Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 79: Finding Answers To Questions No One Is Asking (Embracing Demons Part IV)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#79 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

The leaders of the lost city bore much of Zhade's ire from the colossal security failure at the community garden. In the aftermath Kenna started teaching the hybrid not to reject, but embrace his animal half and while Ruth Ann was left to grieve after discovering her soul mate became an Other....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 79: Finding Answers To Questions No One Is Asking (Embracing Demons Part IV)

Day 184 (1:14 PM, World Four)

"I wonder if it was a good idea choosing this location." I said looking around the desolate park that was probably vibrant with demonstrators seven months ago but was littered with branches, trees and debris from fallen structures.

My she beast and I watched as the skeletal remains of a structure collapsed in the distance as another tremor rattled the ground.

"After seeing that yes it was pet." My fierce ursine warrior said.

*This was the spot of the cookout you had the last time you were in this city is it not?* The automated assistant asked.

"Yes it is a great location for a mass assembly, but we haven't treated anyone all day." I said placing my elbows on the table we had brought with us.

"Perhaps the residents remember what happened on this spot earlier this year Alex?" My pregnant she beast asked from behind the table we were seated at.

"You mean when ONE decided that it was no longer a meet and greet and turned it into a mass recruitment?" I said looking down at the ground.

"Pet?" Lady Ursa said placing her paw on my back.

"That day... I mean I did some despicable things during my time with the entity mistress. I try to forget but the shimmers I keep having bring that all back into clear view."

"Then let what you experienced motivate and guide you- to be a better you." My lady bear said to me.

"You mean to try to prevent the helpless, hopeless and powerless from falling under ONE's influence?" I said anticipating her words.


"But that will be hard to accomplish if those we are trying to save don't want to be." I said scanning the empty park. "Where are the survivors?"

After our arrival, we criss-crossed the city with an automated announcement about the care clinic, its purpose, its location and time. But still there haven't been any takers- at all.

"Perhaps there aren't any Alex?"


"Feleen said that the entity had been increasing in power. You and the hybrids witnessed that it had changed its tactics the other day."

"You mean that one, two punch that led to the security failure?" I said staring at her.

"Dianna, Little Corey and T'hoka thought it was carefully orchestrated."

*Lady Ursa, Mr. Winter I am detecting movement!* Overwatch announced.


"Meerkats four of them." My perfect person said scanning the perimeter.

"Hostile or friendly?"

*I can't tell Mr. Winter.*

"Right keep the holo-projector engaged, the side-pods deployed in case they are the enemy Overwatch."

"I don't think they are hostile. Their fur, most of it is gone." Lady Ursa observed as three adults and a pup made their way from the street into to the park and to our 'kiosk.'

"Is this the care clinic?" One of the adults- a female asked cautiously as the remaining three looked around carefully. She had dark brown splotches on her head, eyes, paws and tail. The rest of her body was tan the parts that weren't missing fur that is.

"Why yes it is." My she beast said.

"Well we are in need of some.... care." She said scratching her posterior.

Looking at the four, the year had not been kind to them, they were wearing simplistic clothing that looked like they had made it themselves, the female was wearing a green one piece dress that looked more like a toss up between an apron and smock. There was a strap that went around her head and the rest barely covered her lower half. I even wondered if she was wearing any undergarments.

"We all started scratching badly." Another of her companions a male with similar brown markings on his head and arms commented.

"Yeah, yeah so badly that our fur has fallen out and we have scarring." Another female in the group said.

"Finally! Customers." I responded as the four eyed me carefully.

"Customers?" The smallest of the meerkats asked.

"Yeah, we have been here for the last several hours and you are the first group we have seen." I responded.

My mistress and I had the two males and two females stand on the table so we could examine each. The four of them had rashes over at least 50% of their bodies or more.

"We have been conducting clinics like this to treat those who are suffering from this sickness." My brown bear said to our clients. "The turnout in the previous locations have been much larger."

"That is because the walkers are in control." The little pup I was examining said candidly.

"So they are in control of this area?" Lady Ursa asked.

"No miss bear lady of the entire city." A adult female responded.

"How can that be? About a month ago that wasn't the case." I said.

"The walkers grew in size and strength. They sought out survivors, claiming almost all." The second adult female said.

