with us. We know it is coming, it knows it is coming, we know it knows." My perfect person said.

"It is just the when part." Shakara added.

"Yes. It is taking its time getting around to us." Ms. Una said.

"Which is driving you nuts?" I asked.

"A little." The naga said.

"So in other words you are anxious for the end to come then?" Shira asked looking the she snake in the eyes.

"Yes. I mean no, I mean... I don't know what I mean." Ms. Una said flustered. "It has made us appreciate what we have here a little more."

"And we were quite worried when you three disappeared." Lady Ursa said.

"Especially when you took the blue prototype with you." The red eyed lioness said.

"SHAKARA!!!" My fierce ursine warrior said chastising our lover while Corbin and Yogi giggled.

"Well we made it back home with the third prototype." I said triumphantly.

"It in pieces but it is here." Yogi said.

"But how did you?" The snake lady said.

"When the homunculus became TWO we were blown to a mysterious mountain and the blue prototype was crippled." Yogi said retelling the story.

"We found Shira's lair while searching for help. She had found the red prototype weeks before- we had to cannibalize parts to get the blue coupe operational." Corbin said.

"But how did it wind up on the mountain?" Shakara asked.

"What about the operators?" Lady Ursa said.

"They didn't make it." I found bodies nearby. "A male deer and a male binturong."

"That sounds like Springer and junior knight Siroc." Lady Ursa said.

"I suppose if we get the front mounted camera operating again we could find out happened to him and his copilot." I said thinking out loud.

"Big brother it is going to take a lot to get that vehicle working again."

"Unfortunately we don't have anyone with the knowledge to repair that vehicle." My mistress said.

"What about the hover vehicle's creator are they still around?" The tigres asked.

"Yes and no." My lioness said. "It's complicated."

"It is a simple question. How can it be complicated?" Shira asked.

"Evening Alex, Corbin, Yogi." Rombalt said entering the room. He was followed by a familiar badger warrior.

"Sorry we are late everyone." Lady Barq added. "We were just coming off shift."

"How much of the debriefing have we missed?" The rhino warrior added.

"Well most of it." Yogi said abruptly as the rhino and badger took a seat next to Lady Ursa.

"Commander, my lady this is Shira- she helped Corbin, Yogi and myself get back home. Shira this is the rest of the leadership of our colony Commander Rhinox and Lady Barq they...."

"They are the soldiers of the High Evolutionary!!!" The tiger said clawing the table. "Those two raided, pilfered and destroyed my village!!"

The saber-tooth tiger hissed at the rhino and badger. There was such disdain. Her face was a mixture of extreme hatred and anguish. Which made it clear that she did not like the two remaining knights of Sovereign. That and her storming out of Lady Barq's office afterwards.

"Shira wait!" Corbin called out to her.

"I will go and talk to her." I said leaving the conference table. I ran down the hall checking several rooms along the way before I found her in the eating place.

"What is this place?" The tigress said staring at the counter and tables before her.

"The eating room. A restaurant where residents congregate and talk. While we are here we need to do so too." I said sitting down at a nearby table.

"Alex you did not mention that the last two members of your leadership were knights who saw to the capture and imprisonment of my colony!" The tigress grumbled.

"Yeah, I guess I overlooked that. But you have to realize that everyone here is from the former empire in one way or another Shira."

"Like the female knight you call mistress for some reason or that horny lioness you traded many glances with. Their scents are all over you." Shira said sniffing.

"Well, you see- they are very special to me." I said folding my arms behind my head.

"How special?"

"They are my lovers." I blushed.

"I see." The tigress said observing me turn red.

"The point I am trying to say is that the world is a very different place than it was seven months ago. At that time those three knights were serving a despotic dictator who was desperately trying to hold on to power. I was too. We didn't agree with all his decisions, but we compiled or else."

"You mentioned that you expressed disdain for some of his decisions."

"I did and I was judged and punished for doing so Shira. With him gone it is a free for all with dark forces moving in to pick up the pieces for what is left."

"And this colony was founded as a place for those who were displaced to try to regain some semblance of their lives?"

"Our leadership came together over the last seven months in an effort to protect and defend all who are here. It was originally a mix of civilians and soldiers but as the threats to our existence sky rocketed the balance shifted to the soldiers. There are some that are saying that we could use more civilians to balance things out."

"And this is where I come in Alex?"

"You have knowledge and experience outside the empire Lady Ursa, Lad Barq and Commander Rhinox lack that would benefit us all. Shira we need you." I said grabbing her paws.

"I don't think so." The saber-tooth tiger said making a grim face. "And there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise."

