Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#78 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

The morning after Lady Ursa made a fateful decision about her future, Shakara performed her very first surgery. Aided by Alex, the two helped a desperate, embarrassed patient with a intimate, personal matter. Afterwards Dianna Wild recruited Alex, Zhade, Kenna and Ruth Ann to work in the lost city's new community garden with T'hoka and Gahri providing security. That was the goal, however there were complications...

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)

Day 183 (continued)

1:13 PM, The forest garden near the west maze

"Bo?" The old woman called out to her mate.

"Present." He said outstretching his arms.

"Who is Bo?" Little Corey said asking his mother. The she centaur was equally dumbfounded.

"It is her husband who went missing before we fled the plains." Kenna said her rabbit nose and ears twitching furiously.

"I thought I had lost you forever!!!" The old woman said tearing up as she started running toward the distinguished looking man with the worn face, grey hair in the blue shirt and overalls.


"Ruth Ann wait!" The human/rabbit hybrid said grabbing her friend by the hand.

"Kenna what are you doing?" The old lady asked as she tried to reunite with her mate.

"Ruth stop and think! Bobby- he went missing west of World One."

"And some strange people we met said that he went with them." Ruth Ann said remembering. "They tried to touch us."

"Bo is acting just like them! And how is it that he is here now near World Five?" The half human/half rabbit hybrid said.

(In a time where technology is extremely limited that was a big uh-oh.)

"T'hoka." I said signaling the barbarian.

"Everyone get back- do not approach him!" The mountain reedbuck said drawing his sword.

"Alex what are you doing?" The elderly woman said trading glances between me and her mate as I darted between them pushing her and Kenna away from our interloper.

"Ruth Ann whatever that is over there it isn't Bo. It is a vessel for ONE."

"You are Alex Winter. The second Alex Winter, the master has missed you."

"Hi. Bobby is it?" I said to the grey haired wrinkled man.


"Ok Bo for short." I said pointing my grappling hook.

"Bobby where have you been?" Kenna asked her friend's mate.

"Oh here and there. We decided to come for a visit and maybe bring back some mementos." The elderly man in overalls said side stepping the question.

"We don't like unannounced visits especially in these times." The mountain reedbuck said charging.


The old man gently tapped the warrior on his breastplate with the heel of his palm and sent him rolling backwards on the ground.

"T'hoka!" Little Corey screamed.

"How did he do that?" Gahri asked Zhade.

"Did he get touched?!" Is he ok?!" I asked turning my attention away from the target. That was a mistake.

"Alex!!!" Diana screamed as Bo placed both of his hands on my arms. I tried to break his grip, but he was incredibly strong for an old man.

" The master realized it did not use your talents effectively during your recent servitude, we will rectify that now."

My skin crawled as a force swept through my very being trying to reclaim me.

"Not happening." I said shaking it off.

" Remarkable you resisted us. Very well, next."


I was tossed in front of the barbarian as he charged again, just missing his sword.

T'hoka and I landed in a heap just in time to see Ruth Ann's husband move on to Zhade and Gahri.

"Don't bother." The half human/half tiger said to the elderly gentleman in the overalls.

"We were bit by something." Gahri said.

Bo examined the bite markings on the hybrid and the crocodile.

" You have been poisoned."

"Yeah and we know that the Conquer of conquers does not like damaged goods... wait what are you doing?! Get back!" The half human/half tiger said trying to back away before he was *booped* on the nose.

Gahri tried to strike Bo with what remained of his spear, but wound up having his paw grabbed by the old man in the blue shirt and overalls.


There all better. Ready to become your best selves?

"NO!" Little Corey screamed as Dianna, Kenna, Ruth Ann, T'hoka and I watched as Zhade and Gahri started to awaken.

The hybrid and crocodile bristled and shook violently as the entity took up residence in their bodies.

(OH NO!)

We were about to lose everything. Zhade and Gahri, the location of the lost city, our identity, even our freedom. It was over!

Then their bristling and shaking abruptly stopped.

"Hmm... this one is of lesser intelligence- can't think for himself, is obstinate, rebellious, aggressive, disruptive and resentful of authority in any form."

'HEY!!!" Zhade shouted at the old man.

** "And this one's intelligence is much, much below average. You are both undesirable."** The old man said as he was surrounded by T'hoka, myself, Kenna and Dianna as Little Corey went to check on Gahri and Zhade.


"A sword, grappling hook and garden tools. Interesting choice of weapons."