"How is it that you are not with them?" Lady Ursa asked.

"We were rejected." The four replied in unison.

I looked at my mistress and she at me. We were too late, somehow the entity had turned things around in World Four and claimed the city as it own.

Eleven hours earlier...

"Are you sure about this big cutie?" The lioness asked the bear.

"As sure as I have been about anything in my life Shakara. So Alex is going to perform this procedure?"

"Yes my lady."

"How exactly?" The bear asked the lioness.

*whisper* *whisper* *whisper* *whisper*

(There was a lot of that going on between my females as I was trying to sleep.)

"You thought long and hard about this haven't you?" Lady Ursa said in an accusatory tone.

"Especially the HARD part...." Shakara said making a bad pun. I noted that her voice seemed to sparkle as she made that remark.

"Well Alex does call you his devious person...."

I heard my naked females whisper amongst themselves further before I felt the gentle peck of feline lips on my left cheek and ursine lips on my right cheek of my face. Those two were up to something.

"Morning pet."

"Morning little cutie."

"Morning what are you two whispering about at this hour?" I asked the grinning pair who were smiling quite broadly at me.

"Today is the day pet."

"Our bear has chosen this morning for her medical procedure." My lioness said to me.

"This morning eh?" I replied stirring.

"Actually right here, right now Alex."

That comment woke me right up.

"Mistress... are you absolutely sure?"

"That is what our healer asked. I agree with Milton. The world as we know it has changed for the worse, but life goes on." My fierce ursine warrior said standing showing me her physique which looked even better because she was not wearing a damn thing.

Her muscles, her ferocity, that bulk, that power- she looked amazing that morning. Radiant even.

"So how am I to conduct this surgery? I asked the equally naked lioness next to me as we stared at the nude bear.

"Quite simple actually. I reconfigured the bobble on our bear's necklace that is holding her and Borris' fertilized egg in stasis."

"Reconfigured it how?"

"Into a deployment mechanism." Shakara said grinning. "Here let me show you."

The dark tan lioness moved into a sitting position with her legs spread wide. She then pulled me to her- my butt caressing her crotch and my head resting against her cleavage.

"Hmm.... this is nice. Anyway you separate the bobble from the necklace, it then can be reconfigured into this shape which easily attaches to this...." The horny lioness said casually grabbing my penis.

"Whoa, hey!!"

"It just has to be a little longer and thicker." My devious person said fondling my balls and rubbing my flaccid manhood. "A little more, a little more...."

Shakara masturbated me to a full erection.


"There much better." At that point she slid the bobble onto my male member.

"Shakara it's a phallus!" I said looking at the object that had encased my penis.

"It is nature's preferred method for impregnation little cutie. So at the height of sexual activity the fertilized egg will be um... spurted from the phallus back into Ursa's vagina where it will reattach itself to her uterus resuming her pregnancy."

"And her daughter will resume growing in her womb to be born in six months or so." I said as my perfect person kneeled in front of me.

"I know what you are thinking pet." Lady Ursa said rubbing her paw against my face. "I want this, more than anything."

"Very well mistress, let's begin." I said nervously.

"Actually Alex, I want you to relax."


"This is my personal project. I will be doing all the work."

I reclined on my lioness as my bear crawled toward me. We locked lips as she made herself comfortable leaning forward ever so slightly. I watched that beautiful muscular rump lift up and then lower as she impaled herself on the reconfigured phallus.

"OH!!! I felt that!" It was like my penis was being touched by her inner hand.

"I made a few tweaks so that you can feel what she is feeling little cutie." My lion lady said proudly. "It should feel no different than when you two actually make out."

I got lost in the moment as my perfect person started copulating with me. Despite having the reconfigured bobble covering my penis, it felt like it wasn't even there; I felt my lover's warmth, her texture and firm grip as she rode me like a donkey.

There was something more that morning, I watched her chest bounce up and down, the *schlick schlick* sound that was made as she rode me up and down, the gentle *pap* *pap* sound that was made when her groin touched mine, her upward turned snout with her tongue sticking, out that was betraying what she was feeling and Shakara's reaction to the beyond pleasurable sensations I was feeling during all this.

To the occasional viewer the brown bear was having an intimate moment with her lovers. But it was much more than that, she was filling a longing desire, an unfulfilled dream she had put off and put off because of her career. But as of today, as of this moment no longer.