"Corbin considered staying with your colony." I blurted out.


(That got her attention.)

"He thought that you would have made a great auxiliary mother figure."

"The mongoose?"

I nodded. "When we first met you Basil, Rose, Kip, Gia and the others, Corbin was going through a rough time in his life. He wanted to stay with Lady Ursa and myself- but she realized he needed a safe stable home and he was adopted by an archaeologist who was one of the first leaders here."

"Where is she now?"

"She disappeared looking for the sister site to this city." I said.

"The little guy must be devastated."

"He is. Everyone here is trying their best to look after him in her absence and you would make a great sub-parent for him and....."

"Alex is something wrong? Alex?" I heard the tigress say.

"Healer can you help us?" A male genet said to me as he and his mate sat down at my desk.

"He better, this treatment center is quite off the beaten path." A female genet next to him added.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked the couple.

"I don't think my mate finds me attractive anymore it is like my body is too long, my tail has too many rings, my ears are too large and my muzzle is too pointed."

"I didn't say that!" The female genet countered.

"You didn't have to. I could see it in your eyes." The male said solemnly.

"Dear the government just collapsed and everything is in flux that would put a damper on anyone's love life."

"Mr. Healer I know that you and your assistant specialize in rebuilding relationships- can you help us?" The male genet pleaded.

"If not our time here would have been wasted for nothing- your office was very hard to find and in a unsafe area." The female countered as my harpy assistant entered the room.

"Of course we can help Ms. Ulu it would be our pleasure!"

"Mr. Ulu when was the last time you mated with Roni?" I asked standing as Demona joined me.

"It has been months."

"Please follow us into our lab next door." The harpy ordered.

The couple did as commanded.

"A bed?"

"Yes Mr. Ulu please remove your clothing and lie on your back facing straight up." I ordered.

"Ms. Ulu would you please lie right on top of him?"

The two genets looked at me and Demona weirdly but complied.

"Now Ms. Ulu please start rubbing your body against your mate's." Demona ordered.

"Mr Ulu as you grow excited please place your penis into your mate's vagina."

"Ok now what?" He asked me and my assistant. "She should be enjoying herself but she is not. You can clearly see that."

"Is something supposed to be happening?" Ms. Ulu asked.

Demona and I looked at each other and then made our move she touched the naked female on her shoulder, I did the same with male on his.

Both genets vibrated and trembled wildly as their bodies were consumed.

"Is this supposed to be some type of shock therapy?" The male genet said during his transformation.

"More like conversion therapy." The she monster said sinisterly.

"Acceptable." _ _The master said checking out is latest acquisitions.

"Was something supposed to happen because we still aren't feeling anything." The now possessed female genet who didn't quite realize what had happened to her and her mate said.

"How about now?" The entity said through Demona and myself.

"AH!!" The couple moaned

"Have a few more." ONE said graciously.

"GAHH!!!" The genets shouted as they came, came and came some more.

"And a few more." The synoptic said pleasuring his meat puppets. "How about thirty?"

"Thirty orgasms master?" I asked surprised.

"RRRAAAH!!!" The genet couple screamed as they climaxed and climaxed again and again.

"Oh Roni we love you will all our heart and our very being!" The male genet said to the female.

"Oh Tup we never knew it could be like this! How could we not know?" The female genet said to the male.

"And we love you the most of all LITTLE SLAVES!!!" The synoptic said through its new vessels.

"Roni who said that?" Tup said looking around the lab and then at Demona and myself who tried to look very innocent. The two were clueless as to what just happened to them.

"It's is ok he is coming out of it now Shira." Corbin said to the tigress.

"What is 'it' exactly? I mean we were talking and then he just went blank like he wasn't here."

"Alex experienced a shimmer. It is a residual effect of him being a walker."

"He once belonged to those who want to conquer you?" The saber-tooth tiger asked.

"Umm hmm. The lost city is an amalgamation of beastials, humans, hybrids, former lab creatures, manufactured monsters and former Others." The little mongoose-boy said to the astounded tigres. "By the way while you are here you can stay with Yogi and me we would love to have ya!"

"I don't know Corbin...."

"It is only fair you hosted last time, now it is our turn." My little brother said grinning as I came to.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 89: Nothing We Do Makes Any Difference Whatsoever

**Chapter 89: Nothing We Do Makes Any Difference Whatsoever** _Traveler's Log space date 07;23;34 _ _Milo Silver reporting. My friend and I have successfully escaped the apocalypse and are on the adventure of a lifetime courtesy of some friends -...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 79: Finding Answers To Questions No One Is Asking (Embracing Demons Part IV)

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)

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