"Would you like to see them in detail Bo?" Kenna said showing him her spade.

"Very well. It appears we have overstayed our visit." Bo said looking around. The old man then removed a gemstone from his pocket and tossed it to Ruth Ann before...


There was a big gust of wind and he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

"He moves rather quickly for an old guy!" Dianna's adoptive son said.

"He had assistance." I said kneeling down. Where he had been standing there were three large feathers. Harpy feathers.

"Ruth Ann!" Kenna said running to her friend's side.

The old woman started tearing up.

"What did he give you?" The she centaur asked approaching.

"Our wedding gemstone." The old woman said crying. "Bo and I used to give each other gems all the time."

I started assessing the hybrid and crocodile as T'hoka stood watch.

"We came very close to oblivion this day." The male deer said.

"Why didn't we become Others?" Gahri asked standing.

"Because I am an anarchist and you are just too stupid." The half human/half tiger responded berating him.

"Oh." The crocodile said.

11:43 PM Lady Ursa's Chambers

That evening my mistress was in our room in deep thought again as Shakara and I approached her.

"Shakara, Alex." She said acknowledging us as we sat down on either side of her. She had been lying down staring at the ceiling arms folded behind her head.

"I know that look." I said lying down on her left.

"That bad huh?" Shakara said lying down on her right.

"We received a royal ass reaming. Rightly so, Barq, Rhinox and I deserved it." My perfect person said recounting what happened after our catastrophic day of gardening top side.


3:23 PM The holding house.

"Well it seems Bobby, I mean Bo did you a favor in trying to introduce you and Gahri to the collective; he removed the poison from your bodies."

The human/tiger hybrid was silent as I finished examining him.

"Can I ask a question of a personal matter?"

"What?" He asked quivering.

"As punishment for being a reveler- you were given animal attributes in attempt to make you more like a beastial."

"What about it?" He said glaring at me, his white teeth gleaming in the light of the room he had been placed in.

"Why didn't you detect the creature that attacked you and Gahri? I mean you are part tiger."

"Your implying that just because I am a hybrid I have come to accept my animal half. Guess, what I haven't!" He shouted at me as my mistress and Ms. Una entered the room.

"We came as soon as we heard." Lady Ursa said glumly.

"A visit from one of the triumvirate. Does anyone want to explain why I came close to becoming an Other this afternoon?!"

"We though the security detail for the community garden was adequate."

"It was a colossal fuck up is what it was!!!! I was bitten so was one of the guards oh and we met Ruth Ann's husband. And guess what he is walker and wanted to make me one!"

"You are right to be mad Zhade." My warrior bear said trying to comfort the hybrid.


I had never seen Zhade so pissed.

"Alex." My warrior bear asked directing her attention me.

"I checked him, repeatedly- the venom from the creature that attacked is gone."

"What about his attempted possession?"

"Apart from his outrage over what happened and his extreme resentment over the colony's leadership...."

"I am fine." The half human/half tiger said.

"For the safety of everyone here...." My she beast started to say.

"Now you care about everyone's safety?!" Zhade shouted.

"Ms. Una." My warrior bear grumbled.

"Zhade I want you to look into my eyes." The red she snake said.

"Hey! What are you doing?! EEEYAHHHH!!!!"

"My will is your will. You will obey every command that is given to you no matter how embarrassing and without question."

"Yes master." The half human /half tiger said.

"He is ready." The naga said to the bear.

"Very well let the debriefing proceed."

"Interrogation you mean?"

"Yes, that." The brown bear said to the snake looking at a paw made list of questions.

"Zhade why do you resent Lady Ursa, Lady Barq and Commander Rhinox?" Ms. Una asked the hybrid.

"Because they are extensions, the next iteration from a former abusive regime that dominated mankind for thirty years. Through their own ineffective leadership and incompetence they will get us all killed."

(Whoa, tell us how you really feel tiger boy. Wait, he just did.)

My she beast grumbled at his reply.

"What do you feel is the alternative?" Ms. Una asked the hypnotized hybrid.

"I don't know." Zhade said quietly. He had a very blank stare.

"Always ready to complain, but never offering any solutions. Ms. Una the test question."

The red she snake continued. "Who do you care about the most in this life Zhade?"

"Myself first and Kenna second." He responded without thinking.

That was the same test question Nezera was using to screen for Others at the care clinic I noted.

"Why?" The naga asked.

"I like her hair, ears, nose and tail. She has a beautiful body. She even makes a better hybrid than I."