The softness of Shakara's breasts on the back of my head and her groin on my butt. It was an incredible feeling being sandwiched between my lovers. Despite having that phallus covering my penis that familiar, lovely, lovely, tickle found me again. Starting in my nether regions and then proceeding up my testicles, upward and upward and upward toward my shaft and then the head of baby maker.

"Mistress!!!" I warned my brown bear.

"I feel it too pet... so... so... good... so... GARRROOOAR!!!!" Lady Ursa said as she stopped riding my shaft to grab and hug me tightly.

Our orgasms were incredible and fierce. I lost myself in the moment as my mind exploded in concert with my loins. As my sanity returned the two of us experienced a very cold shiver.

"What was that?"

"The phallus deploying its precious cargo." The lioness said wryly.

"Thank you Alex. Thank you Shakara." Our big strong warrior said as she pulled me off of the horny lioness so that we were side by side on her sleeping bundle. She then laid down on both of us.

It was as if we were being covered by a big furry blanket. Lady Ursa kissed Shakara and myself before falling into a deep sleep. Snoring softly.

Day 184 (5:45 AM Lady Ursa's Chambers)

"Little cutie are you awake?" The lioness whispered.

"I am now."

"Your first operation was a resounding success."

"Unlike yours, it was rather straightforward. But how can you be sure it was a resounding success?" I asked my devious person.

"Let's see." The dark tan lioness said eyeing the sleeping brown bear. "The patient is feeling quite full at the moment, she is experiencing a great sense of well being, extreme satisfaction and I am detecting a slight glow in her entire aurora. Our lover is pregnant."

"Gee, I am going to miss this." I said rubbing my warrior bear's belly.

"You will still be able to touch, snuggle and caress it for a little longer before it gets too big." The horny lioness said. "But when it does..."

"When it does I think we will have a suitable replacement ready." I said feeling lioness' tummy. She took my hand and then moved it into her groin to touch her lady bits.

Shakara was right. Lady Ursa did have a bit of a glow to her and an upbeat personality despite her and the rest of the leadership of the lost city being chewed out the day before.

After rising and bathing my females, we had breakfast in the eating room as the crowd started to rush in. Dianna, Little Corey, Mia and Lolly were particularly busy waiting on tables and customers that morning.

"Alex, Lady Ursa, Shakara may we join you?" Melinda asked.

"Sure. The more the merrier." I responded as she and Milton sat down.

"Thanks it looks like every space here is filled." Milton said eyeing the other tables.

"I think it was because of the incident in the community garden yesterday. The community came out to voice their support." Melinda said sitting eyeing the crowd.

"Really?" My devious person said.

"That's right." Little Corey said coming over. "He was dressed much like Dianna and Mia in a white apron. "That is why it is so crowded this morning."

"Precisely, everyone knows we are doing what is necessary to survive." Milton's girlfriend said.

"How are you Little Corey?" My perfect person asked.

"Better. Momma, Mia and I vowed that we are going to return to working on the garden regardless of what happened yesterday."

"Good for you Corey." I said cheerfully.

(He had come a long way from the introverted, shy child I had met when patrolling with Lord Tiger three years ago.)

"So what can I get you this morning?" The boy asked.

"What do you have?" Milton asked.

"You can have whatever you want as long as it is chicken noodle soup or salmon stew with a side of lettuce." He responded rather authoritatively.

"Yes, the community does need that garden badly." Ms. Kubari concluded.

"Five orders of each coming up. I know that one of you at this table has a particular preference for salmon." He said winking at the she bear.

"Seems logical." Melinda responded eyeing Lady Ursa very carefully.

"Something wrong?" My fierce ursine warrior asked the human female.

"You seem different this morning madam knight. Hmm... there is a glow about you."

"You know you are right sweetie." Milton said staring.

"You are pregnant!" The couple said in unison. "Congratulations!"

"How did you know?" My brown bear said recoiling in surprise.

"From one future mother to another it is easy to detect such things when you know what to look for."

"So madam knight when are you due?" The brown haired human asked.

"Late January or early February." My she beast responded.

"Have you thought about how you want to bring your young into the world?" Melinda asked placing her elbows on the table and bringing her hands to her chin. I want to be lying on a bed or rose petals surrounded by my closest friends when the time comes.

"Lying on soft white rug in my home. Grunting, straining and cursing Boris." Lady Ursa said.

"You know big cutie there is also anesthesia." The lion lady interjected.

"Thank you. But no, I want the full experience including my lovers to catch what emerges from my womb when I push." The bear said making goo goo eyes at the medic and healer.

"Well you couldn't be in a better situation madam knight living with our community's medic and healer." Milton said.

"I agree heartily." My mistress said smiling.

"Now if we could just figure out where we fit into this community." Milton said.

"By building on our strengths dear." Melinda said. "You are a professional human groomer and I used to be a pet stylist."

"That is your answer right there this community needs your services!" I said.

"Exactly right. It has been hard cutting, brushing our own fur without professional help; the results have varied greatly." The lion lady said as our meals arrived.

"Melinda, Milton we have said it before but we will say it again you two are a welcome addition to our colony." The brown bear said. "Do you accept walk-ins?"


After breakfast Shakara, and I sat down for a briefing with the colony's leadership over the security failure the day before.

"You know Lady Barq, I don't think I have ever been inside your office." I said looking around.

"It is really just a meeting room actually." The badger warrior said as we sat down at a circular table in its center.

"As you know yesterday our plan to provide security to the gardeners in the community garden ended in failure." Rhinox began.

"That was because our security forces were attacked by two separate enemies." I responded.

"From what I heard, it sounded like it was a coordinated attack." Shakara said.

"Regardless of the why, a failure is a failure." The badger warrior said.

"Have we learned anything additional on the assailants?" Lady Ursa asked.

"Feleen has added the creature that attacked Zhade and Gahri to beastiary registry." Rombolt said bringing up the communication cube.

"A Boogety Boogety?" The lion lady asked.

"Yes Corey named it." The fennec sentinel said appearing. "It can poison its victims with a single bite. Origin is unknown. But it inhabits the forests south of World Five."

"Most likely another escaped lab experiment." The badger admitted.

"That occurs during the daytime." I added. "Regardless another nasty we have to worry about."

"What about Ruth Ann's husband?" Shakara asked.

"It was an attack disguised as a visit. Bo is a vessel of the entity and was going to bring all he encountered to ONE."

"That was until he was thwarted and forced to retreat." I said proudly.

"Doubtful Mr. Winter."

"Why do you say that Feleen?"

"Remember the gem that Ruth Ann obtained from him after the attack?" The rhino warrior said.

Everyone at the table nodded.

"Mr. Collins and I tried to analyze it to see how it delivered that message you heard."

"And Commander?" Lady Ursa asked.

"We couldn't detect anything but we Feleen did."

"There is a subtle signal emanating from the gem in periodic bursts. I was able to record a portion." The she fennec said.

We are ONE and ONE is all. Come with us be free from hunger and thirst, free from pain, discomfort, injury or disease be free from fear and distress or bound by societal norms of acceptable behavior. We are ONE and ONE is all.

"The advertising campaign continues." I scoffed.

"Feleen is this some type of subliminal message?" Lady Ursa asked.

"Quite possibly yet very subtle."

"End playback Feleen."

"So what do we do?" The lion lady asked.

"What we can to fight back. Alex and I will be traveling to World Four to try to prevent ONE for preying on survivors there." My pregnant bear said.

"We are going to conduct another care clinic." I said proudly.

"I would suggest we seal off the gem to prevent it from influencing anyone here in the colony." My lioness said.

"Or we study it; find out how it works and use it to our advantage." Lady Barq said.

"I like how you think." The rhino said to the badger.


"....That is when the itching started and it spread across the city. As it started to become unbearable rumors of a cure started circulating." The first adult female said as Lady Ursa examined her limbs.

"We went to one of the so called triage places where it was supposedly being distributed. A large building shaped like a plus symbol." The second adult female who I was examining said as I checked her legs and most sensitive area.

"And it wasn't?" My pregnant brown bear asked one of the meerkat adults.

"No, that was the walker's headquarters many a survivor was transformed into a zombie under the guise of treatment." The adult male standing next to the male kit said.

"We are the only survivors of our group. The rest were turned into walkers." The little pup said wiping away a tear.