"What are your feelings toward ONE?"

"The entity is the ultimate uniter and the destroyer." Zhade said as my mistress and Ms. Una were startled by his reaction. "I fear we will wind up like the Grand Kingdom."

"He passed the screening protocol my lady." The she snake said.

"Bring him out of the trance and let him go." Lady Ursa said leaving the holding house.

I followed my brown bear outside.

"Protocol? What protocol mistress?"

"We have been using Ms. Una to screen for outside threats to our community." My she beast said.

"You mean Others."

"Yes pet."

"So that is how you are deciding who is allowed to join the colony." I said as a thought crossed my mind. "Was I hypnotized and screened when I came back?"

My brown bear placed her paw on my shoulder and stared me in the eyes. "Yes."

For a brief moment, I had an idea of how Zhade felt to be violated in such a matter for the sake of the lost city.

6:16 PM The infirmary

"Like Zhade, Gahri has no sign of the creature's venom inside him nor the entity. Ms. Una combed his mind and didn't find anything related to ONE."

"How long was the deep dive?" I asked my lioness.

"It was Gahri- it didn't take long." My devious person responded as we heard a commotion from the bathing room down the hall.

I looked at Shakara and she at me. We went to investigate.

"Oh no it is them again Celestine!" A grey male porcupine who was dressed in purple shorts said to his companion.

"Every time!" A brown porcupine wearing red shorts retorted.

"Celestine, Augustin what a delightful surprise." Milton said greeting the porcupine couple.

"That is it!" Augustin said running out of the bathing room.

"Take this right to the leadership lovie." Celestine said.

A moment later Commander Rhinox and Lady Barq entered followed by Augustin.

"Celestine, Augustin what is all the commotion?" The female badger asked.

"Why is it that every time we want to take a relaxing soak in the pool, these two are in here washing their clothes?" The she porcupine asked.

"Not again." The rhino bemoaned.

"I don't like your tone friend." Milton said staring down the porcupine couple in his undergarments while Melinda was scrubbing their shirts and pants.

"Should we intervene?" I asked my devious person.

"Naw, let's see how the leadership handles this latest challenge." She said placing her paw on my shoulder. We walked into a nearby shower stall to observe.

"Now every beast calm down." Lady Barq said trying to pacify the two porcupines.

"Celestine, Augustin remember Milton and Melinda arrived with just the clothes on their backs." Commander Rhinox explained.

"That means we don't have anything else to wear, no wardrobe, no alternate clothing." Milton's girlfriend said. "We are sorry to inconvenience you."

"So you are dirt poor?" The male porcupine said.

"What do you expect lovie they didn't have real jobs within the empire." The female porcupine added.

"They probably lived in the basement." The male porcupine concluded.

"That wasn't by preference friend." Milton grumbled.

"Celestine, Augustin that is quite enough!" Rhinox shouted. "We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves."

"Let Milton and Melinda finish washing their clothing, then you two can soak in the pool." Lady Barq grumbled.

"Stinking humans, now they are here bringing this place down." The she porcupine said as she and her companion stormed out.

(I have never seen the jolly rhino shout like that.)

"Milton, Melinda I am sorry for that display." The Commander said.

"There are some who still believe that they are privileged over the rest." The badger warrior said.

"It is alright Rombolt. Perhaps we should find another place to wash our laundry." Milton replied.

"But dear, this is the only place with running water." Melinda replied.

"I will talk to Corey Collins perhaps we need a clothing washroom." Lady Barq said as she and Rhinox prepared to leave.

"Just the two remaining members of the triumvirate I wanted to speak with!" A half human/half tiger said blocking off the warrior's exit.

"What about Zhade?" The lady badger said cringing while the Commander face palmed.

"My near transformation this afternoon and the incompetent, impotent and ineffective security around here!" The pissed off anarchist said backing the two warriors into the room they were trying to leave.

I grabbed Shakara's paw and we departed the bathing room. Zhade had taken his shot at Lady Ursa now he was going for the rest of the lost city's leadership.

"Little cutie?"

"I have been through that already. I have no desire to sit through that again."

"I will take your word. I am going to check on Dianna and Little Corey." The dark tan lioness said as we heard more yelling coming from the bathing room- and it wasn't Milton or Melinda.

"I guess I will check up on Ruth Ann." I replied.

I made the ten minute walk to the old woman's stone house that she shared with Kenna.

"Alex." The half human/half rabbit said answering the door.

"I thought I would come by to check up on the two of you after our difficult day in the garden."