"As their numbers increase, the walkers conducted raids to find and convert the remaining survivors." One of the meerkat females said.

"I am so sorry. At least you don't have to worry about being possessed." I said.

"What is that you are applying on me?" The female Lady Ursa was treating asked.

"Ointment. Rub this on the rash twice a day." Lady Ursa said to our patients."

"AHH!!!!" She said meerkat said.

"The relief should almost be instantaneous." I added.

"We will give you extra supplies to treat as many as you can." Lady Ursa said.

"Thank you, thank you!" She said hugging the brown bear. The itching was driving me mad."

*Alert! Lady Ursa, Alex Winter we have incoming!* Overwatch announced.

"What is that?" The young meerkat asked.

"An early warning system." Lady Ursa responded. "Overwatch hostile or friendly?"

*Unknown, it is a black utility vehicle.*

"Attack Beast." I said looking at the dust that was kicking up from the far end of the park.

"It has to be Alex no other vehicles survived the EMP around here." Ursa said placing her paw on her sword.

I aimed the tip of my grappling hook as well as the black utility vehicle arrived.

"You four find some place to hide!" The bear warned the meerkats.

Attack beast looked awful, like it was on the losing end of a very bad battle. The vehicle's armor was dented, scorched and scarred.

We watched as its driver stopped short of our table, opened the door and crawled out of the vehicle. It was the same individual in the white full body spandex suit with the helmet with four vents in a quad formation in its center.

"This is the care clinic?" He asked.

"Yes." I said carefully.

"If figures you walkers were behind this!" The masked revenger hissed. "I will make this very simple for you. Take care of this affliction you gave me or she dies."

As the masked operator of Attack Beast made that threat he aimed his arm at my mistress I watched as a small turret popped out from the right glove pointing right at my warrior bear.

"Good afternoon Jessie how are things?" I said mocking him.

"About to go from bad to worse." He hissed.

"We don't respond well to threats." I sighed.

"You are trying my patience Other." Jessie said scratching his leg with his left hand before moving upward to his butt."

"Do you know who she is?" I asked the masked person.

"Another co-conspirator of yours like the harpy?"

"Wrong. Let me put this another way. Do you know what the difference is between a brown bear and a black bear?"

"NO! And why should I care?!" He said indignantly.

"There is a difference. You see, you can intimidate a black bear even scare them into backing off. Brown bears on the other hand, don't give a fuck."

"GARARRR!!!!" Lady Ursa yelled as she lept over our table charging at him.

My mistress threw her sword at the masked person managing to lop off the small turret aimed at her as it fired. She hammer fisted Jessie on his abdomen just below the rib cage. He recoiled from the attack which gave Lady Ursa just enough time to grab him by the waist and slam him back and forth and back and forth making sure that his helmet made contact with the ground- hard.

After several good thrashings she tossed Jessie into air, caught and then body slammed him on to our table.


(That was such a nice table.)

"AUGH!!!" He wheezed.

"GRRR.... YOU DARE CHALLENGE A KNIGHT OF WUNDAGORE?!!!!" My perfect person growled at him.

"The knight core is no more." He wheezed.

"You were always an impetuous, hot head that shot first and asked questions later." I said to him.

"Alex who is this interloper?" My perfect person asked.

"That is Jessie Mach, the masked revenger and the operator of Attack Beast and what accounts for a resistance movement here in World Four mistress."

"I will not let your kind win...." He moaned again.

"We are not Others tough guy." Lady Ursa said picking him up from what remained of the table.

"Jessie this is Lady Ursa the third strongest knight in the former empire. We are not here to fight, but to help." I said to him.

Alex Winter July 11, YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)** Day 183 (continued) 1:13 PM, The forest garden near the west maze "Bo?" The old woman called out to her mate. **"Present."** He said...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 77: Terror In The Woods (Embracing Demons Part II)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 77: Terror In The Woods (Embracing Demons Part II)** Day 183 (5:39 AM, The Infirmary) "Shakara you know we aren't equipped to handle this type of procedure." I said warning my lioness....

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 76: Embracing Demons Part I

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 76: Embracing Demons Part I** Day 180 (11:05 PM, The south tunnel) "Who goes there!!" The guard watching the south entrance to the lost city said as the blue and silver prototypes pulled up. "It is...

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