"Thank you. I appreciate that. How is Zhade?"

"Ripping those in power a new one for the security failure." I replied as we watched Ruth Ann sitting in a chair at a table sobbing.

"Oh Bo! What have you gotten yourself into?"

"Ruth, Alex came by for a visit." The hybrid said to her friend.

"How are you holding up?" I asked as the old woman.

Ruth Ann was still dressed in the clothes she had been wearing while gardening earlier today.

"It was difficult losing him the first time." She said looking at the gem that her mate had given her. "But now realizing that he is still alive and with them... Kenna, Alex there must be something we can do!"

"Easier said than done." I said trading glances with the old woman. "Once the entity has you, it does not let go. I have lost many friends to that thing I wish there was some way to get them back too."

"But Alex you escaped." Kenna said her nose twitching. "Did the entity reject you?"

"Actually no, I rejected it."

"But how is that possible?" The female asked staring at me.

"I was never fully under its control." I said looking down at the floor of their home.


"So Zhade went off on all of you big cutie?" Shakara said grabbing our bear's right arm.

"He was well within his right to do it." Lady Ursa said dejected. "The Commander, Barq and I discussed how to provide security for the gardeners without overburdening the warriors over dinner.

"What did you come up with mistress?"

"Effective immediately the silver prototype will be used to augment security. Three warriors will be present while gardening. Two visible. One hidden so what happened today won't happen again." Lady Ursa said as Shakara and I lifted her arms and moved within her embrace.

"That sounds like an effective plan, my lady." The dark tan lioness said.

"Alex, Shakara. Answer truthfully, do you think Barq, Rombolt and I are doing the right thing?"

"You three are doing the best you can under very difficult circumstances big cutie." My devious person said nuzzling our bear on her cheek."

"Yeah." I replied.

"What has happened is that ONE has apparently changed its strategy after that spat with those skyships last month." Shakara said.

"Feleen had warned us that the entity had gotten stronger and that stronger measures would need to be taken to keep all here in the lost city safe." I reminded my females.

"As well as the creatures roaming around top side during the day now." The red eyed lioness warned.

"Yesterday was a fluke, the perfect storm of coincidences. I wouldn't be surprised if that attack was more than happenstance."

"Little cutie?"

"Coordinated." I gasped as I realized what I had said.

"In short big cutie the world has become an even more dangerous place." Ms. Kubari said resting her head against my perfect person's shoulder.

"Indeed." I said mimicking her with Ursa's left shoulder.

"But we both know that you are doing your best to keep us safe." The lioness said kissing the bear on her cheek.

"And will continue to do so even though there maybe hiccups. That is why we are comfortable placing our lives in your paws." I said kissing the bear on her other cheek.

"No pressure now." The brown bear grumbled as she reached out to hug her lovers with those strong arms of hers.

"BUT I would also make one more recommendation big cutie."

"What is that Shakara?"

"Add Zhade to the colony's warriors. It would make him realize what a difficult job it is trying to keep everyone safe and shut him up. For a while....."

"Devious to the last." I said to Ms. Kubari.


"Visitors at this hour?" Shakara said.

"That is never good." My fierce ursine warrior said standing.

"UGH!!! Just when we were getting comfortable!!!" I protested as my nude females fumbled to reclothe.

At the door to our home we found Kenna and Zhade?!

"Madam knight! Madam knight!" The hybrid shouted.

"Kenna, it is late." I said greeting the two hybrids.

"I am sorry but Ruth Ann's gem started glowing. I didn't think it was a big deal."

"I convinced her otherwise." The human/tiger said.

We invited the two inside.

"Ruth had gone to lie down and I was helping Zhade when it started glowing."

"It is so hypnotic." My devious person said. "I can't turn away."

Remnants of the empire you have struggled mightily these past months after the Great Transition. Many of you have starved, fallen ill, have been fed on or become food for the creatures roaming the land, the rest have resisted us. Fear not a new day is coming, a brighter day, a great day when your misery and suffering will all end.

"Did everyone hear that?" Lady Ursa said.

"It wasn't verbal, it was in our head." Shakara gasped.

"My skin just crawled." I said as the green gem just went dim.

"What does that mean?" The female hybrid asked.

"It is confirmation of our suspicions." I grumbled.

"The enemy has changed their strategy." Lady Ursa said.

"So what are you going to do about it?" The half human/half tiger asked.

Zhade's question was met with silence.


Alex Winter July 10th, YOE 34

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